Brothel 34 [v 1.02] [Restart]
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Business Management
Furry Sex Games
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HTML Games
Interracial Sex
Monster Sex
Oral Sex
Over 18
Description: This is a simple brothel management game where you take on the role of the owner and are tasked with recruiting hot young girls to satisfy your clients, make money, and expand operations. This over-18 title features several furry and parody characters like Widowmaker from Overwatch and Mewtwo from Pokemon. It also has Nier: Automata characters, among others. This is your chance to put your business skills to the test by managing these sexy girls and upgrading their stats to better satisfy your clients and increase earnings. Do you have what it takes to make a brothel successful? Here's your chance to find out! |
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Like Reply125M... this game is easy
Like ReplyThis game not working :(
Like ReplyWhen will be added the latest version? 1.03 came out more than a month ago
Like ReplyCan someone please help me out im stuck on the "hi im your secretary" message at quite literally the begining of the game and i know the game is not frozen cause i can go outside and such but every button i press does not seem to progress her dialog can someone please help out?
Like ReplyAnon 8, I am having the same issue here anyone know what the issue could be?
Like Replythats just where the game puts you when you load in. go outside and click on one of the buildings to buy someone to make money for you
Like ReplyPretty easy, its a basic keep up game with a nice twist, im working on 100% everything, but i cant seem to be able to get quiet's legend pic and its so frustrating, im to the point to where i have 19.4b dollars
Like Replywolfie6950, her legendary scene is a super rare training one that has her firing the rifle completely naked
Like ReplyHere's a pro tip gamers if you are struggling to craft torches all you have to do is kill the Ender Dragon! When she dies four torches will spawn on the bedrock portal to go back to the overworld! All you have to do is break them and you get free torches!
Like ReplyIf you teir 5 all characters theres a secret sex scene if you go to the buy area, its the arrow in the bottom right corner.
Like Replynah start with widowmaker max endurance and obediance then get anyone you can get max endurance then obediance . Then go to the well near the wood hut there you can get the futa characters. Max out each character to level 55-60. After you have 100k buy the post another 100k buy the saddle. Obviously you need to add experience points using the add on top that'll allow you to get each scene activate all the kinks as soon as you unlock them and by shift 225 you should be max at 1m easy
Like Replytr ggg i wanna die help
Like ReplyStart with Fiona. Save up at least $300. Buy 2B. Sell Fiona and have 2B sleep. Profit from compound interest
Like ReplyShit just keeps crashing and there's No Saving your progress fuck this game
Like ReplyUpdate: I have fully completed the game. 65.2 Million Dollars 390 Shifts 114 Scenes Unlocked (Plus An Animated One You Can See By Unlocking Every Character, so 115) Every Toy Every Kink All Characters to 55/55/100%/-1 or greater (Bowsette is 60/60, but the max any other character can reach is 55/55) Evolved Kerrigan, and Devolved her(You cannot evolve her again if you do this) And then I sold every character.
Like ReplyThe key is to max the amount of times they can go for each Round. In other words, 9 HP Per Round. Max Endurance, then obedience. Charisma matters more than Attraction, as Attraction only raises the MAX payout, meaning you have a better chance for more money, but you still might get nothing. You want to have multiple chances for maximum. I only had Fiona and Blaziken for a while, only started to use the training feature when i was trying to Max out everything, and complete the gallery.
Like ReplyCan't save the game and it Lags out you have to restart to the same results
Like Replylags but other than that its a good game
Like Replyi have every picture apart from the legend one from Quiet. Lol
Like Replypick windowmaker first and dont forget that the cum bar on them means exp points to add to their skill. I went endurance and obedience first before going into the others. Finished the game in 40-45mins as i wanted to look at their unique images. Also the campfire on the left of the two shops = secret characters.
Like ReplyZyra-Slyvan, Forgot to mention save at least $1,000+ or so before buying the others as you will need to level them up through training or just passing a day
Like ReplyQuick guide to start. Grab widowmaker. make her work till tired. If you reach 0 cash while she is asleep, wake her up. Save money to buy blaziken ( have 100 gold more then she cost) Save till B2, let her sleep. buy bayonetta. and money would be no problem for points, always go stam first, then obideince
Like Replymaxed out everyone
Like ReplyHere's a tip: You can upgrade your girl every day. She gains points every night if she works. Use them to improve her skills.
Like Replyvery but very boring is more boring than the green lantern movie
Like ReplyThe fuck it works fine on safari but won't load in chrome.
Like Replyhow do you save this game?
Like ReplyCrashed right after it loaded :/
Like ReplyGood game to play
Like ReplyJust buy one girl and keep upgrading her. Widow or the other, doens't matter. Once you unlock make some more money, buy her and leave her sleeping all the time. After her is Bayonetta and that 1% from 2B will escalate faster than light. Btw if you bring them all to max endurance and buy Kerrigan, once she is evolved they will never need to rest again.
Like Reply6000 lines of code? more like 6000 lines of errors, what the actual fuck.
Like ReplyStart with Fiona and just keep spamming her until you can max her endurance followed by obedience, after that rest her until she is at seven or five health and just keep spamming her then resting her to your choice of number until you get the xp to raise CHA and Attraction to 15. Beyond that join just don't buy too many girls at once because you should be financially set from there. I have every character at maxed stats and levels at day 249 with 9471247 dollars.
Like ReplyRicky, how do you get the mewtew
Like ReplyOk, my sincere apologies. Totally missing the XP dynamic i just couldn't progress the game, which is working smoothly.
Like ReplyPut XP into endurance. Once it's -1 instead of -2 you'll start earning more than they lose resting.
Like Replythis game keeps crashing please fix it
Like ReplyI played one last time just to be sure. I menage to buy a second girl. It glitched and she started with 0 endurance. Had her rest but even when she was ok the combined income of the two was way lower then the upkeep. Sink down - gozzillion $ in no time. This game is the biggest pile of crap of this site.
Like ReplySo you literally are stuck around 0 money and you never are able to buy any other girl. No matter how many girls you "unlock". Wrost game design ever. Have you even tested it before relising it?
Like ReplyMachete, Your just shit
Like ReplyI've been playing for a couple of minutes to this game, and it went broken each time. I tried both the initial girls. They gain litereally nothing by whoring and the upkeep cost eat the most of it. You menage to rise a little, but then the girl is tired and you have to make her rest. But you pay the upkeep the same. So even having the girl resting on a regular cycle your upkeep is almost equal to your upkeep cost. And randomly the girl goes on strike, so more expanses and no gain.
Like ReplyMachete, You need to use point earned to improve your girls.
Like ReplyScreen is too far on the left side even with fullscreen.
Like ReplyHow does one obtain Kerrigan?
Like Replyblack screen
Like ReplyQuick tip, start with Fiona from the barn and it's buying experience points that increases their upkeep
Like ReplyKK, better tell that to the game
Like Replybeat the game since it was real easy took me at least 30 mins
Like Replymaster, which game did you play? Because I keep getting bankrupt
Like ReplyGood game. good art. low replay value.
Like Replywell this is weird
Like Replyblack screen after load screen
Like ReplyCampfire is where the secret characters are
Like ReplyM, Wheres the campfire?
Like ReplyRandom Person, Left
Like Replysatsu, inside or outside?
Like ReplyBlack screen after load screen.
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