In this game, you will take the role of Ingrid. This game is literally an adaptation of Red Riding Hood and you will be playing as her. You will be going to visit your grandmother and you will take an innocent stroll across the dark woods. Little do you know what awaits you in there - the horny wolf. He will attack and claw at you as he tries to rip off your clothes. He will then proceed to penetrate your tight pussy while you are screaming. No one can hear you because you are in too deep. There will be a lot of weird sex scenes in this game. All you have to do is stay sexy and join in all the opportunities that will present themselves. Now, ensure that furry wolf fills you up with his hot cum.
how to dance when play with handphone,. lol i cant dance..
Like ReplyIn the beginning I was lamenting the general lack of sex scenes but they did such a good job of sibverting the expectations of a sex game that I fully couldn't enjoy the scene with the wolf. Like, great for people who did enjoy it but I wish I could skip it. Just felt gross at that point.
Like ReplyA bit further in. The game is amazingly well written, fun, and interesting. It could use significantly more sex scenes and a LOT less of a grind but I think I'll be playing this for a long time regardless. Also, it seems to me that the storybook items that were supposed to make combat easier weren't particularly effective.
Like ReplyWelp the game is interesting but it refuses to manually save at all so I can't keep any progress, which is a shame.
Like ReplyTurns out I managed to get it to work by deleting one of the auto saves? does that mean you can only have 3 total save files here? weird.
Like ReplyAlright so. I never comment on online sites or games for that matter. But this. This is a masterpiece. To be fair. This is not your "have a wank, while there's gas in the tank" kind of game. Rather a very self aware 18+ indie rpg game that explores common tropes and adult themes and makes a point to break expectations. 16 hours well spent and counting. Gonna
Like ReplyI tried playing " this game? " seen only one sex scene when MC visits grandmother house, the rest is running around clicking on everything trying to progress. Really I found it to Boring no ability to cheat makes it a never ending grind. Didn't like it.
Like ReplyThis game is actually quite self aware, in a good way. At first I thought that the overly obvious innuendo for sexual things was completely serious.
Like ReplySo I had to barge every crash, every glitch, every problem. I can say with 100% certainty... This game can be completed. I've successfully beating this game and also gotten the Best Ending (Yes there's a True/Good Ending)
Like ReplyA lot of people speak of Crashes and Glitches which I can agree this has happened to me. I've experience these. However, I've beaten this game on this same site as well and gotten the best ending. Did y'all know someone wrote an entire WALKTHROUGH for the best ending? There's the Link. If you look at this properly and follow basically the instructions you can essentially get the best ending
Like ReplyThis walkthrough basically gives the locations and how to get Intelligence and Corruption as well. These are important stats into getting the Best Ending (Good Ending). Honestly I enjoyed this game very heavily. It also was somewhat difficult in the later stages as I watch many of my teammates get folded like omelettes. Quite one of my favorite games on this site especially with the Lore.
Like ReplySo, there is no way to get the first guard in Hoodtown or Endure the Ignored Beggar if you are not Corrupted? currently at -11
Like Replyis there any way to save progress so it doesn't lose all my progress?
Like ReplyAnyone know how to get past the pink blob blocking me after meeting Ulfina? TY.
Like ReplyAnother low skill barely 3d crap!✌️
Like ReplyHow do I get past the mermaid monster and how do I find sex scenes so far this isn't a porn/sex game at all
Like ReplyIt looks good
Like Replyy does dark red riding hood looks like ruby rose???
Like ReplyI've got Ingrid's Coruption maxed, but can't work out how to reduce her intelligence beyond here visiting the librarian and reaching for the high self? Without this, the side quest can't be done. Any clues anyone please?
Like ReplyIs the only way to increase corruption to max is to keep losing to the orc in the woods? Everything else seems to only work once.
Like Replysm, I've also noted you can't seem to max corruption as you end up winning the fight eventually. what else can be done?
Like ReplyThis game is way too damn difficult, and half the enemies are actually just bullshit.
Like Replywtf i put 13h into the game for my saves to go now have start from new FUCK YOU!!!!
Like ReplyWhat stupid enemies you have to fight not only you don't make much money to buy better equipment the enemies are way to hard to fight by myself what a joke I take back what I said this game is trash no sex stupidity!✌️
Like ReplyNot a bad game but it's full of glitches especially in combat,game keeps freezing tired of reloading every minute!✌️
Like Replyanyone found all the flowers?
Like ReplyHow do I get passed the thistle things in the Ice world? I’ve tried all the archetypes but it just says it’s too weird for them
Like Replygame keeps getting an error code right as soon as the guy askes Ingrid to see his MASSIVE tool
Like Replyslut one to slut two have not any significance
Like Replyfix the game pls so you can save i am have fun play the stroy
Like Replyamazing game i loved the story and the only down side was the dialog needed to be better i couldn't understand what the characters were talking about at times and the other thing that needed fixing was the bug at the last group tournament when fighting the guy with the genie it loops dialog when the genie goes half health other then that fantastic job
Like ReplyAnyone can help me out? I'm not able to equip an axe. I've already beaten the merman using most of the items I found to heal myself but now I4m having some trouble. I am of the woodcutter architype so that's not it. Anyone else has this problem?
Like ReplyThis game starts out really slow, but it picks up later and gets to be a really interesting story. It also features a wolfgirl named ULFINA who is one of the most adorable characters in the history of ever. The early game slog is worth it just to get to experience her bouncy innocent fierce sexy ultra-cuteness.
Like ReplyKept getting an error after the corruption drops during the black and white scenes no matter what I do. It’s on my laptop and I got no idea how to fix that. Anyone got solutions?
Like Replybugged, crashes ...
Like ReplyIf you have an error, try running the game NOT full screen, if the error occurred when the game was full screen, and vice versa.
Like ReplyIs the arena group challenge unbeatable? I have advanced all the way up to the Aladdin character and his genie, but the game does nothing whenever I eliminate half the genie's life force and t stuck on saying "the djinn is regenerating its mighty powers" along with skull on top of him. Is there a trick to this?
Like Replybubbu, think its a bug? I'm having the same problem.
Like Replybubbu, Yeah! I have the exact same problem its so odd!
Like ReplySo i thins at least it need a section where u can chose the dificulti level
Like Replyits a good Game my only problem is that there are HUGE Differences between player Vs enemy leveling 1 got 16 hour in this game and my chars are : Ingrid : 39 Ulfina : 38 Wilhelm : 38 Hood : 35 almost all archetypes are maxed out and even in this state u cant beat the game,s mimibosses thanx to the LV diferences.
Like ReplyThe game does only save when I am in a shop. FIX YOUR DAMN GAME NOOB. And why can you only save in 1 file when you should be able to use them all. Why do U even post out a game when it does not even work at 100% OR IS 1000% COMPLETED WHY WHY WHY?
Like ReplyDuring the arena fight, How do you defeat the arena statue? I keep doing 0 damage to it.
Like ReplyAnon, Yeah I had that problem too try getting a weapon that does more dmg. Also I didn't know until way later but you can spend AP points you get from battle on new skills in the archetype tab. See if that helps.
Like Replyok, idk if this is the error but it worked for me. Exactly after i entered the portal, everything went gray and the dude says about the big tool i get the crash about "wide" error or something like that. to get the game to work save before going out of the cave, go to settings and i turned ON: everything and turned OFF: the battle camera. That worked for me hope it helps
Like ReplyBaitch, thank you so much! I have never thought to change options when there's an error.
Like Replyhow can i cut shrubs in ice tale?
Like Replyis this game a troll or something!? it keep crashing after the portal!?
Like Replyis this game broken on purpose? is this game a troll after entering the portal! CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN!?
Like ReplySomeone know's what have i to do cut bush in frozen tale what blocks path?
Like ReplyNickname, you'll come back to it. it's a story wall.
Like ReplyGame tosses you an error once your corruption drops at a cutscene. Delete your broken pos game from the internet if you cant code it right.
Like Replyi get ingrid back to the village after she gets trapped and everythign is all grey, but afterwards when the guy says something about a tool and Ingrid says no, the game breaks. Is anyone else having this issue?
Like Replyhow do you unequip the basket???
Like ReplyDevil_blood101, after returning to bangville and surviving the "wide error" you go to blacksmith and use the anvil to make it unequipable (the basket will now be converted into an Iron Basket)
Like Replyin a Nutshell its a good RPG game just need some fixes enable 1.the corruption system. And the current pace, the game is to grindi 2. after Hood leaves and its tale t erases what corruption you had. het her continue. 3.need to be more sexual content and a option for set your own difficulty level.
Like ReplyIt works perfectly on my laptop- Maybe its just ur device if it doesnt load
Like Replywtf is this my game dont save =/ need too restart all time
Like Replyrim, you sometimes need to move around a bit to save but it does let you save eventually
Like ReplyGamers_against_gaming, i have dont that but i was almost lv 11 and got 3 whit me and put down 1 hole day gaming the game ... and still dident save .... gone plz uppgrade the game and fix this bugg and giv me back my save game :(
Like Replyhow do i progress after i get the insignia
Like ReplyGamcore What The Hell??? None of the games you're posting are NOT worth playing or they simply DON'T work... Update some of the older games,,, Like Chloe 18 Vacation and Chloe 18 both have been updated elsewhere, BUT you should contact the devs and make sure they work....
Like ReplyJerkfree, I don't think they make these games
Like ReplyJerkfree, gamcore is not responsible for the game, just for the page. The big problem gamcore has now is the RPG Maker save system is bugged. Other than that, the users post the games
Like Replyneeds a skip text button
Like ReplyOkay, how the hell are you supposed to beat the merman? there's not even a way to increase your attack
Like ReplyComplain, make sure your armour and weapons you received from the Woodsman are actually equipped and you changed your archetype to woodsman. The merman (at least for me liked to charge every 2nd attack so mix wink in) I used the violence skill a lot and bet him.
Like ReplyComplain, turns out AP is a thing too so u can earn points to get skills from different classes to increase how good you do (I see a healing spell in the slut path so that may be helpful)
Like ReplyNightIncu, thanks - i completely forgot about the wink attack - thanks
Like ReplyDoesnt work
Like ReplyThis story would be from the world of stories to the real world, the bad thing about the game: it takes out all the corruption, when the portal passes I thought if I lose I have sex but not game over, I got to the city but with 100 morality nothing happens monsters throw little gold. no talking when you have to do the mission of the sand and the 5 hours of the real world did not see a scene H
Like ReplyI think this game is a bit too hard for being "porn game" becouse i got lvl6 and now need to grind over 600exp (from 1 camp what i can beat i got +/- 20exp) to get another lvl to defeat arena boss, this game have too high level of difficulty and there is no option to change it.
Like ReplyPlayed it for 1.30 hours and stopped. Dozen of fights and 2 small sexual scenes, for me there need to be more sexual content, or a faster progress.
Like ReplyGame freezes at the now loading screen sad!✌
Like Replyexcellent, good game, do not forget to save several times to be able to reset since the game fails in different stages, even so with that little detail you can play
Like ReplyLoading screens are like 3min-5min long and the game crashes every 30sec plz fix this ASAP!!!
Like ReplyTommy, get a proper pc
Like ReplyHow are you meant to raise corruption after Hood leaves and it erases what corruption you had.
Like ReplyFix it, the game just crashes
Like Reply