As Ashley, you are a good girl, studying hard for school and not going out much. Still, you have some close friends and even a boyfriend. When you take charge of Ashley, will you guide her to continue down this innocent path, or will you choose a more daring and experimental lifestyle for this attractive young woman? This adult game lets you send her to parties where she can do drugs and engage in casual sex with strangers. Will you slowly corrupt her into lesbian sex, wild orgies, and a life of unforgivable sins? You make the decisions for Ashley, but understand one thing: the choices that turn her into a bad girl will be the most enjoyable!
Very good game, only surpassed by the latest from this creator "Our Red String"
Like ReplyThere does seem to be many paths. I'm on my 3rd playthrough and its uterly different from the first two. Eric dies... Which never happened before and she is now an uberslut >.< with no moral compass what so ever
Like Replywhat type of genre of game is this? as i like the art style and im not sure what its called
Like ReplyGood game but what happen with save I need start from beginning now 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Like ReplyOnly think about this game I don't like is the art style, I get that is't supposed to be different but for me it just doesn't click, however it didn't stop me from playing the game through, and I'm glad I did, awesome writing, awesome story, a LOT of paths and ending to the game (provided you make the right choices) and wow there are some dark and disturbing endings but also the sweet ones.
Like Replygreat game with multiple endings and its a wonderful to see a game with meaningful endings as well
Like ReplyIs there a walktrough about all the options? FOMO!
Like ReplyTbh its one of my favorite games, the story was realy enganging and the end was beatiful, it made me think i realy live in the game, 10/10 game
Like ReplyIt's a shame there isn't more content with the boyfriend and the girl he was thinking of hooking up with. You should have the option to be excited about that and maybe coax him further into his relationship with her, maybe see them on camera.
Like Replyits a shame you cant fuck moms bf
Like ReplyI have imported the game but not working. I had to start from beginning.. is there any tips how can i solve this problem?
Like Replyshame i couldnt be jasmines girlfriend and that there wasnt much lesbian content in the game or if there was it was all behind dick walls only got a few scenes with jasmine
Like ReplySakura-UwU, then you played it wrong. you can in fact end up with jasmine as well as Eva or jessica. for jasmine: be nice to her, never call your interactions a business, dont be in any relationship, shortly before the end of the game she will ask ashlley to hang out and propose. say yes. thats the jasmine ending. eva can have multiple endings with ashley depending on if shes only with ashley or sluteva. ashley can only end up with jessica if she helps her become good.
Like ReplyThis is easily one of the better games to try for sure. Of its type it's far better written with more consistent characters and plots than most other similar games. Of those that equal or might surpass this in writing, most of those are either much shorter or incomplete or both. Love this game.
Like ReplyThis is my favorite game here. The story is one of the most well written, full fleshed out MC and background characters. It doesn't skimp on the sex, nor make it the focus, instead using it to show the journey Ashley is taking. Ashley's choices don't affect just her, but those around her, so the epilogue for others can vary wildly.
Like ReplyI made a whole account just to give this game a 10/10. played for hours and only sad it wasn't longer. Any other suggestions by this creator?
Like ReplyThis game is good, but also trash. Literally just ignores your choices and sends you places anyway. Super annoying.
Like ReplyCartman singing poker face....10/10
Like ReplyReally game
Like ReplyDoes not play, java scrips error. I'm guessing the site has laced the game with unsolicited cookies.
Like Replyjust since the game requires disposition i wonder if there are cheats to raise good / bad
Like Reply"game/script.rpy", line 209721 NameError: name 'sugar3nat' is not defined
Like Replyi cant play it error on scripts why ???
Like ReplyI love everything aside from 2 things 1 the art style (just personal taste so that can be excused) and the stiff dialogue. Aside from that, great fun to read.
Like ReplyDoes this version have the jasmin dlc and gallery mod or not?
Like Replythe game has an error that won't let me start it
Like Replyi have never felt more empathetic for a woman being hit on by a creep
Like ReplyI came here to fap,but found a very good novel
Like Replyreally good but needs pregnacy with dad option
Like ReplyIs there anyway to have Jack Eva and Ashley have a threesome or is the only thing you can do is have Jack and Eva fuck the one time?
Like Replyim a girl en itas so fun to play the game
Like ReplyI play it to be in good side and she become a lesbian
Like ReplyI have to find other games like this its the best one I've ever played
Like ReplyWithout a Doubt, this has been the best Novel I have seen, the Story is rich and fulfilling, and the options are so vast, the types of relationships and paths you can take Ashley down are so detailed.
Like ReplyIs there a way to end like a professional model? Amongst the others I've made it to some kind of adult model so far, but in the game there are hints about Ash possibly becoming a supermodel, something like posing or working for big brands. I guess it has to do with fame, can someone help me a bit? The game is awesome btw 11/10, tho i have to admit i would have liked it to be even more complex and long. Hope you can add some other chapters too
Like ReplyPaperDuck, Have you tried studying in the beginning to not mess grades, then do all photos and insta-postings and get the job instead of the whale? There was some brand photoshoots in the career mode, but didn't get there this run either because of bad grades in the beginning or because I was rude to the whale (or both). Also you probably shouldn't be rude to your future boss in the gym.
Like ReplyAmazing game, best one I've played with such a rich storyline where choices actually matter and you actually get a feeling for the protagonist, her friends and the people she encounters.. I've played through it multiple times and small choices matter and the story takes new turns.. Easily 10/10 for great characters, depth and length of the story and the eroticism of it all.. Much recommended, a masterpiece of erotica... <3
Like ReplyHello how are i am you're robotic guide
Like ReplyBest game i ever played
Like Replyeasily the best game on the site
Like ReplyWorks again, amazing so far! Cant wait for the next update..
Like ReplyCHRIS, this is the final Version 1.2 The Jasmin DLC . Evakiss has moved on to create a new game called "Our Red String" with 2 guest characters from GGGB. I havent seen any Browser version of that game but there are downloadable demo versions on
Like Replyi liked being slut for sure xd
Like Replyis there a way to get eva to fuck eric's dad?
Like Replysubsume, nvm you can! I finally found the path!
Like ReplyUnless you're into visual novels, this isn't the porn game for you. This is one of few more female-oriented porn games that isn't Japanese. It's got nice visuals and a decent story. 10/10
Like ReplyI am german and I love cock
Like Replythis story is really good,more like a common visual novel than an erotic one
Like Replyif youve played this game for a long time youll know that some options require a certain lvl of Corrupt or Goodness to show up, some even cancel other routes out or can reverse effects that you started by choosing certain options before : example , slut evil slut eva can become good slut eva if you choose to not go to the gang while shes in it and dave gets beat up, it will be a wake up call for her. Arthur can go to prison if you chose to search for evidence.
Like Replyhow do i get her to be with Tyrone?
Like ReplyPlease ignore me, it was a HORRIBLE idea
Like Replycolor me surprised but i didnt know that the only ending where ashley actually ends up pregnant and giving birth would be having a relationship with ryan
Like Replyananonon, nevermind ...ummm... Ashley can get pregnant by her own father too. yikes
Like Replyhow the fuck do i full screen this
Like ReplyLove this game! Are there any free more game like this??
Like ReplyBlablabla, No, that.s the best game ever made :)
Like ReplyThis might be the best game I've played on this site!
Like ReplyLorenzo, You need to play more games then.
Like ReplyBjorntufuk, please name a batter game, i cant stop playing this one
Like ReplyLorenzo, This is my favourite game on the site too. I only play for the good endings, but once you get to the ending, it just feels very... complete. 10/10
Like Replyis there anything more to the sex scene with Dad? what routes do you have to take? fucked him once, and got the masturbation scene but then the regret happened. like, damn. more incest plz. is there a route to take?
Like ReplyPyrate King, idk ask your mom
Like Replyabz, shut up asshole
Like Replyabz, Slow clap
Like ReplyPyrate King, you need more "Good" points.
Like ReplyPyrate King, I have been trying to figure that out myself. Sleeping topless in bed is all I have found.
Like Replybro got eatioed on gamcore lmfaaoooo
Like ReplyPyrate King, & Those who want the daughter/Father Route, You need to constantly earn as much good girl points and always side with the father in every scene. Ive completed the father scene that (Spoiler) she ends up staying with him intimately. I advise saving the game everytime though as a simple mistake costs you off that path.
Like ReplyPyrate King, yes. If you yell at him during the time he peeks at you it will lead to you talking to him about what happened. That can leads to more scenes
Like ReplyRandom1, Can you combine the mother route with the father route?
Like ReplyJust want to know - can FP have sex with father, Have had pretty much everything else???
Like ReplyWhyohwhy, yes, but i've only seen two scenes. one with actual sex, one with voyerism.
Like ReplyAt first i was thrown off by the art, not a fan of cartoonish VNs. But some of it is well drawn, detailing stuff when needed and the story is enticing enough to immerse myself into the MC, got myself aroused constantly and playing and re-playing (for different options) non-stop. Totally recomended. Haven't tried the "good" storyline tho xDDD
Like ReplyVraska, There is more than one "good" storyline. A few really badgirl storylines too, but I won't spoil those.
Like ReplyNICE ASF, love the story and characters
Like Replyi cant see the red and blue letters so i can choose a path does anyone know when they first appear?
Like ReplyCrown, after about 8 decisions
Like ReplyI love the narrative in this game...the story hooked me. Could not get away from the computer til the game until the end. That it self is an accomplishment... Thank you for this=)
Like ReplyI fucking love this game! I can't get enough of it.
Like ReplyWhat a great game keep going :)
Like ReplyAshley was talking with doug and doug remarked that fun * fun is fun^2, to which ashley replied that the equation was incorrect and x*x is not x^2 therefore fun * fun is not fun^2, but that sounded sus and since its been a while since hs algebra I went to Desmos and sure enough x*x is equal to x^2. The only exception I can think of would be if x was an irrational value. pls fix
Like ReplyNickname, yes, x*x is x^2. Just like 2*2 is 2^2
Like ReplyDoug said fun plus fun, rather than fun times fun. That’s why she corrects him.
Like ReplyNice story with multiple endings. I got "Faithful girl" ending. As i know, there is, at least, 2 more: 1-with father and 2-with Jessica.
Like Replydoes anyone know other games like this?
Like ReplyNever got past Ren'Py loading screen. I hate Ren'Py with a passion
Like ReplyIt good for me so maybe you too
Like ReplyWho ever the fuck hates this game then SHAME ON THE FUCKING YOU
Like Replypussy girl, this is a game made for whores like you Whoever likes it then fuck you and your whole family And shame on the fucking you little bitch
Like ReplyRgyu, damn bro calm down
Like Replyhey everyone i have a question can you save your game on this site because i have triad to save but when i want to continue the save always disappears, can anybody help me with this?
Like ReplyDrieaerts, if you are on incognito saving on this website wont work
Like ReplyWOW favorite game so far... I tried at least 10 differents paths and some are yeeuuhhh and others are yummi. Just a piece of art. I love the drawing quality, all the paths are very well built, the music is very nice. Beautiful work !
Like Replyse jeux est super cool , il faudrait une nouvelle mise à à jour , une suite de se jeux , il faudrait plusieur version h'istoire
Like ReplyThere is a bug if you have chosen to be more than friends with Eva and keep going on in open relationship with your BF. It forces you to go full monogamy lesbian or to cheat on your partner, even though just before the game forces you into monogamy relationship with Eva the MC says she's not sure if she can ever again be in normal singular relationship. Kinda disappointing. Guess I shouldn't be swearing eternal love with all my partners and also mean it.
Like Reply..., Really disappointing as I was really looking forward for threesome with Eva and her BF...
Like Reply..., Also if you do one Jack-episode after that fiasco and even if you take the open relationship path, the game still keeps calling you slut, whore, etc. and won't even consider giving you actually chance to call for Eva for threesome... Even after she was just asking have you found a partner...
Like ReplyWhy are some of the choices blue, is that supposed to be some good girl route?
Like Replyil faudrais une nouvelle mise à jour , avec plus hard avec toute c'est version de l'histoire
Like ReplyI love this game, so many paths and options, and an engaging storyline, just how long is it?
Like ReplyJess3ndo, abt 2hrs if u are trying to read the story, dashing through it abt 1 and 20
Like ReplyTo be honest: The best adult game ever; I love that drawing style and the story telling and the effects of choosing options is amazing; very, very clever ... and I love Ashley `lol`
Like Replythis girl just like me bad i love her
Like ReplyThis is my favourite game No1! I really like graphic and so many options whoto date :D played ~10x
Like Replyis there a way in the story you dont move out and you end up being the dad's slut instead of always having to move out
Like Replydon't stop touching me with this game, wonderful game, the little whore face that she has when she bites her lips
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how many ending there are? I have had 4 maybe 5...lot count.
Like Replywolf5956, depends on your definiton of ending: only Ashleys fate or also that of the other characters? You can have a certain ending with Ashley but with different endings for the other characters depending on what Ashley did; e. g.: Ashley +Dave marriage, Eva can be married with Jacob, a couple with Bubba, or girlfriend of gangleader
Like ReplyI call this game inefficient. Better programmed than most with the options, but stupid characters and boring story. Very cliché. The protagoniste should be a male. And what are these graphics? I could draw better than that. Not a porn game, it's a boring "choise your own adventure".
Like Replyone of the most arousing games I have played would defiantly recommend does start off a little slow though
Like Reply10/10 would fap again
Like ReplyGreat game. I played 3 or 4 times. Many endings are possible. Really fun
Like ReplyI finally finished. For a while, I thought it would never end. Absolutely incredible game. Almost pure perfection. 10+ out of 10.
Like ReplyBanjo, and the most fun: You can play it many times and will always find new content, if you try different options!
Like ReplyHopefully this is made playable on mobile one day
Like Reply"Flat" and "flatmate" instead of "apartment" and "roommate?" "Queue" instead of "line?" Gang members named "Wilson" and "Edgar?" This game is so British it just turned my coffee into tea! They're definitely attempting to make it look like it takes place in America, though, so they get points for trying. It's a great game either way.
Like ReplyAnd "cheeky" and "wanker." Those aren't American words! I don't even know what those words mean! (I think "wank" means "masturbate," but I'm not sure.)
Like ReplyI'm all for boob jobs, and I'm glad I was able to get our protagonist one, and though her new boobs are certainly an improvement, she could have gone A LOT bigger. I mean, why go under the knife unless You're going to go all the way with it? I'm not saying she should go full-on Chelsea Charms, but she should have AT LEAST gone Denise Milani. Or else what's the point?
Like ReplyComment withdrawn. The designers of this game did a fantastic job.
Like ReplySo, one day, she gets her and her friends' lives threatened by omni-racial gang members. And the next day, she's out with her sugar daddy shopping for lingerie and party dresses? If that happened to me, I would be asking my sugar daddy to buy me a gun, not a bikini!
Like ReplyAny white girl who chooses to be a thot and hang out with proto-humans deserves every black eye, every dislocated jaw, every broken rib and every STD she is culturally enriched with. Same goes for the fucking idiot boyfriend who went to Africa.
Like ReplyMom must have one amazing pussy to turn Anderson Cooper straight!
Like ReplyI remember Anderson Vanderbilt reporting live from the Haiti quake. The locals sounded the tsunami alarm, people on the beach ran away, and they stole all their shit. Station instantly cut the feed. Can't show how these folks really are. Nor that they still lived in UN camps 10 years later, while the Japanese cleared all rubble within 10 months after a 10 times stronger quake. We're all the same!
Like Replyi make choices i normally do wind up being bimbo or slut why is that mmm
Like ReplyKitty, Because you are a woman of quality! Would you like my phone number?
Like ReplyUnless you're super wealthy, you can't just "go to Somalia and help with the humanitarian mission." If you could, that place would have more do-gooders than Somalis. What you CAN do is get a master's degree in some relevant field, then get a job with Oxfam or something like that, and MAYBE get sent to Somalia, though probably somewhere else. But no, you can't just go to a foreign country full of jihadis and pirates and "help with the humanitarian mission."
Like Replyare there way to romance with futa in guim?
Like Replyatilla, yes just call him..
Like ReplyUnique hand-drawn assets, how nice, except nobody can fap to that. Why not go over to Literotica, it's text-only too and they have some writers who are ACTUALLY good and don't beg for your money.
Like ReplyGarbage graphics garbage story, dude,why are you here for a good story? this is a fucking porn site ,jackass
Like ReplyOne of the best porn games ever. Incredibale story
Like ReplyTerrible. Written by an incel for sure. Every single cliche present, from the big dick aspiring rapper to training anal to the cucking wasp. Where do you get these ideas? Watching porn, CNN and playing fap games. Certainly not in real life. Africa story was hilariously bad. Ask a vet next time. They have stories to tell...
Like Replygood and nice game ___ very sexy and hot
Like Replycrappy artwork, characters are suburban sjw bores (and their pets)
Like ReplyHow do i get bigger boobs?
Like ReplySamuele, You gotta advance the story with Ethan and Mom and talk to her about her esthetic chirurgy. At some point (maybe you need to be bad enough), you can talk to her and ask about getting your boobs bigger... obviously it'll cost money.
Like ReplyVery good game...pls more like this!
Like Replythis game is shit the only reason i clicked on it is a feature very rarely offered
Like Replyanon, The only piece of shit is you(:
Like ReplyCartman singing Lady GaGa! LMAO!
Like ReplyHow to solve this error: "Downloading Story... Cannot download Story. Maybe the download was blocked, see the JavaScript console for more information."
Like Replyntr, insets, lesbian, gangster slut, porn star, . dam neer if you wont it happen it can how cool. grate game even with out animation
Like Replypaths, You forgot being the absolutely worst gf ever by cheating/pseudo-cheating (open relationship plus lying about not having affairs) and tricking your bf's sister to have sex with yourself and your their dad... For money/paid rent/boobjob. Gotta love the extremely perverted mindset of the creator.
Like ReplyNymfonan hore
Like ReplyOne of the bast games I've ever played! Congratulations! Um dos melhores jogos que já joguei na vida! Parabéns ao criador!
Like Replythis is an awesome game i love all the paths you can make wish there would be even more though
Like ReplyOne of the music tracks plays on MattSantoro's videos as a background music...
Like ReplyHow long does it take to load
Like ReplyBigcock, not too long. It has no mentionable graphics and no animations.
Like ReplyThere is a path where lesbian romance is possible. That path is my favourite. In the worst ending you get killed for being pendejo...
Like ReplyAll the bad guys are blacks or latinos. Way to go Eva Braun!
Like ReplyFascist, well now, look at any crime statistic. the game is simply being realistic, unlike most others where you date 20 girls at the same time with a 20 inch cock.
Like ReplyFascist, yeah but the one they passed off as a beaner had the name Wilson. WILSON!
Like ReplyFascist, And there are good black guys too. What's your point? Are you saying black guys can only be good and never bad? What planet are you from?
Like ReplyReality is racist, THANK YOU! That's not to say there aren't plenty of white criminals, though. Like the CEO of every major corporation...
Like ReplyGudy, Cut them some slack. The people who made this game are obviously very, VERY British and have no inkling what kinds of names Hispanic-Americans have, so they had to default to names they were familiar with, like "Wilson" and "Edgar." (By the way, "beaner?" Fuck you, racist!)
Like ReplyCliched little soap opera with crappy artwork and the most boring characters you've ever seen.
Like ReplyTruly excellent. I've played through multiple times to see what endings I could get and honestly it's pretty amazing. I love how much of an influence you can be on others in the game, you can play the game 3 or 4 times and get completely different endings. The dialogue is sexy as hell and I think the art was well done. 10/10
Like ReplyThe good ending is good and as realistic as it gets kind of...personally Eric and Ashley could of done much more sex. But it's good. However the bad ending is more fun...considering this is a porn game. And where's the creme strawberry?
Like ReplyCan someone please tell me how to cancel saved datas? I only wanted one but i accidentally made two.
Like ReplySamuele, te lo devi rigiocare Fra
Like Replygood game,nice drawings and many way to take
Like ReplyThe greasy soyboyfriend should have been optional rather than stinking up half of the story. Not a bad game though if you can stomach the "rough" art style. Girls look muscular and have 5 o clock shadows, WTF?
Like ReplyNot a big fan of the paper doll artwork. I wish there was some animations and alternate posing. This is a very long game but I love the story.
Like ReplyNever expected a porn game to emotionally influence me and make me appreciate things. 10/10
Like ReplySucks. Poor graphics, super lame characters. Boring.
Like ReplyThis is by far the most replayable game I have ever seen. Characters that seem rather minor or inconsequential in one playthrough can become the centre of attention if you make different choices. Characters are believable and engaging and the story draws you in like a good book or movie. The endings are vastly different based on the choices you make.
Like Replywindows paint graphics suck hard. story is campy af and still on rails, yes you get choices but actually you play the same exact events only with different texts. proof: if she's +40 good why does she keep meeting the bad boyz over and over? because the events are hard coded and the basic story does not change no matter what you do. p.s. why was the back button blocked after choices, i can save before each choice and go back that way it's just a stupid hassle.
Like Replynope, You need to try more options. This games has the most diverse endings I have seen from fairy tale wedding to .. well ... dead.
Like ReplyIn this game good and bad are NOT opposites. You can have High Good and High Bad and unlock even more options.
Like ReplyI hate this games that only have text...
Like ReplyYea, my nickname says it all, as does plenty other comments. This game has a great story with many interconnected factors. One thing I especially liked is how it wasn't all "SEX SEX SEX" it was actually based more in relatable feelings and thought. It might seem a bit cliche in the beginning, but if you don't go full wham on the bad side I at least got a good experience (and good ending) out of it
Like ReplyIt's OK but not great. Art is very plain, no animations. Story should have kicked off with her being single. Dating games work much better when the MC is a male because then you have one male versus many girls to conquer while here it's only one girl reacting to the advances of many males, which limits the game a lot. In this game the lesbian path is superior to all the others because it's the only path where you can romance and win over girls.
Like ReplySo so..., a major part of the story is whether she sticks by her (kinda lame) boyfriend and if she does what kind of relationship they have.
Like ReplySo so..., Maybe girls like to play games like this too and fuck many different males you dumbass
Like Replyexcellent, a work of art
Like ReplyOn mobile it does not work
Like ReplySamael, play in firefox
Like ReplyWOW INCREDIBLE GAME. Played for like 4 hours straight CONSTANTLY skipping the text. So many different pathways and such a massive story! Great Job Developer!
Like Replykillerjx, how do you know the game was "incredible" if you constantly skipped the text? smh
Like ReplyNickname, once you read text the first time, you have the option to skip to the next decision on following playthroughs. Very useful when you are on your like twentieth play or something. Also, you can stop the skip by clicking on the screen.
Like ReplyI like how slight actions can lead to a wider array of actions which can lead to multiple different scenes, but (as stupid and meaningless this sounds) the fact that the save button is not in the bottom middle (with the rest) makes it a little more difficult to find than usual, it took me a good 2 hours of gameplay to notice that wasn't the only option of saving which caused some difficulties. Other than that, great game, keep up the good work.
Like ReplyChrom-man-and-Robin, you do know you can right click on most games, right?
Like Replygame was good up until the xbox
Like Replyexcellent game big like
Like ReplyIl gioco non va oltre la schermata di caricamento
Like ReplyNon funziona
Like Reply"You'll decide which path you want her to go, good or bad one?!" Then why did you name the game "GOOD GIRL GONE BAD"... dumbass.
Like ReplyThe title is misleading! This game does NOT force you on the corruption path to get all the sex scenes. You can stay a good girl and still have plenty of scenes, and choices matter. If this were remade with 3D models and animations, it would be a top game.
Like ReplyGood Game, I actually really like the art style. It helps to separate it from other games I've played. A little animation would be nice, but only if it can be done without subtracting from the heart of the game, or cutting back on the well written story behind it.
Like ReplyForegone Conclusion, you know, you don't have to play every game. This game has a female mc. If that's not your thing, fine, just pick a different one. You can think that a male mc is better, but not everyone does.
Like ReplyWhy is everybody trying to argue or downvote this post, the title *IS* dumb *REGARDLESS* of whether you like the game or not, because it implies a fixed story path which is not the case.
Like ReplyForegone Conclusion, the title is the citation of a Rihanna album
Like ReplyGood Game, I just don't know what the hell is wrong with the police in all of the sex games. I don't know any judicial system where threat of violence and extortion aren't crimes that police won't act upon. Same thing in every damn game, so it kinda feels really sleazy plot device...
Like Replykerriwm, Isn't there a possibility to ditch the BF when he goes to Afrika, which is quite early... Personally I have no problem playing female protagonist as a male in realspace and I think there are pretty much all characters having atleast possibility to have sex with all other characters, with few exceptions.
Like Reply..., I don't see what the problem is, as if you want to play a dating game where you are that "rockstar" who fucks everybody, there are plenty of catering for that fetish already.
Like ReplyThe game does not go beyond the loading screen
Like ReplyGes92, your internet sucks
Like ReplyMcDonalds Wifi
Like ReplyGes92, you just got bad internet
Like Reply