This game is the very definition of bilingualism. You have the option of playing it in Spanish or English. You will live with your mom's best friend while your parents are out of town. Thank her for her generosity by taking care of her body. She needs some servicing and who better to fine tune her sweet pussy than you? You are also a student and this is your last year. Do not forget to do whatever it takes to pass your final exams. Apart from your sexy host, there are a lot of weird things happening in the city lately. Several paranormal beings have been spotted across town. You have the opportunity to experience their otherworldly sexuality or choose oblivion. Be a little daring and interact with them.
cuando llegan las decisiones importantes y pone guarda el juego la siguiente decision cambiara el rumbo de la historia, tanto en isabella como en la chica del yate pasa igual la mitad de las misiones no se pueden terminar, y encima el telefono del personaje tampoco funciona tiene muchos fallos este juego
Like Replyany preganant scenes
Like ReplyThis game looked fun but phone didnt work, even though it said 4 new notifications
Like Replyagain this game doesn''t work good .... can't load previous saves or progress with the "ending" choice ... too much graphism ?
Like ReplyThe image on the phone isn't loading...
Like Replyit looked nice but im stuck at the start cause the cellphone is whitescreened
Like Replyno puedo cargar ninguna partida.. alguien sabe como descargar el juego?
Like ReplyFor some reason I can't load my saves!
Like Reply2001 is cool
Like Replywhere is the book of aliens?
Like Replywhy is the phone screen white
Like Replysaves dont work(((
Like Replycan't choose for the end of the valentina's story freezing like with isaballa <_<
Like ReplyAdd cheats
Like Replyno funciona el telefono movil... como se puede arreglar?
Like ReplyThe phone isn't working only a blank screen. The saved progress will not load. I am not liking playing from the beginning every time.. Then the game freezes or has an error come up and bang I've got to start all over again.
Like Replycell phone dont open and loads isnt installing
Like ReplyBro! Try to fix the game and after posting the new version, first try to play and see if it works...the phone isn't working, and the loading isn't working...
Like Replyphone is blank screen
Like Replywhy can't I see my contacts?
Like Replyno evolution here; their is again the pixels ...
Like Replylooks like it could be a good game, too bad its pixelated.
Like Replythis time the images are in pixels :'( when will we could have a light version for internet ? i like it but i can play it like this ...
Like ReplyThis game would be playable if the graphics actually loaded. 1 star rating on this joke.
Like Replythe game is unplayable on here..all i get is a pixel mess...i can play it on porngameshub for an hour but after that it will freeze or crash...i think its the game itself thats so buggy...just a question..when playing do you just persue one avenue till you have it solved or do you go through the day starting several quests??? thank you
Like ReplyStill won't allow you to return to a saved game.
Like Replyanyone who is able to even play this game is lucky as all Im getting is a pixilated mess, Although starting to think it may be a gamcore issue as seems more and more renpy games just don't load properly and I can't see all the games being this buggy.
Like ReplyBob, it's this developer. maybe it's made in one version of Renpy and all the images are in a slow as shit cloud. even going back and forth in the same scene doesn't clear it up.
Like Replynot just you, just checked a different site with an older version.. it's DEFINITELY this site. the other site loads perfectly.
Like ReplyBob, if you are trying to play this game on PC you should with nearly scean press F or Esc so you would go from the full window to not full. This somehow helps with loading the sceans out of the pixels.
Like ReplyCan we please get an update!!!! By far my favorite game, but need an update badly!
Like ReplyWHY is the whole Sceen so pixelated ??? --- can yu guys not fix this??? --- one has tried ecerything, from cleaning my comupter rebooting and still the same... Cannot play nor read anything as one cannot see anythings... ??? HELLO ANYONE THERE??? can you sort this out... thanks
Like ReplyS.O.L, hit F for fullscreen. Sometimes back and forth to fully load the images. Not great, but it works!
Like Replygame is broken online it seems so if you want to move past isabella scene you have to download the game and play it that way.
Like ReplyLove how it says saves are compatible with 6.0 and onwards, but when you use it is pixelated.
Like ReplyKCIceman, it's even happening with starting fresh
Like Replythis is an update? most of the animations from months ago are gone. staring at a white screen with the text of the action. i hope the next update fixes it.
Like ReplyPluck me $1000 for the flashlight does it have a power lead to the sun? I do love this game hate how it freezes and doesn't show as much action as it could.
Like Replybonjours a tout le mode si vous voulez jouer a ce jeu sens les bug allez sur tèlècharger le jeu vous aurais plus aucun bug en + vous aurais beaucoup + de choix de jeux que sur ce site
Like Replywhy the game can't pass the isabela level is it about waiting for update or what ? can someone help
Like Replywhat did they do in so called update? all i see is snow added to titke screeen and exocism yet no isuues fixed or stories advanced, stop adding stuff just for the issue of adding things. its destroying gameplay. add to stories and fix the isabella scene where you have to make a choice. its the only thing you should be doing
Like Replybro lucky for me that the save works because you didn't do anithing with the vampire mission...still you can't go forward so no need to play this game again with no use...this is sad bro...:(((
Like ReplyI have the impression that the update??? has ruined the game? everything runs agonisingly slow AND CONTENT that used to work suddenly no longer does. e.g. certain scenes no longer play, etc. very disappointing.
Like Replygourmet, YES! half of the sex scenes are just blank screens with the text only. the new scenes are fine, but everything else before is missing. hope they fix in another update.
Like Replyno progress with the freezing issue with isabella snifff
Like Reply+ error when you move around the map
Like ReplyNo puedo abrir el juego, se cierra
Like Replywhere is lily? for the close encounters mission?
Like Replyi like this game but again the freezing issue in the nightclub :'(
Like Replyletouriste44, same here,can i ask if you play from browser too?,i see they updated yesterday but still the bug with isabella at the club
Like Replygeronimo el anonimo, i'm using firefox
Like Replydo you have sounds?
Like ReplySince yesterday I can't play any gamed cause of Error: Script error. (see JavaScript console for details). Any solutions?
Like Replyjeronimo, Hello! Use Firefox...
Like Replyafter 6 months and starting this game over and over this shiit still cant move on after isabella choice. FCK IT
Like Replymaddog, If you download the game you can move on after the isabella choice. Thats the only way i did it
Like Replymaddog, if you hit menu, save, then return to the game, you can move past Isabellas choice.
Like Replyunknown, where do you download it?
Like ReplyWhat do you mean download and move on?
Like Replyeven after all the updates and new versions it still gets stuck on Isabella how sad
Like Replycan you get the sexdoll?
Like ReplyStill cannot pass Isabella decision scene, the website says the game is updated but I still cannot pass that part. Fix it please. There's no point playing this game if that's bug is not fixed in the game because I cannot get any further in the game because of that bug.
Like ReplyPromising start to the game but really need a couple of minor changes. First that idiotic block so its only possible to send one message a day. Breaks all realism completley. Also need to have the charcters picturs in gps map to see where they are. Several bugs that hopefully will be fixed soon. So far only 3 3 but those minor changes would have made it a 5.
Like ReplyHow can I earn money in this game?
Like Replylpmajor, Go on the computer, take courses, after a while you'll have the option to get work in programming
Like ReplyMost awesome game here. Devs, PAHLEASE, fix the bug: game cant continue on Isabella's choice
Like ReplyThe most pretentious and boring game I've started in a while... and abandoned in a depressing yawn. Besides, MC has such a punchable prick face that it's even more unbearable to give this shit a try.
Like Replyso Julia told me everything nut everytime i go back to Amelia she says i have more stuff to do even tho the quest tells me to go to Amelia, what am i supposed to do?
Like ReplyHow do you get the sound to work?
Like Replythe admin didn't made anything with the vampire quest....still can't do the option, i save as it says and not play this game anymore...bye bye :(
Like ReplyI had the alien book go missing from my inventory and it will not go further in the Sharp fang mission
Like ReplyLove how this keep game keeps getting updated but the issue with the hint dialog box not closing doesn't get fixed...
Like Replystill cant get passed the part of sharp fangs that everyone is complaining about, and now we have no sound.
Like ReplyNo sound??
Like ReplySays save and if you do it freezes
Like ReplyThe story cannot be continued after isabella's decision.
Like Replyi can't hear sound
Like ReplyIf you guys are stuck at Isabella's try to download the game and continue from there. It worked for me. Don't know why the online version is so broken.
Like Replymy saves were deleted after the new update, as per usual. Does anyone have some saves he could give me a link to? some exported saves that i can import into this . Thanks!
Like ReplyFix the game cant get past Isabella you get an attention box and thats it cant move past this point. fix this so we can continue enjoying the game
Like Replysaben como pasar el logro de adicto ?
Like Replythe game to buggy need to fix that
Like Replygame cant continue on Isabellas choise. hintbox for saving game just dont close
Like ReplyWarning, this game crashed so hard it took out all my saves, and not just for this game. I'm not pissed (tho., I should be), just tired of this sorta thing, purdy sure it happened the 1st time I played it. Fooled me twice.
Like ReplyAnybody else still has problem with Isabella and the attention box?
Like Replyjeronimo, Me too!
Like ReplyJaja, exactly the same
Like ReplyStuck at Issebella :(
Like Replysame here too bad for not having the possibility to continu :s
Like Replyjeronimo, It is pointless coming back to this game until the maker fixes this bug
Like ReplyIf their going to continue to use portraits that are literally the size of of portrays rather than thumbnails they need to move what your saying over so you can read it. Great game otherwise
Like Replylaggy asf idk
Like Replyi hope I can avoid being near the ugly skanks in this game.
Like ReplyI cant save, I allways get an error that says Write Error
Like ReplySome little problems: 1. Some scenes with your "mom" you can't see the one where you go to sleep and i think she comes to have sex with you" 2.In the Bar with the vampire when it puts you to save because you choose to go on the vampire side or not, it stops there, nothing happens after you save... This is all til now. Il come with more problems if i see
Like ReplyNIKNIK, another problem is that when lucy is transforming after she comes in your room and she shows you her teeth, you can't see the next scene where it is sex....
Like ReplyNIKNIK, if you press H to hide the interface you can see the scene you just need to keep pressing h each time the dialogue changes to get all the scenes
Like ReplyYayah Bobby
Like ReplyCan someone pls tell me how i get the achievemet "Lucy's appreciation"?
Like Replyhow to find the pricipel
Like Reply"world chamionship" (crash)
Like Replyduring the event in "world chamionship" (the 2nd) the game stop and then crash during the training :s just solve it please mannnnn i dont want this game to end it is so amizing
Like Replyhow u get lockpick
Like Replyduring the event in "world chamionship" (the 2nd) the game stop and then crash during the training :s
Like Replyletouriste44, same problem
Like Replygame cant continue on Isabellas choise. hintbox for saving game just dont close
Like ReplyAndy1337, same problem
Like ReplyAndy1337, same here
Like Replyunplayable
Like Replygame freeze and say 'bye' if i'm going to world champion mission with uma in sparring scene
Like Replygame still fucks up during sex scenes they need to fix this I will not pay for a game that I can not play
Like ReplyHow can i equip items?
Like Replydaniels house??? cant find it on the map
Like Replysirven para algo los objetos que se compran en la tienda?
Like Replyyo, supongo y es lo más obvio que es para la próxima actualización
Like Replyalguien sabe mandarle a Andrea foto pija?
Like ReplyWhat is the best game?
Like ReplyWhens the next update???
Like Replycomo consigo el disfraz para entrar en el bar
Like Replydios ya reactiven el games please aunque tenga fallas pero es un juegazo tiene lo que comunmente deberita tener como suspenso terror sexo y una buena historia ya reactiven los otros objetivos como ADN puro Angeles y demonios Desarollo web el buen camiono hackear al hacker investigador personal otros caminos preparativos resultados de alienigenas y por los nerds
Like ReplyI want a new version pls
Like ReplyThe only thing I dislike about the game is Lily always being called saleswoman,Just call her lily.
Like ReplyHey Developers, Thanks for the game, it’s really good. You have a great plot and story that allow a lot of choice in different environment. Everybody can find something they like. I also like the way you need to sharpen your skills and earn money…etc to make the story move forward. Overall it is a really good combination of game / skills and well… sex. I would just share some of my insights (it’s worth was it’s worth, that’s just my humble opinion). I will put inside the reply
Like ReplyShyla, 1) Most of the characters are really not appealing (old, ugly face, fat, really weird looking, crack whore…etc). I don’t mind the different and weird styles, but 70% of characters are really not good looking / sexy. 2) Most of them have shaggy tits. Now, I am not expecting everyone to have silicon watermelon, but so many characters have their tits to their knees (what’s up with that?). I would say only Amelia have nice tits.
Like ReplyShyla, 4) For each ‘sexy time’ scene, you should put more options on position / action (lick, finger, anal, pussy, bj…) / view. There are some instances where you could choose, but it only happens few times.
Like ReplyShyla, 5) By doing the same action with one character it should still continue to improve the relationship. For example, each time I do a massage to Julia I get a little bit more relationship points. Because the problem is I can come on Julia’s tits in the shower 10 times, and then if I barely touch her ass in the kitchen, she gets mad. 6) You should but a button shortcut to go to sleep directly instead of going home, then going to the room and sleep.
Like ReplyShyla, 7) What the hell with the big worm penis alien sucking my dick? You could have chosen something more appealing, like a big vagina worm alien. (Again, I don’t mind the weird stuff, just wish it was more appealing). 8) I find the game very slow; I am not sure why. (Load each picture takes time…etc). 9) On my personal touch, too many pussy are hairy. And the nipple are weird looking, again you could improve more on this point.
Like ReplyShyla, I hope these few insights will help you to improve this beautiful game (or not, up to you). And don’t forget to bring the update quick!! Thank you.
Like Replyupdate to 0.6 please!
Like ReplyShyla, as for me - I like a neat hairy Pussy ;-)
Like Replyas for me, Ilove hiary pussies, natural - like it must be! a shaved pussy is more a Rat than a Pussy :-)
Like Replypls update <3 thanks
Like Replyyooooo, dude how much progress did u do with lucy And how u did it
Like Replyhow do i improve with lucy more than 59 percent
Like Replynadie, with the phone
Like ReplyRenpy and bugs... The game is good tho
Like Replywhy are the nipples weird looking
Like Replydo bani w polowie sie wylacz i casuje seavy
Like ReplyGood Game, but.Played for several hours, saved the game....and now is everything gone!!!!! Damn.
Like Replyi was playing this game now everytime i try to play it now I get Error: Script error. (see JavaScript console for details) any ideas to fix it???btw I'm playing on android
Like ReplySokarto112, i thought it was only me getter the error message
Like ReplySokarto112, solo toca en ignorar o en ignore
Like Replyhow do you learn how to hack the security cameras... i already read the hack book and still nothing
Like Replyjay, go computer
Like Replynothing on the computer for me to learn
Like ReplyJay, you might have to read the book again the first time you didn't finish reading it.
Like ReplyI really like this game but I cant really play it because I cannot save the game. Is there away that we could get a quick save hot key or a save button on the phone/computer/menu of the game? I heard right clicking brings up a menu to save but that doesnt work for me for some reason. I's love a designated button on the phone or in the stats section, that would be great!
Like Replyautocrusader, just right click your mouse button brings up the save page
Like ReplyDoes anyone notice the wedding ring
Like Replylearn programming on the computer after your finish you will have a new icon in you room to make money
Like Replywhere do I get a disguise to go to the bar?
Like ReplyPLS UPDATE GAME, i have to wait for update for every single quest :(
Like ReplyCan anyone tell me how to get a lockpick to spy on lucy and julia in there room?
Like ReplyEldorado, you can buy them from the guy in the alley at night
Like ReplyEldorado, how do u find the lock pick
Like ReplyCan you save this game?
Like Replyautocrusader, press ESC and choose a field,then press save botton.GL
Like ReplyWhere's Daniel's house? It's not on the map
Like ReplyJuce, la misma casa de Victoria
Like Replyjuce, next door to ur house
Like ReplyLove the games
Like ReplyI love the game
Like ReplyIs this game in English
Like ReplyHwy, si desde el menu de opciones
Like Replydoes anyone know if there is a way of saving progress as i,m not seeing any option in game at all
Like Replymark0wu, when I right click a save menu pops up
Like Replyjuce, nice one cheers for that juce
Like ReplyAlguien sabe como mandar la foto pija a Andrea?
Like ReplyThorDom, namas clica el clip, igual q lo harias en el whatsapp de verdad
Like Replypollagorda69, pues a mi clicke donde clike me salen siempre las mismas opciones... mandar mensaje amistoso y mensaje sexual
Like Replyi think this is a great game i love the flow and the different aspects of it
Like ReplyHow do I make money in this game
Like ReplyCamero360, you have to learn programming a bit and then you can earn money by programming on your pc
Like Replygamcore jestescie do niczego wasza gra jest do bani wylacz sie w połowie i kasuje wszyskie seavy brak profesjonolizmu z waszej strony porazka
Like Replymagnificent, I really liked this game, I hope for more updates and many more projects.
Like ReplySantito18, how did u get the pics of lucy in the shower
Like Replycan anyone tell me who is lily and how to meet her
Like Replykino, Mall => Library
Like ReplyAnyone know how to get into the bar with a costume?
Like Replyif you have a problem with starting the game, just copy link and open it in new card.
Like ReplyIssue is with a server certificate which expired yesterday. They need to renew it in order for the site to load correctly.
Like Replyudwdreams, this site is my life!
Like Replyudwdreams, The server certificate for all RenPy games? Im having issues with any of them loading.
Like Replyudwdreams, Never mind, it's all of gamcore
Like ReplyNavigate to this URL for the site to load: ignore security warnins
Like ReplyHow do you get a costume to get into the bar?
Like Replyudwdreams, go to the clothing store and buy the hoodie. its grey but you can still buy it.
Like ReplyGamcore fix your fucking site
Like Replyit's the same with me too so please fix this
Like ReplyGamcore games are down for some reason
Like ReplyIdk, why omg
Like ReplyIdk, thank god its not just me
Like ReplyIdk, thank god i thought my computer had finally commited suicide
Like ReplyIdk, OMG i thought it was just me im glad its not
Like ReplyDono, its the same thing with me too
Like ReplyFiquei com calos na mão. Adorei as coroas!
Like ReplyI'm going to be honest, I love this game. Its got so many elements that I can enjoy. I know its early still so I won't nitpick on too many things but the only thing I'd like is a skip button for when things are repetitive. I'm sure you'll improve things over time, good job!
Like Replyi really like the game :) needs some work as it gets alot of crashs but its good :)
Like Replygucci, yeah I like it too but the only I can't get past the bug for setting up the cameras
Like Replynot only did you make me watch ugly girls, but everything is blurry, I don't mind that with the grandma's but with everything??? fix your game
Like Replyyou lost me as soon as picture cleared from blurred to in focus and i saw how ugly , old or both the women are.
Like Replygame is giving me an error and wont start
Like ReplyWhy tf is there a screamer in a sex game u bitch lmaoo
Like Replywhere do i get lockpick
Like Replynoporn, in the dealer in the alley
Like Replyits like you made them all ugly on purpose
Like Replya, i think the artists are gay and dont see girls as beautiful.
Like ReplyVery buggy, stopped playing because of this after couple of mins
Like Replycoment faire pour avoir des dolars $$$
Like Replycomment on fait pour avoir des dolars $$$$$
Like Replydragono, va sur l'ordi et choisis "Learn to program". Apres 3~4 lecons, tu vas pouvoir bosser et recuperer de la thune.
Like ReplyCharacter art needs work. hopeful in the future it will be better.
Like ReplyGame is bussin bussin
Like ReplyPen15, Actually Nah Im gud
Like Reply