Monster Girl 1000 [v 19.3.1] [Restart]
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Description: Embark on a visually immersive journey with CTRL - zooming out to unveil a vast Hentai-themed game, where players like you, in the protagonist's shoes, engage in multiple battles against diverse adversaries. Each encounter promises unique challenges, ensuring a dynamic and enthralling gaming experience. As you navigate this expansive virtual reality prepare for intense encounters and employ strategic gameplay. Your task is to get laid and knock about 1000 monster girls who live in your village. Together with your companions you'll try to satisfy demands of your goddess. Ensure you cum inside and breed these monster girls. Your goal will be to create new species. Enjoy some monster pussies in the process. |
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Why my files dissapeared for a while, and after the last update just appear out of the blue (I got them yesterday) and I opened the game once more and again dissapear? (I'm on mobile browser, which is not incognito) I want to know how to get my savings back, because it couldn't dissapear just from one day to another without even updated againg
Like Replyshame this is an rpg maker game i wanna transfer saves
Like Replynevermind i found out how to get save data find a way into the serverable website the game is being hosted on (mobile emulation -> fullscreen button usually works) inspect element, go to application (it should be with elements, console, sources, etc; find expanded options if not) find local storage click the fgn cdn serverable blah blah you should see all of your save files and now can save them as txt
Like Replythe screen resolution is fucked man
Like ReplyThis is a scam, there are not 1000 monster girls as advertised in the name
Like Replyyou can't be serious
Like Replyhow do I fix the screen proportions becanuse I cant read most of the text
Like ReplyAny advice how to achieve the cat girl twins?
Like ReplySavageMoon, Play the game.
Like ReplyHave completed mother knows breast and wanted to know, how do I leave to speak to Gabby? TY.
Like ReplyI'm in a pickle, am missing Breeki & Cheeki, is there a way to get to them? Have done as many missions as possible, and am stuck too, ty.
Like ReplyI played yesterday & now all my save files are gone, wtf? if I can't save what is the point?
Like ReplyI can't see the full screen, half of the text isn't readable, the entire right side is off-screen
Like Replygamer, ok if I minimize the screen enough it's readable, I can't read what I'm typing however
Like Replygamer, im haveing the same issue when i try to put the screen in fullscreen
Like Replythere's native zoom size built into most if not all modern browsers
Like ReplyI love porn games but I hate when they ask for credit
Like ReplyI wish i'd born in such a world...
Like ReplyI am stuck on a screen at the coliseium with francesa, a girl with purple hair, and the blonde fox girl with multiple tails plz help
Like Replyplayer2943, yeah... it's doing the same to me...i tried everything to fix it and even looked to see if there was a teleport option
Like ReplyZero, do you think they will change in next update
Like Replyplayer2943, I figured out how to get past it, once you enter the colesium go to the reception desk and go back and forth until it loads the girls, it should fix that problem
Like Replyalexisthebest3420, how do you leave the coliseium when I am stuck on the screen with the 3 girls
Like Replyplayer2943, how do i get the girls pregnant
Like Replyhow do i beat the tempest donami
Like ReplyPlayed the game on my laptop before making an account and im pretty far in. Logged in and tried playing on my phone. Is there a way to transfer the data? Or do I have to start again?
Like ReplyHow to keep your save from disappearing even after clearing history of browser? Please someone tell me
Like ReplyUdolf007, haha very funny, you should be a joker
Like Replysamkelyy, Please I am not joking I really don't know. Can you tell me pls
Like ReplyUdolf007, if you're on a pc try to find a way onto the site this game is being hosted on ( then inspect element, application, look for your save data within the storage, then when you want to play again save your game once then paste that text into the data that gets created in the same spot, hope you understand (there is a very small max letter cap on gamcore sorry)
Like Replyalso i realize this comment is a year old and op probably isnt monitoring the comment lol
Like ReplyWhen you unlock the Arena in Misty Woods there is a spot near the training dummy where you can access the debug menu and give yourself gold and exp
Like Replysuch a great game, didn't expect an h-game to have amazing plot and characters but it was a pleasant surprise
Like ReplyFor anyone having trouble adjusting the screen, I find that hitting ctrl - to 75% and then pressing reload page usually worked.
Like Replyall I get is flashing screen and sound then says retry sucks!✌️
Like Replywhen will this be put on fap nation?
Like Replybear, when will the girls give birth
Like Replylove the sewerslvt music
Like ReplySlay slay slay
Like ReplyWait, this is done by twistedscarlett? Bloody hell I didn't know she was doing a game.
Like Replylost progress
Like ReplyJust lost all my progress... I finished the story everything...
Like ReplySame a Wanna Bang Tamano Already And Use Frans Blessing To
Like ReplyCant wait till this game is 100% done
Like Replygame window is supersized using the GamCore browser
Like ReplyWheres The Latest Update?
Like ReplyMy Save Data Got Erased WTF
Like ReplyDaki, try reload/refresh a few times
Like ReplyWhen is the Update For the Post game Gonna come Out
Like Replyyou know if he recreated the world exactly as he left it that means the problems in lionshead and the underdark are still around could that be added to the post game content
Like ReplyI've been playing this game since its near release date and have been following it since the near beginning. I love what you have done with this story and think its a great game. Keep on doing your best and I can't wait for the post-game scenes.
Like Replythe screen is too big how do i make it smaller
Like ReplyI know the game says that Davy can't get pregnant but is here a way to change that since Alice is the Goddess of Fertility, she might be able to change it, or am I just going a bit crazy because I got sad after reading that she couldn't get pregnant due to injuries?
Like ReplyAnyway to change the outcome of the Pumpkin Queen fight so she joins the "1000" or no?
Like ReplyBernie Sanders, unfortunatly no but there is another 1 later
Like Replylex, thank you for giving me your financial support
Like ReplyBy some small miracle i got a softlock. So, poison does percentage damage, and doesnt fade away. Passives still apply when permanently stunned. I get 50% HP in shielding every turn, even though the turn is disabled permanently by the Abyss Worm EX. The boss can't deal enough damage to get over the shield gain, cause i didnt get hit constantly intitially. Poison can't deal enough damage to kill the worm. I am in an infinite, inescapable battle now.
Like Replyplease add more sex scenes for keke!!!
Like Replyhow do I access calamity overlook with the old saves? it still says its in development after the update.
Like ReplyThis shit doesn't make sense how can I go from winning the battle to all three dies with in seconds I go from being able to attack to not even getting a chance to attack again all the sudden there speed is out the roof stupid especially when Bessie gets two attacks before anyone because haste is great
Like ReplyWow, how do I access calamity overlook with the old saves? it still says its in development after the update, can anybody help me if wow doesnt have an answer?
Like ReplyWhat the hell am I playing xcom actually I think I have a better chance at hitting the enemy on xcom four misses in a row with a sword and against a none flying enemy change the level 28 to level fourth for gold level 28 taking on a level 38 and I still die in first hit stupid tier 5 armor and I still die in first hit
Like ReplyThis game was fun I liked the battles until I got to the capital then the choices stopped I don't like trying to be a hero when you take the girls last ten gold coins and the part that bothers me most is I'm level 29 and the next contract is level 38 one before level 35 why such a big jump there's no repeatable quest to help me
Like ReplyBoring plain person, repeat boss fights and gain exp faster, yo u can also equip accessories to increase your exp and gold gain.
Like Replyi like this game. but everytime i try to save it , it errors out and i have to restart the whole game. it's annoying when i've played for awhile and have to replay everything again. why does this happen.
Like ReplyThe art isn't sexy.
Like Replyrandom dude, minimize the screen a few times if possible
Like ReplyHow to get Ogre Bangle? Want to make Angel Wings, looked everywhere, got everything else.
Like Replyam i the only one who can't reduce the size of the screen even with ctrl - on the gamcore downloaded app?
Like Replypotayto potato, hit f3 to fit the screen and f4 for fullscreen
Like Replywhen will the characters stop being pregnant and give birth?
Like Replythat's a mistake
Like ReplyUpdate Update Update
Like ReplyIt takes a while to load
Like ReplyWould be really nice if the first five minutes of the game wasn't treated to a multi choice quiz I'm pretty sure you're designed to fail. Or any multi choice quiz crap. If I wanted to go back to school, I would. If I wanted to take an exam to play a game like this... I'd re-exam(ine) my life choices. Seriously; why do Devs do this? Is it just to be a dick when you get tired of drawing them?
Like ReplyNo, it's very much intentional and related to the plot. The MC starts by having no idea what he's doing, the quiz is designed to show that, and the reason he's pushed through so quickly is a central plot point that gets revealed later.
Like ReplyGolden Finals tournament seems bugged, wont start, click accept and the loot info page just stays on screen and the tournament doesnt start
Like ReplyI'm locked in the same battle because the enemy just keeps healing to full health and doesn't attack how do I escape . . . . .
Like ReplyAny advice to make this fit my pc screen? Been a while & now forgotten, ty.
Like ReplySavageMoon, hold crtl and roll the middle part of your mouse
Like ReplySavageMoon, call me Julie
Like ReplyIve been playing this game for a few days and then i was at the part where the meteor hit the floating island and i had cheated so when i fought the demon girl and she flew away and became nothing i couldnt do anything bc my guys were such a high level she couldnt attack so i was stuck and hit the reset button and was just going to load my most recent save... that save was in the pumpkin queen fight before i even unlocked going back to the village i had impregenated 8 girls and slept with 25...
Like ReplyBut in my old save i had impregenated 0 and slept with 16 lost everything. I was at level 48 before loading and lvl 15 after loading and now im as mad as ive ever been on here.
Like ReplyFUCK WHY IS THERE NO AUTO SAVE, how do you save at all? Every time I try to save, an error screen pops up where I am forced to restart the game because I cannot do anything once the error screen pops up.
Like Replyif someone reads this, i want a list of all the music in here, its amazing
Like ReplyVer. 9.6.1 is out, when shall this be updated?
Like ReplyJust a note on the new update: benevolent is good; malevolent is bad. When talking about the Pumpkin Queen, you meant the latter. Thank you for keep this game up to date!
Like ReplyGot an error saying cant read properties of null. anyone know how to fix
Like ReplyI truly love this game and love how far they've progressed with it. Honestly i hope they can continue this game and finish it then before releasing the full game take the time to relax and go back and animate the sex scenes and models. Simply because it can make there game even more awesome but i believe that adding the animations now would kill off progress there making with the story and hinder the updates for now.
Like ReplyI really need the update now, love this game, got to capital city and it's in development, want more lol
Like ReplyI have a question I would like answered. Every time I try to save my game, either on any of the save files, it doesn't save. I am on a Chromebook and I am using chrome as my browser. I am not using incognito, so does anyone have any advice? I have checked through the comments already but I have not found the answer.
Like ReplyBessie killed a snake and said "Woah, it didn't even flinch!" 10/10
Like Replyidk what happened but now i cant win the trivia contest against the demon anymore it asks how many times u see ray naked and every answer is wrong
Like ReplyWhen I First clicked on this game I did not expect to talk to a half naked girl about the mortality and fate of man kind. the Writing and storytelling are some of the most captivating stuff that I have seen, that says a lot about it since it is a H game. I do not want to spoil the game for I think it is better to go in blind but when I went to the capital city I could not look away from my screen. 9/10 I would recommend anybody to play this game just for the story.
Like ReplySerious error here, every time I go to battle Ray in the Training Area, and image error keeps coming up saying to retry, but no matter how many times I click retry it just comes back in a endless loop
Like ReplyIrishlad, possibly just not fully implemented/bug fixed yet because regular story doesn't get levels
Like ReplyI think the ray training Battle bugged, it's not loading
Like ReplyHey dev! I love this game!! It is currently the only game that has me checking daily for new content and I am so excited for whatever comes next, Love you!! <3
Like ReplyHow long do they stay pregnant?
Like ReplyIs it just me or is Fiona's/Bessie's house nowhere to be found in the mistral village?
Like ReplyGale, its by the barn. lower right hand side
Like Replywhere do i find the training arena?
Like ReplyGetting an error while trying to load rays fight in the arena and saves don't work as I've try to save the game multiply times at different points.
Like Replyreally have to say after pumping hours into this game it is truly beautiful, even without the porn aspect this game is incredible with all it's characters and the way it conveys them as well as it being wholesome 9/10
Like Replyayo you cant save? or am i just stupid and havent figured out how yet, if so can someone tell me how to save my game
Like Replygreat work so far! finding that it wont load anything in at the misty village though...
Like ReplyReally a great game and i enjoy it alot. Even thou it is just pictures and text but the game in itself is good so i dont mind that at all. Besides that most of the scenes are really good writen so you can follow what is happening. Would recommend the game and Ray is best Waifu i cant get enough of her such s sweethearth <3. Cant wait to play more and see fututre update.
Like ReplySomeone has been playing final fantasies.. Especially 7. :p
Like Replyis there anything to do after doing the quest for the twin cats at the magic weavers? I have already been to the elf village and done the tournament
Like ReplyIs the game incomplete?
Like Replymidnight, yes, it looks like it is still being worked on though.
Like Replyfun fact if you use the page up debug cheats to lvl up and beat the first pumpkin queen battle you get a time paradox and be given a very OP sword called pumpkin slayer and its mythic rarity exclusive to the player, ps if you beat the quiz game with no mistakes you are given a OP bow for bessie called cupids crossbow btw you can save during the quiz to make it easier
Like Replyis that sewerslvt music ??
Like ReplyHow do i fit this on my screen, it says to press ctrl on the description but i dont know how that works.
Like ReplyIt's funny how Wood Elf Kingdom Been green same with Magic Weaver but Elf kingdom was the big update would've think Magic Weaver should've open up as well since its still green
Like Replyit's because in the story they will be unlock at the same time so they become green at the same time .
Like ReplyNote to the creator: first, Ray's "Pray" ability doesn't have any mana cost. Second, during the battle against the Pumpkin Queen in Mistral Woods, when the player is battling using Historia, it's possible to steal her equipment. It's good equipment. Also, some personal suggestions. Could you make it so the player can battle outside of contracts, for G, EXP, items, equipment, or just fun? P.S. If someone can contact the creator, please do.
Like ReplyCongratulations, most of that exists now three months later! There's a repeating contract at the colosseum, and just the entire colosseum in general.
Like ReplyVampiric, I wasn't supposed to steal everyone's gear during the fight with Pumq? I thought that was how I was supposed to get the poison dagger etc.
Like ReplyNeeds a update
Like ReplyWhere are the cheats at?!
Like ReplyHow can I access the cheats menu? I'm on my phone and I don't know how..
Like Replywhen is the next update comming out,,, im stuck aafter the arena
Like Replybest game played ever in my life jesus
Like ReplyWhen's the new update???
Like ReplyVery simple game. There are just pictures. No motion, no flow. Didnt like it
Like ReplyI've done some of the coliseum stuff but there are no new contracts and seemingly no way to get more production out of mines, farm, etc. am i screwed on building things?
Like Replythe game keeps freezing in dialogue and i keep having to reload the game
Like Replysienttowers147, hasnt happened since the first couple times, weird
Like ReplyIs the Colloseum the final map for now cuz i cant advance any further or didn i Miss an important quest, help would be appreciated thanks
Like ReplyGuys I've found out how to cheat, once you in go to the world map and press PgUp and there you go money and level cheats hope you enjoy :)
Like ReplyDemonSlayer and if I'm on my phone?
Like ReplyDemonSlayer, thx slatt
Like ReplyRick77, i dont know i haven't figured it out yet i will let you lnow when i have :)
Like ReplyDemonSlayer, i don't see it can u tell it more specifically
Like ReplyDemonSlayer, I mean why would you cheat thats lame tbh
Like ReplyKlev, when i found i could use cheats i decided to make a new save and use them on that on
Like ReplyDemonSlayer, how do you actually save the game? ive tried every method i know including logging in and opening the game with the saves still in to see if the saves would save in my account but nothing worked, and I don't see any save to disk function
Like Replyohyeahbaby6969, Idk what version yourr on but i can just right click and save
Like ReplyDemonSlayer, so have you found a way to have cheats on phone?
Like ReplyRick77, who plays porn games on their phones get a laptop, but never phone
Like ReplyThe game won't fit the screen because of the stupid interface of the website. CTRL won't work either
Like ReplyNik, I'm glad I'm not the only bringing it up seriously i hate it.
Like Replydecrease the zoom to 80% and refresh the page
Like ReplyNik, If you're on your computer, press f3. The screen will automatically adjust
Like ReplyNik, press F3 fixes the screen
Like ReplyKK V500, Appreciate the tip. Shame devs keep making their games this large, but don't have sufficient settings to deal with it.
Like ReplyKK V500, i tried that and it failed i still can't see it all at all bc of how the website is
Like ReplyMONSTER GIRL 1000 [V 5.0.3] Been OUT on GameCore but you think since Elf Kingdom and Magic WaverS green you can go there but nope SMH
Like ReplyFun, but no way really grind for lvls and money (ghost contract really messing with me ant i'm a level higher than recommended), plus for some reason I loaded in and some of my skills seem to be missing. Lost my Limit breaks and Ray's heal. Anyone else have this problem?
Like ReplyHunter9905, if you can tell me how are you savin it would be great :)))) I tried normally by going to save game, taking slot number one and saving but it doesn't save :(
Like ReplyNIKNIK, Well I managed to beat the ghost after some retries and a little afterward, all my skills came back. As to the save slots, I've been using slot one and havent had a problem since then.
Like ReplyWould be great if the save game had worked.....
Like ReplySo anybody know where I can download the apk?
Like ReplyWould be great having mini battles to level up, save money.
Like ReplySo question, is anyone else experiencing early game errors to the point of having to restart the game Ive tried saving and it works but the errors keep popping up. Help would be greatly appreciated.
Like ReplyHey it’s Anonymoose here, I would like to add to my previous comment that the errors that are appearing seem to be random but most frequent in the beginning of the game during the monologue. Any tips and help would be greatly appreciated. -Anonymoose
Like ReplyHoping Bessie will finally give in.
Like ReplySavageMoon, Bessie does forsure with Keke
Like ReplyI think the problem lies on how big the game's resolution is; It's so big,, it cannot fit into the website's projection limit. I think this game's supposed to be downloaded and played straight from the application, but I don't know if lower resolution devices can also handle it. I mean, seriously, the lowest resolution picture I found is at least 1904x1032, which is pretty big.
Like ReplyHowever, if you have already tried zooming out yet the game still does not fit, try repeatedly pressing F3. Normally, that should make the program rescale and reposition itself to fully fit the window. If it doesn't then your device might be binding that function to another key, like maybe F4 or something else. If nothing works, well, you can always just download it straight from the developer's site. Have fun folks.
Like ReplyPlayed it for a few hours. Game is great. Unfortunately, I went to save and it crashed. Not sure if I want to invest that time again.
Like Replyis there any way to save when its not doing it?
Like ReplyMiniholdem, you can only have 6 save slots, try removing old saves.
Like Replyit's not even centered properly, i can't see how much money i have or the bottom line of script.
Like Replydude, decrease the web page zoom it should adjust
Like ReplyKK V500, I have the same issue, i can zoom out but at a certain point the box the game is in shrinks with everything else
Like Replysomething, after you zoom out refresh the screen itll reload it in the correct proportions
Like ReplyCrashes constantly and too zoomed in, I’m on iPad
Like Replywho is the creator of this game?
Like Replythere seems to be an issue with saves, every time i try the save disapears and now that it crashed and restarted the save is gone. please note that im not playing incognito. i hope that gets fixed
Like ReplyWould love to see Bessie "open up" and become pregnant.
Like ReplySavageMoon, I do to
Like ReplyStuck at colloseium, is that where the game ends or am I able to keep going? Also very funny game But not a quick fap, artwork is hella good too
Like Replycoomer 1.0, im stuck there too
Like ReplyDry, Same here
Like Replycoomer 1.0, It's March 1st 2022 and people are still getting stuck there I thought it would let me continue but I guess it's still going on , great game just ready for the complete game. Good job scarlet
Like Replycan someone adjust the screen where the whole thing fits and has a full screen option.
Like Reply10/10 would cum again
Like ReplyThis game is a game I actually could play for fun. And sexy stuff as a bonus.
Like Replythe video settings are too zoomed in for me and i cant see any text. Anyone else dealing with this and hopefully know a solution?
Like Replygui, zoom out in your browser. You may need to load the page again after that.
Like Replygui, just press f3
Like ReplyHey, I was wondering in everyone's honest opinion which sheild is better to start off with? The Shiny Sheild or the Tough Sheild
Like ReplyReddragon, doesn't matter
Like ReplyThis is one of the best sex games I have ever played. Really great story, good pictures and mostly fair combat (even though it could be a little easier). Looking forward to the next update.
Like ReplyCant click the contract on mobile
Like ReplyOkay, if you're coming here for the first time to this site. Be warned, comment sections are usually just a bunch of very VERY impatient people who couldn't take five seconds longer trying to work something out before complaining about it in the comments.
Like ReplySame person here, just using replies so you can see my messages threaded together. So, yes. The game is a bit too large. Click the dots in top right, click zoom, click minus like twice so it says 80%. There. And yes, the game starts off with a black screen. You must click in the game window to get to progress to title screen.
Like ReplyAnd finally, if you're ever stuck with a game. Try the following: 1. Read the description. 2. If it crashes a lot. That's because this site can't handle the large content data. Look for a downloadable version with a quick google search and play it from that. Be wary of sketchy sites though.
Like ReplyYou really need to fix the super zoomed-in screen on this game. You can't see what most characters are saying. This is coming from one who is using a laptop, Chrome and on a Mac. Game designer needs to fix this annoying issue.
Like ReplyGreg1, use ctrl- and f3 on the game
Like ReplyPretty much Final Fantasy 10 combat with hentai
Like Replyi can't see half of the screen ,how to fix?
Like Replynick, press f3
Like ReplyRodrigoR, i press and it keep apear a white bar on web
Like ReplyIm using microsoft edge and works perfectly fine, i had to click on the screen a few times before it started
Like ReplyGame keeps freezing every time during the first battle sequence, restarted the game 3 times and it keeps freezing.
Like ReplyUnless the game IS about a black screen, I cannot seem to load it.
Like Replyto hard for what the game is wroth
Like ReplyAny reason the girls don't speak, and unable to save?
Like ReplyCan't read any text zoom too close
Like Replyit dont even load
Like Replyit do load, try reloading page
Like ReplyAguy, or u know shut it liar
Like Replyalso try clicking on the game window if it is just a black screen
Like Reply