Stricken with grief after her boyfriend's fatal car crash during a joyous drive, the protagonist descends into deep depression. In an unexpected twist, her mother, a powerful Valkyrie with ancient ties, vows to reunite them. Endowed with the ability to manipulate souls, she orchestrates a plan to bring the departed boyfriend back. The narrative unfolds as the mother, wielding her Valkyrie powers, seeks to bridge the gap between life and death. A Valkyrie goddess is one dangerous creature especially one with the power to manipulate anyone she wants. Find out if she is able to save her daughter's boyfriend.
There's like half screen missing
Like Replyreg88, Please use Ctrl (-)
Like ReplyHow can I beat the dragon woman diabla?
Like Replygreat looking game, but not being able to save means should bail before get too invested
Like ReplyTrash game. Why is the screen so fucking useless big? It is so anoying! Some games should just be throwned back to the trash can where they belong. Like this MF example. Oh and Tentacle slave too.
Like ReplyThis game needs update.
Like Replywho ever made this game can you implement the cheat codes in
Like ReplyEvery damn game on Gamcore is a constant reloading because Gamcore will NOT update their own server.... But the Trolls will blame your system or isp,,, its never Gamcore's shitty server or isp...
Like ReplyCan only save the game in one save slot!!!
Like Replyfix so you can save all the time you want to save beacuse it is then really bad game
Like ReplyAwesome game!
Like ReplyFix the LAG, it could be a good game?? But the lag made me just quit... After the MC return from the mountains there's the ten minutes of dialog then the LAG comes in and game over.
Like ReplyJerkfree, it's not my fault, the normal version of the game doesn't have these errors.
Like ReplyYBoneca, so my friend add a pause in this time zone to where we may be able to save?? Times like this adds to my being disabled, i can't afford to support a Patreon who Actually listens to the gamers... Thank You!.
Like ReplyYou could still update? Sure Everyone would love you friend.... "_-
Like ReplyNo save possible, no play
Like Replyhow is thsi possible, you can only save when the developer allows!!! Which is bullshit!!! After MC came back from the mountain there's a ten minute talk and pictures when there's NO WAY to save before the game crashes AGAIN!!!
Like Replythis game works fine on chrome - save works but after 5 h of gameplay is little boring (maybe i don't now what too do too have more sexy pics)
Like ReplyError is what I get when I get back home after Mountain when we all go to sleep and start dreaming always glitch game garbage!✌☹
Like ReplyGame works fine. Also what is with that chest you see around the house you cant access?
Like ReplyRairi, Cheats.. This website makes the game look very buggy
Like ReplyJerk Free, you're always constantly attacking this page, you're always throwing shit like your president
Like ReplyAbue, Your always bragging about how good your shit is!!! And BITCHBOY read the other comments i'm NOT the only one that is having issues with these glitch ass buggy games!!!!
Like ReplyI love Jerkfree is always using cheap psychology
Like ReplyGamcore just keep doing updates sense you refuse to upgrade your isp!!! All these games are constantly crashing! Except Abues shit !!!...
Like ReplyFor new toys you just spend mommy and daddy's money... And all games work on all my devices....!!!!
Like ReplyRight Abue then act arrogant!!!
Like Replyfor the full screen you have to press F4 and F3
Like ReplySeems like a good game. The one issue I have is that it appears a part of the game (top screen, right screen, and bottom screen) appears not to be seen in the full screen. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to fix this?
Like ReplyThere is a large chunk of the game that is cut off from the screen. Even when zoomed out to 67% there is some of the game blocked out by the space given.
Like ReplyI played a little where odin has a three some and no movement during sex scene and it doesn't even show the cock in the pussy,ass or mouth freaking garbage and it looked like a good game sad!✌
Like ReplyA1happyplant420, yeah de.. said he had no animations, still ok when not crashing, Uless you're Abue!!!
Like Replyexcellent game, I've been playing for about 12 hours and I haven't finished it yet, I only found 2 errors, and updates are still missing
Like ReplyAbue, you lie
Like ReplyHardly got past the introduction before I got ERROR and the game crashed!!!! I still believe its Gamcore's sorry ass server!!! Because All the games are doing this shit!.
Like ReplyThe mom looks about 5 years younger than the daughter
Like ReplyLooked like a good game wrong again can't even get to start glitches out another garbage game by glitchcore in association with sucktreon terrible!✌☹
Like Replycrap not worth playing
Like Replythis game has really bad graphics and is zoomed in to where you cannot play very well. Also it just sucks. Sorry...
Like Reply