This game is a parody of Teen Titans where all the famous characters including Raven, Starfire, Beastboy, Cyborg, Deathstroke and Robin fight against crimes. You take on the role of Robin who leads the heroes to fight against the villains. You are determined to protect Jump City against all evil, especially that of the green monster Beastboy. You are abducted and injected with something that looks like a high-functioning aphrodisiac… Find out what happened to you next!
anyone know how to pass the x-ray section? in cyborg room when in click to talk about x-ray then he say: the system isn,t ready for anything alive yet
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how I can find Blackfire again after kissing her?
Like ReplyGuys I've stuck to Cyborg I want him to x-ray and then he said 'The system isn't already for anything alive yet' and Marty said 'and it won't during this building' I think I have to Cyborg a poster but it doesn't have any button to give him what I have to do next?
Like Replyi cant beat terra
Like Reply1.5.0 version is giving me an error where every time i win a fight against dr. light or a moth it cannot increase my win counter. this seems to have locked me out of progressing my personal combat skill and the killer moth quest
Like ReplyAnyone know how to beat the mother Mae I part?
Like ReplyDoes anyone else get an error after winning a fight?
Like ReplyYeah it happens to me also
Like Replyviva la topa
Like ReplyHow do you clean terra's room. As it seems that neither cyborg nor the alley guy want to help.
Like ReplyIt has a very good story and good animations i just hope for the full game to be made.
Like ReplyCant get past finding beastboy during the pie crisis due to the game not letting me enter the code to progress
Like ReplyI’m having the same issue
Like Replyim on vr and when try to push buttons the keyboard won't pop up plz fix it
Like ReplyGame's not loading
Like Replywhy isn't my game saving?? starting for the very beginning is annoying as hell
Like ReplyI wish Tessa had pretended to be innocent and scared longer. Since her leaving, Terra makes me wish I had spent more time in a romantic dominant relationship with Kitten. By the way, I wonder if they will add a Pink X ? And if I can date a girl that Robin wanted nothing to do with then could the author give me a choice in the scene with Raven ? Maybe instead of forcing me to date the only heroine I feel uncomfortable with I could go on a date with Terra or Star after all ?
Like ReplyHow do I progress the Terra story I just got the room cleaned out
Like ReplyY’all wanna know what makes me consistently angry? The Renpy girl has 11 fingers
Like Replyhow to invade warehouse
Like ReplyWe are all waiting for the new update
Like Replywhat do i have to do to find terra again after the strip club?
Like Replyits just another piece of glitchy garbage like the rest of the crap "game designers" on this site produse
Like ReplyI think I glitches the game I can't go on the date with raven it says see her tomorrow but when I try to sleep it says it's date night ?
Like ReplyOpen Console:Shift + O Money:your_money=99999 Batarangs:batarang_amount=99999 Smokebombs:smokebombs_amount=99999 Food: jail_food=99999 Adrenaline Shots:adrenaline_shot=99999
Like Replycheats, how do i put the cheats?, where is the console?
Like Replywhat should i do with literal maze of alleys please help
Like ReplyDoes anybody know when is the next update?
Like ReplyBruh the creator put a update out they just haven’t updated it on here
Like ReplyPiece of shit game won't let you do anymore blowjobs if you learn her language first.
Like Reply All options here. No need to thank me. I'm tired of seeing all this fucking ad infested bullshit torrent stuff
Like ReplyWhen is the next update?
Like Replyhow do i move the slade bot to my room
Like Replyoh i almost forgot cheat:Type these commands in the console exactly how you see them. Open Console: Shift + O Money: your_money=99999 Batarangs: batarang_amount=99999 Smokebombs: smokebombs_amount=99999 Food: jail_food=99999 Adrenaline Shots: adrenaline_shot=99999
Like ReplyRadiace, where is the console?
Like Replysomeone have a save file?
Like ReplyI have a few!!
Like ReplyJacke, yo lemme get them
Like Replyhow to maek labcoat sandwich for the selling man
Like Replywhat is a labcoat?
Like Replywhat should i do with literal maze of alleys please help
Like Replyvery good sex game
Like ReplyWhen does this version end I still waiting on Tera’s tracker?
Like Replyhow to make hambergur lapcot for seller and find tera ? Help plss :(
Like ReplyLaBCOaT = Lettuce, Burger, Cheese, Onion, Tomato, I think. New update now comes with a reminder
Like ReplyHow do I get the burger for the seller and give him it. Every time I press on the burger place it just says I can work there but that's it
Like ReplyLacster35, Yeah. I'm having the same issue.
Like ReplyLacster35, once the merchant tells you the ingredients go to the burger place and just start orders and make his burger instead of a customer
Like Replykola, You have to prepare it just how the seller says, the recipe in the restarurant is wrong is only one cheese needed
Like ReplyLacster35, make the burger he describes and it'll make you keep it since the customers won't take food they hate
Like ReplyLacster35, you just make that burger when anyone asks. no one requests it. you make it then you stow it away for later when the customer says it's not the right order
Like ReplyLacster35, you have to make the wrong one burger.
Like ReplyHow do I repair the cells shielding?
Like ReplyHas huge amount of content for a 200mb game, looking forward to the next update
Like Replywhat do i do after i pick up ravens mirror? It says i think this is the right path but I duno.
Like Replyshop owner wants a burger called labcoat anybody know the ingredents
Like Replylab coat, lettuce, beef, cheese, onions, tomato
Like Replyrescued starfire in space kissed blackfire goodbye and beat the puppet king or whatever the villian is supposed to be named is there anyway to start terras tracker quest with cyborg?
Like ReplyHow do i find out who is sleeping with me? And how do i stop them?? pls help me.
Like ReplyIm stuck, i dont know if i have to wait or it is a bug, i already trained with the old lady, cyborg doesnt make the communicator, i cant enter beast boy's room and i cant ask anybody what's goin on with starfire
Like ReplyWhat should I do, cause whenever I run the game it keeps 'stopping' just with no reason, wtf should I do
Like ReplyDam that music hit me with some fat nostalgia.
Like ReplySeriously what is the actual code? 80085 works sort of but sort of not.
Like ReplyThis music is fire
Like ReplyI think I finished the game I can't talk to no one in day 51
Like ReplyHow to defeat Raven in battle so I can meditate again
Like ReplyPlease how sex starfire bruh im new :/
Like ReplyUpdate pls
Like ReplyGame is still not fixed. Unexpected error in Raven's room.
Like ReplyWhy does All my saved clips disappear and I have to restart everytime
Like ReplyShould update v1.2.7
Like Replyis there anything past cyborg working on the ship? every time i click talk he just looks at the board and nothing happens.. if theres anything im missing pls help
Like ReplyThrawn, Defeat Blackfire and get chains to transport her onto the ship.
Like ReplyHelp it says "An Exceptional Error has occurred" whenever i try to go to Raven's room
Like ReplyXavierisbst, they need to update it to 1.2.7
Like ReplyStuck after Starfire puts on the Raincoat and cant interact with Raven at all. Please help
Like ReplyYugoslavia
Like ReplyWhen I tell pantha that she is a titan and go to cyborg to ask him for the communicator he keeps saying "not even close" what do i need to do?
Like Replyi can't progress terra storyline. they told me to get a room empty and i paid the guy to do it but he doesn't. and also i cant find the room... beastboy says it's in the girls wing but i cant find it. please help!
Like ReplyFaffo2007, and also how do i defeat pantha?
Like ReplyFaffo2007, youre a fucking nigger make her low hp then after that use the choke thing
Like ReplyTo be honest I had more fun playing the game than getting off to it
Like Replywhere do i go for the ship with blackfire
Like Replyjaxxs, Josh, same I’m stuck there aswell and ppl don’t wanna share
Like ReplyYerrrrr, same here, must be a bug, gonna wait next update
Like Replyhow do i get them on the rocket ship?
Like ReplyJosh, ye dunno either someone pls help
Like ReplyRespect for who did this game. I began to watching teen titans thans to this game
Like ReplyHow to solve mirror challenge in Raves room
Like ReplyHow to solve mirror puzzle in ravens
Like ReplyA person, sorry in ravens room
Like ReplyHow do i keep fighting raven after friendly sparring?
Like ReplyYo guys how do u make black fire and jinx’s resistance go down there at 5 rn for me
Like Replyhow to earn more money?
Like Replymarko, fight even losing gives you money
Like ReplyI finished beating pantha and convinced her to become a Titan, but when I try to get a communicator from cyborg it says "Marty, Not ready yet" I am stuck here.
Like ReplyWhat do I do after training with the old lady?
Like ReplyRaf, I defeated the motherfucker several times and nothing happens, how did you unlock her in Titans?
Like ReplyIs it possible To import saves and make it work when i do it i have to reset and it doesn’t work
Like ReplyAt least it has a good background music
Like ReplyI got the code from the sladebot, but it doesn't seem to do anything. anyone know what to do?
Like ReplyJumboJack, 80085 is the right code
Like ReplyThis is a masterpiece
Like ReplyI just want to see what's up to the game and I like the teen Titans.
Like Replyafter training with the old lady what do you do
Like ReplyBadcock, I'm stuck there too
Like ReplyIm guessing the game "ends" when you finish training with the old lady
Like ReplyBadcock, How do I start training with the old lady? She's in the shower during the day and nothing else happens for me
Like Replysharpturtle00, visit her in the evening in Terra's room
Like Replyunplayable says javascript error
Like ReplyBesides the taining, and the warehouse was anything added in this update?
Like ReplyIt says Java script error
Like ReplyRaven1, just keep saving the goddamn game that’s why I do
Like ReplyRaven1, need to open developer window when game is loading (f12), then click back on game screen.
Like Replyidk why but i can click on girls rooms . can smbd help me
Like ReplyMay It Taint You(MITY) are the creators of the game. They have also made 'Four Elements Trainer."
Like ReplyI can't do the ting of the library
Like ReplyEvery time I try to save the game freezes and shows an error message
Like ReplyAce, the same thing happens to me and I can't find out why
Like ReplyHow do I get rid of the error on my screen?
Like ReplyThe intro was funny, had me hooked as soon as Will Smith' slap was hinted at.
Like Replyhow can i pass the itch mission?
Like ReplyHow to get the resistance down
Like ReplyHow do I get prisoners to be submissive
Like ReplyI fucking lost 6 weeks of progress by accidently clicking start. This game is shit
Like ReplyI jus beat robin twice at the warehouse slade ending thing marty update it mann
Like ReplyWhere do i declutter the room for terra, i cant find it anywhere
Like ReplyGo to the shady guy in the ally
Like ReplyAntrax, wheres the clutted room at in the tower so I can clean it?
Like Replytop fok stop
Like ReplyAnyone got a full save they can link?
Like ReplyI finished beating pantha and convinced her to become a Titan, but when I try to get a communicator from cyborg it says "Marty, Not ready yet" I am stuck here
Like ReplyRaf, i beat her several times but cant invite her, is there anything specific i need to do?
Like Replywhen i click start nothing happens and at the top of the screen there is a script error message
Like Replyfake, you have to open an inspect window
Like ReplyThis game is emotionally heavy. Ever since I took Terra in, every night I watch her sleeping sweetly and innocently naked on the couch. I can't go on with the storyline. I'm just afraid that like the real Robin I will say something stupid and lose her. Even fisting with Blackfire and Star didn't help me. I would rather play the Beast Boy. Then I would have a minimal chance to save her.
Like Replythere is a chance to meet bat women ?
Like Replychrome;//flags → disable hardware-accelerated video decode Works with other Ren Py games too.
Like ReplyAlso open developer tools before save or load game
Like ReplyWhen will the next update happen I finished the game at the warehouse when's the next update Marty :0!!!
Like Replycyborg barging in on robin and beast girl was the best
Like Replyrachei pra krl nessa parte, mas inegável que a "mutana" ficou gostosa pra porra
Like ReplyThanks God there's an actual cummunity for this game Please Help im stuck in raven story i Picked up her mirror and i got sent into another i need to jump from a rock to another but he doesn't jump
Like Replysent to another dimension*
Like ReplyChristine, not sure if you still need help or not, but a text from Robin will pop up of him thinking he's on the right path. It's a bit of triall and error, but it shouldn't take too long once you catch on.
Like ReplyIm a girl and im a anime fan
Like ReplyCutiesenpai, I need your instagram or something else
Like Replyi got on the right one but what do i do after?
Like ReplyCutiesenpai, aww so cute
Like ReplyHow do I wing against pantha ?
Like ReplyFred, you have to beat up Light Doctor over and over, then train with Pantha, then fight her and get her health to as low as possible, then use Chokehold to beat her. Let me know if that helped!
Like ReplyHow do I make jinks and blackfire more submssive from 5 and 7 to go lower than tha ?
Like ReplyGod, Smokebomb decrease enemy's attack a lot. Adrenalin increase your HP, 1st icon is attack, 2nd icon is defence, it decrease enemy's attack a little. I have no idea what's batwing is good for.
Like Replyit says he needs to fight someone special but i can't defeat terra; can anyone help me? ps. (i haven't really understood the combact mechanics)
Like ReplyAssfucking Blackfire and Starefire was the best
Like ReplyBro's the Starfire and Terra scene is the best scene in any hentai game ever thank you creator
Like Replyhow do i progress ravens story, im stuck on the mock battle
Like Replylop, you need to improve those combat stats by defeating everyone on the telescope troubles, each unique opponent you defeat gives a permanent boost to combat stats
Like ReplyHow can I fuck Terra? I tried everything
Like Replybluesharm, advance the story by trying to get into raven's coochie, slade has to invade the tower for that option to be available, then you can blackmail fuck her, it's pretty cool but she charges 20 bucks what a scam
Like Replymemelord69420, am stuck at the point where she says mock battles but am not sure what to after that
Like Replyso what the new update?
Like ReplyGuys I'm stuck at waiting for Cyborg to do researcch on the bots and taking Terra to pizza for second time and Marty just keeps spamming Not yet... Any thoughts?
Like ReplyMorgan69185, Im stuck too, dont know what next to do
Like ReplyBruh this shit funny as fuck fr
Like Replydoes anyone know where the right leg is for the slade robot is?
Like Replythe best, in the garage
Like Replyon the roof of the titans building
Like Replyhow do i defet raven in the mock battles
Like ReplyIts so cool that the slade bot is actually saying something and answering questions in her number speech
Like ReplyGreat game, I enjoyed alot and can't wait for the next update. A couple of optional NTR scenes would top it of perfectly! Perhaps after losing at the pizza place?
Like ReplyAaaaàààaaaàaaaah daddy
Like ReplyI'm stuck at waiting for Cyborg to do researcch on the bots and taking terra to pizza for second time Marty keeps spamming Not yet... Any tips?
Like Replysnapp, I can't progress beyond this point either :( If anyone has any tips on this would be appreciated!
Like ReplyEh, anyone figure it out ??
Like Replysnapp, go to the garage, Then clock on the ride clye
Like Replythe itch persist help
Like Replylilpaper, you need to take one and another with equality
Like Replylilpaper, if you do not scratch it like 4 times in a row, raven will tell you the folloing day to wait a bit and then scratch it. Then just wait one time and scratch it.
Like Replydoes anyone know what to do to repair the shielding am stuck
Like ReplyGo to the libary with Raven
Like ReplyGood game overall, but I have some suggestions. Make it so we can freely level and train rather than being gated like the story currently has. I shouldn't have to struggle with the combat eternally if I put in the time and effort to grind xp and level up. 2nd, please make it so we can break the girls in the holding cells of their resistance entirely and they are simply compliant when told what to do as long as their hunger levels are kept down. Otherwise, everything worked fine for me.
Like ReplyQwerty1724, I was thinking the same thing but, this is their kind of style which gives the game a nice balance. Annoying but, feels like I'm playing at a nice pace.
Like Replyhow to beat terra/get final level of training? it says i reach a plateau and need to train against someone special
Like Replyblursed, fight her a few times, and train afterwards every time. you will eventually learn to spin your staff, which will give you the edge you need to beat her.
Like Replyblursed, you have to lose twice and train after each to learn new attack style.
Like Replyhow can i play every renpy game throws me an error
Like ReplyMr.Mr, open up two tabs of the game and have one on inspect mode
Like ReplyMr.Mr, Also disable hardware acceleration decode in Chrome
Like ReplyHow to leanr about de shielding ?
Like ReplyHow to go further with the Slade robots? I really don't know what's next..
Like ReplyCardi B, Same im legit confuse
Like Replyhow fuck terra?
Like Replykilla, you have to finish raven first
Like Replyanybody knows where the head of the slade bot is?
Like Replyto repair the shielding go to the shop and buy the batteries alsways check out his stuff) to deafeat teh villains just get to raven until the library and then earn some money and buy teh adrenalin (they give HP) hit and heal the enemys and soon you can pretty much beat all of them
Like Replythe best way to become strong is just beating up dr light over and over
Like ReplyDeez, I don't even know how to beat the dude without the adrenaline shot. I don't understand the combat at all
Like ReplyNo idea how to repair the shielding
Like ReplyYEsthatisGAy, There is a book in the library (talk to raven in the day by waiting for her to be ready with meditating multiple times) that increases your skills. Which you can then use to "repair" the shielding.
Like ReplyYEsthatisGAy, suck my shit
Like ReplyHow do defeat the Villains
Like ReplyHow do you defeat the villains
Like ReplyReases pieces, you can defeat them using a combination of the smoke bombs batterangs, and adrenaline for the first few fight they get easier
Like ReplyReases pieces, items from shop help. use healing shot and smoke bombs.
Like ReplyReapila piezas, con equipamiento que encuentras en una tienda del juego , para conseguir dinero tienes que ir con raiven y ir a la biblioteca para ganar dinero y con eso compas equipamiento, te recomiendo solo peliar con el enemigo hombre . Por qué las otras 2 te van a partir tu madre . Ya cuando tengas mucha fuerza y bombas de humo podes derrotar a la de pelo rosa . La otra si está más complicado te recomiendo tener un montón de curación ya que ella quita un pontón mínimo unas 15 o 20
Like Reply