The Repurposing Center [v 0.5.22a] [Restart]
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Played: 1356495
Female Protagonist
Femboy Games
Group Sex
High Resolution
HTML Games
Oral Sex
Over 18
Sandbox Games
Description: Imagine having a chance to transform into whoever you want. Well, in this game the government has a special place called the center where they transform unwanted men and women into more acceptable people. They do this by changing their looks, their personalities and tweaking everything until they become sexually appealing. You happen to be locked in this center and they try their various experiments on you. They change your personality several times until you find the one that fits. Play to find out if you finally get out of the precinct and test out your newly found self. |
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Saves seem to be completely broken after a single save file is made, game says that it hit the limit... even if you delete the one save. in other save systems similar to this one you could delete the auto save and it would work but there is none visible here so are the saves just forever broken? if anyone knows a fix please say so, I'd love to keep playing.
Like ReplyPlease add cheats back
Like ReplyThe game is fun, you can basically do anything, the only downside is that 90% of the game is all just words, and you'll barely ever see pictures. Also, the character model at the start of the game in the mirror is ugly. But it's only at the start, the rest of the pictures of the MC are good.
Like ReplyThey never brought back the cheat menu I looked at the tablet where it was supposed to be and it wasn't there. Also it takes forever to get enough money or whatever its called to buy things to progress the game. Still a good game though 7/10 stars.
Like ReplyWhere is the cheat system, do they just keep adding it and the removing it
Like ReplyThis game has been updated to 0.5.12a
Like ReplyWhat is the school uniform and stuff about?
Like ReplyThey never actually brought back cheat codes I tried looking for them but haven't found them yet.
Like Replyit burns when i pee
Like Replyweird tranny game
Like ReplyWorst game ever, I mean EVER
Like ReplyThere is no transformation pod item in game? i got it transform them. plz fix
Like ReplyI found the game slow to develop .but I did wonder whether this was my fault for leaving out certain options such as HuCow, Diapers and Pregnancy. Overall I have enjoyed the game and have returned to it.
Like ReplyI found the game slow to develop. I wondered whether this was my fault for leaving out diaper and HuCow option
Like Replydoes anyone else expirencing there character getting pregnant from being fucked in the ass?
Like Replyit would be awesome if your character model didnt look so ugly, i know its hard to make a mc character, but i feel like all the other characters are better drawn than the mc, all im asking for is better looking mc, not a creepy looking goth thing, also, for some reason, when i chose my female mc"s hips to be wide, in the section where you can further increaese feminity it shrinks the hips for some reason
Like Replyskylinegtr34, lol to the person. who dissliked my comment, what part of it you didnt like?
Like Replyskylinegtr34, FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKER.
Like Replygre, what did i do?
Like ReplySkylinegtr34, you told the truth about his game and he cant accept it thats what
Like ReplyWhat do I do if the game says there is no storage adaptor?
Like ReplyNever mind I Figured it out turns out it was a cookie problem.
Like Replythe transformation pod has an error
Like ReplyThanks for adding back cheats ;)
Like ReplyYet again some developer decides to remove cheats to fund their patreon, What a dick move adding cheat than removing them just to exploit pay to get them back dick moves like this will be the death of your game, trust me I know.
Like ReplyCan you just stop removing cheats, its annoying....
Like Replyya im just going to have to tern off the little content beacal evry time i c her face i taste soup and my stouch terns instent boner killer
Like Replythis sucks i was exited about the little stuff then this beauteful mother figur that iv come to love puts soap in my mouth that shits traumatizing cus my perents actuly did that to me all the time with a bar of irish spring it burns the inside of ur mouth like a chemichul burn now insted of being horny youv killed my boner and made me want nothing to do with this character i will now be avouding her at all costs for this hainis act of barbereainisom
Like ReplyWhen are you gonna continue the game to where you can get auctioned off?
Like ReplyI wish there was a way to get animal dicks in this game
Like ReplyIn where you see your appearance it should show how fat and pregnant you are
Like ReplyGood, but very word-heavy.
Like ReplyCan I become a trap in this game
Like ReplyJust bring em back
Like Replybruh i gotwings oNCe and then next game try go get them again nd they are gone ive been to the clinic 10 times checking that shit
Like ReplyMabey have another part of the game where you see where your sold and what it's like? It was just too short and repetitive for me. Still fun
Like Replyneeds pictures
Like Replyso um, how do i get access to the "experiences" menu in the cat-maid cafe?
Like Reply#BringbackCheats
Like ReplyCheatspls, they're in the options menu on the tablet!
Like ReplyBB, I just recently played the game and can honestly tell you it is no longer there after this 0.5.2A update.
Like Replynot anymore cheats are gone
Like ReplyBB, You select the options menu on the main menu of your tablet. The screen changes to a list of available extra options that Alice can undertake for you. Select Option: Change name - 100 G.G.P Request random name - 25 G.G.P Alter fetishes Other Options Lost And Found Back to tablet main screen
Like ReplyThe thing is, it's REALLY hard to make a game like this work. Hard but not impossible. Hornstown is excellent. As is the Sissy Girlfriend Experiment. As is Female Agent. But I'm afraid the list ends there. This one starts off strong, but I don't think it cuts it. My advice would be to trim out at least half of the text and add A LOT more art. Good art. Sexy art. Not the art you got. THEN you might have a great game...
Like ReplyBanjo, I 100 percent agree with this
Like ReplyGood concept for a game, I just wish there was more art and less reading...
Like ReplyCheats back plz and in the cheats because nobody can figure it out can you put like a Instant pregnancy button or something
Like ReplyHow do you get pregnant I like need to know
Like ReplyThe game really should put those makeup helping colors into the choices themselves, instead of separate long explanation text. I have already forgotten what is what when out of that text...
Like ReplyStill no cheats??
Like ReplyTo the creator of the game just keep the cheat system in please
Like ReplyCan you please put cheats back into the game???? why do you keep removing them?
Like ReplyIn response to the questions I got regarding cheats, at the time I posted the comment the creator of the game re-added cheats and they could be found by using the tablet. As of right now it seems they have been removed again.
Like ReplySeriously, why does every single fucking porn game treat A and low B cups like they're horrible but C+ to be the greatest thing walking the earth? It's disgusting seeing massive sacks of flesh protruding from someones chest, not attractive. I ACTIVELY prefer A to low B-Cup, and finding a game that lets me have that and not making it harder or treating it as bad or unattractive is WAY too fucking difficult. Fuck everyone's obsession with disgustingly massive tits.
Like ReplyMakesMeSick, yeah i can agree to a degree
Like ReplyHow do i get the "A dogs life" ending?
Like ReplyPawnshop57, im not sure but i think dogs are involved
Like ReplyHow you use cheats?
Like Replythx a ton for readding cheats
Like ReplyCunthole, where and how do u use cheats?
Like Replyhoesaria, in your tablet under the options menu
Like ReplyDose anyone know how to play chess with the chessman or can’t you do that yet?
Like ReplyThanks for putying the cheats back in. They make the game way more fun.
Like ReplyCheats, where and how do u use them
Like ReplyIts impossibe to become 8th rank for the cat girl ranking. She got an extra 14560 points! However I did cheat to get the monies but still, 14560 points! Anyways the rest is good but some things quickly get repetative or feels like its missing something.
Like Replyyou fucked up the honey lactation mod
Like Replyshit game. sissy shit.
Like ReplyHello, does anyone know why Felicity's mods remain at 0 ? However, I am at 1 900 GGP spent...
Like ReplyY’all are all simps
Like ReplyNone of the options you pick at the beginning have any impact on the story
Like ReplyThis is dumbest shit I've seen. You have all these options on if you want to be a man or woman, yet even if you choose every option to make you a masculine man, it still treats you like a woman. Women's clothes, hair, etc. Even thoughI'm 6ft+ with dick and broad af shoulders, I can only wear dresses and panties and get treated like a bitch. Dumb. Not coming back.
Like Replyno I promise I'll be good but they don't keep updating this game anymore, have mercy
Like ReplyWhy is this game updated the least? I play degrees of lewdity on here and that game is updated on the website after every new version, but they barely ever bother to update this one when a new version comes out. This game is decent and good, they need to stop disrespecting it like that. Please someone update it. The update has been out for a few days, and no one has bothered to do nothing.
Like ReplyPls add the cheats back...
Like ReplyRe-add the cheat system please, it's boring having to make money and not being able to do whatever. Plus it's a big turn off
Like ReplyA Random Horny Girl, Yes I always check the new updates to see if there's the cheat system back, and when there isn't a cheat system I never play
Like ReplyWhen is the next update
Like ReplyGood to know that Furrys aren’t people
Like ReplyYou can get 100k by day 23 with maxing out milk production and geting lab hucow serum and horns
Like Replyit sucks that the character customization does jack shit except the "examine self" option despite being so variant. also while being descriptive is a good thing in games like this, this one takes it to bullshit levels that makes you tired of reading after just a couple of in game days. overall the idea is good but the game could have been a lot better.
Like ReplyHow do you save your progress?
Like ReplyI gotta say i wish the devs would re-implement the cheat tablet tab it made this game more pleasurable for when i didn't want to have to grind just to have a little fun. I'm not saying this game isn't fun without cheats it is very fun in my opinion but i would still like to have the cheats back
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to have sex with the teddy bear?
Like ReplyI had no idea that was a thing now I wanna try to doit lol
Like ReplyNickiNicki, wear a diaper and you can dry hump it. That's it.
Like ReplyJust wanna say that if you currently beat lollipop in the ranking she gets an automatic 10,000 bonus points to stay in first place. So far I have beat her twice, I hope this can change in the future so I can become the leader of the cat cafe.
Like ReplyAmbrose, fire always works
Like ReplyDef not a pyromaniac, who are you so wise in the ways of science?
Like ReplyAmbrose, she adds the points
Like ReplyBORING just what I want to do is read alot of crap!☹
Like ReplyNew update, please upload :D
Like ReplyDoes any know the activities to get one of the endings. I've managed 2 so far
Like ReplyNickiNicki, experimental Breast 2’s Standard ai route And sell
Like ReplyHey i gotta ask where the cheat system went i kinda liked it
Like ReplyWhere’s the Maid Cafes and base’s?
Like ReplyI'm trying to be a natural Female but the game keeps referring to me as turned into a female? Wassupwitdat?
Like ReplyI love my char!
Like ReplySexyWaifuHunter, you shall repent for comment cluttering in another game
Like ReplyThis game is good but strike force heros 1/2 is better
Like ReplyThis game is great, less walls of text would be good but they are descriptive. Good fun game
Like ReplyHow do you shower your character?
Like ReplyMilkyPlays, When currently in bed room click "Leave Bedroom" and click "Go to the dorm bathroom". Inside there will be options for your character to Shower, Brush Teeth, or Wash Clothes.
Like ReplyI love this game
Like ReplyCheat system gone again please re add
Like ReplyAnon, we agree on something
Like ReplyLove this game
Like ReplyHell yea they add cheat menu back thank you devs keep up the good work on the game
Like ReplyI also wish breast feeding was in this game
Like ReplyAwesomeAmerican, yes I do too
Like ReplyAwesomeAmerican, there isa random encounter where you can suck on a hucow, havent gotten pregant yet so i cant say much about feeding a kid
Like ReplyAnna best girl.
Like ReplyI wish there was a way to milk the female avatar in the dorm room
Like ReplyDear devs please re add the cheat system or put it on the option screen at the start of the game I dunno but please re add the cheat system
Like Replyhow in the hell do I stop the rent going up 1000
Like ReplyI forgot to say i don't know why but for some fucking reason it says i didn't broaden my horizon WTF dose that mean
Like ReplyI wish titty fucking was an option
Like ReplyStoryline is a- but no animations no pictures or enteractions, got a message about not able to save game?? I'm not a robot image box size of postage stamp ???
Like Replywhat the fuck happened to the cheat system!?
Like Replydude, idk man. i tried but where they were before, they weren't there
Like Replydude, Go to clinic -> join enough programs to get 10k -> buy the energy upgrade sold for 10k -> go shopping district -> Steal -> Train with Mari 3 times -> Go to recreation district -> Go to pussy bar or goat bar and buy the energy drink three times for max energy -> Go to shopping district and steal, using back button until you get over 600 on each steal -> repeat until you get enough cash to buy the other energy updates.
Like ReplyJohn, -> Repeat until you get enough dough to cure the program effects -> Repeat until you get enough dough for everything else.
Like ReplyI can not find out how you are suppose to get pregnant how do you do it?
Like Replythe shadow, you know.... when a male and female really really love each otherthen they.... uh.... i tell you when you get older
Like ReplyI am a hot sexsy girl to be tagen
Like ReplyThe walls of text and lack of pictures was a turn off i cant get horny if im confused
Like ReplyBest cunt guuubb
Like Replythat swfchan u mentioned fucking suuuucccks compared to this site. id suggest fap-nation u poor sorry child u
Like ReplyGamcore is going to shit, Jesus Christ, there's nothign but trash being posted. Just go to SWFchan's /fap/ section for new games fast that actually fucking matter rather than this trash.
Like Replygumcore, if you dont like the games here then why the fuck are you her commenting on them dipshit?!?!?!?!?
Like Replyidiotdector, maybe cause he knows this site is still good even if some of the games are iffy. i sort of agree with him though these admins need to step their game up. just about half these games u can find on fap nation but this site has alot tha arnt so.. mehh
Like Replyjoker, im not saying that theres not and an abundance of very bad or incomplete games on this site, it just annoys me to see so many people saying the same thing on soo many games... gets tiring ya know...
Like Replyidiotdetector, probably advertising for a site they own or part own.
Like Replyyou know it doesnt need pictures becuse children like you want to see pictures and shit instead of having fun listening to story instead you just wanna jack off as fast as possible so you can beat your record of dissapointment%
Like ReplyI do t know what to says but I will play anyway
Like ReplyI don’t even know fam
Like ReplyThis game is absolute shite. None of the options you pick at the beginning have any impact on the story/game (you're still forced to change gender). It's just walls of text accompanied by the occasional image. The images are something akin to what a retarded toddler would create in MS paint if unsupervised for for five minutes. I rated this game 1, but it registered as 5 for some reason hence why I'm posting this comment.
Like ReplyEnjoyed it, was a decent amount of content and is obviously someones hobby project. Don't understand all the complaining.
Like ReplyThe choice it trying to do the illusion of choice but it isn't a very good one but we haven't been able to see the ending so we don't know how it will affect anything
Like Replymatt, lol if you think you could do better, by all means
Like ReplyDaisy-B, if there were more pictures the game would be a lot better imo
Like Reply