The Legend of the Goblins [Ch. 4] [Restart]



  • ec 1111 @ 2024-05-28 03:53:49 (+2)

    Game won't even load. Also tagged as RPGM but the first screen to come up is the Ren'Py loading screen where it automatically crashes

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  • gb matty89 @ 2021-09-08 14:31:53

    Went into options and it crashes

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  • us Ricky Joe @ 2021-08-21 10:11:40 (+1)


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  • us Dicklord @ 2021-08-04 22:58:46 (+1)

    what the hell i can't save geez i don't want start all over again for fuck sake.

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  • es Shadow @ 2021-07-30 21:36:48

    How do you get fruit

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  • us Jake @ 2021-07-25 19:51:37 (+3)


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  • us Jerkfree @ 2021-07-29 02:38:53 (+2)

    Jake, dude you can't even believe how trolled i've been trying to get out the same message....

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  • us Jake @ 2021-07-25 18:23:49 (+2)

    Why even allow games that don't work onto your site ! i mean really is it that hard to vet these Games ?

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  • gb FIXTHESAVE @ 2021-07-21 17:07:20 (+8)


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  • be Zeus @ 2021-07-17 14:11:33 (+2)

    Please fix saving

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  • us deathtrap @ 2021-07-15 19:57:59 (+2)

    this game needs cheat codes

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  • ar Baitch @ 2021-07-11 10:33:01 (+1)

    so you all know, when a cracked game is posted in gamcore they all use the same "save slots memory" that means they all share the same slots. Sadly its gamcore fault, the game can be saved if downloaded

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  • us Banjo @ 2021-07-09 05:09:58 (+3)

    A female knight? There's no such thing as a female knight. I think you mean a "dame." If you're going to make your game all medievaly, learn the proper terminology.

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  • ar Baitch @ 2021-07-11 10:26:14 (+1)

    Banjo, bruh it's just a game fap and go to sleep. Or say it in a better way at least

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  • ca Quiet Ex @ 2021-07-08 11:02:50

    Completed 20.5, will there be more women to capture on next update? No saves, No problem just restarts. Thanks

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  • us Goblin @ 2021-07-07 21:29:49

    Got all the way to beating the elf and human and didn't have boleans and lost. Luckily I saved a bunch but NONE of them would open. Have to restart the whole game. Loved the game so far until then.

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  • de mahmod @ 2021-07-07 10:36:36 (+1)

    The game has a problem, it does not save

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  • gb angryj @ 2021-07-07 09:57:06

    cant used the menu tool to select a knife

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  • us explicitcollection @ 2021-07-07 06:06:35

    Also I couldn't capture the girl even after trapping her in a corner (she runs too fast to catch her normally even for difficulty 25/100) and spam clicking.

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  • us explicitcollection @ 2021-07-07 06:02:50 (+1)

    Save Feature still doesn't work, it just says that the save belongs to a different game for both the autosaves and regular saves. The load button pops up but doesn't load the game.

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  • us a dude @ 2021-07-07 06:01:36

    this game stil has save issues, autosave does not work and manual saves wont occur after several attempts. If there is no easy fix, i recommend some kind of rewind action like if defeated to return to cave and skip day or if doing a specific task like the rock jumping just put the player back to start becuase right now game over wrecks many hours of play with no recourse.

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  • nl sub-zero @ 2021-07-06 19:02:38 (+1)

    Third time my comment is , the game doesn't work:D

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  • us Banjo @ 2021-07-06 18:30:50

    Yeah... too much wandering around gathering nuts and berries, not enough action. Totally lame game.

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  • us Jerkfree @ 2021-07-04 05:35:07 (+1)

    Save feature still doesn't work.... Fix your game Dev,,,,

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  • gb hmmmmm2939 @ 2021-06-16 09:36:56 (+1)

    Doesn't work at all. you click new game and then text saying all people are 18 etc comes up then game over? thats not a game

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  • ca A1happyplant420 @ 2021-06-13 19:42:38 (+11)

    Please fix the save feature the game looks good but can't save sad!✌

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  • dk id not found @ 2021-06-30 07:23:24

    A1happyplant420, i think the save problem is due to the game being a online cracked version. i've looked over the f95zone page and it seems if it is a downloaded version saves will work. on f95 the creator seems to read and respond as well

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  • gb FRS @ 2021-06-13 08:56:34 (+6)

    could be a good game but save doesn't work and every time i go to get the girl by the river it crashes and then game over time wasted start again.

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  • ca Fools World @ 2021-05-30 05:54:33 (+1)

    Why do so many games don't save?

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  • gb Bozo @ 2021-05-26 12:38:26 (+5)

    a few things, the saves dont work, then theres the hunger happens way to fast even with food, disable the hunger option dont apply as the instruction tells you to look for the 'key item' then disable it in inventory yet there is no key item icon at all

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  • gb angryj @ 2021-05-26 08:47:46 (+10)

    this game suck u cant see where u are once u press new gam it goes striagth to game over fixed this game

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  • us Cbomb9999 @ 2021-05-26 08:34:53 (+1)

    well, i had gotten it to load after pressing retry once, but that doesnt fix all the game's issues. for 1, even when you do try to save, something on the game's side writes the file in a way that it cant be loaded, the game instead thinking the save is from an entirely different one. The smallest issue is the minor grammar mistakes occasionally that muddy the text. Then a problem with design comes from the bat enemies if they can manage to kill one and confuse the other.

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  • us Cbomb9999 @ 2021-05-26 08:39:44

    After spending some time grinding resources and gold to gear up all 3, i found that my massive supply of food (300+ meat, 150+ herbs, 30+ fish, 90+ berries) all spoiled all at once after only 2 days. You are better off selling all but the one piece of food that needs to be in storage to prevent starvation after completing any specific stocking requirements.

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  • us Cbomb9999 @ 2021-05-26 08:42:21

    Finally, upon receiving the quest to claim the first girl, the entire tab crashed, and upon reload, i could no longer bypass the loading issues or build up the fortitude to re-grind out everything due to broken saves. Can you really call it a sex game if it is more likely to break before you can reach that point than you are to actually see a single scene?

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  • us Fruit @ 2021-05-25 19:15:53

    I must be missing something. Where do you find fruit? I can find meat, wood, herbs, bolo stones but no fruit

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  • us Cbomb9999 @ 2021-05-26 08:47:13

    Fruit, dark woods 2. the purple plants, and the only place to receive ore and flint (rare drop).

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  • ca bloodwarith @ 2021-05-25 06:44:18 (+6)

    I wish I can play it but every time start the game always freeze on the main picture can't see nothing when I push something says game over

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  • fr letouriste44 @ 2021-05-24 18:27:58 (+3)

    pfuuuuu . the save don't work ... waste of time ....

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  • de Tiger @ 2021-05-24 13:20:00 (+3)

    wie kann mann ein spiel machen das mann nicht speichern kann

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  • ch Goblin @ 2021-05-24 16:31:04

    Tiger, speichern funktioniert über rechte Maustaste

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  • de ananonon @ 2021-07-10 20:40:34

    Tiger, das ist auf gamcore ganz normal mit bestimmten spielen. noch schlimmer ist es wenn ein spiel upgedated wird und alle spielstände die du gespeichert hattest weg oder unspielbar sind (z.b. bei Summertime saga)

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  • ca Fuck this shit game @ 2021-05-23 17:51:46 (+11)

    It's a waste of time, save feature does not work, random game overs for stuff you would have NO IDEA ARE COMING like needing a shit ton of flax, or a shit ton of gold, or a shit ton of wood, or a shit ton of meat, or a shit ton of weapons, to stop a 100% game over unless you for whatever reason decided to spend 15 mins gathering JUST THAT, for literally no reason. So because of that you get a game over, oh yeah saves don't work. I hope whoever made this game gets Covid.

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  • lt Jonas @ 2021-05-23 18:31:10 (+2)

    game save not work

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  • us Cbomb9999 @ 2021-05-26 08:49:39 (+2)

    "Fuck this shit game", you dont have to like the game, but wishing the devs such a bad fate is the type of thing that spreads the negative stereotypes. No one is perfect on their first try, and it takes a special type of garbage to honestly say the creators meant ill will.

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  • lv Tiphoon @ 2021-05-23 17:35:08 (+5)

    Game insta crash lol

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  • nl sub zero @ 2021-05-23 10:35:07 (+5)

    Fail to load , it doesn't work at my computer

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  • us Jerkfree @ 2021-05-24 13:01:17 (+3)

    sub zero, i don't think the game works at much of anywhere!!! The CSS font means you will have to reset the way your system reads text!!!! Which is BullSHIT!!!!!

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  • dk Warmonger @ 2024-05-29 07:50:35 (+1)

    sub zero, you can't play the game from the Gamcore app, you have to load the game through the Gamcore browser.

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  • us some dumb guy @ 2021-05-23 04:49:55 (+12)

    where do you get the fruit?

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  • nl Lucifer @ 2021-05-24 21:18:41 (+5)

    The game's fun and all, too bad the fucking save feature, one of the most important fucking features of a game like this, doesn't work.

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  • pl ZBIRX @ 2021-05-22 23:51:56 (+5)

    Nice fucking joke

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  • gb mahmod @ 2021-05-22 22:53:34 (+3)

    It may be great in the future, but now it still has a problem, the main problem is to save the game, which does not save.

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  • us moose man @ 2021-05-22 18:32:15 (+4)

    this game is like goblin tail but better. it is just the save it will not work so can the people who made this game fix it.

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  • il Ace @ 2021-05-22 15:28:47 (+7)

    how do you get to 75 potency

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  • ca A1happyplant420 @ 2021-05-22 14:07:18 (+3)

    Look like a good game but like everyone else try to save during game play tried to load a save nothing happens sad!✌

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  • au age123 @ 2021-05-22 13:59:04 (+3)

    really good game can only get better with time and updates only bad thing is yes dose not save and bug happens when you fight the bats.

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  • de lose so much time for nothing @ 2021-05-22 12:17:00 (+4)

    really !!! i can't save and when i lose i lose everything no checkpoint and all the time i Collect meat and Fruits i never see girls on this game and when u die u start from beginning and collect the fruits agin i lose so much time for nothing

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  • us ShakyGibbon @ 2021-05-22 15:52:56 (+2)

    It's a trick new developers use to force you to give them money on Patreon for alpha state games.

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  • us Jerkfree @ 2021-05-22 11:55:39 (+4)

    Game worked but all saves saying for a different game??? WTF Dev you can't develop a game that the saves work????....

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  • us Jerkfree @ 2021-05-22 12:03:52 (+2)

    Well Hell,,, the game crashed when exploring the cave and the save don't work!!!!

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  • gb Fiend @ 2021-05-22 10:59:01 (+8)

    Doesn't save

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  • pl boring @ 2021-05-22 11:13:14

    Fiend, doesn't work

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