A Goblin's Tale [v 0.6.1] [Restart]
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Description: This over-18 game puts you in the role of a goblin that nobody loves and everyone prefers to avoid. The story starts with him attempting to find shelter for the night in a town where every Inn has refused him entry. He must now find someplace to stay and power up himself and luckily, he ends up meeting a family of good people who don’t judge him for his looks. Or perhaps they should because he gets to meet several hot women and before you know it, he starts being sexually involved with them. This leads to multiple scenes with blowjobs, doggystyle sex, and all kinds of other perverted acts. Click Start to see what sort of mischief this little creature gets up to! |
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How do we get the cumstew for the witches daughter?
Like ReplyThis game is not finished. The mother only has children once and the big sister walks around fat all the time (same with the maid). You don't get inside the mayor's daughter either. The castle is completely closed off and the witch's daughter does not get fat in the basement either.
Like Replyok so long as i cant move forward thats a game problem
Like Replyweird game but i got to the witch got inside and cant get back in.. nor can i hire or bring someone for help im at a stalemate
Like Replytrapped in the witch's dungeon. How do I get out? There is a clickable crate, but can't break it to get at the wall. Suggestions?
Like ReplySomeone needs to take this game up and finish it
Like ReplyViser, there is a different project called Rise of Vruk on Porngameshub that uses the same characters and a similar story, its a bit further along but hasnt been finished either.
Like ReplyFor any new player stumbling into this gameand not being able to play it properly or requesting an update, I highly recommend that you check the comments below starting from 2021 as this comunity has covered the problem quite intensly over the last 3 years. also i recommend playing Rise of vruk, same base story but still being worked. A Goblins Tale by pupsi is dead and abandoned.
Like Replyare they gonna update
Like Replylost all my progress
Like ReplyAhh tricked again by one of these bullshit "games" 8 bit trash and they show you the only 3 clips that were produced for the entire thing to trick you into trying it out.
Like Replywtfisthis, john, Logan, late reply i know but this game has been dead for a long time now, it was actually a big game at some point but the developer Pupsi turned out to be a real douchebag, just collecting patreon money for this project and completeley abandoning it after buying a new pc for said money. and as a final kick in the nuts: This version has a bug that makes the fights impossible . Id recommend playing Rise of vruk as this is the best version from a different dev.
Like Replyis this game even worked on anymore
Like Replyany word on an update for this?
Like Replyit wont let me save plz help
Like ReplyThis game sucks but if you want the original game that this was stolen from and is actually good, this is the link https://porngameshub.com/the-rise-of-vruk
Like ReplyRobin, ohaaaa danke Bro. Ich find des Game eigentlich voll geil. Aber hier kommt einfach kein Update,
Like Replywait that means pupsi didnt even invent this game? all these years we believed he was the original creator because i never even heard of rise of Vruk (same playermodel and everything) so he basically steals the idea: locks saves behind his patreon , rips people off with his "original game" and once he has enough money for a new PC just abandons it. What a dick move. Whos all in Favour if we can get The original Rise of Vruk here?
Like ReplyGets boring when trying to get the daughters addicted to your cum espicsaly since it only took a few drops for the mom to get addicted but the girls are drinking it everyday and has no effect???
Like Replyrileyrivard017, yeah. They are really messing with goblin cannon.
Like Replywill they make a new update for this game
Like Replyalot texts in game are in green some in white like ciri quest i did witch caught daughter yet texts in white did i miss something
Like Replyok hi i got 2 questions 1 found sister in woods spy on her now cant find her in woods no more 2 gave daughter candy now cant find her please help ty
Like Replyal, the cellar has to be renovated , the mother must have been pregnant... follow the story line and go check the east sometimes
Like ReplyIsar, hi everytime go woods where lady was at saids do wanna take lida with you i can not find daughter no place as for goblin child cant fing her only at night she asleep nothing happens mayor daughter tells me leave her alone
Like ReplyBlank black screen with elevator music
Like Replystill can't save, still won't play
Like ReplyNo progress anymore? Game dead? :/
Like ReplyNickname, das spiel ist tot, Pupsi der Entwickler, hat sein Patreon geld genommen das er für die entwicklung dieses spiels gesammelt hat und dann es einfach fallen gelassen. es soll zwar angeblich eine version 6.5 geben aber die wurde wahrscheinlich aus gutem grund nie hier hochgeladen. lies dir die kommentare unten durch wir haben schon seit monaten keine neuen infos. ist zwar größtentelis auf english aber steht alles drin.
Like Replyany chance of an update soon?
Like ReplyMotato, he abandon the game
Like ReplyI saw the update that happened recently and got excited that I will finally be able to play with my phone.... needless to say I was disappointed, I can’t even fight the bats at the beginning! It just ERROR while it was loading up the battle segment!
Like ReplyGusts 67, i saw what you mean. it may still say version 6.1 but something got changed because i cant load any of my old saves anymore just get error all the time, and if what you say is true and the fights dont work anymore, this game is now in a worse state then it has been for the past 2 years.
Like Replyhow do you get the older sister??
Like ReplySparhawk, got the older sister, stuck on the mayor's daughter and the cat lady
Like Replysays game has a bug press f5 to restart and can't get past that screen, was enjoying it up till then
Like Replysomeone needs to take up advancing this game
Like ReplyThe chicken egg is in the spot with the horse is inside the tree
Like Replywell, I've gotten pretty far, took Linda, Laura, Emily (though neither daughter has delivered) Eva, Helana, several bandits, and the mayor's maid (anyone know her Name ?) but: how do i getto the witch, and the two Bandit cheiftans?
Like ReplyWhy are there Witcher characters in this...?
Like ReplyWhy does the game run fine on my cell phone but not on my laptop?
Like Replyhow do u find the egg
Like ReplyWhoever made the new .065 version, please update and the princess isn't in her room that is bugged
Like ReplyViser, read my comment below bro.
Like Replywhen does the training of Ciri completes.....
Like Replythe version of this game is working on porngameshub. but i think the game was abandoned the last update was in august 2020.
Like Replyrandom_goblins, yeah man the Dev got his money for college and a New PC along with lots of money with the promise of finishing the game.... But said FUCK all of you and quit the game!!! I called it, after three months he wouldn't be back.
Like Replyhow long due you have to train Ciri before she is trained
Like Replyupdate update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update upd
Like ReplyPls repair this game now or give old Version pls
Like ReplyIs the owner of this game is working on it, where does it go after we reach its end game on 6.1 or is there more levels that i did not reach. i completed the mother, two daughters, the lady with the cat, the witches daughter in the basement(can't seem to get her pregnant or submissive) and the maid. mayors daughter not so much. any info on the rest. Thanks.
Like ReplyQuiet Z, ZBIRX, mahmod, Im sad to inform you but Pupsi , the Creator of this game, Abandoned it earlier this year after using his Patreon Money to pay for a new Computer system and some other things, i recommend reading the other comments weve been writing about it down here, its been a ragefest to say the least.
Like Replysuch a good game and still the thing with the saves is prety snoying i cant start over every time
Like ReplyDoes anyone know when update coming for this game as its been extramly long time sense this game was last given update.
Like Replyrocky 720, there will be no update. Pupsi abandoned this project. this is the final version
Like ReplyWTF?? Game Over?? I spied on the woman guard at the castle and was told she needed to be lured to the cave. BUT, before I could even have a chance to move...GAME OVER. Every time I click Continued the word GAME OVER appears. WTF?? This is fucking stupid as shit !!!
Like ReplyAlice, Yeah the Dev, is a Real DickHead!!! The game that got him a NEW PC and help pay his College tuition... He HAS NO PLANS TO FINISH THE GAME!!! EVER!
Like ReplyI spied on emily but now theres nothing left with her
Like ReplyYeah jerk he reopened his patreon account for the new project. A superhero game. I don't know if he updated this game or someone else but yeah there is a .0.6.5 version out there that works . Freezes sometimes that save alot. New update is pretty good
Like ReplyViser, where can i find version 0.6.5
Like Replywendis, svccomics I think
Like ReplyViser, they're using a CSS font shit it always say not defined and doesn't load....
Like ReplyYeah Pupsi is a real DICK!!!! He re-opened his PAYtreon page BUT has NO intentions of finishing A Goblins Tale!... Bitch got his NEW system and $ MONEY $ for college just from this game!!! But IS NOT going to finish the game EVER!!!! What a piece of SHIT!
Like Replyso after research: I did find something about Version0.6.5 on svscomics.com its a keep2share download that was uploaded by user alexx on february 21rd 2021 . as im not willing to risk getting malware on my PC and i cant confirm if the link realy is version 0.6.5. because as far as we know v.0.6.1 was the last he worked on somebody has to test it if it realy is a newer version.
Like ReplyI can't finish the yoga training with laura because the game keeps giving me an error.
Like Replychris, yeah i know what you mean there is only crertain scenes that get errors and they are normally the ones needed to move the relationship
Like ReplyCan you plz fix the loading error, because after less than 20 mins into the game you cant go no farther do to the loading error.
Like ReplyJerk did you see version 0.65 is out of other site. Woot woot our lil green buddy is back
Like Reply0.65 page please
Like ReplyViser, Just Hold your breath,,, it will be here in five minutes....
Like ReplyViser, what is the page?
Like Replyjerklord, cant confirm it. Pupsis Patreon Page is back , he relaunched it, but one of his most recent posts from february say that a goblins tale is on hold . and the svs comics page that says ver 0.6.5 is out was uploaded by a user with a different name. Conflicting Information here. im not trusting that other link unless Pupsi himself confirms that there is a new version out.
Like Replyananonon, then he released a statement saying he dropped the game totally!!!!
Like Replyquick question: how do i get into the bat cave? He just keeps saying that he cant go yet
Like ReplyThis saddens me now probably won't get to see the end of this. It was the best game out there
Like ReplyI called it!!! Bitch Pupsi got himself a new PC a Wad of cash and abandon the game!!
Like ReplyWhen the next update coming for this game as been quite sometime now sesen last update so does any one know if any new updades are coming for this game any time soon.
Like ReplyIs this ever going to get an update or finished?
Like ReplyQuiet E, NO UPDATES, NO FIXES, NO NEW CONTENT the Dev said he has suspended working on this game indefinatly... He got lots of MONEY and PAYtreons from it now never intends to finish!!!
Like ReplyPlease please for the next updates You should be able to rebuild old hell with as many people you already have when you have the witch's daughter (so you can devour ...), more people, cities, just more (orcs, those with you or fight later) are the enemy.)
Like ReplyYeah can write this one AFK!!.. Said he wouldn't finish.
Like Replyhow do you just continue from your previous version? shouldn't this be a simple fix as every other game you are allow to just load. or can you just give us the latest previous set up that we can download and just play from there?
Like ReplyI've played this game before and enjoyed it, but I can't play the current version, the text won't show up after selecting New Game.
Like ReplyI Love this Game But Nobody Update this
Like ReplyBobo, ja das stimmt hat viel Potential aber leider nicht genutzt!
Like ReplyI knew the dev wouldn't be back!! Got his Money and booked!!.
Like Replypls next update
Like ReplyThanks Jerk
Like ReplyViser, Jerkfree, actually Treasure of Nadia is pretty good too and it still receives updates. heck the first time i played it i ended up staying awake till 4am sure its slow paced and you need to memorise a lot of stuff but the naughty stuff is well animated.
Like Replyguess there ll be no more update this year
Like ReplyJerk have you found any games close to being as fun as this 1 i played the office wife but that is a slow update too
Like ReplyViser, not many i like Clair's Quest but as is save game is screwed, Wife Adventure's is good but no updates but once a year. I'll go write down a list and return,
Like ReplyViser, ok The Hunter, Valentina's Story HS edition, Special Request, Hunters Haram, The Company ???, Elenai's Life, Paradise Beach, Double Homework series, Summer in the Spingtime, Nano Control, Wife Adventures the App ( hasn't been updated in a year.)
Like ReplyFamily Fun, Orb of Asuka, Lust For Life, Friends of Mine, The Nerd,, Jack's Big Adventure, Bawdy Traditions, College Daze, The Inhabitation, Young Maria, Unexpected Expectations, Old School Blazin, Crucial Investigation, Favorite Teacher.... There's a few.
Like ReplyThe Hunter was great, but the dev really did a dead stop and only did part 2 for PAYtreons only??
Like ReplyViser, try peasants quest. hours of content and good scenes
Like ReplyI adore this game and I'd like new updates where there will is new pregnancy scenes. I hope that.
Like ReplyWill there be an update for this game soon, I would like see more
Like ReplyI was just sitting here thinking! PUPSI is at college right? Why the fuck can't he work on the game in his spare time!!! I went to college! Spare time with the C virus has got to be a lot!!! Like I said he bailed on us.
Like Replycan we please have the option to impregnate the bandits?
Like ReplyDicklord, in the cave
Like Replywhen is the next update coming ?
Like ReplyI see on pareon nev version 0.6.7 when will be next one here
Like ReplyGoblin nickname, in 2037 maybe when dev,, is broke again!
Like ReplyDude prove where you found this information because even his Patreon page has been closed for six months!!!.
Like ReplyActualicen el juego!! O aunque sea corrijan el problema de que no comienza
Like Replyhow do you set up the game iphone??
Like ReplyHow do I progress emilys pregnancy? She's been pregnant for 3/4 weeks already, way longer than Linda was.
Like ReplyCbomb8888, dude your SOL the developer got his money to buy a new PC and pay for his college tuition and left the game as it is.... Really fucked up tbh.
Like ReplyHints to start each girl's quest: youngest daughter: first baby, 20-30 breakfast dependency. Eldest daughter: spy on her hunts at second time block. Cat owner, repeat night visits by entering left window (no cat quest required). Witch's daughter: spy on at 3rd time block on west town exit, get room by talking to preg homeowner.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, how do you spy on the daughter's hunts?
Like ReplyAlice, the first time is after the mother is pregnant, you go at noon. The second time is just after the mother gives birth you go back to the area she will be middle of the area.
Like ReplySo the stuff that seems to lack a clear "WIP" barrier of some sort includes: youngest daughter preg, training pet, mayor's daughter after single night interaction... Even the stuff that is playable could be better tracked. I still dont know the exact conditions for obtaining the chicken's quest, even if i have cleared it many times.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, i'm thinking after you talk to everyone you visit the chicken 5 times? It will ask why you want to go down the well???.
Like ReplyGood game.slows down when in town the girls are hot but need niplles on thier tits the cum is to white looks like paint jerkoff look at your cum freezes sometimes save often the goblin's dick looks like a dried up cucumber whit a shriveled mushroom on top make it more realistic but keep it green be nice to impregnate all the girls Overall 4/5 stars please finish it!✌
Like ReplyAnyone knows when this will be updated?
Like ReplyJ, i'd almost bet.... There won't be any update, i think Pupsi got the $$$$ he wanted New PC, College tuition money and said fuck it!!!!
Like ReplyIm on the primary Quest 20 the castle what do i do now
Like Reply.. and yes I know development of the game has stopped for the time being, but comparatively I think even as is this is one of the better games I’ve played on here. I guess just disappointing that the story can’t go on for now.
Like ReplyJust quickly I can confirm that the game works again on iPhone, specifically iOS 14.2 not to say I’ve played all the way through, I’m up to the point where Linda is prego, but no problems so far. I guess to say "Back in Business!".
Like ReplyThe game plugin keeps flashing white & black like a goddamn 9inch nails video. I almost had an epileptic seizure....
Like ReplyIt'll probably be six months to a year before this game gets another update, so don't hold your breath.
Like ReplyHow to save before linda event. I can't
Like Replywann gibt es eine neue version von a goblin's tales.
Like Replyjerri, warte mal noch ein paar tage oder so, normalerweise wird dieses spiel alle 1-2 monate geupdated. Der Macher von dem Spiel (Pupsi) hat Laut einigen Kommentaren hier im moment weniger Zeit an dem spiel zu basteln wegen College Klassen und weil er nach mächtiger Patreon unterstützung das spiel bis auf weiteres nicht updated (ob das stimmt weis ich nicht, bin kein Patreon)
Like ReplySince the last update, I can no longer get into the game with my Android phone
Like ReplyCan't imagine how the people who Supported this fucker feel? Glad i didn't....
Like Replywhen is a new update coming out
Like Replykingofporn, read Fiend comment from 2020-10-07
Like ReplyWhen damnit When
Like ReplyWatch and see Pupsi will have a shitty little update in a couple of months wanting full support again! Because his ass will be out of $ MONEY $.....
Like Replywhere can i find witch's daughter, i caught already and left somewhere.
Like Replydone, if you ask Linda to add a room for a pet? Check the little square left of Linda's bed.... She should be there?
Like ReplyJerkfree, how long do i need to be training ciri ??
Like Replyhow do you run away from linda she is too fast
Like Replypah, its difficult with the lag, but asap click on the corner building at the blacksmith, then keep clicking towards the west forest? Good luck... Also save before you agro her and skip save during the chase???
Like Replypah, go to settings and turn "always dash" on. afterwards, it becomes easy. There is no need to stay close to lure, all the objective requires is to make it out of the west town exit without being caught. (i personally prefer keyboard movement)
Like ReplyGame will not be getting an update he has paused the project to concentrate on his studies I was a patron that was the message he sent out
Like ReplyFiend, WOW how's that feel? Someone takes your money then gives you a GFY ticket... Sorry bro? Don't trust giving anyone wanting your CC numbers, especially someone doing porn of any kind.
Like ReplySorry was meaning to make comment below you? Don't know how I got onto your comment my apologies...
Like ReplyJerkfree, no worries.
Like ReplyWell I should change that to KINDA works on iPhone. There’s some really weird ghosting going on. I think it’s meant to be like fog or clouds, but it looks like a ghost of all the building slowly creeping across the screen. Definitely distracting :/
Like ReplyWorks again on iPhone KINDA, maybe a bug or glitch? You try restarting? n again sorry 4 the comment on u.....
Like ReplyWorks again on iPhone !! I have updated to iOS 14 so not sure what exactly was the problem before?
Like ReplyWorks again on iPhone, Well Pupsi you got thousands of dollars to buy a new system!!! Did two updates!! Now you've left your $ub$criber$ with nothing. Another Reason to NEVER support these fucking PAYtreons!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, I wasn’t sure if you’d just mistyped or something but just to clarify I’m not Pupsi. I did look into him / his work a while back but was pretty sure he’s also USA. I live on the opposite side of the planet.
Like ReplyHow do you finish train Ciri???
Like ReplyKush, you must feed her for three days in the morning only, then you can have sex with her.... Its as far as it goes now.
Like Replydoes anyone know is creator has patreon or when is 0.6.2 comeing out?
Like Replygoblinn, he " HAD " a patreon page!! Its not been active in over two months.... So i guess we're S O L on a update??
Like ReplyYou must have Emily pregnant, then keep visiting the Ciri location, after three or four times shows her just reading.... Go from there. I wish somebody knew when the next update is coming?????
Like ReplyForgot you must talk to Linda to build the extra pet room.
Like ReplyCan someone explain how i get the trap for Ciri and capture her?
Like ReplyHi just wanted to know how do you get into the castle for the v0.6.1 been trying it for a while, cant seem to get in
Like ReplyKush, you have to have Linda, training the mayors daughter to the point she is helping Linda get Vruk off. Go i think at noon while the two are at the entrance.....
Like ReplyJerkfree, sorry again...but how do you get Linda to train the mayors daughter?
Like ReplyJerkfree, I dont have the quest for me to get Linda to train Helena :(
Like ReplyKush, You will see the mayor's daughter sitting back behind her house talking to her will begin the quest....
Like Replyjerkfree, he said on patreon that he was still going to work on the game but has less time to do it because of college classes. That is all I can tell you
Like ReplyAccording to the patreon page, Pupsi has stopped working on this game after receiving thousands of dollars, for support to get a degree at some college!!! Like WTF!! AFTER you get the money you say fuck the $ub$criber$!... NOT COOL.
Like ReplyWell the white flashing screen stopped! Now the game just crashes every two minutes saying we've encountered an error....
Like ReplyI've been getting the white out flash then the game crashes, anyone else having this problem??
Like ReplyI love this game. Plz continue updating this game its really fun.How do you use all the tools in the basement???
Like ReplyI love this game. Plz continue updating this game its really fun
Like ReplyWent to Pupsi's patreon page looked blank, except that he's not accepting any creators. It had no comments or any information about the upcoming update??? Who knows what's going on?? Anyone have access? Or can share update info????
Like ReplyGame has encountered a bug. Please report it. TypeError: Cannot read property 'blendModes' of undefined
Like ReplyError with loading pics (bat at fight). n00b programming?
Like ReplyI have two missions ; make a trap for Ciri, and ask to Linda if she could take Helena in the guardsmen. But I must find, for those two missions, Linda in afternoon. Before, she just was in the house, but now I can't find her the afternoon... Is it a bug, or have I missed a step ?
Like ReplyBlu, after Lauras Yoga Training Linda is at the same place
Like ReplyHow can i kill the bats
Like ReplyKiLLER, just keep killing them, maybe kill 5 go home repeat next day. I found if you get your first 500 gold buy the sword, it one shots the bats. 1000 gold buy the dark armor you take no damage from bat or the blind demons.
Like ReplyPupsi, you've gotten a lot of $ub$criber$ now, but Now your not hardly ever posting on your own PAYtreon page... Might also add with your NEW PC you've began to Update less often?? So WTF now your Upper Crust Piss on the game that got you there.
Like ReplyFar as you can go is to visit the queen, then redo her daughter's text book to say goblins are humans friends.
Like Replywhats the farthest this version goes?
Like ReplyGetting into the castle
Like ReplyHow do I get to fuck Ciri, I always watch her and Triss make love behind the bush and nothing else happens....
Like ReplyZH, ZH, go back in the afternoon you will see her reading and you trap her after 3 visits
Like ReplyViser, I have visited like 5 times in a row and nothing still
Like ReplyZH, did you set the trap, its a little bit over the point where you watch the sexscene
Like ReplyShibari, I can't find the spot to set the trap, I have checked at all the times thru the day and nothing, how do i get or set the trap?
Like ReplyZH, first you have to get Linda to add on a pet room...
Like Replyim stuck at the part were it says train ciri how many times do i have to go to the chamber and train her till somthing new happens
Like ReplyKT, you train her for three or four days then you get more options
Like ReplyOk Pupsi i've done my best to help, please update soon? Its about the best game on Gamcore as of lately....
Like ReplyI've seen lots of comments on Fapzone about people not liking the incest part of the game??? Like WTF i would love to see the daughters and Linda going at it.... It would get overly boring just watching Vruk always doing the same thing???...
Like ReplySupposedly Pupsi is saying to keep updating and adding new map areas and quest its easier for him to just to have you start over rather than trying to make the game saves work from one update to the next. I personally don't care as long as he keeps adding the great content and keeps the game FREE...
Like ReplyGame is dead will not work any more
Like ReplyHow do you use all the tools in the basement???
Like ReplyKush, in thise version only with Linda and Emily but not whem they are pregnant
Like ReplyHow do you train the Mayors daughter because i can't find her in her normal spot and when I talk to her she tells me that I need to leave.
Like Replykingofporn, visit her in the daytime and she will tell you "she wanna be a guard"
Like ReplyHey pupsi I was just like the game of a goblin's tale the same way as you vision 0.5 keep that way as you did in vision 0.5
Like ReplyJerkfree how do I get the history book. The 1st time in the princesses room I went to the spot no book. Now I can't climb up or go in the front
Like ReplyViser, maybe you already have it? That's the end of content for now.... But if you don't go in the evening when there's no guard,,,,,
Like ReplyI hey pupsi you needed to make this vision of a goblin's tale the same way as you vision 0.5 keep that way
Like Replyi finde the first time helene she talke first time about quen things ...the questing ist : how train her or who is the 2 spot to meet her ???
Like Replyaka, i believe you go out in the afternoon to see Linda train the Mayors daughter, second day Linda will try to get her to help with oral on Vruk.
Like ReplyAfter she and Linda are sharing Vruk, you go to the castle at noon Linda will let you in,
Like ReplyWhy is there always a loading error when i try to Start 0.6.1 from my iPhone?
Like ReplyDonald Duck, me too :(
Like ReplyBlank, restart the game, don't know why Pupsi is doing this,
Like ReplyI downloaded game, and doesn't run. Encountered game written on screen, what I supposed to do?
Like ReplyThat is the most retarded game ever! A bat killed me as I was nearly full health and it missed all my attacks. That is total bullshit! The game is boring and lost of time!
Like ReplyIf the mother joins your party and you don't leave the are she joins normally, she gets bugged into your party and doesn't leave
Like Replyhow do I get the mother to leave my party?
Like Replya, Go back towards home then enter the area again,
Like ReplyLoading Error Failed to load: img/pictures/snapTreeBase.png I’m on iPhone with latest iOS 13.6.1 I was able to play last gamcore version
Like ReplyMsg to Dev For next Update Thank, i don't know what?? It's Gamcore or the Devs causing that shit on a lot of games???....
Like ReplyJerkfree, hmm yeah not sure. Gamcore should build in some sort of feedback system so Errors/OS could be relayed back and addressed in games that are regularly updated. Is a shame when once playable games become unplayable!
Like ReplyI having trouble with the game
Like ReplyWell guess it was expected, the BJ with mayors daughter is kinda boring! The hole in Ana's house?? Banging Vruk's daughter could be better but like all new sex scenes there's the space in the dialog instead of sex... And nothing new with Linda, Emily or Laura, will probably have to start the game over again in next update!!!! Otherwise its a good game....
Like ReplyJerkfree, are you able to play and if so how
Like Replyviser, on Microsoft Edge..... Game has gotten really laggy in the last update though.
Like ReplyJerkfree, I used to be able to play on my phone not anymore.
Like ReplyGame has encountered a bug please report it. Error:Failed to read the 'localStorange' Propetry from 'Windows':Access is denied for this document.
Like ReplyWhen i load the savegame i get this error: Typerror: Cannot read property 'clearlightbattlers' of undefined. at Khas_graphics, Spriteset_map, new Spritseset_map, Scene_map Ofcourse i didnt type it all, would be too long but it should be enough
Like Replywould be great if i could use my old saves. But even if this is not possible it woult be good if you could skip some days so that you don´t need to start from the very beginning every time there is a new version.
Like Replyhow do i fuck the daughter? i gave her candy then he got awkward with her and now she only ever says hi
Like Replywho cares, you have to wait until you see her in Laura's room playing, then you sleep no sex, she visits tries BJ, talk next day with her get BJ then visit at night when stay up....
Like ReplyThe bullshit is instead of good sex scenes, the Dev.. added spaces instead.!!!!
Like ReplyEvery time after pressing new game it goes to a black screen please fix this
Like ReplyWell can play, but the game has a Lot of Lag and constantly crashing.....
Like Replylittle disappointed with the update here goes another 2 months of waiting.
Like ReplyWell I'm able to play some!!! As now its crashing every two minutes!!!! WTF
Like ReplySo added this update is you can take someone with you when you go battle to the east. You can fuck your daughter, you capture and fuck Ciri the witch's daughter and have the Mayor's daughter give your a blowjob.I haven't seen anything else.
Like ReplyJustwannaseetits, how do you get the blowjob scence
Like ReplyJustwannaseetits, yeah thats all ive found, tried leveling the girls up but still nothing other than forced bj from dick dragons
Like ReplyFran, find her behind where she normally stands outside her house then follow the dialogue train her and wait for the next update
Like Replyfrs, so you can u give he the blowjob or not?
Like ReplyFran, yeah she will give you head the second training session, after the third training you can choose for them to tag team or solo but thats as far as it goes
Like Replycorrection training the mayors daughter for a few days puts her and the mom on guard duty. you can then go into the castle and meet the queen and princes, go back in the evening and climb the vines over the left bridge change a book and thats as far as 0.6 goes
Like Replyfrs, Hey I cant find the Mayors daughter where is she? I can only find her inside her house, but she tells me to go away?
Like ReplyRyan, if you've progressed enough in the story she will be where she stands outside her house normally just back in the bush a little more check each time of the day. hope this helps
Like ReplyError message when loaded: TypeError: Cannot read property 'blendModes' of undefined
Like Replywould love to play this game but it FAILDED TO LOAD. hopefully it will be fixed soon and we won't have to wait a month or more for the bug fix !!
Like Replywho is ciri ?????
Like Replyi cant save on files. is it cuz im in incognito
Like Replyi cant save on a file, Yeah
Like ReplySave does not work at all.
Like ReplyUnnecesary animations slows down game in some sytems..trees extra...
Like Replywhat can you do with ciri after you captured her?
Like Replydoom, once you've fed her cum stew in the morning for 3 straight days you cn face fuck and fuck her in the pussy
Like Replyi have ciri in my secret room how do you see if she is traint
Like ReplyMr X, keep feeding her stew
Like ReplyIt’s not working
Like ReplyAnnoyed that this game is facing a difficulty in the sense that every time I start a new game it starts in a black out screen. I found out after hours of experimenting pausing it starts the screen back up but then the new problem is that it erases all the text part of the game and this pisses me off and you can't know if you are saving or anything.
Like ReplySave does not work
Like ReplyGame will not load correctly
Like Replywhy is it every time they update the game old save files are corrupted?
Like ReplyEverytime, every update i gotta start over again, put in hours and hours of play time never even knowing if the update is worth because were never told whats updated. Its going to be a great game, but just not inspired to play it all over .again and again and again.its not skyrim for christ sake.
Like Replyprnlord, Skyrim is not a fun game to play over and over again. It is just a big open world game with not enough activities to do across the entire map.
Like ReplySkyrim is terrible, Skyrim is fun as hell to play again and again IF you add adult mods, like go to Nexus Mods Skyrim it has dozens of adult mods. Sorry to say they only work on PC's.....
Like Replywhen will saves ever work after an update
Like ReplyError failed
Like ReplyCan Laura get pregnant in this update?
Like Replystarted a new story cause of the bug for the new version and now i have the same issue fuck this game
Like ReplyThe game is going well, it is an excellent game, the bad thing is when you run in the city, as I always said, if you play on a cell phone you will have that problem that does not load
Like ReplyIt’s not working on iPhone
Like ReplyTanto esperando la nueva actualización, que cuando llega tiene error al cargar :(
Like Replythe bad habit that some game creators have of laying an area of the game on purpose so that the character cannot walk or in this case run
Like ReplyNew update don’t work
Like Replyare u gonna come out with more this year or what.
Like ReplyWhen will 0.6 be released
Like Replyanyword on when gamecore is getting v0.6.1?
Like ReplyI would support Pupsi,,, but they only take you CC!!! i wouldn't give my own mom CC numbers and dam sure won't give it to a dude who creates porn SORRY....
Like ReplyMaybe if Gamcore would create a honer system that all the gamers could give to Gamcore to support the Developers that keep their games free the content fresh. With different payment methods instead of so many devs... just posting games and making content PAY TO PLAY...
Like ReplyI think pupsi you needed add cheat menu to the game
Like ReplyPupsi or Fapzone hasn't posted anything about a update??? Even Pupsi's patreon page hadn't a new post sense July 17th....
Like Replywell gone as far as can on here, aint got any where with the maid or the witch. when is ver. 6 coming?
Like Replyis it just me or are the controls really slow all of the sudden?
Like Replycan the mother get pregnant again after giving birth?
Like ReplyColbolt84, not at the moment, maybe in a later update
Like Replywhen the v 0.6 come out . the game is very fun :]
Like Replyswordman201120, on fapzone Pupsi said it would be end of July or first of August??? Well Pupsi?? Its August.....
Like ReplyEgg og eggs??
Like ReplyBłagam kurwa usuńcie te animacje z drzew mimo że mam zajebisty telefon to platforma nie jest wstanie tego utrzymać i mam 3 fps cofnijcie drzewa do poprzedmiot stanu.
Like Replywhen is 0.6 coming out
Like Replycan u impregniate the mother twice?
Like ReplyFran, No!!! Not so far? Like getting Emily pregnant but she doesn't give birth... Also MC can bang Laura every night and she doesn't get pregnant????? Maybe in 0.6 ??? MC can also fuck Mayors daughter?
Like ReplyAnd i can't find emely anywhere in the afternoon after she gets pregnant
Like ReplyOh and please add more scenes with the maid.
Like ReplyWhen is the next version releasing? And will it feature more playable content?
Like ReplyI'm not playing with you pupsi the sooner you get it out the door the sooner you get working on the next one
Like ReplyPeter currence Berlett, dude WTF is wrong??? He's doing good for a one man show... I'd like to support him but they only use CC.
Like Replywhat is the bearded dragon and where is it
Like Replywhen will the 0.6 comeout . the game is fun haha
Like Replyswordman201120, do you ever read the comments???
Like ReplyIn version 5, what’s the farthest you can advance in progress
Like ReplyBearded dragon, the maid you get her pregnant then can only play with her but or tits...
Like ReplyJerkfree, breaded dragon? maid? what the fuck?
Like ReplyJerkfree, when the hell can you get the maid pregnant? I am playing version 5 and all t it does is show her cleaning room and cooking.
Like Replymine60, after you get Emily pregnant? I'm not the dev... I just had to wait a few days you talk to her eventually in the kitchen, you then find her files at mayors house at knight.. Then when you have sex make sure it shows the sperm cell pic if not repeat LOL...
Like ReplyUpdate will be at the end of this month or August????
Like ReplyGame crashes if I try to load... help?
Like Replybig bug, fix it
Like Replyme:plays a game abouth a goblin also me:why do i here boss music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VBzONOP2U
Like Replythis game is a joke eveytime there is a new update you have to start from the start evey time why not just carry on from where you left of BIG LET DOWN
Like Replytracka, Carl, All the Developers have started doing that, guess they think if you Don't join the PAYtreon and $ub$cribe they should make everyone grind...
Like Replyi lost all of my progress when the game updated, what do I do?
Like ReplyUnfortunately Type error when continuing in version 0.5 Does anybody has a solution?
Like ReplyGoblin, u have wifi problems mate
Like ReplyGame as a bug i cant load my progress,..my favorite game
Like ReplySo everytime a new update comes out you have to restart the game do to any and all saved game ( DAYS ) is wiped out do to a bug on saved game, this is the 4th time i have had to start game new from start do to saved game being bugged and not allowing saved game to be used do to ( GAMCORE ) not caring to fix these problems.
Like Replyis it possible bang Helena and the maid in this update? ty
Like ReplyWhere can i find elizabeth? And who is she thank u hahahaha
Like ReplyCuhcuKnot, Elizabeth is Vruk's daughter, he can only get BJ in this update. She can be found after you get Emily pregnant, walk into the gold colored box left of the front door.
Like ReplyHey pupsi when is a goblin tale [v0.6] coming out on gamecore
Like ReplyHey pupsi I was just wondering if you make quest for Laura to get pageant with vruk
Like ReplyI don't want to advance past the present content? Weary of having to start from beginning again when they update again?????
Like ReplyHow to get to the tower 2nd time?
Like ReplyEbollas, maybe in the next update
Like Replyit doesn't let me load old saves
Like Replyblank, with this update everyone had to start over again
Like Replysounds are kinda weird XD but i liked it. update?
Like ReplyHow to fuck laura?
Like ReplyEbollas, first make Linda pregnant, feed Laura in the morning, train with her and visit her at evening in her room
Like ReplySo I've read all the dialog but for some reason i cant go into the east forest. need some help. every time i try it says to return home but i don't know what it means by that.
Like ReplyVirgate, i need some more details, where in the story did you stuck?
Like ReplyShibari, I'm stuck right at the beginning. Linda has given me the quest but I can't get into the east forest. I just end up turning around and vruk says "we should return home". Thanks for your help.
Like Replyvirgate, try to start a new game, maybe its a bug
Like ReplyDoes Emily give birth in this version?
Like Replykingofporn, and again no
Like ReplyCan Laura get pregnant in this version?
Like Replykingofporn, no
Like Replyder dungen in v0.5 ist weg?
Like ReplyAndre, hatte ich auch da musst du das game nochmal beginnen
Like Replygame has a bug and texture is broken please fix it
Like Replycan anyone tell me that, where is my child xd
Like Reply3693, after a day or two you'll find her in the secret room in the box left of the doorway just walk into it.
Like ReplyYeah well it's all I know about this update? Was ok... Like to see lots of mother and daughter sex and more sex between MC and the girls?
Like Replyis it possible to bang the maid?
Like ReplySuru, i was only able to play with her ass or the tits, wasn't able to have sex??
Like ReplyJerkfree, where is the start of the maid ?
Like Replyaka, schwängere Emily, dann kommt Elizabeth zu dir ans bett, finde das goldene Ei ( es ist beim Baum in der nähe der Seemanns), geh am tag in das haus vom Major und rede mit der Maid, danach geh am Abend durch den Brunnen und such den Vertrag, anschließend kannst du sie am Abend zuhause besuchen
Like ReplyShibari, wie kann ich emely schwängern?
Like ReplyShibari, emily ist fertig katzen frau auch laura ebenso ...die tochter kommt nicht ....ich versteh es nicht ...ich muss ja immer mit linda und laura schlafen oder ...hab ihr ja das candy gegeben sonnst muss man ja nix machen emely läuft ja hier oben wieder rum nach dem im keller alles fertig ist muss man sonst noch was maschen ??
Like Replythats the end of V.05? impregnate emily? thats it?
Like ReplyMotto, you do the maid quest? Otherwise yeah basically it? Can do anal with Emily....
Like ReplyHow do you make the mother pregnant again in 0.4 after finishing lauras Yoga training
Like ReplyNahito, don't think you can in this update? Like i've banged Laura 20 times and she doesn't get pregnant...
Like ReplySorry meant to say that you Can't get mother pregnant this update
Like ReplyWhen I load my save before the update it says error
Like ReplyGamer, yeah me as well, i had worked my way up to level 12 on ( V 0.4 ) and saved the game when i was at end of ( V 0.4 ) then when they put out the update ( V 0.5 ) my save no onger worked, said it had a bug and i needed to reload game, in fact i had to start over from the start now im back to level 11 and i may have to start again if it's true the windmill guy did not let me capture the girl emily. anyways.. yes all the old saves from ( V 0.4 ) do not work for anyone from what i hear,
Like ReplyJake, you need the mother pregnant, Emily and Laura must be level 36 to 40 cum addiction, then just after mother has baby go to Laura take off blindfold. Next day you catch Emily!!!! I think it must be before noon... The specifics i'm not sure about order..
Like ReplyJerkfree, thank's bud, i think the game gliched out on me, i did all the above you said then got the ( bat king quest ) now emily still in her room crying about a gut ache, but thats it.
Like Replyjake, Laura is the younger girl with stomach ache, Emily is older that you catch and put in basement. Keep giving cum until Linda has baby then you do blindfold of Laura, next day at noon you can catch Emily... Again i'm not positive on how events work?
Like ReplyI'm going to be so pissed if what i was told is true, sooo,,, now im asking anyone who can tell me. when i talked to the windmill guy and he gave me the quest to kill the bat king and i did kill the bat king, then that was when i was to get the scene to capture emily to take her back to basement if this is correct then that scene was never given to me, in turn telling me that. all the work i put in ( AGAIN ) into this game is for nothing ??
Like ReplyJake, I'm not sure cause it said the windmill was locked after but I talked to her after
Like ReplyGamer, so did you do the ( bat king ) quest then get to capture the girl emily and take her to your basement ?
Like Replyi should add i have went upstairs and seen emily with her tummy hurting, told her i had a cure for her tummy pain, emily told me to get out of her room, then it said,, i had to do something to trick her into doing something more lewd. i have went to the windmill noon,afternoon, evening and night nothing, ? so how do i capture emily to take her to basement ????
Like Replyjake, go to the east and then to the windmill, do the quest and after this you can see the next scene with Emily
Like ReplyShibari, yeah did quest ( kill bat king ) never got the emily scene, so does that mean i have to start this game over ( again ) 3 time having to start over ,
Like Replyim level 11 and have laura and emily cum addition at 102, have seen one scene where dick bats attack emily seen the scene where windmill guy had me kill the bat king, still can't get to where emily has second scene where dick bats attack her again so i can capture her and take to basement, some one please help me ? Thanks,,
Like Replywhy cant i save my game anymore???
Like Replycondor, Versuchen bei anderen Spielen den Speicherplat zu löschen . Dann könnte es wieder klappen .
Like ReplyAfter you get Elizabeth pregnant, you visit the mayor house, get dialog with maid. Then visit mayor house at night to get maid contract. Visit maid at night to get pregnant, from there you get anal sex with Elizabeth and play with maid... All i've found?
Like ReplyJerkfree, so will pregnate elizabeth for the 2nd time?
Like ReplySuru, was only able to get her pregnant she didn't give any children yet??? Just anal sex after.
Like ReplyJerkfree, you mean Emely not elizabeth?
Like ReplySuru, yeah sorry wasn't thinking.....
Like Replyif the updates to this game can be made way faster that would be great add more chicks and zones to go to, maybe make the family move to the chief village to keep breeding them and earn money for letting the chiefs men breed them for you, go on adventures or something but please make the updates faster at home even
Like ReplyA alguien le aparece "ERROR" cuando comienza en esta nueva actualización? Porque a mi si :(
Like ReplyAs before i found nothing new, besides having to restart from beginning " game requirement" you get get 300 $ for killing bat king, and having Elizabeth do BJ on the bed??? Anyone find anything please post...
Like ReplyJerkfree, work with Laura and Eva (the girl with the Cat)
Like ReplyShibari, yeah this i know can only get BJ...
Like ReplyJerkfree, you can get bjs and bang the cat lady's ass, the maid you can impregnate and do some petting, Elizabeth you get a different bj, and Emily gets pregnant and gives you the booty
Like ReplyNOT RIGHT ! to update a game then have the hours and even day's of saved game say,,, there is a bug ( YOU HAVE TO START OVER !! ) not even close to a right thing to do to people who love your games,
Like Replycan you get ciri yet?
Like ReplyWhats new in v.05? Plss tell me
Like ReplyLemmy, einiges ist neu aber das währ ja spoiler den macht es kein spass mehr grins
Like ReplyLemmy, kleiner spiler , Bei 8 Frauen kannst du kommen ;)
Like ReplyUhhh im not sure if im the only one but whenever I press continue to comeback where I left from a screen keep popping up saying that I have a bug please restart. Can this be fixed?
Like ReplyChristopher, I hope like hell they can fix this as well i have so much saved time on this game now,, it is telling me to start over. how the hell can they think that is right to do to people !
Like Replydon't be mad, you have to read what the character says, don't click fast to just watch the sex scenes
Like Replythe game is perfect, i love this game
Like ReplyCurrently cannot go into East forest to collect bat wings. Says I should return home, but once I do I'm not allowed inside the house due to not collecting enough bat wings. On Vo.5
Like Replyv 0.5 bugs out when loading a save
Like Reply*me seeing a new update* *loads my character* "Game has encountered a bug. Press F5 to restart the game" ...bruh all the hours ive spent on this. i literally grinded to lvl 25 with all the best gear and such. fuck
Like ReplyAnon, on the PAYtreon site your supposed to be able to get the maid and others?? Haven't found anything yet??..
Like ReplyAnon, Every fucking version of this game makes you start over, I'm just not motivated to do this every time
Like Replyawesome, update is now out on this game, BUT,,, hours and hours of saved playtime will not load do to a bug that says,, to reload the game ( WOW REALLY ! )
Like ReplyJake, Jup, 8 hours of gameplay all gone to waste, have to start a new save game :(
Like ReplyShakyGibbon, yeah and the only thing I found new so far was the quest to kill the bat king you get 300 gold, and Elizabeth does a BJ on the bed....? Over three hours playing.
Like ReplyHave both girls at 34 cum addiction and guess what! After the Mother milks you and she puts her breast milk in... You can't put cum in the girls food anymore? Anyone else get that?
Like ReplyWas a glitch, i went into the basement and back had the option again. My bag...
Like ReplyI've played over two hours and climaxed in Linda at least 30 times and she's not gotten pregnant WTF!!! They must be going to turn the game into a grind fest like the rest of these games!
Like ReplyJerkfree, you have to get Laura to shoot her bow and hit the target before u can impregnate her
Like Replycan u dominate the mayor's daughter yet or not i play 17 missions and 4 side mission are ther more or ....
Like Replyi play 1 h and after the patch a can not play with i played je joue 1h et apres je peut plus acceder a ma sauvegarde ! dommage y'avait du potentiel
Like Reply0.5 game has detected a bug and won't load.
Like Replyi know the new update is out ( but ) when will it be put on this game ? plz,, gamcore let us know when the new update is in fact going to be put on here. thank-you
Like ReplyGamcore plz update this game
Like Replyok i found the goblin daughter and now i give her candy and than she is lost ??? where is she ???
Like Replyaka, go ( sleep ) with mother and daughter, she will come to you while you sleep,
Like ReplyJake, i thing i do somthing wrong
Like Replyaka, impregnate Emily first after this Elizabeth come to your bedroom
Like ReplyGamcore When are you updating this to v0.5???
Like ReplyAnon, right? Over the weekend I hope...
Like ReplyHow do you save the game? What is the command?
Like Replyafter all the bats fuck the girl the second time.where does she go?
Like Replyjessemaynee,you take her to the dungeon in the basement of the house
Like ReplyHope they give us the updated content today.
Like ReplyV0.5 just drop when is it going to be added???
Like ReplyAnon, Gamcore is getting lazy at posting updated content!!!! They used to do updates often along with deleting your old saves. Now Who knows???
Like ReplyWhen is the next version of this coming out
Like ReplyBill, Soon I hope. It’s been over a month... :(
Like ReplyBill, it just dropped today
Like ReplyIs there a Discord server where I can track development and see a possible timeline with future updates from the developer? This is an incredible game, so I would like to to be able to be some part of it.
Like ReplyHenryScores, search a goblins tale and you have it.
Like ReplyJerkfree, When i search for "A Goblin's tale" i only get some novel or something, and when i search for the game i find game platforms, no discord channel, but thanks anyway.
Like ReplyHenryScores, https://www.patreon.com/pupsi
Like ReplyIt doesn't save..
Like ReplyIncognito, yeah having the same problem with all the games, the used to delete all the saves but not anymore. Witch cause you to get the " You have exceeded your Quota message "
Like Replyhow can i scape from the witch´s castle?
Like Replymogus_ice, the box at the bottom of the screen can be moved then you go through the weak wall
Like ReplyHopefully they update this game before the weekend??
Like Replywhen 0.5 releases ??
Like Replyit’s released now
Like Replythx and when will it be in this platform
Like ReplyTom Brady what do you mean if you want to say basement I looked there for her there hasn't changed anything; everything remains the same I can't find the dungeon please can you say where is she
Like Replyhow do i find emily after i dragged her to the dungeon
Like ReplyMarkiza Barabaza, you just go downstairs on the house the next day
Like ReplyTom Brady, what do you mean if you want to say basement I looked there for her there hasn't changed anything; everything remains the same I can't find the dungeon please can you say where is she
Like Replyguys how many times i need to give the two daughter the coom at breakfast?
Like ReplyYou get to sneak into the mayor's daughters room at night
Like ReplyViser, you get to wack off to her ass, hope they update soon??? Game is already buried back on page 4 at Gamcore.com
Like ReplyWhats the Point of going into the well?
Like ReplyLove the game, should be able to repeat long gone scenes. And where is the update your 3 days late
Like Replyhow to bang the cat lady and mayors daughter?
Like Reply1.Once Linda pregnant go to SW store & buy her outfit. 2. Go to windmill north of bat entrance 3. Go back to it 4. Kill batking & capture Emely 5. Visit Laura upstairs & remove blindfold 6. Sleep with Linda & Laura (should have baby by now) 7. Go to basement & give daughter candy 8. Go upstairs & she’ll be with Laura 9. Sleep til she comes to the bed with you 10. Talk to her after “Doesn’t have to be done in this order.” Once you capture Emely it’s over
Like Reply1. Go to house Northeast 2 -3 Kill bats 4. Visit Linda while she sleeps & cum in mouth 5. Check on her daily & take her to your cave 6. Go out of cave & take Linda home 7. Help Laura with yoga 8. Click Linda every morning to help w breakfast 9. Cum inside til pregnant 10. Check on Emily or Laura upstairs & see if in pain 11. Go to chicken & find egg in tree by sailor 12. Go spy on mayors daughter 13. Help cat lady & then click window @ night
Like ReplyI can go see the mayor's daughter but cant do anything
Like ReplyWhere can i find emily after i finish the 1st cock bat scene??
Like Replyblue, you want to continue the morning routine of putting cum in their breakfast, after level 36 you will find Emily again where the bats are for another flying dicks scene and capture her.
Like Replybeen in 40 cum addiction and i still cant get emily and laura
Like Replykoko, you must find Emily again at the flying dicks
Like Replyi been banging her mom for 10x i still cant get her pregnant
Like ReplyFlame, you cum inside her??? Unless she has already gotten pregnant once??
Like Replywhen the game is finished, pls put in cheat mode thx
Like ReplyBlackBunny, hope the game never ends! Lets hope the Developer gets support to keep adding characters and more sexual positions along with more pregnancies?
Like Replyis there anyway to get that chicken out of the way so we can enter the well for that house?
Like Replyjames, you meet the mayors daughter, after a few visits to the chicken it gives you the quest to find the egg.
Like Replyhow many cock bats scene in this game?
Like ReplyLasso, there's two one after you have the mom under your cum addiction, then the second is after you get Emily to 36 cum addicted then you put her in restraining in the basement. But her addiction does not increase in this version??
Like ReplyHow can i trap emily?
Like ReplyLasso, go out in the morning to fight bats, you will see Emily out there. Say hi she tells you to buzz off than you go and spy on her again and the cock bats attack her again and weaken her there is your chance
Like ReplyViser, how many cock bats in this game just 1?? because everytime im gonna do Emily scene (cock bats) i couldnt see her anywhere in the map
Like ReplyLasso, There's two flying dicks scene the second is after their cum addiction is past 36, you'll find Emily again at the bats area.
Like ReplyHas anyone been able to impregnate anyone in version 4
Like ReplyViser, No i was thinking we should be able to keep the mom spitting out new babies every other week?? And you can't get Emily pregnant in this version or Laura???
Like ReplyMore updates
Like ReplyI guess the game is broken!! I can get the mother to the cave, and then nothing!!! nothing in the cave, nothing in the town, nothing at all!!!
Like ReplyFra, you click more time and this gils and than works it
Like Replyhow can i find the basment dungeon ?
Like Replylohow to escape castle
Like Replyhow do I fix Emily's cramps.she keeps kicking me out her room
Like Replyjessemaynee, you don't you have to see her out.hunting and get bested by flying cocks
Like Reply1)How do i enter the witch tower cannot get pass the guard after entering the maze? 2)Is there any more after getting with eldest sister in the basement, elizabeth in the secret room, feeding the cat lady day and night and meeting the mayor's daughter? 3) Realise that there is different demon to fight (bats in the day, bllind demon at night) but after defeating the bat king there is still bats around?
Like Replyfreaknature, the bottom right corner there's only one enimies, time it just right you can enter the castle. As the rest you'll have to see Emily in the basement in the morning to have sex with her, Elizabeth has NO enteraction as in this update?
Like Replyhow do you say to a tree ?
Like Replyhow to win the bat monster
Like Replyjack, fucj ut, Improve your level, I'm on level 10, by killing bats, you need to be on a higher level to have the stamina to kill the bat king and the blind demons at night but when you do you gain more points for the next level. PS draw the demons to the entrance so that you don't get trapped and can't escape.
Like Replyjack, i killed the bat king at lvl 5 if you buy the black armor from the smith you take 0 dmg from him
Like Replyx, Bought the black armour and he slaughtered me. Ha,ha.
Like Replycan someone tell me how to upgrade the basement for the eldest sister
Like Replythis game is so repetitive how many times do you have to feed them before you unlock everything? Im at 35 before lauren bj unlocked + linda got pregnant and cat lady started selling at stand
Like Replyafter fucking the mouth of the mother and having to run i cant get to the west area due to the game saying i cant go there yet what do i need to do?
Like Replyhow do you kill the bats
Like ReplyDoes anyone know when or even if, this game will be updated?.
Like ReplyA little clue for you I was sleeping with mom and Laura and the goblin daughter will wake you up for some fun
Like ReplyHow can I trick Emely to do something lewd, He always says it will be much harder to trick her to do something lewd
Like Replyhow do u upgrade your basement
Like ReplyHow do i fuck emily? Ive played this for hours now. Ive seen that bat scene, still nothing
Like ReplyRaging, 2 time?
Like Replyok people! theres a lot more content in this then people are saying in the comments. You can impregnate linda by continuously fucking her at night. You can fuck lauren by counting to feed her cum by talking to linda during breakfast, then sitting on the stool near her, then go to the two girls plates and fills those as well. To get rid of the chicken go to the tree stump near the horse stable and interact with it.
Like ReplyHow can I trick the older daugther to drink cum
Like ReplyGame is great so far, needs way more sex scenes with Laura and add more girls like her. Also want to see Linda pregnant with a new girl every time after giving birth to a girl?
Like ReplyThis is a waste of time. The game designer should be shot.
Like ReplyThis is the most fucking weird thing i have ever seen
Like Replymerde c'est quoi le problème, si on crève on doit tout recommencer le jeu, faudrait sauvegarder aux 2 minutes GR
Like Replynice new update 0.4 need some more xD good work
Like Reply4H:15M done 0.4
Like Replythis game made me cum aload. best goblin game EVER!
Like Replywhen are you going to put more update and the game is fun
Like Replybeen playing this game for 4hrs and still nothing happen LOL still get Bj from (Laura, Eva) and couldnt fuck emily or get some Bj LOL is this bug??
Like ReplyBembem, no i believe its end of content for this update?
Like ReplyYou can get bj and bang Emily after you've captured her, visit the basement early morning.
Like ReplyJerkfree, WHERE IS THE BASEMENT?
Like Replylolo, between going upstairs and Linda's room???
Like ReplyThis game is getting boring because its too long to get fuck laura or emily plss help me what should i go to fuck them. Ty
Like ReplyLassard, you get to bang Laura with the mom i think they need about 35 cum addiction?
Like ReplyAlso how do you get the younger daughter to give you BJs.
Like Replykingofporn, at night in her room after you have given her the secret serum for stomach ache and the after she wants more sweet milk you give her the real milk.
Like ReplyHow do you get laura pregnant?
Like Replykingofporn, not in this update i don't think yet?
Like ReplyHow can I catch and return the cat, it is up the tree, and when it comes down I go on the cat but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Like ReplyHermesX, the cat isn't really in the tree, click in front of it when you get to it.
Like ReplyHow can i fck laura?
Like ReplyBruumBruum, you will trap Emily then get to do Laura with the mother
Like ReplyThere's another scene where Emily is raped by the flying dicks you will trap her in the basement.
Like ReplyThis update is sweet af but I lietrally put at least an hour to this game and I had to restart :( . Can we get a save that works as well?
Like ReplyChristopher, read my comment above?
Like ReplyWell that's not as bad as Gamcore giving you the message saying you have reached your Quota of the amount of saves your allowed!!!! Like WTF you can't save no more than going through one game and that is your limit!!!!. Again WTF!
Like Replywith each update there is more you can do, i can now get a anal from a bandit in the forest, a BJ from the younger daughter, BUT with each up date you can only use the save for THAT update..so for my save game last version while it is listed i cant use it..i have to start again from scratch each update
Like ReplyWhen do I get to impregnate Emily the oldest daughter I have in the dungeon and Linda has already given birth to a girl and I have the younger daughter giving me bjs at the kitchen table and sleeping in bed with Linda and I, have been going to the cat lady at night and to her stand in the morning and just recently was able to get the chicken away from the well to reach the mayor's daughter at night I have also escaped the witches tower and beaten four bandits
Like Reply8tnwhln, how do you get the younger daughter to give you BJs.
Like Replykingofporn, how did you get to meet the cat lady at the stand?
Like Replyhow do you trick Emily into doing something lewd
Like ReplyI love this game
Like ReplyI can't escape
Like ReplyI can't escape to the west of darkwell just saying i shouldn't go there yet
Like ReplyMaat99, I'm having the same problem
Like Replythey really should let you use the whip when you have Emily down in the basement cuz she's supposed to be the bratty little girl and you have to break her where the other two were submissive also they should add extra dialogue when you have Emily and her mother downstairs in the basement together something along the lines of Emily calling out for her mom to help and a few panels of horror flash across her face when she realizes her mother's being fucked and she's enjoying it
Like ReplyMaster mirror, Can you break Emily in this version ??
Like ReplyMaster mirror, how did you get the mother and emily down stair together and talking to each other?
Like ReplyPISTOL, you don't have them talking but in mornings you can have sex with Emily and anal sex with Linda.
Like ReplyCant use my save on the new version :/
Like ReplyNormally I HATE the hentai RPG Makers.... but this one was actually pretty good! Funny premise, and it motivated me to want to make an army of goblins. There are some glitches - the anal-training scene with Linda flashes the image of windows (like... Microsoft windows) - and sometimes also the cat, if you go the wrong way, will go beyond the town border, and it'll be impossible to get it. Either way, fun game! Keep updating!
Like ReplyN, there is an analtraining scene?
Like ReplyThe game keeps crashing, when entering the basement or other buildings. Please fix it.
Like Replyi have to restart
Like ReplyWTF is with Gamcore only allowing a set amount of Game Saves!!! Just started this game and getting the you've exceeded your Quota for saves!!!!.
Like ReplyBuildings don't work.
Like ReplyI'm having problems as it says I can't go west after running away from the house does anyone know how to fix this
Like ReplyAny deadline on new version? Best game here, so really want it to keep going.
Like ReplyYoo How to get Emily in V0.3? and laura scene to fuck her?
Like ReplyCoolV, nessa versão já se pode transar com laura, mas com emilly foi o fim do meu progresso ela fica na caverna mas não se pode entrar, só deve estar disponível na próxima versão.
Like ReplyWell guess they decided to forget this game? Maybe they will update next year.
Like Reply0.4 was released on 2020-05-20. Now it's a matter of waiting for somebody with the know-how to get a browser port done and uploaded.
Like ReplyHey devs ! Great game ! Do you know around wich date the 0.4 version will be released ?
Like ReplyWill Laura change in this Version and what have i to do? keep fucking her?
Like ReplyDam was really wanting to see the update on this game??
Like ReplyCan we plz get (0.4)
Like ReplyHopefully they update soon only games being updated is if they're doing gaywad content! Not against gay people but damm really tired of chicks with dicks and everyone HAS to be gay! And Giant tits.
Like ReplyAm I at the end?
Like Replywhat do i do after that laura got big breast
Like Replyyoda, keep feeding her cum laced milk and food and visit her at late afternoon upstairs for some fun
Like ReplyViser, she won't give birth ?
Like ReplyViser, i'm talking about linda
Like Replyyoda, not yet that I could get
Like ReplyViser, do you know when we get the updates?
Like Replyyoda, I wish I knew
Like ReplyPISTOL, the bats and the blind monsters are your level up for now keep killing them
Like ReplyI got the lady pregnant, been feeding the daughters cum over 100 times, visited the mayors daughter, and cat lady at night. I can't get past the 3rd yoga session or have sex with the daughters am I too the end of this update it would be nice if it let me.know and yes I escaped the queen killed the bandit and watched lesbians have fun
Like ReplyViser, that's all for now? Keep looking for another update but i guess the Virus has them on lockdown!
Like ReplyJerkfree, thanks friend I was getting alittle crazy trying to figure out how far I could go
Like ReplyViser, i have feeding at 212 an game does not continue, it seems stuck.. or like you said got wait for a update...
Like Replyhow do you use new skills learned like fire?
Like ReplyWhat do i do after i take the mother to the cave?
Like Replywhere can i found the secret egg for the chicken?
Like Replyasd, in tree right above the fenced in horse
Like ReplyWhat is the last level of experience? I went up to 13
Like Replydarkon, wow what? I am at lvl 5 and starting fights doesn’t make sense now anyways. Need to wait for new update, female bandits and bats are all I could fight now. Funny I can’t use Cumsplash attack on female bandits...I thought that’s an attack just for female opponents!?
Like ReplyPlz continue updating this game its really fun but i the every thats played it wants to see what we can make the daughters do
Like ReplyReaper, fuck em
Like ReplyWho are all the women? i visited the the cat lady, slave girl, warrior girl, lil archer girl, and mayor's daughter, but didnt get complete for quest log
Like ReplyPinaKoala, how did you do it
Like Replyhow do you delete your files
Like ReplyFind the egg in the tree in town near the horse and give it to the chicken.
Like ReplyHow do I get out of the witch's dungeon??
Like ReplyI see the crack in the wall but I cannot interact with anything to get out of it
Like ReplyEverytime I get Linda to follow me it goes to a save screen and then game over please fix this
Like ReplyCan any one tell me how to get past Emely having stomach pains and getting her drink it from the source
Like Replywtf you cant save. LAME!
Like Replyhas anyone found the egg of all eggs yet to get rid of the chicken?
Like ReplySearch inside a hole in the tree
Like Replyeg, the egg is in the tree next to the horse.
Like ReplyWhere is the chicken egg that we need to move chicken?
Like ReplyHow do you make to where the two daughters can't live with out your cum?
Like ReplyA Goblin's Tale [v 0.3] gives me an bug every time I try to load a file. Can you fix or is this going to be one of those games where each new update is going to require you to make a new file?
Like ReplyHow do you escape the with?
Like ReplyCan't collect cum in this new update. anyone else with the same problem???
Like Replyoshagholtee_fucked, The option returned for me after unlocking my new sex cave in the basement after knocking her up and buying her clothes from the potions shop. Not sure if it is accessible before then or not.
Like Replypasserby, oshagholtee_fucked, Like passerby said, The selling of your cum is still in the game but it is now only available after you knock he up, then you get the option to buy her a dress ($100) and then you go back down stairs and...yeah. Although it's more of a grind it the beginning you can just kill all 5 bats in the woods, exit, come back in rinse and repeat until you have enough bat wings to sell. 10 bat wings = $100 .
Like ReplyOverall think the game may have potential except that it literally makes no sense and has no constancy. That the main female person gets turned into a slave in 3 days, yet no one else can be turned, even the bandit who you do anal with comes to her senses and runs off. As hell 2- 3 in game days from only getting a few drops gave her withdrawals.
Like ReplyWhen does the yoga with Laura end
Like Reply135677, it doesn't that is as far as this version goes
Like ReplyHow to I get gold to buy Linda a new outfit after I get her pregnet
Like Reply234667, sell batwings and cum in the shop and then you can buy her new clothes
Like Replywtf wtf wtf, every time I write wtf how to write voice the translator sends me to arabic
Like ReplyMarian Flood, WTF means What The Fuck! You started the shit by saying i complain to much and that i needed a dick! You are the one that Should Apologize!!
Like ReplyJerk Free, we are tired of you, you are always attacking people, it is more you attack gamcore where you play, saying that this page is shit
Like ReplyMarian Flood, never texted shit about you until you made the bullshit comment! I was complaining only about Gamcore.
Like Replyyou know where the eggs are in jerkfree's ass i know from the kicks i'm constantly giving him
Like ReplyMarian Flood, keep it up fagboy who knows WTF your problem is? You made the bullshit now deal with it dickbreath.
Like Replyhow do you get out of prison in the tower?
Like Replyfr, the golden box has a weak behind it
Like Replyjerkfree how to you move the boxe to escae the witch
Like Reply378k, click on the box it then give you the option to slide it.
Like ReplyThe egg is in the tree next to the house with the horse.
Like Replydid anyone find the egg of the egg to move the chicken away. There is very little update in this version. waste of time.
Like ReplyThe new update it dosen`t work.
Like ReplyVery good game but now on my mobile i can't play because it crashes after i tried to load the saved game.
Like ReplyRain3, as i said about another game! It don't matter how or where you save your games after a update the saves never work? Or are deleted.
Like ReplyThe egg is in the dead tree just north of horse. You have to back off from chicken after day 15 to be able to search for it.
Like Replythe chikken egg in whith holl is it
Like ReplyHow can I kill bats with 1 hp?
Like ReplyIt was finally fixed because he could not play, excellent, I do not know if the creator of this game may have problems because of the character of Laura, even if he is a 3d avatar he is a minor, he has the features of a 14 year old girl
Like ReplyMarian Flood, can't tell if you're a girl or a boy? But your grammer is that of a 12yr. Old and it makes No sense? Don't understand WTF your trying to say. Talk about me complaining again!
Like Replyi've been waiting so long for a new update. Thank you
Like ReplyNew update occurs error some bug
Like ReplyHow do you sell your cum and where is the egg?
Like ReplyNow when Linda is chasing the goblin back the game goes to a save and Don't let you save BUT when you close save Linda automatically catches him game Over. WTF!
Like ReplyWhere is the egg?
Like ReplyWere is the egg located? that the chiken need .
Like ReplyMapa, in the dead tree by the sea captain.
Like ReplyA Goblin's Tale [v 0.3], loading.... Game has encountered a bug. pleases report it. Would like to keep playing, do something.
Like Replyloading error when going to the forest at night
Like ReplyIs this version 0.2 or 0.3
Like ReplyWas hoping they'd keep updating this game wanted to see the daughters getting banged.
Like Replyhow do you get the permission for training?
Like Replygigio, after you've got control of the mother you are able to train the daughter.
Like ReplyIts Friday the 10th i hope they update this and a dozen other games today this virus shit is getting old fast.
Like ReplyThis is the worst game I have ever played.....
Like Replywhen does the kid born ?? I just have to wait ?
Like Replyjean, not this version that happens in he next update
Like ReplyHow to fuck the mother?
Like Replyis it possible to pregnant my girl?
Like Replydone, next version that will be possible
Like Replywhere can i find the witch
Like ReplyLost, to get to the witch you go to where the game started you, but its game over....
Like ReplyGame has some promise but it NEEDS lots of content with a lot more characters lets hope the Developer keeps updating unlike the rest of the games that sit two or three months?
Like ReplyWhere can I find the cat the second time?
Like ReplyShard4156, i don't think you can I believe you just visit at night?
Like ReplyShard4156, it sometimes glitches just leave the map and come back in it's usually in one of the corners or in rarer instances right next to her, found that running after it glitches it as if you walk it just moves normally and gets stuck eventually
Like ReplyHow do I fuck the daughters I'm giving them cum in their breakfast in the morning and fucked their mother over a dozen times and still not able to enpregnate her I've met the cat lady and see her at night am currently trying to get mayor's daughter but can't figure out how to get in the well behind the talking chicken I
Like Reply8tnwhln, i don't think any of it is in the game yet?? I tried everything all ends the same.
Like ReplyHow do I fuck the daughters I'm fucking the mother I've am able to cum on the chest of cat lady and have met the mayor's daughter and gotten to the elders camp in the forest
Like ReplySpoilers for those who are puzzled about the end of the scenes: - There is no way to get rid of the chicken in v0.2 - After the yoga scene you have reached the end for Laura's content in 0.2 - After the bat scene it's the end of Emilys scenes - impregnate Laura, fuck her a few days (5), .. last I have seen was the "doing the butter" scene - go to the current end (witch) (only works with Vruk having level 3) - if you need gold, sell your cum
Like ReplyShards, where is the wiich quest.
Like Replyhelp, selling come seems to have been removed as couldn't access this option, but getting the witch quest is go south from the bat area, and the minotaurs should let you pass after laura is your slave and you get it from the old goblin chief.
Like ReplyJiven, you have to kill bats until you are level 3 to get past goblin guards
Like ReplyShards, the selling of your cum is still in the game but it is now only available after you knock he up, then you get the option to buy her a dress ($100) and then you go back down stairs and...yeah. Although it's more of a grind it the beginning you can just kill all 5 bats in the woods, exit, come back in rinse and repeat until you have enough bat wings to sell. 10 bat wings = $100 .
Like ReplyShards, how to escape castle
Like ReplyI have a lvl of 79 and have fucked Laura for 15 time and still have not got her pregnant. how did you get her pregnant? Have older sister preg.
Like ReplyWhere is the dog the second time you have to find it?
Like Replypoopoo, just a bug that needs to be fixed
Like Replypoopoo, how do I escape the witch I know there’s a weak spot in the wall behind the golden box but don’t know how to get to it will you help me
Like Reply9349, déplace la caisse en bois et tu pourras sortir
Like Reply9349, é só arrastar a caixa que tem na sala que se pode escapar do esconderijo da bruxa.
Like Reply9349, you can pull the crate
Like Replyis all the coins you can collect from the sailor at only 10 gp pieces each? at that rate it going take years to buy stuff..at 300gp or 500gp
Like ReplyBozo, go too the bassement and jerk to the glass , and you'll have som cum of goblins , sell it and you have 150 gold
Like ReplyHow do yo fuck the mother
Like ReplyWho's the Creator?? Two thumbs up just needs lots more content.
Like ReplyCant enter House after beating Bats. Game duration 5 minutes.
Like ReplyCouldn't save, and when found Ciri and the bitch, died and Game Over :(
Like ReplyIs there any way to fuck one of the daughters?
Like Replypoopoo, don't think so as of now?. Seems its only the mother for now and that's all
Like ReplyIs there anything after mom gets pregnant
Like ReplyHow to fuck other girls becouse i keep giving them cum but i can not do anything else with them and i can not to upstairs. Please ale i tell me how to move chicken
Like ReplyPlease tell me, its that they only have the mother sex now? Well except jerking off on the cat lady at night, the Chicken???.
Like Replyhow to get the other girls? and why make a game that you cant complete?
Like Replydoom,theres updates
Like ReplyI just wish they would stop messing around and complete one game to the fullest without any glitches
Like ReplyFirst Grodlokk and now this..if it is the Dev(s) ways of slowly try to integrate bestiality into our daily lives,I'm not taking this bait..Lol
Like ReplyGG. where the fuk is the girl in the forest its noon and i only see bats
Like ReplySam, noon? or afternoon? if you skip breakfast and wait until noon you will find her, if you have breakfast and wait until afternoon, she won't be there
Like ReplyEmely in noon where is it ???
Like Replyhow to get rid of that chicken by the well
Like ReplyHow to get rid of chicken
Like ReplyNick, you answer his question by what repeating the question back at him...get a life if you dont know the answer then say so
Like ReplyNick, step back from the chicken when he tells..says hes looking for an egg..go to tree by the horse and look in the hole in tree..take it to chicken and poof hes gone.
Like Replyhow do i impregnate the mother
Like Replyhugo33, keep fucking her
Like Replyhas78, Is there a real chance to impragnat her and what does happen then?
Like ReplyFun game, kinda short, kidna werid at times, but I'd definitely like to see more.
Like ReplyNoobLegend67, i feel yahh buh
Like Replyneed more update !!
Like ReplyAre you supposed to be able to do anything with the cat lady in this one, all she says now is return (cat's name)?
Like ReplySomeGuy, after you return the cat you visit at night try to open the door, then you go in the left window there's always a lady standing outside.
Like ReplySomeGuy, what Cat Lady? I did not find one so far.
Like ReplyI can’t leave the west forest to spy on the mother
Like ReplyGordon Ramsey, there is a cave in the west side
Like ReplyGordon Ramsey, there is a hidden cave in the camp..you have to find the small hole knock it out then repair stuff in the cave then sleep and then go back into town
Like ReplyThere's a little more to the game than i had believed but still outside getting the mother pragnent ??
Like ReplyWhat do I have to do to get the chicken to move ?
Like Replygonico18, don't know but if you kick it, your left with only 1 health??
Like ReplyJerkfree, there's a broken tree in town just above the horse stable the egg is inside. Or rather it was for me.
Like ReplyJarjar, I've circled that tree so many damn times. Even bought an axe. Tried during the day. Tried at night. Nothing happens.
Like ReplyThere's no progression just kill 5 bats then nothing?
Like ReplyJerkFree,There is progression.After you kill the bats and run out of the house to the campsite and whatnot.You look and explore the hole beside the camp.This will lead to a goblin cave thing.Then after a few days you need to check on the mother she is close to the castle on the walls and you check up on her every few days.It should be easier from there.
Like Replyexcellent, I hope to see more updates
Like ReplyMarian Flood, I wished my saved data wouldn't get deleted all the time i log off.
Like ReplyMr.Bubbles, you sure you're not playing in incognito or something?
Like ReplyMr.Bubbles, yes that's how I feel I had around 12-14 hours of play and today I logged in again for the first time in a few months and my memory was deleted and I have to start all over again even if I don't mind because it really is it is a good game and i would like to play it i wanted to play it again anyway i would have liked to keep my old memory
Like ReplyWon’t let me enter house on mobile :(
Like ReplyDollars, if you "game over" it won't let you in the house.
Like ReplyXXeel, I started fresh and was unable to enter the house. Do I need to wait for a period of time?
Like ReplyDólar, no dirijete al castillo por la mañana donde tendrás q ir varias veses y la secuestras
Like ReplyWhat are you supposed to do?
Like ReplyWhat A Damned Creature In This Unholy Mistake.
Like ReplyThe muslim power is strong with this one, I am too strong with Allah to know what the fuck am I supposed to do. Masturbate a lot so you get money lads, Allah commends it
Like ReplyBigFu, stupid Pearce of shit.
Like ReplyI didn’t commit suicide
Like ReplyJeffrey Epstein is right. He did not kill himself. He was kidnapped by Mossad.
Like ReplyJeffrey Epstein, Well this is a no win no progress game. done moved into girls house and gave cum to daughters and now am stuck doing nothing.except fucking mom. what a waste of time.
Like ReplyBill Clinton, Hi Honey!!!
Like Replyit's kinda funny that none of the girls have nipples, real good graphics but no nipples on any of the tits. lol guess they couldn't draw them.
Like ReplyMother gave birth in 5 days yet oldest daughter has been pregnant for 2 weeks now, WTH!!!
Like Reply