The game has quite a normal setup where a high school student moves to a new town. He is the new kid who tries to blend in and go unnoticed. His main task is to finish school without raising too much attention. However, he is a magnet who always attracts weird things. Suddenly, he is transported to another universe that is only ruled by sex. In this alien world, you can fuck when, where and with whoever you want. It sounds like paradise, right? Anywho, you are about to find out that it's not that simple. Expect to face several challenges but don't let them stop you from having fun.
Code is thankyousm
Like ReplyWhere do I find the fightclub
Like Reply0.55a cheatcode is bridgethrone
Like ReplyNew cheat code is strandback
Like ReplyHow do you watch the news broadcast for the lifeguard?
Like Replywhere can I find the old clasrome I can't find it and then where can I find the cult thank you in advance for your help
Like ReplyGuys I have a problem: I have to pick up Effie to go to the beach party but I can't go at her house 'cuz there is still Jane who "needs space", so I can't go there
Like ReplyThe cheat code on this game changes with each update. The code is wickbroski.
Like ReplyChanging cheat codes, Good timing, I was on here last night and last cheat posted was already discontinued. Thanks King.
Like Replythe new code is thankyousm
Like Replycheat is yeljacks
Like ReplyHow to not have black subtitle border in mobile ?
Like ReplyI can't find the Anatomy Book for Hitomi anywhere in the Mall. Where is it?
Like ReplyCongo, in the section "mocking jay"
Like Replyv 0.48A code- wasabibadd
Like Replyanyone else it wont load now
Like ReplyThe cheat code is wasabibadd
Like Replycheat codes for 0.47a is hungryeyes
Like ReplyCode for .46 is hadesverse
Like Replynew cheat code hadesverse
Like Replywhen are you going to update the apk? They should port it to Android since there are more users with Smartphones than with computers.
Like ReplyAnyone else have sound?
Like ReplyAnybody else having a little trouble reading the text the black on black is makes it very hard to read
Like Replycheeseandmac version .45
Like ReplyCan't see the txt the words are so lite can't read it
Like ReplyGame just loads for a bit and says "Bye!" now lmao?
Like Replydoes anyone have a fix for the game just saying 'bye!' as soon you try to load?
Like Replywont let me play the game now
Like Reply.44a code is spearshake
Like ReplyIm having problems with this game everytime I tried to play is loading the REMPLY and then says "BYE!" just because I touch the phone someone now how to fixed?
Like ReplyCito, having the same issue. not sure why since it worked before just fine.
Like Replyits good except having to grind for like 30 days to get cardboard boxes...
Like Replycheat code for 0.43b
Like ReplyKozzy, speedskate
Like ReplyStupid game
Like ReplyAnyone know if the apk is safe? Renpy in general doesn't work for me
Like Replythe code for this version is "breadsdicks"
Like ReplyThere used to be a cheat option that you could enable/disable (Top right corner of the screen) Hope they add the option back in to the game.
Like Replyv0.41b = shovelshow
Like ReplyUpdate 0.41 is released
Like Replyplease help wtih the proof reading emails minigame in the office I have no idea what to do I'm pretty sure I checked everything but im just stuck on the same screen no idea what to do.
Like ReplyAnyone know how to remove those red squares that affect skill checks?
Like Replycheat code for v 0.40 is weirditems
Like ReplyFor some reason, the game isn't working for me. Yesteryday, it was fine. Today, all I can do is log in, see the Ren Py logo, then it immediatly kicks me and says 'Bye!'. What do I do
Like Replyscrypt errors ehh
Like Replythe director lashley quest says to go to the alleyway i got to the one next the sex shop and comi book store and nothing happens what do i do
Like Replyi go to the dinning room at the house for dinnner and nothing happens what do i do
Like Replyweirditems v0.40a Cheat code: weirditems
Like ReplyStuck a proofreading emails. Won't do anything, can't quit out. Any tips?
Like Replymine wont load it keeps going bye ;-;
Like Replyi cant full screen for some reason
Like Replywhere is the fight club ??
Like ReplyAlso how to use full screen ? it keeps giving me errors (gamecore browser)
Like Replyi cant figure out hitomi
Like ReplyCheatcode for 40A is weirditems
Like ReplyI got a Question you incest as tag but u don't want like mom or sister as a relationship because u don't condone incest
Like ReplyCheat Code 0.39: sourjournal
Like Replygame doesnt load all i get is the message Bye! how do i fix
Like ReplyUpdate 0.39a have arrive
Like ReplyWhat is the new code??
Like Replyi am getting error messages on all renplay. script error saying see javascript console. what does it mean?
Like ReplySporty, bro we fuck up our shit
Like Replywrapitup doesn't work
Like Replyv0.37a cheatcode: wrapitup
Like ReplyV 37 A code: wrapitup
Like Replywrapitup is the cheat
Like Reply0.37a code?
Like ReplyCheat: wrapitup
Like ReplyThe cheap code for 37a is: wrapitup
Like Reply37v cheat code: wrapitup
Like ReplyHow do i kill the dad lol
Like Replyi just had stomach knots the whole time after i found out the land ladey, aka mother was hurt by the husband..... like bruh! i dont want stomach knots like this from pure anger in a sex game!
Like Replyis it just me or is ''roommate'' just to hide some other term, not sure why'd she bring up that youre ''not identical'' otherwise
Like Replyrandogal, its to avoid getting into shit with patreon because patreon is all about no incest! even if they dont care about rape or physical abuse or underage drinking
Like ReplyCheat Code for v 0.36a: tookfirst
Like ReplyV 0.36A code is "tookfirst"
Like Reply0.36 cheat code: tookfirst
Like ReplyToo much grinding. how the hell to get to alley??? why no progress with landlady?? Cute game but too many deadends
Like ReplyI checked objectives ad it told me to go into the dining room for dinner and when i go there nothing happens I have tried every time of the day plz help
Like Replycode tookfirst
Like ReplyCheat code 36a pls?
Like Replyi cant play the game every time renpy is loading it goes to black and say bye!
Like ReplyPP, that has happend to me you might of pressed something you just have to wait a couple days and it will work again.
Like Reply0.36A Cheat Code: tookfirst
Like Replyaanon, thank you for this code.
Like Replyaanon, that was fast
Like Replyaanon, its not working, it says wrong code
Like Replythe code for v 0.35b is hellsfired
Like ReplyAll I get is Error: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (see JavaScript console for details) I’m using iPad Will this ever be fixed
Like ReplyNew cheat code for v o.35b: hellsfired
Like ReplyHey guys new game cheatcode is: wrapitup
Like ReplySo when is v35 coming out?
Like ReplyI’m assuming it’s because I’m on an iPad, but I can’t type?? Can’t get to the webcam without a user, but I can’t type a user
Like ReplyBenny, wait how are you playing this on an iPad? IOS devices aren’t working on Renpy. What version do you have??
Like ReplyI can’t even get passed Effie sucking his dick, literally keeps bugging and making me load up the entire game again
Like Replyholy fuck this game has so much content 10 out of 10
Like Replyanyone figure out the computer game in his room?
Like Replythe new cheatcode is stickmentos
Like Replycheat ; stickmentos
Like ReplyDD, Love you man
Like ReplyThey should add a story for Lailah
Like ReplyElectron, they should also add a story for Officer Mina
Like Replythe cheat code is DEES NUTS BIAAATCH
Like ReplyNewest code is barelybear
Like ReplyCan someone send me the link to download this for free? I did try download this, but it says extraction is error.
Like Replyv. 0.32b cheat code is barelybear
Like Replyhow do i check jane
Like Reply0.32 Cheat code is barelybear
Like Replyi cant even start the game, at the very start when i hover over yes it goes over no, theres no way for me to select yes as its always over no which then kicks me out of the game
Like Replymeeiiko, glitchy game theres no way to calibrate the cursor or something im going through the same thing
Like Replycode .32b: barelybear
Like ReplyThere are quite a few bugs in the loading screens and the game crashes regularly. I do however think the overall story is rather impressive
Like Replyblack cock option ?
Like Replyhow come the the cursor and what is selected in the game is off by so much whenever i have the cursor over a button its always on a different button
Like Replyit would be a good idea to make this game in 3dcg or 3d format. HEY DUDE DO IN NEXT UPDATE YES
Like Reply"We do not condone incest"...*has all the correct pronouns for family*
Like Replythis game is bad, like really bad. supper glitchy and buggy. dont waste your time
Like ReplyThe game doesn't let me play!
Like Replynew Cheat Code: barelybear
Like Replycode version 0.32b: barelybear
Like Replywhat's new
Like Reply"Warning: write error: the user denied permission to access the database" appears multiple times at every single click, it's so unbearable
Like ReplyI have a problem that when the game finishes downloading and Ren'Py starts loading I the game stops. The logs said "Exception: Possible infinite loop". So, I haven't been able to play this game. Is this client side or a bug? If it is a bug, how long will it take to fix it?
Like Replywhats the code for v 031a
Like ReplyAh.Swap.How to fixed this problem?
Like ReplyRatings: Artstyle: 7.5 Story: 9 H Scenes: 8 pros: +well paced story +interesting characters cons: -bugs -artstyle is very "special" (some people may not like it) total rating: 8.0
Like Replytrying to get effie in the cafeteria at the very start of the game but shes not there?
Like Replywhats the code for V 30C?
Like ReplyProjeggd Brode und brödchne
Like Replywhy won't the main story move on after you talk to Jacob or Effie
Like ReplyMissing 6 people and have no idea where to find them. Tried to use time travel to skip chapter 22 but it won't let me go anywhere besides the school if I do that
Like Replywhy does the game say bye and not let me play
Like Replygame wont save so why try guys
Like Replywhat is the cheat code for 0.30c?
Like Replythe code is pumpkinsplice
Like Replyanyone having a problem with getting into the living room at night? Can't go to the basement at night for Janes storyline. welp
Like Replywoof, having same problem, anyone know how to get past it?
Like ReplyRAZOR, i had to skip some chapters on both jane and landlady
Like Replywoof, goto pc time travel/// mom and sis/// skip from ch2 to ch 3 then you can go to basement
Like ReplyI am stuck and am unsure of how to move on in the Jane and "Mom" type character because in order to progress those storylines I need to go to the living room or basement at night but when I try to it displays a textbook saying I'll leave them be for tonight. Anybody have an idea on how to combat this?
Like ReplyKul3dud3, having the same issue with that as well.
Like ReplyKul3dud3, Yeah idk why they added something like that and don't tell you how to even get past it
Like ReplyKul3dud3, Use cheat code pumpkin splice to take mrs Smith and jane chapter back to 1 this will let you go there and not miss on events.
Like ReplyKul3dud3, here's the solution, go to time travel on the computer open it then click on what part of the story you having trouble with, which would be jane and mom then it will advance to the next chapter for them, problem solved, good luck.
Like Replypumpkinsplice code 30a
Like ReplyCheat code for version 29a
Like Replyno matter what i do after the bathroom scene with the principle in chapter 22 it says my relationship with the principle is to low even though it is maxed out at ten and i am stuck in loop having to do the same scene over and over
Like Replysoulshroud, You're supposed to have 3 RP before you do that. Dunno why they didn't fix that error
Like Replyit wont even let me click the yes button in the beginning to start the game just keeps clicking no
Like ReplyBruh am i high or is the Principal Lashley not an extremist fuck for once? Kinda tired of extremist people on porn games tbh, this is very refreshing and interesting
Like ReplyWhere do you increase charisma??
Like ReplyBoss18212, You dance at the nightclub
Like Replyfull screen?
Like ReplyGreat story! Can't wait for it to get finished.
Like Replythe code is: earthonlife
Like Replyis there a way to get past the fucking principal cut scene trigger?
Like Replybig boi, If you're talking about the stakeout part, you're supposed to have 3 RP with Lashley to complete that
Like ReplyI'm at school at night and now can't go back to home why?
Like ReplyHansh, If the map is greyed out just toggle the map back in your phone
Like ReplyIf anyone says this type of visual novel cant be funny, their wrong.
Like ReplyHappy233, It do be funny af
Like Replyumm i broke the game. shit.
Like Replymind fixing the save when I save and try to load the save it went to an error and must be reported right now
Like Replyhow do i get the id for the club????
Like ReplyThe hint after the Lashley stakeout scene is supposed to read "have a low RP" instead of high (about 3 or below). This game is still buggy as all hell that even the coding doesn't help really lmfao
Like Replycheat code v.028 earthonlife
Like Replymy objective is to attend my class but it is Saturday and it is't letting me what do i do
Like Replydog is best character, don't @ me
Like ReplyHow do we visit the nightclub I can't find it plzzzz
Like ReplyGLITCH: School afternoons when Principal is investigating... it loops every afternoon when entering school.
Like Replyxgod, yeah it's just the massage glitch except this one sends you back to the school at night. I'm like shraggy???? LMFAO
Like Replyxgod, And it seems the Lashley story is only 41% done from loooking at the Trello site sooooo it is what it is hahaaaaa
Like Replyy, Nope, a couple of them are 19 XD
Like ReplyI tried to restart the game after an error, but it keeps saying "Bye!" every time the game is restarted. This is the log that I got from it (It's really long) I will reply to my own comment with a part of the log.
Like ReplyNevermind, the 500 character limitation is blocking the traceback.
Like ReplyException: Could not load image u'ATownUncoveredLogo.ico': error('Unsupported image format',) Unknown renderer: sw This is the exception.
Like ReplyHow do i get into sexworld ?
Like Replywell I am glad that all of you can play this game because it never loads for me it sound interesting though but I have never been able to get it to load
Like Replyi don't kow how to fix the pc of mrs. smith, i can;t find him... or isn't implemented yet?
Like Replyim stuck on the princaple's stake out quest, does anyone know how to fix it?
Like Replycode is : earthonlife
Like ReplyThe teacher story line turns dark fast. Quite deep. But weirdly innocent… idk how i feel about it. Cheatcode for Version 0.28A is "earthonlife" (for every version there is a different cheatcode)
Like Replywhat is the code for version 0.28a
Like ReplyCrash at the principal office fixed. Get stuck in loop now finding principal in hallway during afternoon. I have gone several times and nothing happens. Still stuck with everything else finished for now. Will there be repeatable scene with sis on her webcam show?
Like ReplyI don't know how to get to the street to progress with Jane
Like Replynew code: earthonlife
Like Replycheat code for V0.28 is earthonlife
Like Replycheat code is earthonlife
Like Replyhow to delete saves
Like ReplyI am at the end stories for mom, Kim and teacher. I am having trouble with a crash when visit the principle. Would like a repeatable fuck scene with Kim if possible. More than the double BJ with mom in the afternoon. Great game so far.
Like ReplyHow to winn the,, dont cum inside her,, game on the pc?
Like ReplyGreat game, I hope there are updates soon
Like Reply9/10 Amazing artstyle. It has an option for you to save your progress which is extremely useful for incognito users, and the story is pretty good albeit slow at times. Definitely a must-play.
Like Replythe game crashed when i was about to fight jack and now when i try to run the game it just says bye
Like ReplyWhen you click on one of your book marks and you think you lost 6 hours of progress but you remember you made an account. EPIC GAMER MOMENT !
Like ReplyI get a grey screen with a pixelated face with x eyes. anyone know what this means and how to fix it???
Like ReplyStuck on the jane questline and cant get into the nightclub. Any one know how to fix this.
Like ReplyBipedClub684000, Have to talk to zariah first
Like Replyidk if im being stuipid, but where do i meet zariah?
Like Replydidyouexpectaname, at school in the afternoon
Like ReplyWhy is it hand drawn style for alot of it now? it that a part of the chaptetr or will they update that?
Like Replyguys, does anyone know how to find the fight club to find miss allaway?
Like ReplyI was playing and now it just says bye and wont let me continue.
Like ReplyJR, Yeah that happened ti me too. i had over 8 hours in this game and it is all gone
Like ReplyHonestly my favorite part of this is that there is no character limit on names have fun folks
Like Replyguys, does anyone know how to find the fight club?
Like ReplyAlex, to meet miss allaway
Like ReplyAlex, school gym at night
Like Replyi closed all my tabs and now i gotta start from the beginning ;-;
Like ReplyPlease fix. Doesn’t work on phone since keyboard never shows up when you have to type something
Like Replyload files are fucked, lmao, i'm outta here
Like Replyanother game from this sight that does not load at least Gamcore still does not care of any of there games to give a fuck
Like ReplyAries01, Gotta activate plug in right click then activate plug in adobe if u get a black screen
Like Replywtf dude , so much drama... is a mood killer
Like Replygame won't load...stuck on the Seki Gee logo
Like Replyclickdaddy, just click the game window
Like Replyclickdaddy, if your on mobile, just tap the screen. if your on pc, click with your mouse and the game will go to the main menu.
Like Replyanyone know the cheat code?
Like Replysdff, sanicrans
Like ReplyAlex, what does it make?
Like Replysdff, new code is earthonlife
Like ReplyAaron Fera, no it aint, comes up as wrong code everytime
Like ReplyGo to your PC in your room, hit cheat codes, enter sanicrans You're welcome
Like Replythe 75.5 chapter for the main quest isn't working. I talked to BOTH Ellie AND Jacob and the quests didn't progress.
Like ReplyGamer, go to the computer and use the time traveler. the same thing happened to me.
Like ReplySaved game cannot be restored after you load game later ... and story is long ... I lost like 3h+ ... It is Long and good ... so here I am again :)
Like ReplyI don't care what people are saying about "I'm 18 years old" or "He's 18 years old" being here so much. The fact that it appears so much makes me giggle.
Like ReplyI can not even get it to load anyone else having this problem
Like ReplyAries01, I'm having the same issue as well
Like ReplyEvery time I go to the principal's office to massage her, I end up at the beach and I have to do it again, since it seems as if I didn't do the scene. Does it happen to other people, or is it just my problem?
Like ReplyAnna, i just reached that point and im having the same problem. hope they fix it, i dont even get to see the scene but on top of that I have to repeat the damn scene.
Like ReplyComplete ripoff of Summertime Saga, down to the layout of the house. Good if you're into freeware ripoffs, but I recommend supporting the dev of Summertime Saga and getting the real thing. It's top-tier porn game material.
Like Replyanon4910, shut the fuck up and leave. keep the thoughts to yourself. capiche
Like Replyanon4910, perfect for those who cant play summertime saga, punk
Like ReplyShitty game pretending not to be about incest.
Like ReplyBoring, the game is not about incest....
Like Replyhow do you get on track with jane?
Like Replynickname, this is old style art WTF its 2019 upgrade Your brain then try making a game
Like Replyguys how to find the fight club?
Like ReplyAlex, fight club at the gymnas school at night
Like ReplyAlex, First rule of fight club, dont talk about fight club
Like ReplyNot interest into clip-art style toons, sorry.
Like ReplyHow many light years is this game from any ending?
Like Replyi hope they make it were you can push the land lord in to the sexworld to be the scarifce and get rid of him.
Like ReplyPI, the mean one tho
Like ReplyPI, the WHAT? how do i even get there?
Like ReplyReally fun good story good pacing between scenes 9/10
Like ReplyEVERY ONE IS 18 YEARS OLD OK!?!?!?
Like ReplylordP, - hi I'm Jerry and I'm 18 years old - hi Jerry I'm Monica and also 18 years old - Hey guys couldn't help but overhear you guys talking about age. I'm Tom and ALSO 18 years old - Some age police dude: yeppers this game is definitely not using underage characters. It's almost like you can't have a consistent age at a school so the creator has to confirm everytime to feel safe.
Like ReplylordP, actually im 8
Like ReplylordP, how can you be sure that everyone here is 18
Like Replyputang, me too ONONONONON: :D:D:D:D:D
Like ReplylordP, Ha I'm 17 and 364 days
Like ReplyThe cheat code is sanicrans
Like ReplyHiphopdude, Thank you good sir
Like ReplyHiphopdude, didn't work for me
Like ReplyCHEAT CODE IS : earthonlife
Like ReplyHiphopdude, we need more people like you
Like ReplySEXBOY, nice good coment
Like ReplySEXBOY, thank you
Like ReplyHiphopdude, What is the code?
Like ReplyHiphopdude, The cheat is: pumpkinsplice
Like ReplyGolden_Mooshrom, it didnt work
Like Reply.32b version Cheat: barelybear
Like ReplySEXBOY, 0.34a: stickmentos
Like ReplyIs this the complete version?
Like ReplyMrGooseMan, no
Like ReplyMrGooseMan, when on gamecore has it been
Like ReplyMrGooseMan, ur not blind
Like Replyexcellent a work of art
Like Replyfirst xdxd
Like Replysean, get fisted
Like Replyis there any way to skip a day I'm stuck and I can't go anywhere or to sleep , pls help
Like Replyis there any way to skip a day I'm stuck and I can't go anywhere or to sleep , pls helpppp
Like Replysean, this ain't youtube. go do that shit on youtube videos
Like Reply