If you love the Marvel superhero universe, then this Fantastic Four parody game should be an excellent treat. You get to follow the mighty Doctor Doom, as he puts into action his nefarious plans to rule the world with an iron fist. However, Mr Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, and The Thing arrive to deter his plans with some help from Doctor Strange. Out of nowhere, a strange witch shows up and offers to help Doom recover what he has lost. With no other options, the ruler of Latveria agrees to accept the power she offers. Keep playing and find out if Doom finally gets what he wants this time!
cheat code for 3.1
Like ReplyNick name, 0.3.1 cheat codes Main Menu Gauntlet Gallery: ZENKAIPOWER Study Codes: Doominated Nude: DISRUPT 50K Money: D-DOLLARS
Like Replywhy cant i save and how do downlaod gamcore to my desktop
Like ReplyWhat device do you watch the redroom on?
Like Replyhow do you get to new york?
Like ReplyMarkus, go to the shop and buy the book of solomon, study it in your office raise your intelligence and build the portal
Like ReplySTILL a shit game with nothing going on and too much grinding for hardly any payoff. Also "ToOlAtEtOoStUdYnOw" yea that makes sense. A supervillain that can't work on his diabolical plan because he has a bed time. RE.
Like ReplyUnfortunately this game is to buggy as of right now to be played in an enjoyable way. It keeps crashing on and on. You can't keep up saving your progress and can't skip what you've already seen.
Like Replyany new cheat codes for version 0.2.1?
Like ReplyRingo7u7, FOOTCLAN
Like Replydoes anyone know where redroom is?
Like ReplyP, it's on your device 2nd page
Like ReplyDOOM is so weak and out of character in this, it's like he got a lobotomy or something and was reduced to the intellect and demeanor of a dull stock villain. Still, if you choose to play anyhow use the cheatcodes: Infinity Gauntlet cheat is MTGTNJ , the cheats at Doom's Desk are HALORTX - Doominated Nude Version and MAKEITRAIN - $50000
Like ReplyGauntlet: THEWORLD Nude Version: STREAM Money: FIGHTGOLD
Like ReplyTRASH boring nothing game.
Like Replyboring shit game
Like ReplyMain Menu Infinity Gauntlet is: FOOM - Unlocks Gallery Cheats at Doom's Desk are: BLING! - Doominated Nude Version ATLAS - $50000
Like ReplyGauntlet: ETERNALS Nude Version: FORSAKEN Money: REHTNAP
Like ReplyCodes for 0.1.6
Like ReplyT, Codes for 0.1.6
Like ReplyCode:ETERNALS don't work for me
Like ReplyWhat is the code of this game
Like ReplyWhat is the new codes please
Like ReplyWhat is the new code
Like ReplyCheat codes for 0.15, must be in CAPS Main Menu Infinity Gauntlet is: DOOMBOOM - Unlocks Gallery Cheats at Doom's Desk are: DAILYPLANET - Doominated Nude Version BOTTLECAPS - $10000
Like ReplyCheats for 0.1.3.?
Like ReplyI'm the only one with Mary Jane stuck on lust 2?
Like ReplyVINDETTA, the lust system is a little weird, I find it;s best to keep trying (it usually takes 4 -5 times before they go up) and finish any story stuff you can alongside it
Like ReplyVINDETTA, how did u get yo new york
Like ReplyOne big separation from the lore of Doctor Doom in the lore He never oppressed or tyrannised his own nation, only nations he took control of
Like Replyi'm here to see MF DOOM
Like ReplyCheat codes for 0.12, must be in CAPS Main Menu Infinity Gauntlet is: BROKENHERO - Unlocks Gallery Cheats at Doom's Desk are: SEXNOTE - Doominated Nude Version MADMONEY - $10000
Like ReplyThe code in the Game
Like ReplyYall, whats the code?
Like Replynext update when
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