Zum Damenhaus [v 4.1]
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Played: 2547231
Anal Sex
Big Dicks
Blow Job
Business Management
Furry Sex Games
Group Sex
High Resolution
Interracial Sex
Oral Sex
Over 18
Public Sex
Skill Based
Description: This exciting adult porn game is a deeply satisfying brothel manager that puts you in the middle of the action. Most of your clients have simple demands, but some have very specific instructions for you to fulfill. Customize your whores for all their physical characteristics, clothing, toys, and more. Want monster girls and a long list of fetishes? This game has them. As girls gain experience points from fucking, they unlock new positions and scenes. There's lots of replay value here, with 148 unique Hentai animations, 5 species of girls (human, plant girl, bunny girl, lioness, kobold), different room types, a tech tree for upgrades, unique soundtrack, gallery mode, and more. The tutorial provides a great learning experience and is recommended for new players. Can you build your reputation and make your brothel world famous? |
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Is the cheat option missing or is it hidden? I don't see it in the options
Like Replythe game cant be played anymore because flash player was killed off 2 days ago. you can remove all flash games from the site or try to find remaked versions because the browsers dont support flash anymore
Like Replyit is playable,try y8 browser
Like Replycoinrain does not work
Like Replyif you want the beds to be cleaned just close the game and open it up again
Like Replyhow do you save the game
Like Replywhat do you do when the bar doesnt have anymore chairs? cuz sometimes clients come to the bar and they dont find chairs so they leave and i lose reputation... help
Like ReplyHello I am back, you may remember me from my review back in April. So the game has been updated and I expected there to be a nerf of dirt but NOOO, I start a brand spanking new save and RIGHT OUT THE GATE after just 3 clients, I am already losing customers because of dirt levels, which is complete horseshit because not only am I unable to control that at this point in the game because I don't have any slaves to be maids yet, but also it is the beginning of the freaking game!
Like Reply(continued) You have to assume that this is because some absolute sociopath on patreon or their blog must've been nagging about "oh it's too easy make it harder!" and the developers must've been like "aight bet, hold my beer as I make the game MERCILESS for beginners right out the gates." I've been a fan of this game for years but I'm sorry, I'm declaring this game dead to me!
Like Reply(continued squared) I can appreciate the effort of making this game a little bit more challenging, but I feel like dirt and maids is not the way to do it, especially if you're going to have it be a mechanic that hinders the player from the start! Good job you've made it challenging yes, BUT AT THE COST OF THE FUN THIS GAME BROUGHT TO THE PLAYER!
Like Reply(continued cubed) Do you have any idea how much this pisses me off as a long time fan of this project/game to see this shit happen? I was loving the direction it was going with new locations to explore, the added bar stuff, more slaves and creature types to use, SO MUCH WAS GOING FOR THIS GAME...and now I'm leaving. Devs, please nerf dirt or better yet, REMOVE IT ENTIRELY! it is so infuriating to be losing money for reasons you really can't control
Like ReplyMr. Game, dirt is not that big of a problem my man
Like ReplyA lot of bugs this version. When you assign someone while a day is on going, it gives the prompt to start another day, which breaks the game entirely and leads to people not going down the elevator. Even using the debug didn't fix it, it just went to a new day without clearing the other people out.
Like ReplyMoney cheat £££ = coinrain
Like ReplyPorn king, how do you enter the cheat?
Like ReplyCheats, Top right corner is the options button is like a clipbored and where is says options it says enter cheat here. Hope that helps
Like ReplyRoi du porno, sa marche pas
Like ReplyHow the fuck do you clean rooms
Like Replyput a girl in the closet she will clean the rooms
Like Replybug: 2 clean sercvices in thes same room
Like ReplyBUG WIT casandra, if put in de boordel the clients stucs in the elevators
Like Replybug: provide control pill tag is frozen, i don't konw wath was the cause ...
Like Replyso many bugs... refreshing the game works for most of the common ones but there's others that will make it unplayable aswel... This game is bearly functional at the best of times otherwise not bad for a time killer
Like Reply"dirt" was such a terrible implementation idea! once you get to level 8 fame it is virtually impossible to make money from actual lays. They also tax the shit out of you even with 5% tax rates. Your income screeches to a halt as you progress because your maids do jack shit and you'll be making net 1400+ but lose 1000 because of taxes and cost of living. I went from making thousands a day on fame level 7 to not even 500 at fame level 8! that is absolute DOGSHIT!
Like Replypeople get stuck in elevator how to fix
Like ReplyHow do you clean the rooms I can't advance because my rooms get dirty and then when I distroy that room and place a knew one it's still dirty.
Like ReplyThere's a major bug with the room cleaning. After only two clients serviced in each room it starts claiming the room is extremely messy and the clients leave.
Like Replyroman, same here, maid is set to "clean rooms" but clients run away in masses because of dirty rooms ;(
Like Replyincome bar : 715 income prostitution : 113 i guess i close the brotel and make a living of the bar.
Like ReplyIts very buggy, it even has an option to remove bugged clients. And its says 'removed bugged client, sorry for that'. How hard can it be to just remove the bug. Also if you try to place a girl to occupied room, and later remove the girl that was occupying that room, than the game still thinks the room is occupied. So than you cant use or remove that room.
Like ReplyWhy are people stealing chair and other stuff and how do you prevent it?
Like Replysometimes u cant klick on one of the slaves help!
Like ReplyIt started to slow down my mouse movement after I reached rank 7.ALso, the "Must supply every demand or tolerance level kicks in" is bull; I have lost several gold clients because of this function.
Like Replykobaloed is added in this version moutians
Like Replyedeo, ahh but mountain locked?
Like Replyhow get kobold? or they not add yet?
Like ReplyThis art hurts my soul.
Like Replyall things in bothel rep and coins same for home exept av room and slave chambers all others upgrade l sex vip oly
Like Replyand for those that want to know glory hole is on top floor with animal show door back of bar
Like Replyall girls animalsmisc all corners bothel amandas travel most cost reputation others cost coins and some cost both repand coins
Like ReplyHow do i get Gloryhole??? And how do i get Lesbian sex
Like Replyneeds more locations to get new exotic girls and more animals
Like ReplyProblems 1. Game breaks easily 2. Unfixable bugs happen without warning, often not even caused by the player 3. Needs to be a faster speed past 2x 4. Game moves too slowly 5. Sex scenes dont last very long
Like Replyanyone have problem where a client will just freeze in spot ? I have had 3 silver and bronze clients freeze and I lose the money and reputation if I refresh
Like ReplyWhy are people steeling chairs and is there a way to replace them ?
Like Replyhow get kobold?
Like ReplyNéha beakadnak az emberek a bejáratnál....
Like Replyyes it's slow but it is better than another version
Like Replywtf, they removed the edge scrolling. I mean I know that it was annoying to get it in the right place, but the dragging system is worse. it takes took long to get from one side to the other, especially if you're zoomed in. Developers, you messed up. BIG TIME
Like ReplyBob, use wasd or the arrow keys
Like Replyyes every time its so slow
Like ReplyHow do you assign client to room? Click client and click on the room but the client went to another room
Like ReplyHey, why after two days of working game greatly slowed? After restart is speed ok for a moment, but after ending day again slowed.... Look at this, boys.
Like Replycan't catch bunnygirls
Like Replywhat do you do when the bar doesnt have anymore chairs? cuz sometimes clients come to the bar and they dont find chairs so they leave and i lose reputation... help plz
Like ReplyI grew abeard waiting for this
Like Replywhere amanda disappeared?
Like Replytalk about watching paint dry, brothel empire is so much better
Like ReplyThey know how the glory hole is unlocked ?
Like ReplyI wish we didn't have to start from the beginning again!
Like ReplyI like to fuck pussy
Like Replyadd lesbian clients
Like ReplyLesbians are degenerate and should not be added
Like Reply13 girls lost
Like Replyblognorf, you need to put your girls in rooms they like. i havent lost any and im on floor 3
Like Reply11 girls lost now
Like Replythis game should be re-thought out, ive lost 8 girls already, im only on the secong floor
Like Replyadd lesbians
Like ReplyAssignment is creepy. Lost a girl while assigning her....
Like Replyprivate rooms now canbe two people of the crew or wolfs with girls
Like ReplyIm running into an issue with Madeline. She frequently will glitch and not be able to be moved. Possible issue with stats hitting 4?
Like ReplyI just don't see the point of this game other than to waste time. Graphics suck, there's no goal other than to make money. If you zoom all the way in to see the action, the sex scenes are pathetically bad. However, if you're bored out of your mind, it's at least a decent distraction!
Like Reply10 steps backwards, 1.7 is far superior to this game. the speedup wont work, once you put them in a room they have to stay in that room, why does it say, assign to mansion but you cant go there, please wake up
Like Replyhow to get girls service up when they on 0? on 0 skills can't be assigned to bar....
Like ReplyAqui hay un error, si activas la velocidad y luego la desactivas, dejan de venir los clientes :C
Like ReplyI get that its in progress but you have to give us promise of a product and this gives me no promise at all. This is boring, slow, not sexy in the slightest, ugly, and the UI is something found in strategy game on the commodore 64
Like ReplyAccording to developers blog, the game is still in progress. V1.7 has already been released to patrons.
Like ReplyIt would be nice if they included a BDSM room.
Like Replyis it possible to finish this game or does it go on for ever
Like ReplyGood brothel sim. Can't wait till they upgrade it. Graphics leave a little to be desired, hope they improve that..).
Like Replyprivate room is 1,000 and 1500 for animal show kennel 1,000 for private room show have wolves enough for show then click girl then click assign then animal show platform or private room
Like ReplyThis game gives an unique opportunity to create anal (only) brothel - just dismiss every client who doesn't want butthole sex with you anal slaves! Great!
Like Replybra off to this game, unlike most brothel sims, this one was fully animated sure its graphic was lacking, but i think that beats random picks you flip threw, would love a better girl "status" screen though
Like ReplyMy game is broken i guess. Having Kennel Show, private room, 9/12 slaves, humans and plantgirls and accidentally only 2 customers a day :( before that i had 8-10 customers a day
Like ReplyIt doesn't load in
Like Replymy coins disapear in tuturial how im make appear again?
Like Replyis it possible to save a game and afterwords start where you was before?
Like Replyhow to open more areas there are just two
Like ReplyLuv this game. Plantgirl is the best!
Like Reply@jkm Hello, I think the private room work only when you have a Wolf cause the private room its a "show" room. Guest come for only watch a girl with a wolf. (I say that cause i succes to putt a girl in private room but it have a wolf witht her... and the guest only sit and watch)
Like Replyhow to put a girl in a private room?
Like Replywould be alot better if drawn better
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