This game is mind blowing. It's not just some visual text novel. It has incorporated elements from other game genres making it have that extra something. Lovers of epic movies will definitely fall in love with this game. It's set in ancient Egypt after an apocalypse. The world is frozen in ruins and it's not the best place to live as beautiful sexy babes. You play as an independent warrior who travels around the desert in search of treasure troves. Interact with other characters, make deep meaningful connections, find the treasure map and survive the dangers that lurk within the desert. If you are lucky, fuck some sexy strangers you will meet on your journey.
Old savefiles doesnt work.. I cant start from beginning.. There is Rollback errors.. Can you share your new v0.16 savefiles to us?
Like ReplyThe Stalker's words, "how does the coat feel? Remember you may have to also sleep in it," aren't entirely plausible or logical. It would make more sense to point out that the coat should be comfortable because Shani MIGHT TO FIGHT in it...
Like Replywhy cant stalker havt relationship with ivy
Like ReplyMy latest save file errors.. Try to ignore the errors but I cannot go to main house part...I cant do any new mission..
Like ReplyWould be great to have Igor's girl service you while being a good host and letting your girls service Igor. Also, would be great to screw the wife's sister and give her an attitude adjustment
Like ReplyGood game, waiting for another update, but my ain can't be punished
Like ReplyIs the Dev(s) of the game going Vanilla with it? as there are cut contents with the addition with this 1)Tying up Ain in the basement and beat her with the paddle 2)taking Ain to town to talk with her 3)not sure..but maybe visiting Igor's travern too(that I don't care bout)..I have several saves line up..if these events get reinstated again..but..Good game Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyI saved the game after finished 0.16 version. Now with this new version ther's no saved game in the dashbord. What do i have to do?
Like ReplyMat82, i created a new with the new v17 and copining in my previous saves from the v16 and it worked apart with the loop like stalki
Like ReplyMy save has been deleted with this update. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG
Like Replythis fucking game doesn't work "Downloading game data... Could not download network error More information may be available in the browser console or contained in the log."
Like ReplyAngry82, same, it works previusly fine but now with the 0.17 version it dost work. Several Hours of gameplay, gone
Like Replythis iis more than just a porn game, and, yes, i am a lover of epic movies
Like Replythey need to let people return to raiders or mutants or wherever after they do the main storylines and look around rather then what they offer now
Like Replyjust wondering if i still have missions in the quest log but no markers does that mean i need to wait for more content or is it glitched
Like Replyexcellent 5 stars.
Like Replythat's not v 0.16!
Like ReplyZILIUS, yup were waiting on version 0.18+
Like Replyi like the music
Like Replygreat game. There is none gore mixed up with sex thank for that :)
Like Replyaaaaand all my save files gone with the update :/
Like ReplyBTW anyone who wants to play this in a more stable manner, it's on itch with free download and stable when I tried the last patch. The MOST CURRENT patch does require spending money but it will be added to free content like the previous ones. Hope this helps and happy fappy ;P
Like Reply0.16 is out when are you gonna update it?
Like ReplyFreezes when Ivy shows you the computer ("Read on I'll fill in the gaps later")
Like ReplyAnyone have any similar games to reccomend?
Like ReplyYesbey, seems to me i like desert stalker stwa unbroken hot sand of antartica artemis seems cool
Like Replywhat do i do after the queen crying stuff?
Like Replyits june 2024 commenters from 2021
Like ReplyBlackDog, neat images of places and nice music variety
Like ReplyHey even after a few updates the Ivy quest is still bugging, that is preventing a lot of us to keep playing the rest of the story. Anyone knows when it could be fixed ? I am very impatient to keep playing !
Like Replyhoping we can revisit places weve been while continuing story to new places
Like Replynice game realy complete with high graphic quality , only one BUG Ivy the elf quest, when she show us the computer it s freezing and we can t play anymore , i ve try to skip but it s impossible, i ve end all quest this is the only i can t do for unlock more ways . need an updade repare , thx for your work , this was a good game , great thriller/fantasy/horror-18
Like Replyeven at this end part of the game i thought wed be able to visit the hive queen or re visit places but the creater is stopped people from traveling
Like ReplyHey, this is a great game ! But there is a bug preventing to continue the mutant quests, when you talk to Ivy and she takes you to her house to show you her entries on the computer, before you can look at the entries there is an image bug that freezes the game with only a white screen with a blue square in the middle. Except that there hasn't been any other issues with the game yet and I rly enjoy it ! But yh it would be great if it would be possible to correct this bug pls !
Like ReplyDamon, Have the same problem
Like Replyi hope we go with ivy to see her long ago tower
Like Replyone of the good stories here
Like Replyfun story just needs couple more locations to explore and interact in
Like Replyprogressed to the end just need a update so i can return to mutants and raiders camp to talk to someone maby a quest see mutant mom even and see other locations thats i hope for next update
Like ReplyOne of the best games I've played on here. But it gets stuck when Ivy is showing the old computer.
Like Replystuffypickle135, I'm getting this same issue. I've progressed everything else, but it always breaks here.
Like ReplyAnyone know of other games in the same genre (sex slave....)
Like Replyim glad they keep adding to the story cool story
Like ReplyThe game crashes after you begin to read Ivy diary on the notebook at her bunker on the mission to help her friend
Like ReplyMacrinus, You can get past it if you just click or use enter as if the options were still there, you skip the devise content but you can play ahead
Like Replyunlock the fucking gallery asshole
Like Reply..., dipshit comments like yours make devs want to remove the gallery altogether. Learn some manners
Like ReplyWhen I go down to the bunker with JOY during the Mutant mission and we find an old PC, the screen freezes and the game can't continue.
Like ReplyNagBar90, Yep same problem I got to tht point and cant continue is this where this update ends ?
Like ReplyNagBar90, can you fix it?
Like ReplyNagBar90, ive just reach the same place!!and it happened to me as well
Like ReplyA lot of the Books/Games on here are just sex content and not much else. This story however has gone way beyond just a sexual romp. The renders are well done, and a lot of thought has gone into the story with the daughter's story in the zone actually being heart breaking depending on the decisions you make. The sex and interactions with the other characters are well thought out with the animations being decent but nothing too spectacular. Some browser problems on Edge.
Like ReplyIvy's quest is broken! Fix it please!
Like Replybaldur, if your refering to the part where she shows you her secret location and makes you look at that thing i just clicked where i figured the arrow would be to continue or go back on it and eventually got by it. However if you mean further than that i have no idea then.
Like ReplySmokindanks, thx
Like ReplyThat was a Great update as usual,tons of new contents..the main story hasn't really progress though as usual but I ain't complaining much..*please let us fuck the Queen already..anyways..Great work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like Replyfix database, can't load the game
Like ReplyGreat game, but Ivy's quest is broken! Fix it please!
Like Replythe scene is bugged when you go with ivy into the bunker and try to go on the pc, the whole background becomes white
Like Replyhiding the scenes now. fucking hell what a selfie cunt. Hate theses people just leave the game alone stop making it more and more shit. It was fine before
Like ReplyIt's a pity - the game hangs out when I open the old military case with computer inside while Ivy shows me her hideout. The screen just goes white with a PC screen in the cnter and cannot skip or rollback this error, just go back or load previous save and choose another quest
Like ReplyIt crashes at the pc with Joy...
Like Replydesert stalker has great music story good stuff 1 of a few good ones on this site complete the stories i like thanks
Like Replyhow to read ivy dairy
Like Replygame glitches in ivys cave at the computer
Like ReplyGame still doesn’t load
Like Replyv 0.14, Mutants tower, "Talk to Ivy" - Broken scene, stuck trying to read diary on computer.
Like ReplyCan someone help on old souls? The screen becomes white and unresponsive when I am about to read file. How do I pass that?
Like ReplyTHE cut scenes are majorly glitching even if you bypass the QTE on the Shani fight it still does not work right. I spent close to two hours Trying to get it to work right. All I Got is MAJORLY PISSED OFF!
Like ReplyThis game is something more than just a visual novel because it contains elements from other game genres. ----> no, it isn't. It's literally just a visual novel, the elements are like 3 things in the beginning that just get forgotten
Like ReplyTo whomever wrote the script of the game,congrats,story even turning a novel now is pretty solid,I only wished we had more control over the narrative though..Ivy Quest is still broken and you can't complete and I also would have wanted the Dev(s) to fix the Public animation issue over the sex scenes if there "really" issues..anyways.Great work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyNote to the Dev. Stop screwing around with the game. I have played most versions. The decision making system sucks as does the friggining saves. Sort it. Was a great game now not so much
Like ReplyFreezes at laptop in the cave
Like ReplyIf you tap around the egdes of the cracked computer screen when it freezes you will hear clicks like typing it will put you through it have to do it cpl times it will get you past it.
Like Replyneat story i hope htis goes somewhere and is cool great thing is the music ...keep updating looks like a good story is like version 6.0 +
Like ReplyI can't complete the map quests, only the home quests are about me. I can't find the map quests
Like Reply0.14 beta is semi buggy but still a decent update.
Like Replywhy download the games without the animations its pointless
Like ReplyCrash by Laptop :-(
Like Replygreat game, look foward to the next update
Like Replygames been improved since 2021 though im awaiting more content ..this is a fun visual novel
Like ReplyGreat game. works just fine if you download it. on here, not so much.
Like ReplyOne of the best games on this site. Definitely a classic. Please fix the bugs and update
Like Replywhy did in the front of the screen with joy, my screen became white and in te midle there is the greend screen of the device?
Like Replyafter my 2 daughters blow me at the same time for the first time, i cant make the story go furthur, i can visit every place but there arent no more interactions with anyone possible that could make the story continue
Like ReplyMy saves got purged so I had to restart from the very beginning again..The Quest "Old Soul" from Ivy is broken,he computer doesn't work in the bunker..Why also would the Dev(s) also put QTE's in animations for?,I know we can turn it off but wasn't the whole problem with the many blackscreens animations?..
Like ReplyAfter so many weeks thx for letting us have Shani back home and the sex scenes with the Queen in the bath could've gotten more steamer but I didn't dislike it,I was hoping at least for a BJ lol..I wished more Dev(s) would've worked on this game to get sooner updated releases..but thx Anyways Gamcore overlords..and Great work Dev(s)..will be looking forward to the next update
Like ReplyCant do anything outside talk to Ivy at the computer now, screen goes white when i try, hopefully its fixed soon
Like ReplyNeed more sharing options, those gals deserve more sticky liquids than or beloved Zaton can provide
Like ReplyIs there anything that's new in this v0.13 update? I personally don't see anything new so I'm checking to see if it's the same for anyone else.
Like ReplyGreg1, yeah you get to finish Shani's quest have a couple more scenes with her and get to have a scene with the queen.
Like ReplyGreg1, Yes there are some updates but the quality of life improvements in the beginning of the game, at least that is what I saw
Like ReplyJJ, Thanks for letting me know! I was looking for the orange exclamation mark to let me know where to begin but it didn't have one for Shani's quest in the Zone so I appreciate the help.
Like ReplyNeed Zahra in my life.
Like ReplyThere any update for this game Gamcore Overlords..I mean it has been a while
Like ReplyThis game never loads in anymore it just crashes and says “BYE!” It’s bizzare cause when this game first came out on this website it would load in very well
Like Replythis was a good game until u blakend out the fucking screen
Like ReplyWhy is this game in the female protagonist when your a male protagonist??
Like ReplyGrim1993, there a section where you play Shani later.
Like ReplyNo animations and my saves are gone! Not worth playing or restarting.
Like Replyif only there were places where to get the full game with the animations
Like Replytop five games but no animations and walkthrough? zetan give people animations. peace
Like Replythe animations break the game on online versions, so they are disabled. download it and play it, to get the animations
Like Replyno animations this time why?
Like ReplyGame load and says "BYE" has been happening for a while on this site this cause Gamcore Overlords has too many game on their servers now..I couldn't play DMD..Limitless..and now this..#so sad
Like Replythis game is good
Like ReplyInteresting... very interesting indeed.
Like Reply12a update is out,
Like Replyall my progess got deleted bruh, L game
Like ReplyReally good game but too bad the animations don’t work on this platform. If only there was another site with the full working version….
Like Reply1 of the best porn games ever in visual novels
Like ReplyFucker, can u name me some games like desert stalker?
Like ReplyI loved the game. After taking the settlement with the Raiders it just kind of stops though. I am not getting anymore assignments, but the there are still so much story lines unfinished.
Like Replyewi71, Yes I get the same? Is this the end until next update. I never got a notification that this was it?!?!?!
Like ReplyNO MORE ANIMATIONS, developer took em out, not sure if its because it was necessary or because they needed more MONEY.
Like Replymutation errors on savegames. can't load. error msgs fill pages. was hoping to continue my progress
Like Replythis should be removed from the female protagonist list...
Like ReplyI wonder if this was solely a re-post..aside that you can finally have proper sex with your wife in the bedroom,there aren't nothing else new..and animations have been cut off..I was hoping Dev(s) would push the story forward after such a long drought delay..but hey..anyways Good work Dev(s)..Will be looking forward to your next update
Like ReplyAll the animated cutscenes kill the game and Runis it, and then they want you to PAY them ??? for something that does not work..LMFAO... how lame are they... other games and so on one has played on here, you can see all Animated things all sexual things for grwn up, no not this one... sad and pathic. don't waist your time or money of who ever these people are making these crap games where you can see nothing...
Like ReplyS.O.L., you realize you can just download the game and see them ,right?
Like Replywow the first scene and the Blowjob from the girl is cut our or Blanked out, other games you see everything and get to do everything. guess who ever made this game is a LAME ASS, and guessing that inbreeding that there brain cells not working properly, and why post a game??? when there nothing to see? what a load of SHIT this thing is what ever it is... this should be on a child playing game, this is not for adults and who ever made this is not a real adult yet.or may be there are Narcissistic
Like Replywho ever the maker of this game is, best to AVOID all there games, as you know its gonna be SHIT.
Like ReplyI don't usually comment on this stuff and never give money to it. I usually just enjoy the sexy shit that comes with it so I can get my rocks off. However, this is the most elaborate and intriguing story-line with the sexiest and raunchiest sex scene I have seen yet. I love this game! I am sold on the story-line and production, as well as the provocative taboo sexiness of it all. keep up the good work, boss!
Like Replygood game and nice story
Like ReplyThis is such a great game with great plot, great art and great animation. If I were to complaint of something, it would be lack of moans in sex scenes but that's not important really. The plot is too good to just jack off and quit.
Like ReplyGame not loading after update
Like Replybest game was excited, until all my save files was removed
Like Replybest game on this site
Like ReplyThis was another good short usual..I wished more dev(s) would've work on this game to push out more content in game story..again we only fuck our wife in cutscenes,this is beginning to be highly nerving..and how long do you dev(s) plan on keeping Shani in the deadzone,she should've been done by now..anyways..Great work dev(s)..will be looking forward till your next update
Like ReplyGood wow wow wo
Like ReplyUpdate game to v0.11b
Like Replynew update is out
Like ReplyWhen will there be an update?
Like Replywhy i can't saved my game with my account?
Like ReplyTo anyone who supports the patreon, how is the next update, version 11, coming along, will it be relased soon?
Like ReplyUpdate is out for bug fixes and errors. I would like the option to delete saves
Like ReplyWhat do I do with fairy?
Like ReplyWc, the dishes?
Like ReplyI can't wait for new updates the game is perfect i need more games like updates I waiting for youu : )
Like ReplyGuys it better if you download it
Like Replykeeps crashing on the bridge raid cutscene. anything you can do devs?
Like ReplyThis game has so much action and story behind it that i feel like im just playing a regular video game not a sexual one lol but its great ive enjoyed playing it
Like ReplyDoes anyone else have a problem where instead of your chosen name, dialogue will just show [Z]?
Like ReplySame bug always... after the ain jump... Really sad... Since last version the same bug...
Like ReplyFuck your shit, ass pirate!
Like ReplyI am stuckmon the riot gang attacking a settlement
Like Replythe part where he scolding his youngest step child for putting the keys to close to the elf in the cage is not translated into english
Like ReplyHow do you inspect your car? Cause I can't find the option. I'm on mobile so that very well could be the reason
Like ReplyYou suck balls, bitch!
Like ReplyAre we gonna switch the layout of the map with every updates now?..*spoilers..even though I'm glad the raiders started to plant roots and build a community,why does the game try to portray that as a bad thing for,they had a base, "unsafe" mind you,already while they were out raiding at the beginning of the game already..building a new base/community outside of the polluted zone they were in would be a smarter idea,they don't have to lose their ferocity due to that..
Like ReplyAnd Why does the game refused to let fuck our wife properly..outside of scripted sex scenes with her,we can't fuck her at nights but blowjobs or also still playing bait and switch with fucking the Queen which I find highly frustrating..the cutscenes can cause severe crashes..but aside of that...Great work dev(s)..will be looking forward till your next update
Like ReplyFuck off, ass fucker!
Like Replycant load my previous save pleease fix as this is my fav game on this site :(
Like ReplyThose animated cutscenes kill the game
Like ReplyFuckin title page aint even loaded in just grey checkered print. Im just tryna see some 3D Milf knockers like the rest of us.
Like Replygame is out!
Like Replyupdate pls
Like ReplyError: Script error. (see JavaScript console for details) What im i supposed to do ? it doesnt work on Opera, Chrome, Firefox,Duckduckgo or Microsoft Edge
Like Replywhen will be a new release? this game is awesome
Like ReplyUpdate game to version 0.09b
Like ReplyAtention for Spoiled!!! Works on OperaGX. This game promis. But for me; the one (and only) acceptable sex scene it`s only with Emilia. Still can´t figured out if it´s an erotic or a sex game! Still a nice story, not so much for the dialogues.
Like Replythe game's nice overall, it's just that sometimes there's an error when u clicked too fast and the image blurs, also with fairy the repeatable scene where u feed her is in a loophole, thank god there's a back button. aaannd where and what do i do next for "find allies for the mutants"? i don't know where to go and what scene do i need to trigger it
Like ReplyGreat game except my save files keep disappearing which is really fucking annoying.
Like Replystill 1 of my fav ones, story good enough to be played on playstation or xbox. Graphics emproved, too bad for the lack of new chapters, but stil 5 stars
Like ReplyOnly text , Vid screen not advaceing
Like ReplyNice short update..when are we gonna bang the insane pschyco Queen though?..I am literally awaiting usual..Great job dev(s)..will be looking forward till yo next update
Like Replyse jeux marche pas : Error script see javascript console
Like Replydragono, Essayer un autre marche ave le Firefox..pour ne sais
Like Replydose any one know how to make ivy eyes turn purple
Like ReplyUpdate the game already
Like ReplyUpdate the game
Like Reply09 is out as of now
Like ReplyHey gamecore the update has been out for 5 days now
Like ReplyAnyone have an idea when the next update is?
Like ReplyNadia is perfect.
Like ReplyNow game works.
Like ReplyHow do you get past the part where Shani's in the zone, and you're just waiting for her to come back? Does the story just end there for now, or is my game glitched?
Like ReplyWhat the hell I just started playing and it gave me the ( an exeption error has occurred) crap. I just want play
Like Replywhy there is no animation
Like Replycette nouvelle version de se jeux est bien mieux que l'autre on peut baiser bien plus de femmes et de filles et même de les mètres enceintes , mais c'est dommage on ne sais pas vraiment si elle sont enceintes et si on pouvais choisir les sex des futurs bèbès sa serrai formidable et faire un grand mariage poligame .
Like ReplyCrashes as soon as yo click start game
Like ReplyThis is the best game and we cant see the scenes.. why? You should change that!
Like Reply0.08C version uploaded, hopefully it fixes previous bugs. Also, there's a lot of audio, so game contains big starting archive, can't do anything about it, long loading probably.
Like ReplyBest game on this site but it doesn't load on this site!
Like ReplyThis is one of my favourite games on the site right now.
Like ReplyWhy do i keep getting error when i try to load my saves. When I reroll it just starts the intro from when you first start the game out.
Like ReplyWhat happened to the blood?
Like ReplyIs anybody on the part where you have to wait for your daughter to return idk what to do
Like ReplyEmma_luv777, Same here... Every quest is "to be continued", I tried to click every places, every item etc to see if it affected the game somehow but it doesn't...
Like ReplyThis release is bull shit. Disabled animations because of "errors" which means all of the good stuff is gone.
Like ReplyError
Like ReplyPain, same, it's really a shame
Like ReplyFemale protagonist my ass. The MC is a male and an ugly mofo at that.
Like ReplyAfter update it keep saying error any solution
Like ReplyWhat cause the game dialogue NPC's to call the MC "Z" at some point in time within these questlines..and when do we get to f... the shit out this pschyco Queen chick..I know we will have to wait an eternity to know what next for Shani but dang I fear for where the update ended with her..Good work dev(s)..will be looking forward till the next update
Like ReplyIn some visual novels, including this, Shift-o gives you access to some sort of python-console. Anybody here who can take advantage out of these?
Like ReplyEvery time I load this game bc I think abt wanting to play the new version it instantly crashes after making the first sound. I get the gray 'an exception has occurred' screen. I've tried many times.
Like ReplyWhen I start a new game is instantly crashes after making a noise. Tried on several occasions. Smth must be wrong with a new version.
Like ReplyThis needs an sheer luck I've managed passed the main beginning bug..then everyone keeps on calling me Z for some reason now..yo main name dont register in the dialogues
Like ReplyI'm playing download v0.07c & I'm not sure if I'm stuck / with some bug or just reached the end of the current content. After the queen tells Z at the games that she wants Shani to find her scout, I can visit fairy in basement & redo few old actions forever but there's no further hint. Can sby enlighten me? On a sidenote: This is an awesome game!
Like ReplyDamianCain, if you saw Zahra's sister and niece, you're done, for now
Like ReplyHave I reached the end of the story? There is nothing further to talk about in the bedrooms, only repetitious actions. Visiting the Fairy in the basement is always the same things. Have the pickup truck, nothing further to do with that. No more exclamation points show up to further the story. I am stuck.
Like ReplyI came for the porn, stayed for the porn and the story... one of the best games out there right now.
Like Replythe error thing doesnt bother me too much but there's not enough to the game yet, need a update soon
Like Replyit crashes
Like ReplyMade it to emilia bedroom scene where she talks of her past. Consrantly crashes from that point onward. Can no longer access story from that point. Please fix the crashes. Return the dining room access to end your day. And update the download. Still stuck on version 0 .04
Like ReplyI like when games don’t require A ton of cpu. There’s a balance to graphics and unnecessary animations and slides.
Like ReplyCPU over 9000 Mobile peasant, purporting a little off but agreed
Like Replyrollback error
Like ReplyThe game is honestly great; however, there is an error during the bath scene with the queen after the gladiator battle. It says javascript error a few scenes after you choose one of the servants the queen offers you. It simply goes to the Patreon screen, shows a few lines of dialogue, and then doesn't go any further. Please fix this because this game is great! I look forward to more updates!
Like ReplyAlthough updated online the download version is still at 0.04. Fix it. Downloaded version crashes less less
Like Replyso you really put a broken game on here lol. got a bug right off the begineing saying the animie imiges are disabled on this version. says free to play but i say bull.
Like ReplyFola, it is free to play its just mostly cutseens that are not sex related
Like ReplyFola, just press ignore..
Like Replyicewolf, what is that on a free hosting site... If they want us to pay they better put a dollar into this game
Like Replylove this... hope the dude that made it has sought the therapy i think he desperately needs
Like Replynew update is out...but it's wait for the patch with the public release.
Like ReplyTry the website porngameshub its good and that game is on still has problems but playable.
Like ReplyThe best game I have seen in a long time. this concept. the gore the depravity. its a shame that there isnt more content for this. The only game i would even consider funding tbh this stuff is just too good.
Like Replywhen is the next update?
Like ReplyA game where you play a father trying to bang his own daughters. No thanks.
Like ReplyBanjo, do, or do not, there is no try
Like ReplyBanjo, they arent even his real kids. and this is post apocalypse. try and imagine that society and its norms would be much more 1st century humanity where stuff like this was normal.
Like ReplyCannot download new version. Only old version gets downloaded. New layout good. But lost options cannot interect with dining room anymore after first time. Characters not accessible in diningroom and no options to interact with wife or other characters in house. Should be able to have actions available for wife and slave emilia. Cannot visit ain in her room. Update version with more options. Should be able to use your lovers when you want to
Like Replywhen is the next update?
Like ReplyThe "text" screen covers half the bottom visuals of the game making it hard to follow whats in the background's annoying as hell..the previous UI set ups were better then these updates ones..
Like ReplyMarcos123, nothing wrong with the UI... it's the website/online version that's doing this.
Like Replyis there anyway for zahra to fuck of suck off igor or no?
Like ReplyWhen do you play as a female???
Like ReplyJoel, you step in Shani's shoes at the market and at the palace with the queen.
Like ReplyFYI on the guys Patreon the game is free and accessible through a mega box download. Also reminder guys its a .06 Alpha it's in early stage.
Like ReplyMike Oxlong, yo can i have the link or something?
Like Replyit's in the game homepage
Like Replythe game has been fixed... if it stills gives you errors, clear your cache and cookies
Like Replythey just fixed it, no errors
Like ReplyA couple of "An exception has occurred" errors show up
Like ReplyAfter 'importing' my save, game crashes after "Fairy" tries to give me a bj
Like Replyjust tried to "Import" my saves, game crashed Google. Also see my reply to Badaka listed 7/21/21
Like Replyafter i get the first bj the game has an erroe,i touch ignore but it keeps repeating
Like ReplyNNCH1LLER, same here. Is this happening to everyone?
Like Replywell after the bj with raider girl, the game because unplayable
Like ReplyHhhh, This has been fixed. Delete your cookies
Like Replyand if it doesnt work ?
Like ReplyNNCH1LLER, Try this site works better
Like ReplyI had no difficulty at all in playing it all.
Like ReplyHhhh, yea, i told the boss already
Like ReplyWhy is it only available on PC can't it also be on Mac
Like Replywhat the f*ck i mast do? in the quest of FATHER what MUST I dO
Like Replyafter i get the first bj the game has an error ,i touch ignore but it keeps repeating
Like ReplyIt's broke- why do they allow a game with 2 min of play be posted? How could the dev not know? Just an intro into something that could be good. W H Y ?
Like ReplyGAU8, check it out on patreon
Like Replywell my saves are gone
Like Replybadaka, you must have deleted the history of the browser
Like Replybadaka, Well, some games, not only this site, when games are update your saves are not able to carry over. You need to "EXPORT" them. Even then if dev changes codes, the exports will not work. REMEMBER the games here are free.
Like ReplyYour game is goog I like it
Like ReplyGood game I like it
Like ReplyWhenever I try to go anywhere like in a room or what not its all covered by this thing that says Room Unavailable or room has options bullshit can I remove this or is it an issue with gamcore
Like ReplyFix the fucking game
Like ReplyRhya, check your fucking attitude
Like Replyyes its fkd after first bit
Like Replygamcore seems to have a problem with the animations (probably the web export). I downloaded the game from his patreon and it works
Like ReplyThe game crashes after the first scene.
Like ReplyThe new version doesn't work. After the first attack (with the 2 raider girls and the guy) the MC goes back to car and then the game crashes
Like ReplyDon't get me it me or all the recent updates this week are all feeling kind of short..I mean I'm glad we get anything at all..but in this..outside the "taking the girl to visit the city" quest..Fairy in the dungeon is broken..and I don't find nothing else..*but still excellent work though on this game..keep it up dev(s)..looking forward till da next update
Like ReplyMarcos123, Tried to replay this..cause game name file is broken..but the game is broken at the start too..This prolly need a re-upload or fixing Gamcore Overlords..Please see to it soon
Like ReplyFIX THE GAME. it always crash when it starts to get GOOD!!!
Like ReplyTo everybody delete the cookies that come woith this site. Then the games will work.
Like Replynew release is out
Like ReplyFantastic game, one of the bests. The only criticism is that there's not more of it. Girls are amazing, the story/fantasy of how you interact is perfect, can't wait for more. Could use more rough treatment like with the first raider, cum, piss, and humiliation.
Like Replymore please. the quests need more
Like ReplyNames don't save sadly
Like Replygame need more upgrade but its sick nice good luck wish u continuo
Like Replygood english, good looking girls, good dialogue, good gramphics, good setting, good choices, good game
Like ReplyGame is cool, and save works, but it doesn't keep any of the names. Changes everyone to "None"
Like ReplyThe game changed a lot since february, looks better but I lost all my progress :/ Still, very nice, waiting for next updates
Like ReplyHot! Best parents ever
Like Replywhen do you know when the game is done
Like ReplyGood Game Frezees bugs
Like ReplyThis game actually slaps
Like ReplyIt sucks its too early to discover this game this game has a lot of potentials though but my dick cant wait. I love Ain
Like ReplyHey - does anybody know the name of the track playing, when on the castle map screen? It's seriously too good for a porn game. :D
Like ReplyOfficial Soundtrack Porn, yeah its a great game i particulary liked the sdtrack when you are going to the raider town with Kyra. Cant wait for the updates!
Like ReplyHow do you talk to Sharni about the map you get from the outskirts?
Like ReplyKCIceman, yeah.. is that a bug?
Like Replyhow do you discuss the map with shani?
Like ReplySirenofRivet, i have no idea that is the same part i am on too
Like ReplySirenofRivet, thinck the game not don to this point..probly in next update
Like ReplySirenofRivet, KCIceman, you have to talk to her in her bedroom. She will then go to the library and you go over the map and your history. Nothing seems to happen with that part of the story after.
Like ReplyShould be really interesting when the next update comes
Like ReplyVault door cutscene doesn't work even if i click ignore or open. Rollback starts cutscene over again you also removed the save game the rollback dialog box option. But overall good game 4 out of 5
Like Replyplz update . i really like it.
Like Replymj8, the last update is a week old
Like Replyplz update.i really like .
Like Replyi like this one, the only problem i had is between yesterday morning and yesterday evening i lost the names of the family (all the 4 even with an "import save") and playing o_O + 2 error code during text but i don't remenber when
Like ReplyI have an account and everything but can somebody help me, My game isn’t saving every time i come back i have to restart
Like Replyvkevin13, you don't have to use the private navigation
Like Reply***** five stars
Like ReplyA damn good game, with a lot of content, and this is just v. 0.05, I'm looking forward to 1.0
Like ReplyLucifer, Oh, and how do you fuck Shani? I saw someone mention that they'd done it, and I've met with Master Zosar, but idk how to continue, if there is a way to continue at all, and I've only seen the queen and Shani kiss each other, nothing else.
Like Replyits taking ages to load up fr ive waitied 10 mins and its only gone up a little need to hurry this shit up!im on pc as well... i tried on my phone and it loaded uip in like 10 seconds
Like Replydoesnt load all says is error extracting zip
Like ReplyGood game but for the latest update I can't find the save/load option at the bottom. anybody else having the same problem?
Like ReplySuperFisher, pres mause :/
Like Replysolid game ecc all it neds is g-solid update
Like ReplySomething bout this game makes shits worth a danmm..the update was fantastic..and the major factions in it pretty danm rock solid..I didn't think they'd be so in depth..holy shit..I'm loving this..Great work dev(s) dude(s) waiting on yo next update..hopefully it won't take months in
Like Replythe update stop where?
Like ReplyWhere the fuck is my save file fuck this fucking site
Like ReplyJJ, you have to export it first
Like ReplyWill the new update be available on this web version?
Like Replymrnn need morrr ff dis
Like Replynice game pls next update after Market szens ist end o continue letter?
Like ReplyFor this being a sex and adventure game and having a house full of Hotties he acts more Like a monk. If I was in that place I would be in each of them multiple times a day. How many days do we have to waste time while waiting for the next mission?
Like Replyvery nice , I like it
Like Replybro is this game finish after the market scene tell me
Like Replyggj, nope. There are a few different scenes after it.
Like Replythese are the worst but good parents i've ever seen
Like Replydo we ever fuck shani
Like Replymigit221, you have to pick the right choices. i had sex with her
Like Replyyuh, How did you fuck Shani?
Like Replythis game is not worth playing
Like ReplyLove the game even if its short it has great potential hopefully i'll have my harem of sexy slaves pretty soon ^^
Like ReplyZiggy, nice choice of words Swede
Like ReplyGG its beasst
Like ReplyMy one request would be to vary the women's bodies a bit more. They do not all need to have large, full breasts.
Like ReplyGreat start, yes they do
Like ReplyGreat start, i agree but i believe the mother and the young sister tits are perfect.
Like ReplyFrisky98, not everyone is into large breats, i personally prefwr small ones
Like ReplyBecause you are into little underage girls or what ? People who are into small tits are seriously close to becoming pedos.
Like ReplyNeed a big update real good but wayyyy too short
Like ReplyGood game but as what everyone is saying way to short. Like graphics and story. Need lot more content on next up grade. don't make as short as demo.
Like Replyrollback errors make it unplayable. sends me back to first raiders scene each time no matter where i save. have to redo names and everything each time...
Like Replybobforthewin, just download the game, some sites like these have allot of commercials and stuffff so there's always potential for problems. is a nice site to download. But there are much more sites ;)
Like Replyse jeux est super ,mais il manque de l'inceste et des cum inside pour mètre les femme et les jeune filles encientes pour avoir des enfants , vivement la suite
Like ReplyVery SHORT but the story is great
Like ReplySkyHard, viva mexico
Like ReplyAlguien podria decirme que programa se usa para crear este tipo de juegos busco recomendaciones saludos
Like Replyis there any new updates to this game
Like Replymake more please
Like ReplyLike a lot of so-called games, it's just a demonstration of a game that will surely be paid download if you become paid. Apart from that, the story promises to be friendly, the images well drawn, but, in my opinion, the game should move into category "sponsored".
Like ReplyNick, shut the fuck up dude, why would you WANT this to become a game you have to pay for??? It's free. Enjoy it.
Like ReplyNick, friendly game ? the MC is manipulative sarcastic old killer, not friendly at all. Dont want to know how friendly your life has been. And games like this are always free, Dev's create a fanbase who love to support "their" games, for future content and games ::)
Like ReplyGreat effort so far, shame it's quite short at the moment. Looking forward to updates!
Like Replywife is so fucking hot. cant wait for an update
Like ReplyThats not female protagonist
Like ReplyNOT FP, how people can dislike your comment is weird LoL or stupid.
Like ReplyYall ever why there's so much sand in the world? Like who made sand ya feel me. Sand is just so sandy, and it's like little planets of microscopic life. Sand be crazy af
Like ReplyTo the designer, the work you did on the soundtrack shows - it's really excellent. Promising game and I look forward to more!
Like ReplyHad no problems, the images look good, and the music is pretty good. I'm just assuming there's no more content after the market.
Like ReplyCould of at least made sure the fucking save and load system works before releasing, having to start over all the time is ridiculous.
Like ReplyJ, it does work mate
Like ReplyJ, the game wasnt meant to be played on a website
Like ReplyIssues with the save and load. Rollback buggy too.
Like ReplyQrow, somee of the downsides of online gaming. Try to download the game, or some other site. Download is stable but not all sites have the newest version, so look around and have fun ;)
Like ReplyIs there no more content after the market for now?
Like Replyyea I'm confused too
Like ReplyYea there is going to be a update idk when tho
Like Replyi like the atmosphere of the game and music (you put effort)
Like Replyvery good. I loved the sound. Can't wai 4 next chap
Like ReplyGame is kind of short but so far I like everything bout the setting of it..I dunno why my saves crashed when I re-load though..aside of that..Good Job dev(s)..looking forward till the next update
Like Reply