Play as Ryen, a character with traits of both a human and a dragon. Life takes a turn, making him a king, and now he faces the responsibilities that come with it. Like in other RPG Maker games, you'll explore maps, reading briefings to find your next task. The game features plenty of vivid images. Navigate through the challenges of being a king, dealing with various tasks and adventures. Simple English guides you through Ryen's journey as he balances his unique identity, royal duties, and the engaging quests that unfold, all complemented by visually appealing sex scenes.
where can i find king amagal?
Like ReplyI like the new save but it cant save so pls fix it.
Like ReplyGee, this game has that much going on I'm not sure what I'm doing lol
Like ReplyThis update sucks for me I don't know what to do I can't switch the items can you please tell me I'm in mobile
Like ReplyI played this 2 times and it takes to long to finish. It dosent carry my saves and is not worth redoing the entire game. Sorry to say but its to time consuming for my scedual and it takes to long to do certain stuff. So ill be playing something else.
Like ReplyI don't know code for treasure hnut
Like Replyrelationship with the elf girl (forgot her name) run around in your town. There you should find a friend of hers. Talk with him and he tells you how to get there. Here's a little Tipp. Go to the shop in the elf village and buy special arrows then dell them. You get endless money cause you buy them for 200 and sell them for 1000 Like
Like Replyrelationship with the elf girl (forgot her name) run around in your town. There you should find a friend of hers. Talk with him and he tells you how to get there. Here's a little Tipp. Go to the shop in the elf village
Like ReplyThere is an update please update.
Like ReplyI hate women having dick hell no I hate gay people so much for that and I hate shemale I hope you die who even add that in game I love
Like ReplyI believe that this game will not be finished until the year 2026 or more.
Like ReplyCreme de la creme
Like Replyin the new update there is a bug with mira as you can not advance her to the point of marriage, the dialog stops after she gets the crystal.
Like ReplyLatest update doesn't seem to fully work; the new content doesn't get properly triggered.
Like ReplyHurray! It's working perfectly now. THANKS!!!
Like ReplySissy_Cumface, For some reason Naomi and Shanna's quest isn't poping up for me.
Like ReplySissy_Cumface, nvm it works
Like ReplyNew update is out
Like ReplyOut of all comments none explained how to find the materials needed for military magic defense armors or even needing a lava bucket once after you made the mine completed for all the ore gathering
Like ReplyHAHAHAHAHHAHA this is one of those cannot load here games. HM Gamecore is a game simulation site. THe titles appear here. Not the game content. HAHAHAHHAHAHA
Like ReplyWhen the game RENRYUU: ASCENSION is [Complete Game]. Only then will I play this game again! But that will not happen after 3 more years I guess.
Like ReplySerious bug, Saves are not working properly, i have a 70 hour account wiped instead of saving, fortuantely i have a back but this game is essentially broken if saves refuse to work. fix asap please.
Like Replywith every update something else gets F...ed up now the country overveiw map will not let you produce anything. would be a great game when all the bugs are fixed.
Like Replyhow do i do research on the country overveiw map?
Like Replyimpossible to even start without those 2 key items ( country finances, golden cross ) hope it is fixed soon would love to see how the new update turned out.
Like Replystill the country finecial is not working and there still is no golden cross to buy please fix these 2 bugs
Like ReplyI wanted it to have an automatic map bike because in the manual this new update I didn't like it makes it very difficult for me
Like ReplyGO BACK TO THE OLD SYSTEM OF THE OVERVIEW MAP! The new system is way to micro-managed for a non-management game. To make matters worse, building you constructed previously, like the mines, woodcutters, and the brothel have now vanished, making long term players have to waste time rebulding what they already had.
Like ReplyAlso, the fact that you need to go around asking the various buildings for specific resources makes the map very micro-managed. For a sub-system, this just makes it anoying. P.S. leaders don't go around visiting their mines 1,000 times asking them to keep diging out stones. It's kinda expected that the miners will do their job on their own.
Like ReplyGreat. The new system doesn't even work. I can't make windows at the place that shows windows as one of it's recipes and even though I've done all the work for the command center, I can't recruit any new units, the game claiming I need to build the command center. The new update has broken the game.
Like ReplyI don't understand the map systems. It was easier before and faster to build
Like Replythe management screne is blank and there is no golden cross to be bought
Like ReplyWhen the final update have come out for this game. Only then will I play it. So see ya game after 9 months or 2 years later.!!!!
Like ReplyAwesome game. Harem, Castle, Kingdom, Awesome unique stories with Characters.
Like Replyhow do i unlock the other maids on the list
Like ReplySorry but how can I craft the soul lantern? I have all the materials but when i go to the alchemy table it doesn't come out that i can craft it
Like Replywhen training jiliesh on how to properly fight the game breaks when the battle with the moth girl starts.
Like Replysome sex scenes will not load found a few with the hell hounds
Like ReplyNew update is out please update
Like Replyhow do you get the girls to take the love potions when i try they tell me no they want there love to grow normal can someone help me
Like Replychris, you have to get their affection to either 60 or 70 I can't remember which at the moment than you can do love potions
Like ReplyPlease update there is a new one
Like Replyis it to hard to fix the save system
Like Reply1. Tajurata Fort -> Second floor -> Shelf in the top left. (unlocks gem 3) 2. Jewelry Store in Thremten (unlocks gem 4) 3. Magic store in Witton (unlocks gem 5) 4. Yin Tower otuside (Fight against some bandits) 5. Diminus Castle (Guy in a small house) 6. House of the priester in Old Ashton (requires that you have all 5 other gems first and then talk with Aiyana.)
Like Replywhere is the guy for the vegetables quest
Like Replythis game is awesome
Like Replythere is a new update so please update
Like Replywhere do you make or buy the excellent potion for the cow monster girl
Like Replywhere can i find rare jewels
Like Replybeen playing this game on and off for a long time now love it i can just play it without even being in the mood for lewd stuff and have a great time 10/10
Like ReplyIn this latest version of the game "[V 22.09.13]", it doesn't let me save, please fix this problem, I have more than 70 hours of gameplay!!!
Like ReplyelSurlo, try and see if u can fix it at the night stand beside the bed in the castle
Like ReplyWhere are the 6 Stones for the Summoning Sword quest
Like Replycant find the gemstones in that sword quest, any body know the locations, they keep mentioning the jewelry store in central but there is only the one in thremten i believe and no prompts come up.
Like ReplySeriously what is up, there has been two updates for Renryuu since June 18 and neither of them have been uploaded here, what the hell is going on?
Like ReplyI've been waiting over a month now for these updates, what the hell.
Like ReplyYou know about that magically sealed set of doors in the Tower of Ash? Well I feel if you managed to get Chiyo up to her Gold Mage status when you interact with them she should mention she should be able to dispel the magic thus allowing the party to get to what is behind those bars.
Like Replywelp all my safe data are gone and I'm not about doing this for another month
Like ReplyOk seriously whoever uploads this game needs to fix this there is something wrong with the whole wedding thing because everytime I go into the chapel to chose who I want to marry the damn game crashes fucking fix this god damnit
Like Replyi love this game but sometimes when i don't want to skip the sentence it skips by itself for some reason
Like ReplyGOOD GAME SRY CAPS LOCK good game
Like ReplyThis fucking thing keeps saying" Error Failed to load:Data/tilesets.json"WHATTHEFUCKINGHELLDOESTHATMEAN!?!?!?!
Like ReplyWish there was a full screen mode
Like ReplyAnyone know the code for the Christmas door?
Like ReplyEvery fucking time I try to start the wedding scenes and go to the chapel to do so my fucking game crashes this fucking game still has so many damn bugs
Like ReplyJJ, and it's still fucking doing it
Like ReplyDOES ANY ONE know what the realationship level does
Like Replyafter the update, the game doesn't work, it says Loading Error Failed to load: img/system/IconSet.png .I play this game for 19 hours! 19 hours! Please fix it. please!
Like ReplyThe game failed to load, what should I do?
Like Replyive done the main missions besides the kratex blade thingy and the elf village place aint showing up, help
Like ReplyIm not sure what place is named Newkungu since it doesnt say on the world map. Why? Because I have to go there for a quest.
Like ReplyUpdate! 5 star quick update for the web
Like Replythere seems to be an issue with the bakery scene where the the 2 catgirls appear, as soon as they reach the table and the image of the baker appears it freezes.
Like Replywhy cant I save
Like ReplyEagle8888mb, its glitched sometimes, i found that moving into a new scene can fix that.
Like ReplyWhy can't I talk to Ryoko even though I'm 70?
Like Reply("") here is the developer's site game is free on there with optional donations
Like Replywhat seems to be new in this update?
Like ReplyMiss_Penny_Pie, the actual game is free on the developer's site the change logs are there
Like ReplyCame for the porn, stayed for the kingdom building simulator.
Like ReplyUpdate update Update
Like ReplyCan anyone help me with the Bordertown quest I just can’t find the guy anywhere
Like ReplyHow do I solve the murder mystery
Like ReplyNoname, well, first you need to find every piece of evidence scattered about the mansion before you can make an accusation. From there, it is simply putting the pieces together. If all else fails, check every possibility that is still under consideration. Until i redo the quest, i cant give a full spoiler, but here is part: succubus, poison. figure out the last thing yourself.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, Answer to the last one is Accident
Like Replyhow to complete the whitestone citadel basement test?
Like ReplyWhere is the cat girl jumping from the yin tower?
Like ReplyWhere did the girl in the basement where the old lady in parverhill go?
Like ReplyWhy doesn't the website update the game 'isekai incubus'?
Like ReplyI wanna fuck some IRL pussy so bad but I can't cause my age
Like ReplyLoved gifts (no character spoilers): angel + gold cross, archer + flower, gunner + whiskey, supporter + meat, thief + jewels, all other girls + book. Haven't bothered to learn the guys yet.
Like ReplyI noticed that apparently the Winged boots have the EXACT same stats as the oriental shoes despite being a higher rarity set of gear they really need to buff the winged boots with something like maybe when worn while they still have the same stats you have an increased chance to evade a attack
Like Replyi finally get a animated scene and lo and behold its with my favorite girl. respect
Like Replyi have not played this game for some time. the only thing im unhappy about is that all my progress is gone. buuut now i can enjoy starting again
Like ReplyDarkezeo, hahah ok so to get old save files allow cookies.
Like ReplyIs there a way to update this version without having to lose your save by clearing the history its attached to?
Like Replyinvinible, its called dont play incognito ive never had problems with my saves getting deleted. clearing your cookies will delete your saves too
Like Replyshadow dancer, I'm not using incognito mode. The game didn't update versions when coming back to it without clearing history last time despite saying it was the new version.
Like ReplySo why isn't Wendy a part of the main group?
Like Replyis anyone else having trouble with saving? I'm not in indigo mode and using google
Like Replyreally good game hours of gameplay
Like ReplyYou know what I'd find frightening? If you were in the nature raid and you decided to use a riddle key to cheat, you'd get punished with them saying you cheated with that key and thus you'd have to fight the super boss of the game but if you clear it you get the best weapon/armor in the game
Like ReplyWhere can i find Keylessa
Like ReplyIt seems some features like heading to certain towns on the boat will crash the game
Like Replyone of the shops in calterbury is broken
Like ReplyИз скул бар Дан домен
Like ReplyAre we sure that the stone of darkness actually exists because I've searched all of Begus to no avail
Like Replylizzardperson, I think its supposed to appear in Old Ashton but I think a check keeps failing to make it spawn
Like ReplyThe update has not been done and it is difficult to follow up. Thank you
Like ReplyProtip Katryx ore is shit dont use it only for main quest to break armor more than that is bad
Like ReplyAh YES Katryx The most durable ore in the world that only other katryx can destroy (but somehow you can mine it with mithril pickaxe) recipe for Katryx armor cost 3000 gold Steel its steel refined iron with cola pretty durable and cheap Steel armor recipe cost 200000 AHHH yes logic
Like ReplyDo you guys know games like this?
Like Replypro tip in Capital of your nation in pub next to forthepiano (this black and white musci box with priest) you can get on wall and walk on the wall like on floor
Like Replyheeeee why... i though when you get Aleah as maid you will be able to fuck her but you cant why? she isnt on list of headmaid and when i talk with her she just says ,Hello, i wanted here pregnant
Like Replywho knows, You'll have to wait until later into the game before she decides to let you do so.
Like Replywhere do you find the magic spirit?
Like Replyraider, I know how to find it.. You bend down and look,, you can find it up your ass you moron lol.
Like Replyhow do you get the chiyo's silver licens
Like Replyraider, You need to advance in the events of the story and this mission will open for you
Like ReplyI want to impregnate some monster girls. can we please have that option
Like Replywith all games in the website one you enter in any game options menu and try to get out u jet this message Security Error: Failed to read ' Local Storage 'Form Window: Access is denied for this Document . plus all the saves all from from this game are got deleted.
Like Replywhich god is best
Like Replydefence or regenration in my opinion
Like ReplyMy game keeps deleting, any idea why this is happening?
Like ReplyDark, the only time that I have encountered this was when I deleted my browsing data from this website. This would happen if you wanted to make more browsing space or auto clicked to delete on the settings in a google history window. the only other thing I can think is that It isn't creating new saves, or saying that you have saved when you haven't. This would happen when you used up too much browsing data and might want to get rid of some on old things you wont use again.
Like Replythen again, I havent tried to play long enough to where I would notice
Like Replyjust trying to help, That actually would explain it as my browsing data got wiped after having to reinstall thank you.
Like Replywith all games in the website one you enter in any game options menu and try to get out u jet this message Security Error: Failed to read ' Local Storage 'Form Window: Access is denied for this Document . plus all the saves all from from this game are got deleted.
Like ReplyMatt, Incognito mode does both of those, not the game itself.
Like ReplyMatt, cause you can't save game on anonymous navigation
Like ReplySomething is NOT ok with the website all of the games are not working.
Like ReplyA weboldal ideiglenesen nem érhető el, vagy véglegesen új címre költözött.
Like ReplyI spent 20 hours into this and all my progress is gone....
Like ReplyMy 12 hour worth of save were erased because of a bug
Like ReplyWere do u get the eyering
Like ReplyMr.Gamcore hope this day finds you well??? Yeah I can be a thorn in someones side... But thanks for the update,,, just remember lots of these games don't function very well. As long as we have you to try keeping games posted we myself including will try to refrain from being so rash towards you. Thanks and have a good day.
Like ReplyHow do you get dorgania?
Like Replyin what order do the torches go in 2 room with sandra
Like Replyhow you solve dungeon with sondra
Like ReplyThis game is one of the best RPG games. I haven't gotten much scenes but that is because I chose to grind. For me the grinding and exploring was more fun. If you want to play a game with good game play and scenes this is your game.
Like Replyhow do you reset lace bad path
Like Replydont punch the old man at the hot springs he closes it down
Like ReplyOh and the floor and walls are completly black inside buildings making it impossible to leave unless I slide against the wall.
Like ReplyI can't speak to anyone behind bars, so I can't continue the main quest.
Like ReplyThe game says that it updated, but I still cannot access Greencoast Tower. Something is odd.
Like ReplyI liked the game in general, but this idea of being king didn't like it, I could be a warrior who helps others in exchange for money, and naughty things too, but this idea of being king, I don't know, discouraged me from playing. But it's a good game for real
Like ReplyWhere to find katryx ore?
Like ReplyOnii-chan, Dhranholl mine (Bergus). to progress, you need to talk to the green guard, then follow the added quest.
Like ReplyA few of the character quests are a bit more obtuse than the rest. For one example, Ryoko. Affection barriers remain the same, but to progress after a certain point you must find events scattered around the world. The first of which is an NPC at Calbridge (central) below the gambler and fisherman. Like many other characters, she also has a quest board extension to her quest (after the Calbridge event).
Like Replylove the game but why do these games have the same backround music like the castle backround music is the same as geace's house in the noble,s district from non monstrum
Like ReplyComo capturar mosntros?
Like ReplyWhere do you find the first bounty the one from sara?
Like ReplyHey guys, i'm looking for a game, main characters is Amy, Megan, Sophie and we, like a man. That game was about this guy, he moved in(i think) and fall in love with Amy but Megan play with him, tied him up etc Please help :(
Like ReplyDo I need to farm the molten dungeon Solo in order to get the bow or with the group for the cutscene
Like ReplyJustafapper, I feel you im having difficulty getting the molten bow to get the next cut scene
Like ReplyWhere do I find Hariel
Like ReplyI cant seem to play the latest update on pc but i can on my phone...on the pc it says its up to date but has the previous update screen n cant play new raid the game by the way
Like ReplyDid you disable autosave with the book on the nightstand in your bedroom?
Like ReplyFamily simulator for com
Like ReplyAre there any cheats for this game?
Like Replyfakelay123, yeah there's a cheat book in your bedroom on the left side of your bed.
Like Replywaited to take a break from fire emblem, found that this has a fire emblem like gamemode. why must waifuwars haunt me
Like ReplyHow do I use items I cant figure it out. (i might just be blind)
Like ReplyGame keeps crashing
Like Replywhere can i find the book for tsubaki?
Like Replynot complaining for update but I would love to knock some monster girls when i get the chance.
Like ReplyFrom what I've played pretty enjoyable, but I don't like how the women who've never had sex before bleed when you have sex with 'em. That's on old, untrue myth, and honestly kinda gross
Like ReplyI try to enter the CG Room Now loading ..... Black Screen. loading error Failed to load: img/characters/! CG faces .png ever since the update... but this Game has a HUGE Potencial So please Fix ithe problem.
Like ReplyLoner i just hope the new update fix the all problems
Like Replywhere in the spire of courage is the red flower crystal?
Like Replytbush2494, It those red crystals you see growing on the flowers in the challenge area
Like ReplyRyu, where exactly it is? I went around everywhere and still nothing :( Is it on some difficult level or not?
Like ReplyKeep getting loading errors cant play the story because loading errors
Like Replyevery time ! I try to enter the CG Room Now loading ..... Black Screen. loading error Failed to load: img/characters/! CG faces .png since the update
Like Replysince the update
Like Replyevery time ! I try to enter the CG Room Now loading ..... Black Screen. loading error Failed to load: img/characters/! CG faces .png
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to open the gate in el arma garvesite??? i turned all the switches to right in lualombo.... then also i couldnt able to open the gate.... anyone pls help me.
Like Replybubbly, gate code is 5571
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to get the strategic battle system for the overview map? I can't find it and need it to develop my country with Sir Edward.
Like ReplyVampiric, go back to the barracks where you saved Mira from the ghost. talk with those inside, then you'll be given a quest to find your generals(Don't worry, it tells you where thy are). once that's done you meet them back at the barracks and the SBS is unlocked
Like ReplyJackie is in the item shop for the sidequest
Like ReplyAre you guys playing on a different browser, because when I play on chrome, my progress is gone after there is an update and you people don't seem to have that problem?
Like Replyand also when are we going to the monster girls pregnant? and how do i make a grey oak staff because i'm fucking lost.
Like ReplyWhen will the tower of courage get update? also can we please impregnate Mirei?
Like ReplyThere a problem with this update every time I take Lace out of jail the screen goes black, and the game is still running since I can still get into the menu by right clicking and go through all the stuff
Like Replysince the update every time ! I try to enter the CG Room to check my progress igot a Now loading ..... Black Screen. loading error Failed to load: img/characters/! CG faces .png error
Like ReplyHow do I get to Hellhound in the hide and seek game?
Like ReplyRaven, You don't go after the hellhound, you only go after the members of your own party and the two elf twins
Like Replyhey i need help transferring the save file of this game
Like ReplyIf new version come, will i lose my save files?
Like Replyexcept for the fact that Elly is using a gun but my army still uses swords and stuff overall I pretty like the game
Like ReplyHas anyone been able to complete the game of hide and seek?
Like Replywhere do I find blue flower crystals I don't know where to find them.
Like ReplyDicklord, They are in the challenge area of the spiral tower aka the dungeon tower
Like ReplyIn the Crumbly Fort quest I am having problems getting into the church to talk to the pink haired priest please help
Like ReplyNever Mind I figured it out but I am having problems finding the elf village I've been looking for a long time
Like ReplyI just realized something, Jerkfree does not play, he only puts negative comments in all games, he always finds something for him, he only enters to see the comments and see what people put close to him to attack him, I think the creators of the games have to be at your disposal
Like ReplyAbue, i just realized your gay as hell BUT i'll let that go, what is going to get your ass spammed is making comments about everybody!!! Shut the fuck up about people or their comments!!! I'm making comments about the games or developers! If you don't know What The Fuck a Comment section is for shitforbrains!
Like ReplyJerkfree, Ahh, good to see you haven't changed a bit have you?
Like ReplyAhh shit... Chrome just suddenly decided to effectively reset all of its data, and now my progresses are lost... sigh...
Like Replywhen will we be able to impregnate monsters?
Like ReplyALL the females look identacle outside skin colors... Just another grind infested shit game, can just go watch a porn video and skip this shit. I mean really its just grindy as hell..... JMO
Like Replyver. 20.11.09
Like ReplyUpdate! Woohoo!
Like ReplyAfter 29 hours of playtime on my main save, I can say that it's interesting although I wish there was ore politics/conquer
Like ReplyBeen playing off and on for a bit now . This is what A RPGM game should look like . Tons of side content along with the main quest you could spend easy 20 hours running around just doing side stuff before you even start the 2nd main quest if you want . Game also constant Auto saves never have to worry about crashing or lose. and losing hours for forgetting to save
Like ReplyIf it wasn't for the naked girls on the side, I would have forgotten this is porn.
Like ReplyKhajiit, you can press F4 for fullscreen of the Game and F3 to stretch it more :)
Like ReplyKhajiit, and isn't that we we truly look for in these games lol
Like ReplyKhajiit, you should play evenicle then also a super fun game
Like Replyi mean rank
Like ReplyWhat do you need to conform your rand to rent the private beach?
Like ReplyPr3st0Sans, crown
Like Replywhere to find a mechanic?
Like Replyhistoryteacher, he's near the board where you get tasks
Like Replywhat will happen when flash is gone
Like Replywhere is the magic spirt?
Like ReplyRAW42059, tower where you run into the troll
Like ReplyWhere to find the ghostfriend??
Like Replyits an awesome game but please fix the save issue
Like Replyhow to open the old chest in the cave near the farm? Ans the mine in begus is closed
Like Replyhistoryteacher, pass the first gard and see the second one. Then get a permit
Like Replyflash player getting removed so what will happen to this
Like Replymeh, this is RPG maker not a Flash player
Like Replyadministartor's overworld map show basic roads already builded, in a new game too, but walking in the world there are no roads. is that a 2020-09 bug?
Like Replywhen talking to administrators' map basic road are already build, in a new game too, but walking in the world there arent. is that a 2020-09 bug?
Like ReplyI went into the south cave and opened a evil chest and then killed it then I can't walk back over the bridge and am stuck with no saves that let me go back cause it over went my save when I opened the scene select for the girls please patch so I don't lose progress.
Like Replyhow do you get dogonia to open its borders?
Like Replyhow do i get the other scenes for grime, the only one i got is the good oral because i made her a maid. any help?
Like Replywolfpack99, also how do i reset lace's settings cuz i cant continue with the good path
Like Replyhow do i get the pass to dorgania?
Like ReplyRAW42059, never mind I got it thanks
Like ReplyRAW42059, how did you get te pass
Like ReplyWhere is the exwct place to get katryx ore
Like ReplyI came on my dog on accident
Like ReplyAverageJoe, I jacked off to the ads to, the game wasn't loading.
Like ReplyAverageJoe, Those damn anime girls always get me. Now my dog is a huge sperm
Like ReplyAverageJoe, Oh god my sister is screaming now
Like Replynice ytdedhbydbhytdbdbh
Like Replywhere is the elf village i have the elf and talked to the elf at blacksmith but cant find it ?
Like ReplyWhere do I find Carsus Roots?
Like ReplyHow to make a katryx blade I have all the materials but when I enter the recipe nothing happens. How to create it, please explain exactly.
Like ReplyI discovered how to create a khatryx blade. You must use the alchemy table at the blacksmith's in aldyn. Hedgehog does not work, perform missions at Chio and she will unlock the free alchemi option. Greetings.
Like ReplyZBIRX, go to alchemic tabel and choose weapon then select your blade
Like ReplyHow to make katryx blade
Like ReplyWhere tf is Frall un Amagal?
Like Replyif you're looking for the stupid ancient tomb code, it's 2564
Like Replyhow can i save my progress?
Like ReplyWhere do you buy/find meat to feed the monster girl?
Like ReplyUrsus, If you do the quest at Calbridge stronghold with the commander where he asks you to talk to the owner of the far to the south about the sorceress,you can give the farmer money to rebuild his farm which after he rebuilds it should allow you to buy meat from him.
Like Replyhope we could have the ability to restart some tasks, really, I want to unlock all the CGs but don't want to redo that whole twelve hour collecting material period...
Like ReplyMic, just gotta know how to play with the saving system, i figured it out and that's all what i've been doing throughout the game.
Like ReplyMic, Don't know if we could all have the same case. what happens is(i think), the autosave keeps augmenting the file number one number at a time, so every time it autosaves it jumps to the next file.
Like ReplyMic, But if it detects that the next file is already taken by another game's file it jumps straight to the last file you have on the list which is F20. Now when it gets there, it starts to jerk between F20 and F19, so if you want an untouched file, save the content on F18 and immediately again on F19.
Like ReplyHow do you heal up again when you are not fighting or do you have to buy potions for that?
Like ReplyHow, just go to sleep on your bed, it's really simple
Like ReplyWere is elvs vilage?
Like ReplyZBIRX,You need to get Miriel as a companion first then go to the blacksmith in the capital,once there talk to the blond guy and you should be able to go to it
Like ReplyGdzieś stare zajebiste tło w menu :( przywrućcie je albo dajcie Nowe podobne do tamtego A nie jakieś hujowe.
Like Replythis is an example that all the games should have updates on their covers so we don't bother playing there again, you spend hours playing just to see a sex scene
Like ReplyWell I got my bride taken and my FUCKING! Data gone again
Like Replyi played this game for 2 days about 10 hours and it saved and now when i look tht save is no longer there my only option is starting a new game this is bull#$%@
Like Replyturtle, prob cuz you did it in a private browser
Like Replyturtle, Same homie this is bullshit
Like ReplyWhere do I find Mira's wings mission? I got max relationship and have her wings, but can't remember where is the place I was supposed to go back to once I got the wings (somewhere with a broken bridge), help? Thanks.
Like ReplyF Man, the only place i know with a broken bridge is that south dungeon in central
Like ReplyHow do you forge the katryx sword? I have all the materials and have talked to the elven blacksmith but it only goes to the buy/sell menu.
Like ReplyBob, you have to make it yourself
Like ReplyBro the game is saying that I don't have any progress but I did
Like ReplyRYUKO121, its got something to do with clearing your cached data. That removes the save info from the browser
Like ReplyUntil Criminal hunt softlock is fixed 1/10
Like ReplyThe code for laulambo is 5571 if anyone is interested
Like ReplyJohosefet, thanks bro!
Like ReplyJohosefet, it's not the same code anymore
Like ReplyDoes anyone know where to find the magic spirit? I'm at the part where you're chasing down the heroes brother and I can't find the magic spirit.
Like ReplyHow and where do you get mixed food
Like ReplyHow do you access the library in Manastyr?
Like Replyhow do you activate chiyos gold license tezt?
Like ReplyHas anyone got past the crown support quest?
Like ReplyMr.J, Does anyone know how I organize a grey oak staff?
Like ReplyOk now I'm stuck anyone know how to open the door after the first door in the treasure hunt with Sandra
Like ReplyDoes anyone have the code for the treasure hunt with Sandra
Like Replywhere is cola
Like Replywhere do you find katryx ores
Like Replygro, dranholl cave in begus and sriveta in dorgania
Like Replyhow can you use the whisky on
Like Replywhere is a good place to by iron, its very rare for me
Like Replyiron, it's in one of the blacksmiths in the frozen area I just forget which place but it will cost you some penny's
Like Replysomething to improve: even if there is update, can we keep the save files from older version (i spent something like 40h on this game and i loose everything ;-; )
Like ReplyMEandYOU4ever, same here, married all girls, did most of quests side quest. now i have to start all over. Do like the game though.
Like ReplyHey so I think i found a glitch? I went back to the castle and every one of the main characters except a couple all disappeared, and now i can't even use them in combat, they don't even show up in the formation anymore. can anyone help me out here? I tried loading to a different save before but they all have to same glitch apparently.
Like ReplyWhere do u find the elf village i skiped the guy words by mistake.P lease I have been searching for an hour now
Like ReplySEXY REIN, He is waiting for you at the bottom-left of the capital of Central (like city where your castle is located). South of the vegetable seller and such, theres a grass area and all the way south the elf chief is waiting to take you to Elborn (or whatever the spelling is). Hope that helps
Like ReplyGuy, thank u very much you're the best
Like Replythe game is not updated as it should's still the old version of the skilltree
Like Replyanyone know how to get passed the quest called *glen's exam* sphill?. i'm somewhat stuck
Like Replywhich code i need to put in the grave in lualombo
Like ReplyI wish it had animated sex and not an illustration, it's entertaining, just a rpg with humor
Like ReplyAbue, characters in your party get animated scenes
Like ReplyI can't wait for the finished version were the war mechanics and the story arc are complete.
Like ReplyHow do you use the armory after you've researched it and made it at your castle?
Like Replydoe anything specific happen if you enable slavery in your kingdom? or some of the other options? I noticed the water fairy thing after enabling monster pets and got curious.
Like ReplyTychus, Talk to the guy who give u the Tax money.
Like ReplyTychus, it allows you to obtain workers for the brothel
Like ReplyAny1 no where 2 find Bottle Water?
Like ReplyHow do I capture the monster girl and send it to the castle? I already build the monster room.
Like ReplyCovid-19, Soul Lanturn
Like ReplyHere is the answer: human skeleton 1, pickaxe 1, open vase 2, cobweb 2, plant 3, hole in wall 3 waterfall 4, small stone pile 4, are all of the stone plates. But he latter of the pairs are the ones that are higher up on the wall,, and as the death god "looks down upon others", these are the ones we are interested in: # of pickaxes ( 2 ), # of cobwebs ( 5 ), # of holes in the wall ( 6 ), # of small stone piles ( 4 ) TLDR: 2, 5, 6, 4.
Like ReplySandra Treasure Hunt Quest, In the next room, the torches are aligned to the pillars, so light all but the bottom right one near the water
Like Replyso uh, anyone know how to capture monster girls?
Like Replyblurb, Build and use a Soul Lanturn
Like ReplyHow to find wood?
Like ReplyHow do you aquire steel and mithril? I'm trying to do Tsubaki's quest
Like Replynick, Hello. You can make steel for this you need iron and coal. You can find and mine mithril in caves. if you have the pickaxe
Like Replynick, gate code is 5571
Like ReplyHello how can I skip the Years? I finish the Story.
Like ReplyIm having a hard time Dorgania, any hint of how to enter?
Like ReplyCavebot64, You need to get their in the story, which is after you go to Amagal and the wizard gets attacked an all that. When you need a way to go, talk to the merchant who stands outside the castle, and he will give you a merchant pass thing. From there, you can board a ship at Havaria Port.
Like ReplyHow to fuck tsubaki?
Like ReplyAny1 no how to transfer Food, resources, ect into ur inventory?
Like ReplyCavebot64, Quite sure they said that the items of the country are different than the ones of your inventory. You can only transfer stuff (like wood and iron etc) from inventory to the country resources, as far as I know
Like ReplyHow do i move food, resources, ect into my inventory?
Like Replyi want to know, what the princess wanted...
Like ReplyHow many meeting can we have with Begus? i only had 2. couldn't do it anymore than that.
Like ReplyCan't save any games? Gamcore needs to update.
Like Replymoney glitch: when you can go to Dorgonia, go to Lilazan, and go in the shop. Then buy "special arrow" for 30 gold one. Then, you can sell them to the same guy for 1000 gold the arrow
Like ReplyMEandYOU4ever, there's cheat book in your bedroom that's speaks green on the left side of your bed now so you get 1m gold each time also other helpful stuff.
Like ReplyMEandYOU4ever, well, the relevance of money in the game is a bit lower, what with money being generated passively as long as you are not on the kingdom management (or vanguard fights), not to mention how much content can be tackled before dorgania if you take your time...
Like ReplySH, i don't really care aboyt the gold as it is already really easy to rack up some dough jusst by doing quests. the debug attack on the other hand tho is a must have
Like Replynew bug found: when you ask lady akira to change your gender in her castle, you are teleporterd to the bathroom, chnage your gender back to normal, then go to the man side and use a teleportation stone, you can't, but the image of ryen is the female gender (but you are actually a man). after that, you can't use your teleportation stone anymore. restart your game with the save before the bug for disable him (sorry for mistakes, i'm not english)
Like Replyvo testa ele agora
Like ReplyIs the story longer now?
Like ReplyRED, i'm at 25h of gameplay and i have finished the game just now (with side quest, girl etc...)
Like ReplyMEandYOU4ever, how to fuck tsubaki?
Like ReplyTop tier game
Like Replycool game but please rebalance the combat,give directions to places/people in the quest log, and give more instructions on how to raise your standing with the girls
Like ReplyI have the same problem as jerkfree. Game does worked fine before update now it doesn’t even appear to be playable on safari or google
Like ReplyShit worked before the update now its Failed To Load.
Like Replyhow to put people out of the Secret Jail?
Like Replyneed help with glens exam
Like Replyexcellent a work of art, but to play a single event does not give
Like ReplyI can’t even play the game now since this update. I play on iPhone 11 and until this update came out.
Like ReplyLonte guys
Like ReplyI played this game before and there was an auto attack that made me win every battle. It instantly took away 9999 health from every opponent. I'm playing again and now I can't find it. Can someone help me?
Like Replydont worry found it
Like Replyhelp, what is this legendary attack?
Like ReplyStriker101102, in your room, next to your bed, there is a notebook with a bunch on cheats
Like ReplyAny one know the code for the doors Quest "Treasure Hunt" in the temple for Sandra?
Like Replyadventure, 2564, then light fire from left to right in order fire>fire>extinguish>fire then open the gate
Like Replywhere i can find gazer eye and water shield?
Like ReplyHow do you start chycos gold license quest
Like ReplyBUG FOUND lace's dungon rape corrupts the game picture remains over the screen
Like Replyattempted reloading saves during and after doesn't fix the issue for saves after the sex scene started...
Like ReplyUSER, I've messaged the creators about this, the new update fixed this; you go onto another cg scene from the CG room and it makes the issue disappear, tested this myself.
Like ReplyHow do I find the frost flowers needed for the ring?
Like ReplyAlways., walk in the general map, go in bergus and walk in forest, until you start a fight with ice flower
Like Replyn, just press x
Like Replyhow do you acces your inventory
Like ReplyDoes anything happen to the girls that get pregnant orrr...
Like Replyagamer, when you have finished the game, you can skip years, and you will have children
Like ReplyMEandYOU4ever, That update is not out yet
Like Replyand where do i find or buy mithril
Like Replyagamer, you can mine it in dongeon in bergus
Like Replywhere can i find or make a pickaxe or am i just that blind
Like Replyflora is in the Castle garden..Jacky THat runs out of the tavern..Goto the Farm across from church an enter the buliding and for elves get mereil frim blue village and take her to the other elve at the wepon shop he will take you to the elve village and for pick axe wait for katrx blade reicpe then talk to knocky at the elve village tget axe
Like ReplyEveryone disappeared its only satome alone i cant fight bosses alone !! how can i make them back piz
Like ReplyNeed help with green orb in the riddle room. Someone post a video on how to solve it.
Like ReplyHas anyone got past that orb puzzle? I need help with the green ball
Like ReplyFuck glen, red orb left, down, right, up. green left. purple down, right, up. green down, right, up left. red left. green up. purple up. blue down, left, up.
Like ReplyAnyone got a list of where monsters are?
Like ReplyGa loading
Like Replythe game is fine, it has humor, it is a common rpg game with images of sex just that, I take ideas from other games and he did it a hentai, I am sure that most people got bored, one because it costs you an egg to look for metals to make weapons the other constant endless battles to look for itenes of the monsters
Like ReplyWhere do you get the better pickaxe?
Like Replypickaxe, - elf village blacksmith ... elf village is invisible until you have mirel in your party and visit your castles forge to talk to the blonde elf chief.
Like Replywhat did they do in this update ?
Like ReplyI heard about a hot spring somewhere and some mountain path near Calbridge Stronghold. Where are they?
Like Replyyou have to talk to a bunch of people before the hot springs becomes accessible. then it's behind the gambler in cburry stronghold
Like ReplyMicah, were is Bunche of people.
Like Reply@ZBIRX These are the people you need to talk to: 2 elves in conversation in the Inn in Aldlyn (capital) Woman in Parverhill, in the house north of the church Elf Tyana, western side of Witton Soldier in Red Keep pitching his tent on the castle walls Green-haired man in a house in Thremten
Like ReplyThis game is like suikoden, you have to find your heroes to do the side missions, explore all the dungeons to find the hybrids, build the city to give you the necessary resources for your adventure
Like ReplyMarian Flood, but you get to fuck them.
Like Replyhow do i get past the riddle room with the books during "glen's exam"?
Like Replywolfpack99, blue, red, then yellow.
Like Replywhere is a pickaxe so i can mine
Like ReplyPI, you need sandra, go in the bittheroot farm, take the path under the farm, and shearch an old chest, try to open it, then go in the snow country, go find the lumberjack and talk to him
Like Replyoops, it's a mythril tool, but not the pickaxe ^^'
Like Replyme again, you need the elf in your team, then go to the blacksmith of you capital, talk to the elf and go to the elf village, then, explore every house until you find the elf blacksmith
Like ReplyMEandYOU4ever, the elfs name?
Like ReplyMEandYOU4ever, Then what?
Like Reply@Cavebot the elf blacksmiths name is knocky, and her house is first to the left when you enter ebron. also, all you have to do is talk to her once you have the quest to make the katryx sword and she'll give you a pickaxe for free
Like ReplyMEandYOU4ever, this does explain a lot but it also doesn't include the bigger part on how to get the actual pickaxe. Where do you pick them up at would be a better question after that mission
Like ReplyGuard does not appear to work. The shield icon appears briefly, then vanishes once the character's turn is complete. Damage received until user's next turn is not reduced.
Like ReplyHow do you beat lace?
Like ReplySatan, you need a katryx blade
Like ReplyWhere is the elfvillage.
Like ReplyShadow, after having a better relationship with the elf girl (forgot her name) run around in your town. There you should find a friend of hers. Talk with him and he tells you how to get there. Here's a little Tipp. Go to the shop in the elf village and buy special arrows then dell them. You get endless money cause you buy them for 200 and sell them for 1000
Like ReplyRichard922006, or leave the game idle when you run to the store grab dinner eat it and shower come back the tax man is holding 700k for me
Like Reply
Like ReplyThis game is really good! Hope for an update soon
Like ReplyThis game is great can't wait for an update
Like Replyhow do i find out who the killer is in millwater?
Like Replywolfpack99, Its demon poison and accident
Like Replywolfpack99, get the poison bottle (blue potion) from upstairs and then go talk to everyone downstairs again. Answer is Iliana, poison, mistake.
Like ReplyWhere can you find the catgirl after she run out of the inn and do you find maid flora at
Like ReplyNeoneo, the flower field go out the castle and to your left
Like ReplyNeoneo, go to the smallest building on the far left close to the house
Like ReplyWrong mission was thinking about the murder case
Like ReplyI like this game
Like ReplyWhere do you buy the fish at and where do find maid flora at
Like ReplySahdow, if you look at the buildings you can have constructed on the war map, some of them say they will produce fish once built. Haven't gotten to far in the game yet, but I think that's it for troop supplies. Flora can be found in the gardens west of the castle, outside.
Like ReplySahdow, you buy fish in Man in south in without stronchold in south of central.
Like ReplyWhere do you find the catgirl after she run from the inn
Like ReplyShadow, in the house in the south west corner of your capital
Like ReplyMEandYOU4ever, And then after that in the item shop
Like ReplyOnly played a few minutes and already loved this game
Like Replytiago, ENTÃO BAIXE ELE NO F 95 ZONE
Like ReplySo, I quite frankly love this game as a whole. There are a number of bugs in the vanguard battles that can quite literally make the game unplayable. Working on smoothing out that combat system would go a long way to making a very good concept into a great feature.
Like Replywhere do you buy rope at in this game
Like Replyjim, you find rope in the basement of Sara's house, in the northeast of the capital.
Like ReplyThis game is too good
Like ReplySeems to be a saving issue, some how I got it to save for me once but now when I try it won't work. If I figure it out I will comment it below.
Like ReplySomeGuy, I don't have a saving problem so it maybe the device your playing on.
Like ReplySomeGuy, Try to download the game from gamejolt or from the patreon of the creator, the patreon is called Naughty Netherpunch
Like ReplyTake it off private mode it all have a easier time saving SomeGuy,
Like Reply