The Great Pirate [Restart]
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Description: This is an open-world nsfw game that takes you into a world of piracy and the high seas. A year ago, the day started as normal as always until your ship was captured by pirates and you were forced to join them. Since then, you’ve been compelled to sail the Caribbean seas and do whatever the captain orders you to do. However, the captain suddenly dies and the crew now votes you as the new captain leaving everything in your hands. With a vast world to explore, ships to fight, cities to visit, and people to meet, this is a huge game that even features several sexual relationships with hot women. Hit play to conquer the seas and dive into some pussy while you're at it! |
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like the time period and idea but the pictures don't work making it unplayable, no link to a free version to download on there patreon and im not paying for a broken game so this gets a thumbs down from me
Like ReplyGame is broken, images arent working!
Like ReplyThe images are broken, which make the game unplayable.
Like Replynone of the images work anymore
Like ReplyThe pictures don't load anymore
Like ReplyThe imagens are not working now
Like ReplyGarbage game played 5 minutes nearly fell asleep BORING!☹
Like Replygame sucks. no success at sea battles no starting money to improve ships with, no ability to exit combat, no chance to do anything but get frustrated and lose. Good luck with you patreon, I won't play this again.
Like ReplyYou need a good fame (5 or more) to success the missions. Destroy ennemy ship to increase it. When you succed 3 missions for the same girl, you can have fun with her. 5 fame is needed to meet the mayor of a town. 6 in country affection is needed to meet the governor.
Like ReplyAll the NPC have been in the good cities so far. If you can't fin them, you need more fame or country affection. You can increase your country affection for Spain if you destroy an ennemy ship while you carry a letter of mark. If
Like ReplyNoob, if you want to complete the game, only fight the Pirate ships, if you can't avoid a fight, damage its sails (down to about 50%) and then back off until you reach range of 1.5 and then leave the fight
Like is bullshit...way to easy to get gameover...
Like ReplyGame is Bullshit if i wanted to play pirates of the Caribbean i'd play that game, it's totally not a sex game....
Like ReplyStarted over and over and over again the game does Not Save! Why Don't Gamcore have these Creators finish all the other games and fix loading and save issues...
Like Replypirates used mostly small fast ships so they could outmanouvre a ship, mostly they destroyed the sails from behind to slow it down, then enter it kill the crew and sell the ship. a pirate would almost never engage in a seabatle.
Like Replythis sea warfare system is wrong on all levels, the bigger the ship the slower and bad manouvble it is. a small ship would never place itself at the broadside of a ship of the line, as the stern has only small shortrange canons or none at all.
Like Replywhy can i not save the game
Like ReplyThis game is insanely difficult during the ship-to-ship combat, even when you are well equipped and well manned, you can still get your ass handed to you. It's bullshit, and I fucking love it. The port activities are poorly written, tedious, and consist of like 3 of the exact same quests, keeping track of them is insanely complicated, even with the missions list.
Like Replyif you want to cheat: whenever a quest says no, just go back and forward until he says yes. it might take a few tries since i think it should be random, but at least you will complete every quest you get. also sex scenes start at affection 3 i think, so complete quests for the same person to up there affection
Like ReplyTo Boring on a pirate ship no booty to much grind, sex game with no sex.....
Like ReplyNice game. First you have to get game. After you have 5 fame, you can complete the quests. And the Person didnt answer only no.
Like ReplyIf you want to win a sea battle (and I'm an expert in sea battles), you have to lower a lot just ONE of the four stats of the enemy ships: you should win with less than 20% the hull or the sails of enemy ship, 1/2 cannons and low people on crew. My tactic is to go away until the range is poor or inadequate and then improve firing position until you reach perfect; the enemy ship will come near you and when you are on average/good range
Like Replyyou attack (i usually go for the sails, since it's hard to destroy cannons). Then you go away and repeat. Also, all the people mentioned by NPC's are in the game, but maybe they are mayor or governor, so you need to fight a lot to meet them. Last but not least, if you are italian, vote Lega in the next election, so we will wreck the migrants' ships, and they will not enter in our beautiful country. Glory to Lega!
Like ReplySir this is Gamcore
Like ReplyThis game is a fun idea but when asked to do mission I currently up to 14 mission as I write this. Most of these people I need to seek out are not even on the island that they suppose to be. I have no clue if they are in the Bank, the mayor, or any other place that is currently blocked off. As it sits I would tell anyone to go ahead a skip this game until updates are made.
Like ReplyLove the idea of this game. It has potential but not really close at this point
Like ReplyIt is crap I was hoping for sex and all that because this is a sex game website so don’t post anything that’s not got sex in it
Like ReplyNot too kin on History,but I think that Haiti(Port-au-Prince) supposed to have black people in it by the time the pirates started to roam around in the seas..aside of that..the ship battle are semi-enjoyable due to lack of animation..and the quests are boring as f...its either a cutglass,someone owes,a letter and someone cat get insulted..they're pretty generic as hell and its bugging me...
Like ReplyMarcos123, The game also lacks of sex scenes,which is pretty awkward for me and my crew cause I named my ship "The Booty Chaser" and yet,we never found no Booty at all..Lol
Like ReplyMarcos123, get affection up to 3, then you get sex scenes
Like Replygreat game still needs more work
Like Replybroken, dont release stuff that has 99% of the content wont make us want to go and sponsor you.
Like Reply95% of missions are failed due to the person you have to find is not even in the game in other 5% situations they will simply say "No" to your requests
Like Replythe sea battles i don't onderstant them your on winning hand an then game over
Like Replyrtq, the sea battle system is simple the closer you are to the enemy the higher chance to hit also the same for the enemy BUT you also have to aim at enemy because if it too low then your shot won't hit there 2 ways to survive the battle 1 destroy their sail and just escape because they can't chase you if it is destroyed 2 destroy their cannons when the enemy have 0 cannons then they will surrender also defeating them will lower your rep so becareful
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