Slugs and Bugs: Conversion [v 0.8.7] [Restart]
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This game is set in the after effects of war. Your alien race is almost completely destroyed in the fight against human resistance. Many accomplices lost their lives in the process. Luckily, you survived and managed to kidnap some of the most female warriors that you can use for ransom. They are at your mercy and you can do whatever you want with them. Talk of making them crave you. Somehow, you have the power to turn their mind, body and soul into doing your bidding. Enjoy making them subservient to you and teach them to serve you. Before starting their transformation, make sure you check all the rooms. There may be enemies lurking. Anyway, after confirming the coast is clear, now you can proceed to perform several sexual actions with the babes. Have fun! |
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where do i play there other games the factioin stellar souls looks good but it not on gamecore where do i need to go
Like Replyso, is janice just not a corruptable character at this stage of development?
Like Replyupdate the game
Like ReplyEven once you discover the right approach it's an absolute grindfest. With almost identical messages each day it's enough to put you to sleep.
Like ReplyYea let me just put 2 characters in the game for absolutely no reason. Can't interact with them in any way.
Like ReplyFUCK this game. Tried playing again after it screwed up my save and after a ton of grinding I just get a random "bye" message.
Like ReplyIt will "save" you game with a savefil and then there's no way to import it back to the game. Thanks for wasting all my time.
Like ReplyBe careful not to rollback to the green animation for the level up, otherwise it'll stay on the screen forever :)
Like Replynow i'm very curious on how to get minder and introdicator(aka th blue version of minder. anyone know how?
Like Replythe best, advancing the girls' corruption increases the chance of randomly getting special types from breeding with Alora. Initially you are almost guaranteed to get a clone. As you advance, other types like hybrids, etc. become available. It could even be that you need to corrupt specific girls to unlock the chance for them.
Like ReplyYou, thx atleast don't have to wait a whole year to get a response but while your still playing do you kow the best way to corrupt evelyne
Like Replythe best, Spore Room
Like Replysorry i know how to convert them now i just hate reading but for evelyne any tips on how you guys can convert her she tough they say
Like Replyi need o know how to corrupt the girls what do i need to do all the time to increase crruption
Like Replythe best, You have to be smarter than a ketchup packet. Then you can figure it out.
Like Replyto corrupt evelyn u have 2 use the bath and mushroom area both one day after the next she will slow start to be corrupted
Like ReplyWell, i finally started making advanced units. It seems narrowed down to 1-2 factors: infected pussy (t3+), or breeding combinations without rest. Hybrids are pure RNG if nothing else, but i did find it odd that allora was a slot instead of just the clones it pumped out most commonly. All mutations ive found, even if i have yet to note the recipes, end with allora (and can be repeated indefinitely through the same button, but not unlocked as a basic option).
Like ReplyIf my assumptions are correct (since the game does not explain it to the player at all), i almost think the system would work better if you unlocked the ability to create the breed without allora once you've found it the first time (whether or not you need to keep one on stock is a different question). If i become more certain of the combinations, i will try to add them below.
Like ReplyPlaying around with saves at different points in progression. I can at least say advanced units as a whole are not locked behind t3. I have gotten infesters from t1 girls, but ive done it with different baseline bugs, which further complicates my assumptions.
Like ReplyInfester: 5 day incubation, beats guards, can multiply (infect) in both forms. Ways i have gotten it so far: Justine t1, brain bug+alora. Rose t1, spider+alora. Cheiko t1, crawler+alora. some forgotten Chieko t3 combo. Potentially just added into the solo alora pool at t1 without need for a base, but cant say for sure.
Like ReplyCheiko's recipe worked twice in a row (but couldnt spam alora). Likely consistent, but unknown if the girl matters. Low test numbers still leave some questions, but at least it is less of an unknown, now.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, how i got infester is justinet1,biter and alora i was trying to get incinerator but made infesters instead but you got jsutine right si=pider and alora
Like ReplyCbomb9999, there are codes in script.spy about this and I tried to understand them. For example, for corruption in Tier1 +alora, 1/2clone 1/2infester, Tier2 +alora, 1/3 clone 1/3 infester 1/3 killer, so on.
Like ReplyAt this point, i dont think the girls matter much, at least not until late game tiers. I have yet to get a failed infester if i start with a bug, crawler, or spider before immediately switching to alora. I have also found minders and killers by accident, but have yet to narrow down the recipes if it increases the rate beyond "passer by"'s code interpretation.
Like ReplyWell, that is the second time ive randomly gotten a killer despite what the breeding results say... Does the game give you a free one on a certain day? For detail sake: said i got a clone from a t0 girl(abby), enter the day's combat to see both a clone and a killer added. it was the only birth of the day, so...
Like ReplyPlaying on the intended pace of corruption, i have finally met my first strategist. With it comes one of 2 problems: the previously mentioned lack of roster, or the slow corruption making it difficult if not impossible to have fully corrupted the person i assume would unlock their weakness. With no weakness and high health, infection is a pipe dream as anything that could is too weak w/ too low a chanc to attempt it, and anything that could take them on limiting later infections in the same day.
Like ReplyWhoops, meant this as a reply (continuation) of my thread below. :P
Like ReplyWell, outside of the issue of the corruption taking a bit too long by default for the scenes in the game, the lack of fully integrated ally units really changes the balancing of the game. Every enemy type is fully introduced, yet not all ally units follow suit. As such, any enemy lacking a direct counter is much harder than it should be, and a few of the ally units are inherently worse simply because they cant infect (and multiply), again reverberating out to enemy strength.
Like ReplyJust as one example of an enemy harder than it first appears: launchers. cloned cant infect and only have dodge chance as a buff. Clones, meanwhile, are only used to take launchers out of the equation, but become hard to keep supplied with long breed times for how early they appear. Jumpers mostly fit into the same boat, but at least jumped can act as expensive tanks with a good stockpile.
Like ReplyOn top of that, it would only be a minor change to give the player more info about enemy and ally strength, at least in tiers. Many ally abilities refer to enemy strength in terms of weak, average, and strong, but nowhere in the game does it tell the player which ones are in what category. On some level, it can be found through experimentation, but never to the point of certainty.
Like ReplyAllies are slightly easier, as it becomes abundantly clear that a unit is really only about as strong as the enemy it counters. Slugs? phase them out quickly as they cant even keep up with the scaling enemies, even if slugged can. Defilers? They scale better than most, but require ignoring most of the roster to keep up pace, and yet still slow down when their corresponding enemy becomes rarer due to lower infection chances.
Like Replycan't import save files. says that the user is denying access to the file
Like Replyreally nice game but can you tell me how to get infester or basically any or every unit that can deal with guards they so far the worst to me
Like ReplyI think infestors are random breed with alora, take the guardians.
Like ReplyNot fully tested to the point of certainty, but it appears starting at t1 of a girl, sending her to breed with specific base monsters then immediately sending her to breed with alora at birth will spawn one. Brain bugs, Spiders, and Crawlers have worked so far, but dont know if it is girl dependent. (Justine, Rose, and Cheiko, respectively if girls DO matter).
Like Replyis this game finished or still in developpement? cuz there are some units and girls I cant unlock
Like ReplyVanta, It took getting a girl to just before t5 before i started getting the hidden units outside of what i had previously attributed to rng. I still dont fully know, but it is some combination of having a girl at t3+, forsaking corruption for breeding, and using allora immediately after the birth of a common unit. it might be JUST a girl at t3+, with increasing chances higher up, or it could JUST be combinations of x, then allora, but i dont yet know for sure.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, thank you for your explanation from what I expirienced you any girl can give birth to any unit, you just need to get their corruption high enough to unlock that unit wich is specific to them ie:justine is minders
Like Replywarning long loading time
Like Replychaoswarrior, Rn i have like 4 girls to T5, i was hopping it was going to unlokc them but so far nothing. I'm also half way on the evelyn progression, maybe tehy unlock after that ?
Like ReplyI saw some of the Anex's artwork from this on glad to see it turned into a masterpiece hope to see the asylum set or his other works.
Like Replyhas anyone unlocked Janice and Amelia?
Like ReplyQuestion, tbh rn i just have evry other girl in T5 i was hopping that after getting evelyn at T5 it'd unlock them but no. I guess the dev just haven't finished developping them
Like ReplyReally is a nice game but it is really long to develop the character control. I have like 5 stage 3 and it took like 6 hours. But really great games and nice little scenes.
Like Replyway too grinding too little pay off
Like ReplyYou must spawn more Overlords, you can tweek the setttings to speed up conversion I believe the lowest you can set it is to 10 vists to pregress
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