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Played: 834175
Anal Sex
Big Dicks
Big Tits
Blow Job
Group Sex
Oral Sex
Over 18
Public Sex
School Girls
Skill Based
Teen Sex
Description: In this intergalactic sex adventure, you play as Henshi, a super MILF seeding expert on a mission to breed with all the babes and continue your generation. To succeed, follow these key instructions: 1. Make sure to get "Spore Ready" before engaging in sex with the girls; 2. Visit your base station to use items, upgrade, or refill your health; 3. You can cum with all the girls in four ways: anal, regular, titfuck, and blowjob. Some girls will only give you special items after specific sexual encounters. Use W, A, S, D to move and change positions during sex, press E to use items or interact with the girls, and press Space to masturbate. Get ready for an out-of-this-world experience! |
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How to play this on android? Anyone know how?
Like Replyit would be better if you could fuck the students and teacher in the all girl school without having to fuck the security guard there every time you visit first
Like Replywhere do I get the nymph vaginal secretion for the next upgrade?
Like ReplyHOW TO HAVE SEX: Make sure your spore bar is at max so you can stun girls. different girls need different prequisites such as the lab being opened by code in drs house (Look at name tag). When you have sex with a girl you start with Spore Sex/Stamina Sex which replenish bars. Because the game is buggy if you leave spore bar mode you can't get back in. Then you need to do the three speeds S low D Med W Turbo which will allow you to press E and inseminate. You can do this all super fast too.
Like Replyu have to fuck there boob and pussy then u can fuck tjeir ass and it only work on type b woman
Like Replyu havve to, u havve to, It works on all of those that aren't in a group it's only a matter of positioniong.
Like Replyy sigo después de eso te conviertes una especie de super humano y ya si quieres te follas al resto de la probación femenina del juego en total son 35 mujeres/adolescentes a las que les puedes dar duro contra en muro macizo contra el piso
Like Replysigo con la explicación regresas al spraw y entras en la maquina y ahora vas al casa donde hay flores (afuera hay un auto verde) te follas analmente a la mujer que vive ahi y ella te va a dar una llave para poder seguir avanzando a la derecha nada mas salir te encontraras a una maseta solitaria hazte una paja ahí al terminar una ninfa estará allí follada y desibiras ´´jugos de ninfa´´ regresas al spraw y a la maquina ahora puedes follar a todas las mujeres que te encuentres follate a 20 en total
Like Replypara los que tienen problemas con este juego les voy a dar una explicación al estilo sri run: primero en la casa donde apareses te vas a la derecha y luego otra vez a la derecha y agaras el odjeto que esta en el piso luego regresas al spraw y entras en la maquina al salir te vas a la derecha del todo hasta topar con baderra (un baño publico) te follas a la morena que esta ahi y te vas al laboratorio entras vas a la derecha hasta la oficina y luego usas la llave te vas al liquido rojo
Like ReplyIt doesn't let me play. Stuck in the "Press space-bar" screen, and it doesn't work, tried it with different keyboards. HELP.
Like Replyim in 7, how to continue?
Like Replyonly one thing... There are 30 girls to fuck! GOOD LUCK
Like ReplyMy bad, you can fuck milfs ass, you need to be further away from them than their feet though...
Like ReplyAs far as i know - Type C (tall rounder women) you can only fuck their pussy - Type B (Tall "slim" women known as "milf") you can fuck their pussy, mouth and breast, but there is no anal option - teens i do not know cause in order to get the upgrade you supposedly need to pound some milf's ass
Like ReplyNoAnal, the girl with the car outside
Like ReplyAfter you've got the key to enter the room with 4 girls having sex in Hamilton house, if you go all the way to the right, you'll enter in a garden. Keep pressing right and you'll be warped to the lab. Also it seems that the storage room in the lab is useless
Like Replyits a pity No 2 is not a follow up to this, 2 is a crappy game, please, please bring a follow up to this game
Like Replyread da book and they will lead u to level ups
Like ReplyI could only find 33
Like Replyhow do you get the third ingredient
Like ReplyAll women welcome
Like Reply我也只到35 但 我記得 這個遊戲 應該有 2 才對 因為我記得以前玩時 在拿藥水那裡 會拿到一個光碟片 現在這個 卻沒有..雖然還不知 那光碟片是用來槓嘛 我只記得那裡會拿到 現在卻沒有 重點是...35個完後 每個女人都幹過了 卻不知道要 作什麼一直繞來繞去的-.-""
Like ReplyHow e fuck a women?3
Like ReplyI think 35 is max
Like ReplyWhen you masturbate in front of the teacher, there is some words which appears
Like Replyif anyone knows any game like this where we can fuck many girls please let us know in the comments. thnxx
Like Replywhere is number 36
Like ReplyThis is fucking crazy
Like Replywhen is number 2 coming out
Like Replyi made 33 counting security on school
Like ReplyI can not use the key that I do? please help me out
Like Replywhere is the door ??
Like Replyif you want to fuck them in the ass go from pussy to mouth to tits then to ass its the only way. not that im complaining.
Like ReplyNice game if you can play it
Like Replyhow do you Fuck or anithing?
Like ReplyOk to do it in the ass for the fat black woman. start with the blow/handjob. Then press "D" then "W" then press "S". Then you can go from there
Like Replywho can help me? I can't understand how to play this game?
Like Replymultiply and now I'm having a quintet with the twins and I multiplied police.
Like ReplySeeking advice all the steps, thanks very much
Like Reply8 How to do after
Like ReplySomeone got 38 on another list
Like ReplySo how close to the leg do you have to be to fuck in the ass. Because I can't seem to get pass the black lady. I keep getting the blowjob/handjob stuff.
Like Replyin house all the way right dildio get battiey. put in machine. go outside go all the way right fuck black lady get key go to lab use key get sperm. put sperm in machine. go to plant ladys house fuck her analy get keys open door to right mastubate on plant throught that door fuck the angel thing put in machine finsh game
Like Replysteve, how do i put it in the machine?
Like ReplyLucas_Cape, nvm
Like Replyaswome game can what to play it
Like ReplyI cannot fuck the first girl in the kitchen in the ass. No matter where I stand, if I stand near her feet/ankles it just results in a tit job or blowjob?? Please help.
Like Replyhow do you reset? I want to restart from the beginning
Like ReplyI can't figure out what to do. Can some please tell me how to do it in the ass and other potions. I'm stuck on the part after the battery. Please help
Like ReplyI'm not able to fuck the fat chick in the kitchen up the ass
Like Replyto fuck somebody in the ass you have to move somewhere away around her legs (foots) .. then press E
Like Replyand how do you fuck someone in the ass?
Like Replykandojin, It's all about positioning you have to grab her from right position. Moving some left or right will change starting position.
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