This is a parody game of the classic anime show, Doraemon. The story follows the male protagonist whose parents passed away after a tragic car accident. He eventually moves in with his mom’s hot female friend who is an ordinary housewife with a husband who is rarely at home. Now that he’s turned 18, he asks Doraemon to make him more manly. As a result, he is gifted a unique gadget that not only makes him hornier but his dick bigger too. Naturally, he starts to do rash things like fantasize about having hot sex with the MILF he lives with. Will he fuck his mother's female friend? Play on to find out!
game freezes at kitchen scene how stop it from freezing
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Like Replybest game it made me cum so fast
Like ReplySaves aren’t working
Like ReplyGreat game even though there are no choices still very good
Like ReplyIt's a novel, no choices.
Like ReplyGbk, Thank you
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