It was a normal day. You were simply visiting your grandfather's mountain house as usual to relax. Then something mysterious happened. You found yourself surrounded by mythical creatures that came from the woods. They were panting and thirsty for your soul. It's your task figuring out how to survive out there, rescue hot damsels and get yourself laid. Some of these monsters will have a piece of you so don't be shy and let them. Shoot huge loads up those monster holes and have fun.
This game is broken, restart, save, unsave, clear cookies, change browesers, change PC - No fix.
Like Replystill one of the best game on this site even to day
Like ReplyThis game is beautiful, great work 👏🏾 I don't mind the lags here and there but you made a great game 💗 I hope to see another great project from you bro 😉
Like Replyhave torbel evertime i get coled tring in the hosptel i heve 3 out tring done befortimes is up
Like Replythe good part: cool story, cute animation, no open end. the bad part: the animations are lagging, the game crashes frequently played in firefox in private browsing mode via ssh tunnel socks5 proxy save a lot!
Like ReplyGreat game. deep story. most deep i ever seen on such porn games. other comments are just .... personnal. for me girls always look too young in those game. ok.... i am old.... and stop with fucking TREE dicks... that make guys with small ones depress :P
Like Replyi dont find the wires for the second bomb annyone can help plz
Like ReplyI guess i came in the wrong MIST place this time...
Like ReplyI cant even get to the load screen without it breaking on me..i played this game for hours and now i cant even play it anymore. Apart from that i cant access my saves so i cant continue on the gamcore browser..good shit like usual!
Like Replygreat game but it keeps crashing. not sure if it is because of the gamcore browser or if it is the game itself. please fix it,
Like ReplyNot sure if its coincidence or if this was based off it.. but i just came across a 2007 movie called 'The Mist'. A fairly similar concept as this game. Tho a bit more terrifying. So if this was inspired by that movie, then i thank you for the route you went, with things like the racoon instead of some of the other stuff in the movie. - Tho ill say, i like this game a LOT more!
Like ReplyI honestly wouldnt have even watched that movie if i had not played this game. That was the only reason i did. It sounded to similar and i just had to see. Lotta similarities it turns out, and a lot of difference for sure. - But i say this game is better'
Like ReplyHow do you prevent WebGL context from being lost? Is my laptop just garbage??
Like ReplyThis is a really good game. Creative story. Keeps evolving as you go through. Certainly one of the better games iv seen on here. - Only down side was some of the cut scenes were hard on my comp and didnt load in real time. But i could scroll back one screen afterwords and then it would play. And some times the images pixelated on me. But i assume thats more my problem then the games.
Like Replygamcore wiping saves makes me not want to waste another 10-12hrs for the new content.
Like ReplyThis Game was fine. This game was effectively complete. This game was done. Now, with the newest update, it fucking broke again. Stop with unnecessary updates that breaks your game. Loading no longer works.
Like Replyerror when you wash the first girl in the basement...says bye :))))
Like Replyngl its a pretty good game but the ending doesnt make it any justice, it would be way better to end it in freeroam.
Like ReplyAm I the only one getting "Script Error" and can't play anything?
Like Replyis the last sex scene blacked out on purpose or is this some kind of glitch?
Like Replynigfa, Same, I need a fix for that
Like Replygotcha123456, it seems to be fixed now
Like ReplyHey can anyone help me with the racoon? I tried several strategies but it always ends with death for MC? (o_O)
Like Replyis someone else stuck on the red screen after the "raccon" attacks you?
Like ReplyTheTiredOne, i hit ctrl, alt, delete and it worked, idk how but it did
Like ReplyIt still is broken btw . stuck on scene after racoon. 8/13
Like Replywhy is it under ''female protagonist''? if youre playing a guy its NOT female protagonist....
Like ReplyReal talk, guys. v0.1 is the latest version. And it's free to dowmload on the patrion. The difference in playing the downloaded version and the browser version is night and day
Like Replyfire in the cave has a face in the flames, nice touch.
Like previous saves didn't carry over...yet the dev's never responded. BYE
Like ReplyDOES IT MATTER, it didn´t even save for me last update i had to get my PC running for days to finish the game.
Like Replypermanent bye glitch after reloading and restarting page many times, sad
Like ReplyThe Bye! glitch seems to be a memory issue, make sure you have saved recently (or the last Auto save is recent enough), shut down and try again later As for the blurry pixelated images, just roll back and wait a few seconds for the animation to load
Like ReplyFuta, okay, seems like Skipping the Morning Blowjob also causes the Bye! glitch, so... just don't use the Skip button and instead click-through
Like ReplyAs I Compare !000 Glitches Missing Pitures And miss and can't go forward with robin a gray sreen apears so id sayy at lest 4ooo error to the game and it all shows on a gray screen
Like Replyedeo, do u know how to fix Bye! glitch?
Like ReplyDamo )Check Memory on computer 1. save game - refresh grey expanded sreen ether rollback or ignore ..
Like Replyedeo, hmm, my memories fine. i dont know what you mean but ill try to get that error screen to pop up, thanks for the help fornow my man
Like Replyedeo, any idea how to get the ignore or rollback screen to pop up?
Like Replybruh, im confident enough to say im aboput 50% through the game, and ive literally tried over 10-20 times to restart the game but its just keep saying Bye! Someone please tell me how to fix this shi. Im tryna finish this game cus its fire ngl
Like ReplyDamo, i beg somebody to help me, ive restarted even mroe times and this is just stupid now
Like ReplySorry made mistake down path mushrooms in front of you Robins tent is to the right and cabin with gun is to the left thengo right then left town straight , is lake
Like ReplyFor people looking for Robins Tent Your room have knive equipped and goto forest via your Room- godown path and turn Right same for gun and town and lake. but after you get the gun explore more.
Like ReplyThe usual polished game from a developer:) What a pile. Does not even load. And you expect support. Back to drawing board for you. Come back when you have something the actually works. Four thumbs down.
Like Reply8.1 of mist is not messed up like this call this pete pete and repete needs more work
Like Replythis game is wonderful, I love it and long for it every day, what a great job they did, they are the best and gamcore is more incredible every day with its games and different creators, thanks for existing.
Like Replygreat game, I hope to enjoy more games like this and pending updates, a million stars for this work of art.
Like Replywherre do i find hte stones
Like ReplyAnother room walking sim... :(
Like ReplyI get to the part of the quest where he has to catch a fish and it continually says it escaped. Is there something I am missing or is it a glitch in the game now? Help.
Like ReplyAmaizing game. One of the best ones I've played here. Thanks for all the ones that made it possible
Like ReplyTrying to find Robins tent, any gameplay advice? TY.
Like ReplyWhy tf won't it let me load my saves?
Like Replyhow do you get the mission table i don't see it anywhere
Like ReplyVery nice game!!!! Thank you
Like Replyfix your game, it keeps saying bye :/
Like Replya potato, That's the Great Renpy Player!!!! You have to refresh and sometimes restart the page and hope it works.....
Like ReplyJerkfree, kept happening if Skip the Morning Blowjob
Like ReplySex videos naked beautiful pictures and pics of the students sex
Like ReplyI keep trying to play this game but it will not load just keeps saying BYE I would like to try it so can anyone tell me who has made this game and I can look it up on Patrions
Like ReplyAries01, 395 games is the dev , i played this game and i like it like a story ans animations .
Like ReplyMasterGame, Thanks for the info will check it out
Like ReplyThis game was awesome from start to finish ... even though when i first started the game i didn't want to play it because of the glitchess from the start and from Robin's arms and movement and quite alot of them in the game and the spelling errors but once i got over it and i started enjoying the story and the sex scenes it really was an amazing time!I hope the new update comes soon because i am curious to see and read what will happen next!
Like ReplyAs someone who's autistic i absolutely loved how they wrote Lilly. She's one of the most realistic portrayals of Aspergers I've seen in a game, or any form of media really. Which is kind of sad, since a sex game did a better job of showing how someone with Aspergers is then Hollywood and they've got the benefits of millions of dollars in funding, researchers, and a full writing staff in addition to the rest of the cast and crew...
Like ReplyFelt really weird during the gas station, generator, and electrical panel parts of the game. Most of my family are electricians and I've spent a good chunk of my adulthood working on generators and gas stations specifically so it felt weird having to spend a week just preparing to get a generator working when it would take me like 2 hours to do all this IRL
Like ReplyRando, would take me less then 10mins matey
Like ReplyRando, Yeah man haha sometimes all she needs is a good kick and a spit of gas ay cuz
Like ReplyRando, do take in to mind that the person fixing it is sorta a newbie (the in game character, of course), so he's not gonna get it on the first try. Just somethin' to take in, lad.
Like ReplyI can not even get game to play hope they fix it so I can see if I want to play it or not
Like ReplyHow to get stone?
Like ReplySpieler234562, You have to go throuth the forest to the lake. not the fishing spot thge other see and than you have new options to goo right and found stones
Like Replyhow to get the stone
Like ReplyVery good game!!!I'm waiting for the upgrade
Like ReplyWheres the sex? ive been multitasking this game for 3 hours and still havent reached a good scene yet. stop with fucking teasers this game would be terrible if the survival aspect wasnt cool
Like Replyjj, what do you mean with 3 hours? I played still over one week and not an end in sight. Extreme sex with all 4 women. Really big story plot. AWESOME GAME
Like ReplyWith the corrupted graphics I was on the verge of giving up after 20 min. But somehow the game/story held me and I ended up playing right through. Most of it is very well done. The dialogue gets tedious and a little silly at times (We're being attacked! We're gonna die! Let's talk about it for 10 minutes.) Both the bad graphics and the bad dialogue can be skipped through and what's left is good. Makes a wonderful change from the 18 year old neurotic at college storyline.
Like ReplyI thoroughly enjoyed this game up to near the end where some sort of something is going on that is causing my PC to auto restart.
Like Replythe very blurry on start screen and when i start game. is there a way to fix if there isn't then i might try again in a couple of months.
Like Replyhow do i get to the city the game just tells me "to go to the city"
Like ReplyBloodFallen, NVM i found it
Like Replywhere to find medkit?
Like Replythe story and sex scenes are great but the dialog is aids half the time the people clearly don't know how to speak english and the other half it sounds like toddlers are fucken talking
Like ReplyHow does one rescue Noriea?
Like Replytuzeday, I have Noreia at home but still sleeping. Just do all quests
Like ReplyThis game, wow. Really well done and very in-depth.
Like ReplyHow to lure the shadow away? I cant do shit rn
Like ReplyPopi, Get the pots and pans and then go to the lake (NOT the fishing pier but the actual lake)! The game tells you to do this if you look at the quest log/helper though!
Like ReplyAm i the only one who sees cutscenes as blurry or somthing
Like ReplyElectro, no. so do I.
Like ReplyGo to the city to find a new grain, but i cant find it anywhere
Like Replykkkkk, There is a shop in street to the left
Like ReplyTrav, Ty idk why i did not see that
Like Replycrashes in wqhd so don't fs
Like ReplyI like the animation and the concept. There are some parts where it's unclear what you're supposed to do and some very tedious tasks where it's like, why do i have to go through all of these steps
Like Replydickbutt, The game actually its telling you what to do every time . And year it has good story and animations are one of the best I seen .
Like ReplyI can not even get the game to load keeps kicking me off just say BYE
Like ReplyAries01, Renpy Games do that a LOT, along with the Full page ERROR message.....
Like ReplySomeone recommended me this game so I'm gonna give it a chance! Also, it's a long game so everyone that expects quick pussy....yeah.. that's not going happen lol. I've heard its a good game though so I'll continue playing for now :)
Like ReplyNero, let us know i got bored after an hour of repeat..... Thanks
Like ReplyHow to chatch a fish . I been there 50 times and couldnt catch anythink
Like Replygamer, You need to press -!!! When showed up and then press the marker when it's in the center .
Like ReplyShit was boring,,, Your doing almost the same thing over and over and over and over etc. etc.
Like ReplyWow A bj that lasts 16 hours.
Like Replybro is there even incest on this
Like Replycunt, fuck your incest shit. pedo
Like Reply32312312, YOU must be one of those gay dyke futa lovers that only want what YOU think makes a game!!!! Oh! The OLD SAYING is it takes a Pedo to know a Pedo!!!! So if your coming on a site making Slured comments about someone else just STFU!! If YOU Can't be civil DON'T comment about anybody elses comments!!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, u think incest is good? u got problems fr some of you gotta go to jail for this shit.
Like ReplyDamo, i agree <,even tho incest is depicted in many games and stuff :( maybe he like to see it depicted
Like Reply