The Princess and the Tower [v 0.9b] [Restart]
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Description: If you loved Princess Fiona from Shrek, then this story should remind you of her. In this over-18 parody game, you play as a small goblin that finds himself accidentally transported into a locked tower using magic. He wakes up to discover that he is now trapped with a sexy princess. His only hope of getting out is to train this girl, earn gold, and develop an escape plan. This is a training game that will challenge you but the rewards will be bountiful if you can succeed. With plenty of twists and turns from both a narrative and sexual point of view, you must jump in to find out what this fairy tale is all about. |
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"fufill a wish" and type "gold", "change", "power", "focus", "havoc" and "value".
Like Replyblue-blue-purple-orange - SuScEx
Like Replycan't enter into the institute, the game send me a error message...
Like ReplyThis game is trash. If you want to make an mmo, make one. If you want to make a porn game, make one. Don't try to mix them and have a shitty version of each.
Like ReplyHow do you enchant the lockpick ive tried in the chest room and cant figure it out also dont know how to open the trapdoor in the cellar
Like Replywhat is the gems for the portal?
Like Replyfor some reason i cant access a bunch of the places. The Institute is a dead end, i can visit it and knock but nothing else. I cant do much with the witch and cant get her demonology costume. I cant get the princesses belt off, it wont let me research the last thing for that. The Queen just says "release me" after i capture her and i cant do anything with that. The princess also is stuck on her pet mission, i can take her to the brothel and increase her SUB score endlessly
Like ReplyHow do I get the scrolls of knowledge for Gwynn's research? The walkthrough says Gwynn tells you about the archives where you can find them, but that never happened. Is this a glitch or am I missing something?
Like Replyanyone tell me how to find sex toys and such in the shop
Like ReplyIn order to use the portal, you have to activate it first. In order to do that, put the scrolls on the portal and enter the gems that are written on the wall inside the portal room. Once you activate the portal, you can use the portal.
Like Replyportal, how do i summen nyx with the gems suexu i dont get it
Like Replyfor those who cant enter illiana's cell, just start the game over but select the last chapter. everything from there works. might be an issue with older saves.
Like Replyhow to activate the spider amulate key to enter in institute? someone help please !
Like Replyhow to ask Nyx to go in goblins layer ? there is no option for it !
Like Replywhat the new update it definitely not th queen i can tell
Like ReplyIm stuck in a loop the portal room is bugged it doesnt let me put the correct G+P+G combination to unlock it and i cant put the princess into the cage because for some reason is telling me to find more about the training room and i cant progress with the main missions ... sad!
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to make the wishes Come true with the mirror please?
Like Replyhow to talk with nyx to take her to goblins layer ?
Like Replydoes anyone else not have a clue where to put the code after paying the guild off @1800??
Like ReplyCan't enter illiana's cell after completing the game
Like ReplyNicholas Name, it still under development
Like Replyi can't get a single win against queens portal. they are surrounded an cut off,but still nothing.Hrlp please?
Like ReplyDingo, you cannot win against her, you need to follow the missions. You only have to defend your own portal
Like Replyits impossible to fnish the game.goes arround in cyrcles with no results, what to do with spider to enter the institute?
Like Replyhow to enter the institute ?
Like Replyso how do i actavate the portle the second time, idk whre to put the SuExSu code. anyone else?
Like Replyblu, i cant find it too
Like ReplyAs Inform Gwynn of the belt inscription?
Like Replyhow do you combined the scroll fragments
Like ReplyAnyone else not able to open Illianas cell?
Like Replyam baiscally done the game but to avoid spoiler stop reading this message but developers it a amazing game thankyou for making such a wonderful game hope you make more games like this but i also can't go to illianna cell and when i click on it it does nothing have you not added the contents yet?
Like Replywhere is teh insanitarium located?
Like Replywhat gift item i can give to gwynne
Like Replywhat do i need to do it say i need a buttplug i have it i can't do anything for combination 2 what do i do
Like Replyalot of exception errors are happening with the new update lets hope that gets fixed quick because its basically making the game no fun cant go to gallery cause it errors some options dont work as well and removing cloths from characters does it as well
Like Replyhow do i put the code in for the be;t its give me a code Va VaExSc for 3 lines wtf
Like Replygreen, it crystal of value exchange then scrying it actually not a code it shorten.
Like ReplyHow do i increase Nyx sub above 2? She doesnt want to accept the but plug
Like ReplyIm stuck with Nyx at slut lvl 2. she refuse to get the steel anal plug and when I click trainning , only anal sex option appear, but she also refuse... any ideas?! thanks!
Like Replylmalolols, I wanted to say SUB 2. his slut is high.
Like Replydid someone know how to put the code in the institute ?
Like Replyélise, IMPOSSIBLE !
Like ReplyDingo, add 7 to the amount of spiders there are. if it goes over 9, it resets. So 5 spiders + 7 = 12, and since you reset to 0 after counting up to nine, 2 is the correct answer. 7 spiders + 7 = 14, 4 is the answer.
Like ReplySon of a frozen ballsack! All Saves gone, and had been on Day 70 something!!
Like ReplyI just cant't win againt the blue squares, so I cant enter the Quee's domain, someone can help?
Like ReplyAnyone else hit a bug where you can't drop bombs in the dungeon? I have had a variety of the 2 bombs in my inventory, but can't get back to the spectral slime because I can't place them, so I cannot progress the plot.
Like Replyhow do i send the sex toy to the queen? i dont know how to destroy the crytals in the queen domain in the portal
Like ReplyDrawback, ididn't know either but the option was availiable for me in the shop after attaking the queen domain in the portal
Like Replyhow do i move in the portal, tried to move but can't figure out how
Like ReplyHow do you do the Magic Belt, i don't understand...
Like ReplyTrben, i am having the same problem
Like ReplyHow do you get the belt off? I understand all of the codes but can't get the mini game to work. Secondary question, how do you defeat the queens squares in the portal? They absorb every attack
Like ReplyGaMcOrE, you have toi rotate in the Mini games. the code has to be in a line from left to the right.
Like ReplyGaMcOrE, yer im having the same issue like i found a cheat way to get all the squares in a single go kind of but the ones around the queens portal i cant get rid of also gwen wants me to study the defences on some but i cant think of how to do it anyone help
Like ReplyThriller, Thank you!
Like ReplyThriller, i dont understand i tried the 1 combination didnt work
Like ReplyGaMcOrE, to unlock the belt you have to do the combination on the bottom row
Like ReplyHow do you get into the Institute? I've got the information "Collegium Daemonium", but what am I supposed to do with it? The voice behind the door of the Institute always just say 'no admittance' or something and I automatically leave.
Like ReplyBeto, To continue the game it is necessary to send Nyx in exploration with a plug at least 5x (plug explorer)
Like ReplyBleu1800, i Cant send her to explore, because im stuck at SLUT LVL 2. the option to train her with but plug doesnt appear, only try anal sex but she refuses... any ideas?
Like ReplyHow the heck do I send the dildo to the queen? Keeps saying something about portals aligning or intersecting.
Like Replyspecial delivery via the shop
Like Replyhow can i combine wood and cedar wood to make ebony wood or is there another way?
Like ReplyGo to chest and convert 10 wood to get on cedar. Convert 10 cedar to get 1 ebony. Dont include a gem when you convert.
Like ReplyWhat a fun game. It get's a little grindy towards the end (at least in v0.7), but that may have been my way of playing - not sure.
Like Replyhow/when can i examine the belt with the lockpick. Everytime i go there she wants the money first..and after i gave er some - its not an option anylonger.
Like ReplyBlue, u musr pay the debt 1st
Like ReplyWhich portal leads to the Queen Slut? Top Left or Top Right?
Like Replytop right ...
Like Replygourmet, much thank yous
Like Replywhere can i find ebony wood?
Like Replythe best, you can either buy it from the Shop, or convert the other wood up (Wood -> Cedar Wood -> Ebony Wood) Same with getting the Gold Bars (Iron -> Silver -> Gold)
Like ReplyFuta, thankyou but idk how it work like using the chest how can i put 2 wood to make ebony?
Like ReplyI've captured the queen and the game says I am supposed to visit her in the cellar but she is not in any of the rooms. And I cannot sleep or advance time? Is this a glitch or the end of this version?
Like Replyhow did you capture the queen?
Like ReplyHow do you send gwynn to the institute i have the mission for it. Also what do you so with the spider?
Like ReplyHow do I get her in the cage/training room? I maxed out pet play and fully cleaned up the room, but I don't see the option
Like Replynah, ask for a favour in the morning (she spends all day in the cage)
Like ReplyHow do you beat the Queen's squares in the portal?? I can't get a single win.
Like ReplyIs there a bomb to kill the archivists?
Like ReplyGrex, no you just stond them for a while
Like Replywhos buttom its for use the bomb?
Like ReplyXAXA, it will say at the bottom (in very small letters) but B for normal bomb, N for spectral bomb
Like ReplyHow do you get Gwynn research points?
Like ReplyGrex, you need scroll of knowledge
Like ReplyThriller, where do u find them
Like Replyso it fully charge but can i walk through it if not what do need to help me walk through the portal?
Like Replythe best, Try blue, red, green gems.
Like ReplyTerran, blue _purple_ green (Value, Exchange, Sublimation)
Like Replyhow can i open portal what do i need to use i mean it glowing the blue sparkle but what do i need to do next to open it?
Like Replyso i have a spider amulet the heck do i use this for its buyable from somewhere but im not sure where i went back to the hidden room in archives and thats what i got lol anyone got any idea?
Like ReplyWhere is the cellar ?
Like ReplyThe portal is shit. Costs way too much chrystals to defeat a simple 3.
Like ReplyExcanda, if you have trouble with one, try surrounding it. once they have been cut off, even a 19+ can be easily beaten
Like ReplyI got 'Ending 1', which implies there is more than one. Has anyone found a way to side with the Queen rather than the Princess?
Like ReplyI don't like it. Because I dream about actually BEING the servant of a sexy, bratty princess. What this little goblin asshole plans to do to her... No. If you really must do a game like this, make the MC a big orc instead of a little goblin, and make him convert the princess into sluttery using his big green orc cock, not weak goblin sauce. Lame.
Like ReplyBanjo, I'm a 5' 6" and a dominant irl. You don't have to be built like a footy player to have a dominant personality. Ask Gordon Ramsay.
Like Replyhow do you get scroll of knowledge cant get gwynn to do anything. Also cant take over any square the queen has.
Like Replyjaxxs, I got all the way to the end capturing the queen without etering her squares so you may not ever get to enter her squares. You make the scrolls of knowledge by combining 10 scroll fragments found in the archives.
Like ReplyJayafterdark, Thank you
Like Replyjaxxs, you assemble them from the fragments of knowledge. you get those from the archivs on the portal map.
Like Replyhow did you capture the queen please?
Like ReplyThere's a glitch in the game. When you get to the mission to cature the queen Nyx asks for a map. You can get one from Gwynn the first time but it disappears after the mission causing Nyx to ask for it again for the second mission but Gwynn has lost the option of making one.
Like ReplyFrom Jayafterdark > I reloaded from an Autosave and the glitch went away.
Like Replyhow do i get teh princess into the dungeon?
Like Replygreat game, I like it a lot! however could the hints on how to progress be more helpful! I guess bad ratings came from users who despaired of the tasks, like activating the portal etc.. understandable, I wouldn't have thought of it without a hint in the comments! still FIVE STARS from me!
Like Replyim not sure who downvoted that but rather then downvote why not actually give a answer?
Like ReplyHave gotten to the point need the Ebony Wood for the Queen's Sex toy, and the 3 bars of Gold (or somehow to learn the recipe to convert Iron to Silver to Gold). have figure out a way to progress the Portal Map: if you are against a square you can't win against, try and surround it and cut it off, then they become weak and easily beatable :)
Like ReplyFuta, comine 10 iron anything to make the silver equivalent. 10 silvers combine to make gold. Ebony is the third tier when you improve wood. It can also sometimes be purchased in the shop, as can the gold bars.
Like ReplyJayafterdark, combine the bars with what? have tried all the gems and no luck (only have 7 Silver right now :( )
Like ReplyFuta, ooo! never thought to try combining them _on their own_!!!
Like Replyis there any consequences like would i die if i don't pay off the guild?
Like Replythe best, only that you won't get the pet thief
Like Replyim stuck at this point i cant get the fragments to be usable and theres nothing else training wise i can do for any of the people here because gwenn's cant be started i am assuming because i cant get the fragments done some help would be awesome
Like Replyanyone can help me how to have Institute training Gwenn ??
Like Replyhow to get into institute?
Like Replyhow to get scroll of knowledge
Like ReplyThe game tells you to give the Princess the strange fruit at 6pm which I have done. It then tells you to find out what she is doing with it but I can't find how to do that.
Like ReplyJayafterdark, I think you give her the fruit and then visit her at 1800 the same day. (If it isn't 1800, try other times)
Like ReplyCode for the belt -> xliv xcix (all small and with space between both)
Like ReplyPorn12321, Thanks that one had me stuck for ages.
Like ReplyPorn12321, After game update i think. dont use a space in between, its just 1 big word now. all lower case still, idk why they had the - in there if its just 1 word now but oh well
Like ReplyWhat do I have to do for Nyx to be ready to wear the enchanted plug?
Like ReplyI think I understand I have to talk to the queen to get the key to the mysterious (portal) room, but anytime I try to use the mirror, all the queen says is "Don't waste my time. You have a task to do." What the hell is it?? What am I missing? Do I have to talk to her at a specific time?
Like ReplyWhere is the key for the mysterious room? i paid the guild competly and built the trainning room. But i cant find it. Pls help :(
Like Replylmalolols, it's in the 2 lvl in the dungeon
Like Replylmalolols, enter the lower celar and then press the "search" button, bottom find the key that will lead you to the lower 2nd lvl dungeons
Like ReplyShe when drinking the wine? I gift a bottle wine, but not sleeping open mouth
Like ReplyAdemHUN, stay by the bed and wait 10-15 seconds
Like ReplyWhat is the portal code
Like ReplyTubb43, Tubb43, read the notes
Like Replywhere is the shop?
Like ReplyTPM, you find that once you open up the Portal (after getting the pet thief)
Like ReplyTo be able to examine the belt, have to give the Princess the 100k she wants to escape the tower? that won't be Game Over?
Like ReplyFuta, apparently she'll let you sleep in her room over night after you give 100k and large sums of money given allows for special BJ
Like ReplyRed, thank you, was kinda reluctant to pay her that money as didn't want the game to end before doing everything else
Like Replysomeone please tell me where i find the key for the mysterious room as im on the verge of losing my shit
Like ReplyI'm mixing up the labels on the bath scents but can't get the confrontation to happen. Any suggestions?
Like ReplyJayafterdark, mix the labels, then send Nyx to administer to the Princess
Like ReplyCan someone tell me, where I can find the key? I already paid the guild and built the trainning room, but i cant find it :(
Like ReplyFuta, we can't get to the portal to bring Nyx in ??? how about explaining exactly how to proceed first ...
Like Replygourmet, the portal room is the middle room in the basment, the one behind the ladders
Like ReplyWhere do you find the portal??
Like ReplyGrex, behind the mysterious room
Like Replygourmet, thanks!! But where is the key? I have tried just about everything I can think of but can find/make it. When I try to use the mirror, the queen just tells me to do my task - no other hints/help.
Like ReplyGrex, the key is in second or third Dungeon, do not remember exactly ...
Like ReplyHow do the portal work i have payed the guild goten the thife and i want to "adventur" but all i can do is use gems for more charge nothing more
Like ReplyBranch, so do I
Like ReplyI cant find that key to the lower dungeons, can anybody help please?
Like ReplyBlue, third level? haven't managed to find that yet either, and probably will find the black wood on that level as well :(
Like ReplyFuta, I can help you with the black wood if you can point me in the direction of the portal. I just CANNOT find it and so cannot advance to the assistant thief
Like ReplyFuta, no i mean the 1st key you need to find. Where the lady in the mirror tells you to go and find the key to be able to advance further into the 2nd leven in the dungeons.. The Mirror also gave me some hints but i wasnt able to find it yet..
Like ReplyGrex, the portal is in the room behind the stairs leading to the Dungeon :: Blue, have only managed to find the keys to two levels of the Dungeon plus the room with the Phantom Slime, haven't managed to find the way down to the third level yet
Like ReplyFuta, thats what i mean im not even on the 1st level...where is that first two keys???
Like ReplyFuta, The third level is accessed by a lever hidden under the chest in the second level. I don't think it's accessible until the witch tells you where to find it.
Like ReplyWrite XLIVXCIX instead of XLIV-XCIX
Like ReplyAnyone know what the code SuExSu means to get your assistant. Have tried different things but no luck
Like Reply1animalin74, gem of sublimation, gem of exchange, gem of sublimation
Like ReplyAnon, How do we use the portal and where do we find it ? SuExSu how should I use it ?
Like ReplyAnon, I tried that and it tells me it doesn't seem to work that way
Like Reply1animalin74, did you do it at the right time of day? 18:00
Like ReplyAnon, Yes. does the portal need to be powered? If so what's the sequence?
Like Reply1animalin74, should be Blue, Purple, Green (if you look at the screen, you should see three jewels laying around, put them in the order they appear)
Like ReplyAnyone able to figure out the meaning of the second hint from the Mirror? When you ask for Advice? Something about gold and 'men will be men'? may be remembering the wording wrong...
Like ReplyI'm typing the correct letters to the witch in the mirror about the belt. XLIV-XCIX but she is not reading it. Ive tried subtraction too and nothing is working. Also the shop is one of the protals
Like Replykiln, I haven't gotten to that part yet but they might be roman numerals. Try 44-99
Like Replykiln, which portal? have managed to light up the left side, but can't do anything else in that room other than search
Like Replykiln, I figured out the inscription, type xlivxcix. No caps, no spaces, no dashes
Like ReplyI dont understand how the belt combinations work. What the hell is "VaVaExSc" for example? Could someone explane?
Like ReplySpade, Potions the first two letters
Like Replyso like, how are you supposed to fill your stash before she takes it for the day? Is it an item? do i have to finish repaoring the room? what is it? (ive already been given the pouch)
Like Replye, theres tabs before you climb up the ladder
Like Replykiln, e, yes , there is, but she will discover it later in the game aand took your money...
Like ReplyGuesswhat, but she only takes it once, so make sure you send it to the Guild first
Like ReplyYour_Mother_Faggot, have you... tried stashing it before going back up the tower? after she finds your stash (and locks your green arse in the cage), she only needs 100 a day
Like ReplyWhat is inscription on belt?
Like ReplyWhy the music from settlers, my childhood is ruined :D
Like ReplyWhat fucking shop?
Like ReplyFuta, one more prove futas are dumb as shit.
Like ReplyThat pacifier XD
Like Reply