Labeled as a horror game, brace yourself for spine-chilling moments where fear might just grip you. The game unfolds with diverse protagonists – beginning as a cat and transitioning to a girl, each with unique challenges. Controls are introduced upfront to ease navigation through the eerie landscapes. The mission is seemingly simple – reach a foreboding castle. Yet, the path is fraught with monstrous obstacles determined to thwart your progress. Stay vigilant as you navigate through the shifting perspectives, confront the unknown, and unravel the mysteries that await. In this unsettling journey, your survival hinges on mastering the controls and confronting the horrors that lurk ahead.
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Like Replyafter hours of playing at the brink of disappointment, dropped. Boring walkie/talkie stuff with some rare adult content.
Like ReplyDropped after 10 min of playing. It might have adult content but before you reached it all mood has gone. Game concept just sucks.
Like Replysheeesh the music in this was from the deepest halls of soundcloud some are bangers though
Like ReplyHow do you get past the sewers? I only see a black screen with a light in the middle.
Like ReplyI found it. When you see the black screen just go to the menu with the button X. Go to key items and ask for help. Then click nothing and you won't see all black anymore.
Like Replyi played this game for a long time and what i have to say is well its bad from the developer putting down other game and acting like this game is better then any other porn game. this games story is so confusing and cant even make up its mind the deaths are so unfair that it is just annoying to figerout what to do in the time to do in a short second and my god the porn in this is more scary then the monster that just show up a random in this confusing plot. just dont wast your time with this.
Like ReplyWhy playing error.. Please help me to play
Like ReplyOne of the games i'd love to see in RenPy. This takes too long to finish and it's full of bugs.
Like ReplyAside from having to save every two minutes, most likely the best rpgm game and story i played on this site.
Like ReplySave gone again
Like Replygot out of the house at the start skipping all text as a didnt understand what theyre trying to say anyway (terrible translation) and....thats it no clue what to do and where to go, cant click anything, cant go anywhere.....probably the worse ''thing'' ive seen here
Like Replyhow i escape from the sewer when im the cat?
Like ReplySame thing can't save used to be a good game has become trash because can't save sad!✌️
Like ReplyAll I get is (type error) it sucks that some of the games are really good but are pledge with errors!✌️
Like ReplyBuggy as hell.
Like ReplyI don't know what you guys did it was a good game with some glitch issues but with last add on the game freezes all the time when I shoot the demon and then i'm at home the nabor was there got cell number he leaves try to save freezes or glitches every time tried 5 times same thing to bad I liked the game but being destroyed erase if possible then reload complete game with proper expansion growth might be to much I don't know enough about programming thanks!✌️
Like ReplyIt's good.
Like ReplyGame won't play
Like ReplyTypeError child.removeStageReference is not a function
Like ReplyLoved some scene but sadly another error appears and nopw it just dont work at all. Story was way too long and frustrating. I understand the ending but at least you should force ppl to save the game or its frustrating. I prefer fast paced action too. (Cool add to choose the route you want thought but its sad cause now i can't start the game and see the rest of the route i wanted to see but i'm more interested in you're other stories anyway)
Like ReplySomthe game freezes from time to time and honestly the scenes are garbage, because you only seem to wanna her tp be fucked by old people and fat guy, and ugly people. other than that the it was decent.
Like ReplyDas Spiel ist der letzte Dreck,bin mit Brownie im Wald stecken geblieben,zurück kann ich nicht mehr.der Entwickler hat sich nich besonders viel Mühe gemacht.
Like ReplyGets stuck when entering clown store after meeting with Maria. I enter but it shows outside screen not the inside of the store. Guess this skipping scenes thing you're doing is breaking the game.
Like ReplyType error whilst starting up
Like Replywhy cant i save anything?
Like ReplyMy saved games didn't save when it was updated to was like 8 hours of progress too. :/
Like ReplyA recommended game that crashes straight away. Sums gamcore right up for peddling this crap
Like Replypity the save game function isn't working in this version at the moment. Gaem way too big to play otherwise
Like Replysave game disappeared cannot be assed starting again
Like ReplyStill a glitched out could of been a good game everytime I enter the sewer all I see is a yellow light can't move terrible!✌☹
Like ReplyA1happyplant420, just right click and ask for help / then just leave that
Like Replyhomilica, thanks that worked.
Like Replyreally bad top 5 bad . oh if you go north you end up on the road to the castle that puts you on a never ending loop map no matter if you go north or south it's never ending and you can't get back
Like ReplyEngrish, there is a road to the right that got you back to the town.
Like Replyomg what a stupid game and idea of the maker .. everything takes hours lol
Like ReplyHow can I save
Like ReplyI tried once before?? BUT HOLY FUCK!!! Why the hell DEVELOPER did you use such a butshit ugly character as the Main Character!!! WTF was you thinking??? Not to mention the game freezing the first two minutes in... Seriously!!!!!.....
Like ReplyThis game was glitched out before didn't think it could get worse I was wrong glitchy text,video just pure trash could of been a good game quit you guys are hacks low I.Q just barely pass game design and programming done with this crap!✌☹
Like ReplyWhy are you updating the shitiest games Gamcore!!! Like why not update Chloe Eighteen or others??
Like ReplyWhat the code?
Like ReplyO, yes what is the code
Like ReplyThis game has been out for a long time and they still haven't fixed this glitch shit freezes in the bar terrible hope whoever made this glitch shit gets kicked in the balls by a horse you hack!✌☹
Like ReplyWhy change Sylvessa so much turned her from a pretty girl into a ugly freek so dumb yuk the jerk that decided to do that should be kicked in the balls terrible!✌☹
Like ReplyCrap game try to load it keeps saying error over and over garbage!✌
Like Replyme a gustado, es diferente a otros juegos, esperare a ver la continuacion de la historia
Like Replythe maching of scaping whit the cat of the zombie is bd veri bad zombie flash
Like Replycannot get past cat v succubus
Like ReplyERROR FAILED TO LOAD same as last update WTF
Like ReplyOk rpg makers could you finish a game before starting a new one im still waiting for office wife 2 be updated
Like Replyjust get an error
Like ReplyThe music is nice
Like ReplyError,error thats like 95% of the games in gamcore pathetic sad!✌☹
Like ReplyAnother game that can't save in
Like Replyintro is very long and very boring
Like ReplyWhen they said disturbing imagery, I didn't think they ment EVERYTHING in this game was disturbing! Especially the sex doll, the MC, and the Meta-chan, jesus crhist, this is the most hideous game I have ever seen
Like Replyso many errors dude
Like ReplyAt least let us save at the end, before version finish, so we dont have to play same story again when update comes out.
Like ReplyAnother error glitch game piece of garbage!☹
Like ReplyIs it the end when you get to the female vampire and then she fly's off with a slave
Like Replywhat to do to save her life while she sleeps and you are usin the cat?
Like Replymove to the bottom left corner where the doll and interact with it to scare away mara
Like Replyabsolutely great game! Actually challenging with an intriguing story for once. Found myself more invested in the stoy than the sex scenes.
Like ReplyThere are fat old people that are just disgusting too look at. Except you are into filthy stuff and like seein fat dirty disgusting people then you shouldnt play this crap. Especially since there is no content even after 2hours
Like Replywhat to do to save her life while she sleeps and you are usin the cat?
Like ReplyFailed To Load same as most on this site.
Like Replyerror ,error. error this hole game is a error garbage glitch game!
Like Replyanother piece of crap error glitch game fix or delete garbage game sad!☹
Like ReplyI cant open the FUCKING BOX at the begining
Like Replywhen cat and totte go to the town to lisa garge to get the key on way out a monster comes they die cant find way out
Like ReplyThis is version 0.9 of the not 1.0. Upload 1.0 and stop posting fake mistitled games
Like ReplyAfter he returns from the trip on a yacht, he says he has to talk to Michael but the orange spot does not appear. Please help
Like Replygreat game dude!
Like ReplyI really hate that there is no saves in the game makes it hard to play
Like ReplyThere came a time when I got bored because I do not know who is the protagonist is an android or has multiple personalities, it is a hentai game they give you options if you choose bad game over, for my liking it is not, there will be people who the game will love
Like ReplyLook at the doll in the hallway and pull the string that will distract the demon don't worry about the blue flame!✌
Like ReplySometimes it takes awhile to load if the music stlill playing wait when it returns to gamescreen save and then restart game reload last save make sure to save alot all the games i've play on patreon website will glitch out or are unfinished because of greed they want your money I not giving money to all the games most of them are total garbage my mom can make better games then alot of meth head games on patreon games no fucking way but there are a few good games not many 15 to 20%!✌
Like ReplyMade it to the part going into bar with wild bianka 2 go through all the dialog just so the game ca glitchout tried 5 times does the same thing the game freezes didn't even get to see slyveeses(bianka)get fucked no movement during sex scenes sucks they do have the cum in the game really good not a bad game needs work save often and hope you guys can fix the glitch in the bar once dialog is done would be nice!✌
Like ReplyIs just for me or the game is laggy? Like the scenes take so much time to switch from one to others and i got black screened but it was like i was still playing.. Help please
Like ReplyThe MC looks like a Skank Whore, the game lags like hell and always crashing rework your shit for brains then fix the game
Like Replyche looks like a 50 yo witch shes 18. thst face is a turn off
Like Replyim in bed sleeping kittie is in bathroom when succubus comes in kittie runs around succubus into bedroom to blue flame succubus comes into bedroom and tears my head off end of game what am I suppose to do
Like Reply8tnwhln, the doll in the corner.
Like ReplyNot a good game.
Like ReplyHere is the latest version of this game for free
Like ReplyHi why can't you play enough games on Google chrome
Like Replynice fucking game i clicked riddles are gay and insta death without save what a piece of shit waste of my time htfu
Like ReplyI haven't played yet but I bet save files still broken
Like Replywhat do i do after i need to to the sheriff and my neighbor isnt there?
Like ReplyWhen i go east from the cafe i get stuck is it my computer or the game?
Like ReplyIf i wanted a run and gun or other sorts i Would go play those these assholes are confused as hell, i came to Gamcore to play SEX GAMES so what's with all this SHIT ?
Like Replythe display turn black. i can play but a can't see. this happen after my cat went where that monster kills the 2 goblins. when i woke up my screen turn black.
Like Replythis game sometimes have lag
Like Replyfigured it out have to go to the doll in the hall and than after run to michels church to the teft and run into ursula to keep story going
Like Replycan not figure out what to do to stop the girl from dieing the cat turns on the drone but the demond does not stop and the girl does not wake and loses her head or the cat gets crushed have no idea what to do to prevent it from happening must be a way
Like Replycant even continue after going to run down town and being told to get a license to carry my gun. my neighbour isnt there though she says he should be and i cant enter his house. if i had towards the sheriffs station i get the same scene from the sewer part and it freezes. thats what happens when your story is upside down and inside out
Like ReplyHow do you beat the devil girl at the end...
Like ReplyAngel, there is a doll outside Slyvessa's room, click on it.
Like ReplyWetSausage, what do i do after that
Like Replywhat is with that sex doll, those lips are more horrific then anything else in this game
Like ReplyOnly kept getting to part where I am a cat(at the intro)..and game kept on crashing..dunno why though
Like Replythe ost is kinda quirky doe
Like ReplyGarbage ass game. Couldn't make it past a minute into the game before boredom took over and my brain cells started to commit suicide.
Like ReplyFuck this game. If you choose not to sign for the bike it kicks you back to the start. Why give the choice then?
Like Replynot working...SHIT GAME
Like ReplyI totally stuck after i back from easterland i hear the harry voice Hey Sylveesa! and thats all what to do next? no flames nothing at all at map
Like Replyanyone else having problem with saves?
Like Replyno save, yes, i wanted to overwrite my progress, and it's deleted my most recent save, and now i could not save at all
Like Replycockroach after lobotomy - riddles
Like Replythis game is fucking shit as hell!! so laggy i would not recommend this crap ass game.
Like Replythe story for this game is so messed up it isnt even put together right you end up doing the end conversation of a part of the story you havent even done yet
Like ReplyYeah fuck this game. At the start you can't even go out. Needed to check those useless flames for no good reason only to not be able to move on and outside the god damn house. So I checked the inventory and got the message failed to load. After that the game was done for me and I went to rant in here.
Like Replybad game, you need to go upstairs and open the chest. This will allow you to progress through to the next stage of the game
Like ReplyWhen I start the game it appears Child.removestagereference is not a function and I cant play
Like ReplyEmilio, same thing happened to me
Like ReplyEs lädt sehr lange!
Like Replytried to use inventory and got failed to load ! These assholes at Gamcore really are not testing the games!!
Like ReplyYou guys do get that these games are developed to be played on your computers not on websites that is usually the main reason these so called bugs happen. In most cases you can easily find the patreon of the developer and download the game and it will work flawlessly
Like Replyidiots, Call people idiot because nobody can bash your face in online! But some of us Are Not giving out our credit card numbers online like the Idiot calling others Idiot!!
Like Replyjerkfree, he didnt call anyone an idiot. idiot is his username. go outside. get some fresh air. take a nap. everything is going to be okay.
Like Replyjerkfree He's Finnish he'll beat you anyways ;;P
Like ReplyShut the fuck up
Like ReplyKent, I know a polish kent...
Like Replyjerkfree, bro you're dumb asf
Like Replyjerkfree, bitch please if anyone that knew who you were saw half the shit you post on here they'd hang you for it
Like ReplyControl does not work W T F, another bullsh't developer don't understand game mechanics !!!
Like ReplyChild.removestagereference is not a functiom what should i do?
Like Replyxpdeus, your link dosn't go to a game site, i think you posted it wrong...
Like Replygoddofredo, os cara br falando em inglesk
Like Replyos cara é br e ta em um site de jg pornografico :V
Like ReplyLULA, porra lula punheteiro?
Like Reply