A New Dawn [v 4.7.2] [Restart]
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Description: In this medieval XXX adventure game, it's the year 1487 and an ancient magic has awakened to transform the world. Your character is Victoria, virgin daughter to the Duke and his wife Lady Amelia. Terror strikes in the middle of the night: savage monsters attack, set fire to your mansion, and kidnap Lady Amelia. In a world driven into Chaos, can you defeat the evil monsters and reunite your family? Guide Victoria on a harrowing sexual journey that exposes her to the worst of monsters and men: explore her dreams that lead her down a perverted path, avoid being dominated by the cum addiction powers of the goblins, grow her abilities using the orgasm system that tracks her response to assaults, consensual sex, positions, and more. You're in control as she blossoms into a powerful woman capable of sexually dominating men, women, monsters, and beasts. |
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we still can't save, it comes from your site, because I downloaded the game and, miraculously, the save works perfectly well.
Like Replythe backup doesn't work, it's funny when I download it directly it works very well. You should review your site
Like Replyoptions are bugged, you can't change volume
Like Replywhy can't i save?
Like ReplyAnyone have the 3 digit code for walkthrough?? Can't find room A1
Like ReplyThis game is incredible so hot
Like Replyi cant save my progress need help here
Like ReplyI can't save at all.
Like Replyhello, there must be a problem because we can’t save the game on this version
Like Replysave not avaliable yet?srsly?
Like ReplyGuys, how can I save the game please? I go right click -> Save and the game ask "Save to which file", there is a selection from File 1 to File 20 but I cannot enter any no matter what I try.
Like ReplyOh, now I see im not the only with seeing this issue. OK
Like Replywhatever the new update did to the game it broke the saving. I can't save no matter what, it also removed the thing at the start of the game asking if we wanted to skip to the town
Like ReplyI cant save this ever, I click save and it does nothing???
Like ReplyGame breaks on the Gamcore browser when trying to change the audio
Like Replysuch and awesome game sadly its broken rn
Like ReplyNow thw game is broken 2024
Like Replyprostitue scene always black screen innkeeper screen blackscene gloryhole black screen hobo and whore in sewer blackscreen bogwart all scenes black screen .wtf did the dev do to mess up the game so hard sort out the fucking blackscreens nearly 3years ths games been out yet none of the sex scenes work just blackscreen and text sort it out dev seriously
Like ReplyThere is no progression of the game, it must have been an update for bug fixes or something. When you save it shows old version so it is not worth the play, unless I have missed something
Like ReplyNeeds a save to disc or system added, so tired of starting from the beginning every time. Makes you Not want to play!!!
Like ReplyWhat is new in this version v 4.3.5?
Like ReplyMeh, story line is ok, but the graphics and being interactive with my character is a bit amateur. Wish it was more 3D and interactive. But overall, ok game. 2 stars
Like ReplyHi to all, Does the slave auction exist ? I'm with slavers training and training all days and auction never come !
Like ReplyHi, How to go to slave auction ?
Like ReplyMy nickname is nickname, I don't think the Dev has implemented the quest to be finished yet.....
Like Replywhere do I find the trans woman?
Like ReplyJay, if I assume your asking about the Elf Queen? After you get the quest from the warrior women from the bar, your given an option to fully undress. You Do Not undress, after the cutscenes and paying your taxes. Return to where you was supposed to undress, go left of the road. There should be a path, follow it until you find a campsite and done. Maybe try a jar of Goblin Spunk...? GG
Like Replyin case you want to play this crap, there is a cheat code from the cheat skull on key items list. Code is: 20005981
Like Replymany updates but the game does not work, some sex scenes are not seen
Like ReplyAbue, maybe works in 10 years... Dev needs to add more options for the sex scenes. Like doing anal and vaginal at the first village glory hole?
Like ReplyOh and add a save to system option?
Like Replya good game
Like ReplyOn mobile you get stuck on her training
Like ReplySo in this update there is no progression from after you kill the minotaur in the mansion as per the last update. However, There are a lot more scenes with Enrique (the Jerk) and pregnant sex etc. Would be cool if there was a mechanic where u have the baby and then can have more etc. Also Doggystyle sex would be cool. As it is all i'm suggesting is a little more in the bad endings playability wise and the dungeon at the begining has no progression. As for the Old man, I'm still testing
Like Replyso lone wolf mission is cool now ?
Like ReplyStill no actual save to system save feature... Not starting over again! yeah its a decent game but I am Not going to play through the grind to re-do again next update. The Dev does not add enough content in the updates to merit a re-play.
Like ReplyThis thing has been going for 7 years now. i call this game the patreon money printer dev has made over a million off this game already and it's still not finished
Like ReplyEngrish, they are a bunch of greedy jerks ✌️
Like ReplyEngrish, that's part of the problem, all the Devs want to get RICH from the start... Why not use the AAA game tactics " it just works "...
Like ReplyGame sucks wont let slaver spank me screen blacks out
Like ReplyGame sucks game blacks out way to much
Like ReplyI keep freezing outside after putting the lotion in the house
Like ReplyUpdates the story quest so that you can finish it but doesn't add any more to the story. you could of added like 2 to 4 more story quest lines and the bug fixes not just bug fixes, "has key cant enter next area with it like in old version if it didn't bug out on you" now its just more likely for the bug not to happen.
Like ReplyHad potential just like A goblins tale, but just like that it's poo
Like ReplyStill the sex scenes are fucked up even worse the dialogue is backwards and upside down screen goes black still hear sound but no video game is a total disaster should erase game and reload it was a good game had a lot of possibilities but now it's trash if you want to keep your sanity don't play this game!✌️
Like ReplyA1happyplant420, Dude pick up a laptop for couple hundred bucks, if your on Xbox hardly any if but few will work.... maybe its how i am playing but as of yet it has not crashed or any black screens? Do not know what else to say bro..
Like ReplyJerkfree, Doesn't matter i'm not paying the greedy a-holes they can take these low skill can never make real porn games not like most of trash hear and want hundreds of dollars so you are bending over and taking it up the ass like most of the idiots here so sad!✌️
Like ReplyJerkfree, Sorry jerkfree shouldn't talk to you like that my bad just tired of the game updates it always screws up the games i'm not paying each game maker and I use that term barely not even 5 bucks so they can take this trash and shove it where the sun dosen't shine greedy scumbags!✌️
Like ReplyA1happyplant420, IKR man, i can't afford to join any of the PAYtreon$ i'm on disability just lucky to pay my rent.. I take no words to heart n don't mind some criticism lol... Lots of these games are never finnished...
Like ReplyJerkfree, A1happyplant420, IKR man, i can't afford to join any of the PAYtreon$ i'm on disability just lucky to pay my rent.. I take no words to heart n don't mind some criticism lol... Lots of these games are never finnished... On PGH i got them to upload the Karacan game, never been updated in a year??
Like ReplyNot worth it ' There is still a problem in the game Do not bother yourself to play!
Like Replyexcellent, wonderful, an extraordinary game, that was before, now you only see the black screen, but imagination is not lacking
Like ReplyAbue, did the marry the perv roommate... Afterwards you are locked to the house... Been better to have MC become Slut Wife?? And keeping the female roommate for lesbian three-way with neighborhood and hubby...?
Like Replyawesome game updates please ...
Like Replyguys im afraid you still can't infiltrate the orc city, the game ends again so don't waste your time
Like Replygamedoesntprogressstill, there is more sex scenes with the rude man if you become his wife now! havnt tried the city yet but will let u know if theres more than just defeating the minotaur in the goblin distrect
Like Replyhow can i find the room A1
Like ReplyI love this game, but it is bittersweet because I can't save. Please fix this!!!
Like ReplySo once again it's only as far as infiltrate the city with the girls through the tunnel only to be told save here and the 3.8.0 update will have more content.... well we're on 3.9.1 and no change so explain that?
Like ReplyNot really an update, Not really an update, You must be new to this game . It's been under devlopment for 7 years . 90% of what is show in the game was done in the first 2 years .
Like ReplyWhy don't you give me the potion? (flowers and goblin semen) She will cook it, give it in the house, but I don't have it in my inventory!
Like Replyneed update asap
Like ReplyDone with this glitched out sex scenes piece of trash update screwed up game even more didn't think it was possible and you want people to pay for this crap what a joke!✌️
Like ReplyComo é que consigo fazer a vitória comer?
Like ReplyIt's nice that they added more content but now it crash's all the time . It has crashed on me 4 times now.And it's every time I fallow the girl after she leaves the brothel.
Like ReplyWhat's new?
Like Replythe sex scenes are not seen, the screen goes black
Like ReplyGarbage all sex scenes cut or glitched out was good not anymore!✌️
Like ReplyHonestly i think you just gotta drop it and make RenPy out of what you already have, this shit is too broken.
Like Replyreg88, ren'py sucks glitches or freezes my machine!✌️
Like Replyreg88, Pen'py sucks freezes or glitches out my machine!✌️
Like ReplyA1happyplant420, well that's your machine, most RenPy games work perfectly on my pc.
Like Replydid this game had an update yet ?
Like Replywhen the dev give us an update when we can move on the lone wolf mission??
Like ReplyHow we can save the game?
Like ReplyLaser, You cant.
Like Replyesse jogo não mostra mais as cenas de sexo, na hora do sexo fica uma tela preta e não mostra nada, antes era melhor agora esta muito pior.
Like Replyo jogo não mostra mais as cenas de sexo, fica tudo preto, o que era bom agora está péssimo.
Like Replywhat i have to do after im in the orc city?
Like ReplyI was really hoping that the Dev would have actually fixed the bugs in this game! BUT NO!!!! WHY??? Guess its a PAY or get shit.... WTF hope his $ub$criber$ don't have to play this BullShit....
Like ReplySo the update has added her doing things with goblins in the slums basically, still no progress like promosed for this update. You can't progress into the city with your little party of assassins still.
Like ReplyGames pointless now every sex scene is a black screen just subtitled
Like ReplyI dont know why you keep updating the story when the whole game is broken AF. Fix the game then continue the story.
Like Replymille1k, And it's not about the site on PGH is the same.
Like Replyis anyone else getting a bug after breast enlargment where you cant sleep with the jerk the old man works just fine.
Like Replyim a little tired of this shit, i need goblin cum but all im getting is this stupid scene where she fucks the goblin instead of jaring his cum. how tf do i fix this or get it
Like ReplyOlivia2000, Go to the witch and ask to make another potion. Soon as you have to get the ingredients go to the beach and speak to the goblin thats what worked for me
Like Replyafter sex whit Pirapa the game become a black screen, anyone know away around it?
Like Replylast82, hit escape to bring up menu, then escape again and should just show the game as usual
Like ReplyGot a bit of a glitch since the new update. I can't ever talk to the tax man to pay my debt yet he captures and punishes me for not paying.
Like ReplyWolfgirl, Okay my bad, I didn't realize you could talk to him at night. However I'm seeing the story events getting jumbled up quite a bit.
Like ReplyDo this update add something ?
Like ReplySérieux, yes it does, add more bugs and problems ...
Like Replythe save function does not work
Like ReplyThe brothel and the blow job spots don’t work
Like ReplyCan ya devs do yas jobs and give ur supporting fans what they want like fix the freezing scenes for mobile plz like all of them like test run them and stuff until they are fully fixed like no more freezing plz
Like ReplySo i don't really understand is this game broken on purpose by devs so you have to buy it or is this game broken overall even if you buy it?
Like ReplyWhen doing the succubis quest I'm at the part where need to service a customer. Whenever I go into the room, any room, the customer freezes and the game doesn't progress.
Like Replyok so new 2022 glitch, the jerk stops working after you enlarge breasts. he just stays in the main room unable to interact with victoria
Like Replyjj jj, don't do bogwart way if u want to progress, u need to do sarah way or once u wait in room a1 and escape u can't do anything
Like ReplyBro i need to load my safe files.... WTF?? Ive played the full existing story again and again?! fix That!!
Like ReplyHakke, THEY Don't care.... Unless YOUR PAYING.
Like ReplyGame is totally glitched after going to the encampment MC and carriage picture are showing over the game????
Like ReplyYeah they do a update to fix one bug and get ten more.... I started at the beginning and its totally screwed up??
Like Replyhow to get out of the orc city? I have an orc wife for 43/44, and there is no one in room A1
Like Replyjak wydostać się z orkowego miasta? Mam w zadaniu 43/44 ork żony, a w pokoju A1 nikogo nie ma
Like ReplyWhere is the fucking A1 room ?
Like Replynian, in the orc bar upstairs
Like ReplyI think the point you get stuck is- lone wolf quest, u fail to get orc help and then it tells you to hide in room 1A (tavern room where girl in sleeping quaters tells u to meet her). Issue is nowhere to hide and doesn't matter time of day. Now is this is issue if you are owned by Bogwart? Do you have to follow Sarah side to hide? I did bogwart way so I will to start over and figure this out. Also what is the obession with anal? Inn Keeper, Bogwart etc. More Vaginal, more pregnancys plz
Like ReplyCan we change clothes of the caractère
Like ReplySérieux, only when the dev allows at certain points of the game, otherwise no.
Like ReplyI met the orc king and i can't find the place where i can hide to escape Room A1 i went everywhere but haven't find anything please help
Like Replyhow do i bribe the orc? Lone Wolf mission
Like ReplyOutlawOtaku, read earlier comments: you can do nothing any more once in the orc city. This id ongoing yet for 4 years
Like Replyall animations bug!!
Like ReplyHow can I use the necklace that can be obtained at the beginning?
Like ReplyWas a good game until they took all the sex scenes out what a bunch of garbage you guys suck!✌️
Like ReplyAs soon as I get through the questions your asked before thr game starts I get stuck on a black screen staring at a picture of the main character
Like ReplyStupid game taking years to update lol
Like ReplyIs anyone having difficulties where Sarah goes missing after you find out the brothel is led by a succubus? I go talk to sarah and she says "its about time i switch sides" or something to that sort and then just up and vanishes. What do i do? I've already restarted 4 times???
Like ReplyHOtAGluttony, exit the pub, she should be outside unless the dev screwed that up also?
Like ReplyWhat do the neckless ?
Like Replyi bet we're still stuck in the orc castle and can't get out?
Like ReplyFrigate, are you?
Like ReplyFrigate, been there multiple times and ain't been able to get out
Like ReplyFrigate, how did u get to the orc castle?
Like ReplyFrigate, this is going on for the last three years. Nothing has changed. Even in orc city the day goes for ever - no evening and no progress. Yes they added some places to go, but it's just nothing extra
Like ReplyI've waited almost two years for them to fix and actually do a BIG update to this game??? Looks like i could hold my breath for another two years....
Like ReplyUpdate 3.7.4 is out
Like ReplyJerkfree, lol i have been fallowing this game for 6 years and 90% of what is here was done in the first year this is just free money for the dev to live off, just off patreon alone is over 225k since launch . it will forever just get a random tiny update and bug fix 1 of each ,each year as long as people keep feeding it .
Like ReplyJerkfree, just played it most of sex scenes are glitching lag black screen whatever the update did screwed up the game even more terrible!✌️
Like Replyversion 3.9.3 has been released
Like ReplyANDBOY, so what if update was released when dev never fixes it.
Like Replydoes the pregnant cheat actually work? can't get her pregnant from sex
Like ReplyI have gotten to the the part where the Ork took Victoria and Sarah to the castle. Even got a weird key for something. But I don't have anymore quests. Is this the end of the game until the next update, or is there something I'm missing.
Like ReplyIs the model after drinking the pink fluid still not implemented during scenes?
Like Replywhere tf is bogwart https://gyazo.com/4dab2fe73218ffa2b920dcb2bef99eb1
Like Replynicky, basically the same area as the witch, only go south/down instead. Go down to the beach, then go west/right and he is standing outside the cave by the fire.
Like ReplyAnyone know how to take Sarah to Bogwart or where its at?
Like ReplyGame is 3 + years old and turning into another snore fest like so many games on here. I need to find a different site that has a different business model than just sucking you dry for money and leaving you unsatisfied.
Like ReplyGman, Porngameshub.com
Like ReplyCan't play on phone
Like Replyis there any way to save the game?? iam not able to save it. some error is coming. can someone say??
Like Replyshaaz, there are some problems with game saves on iphone since the last updates. If the problem is on PC then it`s browser settings not allowing to keep stored data
Like Replywhy does game go black when guards catch u for not paying tax
Like Replyhow do i change clothes?
Like Replyskeeter, cloth can`t be changed on proposal, it`s changed only in some tavern and bimbo events
Like ReplyHow to export my saves?
Like ReplyMarty, you can't!!! Until the dev's start implementing a actual save or allow to save to file your stuck restarting over after each update....
Like ReplyCrash/Problem/Stuck/Cheat codes are: 20005981 and 4532. Slave route and main story: not finished, the dev is working on the game now after long missing. Black screens appearing while playing with phone can`t be fixed. There are no black screens while playing on gamcore with desktop! My Opera got some save problems only. To become bimbo talk to blondy in brothel 3-4 times then drink the fluid. Bogwart is at the beach (south from witch location then left). Double dreams are normal.
Like ReplyRist, 4532? What is that code for?
Like Replyis there a way to finish the slave training
Like ReplyJerkFree is right I have tried a lot of games where usually say there is an error on ur screen or a game crashes on u or even like this the game freezes on u. Also there one that says null is not an object like bro wtf don’t give me that bs cause I’ve tried malina Shaw obsession and that games just literally does that or something else even this one zombie sex game like at this these fucking creators need to step it up like at least let the people have on what they want/desire.
Like ReplyIts got to where its pointless to even try playing any of these games!!! This game is freezing at the Glory Hole, during sex with the tax man, now its freezing when MC tries to meet the Elf... So you shouldn't even waste your time trying this SHIT GAME!.... Mr.Developer you've really didn't do shit to fix any bugs in this game!!!
Like ReplyWhere's the Monday Update Gamcore????
Like Replyagain i stuck at orc city like always poor dev no update, what a waste of time
Like ReplyHow to fullscreen the game ? The option is gone
Like ReplyHoxxuser, Press F4 on your keyboard
Like ReplyMissMerel, what about on android ?
Like ReplyHoxxuser, still there, just invisible
Like Replysex images are not visible
Like ReplyThe Dev didn't fix anything! Probably slapped a few words in and a couple of pictures, called it a update and said Fuck'em!!!!!....
Like ReplyMy opinion is any of these games that Don't function correctly regardless of the problem is a SHIT GAME until the Dev actually listens a fixes said problems!
Like Replywhere is the futa elf ?
Like Replyboby, you join the woman left of the tavern entrance to fight against the invasion,,, when you're asked to stripe for a diversion you don't strip. There's a entrance left of the same area you where to be a diversion. Once you see a tent campment that's the elf futa.....
Like ReplyNow its the same as with the Glory Hole and Tax Man sex!!!! You go to the Elf to get help,The game is freezing!!!! You CAN'T do anything but quit the game and restart!!! This is BullShit on the Dev's behalf!!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, Also I’ve seen ur other comment about the game freezing for the futa elf but which warrior do I talk to to get to the futa elf the one in the bar or outside on the left of the town cause the big blonde just tells me have a good day and says random stuff.
Like ReplyDont have nickname, the warrior lady in the pub,,, MC will get a message outside of her resident. From there you talk to warrior lady until you are to be a diversion, to get to the elf you Don't strip... You go to the same area and find orcs. You'll automatically be diverted on the path.
Like ReplyJerkfree, At the camp where u find the orcs right?? Or no??
Like ReplyDont have Nickname, not sure what you are asking?? After you meet the Elf lady, you go back to the orc camp MC will get a message saying she can get the elf to help rescue the girl from the orcs....?
Like ReplyThat was part of my problem after the update i got game freezing when i met the elf. But after you were the diversion for the warrior lady, and DO NOT strip, you will return to almost same location see two orcs guarding the roadyou go back down to your left and should be a 0 to the entrance to the forest.
Like ReplyBonjour est ce que quelqu'un sait comment faire pour trouver l'elfe futa ?
Like Replyi arrived the orc city then i couldn't move on . any solutions ?
Like Replyhow do i sleep
Like Replyoruku shaipo, you have to exhaust all the MC energy, then pay taxes... Afterwards go to the place where MC took resident eat go to her bed click on bed, sleep.
Like Replyeven with 0 debt she's still wanted
Like ReplyThis game is really good i do hope this updates...it'd be fun to see what happens later on in the game
Like ReplyThis game is awesome can’t wait for new updates to come
Like ReplyStripperEmma, and let me use the brothel and glory hole properly again with out it just blanking
Like ReplyStripperEmma, yeah my complaint for the last five updates!!!
Like ReplyActually my problem has been glory hole at the human camp and the tax man have both been freezing to the point of having to restart??
Like ReplyI keep getting blackout system failure when the taxcollector comes. ive no way around it, please help! Is there a download link?
Like ReplySeamy, If you open your stats at the end when it goes black you can go into key items and select, 'day dreamer', it will force you into a dream and when it ends you wake up in the section of the town right of the gate
Like ReplyThe Developer has totally abandoned this game!!!! Hasn't fixed the bugs or updated in six months or more.....
Like ReplyBlack screen when tax collector kidnaps ger
Like ReplyI really don't know what im doing wrong.. Im at the very beginning, I work around town a bit and I try to go to pay tax every night, but it just tells me i have to have a job first.. So I go to sleep, work, try again and nothing. And every single time, after I think two or three nights, the guards catch me, tell me I owe money and punish me for not paying tax...
Like ReplyBloody-Butterfly, and every single time, the scene of punishment plays out only in text (i dont know if thats how its supposed to go or not) and the screen is black, it ends, and the screen stays black. and there is nothing i can do. i can tap the right mouse button and get to the menu but nothing else
Like ReplyBloody-Butterfly, you have got to work in the tavern to be able to pay taxes
Like ReplyHey Mr.Developer Will You Please fix the Glory Hole and tax man crashing and add MC being able to have sex with anything and anyone from the beginning using the cheat?????
Like ReplyReally disappointing to go thru areas and MC not being able to build up a Slutty Reputation....
Like ReplyWhen I log off and log back on, the save files are no longer there. Anybody else have this problem?
Like ReplyAl, can't keep your saves if you are playing in the incognitos.... Let me know if the glory hole in the human town and sex with the tax collector works for you???
Like Replyagain lone wolf mission ....
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to cure the stat that causes you to give away money. This is ridiculous lol
Like ReplyNick07, just use cheat and get more money....
Like ReplyIt black screens when Sarah comes to get you. After you walk to the pub with her that's when it happens.
Like ReplySo I gave it a 4 star rating seeing how I like the taxmans payments now. They are low with the deal you strike with him. But the scenes for the glory hole are not playing all the way through. Before it showed everything that happened.
Like ReplyNick07, Nevermind i see what happened
Like ReplyNick07, how did you get ether one to work??? Those scenes caused the game to freeze for me???
Like ReplyWhat a DickHead!!! You could have replied to the question at least!!!
Like ReplyThe black screen when the guards arrive needs to be fixed because it's bugged. So it does need an update. That would improve the rating of this game indefinitely. I'm giving it a 3 star rating
Like ReplyCan anyone help me plzzzzz... I am stuck in orc town and can't do anything except fuckin orcs and milking. Plzzzz any one of you tell me what to do next.
Like ReplyBootygirl, the game has literally ended there for two years read the comments.....
Like ReplySo anyone having issues with the game whenever you get dragged in by the guards to the tax man. For me the entire game goes black
Like ReplyNick07, M2 bro IDK why
Like Replyis it possible to beat this game as a virgin or only lesbian encounters?
Like ReplykngVow, Same too :v
Like Replydoes this new update go further in the story in orc city ?
Like ReplyHi why the first step in front of the cave will be willing to go one time. The weather does not move. Please fix this problem.!?
Like ReplyMr.Developer Will You Please Fix the game??? I Can't do the Glory Hole in the Human Town the game will freeze then crash, When MC gets to sex with the Tax Man the game crashes. We myself including like the game, but not as it is. Please fix and update???
Like ReplyGame keeps crashing. Anyone else have any issues?
Like ReplyYes wtf keep saving but keep getting an error message Dank,
Like ReplyDank, how to fix black screen on sex sceens
Like ReplyCan anyone tell me how to trigger the pregnancy scene in dairy center? After Sarah and her other ally, sent Victoria to the monster's city, it has been, back and forth, relaying to milking and prostitution for the monsters. I have played the mentioned scenes around 7-8 times. Still, the pregnancy scene didn't appear.
Like ReplyWtf21, hiya i just played the milking seen after a few goes your boobs get bigger then they take you somewhere else after a couple more days but even wen you get pregnant it crashes from there think another update is required
Like ReplyCan anyone tell me how to trigger the pregnancy scene in the diary center? After Sarah and her other ally, sent Victoria to the monster's city, it has been, back and forth, relaying to milking and prostitution for the monsters. I have played the mentioned scenes around 7-8 times. Still, the pregnancy scene didn't appear.
Like Replyin the orc town i at the dairy I keep getting TypeError no matter what I do iv reset my computer and refreshed the web page and it keeps popping up
Like Replyalways crashes after she gets pregnant on the dairy farm plz fix
Like Replyhow to do bribe an orc mission
Like ReplyEvery time the guards come to get me to pay my debt and i get punished with the fuck machine the scene doesnt load and the screen stays blank forever?? Help???
Like ReplyJosh, I'm the same way. The guards come to get me and everything goes dark
Like ReplyThis game is screwed dude. It's like a chore to play after awhile. Just walking through the forest is annoying when every little thing blocks the passage. The developer purposely adds obstacles for no purpose other than to waste the time of the player. screw this crap.
Like ReplyOK. If you get the tax man black screen, enable cheats and use the daydreamer. after dream the screen comes back.
Like Replygame s total shit now. paid taxes and they still arrested me which led to black screen. worthless.
Like ReplyI'm Not playing again until they fix the Glory Hole and Tax man crashing, and until they add actual content. They've dragged out Orktown for over a year... Just all repeat shit this far.
Like ReplySo it seems like that the new update is: Victoria can get pregnant, 1. If you don't pay your debt in time security guards come get you (But there is a black screen for this animation and when animation is done the games stops working SO PAY YOUR DEBT IN TIME)2. the other thing is, is the characters that have been inactive till this update (Character by the building) Victoria will give all her money anyway to that person you talk to so watch out.
Like ReplyChristopher, So they didn't fix any issues such as the Glory Hole freezes the game!! When you get to tax man Blow Job the game crashes??? Just added more grind...
Like ReplyJerkfree, idk bro im not having that problem at all. My problem with this game is the black screens
Like ReplyChristopher, Thanks for replying anyway,,, GG.
Like ReplyI need more content. I am so addicted to this game
Like Replyplease help i restart the game frequently because i always black screen when the guard take me for punishment !! what should i do !! i try several way to avoid that but always the same issue
Like Replydubnx, I am having same issue so far i have seen no work around
Like Replydubnx, switch from day to night it will clear it up
Like ReplyYes i found that solution too , go in menu and key item and then day dreamer ! With this trick i could finish the game ! I think i did everything possible i finish the brothel mission and now i am stock in the orc village the game give error t when you do the ucow event i hope they will fix that because i really like the game ! Big boy,
Like ReplyA new update, did everyone's save get deleted?
Like ReplyHappymix20, its Gamcore!!! You can always count on it, unless its a game that share the saves with other games. Then they only delete those when enough people bitch about not being able to save.
Like Replythere's a "t is undefined" error at the hu-cow event
Like Replylike this game but im pissed i cant load a save
Like ReplyThey didn't FIX the Glory Hole at the first settlement, they problem didn't fix the tax collector ether... Fuck this game!!!...
Like ReplyWhat is new in the v 3.4.0 update
Like ReplyCT, pregnancy, mostly for worked on orc city
Like ReplyAGAIN fix the Glory Hole and tax man sex scenes,,, you added the cheat fix it to where the MC can do sex with anything from the beginning!!! Add more lesbian content. But UPDATE the game with new areas and sex...
Like ReplyJerkmate, Literally bruh been waiting ever since...
Like ReplyEvery time i try to go into the options and leave them, I get a "security error" and have to restart the game.
Like ReplyNeeds a BIG update with way more content...
Like Replyput some new update
Like ReplyWhat will Happen when i give 0 Tax everyday
Like ReplyAnyone else having problems with the Glory Hole and Tax Office, MC can enter the GH but the game freezes. For the Tax Office after the MC gets to having to give BG to the man game again freezes??? Thanks for feedback...
Like ReplyDoes anyone have gameplay?
Like Replythe game ends at the orc camp? cause i did everything, and i cannot pass through the lone wolf quest, i dont know what to do
Like ReplyIsseime, its ended there sense the beginning of the game!!! Read comments sometimes?
Like Replyhow do i save the game? Like i click file 1 and dosent save.
Like ReplyHow do you get the goblin bewwding slut eneding, i have the goblin fucktoy
Like Replydamn i need a dick
Like ReplyAdd Transformation storyline
Like ReplyHow do you get the goblin breeding slut ending?
Like ReplyZH, don't accept the carriage ride at the beginning
Like ReplyBigboy83, how do you get the breeding slut part? I got the goblin fucktoy...
Like Replygot to ork town this time as the goblins slave but no new content past that i dont rely understand why this update was even released
Like Reply...., how did you or did you try the glory hole at the human town Victoria starts with??? If so did it work for you or not? Please reply...?
Like ReplyGame freezes when you approach an orc/minator at the bar in the orc city also after you progress why
Like ReplyHow far do I have go with this whole slave training phase? Because I got Victoria at Decent cock sucker.
Like ReplyHotrod1991, The creator never finished that route, so to answer your question... never.
Like Replywhat is news in this update
Like Replywhat is the pasword for skip scenes item in the inventory?
Like ReplyHotrod1991, go to special items and use cheat skull pw 20005981, maybe added to many 0's just start with the 2 and 5981 last 4 digits, then choose skip scenes.
Like ReplyThey didn't fix the Glory Hole!!! Fucking Devs, never read the comments!!.
Like ReplyOn tablet or mobile anyone know how to use items. I wanna use breast enlargement ointment but can't select it in her room
Like ReplyJj, buy a cheap keyboard... Can't play some of these games without one....
Like ReplyWTF these fuckers only update when they're running low on money??? Because this game hasn't been updated in three or four months. And damn sure hasn't fixed the bugs or continued the story line. FIX THE GLORY HOLE.
Like ReplyUpdate and fix the damn Glory Hole Bug!!! WTF do the devs, ever read comments??!!
Like ReplyNeed update PLEASE????
Like ReplyJerkfree, It seems like you play this game alot, maybe more than me ;) but do you know how to spend a night at the innkeeper place. You see I played this game for awhile and I still can't figure it out. :(
Like ReplyChristopher, after you get the invite from the bar and do several BJ's, also the inkeeper dreams? Trying to remember? You actually go there and do a BJ, it also has to do with the two women there. He will ask you to stay? I'm not 100% haven't played because the glory hole is bugged for me?
Like ReplyTried to play again? Glory hole is still bugged! I was thinking the Glory hole scene when MC is addicted to cum BJ to the inkeeper also has part. Was going to find the answer but!! Sorry!
Like ReplyIt keeps saying "script error", help
Like ReplyGame still needs a update and fix the glory hole in the human town. More lesbian and animal sex, should add New Locations... JMO
Like ReplyIm stuck im a human cow my mission sais bribe an oark but I have talked to every one multiple times what am I missing Love the game by the way !!
Like ReplyThe doctor, because you don't read any comments!! The game is unfinished!! Like saying shit you don't know about the glory hole in the human town.
Like ReplyGuess nobody else has problems with the gloryhole??? Should make it where MC can do anal and vaginal sex in the town also??
Like ReplyJerkfree, she does
Like ReplyThe doctor, the MC DOESN'T do vaginal and anal at the Human town Glory Hole! Just blowjobs!!!
Like Replyim stuck in the river
Like Replyi wanna fuck the old man
Like Replypeepee, You actually can if your in a room with him. Depending on your corruption I think. Then you can get face fucked if you use the potion that turns you into a bimbo. (from the brothel)
Like ReplyThe Glory Hole is still NOT working, please fix this glitch... PLEASE!
Like ReplyHey game dev I have a few questions, so right now this game awesome I play this game over and over even tho my save disappears every update I'm legit obsessed with this game. so this is where my questions come in for Priya (futa) can you like make more scenes with her because just seeing vaginal sex over and over is boring. my second question can we also finish the story mode?? I know your trying to do other things right now but I think progressing in this story would be great.
Like ReplyChristopher, i've always been taught Finish one task before starting another?, but do agree the dev, could add way more content. Like I said in other comments?
Like ReplyHow do I download the game?
Like ReplyPhantom, just look online for the free version, the trick is you will have to PAY for the downloader. It can vary from $29.99 to $59.99 a Month... Which is bullshit!!!.
Like ReplyUpdate, update, update, add more content fix the Glory Hole its freezing the game, make it where MC can do sex with anyone in the cheat menu, add more lesbian content with bar owner, glory hole chick... Add MC doing strip tease while dancing. Like damn add something besides tax man.
Like ReplyWhy is it showing two screens not the animation
Like ReplyI am using google chrome
Like ReplySher2323, using Microsoft Edge
Like ReplyJerkfree, still same problem sadly
Like ReplyCan someone finally give a clear cut answer outside of "become cum addicted"on how to get into the damned cave? I did that, got to where she kisses his feet and she still is not willing yo go into the cave!
Like ReplyClear answer, as every game on this site the content was probably removed?? Its better to have LESS content the dev... needs more $ $ $ $ so they can add it into the PAY TO PLAY section...
Like ReplyTried 3 more new games!! You can enter the glory hole but the game freezes there each time???.... WTF!!!
Like ReplyActually love playing the game! BUT? There's nothing NEW! ALL repeat outside the Tax Man..... Gets Boring. JMO
Like ReplyAnyone else have trouble doing the Glory Hole from a new game???
Like Replyhow is the end with henry ?? do we have to rub his shoulders for eternity ???
Like ReplyIs there a download link for mac?
Like ReplyKool the Glory Hole no longer works when you start a new game... WTF!!!
Like ReplyAnyone know how finish all things we have to do in silverfiled(orcs town)?
Like ReplyRedtelmo, dude that area has been a game over for three years!!! Like Little Dick above READ the comments.
Like Replywhere is bogwarts
Like Replybig dick, little dick do you ever read the comments!!!!
Like Replybig dick, On the beach
Like ReplyMake the scenes skippiable, otherwise it's boring to have to see the same scenes again and again.
Like Replythe game is very good but it has a small flaw, the open world, an example: skip the game, choose which house you spend the night in, talk to the tax collector, you go to the city of the orcs, you make yourself break well the ass, you work as a whore, work as a cow, you leave the city of the orcs, you go to the witch's house, you drink the semen, you go to the beach, the goblin tells you again here, you make yourself break the ass for the goblin and still the corruption does not lower you
Like ReplyAbue, less is more, the lower your corruption numbers like -56 is more corrupt than +56... Don't know why they designed the game that way?
Like ReplySo I started a new game!!! Everything is fucked up!!! The first bad ending wouldn't start with the goblins?? I said whatever and went with wagon boy... Tried second bad ending as slave... Did two hours of eating, bj's , dildo practice and sleeping with highest dream of the three dicks and her loving it... Wouldn't advance. Then tried main town... Couldn't do the glory hole WTF....
Like ReplyOk started again, got the goblin whore bad ending, but try the prison bad ending you get a forever loop anyone know what to do to get the bad ending??? Please reply (-_-) TY....
Like ReplyFinally found a site that gave an idea of this update!!!! Its just a couple of fucking patches.... So if you played last update you can skip this shit excuse of a update!!!!.
Like ReplyIf anyone agrees with me on the comment three or four above??? Maybe PAYtreon will finally do a big update ^^^ do a like even if you don't like me.
Like ReplySome Day we might get a continue of the story ? Ending at the same place for over a year is kinda boring .
Like ReplyShe have two size body, when you see the preview before clic the game, when you play the game dont have the same size in the preview, why? And why i cant play with the bigger size? Somebody can help?
Like ReplyABNT, stay with the jerk to get the breast larger . once he gives you a salve .or play to the brothel part and each day talk the candy the Pink bimbo tell her you like what ever she asks of you once you run threw each topic each day she will show you how to get bimbo juice once each day lasts 2 days . you can also turn sarah into a bimbo at the bar when working as a tavern wench
Like ReplyWent to WhiteRaven PAYtreon page!!!! If your getting no more than $3,500 a month of $4,000 your aiming for! That's a lot of fucking money while everyone else is struggling to get $1000 a month!!! Yet you still haven't added a change log to show WTF you added... You haven't seperated your game saves from the rest of Gamcore's saves... You haven't added more lesbian content... So WTF!!! MR.4K a month.
Like ReplyWell hell i stand corrected! Finally using your own save files BUT its still the same ending after two years. And the sex is almost the same exception of the tax man WTF! Add the lesbian content, add MC being able to do sex with anything and any position bj, anal, vaginal. Add a new area? The map is big enough,,, its the same boring shit... If you even read the comments?
Like Replywhat do i need to do in the silverfeild town captured by orcs its a part of Sarah's quest but I'm stuck here is their a walkthrough or hint system the quest is called lone wolf
Like ReplyFenix, it's 2 years since there nothing new in the story - only dead end paths - i liked this but now i will wait 10 years too play it another once
Like Replywould be beter if you hade som voice for the sex things
Like ReplyCan’t see the scenes on iPhone
Like ReplyHi dear players, we writte her to ask for your help! we got stuck in the brother mission, After Victoria returned from mission where she take same holly book we have to destroy the succubus. We have tried both options (ask witch for help and read the book) but it always finnish with bad end. Please, in the interest of science help us! Science Team
Like ReplyScience Team, go ask witch go work once than talk to her about being thirsty, than wait for the hostess to get water than ur done
Like Replycan u get impregnated?
Like ReplyTman85, Nope, just get to run around and get fucked. No pregnantcies...?????
Like ReplyI have stuck in monster town i have kept in jail but i am hunger now i can't sleep the now next day is not starting neither i cannot go out of jail does i have done anything wrong please help what i have to do
Like ReplyZin, cick escape and eat a bread
Like ReplyMust be nice to update when Gamcore feels like it?...
Like ReplyGamcore didn't update today Sunday October 4 So why did they delete all of the game saves on every game?
Like ReplyEven though the tax man scenes are well made, i'd rather had seen MC doing more lesbian actions? Like with the woman from the glory hole at the jerk's house. Or MC eating her out in the glory hole while giving bj....
Like Replyhello, anyone know how to find the blonde shemale in the game show pic
Like Replybob, its in the second part with Sarah, close to the camp she told you to strip naked, don't do it and the way with the dark elf is open ( the Elf is the TG)
Like ReplyWhere is Bogwart
Like Reply001, Bogward is close to the Witch, go north
Like ReplyWhat do i do with Sara After i gave the demon Lady goblin Cum?
Like ReplyThe tax man talked about consequences if i don't pay. Now victoriahave 126 dollars debt and still no consequences. How can i get them?
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to unlock the bitchsuit scene? Thanks in advance for your help.
Like Replynjiluvdogs, before you srart work in brothel you need cum addiction - red latex ; if you are cum addicted befor first mission then you can see bad end (chose not undress and go too see) with viki chained and fck by 3 goblins
Like Replynjiluvdogs, start working in the brothel - after this you must be cum addicted - since you are addicted you can't join the brothel again - talk with Sarah in the bar - she will tell you go to Bogward maybe he can help
Like Replynjiluvdogs, safe first its a dead end
Like ReplyShibari, you can cure cum addiction (talk with fat girl in bar - she is ther 2 days a week) after this you can work in brothel normally :) (for me it works and after few missions you can add cum and bimbo potion to Sarah drink)
Like ReplyNickname, i know but with this way you end as Bogward pat in the capital city
Like ReplyNickname, sry i meant pet
Like Replywhat is the strange key for the key u get after give a orc a blowjob
Like Replyskip scene 4532
Like ReplyHello. I stood on the mission where Bogwart leads Viktorie to the city of orcs. After that, I don't know what to do next. In addition, I have an unfinished mission A demon weaknes where I have to do a 30x trick the succubus and I have x23 and I can't finish it any further. Thank you in advance for your help!
Like ReplyI can't pass the mission "find a mirror, ask around in town", it's all about unraveling the mystery of miss debie. I asked everyone in town and it didn't help. Please help.
Like Replymacko92, 1st way, go to the washing maid and buy it or refuse and go to the rescued girl (the elf) and it will open a new way
Like ReplyShibari, Thank you!
Like ReplyWhere are the goblins
Like Replydelta, on the beach
Like Replywhat are you meant to do at the orc city?
Like Replywhich orc do talk to in the bar. dont say the one on the right be specific
Like ReplyDon't cheat it will mess up the game i cheated and night time never came
Like ReplyWhy don't they add more lesbian content???? All the hot bitches in the game but MC only does the one girl in the brothel!!!! Add MC banging everyone! Make it where she can do random characters not just BJ or Anal but all sex acts, she does Monataurs why not horses???
Like ReplyHow can I make her a prostitute, so that she fucks for money and everything. Not just sucking cock. And how can I get the submissive route?
Like ReplyThis game is loud af. How do I turn the volume down/off just for the game without the game freezing or crashing?
Like Replyno save possible = no ply
Like Replywhat does the strange key open i found on an orc
Like ReplySkip scene code: 4532
Like ReplyAnd still double dreams
Like Replyexcellent game, good animations, for my part I did not complete the whole game because it is all the same, I only went to the orc city to see the anal animations, if you want to leave the orc city touch the torch of the bridge
Like ReplyI can't get it to stop freezing and everyone saying download isn't giving link, please someone with download link share!
Like ReplyWell the game is loading!!! Hey Yeah Booyys
Like ReplyStill getting Failed To Load ERROR!!! Please update and fix the loading issue PLEASE?
Like ReplyI'm playing with Android. How can we save?
Like ReplyWish I was able to $upport this game? Maybe someday they will fix the loading issue???
Like Replyversion 2.9.1 is on another site can you update on here please
Like Replydragonmaster, what is the other site?
Like Replycan you please give more options and can we have more options with with the old man in the intro [basicly more sexuil options pls] thank you
Like Replydgink, Please
Like ReplyGuess site don't like memes? Anyway please fix the Failed To Load issues PLEASE...
Like Replyi dont under stand what you mean
Like Replyand the wagon boy
Like ReplyStill no update to fix the Failed to Load error??? Shit was the best game, besides A Goblins Tale.
Like ReplyWhen Victoria is a cum addict, and has to go to the orc camp with bogart, how long until she get info from them? they just keep fucking the bitch and send them away. HELP me out someone.
Like ReplyBruhwtf, Never repeating scene
Like ReplyWas the best game on this website JMO, but after the last update i only get Failed To Load error message? So Developer Please fix and update the game?
Like ReplyJerkfree, I thought so to and read on few wepsite that there 2.90 update out but never been updade here yet and i wonder why is long over due for updadte you would though they would have put updade out bye now as i see in March there was 2.90 updade comming and still nothing wonder what taking so long get updade here is bye far was best game on here but there slower then shit getting update in here.
Like Replyrocky 720, I've noticed along with it was my favorite game on this site until they changed something to where I only get Failed to Load?
Like ReplyIs this game every going to get new update or not seem like been 2..8.0 for every now i loved game but if done and there going to be no new update i like to move on to new one then so can any one tell me is there any new updade coming to this game any time soon or is this game done now.
Like Replyrocky 720, version 2.9.1 is on another site. have asked them to update on here still waiting
Like ReplyWhen will 2.9.0. be avaliable ?
Like Replyhow does the skipscenes work???
Like ReplyNeed to fix the game it only gives failed to load message! Was one of my favorite before this last update!
Like ReplyI can no longer reach a scene with the innkeeper. I've hostelled the prisoner-girls at the inn (either warned or not) and the next day one of the girls is found to be paying her board with sex and the other, Julie, double crosses me into paying hers for her - innkeeper wants a blowjob. But now Emma is brainwashed and content to give head while Julie is constantly locked in her room. Have I missed something? Or has it changed?
Like ReplyYes, I can't deny I'm getting something from seeing Victoria abused by the more grotesque characters. It's also a turn-on to betray Sarah and Sophie to see them being violated by the goblins. I am really obsessed with this game.
Like ReplyI got it! Need to be living with the old man. The innkeeper is Henry's secret plan, but it never comes to fruition. It's another of those 'Watch this space' things. Like the passage inside the wall in the Silvertown tavern which has hidden niches next to room A1 and the one at the other end. And the one after you wade through the dirty pond in the top right-hand corner of the overrun city. Too much still to be added or doesn't lead anywhere yet.
Like Replyhow to find the elf shamale
Like Replybob, After Sarah sends you to scout the slave camp they stage a rescue attempt. Don't agree to be a naked decoy, Sophie will be captured. When the girls are safe go back to the place where the gaol break was staged and you'll see a portal to a wood. Solve the maze and the elf queen removes the guards. Return to the camp and find Sophie being gang raped by goblins then return to the wood. Priapa helps you free Sophia.
Like Replyisthere any website for walkthrough?
Like ReplyAzuttis, Not really. If you subscribe to Patreon Games you'll get something. Also try https://69games.xxx/games/a_new_dawn it has more detailed explanations than this forum, but not much of any worth. Just keep looking through all the questions and answers when you're stuck. And if you find anything yourself; post it for others to see.
Like ReplyTom B, Bob, Actually you can search A New Dawn and you will find a walk through. Its a little dated but it gives a somewhat decent guide. Its a Sexgames platform,,,
Like ReplyI hope they update soon i only get load error! Don't know what they did but the game don't work anymore.
Like ReplyI'm stuck after being locked away and sucking the minotaur's cock- the orc said he gave me a piece of bread but now I cannot go to sleep because apparently im too hungry
Like Replysupbro, the bread is found by right clicking and selecting items. Press zed to select it or eat carrots if you have them - I seem to be carrying thirty bottles of beer everywhere. I just managed to get Victoria's tits enormous using the potion they give at the dairy, but they shrink back if you don't keep taking.
Like ReplyDoes anybody know if Victoria will fuck normally as a streetwalker? She gives blowjobs and offers anal sex when you get her obsessed with anal, but I can't get her to have ordinary sex with clients behind the store at the bottom of the narrow staircase.
Like ReplyI can't get into the brothel - assuming that's what it is. The playboy bunny at reception tells me to come back in a week, but then just tells me the boss isn't there. She also says I need better clothes, so I may be short in resources, but I haven't found out where to buy or obtain clothing. I think I got all the experience - even managed to get her laid by the black knight in the bar.
Like ReplyNever mind: I found it. Don't what to spoil it for others, but don't be surprised if 'George' never shows up. Can get in as an under cover agent once you've completed missions for Sarah.
Like Replymeant to write *want* sorry
Like ReplyWhen washing Henry he is thinking he should not get an erection because that would spoil his plans. Is there anything else coming, because I have seen this scene several times now?
Like ReplyStuck after Sarah's "rescue girls from orcs" quest. I go to tavern to meet Sarah, but she isn't there. Can't work, because I need to meet Sarah. Can't declare taxes because I can't work. Can't sleep because I can't declare taxes.
Like ReplySomePlayer, that got me too for a while: ask soldiers at the bar, they make fun of you getting you to flash your tits then say 'never heard of her', but after two of them she walks in and sits down. BTW I think Henry's afraid she'll be scared off if he gets a hard-on - she's turned on by him too.
Like ReplyThey are not even bothering to update and fix the problem of NOT loading.
Like Replyhow do you cure cum acdiction?
Like Replytalking about you need energy to do anything, well duhh shitface its the same for anyone of these type of games its common fucking sense
Like ReplyMight also add that the game is giving the Failed To Load Error?
Like ReplyLike The Company game they're just changing a few lines and calling it a update!!. Add lots more lesbian content add more taboo, let MC take over brothel and add more HOT female characters with multiple sex positions?
Like ReplyHow many of us played this game over and over (since the updates) and are pros right now?
Like ReplyProof that Gamcore Don't give a Fuck or the Developers, this game like the rest has been Failed to Load sense the last update Neither have responded to the fact.
Like Replyall saves lost - i don't playnitagain untill i can escape from orc town.
Like ReplyAnd then I can't find the bar where I need to talk to blake. It's not the tavern, not the bar in the same city on other side and not the bar in orc-city, so I truly ask me now where I need to go to.
Like Replyero_x, in tavern, just before or after work time, the guy at right talk to him
Like Replyniko, thank you but I can't talk to him. Rather more he just uses the main charackter as slut for jerking cock and that's it. I don't know if I do something wrong or is that also an bug?
Like Replyero_x, Blake's the black guy at the end of the bar counter (except during your waitress shift). Talk to him and he buys you a drink, but behaves in a really crass manner. On the third time he takes you behind the tavern for sexual pleasures. Keep it up and he'll fuck you in a broken house opposite.
Like ReplyGameversion: 2.8.0 There is an bug with the dreams, it always appears twice. First time, clicking through, actual scene is over the screen keeps black and the scene returns. Once the second time is done, it remains to playable. If more Informations are required, let me know please.
Like ReplyWhy can't I play this game and I'm using a Mac
Like ReplyWhere do i get the pink potion?
Like ReplyLike it showing Failed to Load?. Not as if anyone would play right?
Like Replythe game fuck up when i go find the book of light and after that shit happen after i go in the bar the screen go all black i still can move but i dont see nothing all black. i asking if that happen to some one?
Like Replyjohn34, oh nvm i know how now, DONT USE THE PINK POTION that making bug the game going to be repeat and stuck on same place over and over.
Like ReplyIt's version 2.7.0 or 2.8.0
Like ReplyHow to do you escape the orc city
Like Replyct, you can't and this is going on for minimum 1 year
Like Replytimegoback, yup i stuck there same shit lol cool game btw too bad they dont update it
Like ReplyThe room (A1) when i enter its empty i do not know what to do
Like ReplyStill getting Failed to Load, damm favorite game on this site
Like ReplyThe update does not work, still 2.7.0 ingame...
Like ReplyI think this update is up to 2.8.0, many are stuck in the city of orcs.
Like ReplyI forgot there is an error, when it goes to work at the bar it automatically becomes bimbo, so you can't do the innkeeper's quest
Like Replydouble dreams are made for the purpose of making history faster
Like ReplyFuck they've fucked it up AGAIN now back to Failed To Load... WTF
Like ReplyAlso in vs 2.8 double dreams!
Like ReplyI am stuck as a sex slave. Doing the glory hole and the milking over and over and cannot find a orc to bribe. Help pls
Like Replykrou4, problems are still de same. 10 times sex and 10 times milkcow and still no evening and new queest added.
Like Replystrage key there i must use it
Like Replyso much bugs here! omg! so bad
Like ReplyI am stuck as a sex slave. Doing the glory hole and the milking over and over and cannot find a orc to bribe. Help?
Like Replystuck, you are not the first one
Like Replyhow do you get any farther with Victoria as the slave
Like Replyblight, you can't as in earlier versions
Like Replystill the same problem, no evening in orc town, no queest to bribe an orc, is means, end of game for ever
Like Replynext version, have to statr everything over - question, can we leave the orc town now or better not play this shit game?
Like Replynex version, have to strat everything over - question, an we leave the orc town now or better not plt this shit game?
Like ReplyStupid game, got 20 times sex in orc town and 20 times milkcow and still no evening. And no new queest
Like ReplyIt's Lagcore everytime they update it takes 24 hours after before you can actually play without LAG
Like ReplyWhen Victoria tavern wrench naked does not show nude with solders
Like ReplyCan't play Gamcore's LAG is to unreal
Like ReplyBaby what happened to the wagon boy, many updates and we still don't know, he was abducted by aliens while the whore sucked his cock
Like ReplyStuck in orc city. The other girls in the shared bedroom drop me a hint "A1", what does that mean? How do I get rid of that guard so I can talk to the girls?
Like ReplyTom Zot, a1 - maybe room in tavern
Like ReplyTom Zot, how to arrive there? I'm in this city and i's always to early to see the chief
Like ReplyTom Zot, if you go to the bar and clean the broken glass, you can go to the room above the bar. The one on the left let you talk to a girl. She tells you to change masters. We are supposed to bribe an orc but none can be found.
Like Replystuck, that's the big problem. In earlier versions I found this girl after a night sleep in a kind of prison. But now, i'm in orc town, and it never will be evening, so, no sleep and no girl in the left room. Even found a key giving a blow job to an orc south west in the town.
Like Replytime go back, Do you mean the one outside the dairy? The one who tells you to go to the fuck house? I can't get any response from him, but I did get back into the gaol after fucking the minataur official in his office.
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to get her boobs even bigger after “the jerk” gives her the ointment? I read in this version there’s supposed to be a quest added where you’ll be able to make her boobs bigger but I can’t seem to find it
Like ReplyTim, it's in quest log. But it's only how to get the ointment, nothing more.
Like ReplyDexter, go to your inventory when inside your room. Under key items you will find the breast ointment. Just apply it, and after sleeping you will have bigger tatas.
Like Replyfriends every time they update the game all progress is lost, you have to start over
Like ReplyNice new scenes in the tavern
Like ReplyBoris, this is not the real story, just a stupid scene. This update sucks once again
Like ReplyBoris, can you get the anal scene in the tavern? I only manage to get the pussy fuck. With the inkeeper that is!
Like ReplyGamcore has SO MUCH LAG the games can't load WTF
Like Replyi'm in orc town but no quest is added. Normay i should bribe an orc but nothing. Again waist of time
Like Replywhat is the steps down the bogwarts path (the goblin)
Like Replywhat is the code for skip scene?
Like ReplyAilir, its given in the earlier comments
Like Replyi want more clothing options
Like ReplyIt's so slow. I was able to play this game no problem a montha ago. Now it takes hours to even get INTO a game. If there weren't so many ads it may run faster. But so far its a major diisapointment.
Like Replyhow do i get out of the orc city? please help
Like Replytiago, you can't as in the earlier version - this one is useless
Like Replywhat or who is bogwart
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to bribe one of the orcs?
Like ReplyMilkyBend, how to arrive in the prisson of orc town.
Like Replyam stuck at orc city eoc will not let me out without permission
Like ReplyWhat do you do once you get the the monster city?
Like ReplyWhere can i find Bogwarts?
Like ReplyUnknown Spender, Go to the shore
Like ReplyWell the game isn't crashing like the rest on this site, the sex scenes are ok there's not much story yet. Still needs more lesbian acts, and Victoria is getting fucked by the fat innkeeper
Like Replyafter mariage with second patreon producer every update is smaller and more buged (now is only patrons milking); white raven is talented and this situation iswake up my sorrow
Like Replywow all saves got deleted and they added like one new bimbo scene so useless
Like Reply10 times sex and then times milk and its still no evening -
Like ReplyNow I am in the orc town and can't even sleep there. In an older version It worked.
Like ReplyThis update is a waist of time. Blocks if you become a bimbo and sleep in the house of the creepy men (with fiance) where you find two man in the bed and still no leaving the orc town
Like ReplyThe game is ok but, Gamcore has Deleted the saves for the last 2 days WTF can't update your Server so you DELETED everybody's saved games!!!!
Like ReplyHow do i leave silverdfield, it got me automatic and then after i did what they said , it says i cant leave the city because i dont have permission when i have the city passport with me? Help please ty
Like Replysix13, you can't it's not finished :(
Like Replycomment faire pour avoir le plein écran du jeux, j'adore ce jeux
Like Replywhat is the point of the prison
Like Replyjustsomedude,Yeah a good point!!! I've started over and reading all comments trying to see if i'm missing something??? when the game was first released it had a bad ending scene... Now I've been grinding for over an hour???? Just getting a loop...
Like Replyhow do you get out of orker town
Like ReplyOkay i complained enough! Of ALL the games on this site this one has " The best all around sex acts in a game of this topic SEX " the story is lacking no Quest?? For games on this site 9 out of 10
Like ReplyHe/she the Developer could add More Lesbian and Better Dreams if not adding more sex? Also the only scene i'd skip would be the tax collector BJ.
Like ReplyWhy didn't he add Victoria doing side jobs, like going to men and women's house. Or Orgies and banging the fat innkeeper?? A few animals she does the Manataurs? Why not a horse? Have her fucking everything.
Like Replythe code also erases the scenes of the bar, the game is excellent, a work of art, but it is already boring, if the creator at least makes a scene in the bar of the orc city
Like ReplyAnyone else having a problem where she have 2 dreams in a row? Idk if that’s a part of the game or a bug but it’s annoying because sometimes the game will crash at the end of the 2nd dream
Like ReplyJake, yes this happens every night.
Like Replyskip scene 4532, tax payment
Like Replyhow can i find new content?
Like Replystupidiam, more imbo scenes added
Like Replyplz stop the double dream it ruins the game
Like ReplyAfter Victoria accepted the boob ointment she can't stay at the guy's house she flashed her boobs to.... WTF they fixed the game and fuck it up at the same time!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, Yes she can
Like ReplyThen after the scene I put addicted cum on sarah and comforted her I can't find the bogwart, where is this
Like ReplyRaimundo, at the beach
Like Replycomment faire disparaître les jeux sur le coté droit
Like ReplyWhat’s taking so long for this game to be updated on here? Version 2.6.0 is out and it’s still barely only 2.3.1 on here
Like Replyhow do i bribe the orc ive tried like damn near everything
Like ReplyAnyone else getting errors whenever taken the potion and working in the brothel? Any way to get passed it?
Like ReplyCraig123, just dont take the potion u really wont get past the bugs
Like ReplyHow do i get out of the orc city? stuck here now...
Like Replyany code for scene skipping
Like Replybandi, its 4532 for the hunderds time
Like Replyi have the old rusty key.where i must go now?
Like Replycan you fix the double dream its ruining the game tyvm
Like Replybribe on orc
Like ReplyWho is Miss Debie? And where I can find her?
Like Reply2582sbn, Miss Debbie works at the brothel.
Like ReplyAny update coming soon?
Like ReplyRund, this forum keeps track of the updates. https://f95zone.to/threads/a-new-dawn-v2-3-1-whiteraven.1991/page-188
Like Replyhow can i talk to girls
Like Replyhow do you get out the camp after you do the brotherl thing
Like ReplyHow do u save on mobile? It disappears after every reload
Like ReplyERROR Failed to Load... Some bullshit game worked until they updated it. Now you get an ERROR message Before it even starts!
Like ReplyThe Game doesn't load (error)
Like ReplyCo za pojebana gra
Like ReplyWhat the hell ? I work all day in city and i have 6 silver and must pay 6 silver. Nice joke.
Like Replyis there a way to get out of orc town or is this the end of this update?
Like ReplyHow do you move from acting as a cow to the next level.
Like ReplyLittle bug in this version every night she has the same dream twice
Like ReplyBoris, ok was going to post that
Like Replydon't go to the ork city - it is the end of the game
Like Replycheat:200005981
Like Replydoes anybody have same problem with that bread? Orc did not give me bread and I can go sleep cuz she is hungry.. and bread is nowhere... wtf ???
Like Replyterrs, Press escape in Items you wil find the bread
Like Replyput the cream on the tits before going to sleep, when you get up go talk to jerfk spend a few days there, go to work as a waitress and rabbit the waitress suit you have to buy it where you wash the clothes. They give in the bar, when you work as a waitress, first attend the innkeeper, he asks for a beer and you take it, as you work as a waitress, you have little clothes until you attend the bare tables
Like Replysex with the innkeeper is like that, when you have to choose where you want to live you choose the old man, the next day ask at the inn to meet the witch, when you meet the goblin, take the semen, the next day go get the flour and so until he sucks the cock, after the three blowjob scenes go live with jerfk, when you go to bed put the cheat of dreams, that serves to advance the game do it a few times, then go talk to jerfk so that I touched your tits, when you go to sleep before you put the crea
Like Replythey need to upload victoria is biimbo filees it keeps going down
Like ReplyThis was one of my favorite game one Gamcore now i only Get Failed To Load
Like Replyhow do you have sex with the innkeeper? did blowjob for mirror but is there anything else if so help plz imma horny
Like Replysmall paul, keep dancing at the tavern eventaully u will dance for george only n suck him off at the inn then fuck him
Like ReplyWon’t even load since the update I liked this game too
Like Replydon't break the balls we want to see this bitch meet her mother
Like ReplyWhy load it so lage in the orc Camp?? Or is it a Bug??
Like ReplyI'm getting a loading error when i try to load up.
Like ReplyY’all really took this long to update the game just to fuck it up lol the game won’t even load anymore it gives an error message
Like ReplySo I waited all this time for a error to occur
Like ReplyWell they've fucked this game up now! Now i can only get Error Failed To Load Image:
Like ReplyUpdate already please
Like ReplyWhere i can find brothel
Like ReplyHELP ME, top left corner 2nd structure from left to right
Like ReplyWe been waiting for a month 1/2 and there’s been 3 updates on a new dawn yet you still haven’t updated it on gamcore
Like ReplyBro, The developer takes forever to develop the story. Bunch of new updates, but still no progression in the plot. I'm okay with Gamecore not updating this until an actual plot-update is released. Would ruin it for new players having to start from scratch every time Whiteraven releases a new bugfix or bimbo-animation. Here's a thread about the content currently being released: https://f95zone.to/threads/a-new-dawn-v2-3-1-whiteraven.1991/page-188
Like ReplyOrb, all the update did was get me an Error loading!! I just played yesterday and didn't get the error sh't.....
Like ReplyStill waiting for the update????
Like Replywhen will the new update, There is already version 2.3.0 since October 30th.
Like ReplyUpdate the freaking game it’s been atleast a month in a half like I’m trying to play new modes not the same old one
Like ReplyWhere can i find a female goblin?
Like ReplyBoris, you have to bargain with the old man when you stay with him. he will send you after a bag of flower from the inn keeper and the shop keeper will tell you how to get to the female goblin.
Like Replymy old saves (1.8) arnt working, is this fixable
Like ReplyHow can i go to inventory?
Like ReplyAt the start you can be taking has a slave and you get put into the room is that just a loop
Like ReplyGood game ruined by updates, not worth playing anymore.
Like ReplyDon't sneak past the brother orcs or a future scene will start, which will ruin the gameplay
Like ReplyNahtan Doow, How get out of orge camp. isn't it bugged, I got a key went into go bar room, don't know what else is there, don't really get that A and 1 messing in prison
Like ReplyHow to do anal
Like ReplyHow to increase boobs size
Like ReplyDevil, I don't think there is
Like ReplyDevil, drink the pink fluid
Like ReplyDevil, Stay with the pervert he will give you ointment which makkes her Boobs Bigger
Like ReplyHow do I get in to bogwarts cave?
Like ReplyBmster, get addicred to Goblin con
Like ReplyCheat skull code : 20005981
Like ReplyPlz tell me what to in silver field instead of working in glory hole and milking how to move forward in story
Like ReplyDevil, talk to a warrior like women at the Bar
Like ReplyKarma, there are no woman in the bar in orc city
Like ReplyPlz some one tell me how to bribe the orc or how to leave silver field plz plz
Like Replydud, Dude, same problem bro
Like Reply(Around 1456 in the game) + Added a new key, will drop with a 20% chance after the new bj scene with the orcs. + Changed how the curfew works at the orc city, Victoria now needs to see Turahg every night to pay respect (Skippable scene). + Added a system which count all scenes Victoria has seen and calculates her arousal level, which will lead to orgasm scenes when filled in later updates. + Added a voyeur counter to all voyeur scenes (GH, behind pub, Jasmin, Innkeeper, Old man bath).
Like Reply+ Added a blowjob counter to all blowjob scenes (Innkeeper, Innkeeper pub, Blake,Blake friends, GH, Brothel, Shopkeeper punishment, Prostitute, Taxman, Jerk, Old man, Fuck room, Orc, Minotaur) + Added a Exhibitionism counter to all Exhibitionism scenes (Jerk, Captain, Town people, Taxman, Old man, Tavern) + Added a vaginal counter to all vaginal sex scenes (Brothel, Blake, Blake friends, Jerk, Fuck room) + Added an anal counter to all anal sex scenes (Brothel, Shopkeeper punishment, Prostitute)
Like Reply+ Added a handjob counter to all handjob sex scenes (Brothel) + Added a titjob counter to all titjob sex scenes (Brothel, Jerk) + Added a lesbian counter to all lesbian sex scenes (Ginger, Succubus) + Added an interacial counter to all interacial sex scenes (Blake, Blake friends) + Added a monster counter to all monster scenes (Orc bj, minotaur bj, fuck room, milking) + Added a milking counter to all milking scenes (milking)
Like ReplyNahtan Doow, Thats all the new stuff, the rest is bug fixes
Like ReplyNahtan Doow, So now add more quest and MC options like lesbian, animals, domination more sex positions add sex with anyone like the fat innkeeper... Make the world bigger???
Like ReplyNahtan Doow, so you basically just added counters to shit!!!! No new characters no new sex scenes, its a decent game thus far but way to limited as to what MC can do, allow her to be a slut bang everybody!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, just don't go to the orc town - its the end of the game there
Like ReplyA New Dawn Changelog Version 2.0.0 Scenes + A new blowjob scene with Victoria and orc 4 animations (Blowjob, top right inside orc city) + A new blowjob scene with Victoria and orc 4 animations (Blowjob, top right inside orc city) + A new blowjob scene with Victoria and minotaur 4 animations (Blowjob, Turahg’s office) + A new blowjob scene with Victoria and minotaur 4 animations (Blowjob, Turahg’s office) Shorter scenes Dreams Other + Added 16 new animations (Total: 484) + Added 16 new CG’s
Like ReplyHow to bribe the orc
Like Replyhow to get out of silverfield
Like ReplyIs really only one more bj in this version? then i will wait maybe in 2020 be more
Like Replywhat hell happen save function?? those is now full broken!!!
Like ReplyI'm fed up with beginning again and again the game when new update arrive !!!! I can't continue the game all the time !!!!
Like Replywhat is the golden shower option at the beginning of the game?
Like Replybig Lez she gets a golden shower you know peed on that’s what it is you have to constantly rob bread from that one guys shop that sells food at night and he will force you to get peed on behind a dumpster
Like Replywhats new in this update? last update had you stuck in the town and doing endless loops. This games updates are very insignificant, so its better to play it after 5 updates to find something interesting or having the story move forward. Lemme know.
Like ReplyHow to escape from orcs town
Like ReplyHow the hell do you get out of this damned orc town, I got to the point where you have to bribe an orc but I can’t find any orc to bribe!
Like ReplyDude, Yes someone Help Pls !!!
Like ReplyI am stuck in this damed town now what am I suppost to do to get out of it all I do is give milk or get srewed have no idea what to do now help someone please
Like ReplyNice, let's see how this goes
Like Replyhow do i get out of the goblin town?????
Like Replynickragz, а хуй его знает
Like ReplyThis game has a lot of potential but hm I hope with a new update its be better
Like ReplyI cant continue the game after update i have account and i saved last time before getting out i never clean cache or history on my pc so wtf!?
Like ReplyPassionGamer123, after each update you lose you saves
Like Replysame problem why out orc town
Like Replyhow do i get permition to lesve the orge city
Like ReplyThere is so much they could add to this game. She could start walking around naked, having sex with horses, her cum addiction could be so bad she pays people to fuck her. But is there a way to get out of the ogre city. My character always get trapped there.
Like ReplyHow do i escape silverfield (orc town). I've been going around in circles doing daily tasks and then i became a "hu-cow" and i don't know what else to do
Like ReplyHow to get the bunny outfit
Like ReplyNice game but in some places it cuts and you have to restart (at the beginning they train like a slut) e.g. always 52 points and you have to start again please repair
Like ReplyHow do you have sex in the brothel
Like ReplyWhen does the master of victoria arrive?
Like Replyhow do i escape orc city?
Like Replywhats the web sight for this game anyone know ?
Like ReplyI can't get into the town controlled by the monsters any more. The orcs at the gate end up freaking out.
Like Replythere's a way to escape from orc town? i'm stuck...how can i speak with other girls?
Like ReplyNothing new just rotate the games sosdd same old shit different day, i wouldn't support anyone on this site they will just milk your account.
Like ReplyHey developer I just realized that anal gapes dont work any more. It shows in the game that she an official anal whore but you dont see the gape when you look in the mirror
Like Replyhow do i get the Slave Outfit?
Like Replyi mean the the Bitchsuit
Like ReplyA New Dawn - Version 1.7.3 - Update PornPlayBB
Like ReplyFor anyone having troubles with saves. If you play and save during incognito mode, the save files will be cleared upon closing the browser.
Like ReplyIs this the latest version?
Like ReplyCan anyone tell me how can I save my progress
Like ReplyNice game. I play it for a longer time now and i really like it. I think corruption is a new fetish for me. *thumbs up*
Like ReplyWould be cool with some evolvement in the tavern. Like more dancing scenes and something new when you start serving naked. And with the innkeeper ofc!
Like ReplyThey should allow her to have sex with fat innkeeper wtf she blows him in the bar and glory hole
Like ReplyIst ein neues Update draußen? Oder warum speichert es nicht mehr ging sonst immer gut.:/
Like Replyhow to load a game?
Like ReplyHow to get rid of the cum addiction?
Like ReplyClara, talk with girl in bar (she orders ale)
Like Replya very repetitive game.
Like ReplyMarianFlood, hi
Like ReplyMarianFlood, gave me your whatsapp
Like ReplyVery very good
Like Replyhow does one become the goblin slave and go to lez orcs thank you
Like Replyis bogwart quest broke?
Like ReplyGame is broken. First night text loops forever.
Like ReplyThis game should be called REPETITIVENESS
Like Replydoes anyone know how to get the 2nd to last bad ending, goblin pack breeding slut??
Like Replyblight87, when you go to save the 2 girls from the orcs, choose fake it the when your gives you the choice to get the paprika (or whatever her name is) wait instead.
Like ReplyLicious, so you’re saying to go to her and just not do anything, then what do I do
Like ReplyAnyone else having loads more crashes with this version or is it just me?
Like Replygood game yes hjvhj kjbjhbjl jklb kjklkkjbj bk kl nkjnkl lm, mlml;
Like ReplyHow do you get to the golden shower scene?
Like ReplyUser123445, User123445, get caught stealing carrots from the shop 2 times.
Like Reply1.7.2 is out and about, yet there is no story line progress.. well thats typical considering all this wait for a update. Big disappointment.
Like ReplyVersione 1.7.2 ma cos'hai fatto? Continua a non funzionare -.-''
Like ReplyVersione 1.7 non funziona. Il Goblin continua a ripetere lo stesso dialogo continuamente.
Like Replyyea it was a matter of time before they fucked this game up too
Like ReplyBut 1.7.0. is broken, goblin dialogue continue repeat
Like ReplyThe Bug isn't fixed yet
Like ReplyGamcore has the wrong update that bug got fixed with version 1.7.2
Like ReplySo when you get to town, there is a bug. A goblin appears and starts talking, and you can not end it. It just keeps repeating. Can you please fix this?
Like ReplyKurome, you can sleep (pay taxes in city) in Bogwart cave from begining - ther is no bug then
Like Replynice bug, after landing in town by the old man in bedroom the goblin appears, explaining something and it repeats and repeats ..... please fix it!
Like Replyero_x, that bug is fixed in the next version of the game, that will have another bug which will be fixed in the update after that lol. Patreons do have it bug free right now and we will see it only in the next updates here, if ever.
Like Replybug found, thank you ;)
Like Reply1.7.2 is out! pls update it
Like Replybug in the jerk house
Like ReplyWTF, goblin keeps telling me rules at start of game. Tried safari, firefox, and chrome.
Like ReplyI love this game (matter of fact I missed it thanks for the new update) but it needs to be updated alot 1.I start off with 0 energy so I cant really do anything in the game 2. The goblin diologue keeps popping up everytime you send Victoria to sleep (In both houses) 3. Cant really do nothing in the bar where the orcs and Minotaur are which is fine. but can you do those two things because you really cant do nothing in the game now :(
Like ReplyIm in the beginning and the master borwart text keeps popping up with no end help!
Like ReplyUh oh! There appears to be a glitch that unravals apart of the story line, with bogwart dialogue when you first choose a place to stay on the first night.. Glad your still making this awesome game good job.
Like Replyscenes with bogwart and orc camp are endless loop or you can finish this mission?
Like ReplyI am trying to get all the bad endings can someone help?
Like ReplyPlease help how do you get in prison
Like ReplyPlease we need a update! Thx
Like ReplyI had actually saved but it's not giving me the continue option :(
Like ReplyI can't find the spot to go through in the forest on the mission where you have to find a way around the camp D;
Like ReplyWhen you leave the town, go down then turn left, then up. Go into the grass staying left and you should see the circle glowing.
Like Replydid they seriously use music from Final Fantasy XIV? nice lmao!
Like ReplyHow do I get to the prison sequence
Like Replyhow do I get morw´e breast ointment? i have seen the horseboy and gorl sceen. but then nothing happenes. thx
Like ReplyUgh! Why does my energy go to zero after waking up?!?
Like ReplyWill there be any minotaur gangbang scenes?
Like ReplyFiend, white raven looking money for new game so he didn't finished first game (modern life) and i think he will not finish this one
Like ReplyAnyway to get a room with in keeper
Like ReplyMy saved games keep disappearing, any idea how to fix it?
Like ReplyFucking love this game it needs a lot of work but its really good and has a lot of potential.
Like ReplyGrinding I don't mind but this is getting ridiculous I am done with the game
Like ReplyWho is bogwart?
Like Replygsssgss, a goblin who lives in a cave at the shore, go to the weird witch woman and head south of there till you're at a sandy area then find the cave and sleep there
Like Replycan you fuck candy? the blond girl in the brothel
Like Replyis the goblin quest to the slaver camp in a loop
Like ReplyAmazing game, better than a lot of other RPGmakers honestly... should be a 4 star but some people like to spam 1 star every-time they re-upload a new version (1.6.4 is only a few fixes no new content)
Like ReplyIts funny but not worth beginning over and over again cause of a little update
Like ReplyHow i can get out of the goblincity?
Like Replyguys please help me i am not getting the option of complimenting candy's body and second of all how do i get the pass to the or camp....please help me guys
Like ReplyIt would be nice if scenes could be skipped after seeing them once
Like Replyhow do i get goblin breeding pack bad ending
Like ReplyBlight87, At the beginning when the carriage guy offers a ride say no then walk south to the forest and walk around for a bit
Like ReplyDarknorth, thats goblin fucktoy and ive done that already, the fuck toy is the only one i need
Like ReplyBlight87, *breedingslut
Like ReplyWhen exactly do we getta finally use magic and are allowed to go on the adventure instead of just whoring out in this boring starter town?
Like ReplyJadaXxX, sleep in Jerk house (have dreams about tits job) take and use his jar; when you have big boobs go to witch talk to her and learn skill; go to her another day talk with goblin drink cum from jar; go first time to sarah (in tavern) play game - have fun ;)
Like ReplyGet a cum addiction then go to the brothel for the first time and talk to miss Debbie, thank me later
Like Replyis there more missions or content after they put me in city where they milk my tits and i fucked in orc glory holes ???? And if what I have to do , when I am in city? besides pleasing those orcs ... ?
Like Replyloading takking too long jesus
Like ReplyAddicted to this game can't wait for update
Like ReplyHow long do I have to wait to go to the elf after doing the mission for Sarah
Like Replycan anyone tell me who is candy and where to find her?
Like Replypls help, she is the blond one
Like ReplyOh yea baby boys! ^^
Like Replyi cant open my save file
Like ReplyHow do you save a file? I’m playing on mobile and don’t see any option to save at all.. hero,
Like Replyhow to get passport for orc camp plz tell me
Like Replyhow to lead sarah to bogwart??
Like ReplyZzZzZz, after mission (bj option) in church and talking with Le croix - but this is only a few pictures; this update is only few pictures and not very interesting animations with bogwart house, milking and gloryhole in orc city
Like Replyboring, não consigo passar as missões ''getting even'' e '' real estate owner'' depois que dou a bebida do goblin para sarah e me pede para voltar depois de 3 dias não acontece nada...
Like ReplyI really like this game but i am as as i can go. Anyone know is there any similar games?
Like Replylove this game, try "peasant quest"
Like ReplyPlease anybody know how to go to orc town
Like ReplyPlzz hellp how to lead sarah to bogwart
Like Replywho is the blonde whore and what exactly should i do to get the bunny outfit please i want to see the scene
Like Replypls help, her name is Candy and you need talk with her and compliment her silicon body -is anybody now where is walkthrough to 1.6.0 ?
Like ReplyIf u want to get bunny outfit then u have to get pink liquid in whore house basement
Like ReplyYou don't have to turn into a bimbo (drinking the pink liquid) to have the Bunny Girl outfit. You just have to sleep in the house to the right of the tax authorities. After several nights, the owner of the premises will give you an ointment to apply to your breasts. The next day, your chest will have enlarged and, on your next shift as a dancer, you will have the bunny outfit (without being a bimbo).
Like Replywhy save from 1.6.0 is not working? is there any way to load old save?
Like Replywhere and how do i get the bimbo potion
Like Replypls help, when you work in brothel talk (and say beautiful) to blond whore; you can work in brothel after few misions for Sophie (or Sarah) - she is in tavern
Like Replybleble, remember after drinking bimbo potion (pink fluid) you can't work naked as a wench and can't do personal lap dance (bj - after many dance dreams and work work work ) for inkeeper in tavern (ye every one see her doing bj)
Like Replygloryhole in orc city has worse animations then old one (with humans) - and it was great potential
Like ReplyHow do you get a passport for the orc camp
Like ReplyWhat are the new features in 1.6.2. Update?
Like ReplyAnyone know what the codes are for skipping scenes and cheats?
Like Replyazerty, the code for skipping scenes is 4532
Like Replyazerty, for the cheat skull it 20005981
Like ReplyIs there a way to have sex with the Innkeeper ?
Like ReplyHow can we have the potion from the witch when she's "in love" with a goblin ?
Like Replywhat is slave prison for
Like Replyvinnybigcock, now is something like bad end, and you can have -200 corruption after 15 min, in next versions it will (if patrons pay for that) be new path
Like Replyyou know if you take the ship at the start is it a loop or not
Like ReplyWhere do you find a goblin at
Like ReplyShadow, the shore
Like Replyzim131, I can't find him.
Like Replygood game and intresting
Like Replywhen do vicky get fucked been playing for almost 2 hrs and she still wont get fucked
Like Replyasa, work in brothel - after second main quest or drink with Blake in tavern (few times) or look futa elf in forest (after quest with sarah); or work in tavern (buy new dress) and have gangb.g; and many more (work in gloryhole if you want speed up corruption)
Like Replybleble, and don't drink goblin cum or bimbo potion (nice outfit when dance) before she love anal
Like Replybleble, where do you buy a new dress
Like ReplyDane, you need work as a wench and dance in tavern (4 x times each) and you get nickname then talk with washing girl (after few times you will work toples); after 8 or more dreams about dance you got bunny outfit; after drink bimbo potion you get latex bunny outfit
Like Replybleble, how to find the elf
Like ReplyDane, when Sarah told you to undress (ambush) - take option "fake", then orc capture girl, when you first time go to see what goblins do her new passage will appear (save and see 3 days warrer with goblin then load and her help if you want) new passage is in to wood with queen elf (near white tent) (you will see bad ending if chose right answers)
Like ReplyWhats so different about update v1.60? The story doesnt progress but some promising new features have been added.
Like ReplyBig head, yeah they updated the to the wrong version 1.6.1 is already out which fixes whatever bugs 1.6.0 has
Like ReplyLostsince_00, so does that mean the story has been progressed on more, once you find out about the succubus?.. Thanks for the reply.
Like ReplyBig head, there is 1.6.2 version because 1.6.1 main quest is stil buged
Like Replybleble, do you know when 1.6.2 will come? Thanks
Like ReplySo whats new in the update and is it worth playing through the whole game again?
Like ReplyWhats new, this update is broken there’s update 1.6.1 but I don’t think they updated to the right one since the creator did place two updates that same day
Like ReplyThere’s a new update 1.6.0 just wondering when it will be place on this browser I only play it on here since I’m on mobile
Like Reply1.6.1 that is as they quickly did some previous big fixes
Like Replyit said if you cant work at the brothel get the goblin to help but the two scenes of him taking your character to the orc camp get repeat what should of happen
Like Replytime does not pass in the brothel severed like 20 wtf
Like ReplyRAW42059, this is bug (usually in a titfck room) change room it sometimes help
Like Replybree, thanks I will try
Like Replywtf sara tells me to work at brothel but does not pass?
Like Replyhow did you do to get the mask of eclave and go with the goblin in the orcs because either the goblin makes me deep throats or he sodomized me. how to get past these scenes help please
Like ReplyI'm stuck. I was supposed to wait two days to visit the goblin and go back to the orc camp in slave dress, but I went after one day. The orcs don't want me, I can't go back to town, I can't release the goblin and I can't sleep in his cave because I didn't pay my taxes.
Like ReplyRandy, how can ı get the slave dress ?
Like Replyto get a drink from the guards, you have to talk to them 1: first accept then 2 start talking again and refuse and there you go to drink
Like ReplyWe need a Update , please!
Like ReplySjgsh, yes please I've been waiting for months!!
Like ReplySjgsh, you louser
Like ReplyIs there any chance to see new update?
Like Replyhow do I make a guard buy me a beer?
Like ReplyAzerty, show tits
Like ReplyAzerty, Just keep trying, at some point you will get an option to flash your boobs at him.
Like ReplyHow do you get the last three bad ending
Like ReplyDoes anything happen in the slave cell
Like Replyhow do you find the slave outfit?
Like Replyhow do i fix the cum addiction
Like ReplyVVhiteHammer, go into inventory use 20005981 to change cum addition also can add 999 silver change your corruption ( lower corruption number the more corruption you do ?? ) i didn't design the game use cheat skull for all this
Like Replyis thir a way to get my old save to a fast way to get progress?
Like ReplyCan you fuck the bartender in the pub or do anything lesbianish?
Like Replybiggie cheese, there's a futa elf when you go to rescue the girls they will ask you to get naked. Fake it and it will be there. When you sign up to the brothel theres a girl spy she will ask you and lead you just submit
Like Replybiggie cheese, only lesbian scene is in the brothel don't know why ??
Like ReplyWell notice the game don't crash, but like the rest it's unfinished but a 8 of 10 for content
Like Replywhenever i go to the building with miss Debbie in it she nods to say the boss isn't in and then i walk out do i have to do something or just wait ageeees
Like Replybiggie cheese, where îs Miss Debie? I can't find her
Like Replyin wat mirror do i need to watch after thetransformation ?
Like ReplyAfter seeing the demon, say Sarah, she makes a plan and let me know as soon as she has one. how long does it take ?? or what do I have to do to get the message? or is it a bug on the spot?
Like ReplyPups, same problem
Like ReplyPups, its endgame until they finish!
Like Reply20005981 cheat code skulll
Like ReplyWhere’s the shore ?
Like Replyafter seeing the demon sarah plan began to make plans
Like Replythe problem is that he only offers me sodomy or to suck
Like Replyhow to become the slave of the goblin and go to the orc, for now it makes me burn his feet and temine in deep throat and that's it
Like Replyroger, best thing to do is jerk off the goblin a few times until you get the option to blow him, blow him once, then at night go to sleep in his cave
Like ReplyI can't get all the scenes with the goblin (bogwart) because i keep getting taken to the orc camp....what do i have to do to find the clues
Like ReplyHi hello, I’ve run out of energy but I can’t go to sleep because I haven’t worked at the bar to declare my taxes what do I do
Like ReplyBlondie, steal some food
Like ReplyBlondie, go into one of the houses where you sleep (jerk or old man) in the top right hand corner of the house is a box of carrots; click on the box of carrots and it should let you go pay your taxes and sleep for the night
Like ReplyI am stuck, can't work at brothel because i am a "cum-slut", how do i fix?
Like Replywhen will be new version? knows anybody??
Like ReplyWhen im walking around the house naked and my clothes are drying do i wait for something because if i got to sleep he gets mad at me because i didnt dry my clothes...how do i trigger his plan
Like ReplyHahsgr, same here , whats old man plan and how to trigger it?
Like Replyhow do you get rid of all your energy on the first day?
Like ReplyHow to sleep in the Inn? Have finished all Innkeeper dreams with no impact, expect the tavern blowjob.
Like Replyis their any cheat i can use, my game didnt save
Like Replyhow do i get the butt plug? she always says that se doesnt want it
Like ReplyGo to the goblin at the shore once your addicted to cum...go into the cave above you and sleep there....your welcome
Like ReplyHow to become brothels ass whore and then ass fucked in the street ohh and the cheat code is 20005981
Like ReplyIt says work before declaring I already worked it’s not letting me fucking declaring
Like Replythis taxman sucking is so redundant. Dose'nt he tell you to do something more or way to skip it?
Like Replydoes anyone know how to get to the tent when doing the flour quest for the old guy? i cant find a way to get up there
Like Replylexus, go to inn on top left below brothel and click on flour on desk or go to shop in bottom right and buy the flour
Like ReplyThe game is okay, but having 2 start over and over again is kinda stupid. Make a good save option or just dont make a game like this ^^
Like ReplyWhen i try to pay taxes, it says i need to work even though i have? Any help?
Like ReplyAnonn, have to work at a place with a wage, like the tavern
Like ReplyAnonn, where is the tavern located
Like ReplyDev, to the right of the tax mans house and up the stairs. its the first building, has a mug on it
Like ReplyI love the game but my saves keep disappearing. and I finished this update.. anyone know when the new one comes out
Like Replystuck at declaring my taxes and cant sleep
Like ReplyWillofDark, at night go to building with the 2 guards thats standing next to door.. go in and you pay your taxes there.. also make sure she eats or she can't sleep either
Like ReplyHow do you get Victoria to eat? I've collected plenty of food but it still says shes too hungry to sleep?
Like Replydnm, you go into items click food, you see her screen start blinking, click it and you will see she is eating
Like Replyhow to get fucked in brothel?
Like Replynatasha, you have do a few of the Commander Sarah quests first.. she is in the pub.. after while one quest will be infiltrate the brothal
Like Replynatasha, you must have worked each room in the brothel at least twice (2 handjobs, 2 titjobs, 2 blowjobs) then you will get the option for sex
Like ReplyThe tit fuck room is acting up. Also, when I declare my earnings for the day, the ass fucking I did in the street isn't being added in my total. Oh, and the lady commander in the tavern had me work in the brothel, but there's nothing after her asking "How's the brothel." I have info, but am unable to tell it.
Like ReplyHungryPussy, how to start ass fucking in street
Like ReplyRascal, I had to become the brothel's anal whore.
Like ReplyHungryPussy, i am already the brothel's anal whore. how do i begin ass fucking on the streets?
Like ReplyHungryPussy, sorry but i also want to ask for how to become brothel ass whore?
Like ReplyRascal, a lot of anal sex. Lol.
Like Replysexyma, I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps, it was a glitch for me, and that's why it wasn't adding the money I made from it. The prostituting my ass out happens over by where the old lady and her grandkids were, I believe.
Like Replysexyma, to work on the streets, you must have at least 3 dreams of being a prostitute and have a corruption of at least -40
Like ReplyHas anyone here had Vicky lose her virginity in the brothel?
Like Replyneeds some sort of skip mechanic as the constant save wipes for every update make it not worth playing
Like Replyhow can i import saves from my android to my pc
Like ReplyTakes Forever to Load
Like Replyanyone know the extent you can go in the prison?
Like ReplyHow do i get new clothes? I am trying to get work at the brothel but I need new clothes for that
Like Replynick, you have to just keep going to the cleaning lady until she finally asks if you want to buy an outfit.
Like ReplyI love the game, but unfortunately the "save Game" or rather the "Restore" (or continue) doesn't work. I got pretty far in the previous version and I don't want to start all over again. Anyone got a tip how to restore a previous saved game in an older version?
Like ReplyThe game keeps giving me an error fail to load message anyone else get that for the cut scenes?
Like ReplyBoytoy, yeah..
Like ReplyHow i still miy hunger
Like Replyshe looks like ariana grande
Like ReplyDoes anyone know what the small building is across from where you can work as a prostitute is for? It says door is locked.
Like ReplyAnon, its for blakes friebnds whore use her as a group toy for black men and she loves it wish it was me xx
Like ReplySubAlice, not that one i meant the one down the bottom right of the town xx
Like ReplyHow the hell can the game continue after a fat bloke have the dancer on his lap and two people are sulking over it besides the stage
Like ReplyHow do i get shemale scene
Like ReplyYuki, when you do the mission to free the slaves, pretend to undress. It will then lead on to that scene in a few days.
Like ReplyHow do I work as a bunny girl? I keep on entering and then leaving without saying a word.
Like Replyashley, 4.1 Talk to the barmaid she’ll ask you to work as wench no corruption needed. 4.2 When the innkeeper arrives at the pub go talk to the barmaid again she’ll ask you to work as dancer now, if your self respect is low enough you can accept to work for her. 4.3 If you’ve accepted both jobs you can select one of them, dancer job brings more silver if you’re willing to follow the orders from the crowd than the wench job.
Like Replyashley, 4.4 When you’ve worked as both dancer and wench 2 times you should be able to talk to the barmaid she will introduce a nickname for you 4.5 Now go and talk to the cleaner lady by the river and work as tavern wench every day until she ask you to buy a new outfit. gather 50 silver to buy it from her. 4.6 Now you can work as tavern wench in the new outfit. When the men grope your butt they will ask you to work without a top and after they’ve asked you four times you’ll be able to
Like Replyyou’ll be able to work without the top unlocking new conversations when serving tables and getting groped. 4.7 When you have seen all dance dream sequences you can accept to dance in a bunny suite. from WALKTHROUGH A NEW DAWN V 1.1.1
Like ReplyDoes anyone else have a problem rescuing Sophia? For me Priapara is twice in the picture and the Minotaur can not walk to Sophia.
Like ReplyNickname, Same here
Like ReplyHurry up 1.6 we wanna see the bimbo scenes
Like Replyi serve all table but can t finish my shift.....
Like Replyi am horny
Like ReplyGame freezes when I try to SAVE or turn the volume down.
Like Reply20005981 cheat code skull!
Like ReplyI identify the succumbus, and talked to sarah. She told me come tommorow for the next mission and when i pass the day sarah says i will tell you when my plan is ready. Also i can get the goblin's cum cause i have only and option to fuck her ass...what should i do?
Like ReplyI want play See
Like Replyasjhd, same here
Like ReplyThe girl behind the brothel says I can earn extra money from George from the house but I can't enter. Anyone got any ideas??
Like ReplyLinleyb, you need to click on the papers before the lady inside the left house.
Like ReplyNasdw, what papers?
Like ReplyWhens the Next update? Decent game
Like Replyzvmm, if you go through the door on the left there's a woman standing behind a desk, there should be papers on the desk.
Like ReplyEvery time I try to pay my taxes it says you need to work before you can declare your earnings when I already have it seems a decent game but it won’t let me progress any ideas
Like ReplyJams free, If you haven't already work in the bar and serve tables that should do it. You can only do taxes when you have no energy left.
Like ReplyLinleyb,How do you get the job at the bar?
Like Replyhow do you become the slave of the goblin
Like Replyhow do you get a guard to get you a drink i tried them all
Like Replyhe wont get me one
Like Replykitten, ask for it in night with bit high corruption value
Like Replykitten, Just say no instead of yes
Like Replygo talk to the military and you'll get some beer
Like Replyhow to get rabbit outfit
Like Replyhow do I restore energy plz help
Like ReplyLord, please help
Like ReplyDo you guys know any other game just like this? This game is awesome but there is no new update
Like ReplyWhere is brothel??
Like ReplyHelga, the brothel is in the top left, and she says that she doesn't want to go there yet. You have to get the quest from the soldier lady in the bar.
Like ReplyWe need a knew update
Like Replycan any body give me link to download it some sites are showing it of 1.44 gb
Like ReplyHow can I get a new of clothes?
Like ReplyKarma, wash cloths with the lady during the day
Like ReplyGang us weg
Like Reply20005981 cheat code skull..\\
Like Replywhere can i find Sarah? I became a total slut and still no quest
Like ReplyLarryssa, dans le bar c'est la rousse
Like Replyevery week a new start, because, there is an update??? SHIT!
Like ReplyAfter she turns into a demon, how do i progress? I am stuck waiting for sarah to come up with a plan
Like Replyhow must i follow the demon sucubus
Like Replyhow do i get the bunny outfit ?
Like Replynick, yeah what do we do
Like Reply20005981 is password for cheat skull under speacial items
Like Replywhat does it mean only wenches allowed ?
Like ReplyFUCK, you need to be able to work there it's annoyt but go in front of her when it separate by the table desk thing
Like ReplySuper, Thx you
Like ReplyEvery time I save and exit, when I return my saved game is not available, anyone facing this issue? Any suggestions?
Like ReplyHow do I save I tryed the stick in the middle of the town but it didn't work
Like ReplyDARCSTAR, press ESC and a menu will appear. There you'll find save.
Like Replyi took a job in the brothel and then i identify the succumbus (or smthing like that) and now i dont know what to do...any help?
Like Replymerga, I'm having the same problem. I keep working for the brothel and it's the same thing everyday not sure what to do next
Like Replymerga, thats as far as the story goes right now
Like Replyi need help i'm blocked after became the goblin slave and i have sex with orc but i don't know how to go next
Like ReplyA New Dawn [v 1.4.3b] still has Innkeeper bug, dont play until a better version comes (i've got a save thats just outside the scene, still blackscreens)
Like ReplyThis isn't 1.4.1 it's 1.4.0 with a bug for the inn keeper.
Like ReplyYo , fix the bag with vicktoria as bunny girl and in keeper after her phase game gives black screen and nothing happen. Pls fix this(got only one save).
Like ReplyYe, in Victoria dream when she is bunny girl and with inn keeper, after her last phrase , game gives black screen and nothing happen and there no way to avoid this dream. Fix this pls
Like ReplydirtKid, Yes their is all you have to do is press escape, then items but go to the far left which is key items, go to cheater and change the dream. (Hope this helps)
Like Replyhow do i get the guards to buy me a drink?
Like Replygod, you need to be corrupted enough to be willing to flash them.
Like ReplyI became slave of the gobin, than I being fucked by the orcs and then nothing happens. I can turn back to city what should I do?
Like Replykrass, im having that same problem
Like Replyttt, me too :/ someone help
Like ReplyNeg, Im also having this issue im stuck :/
Like Replykrass, how do you get enslaved by goblins?
Like Replydoes being imprisoned at the start go anywhere? been decent cocksucker for ages and nothing has changed
Like ReplyHowdoo you get in prison??
Like ReplyBiig D, instead of going with the cart boy at the first settlement go east talk to the man, from there you get imprisoned...
Like Replyyo whats the thing with the cheat skull?!
Like Replywith the cheats of the crane comment on made down his corruption?
Like Replyhow we eat at the night ?
Like Replybug found. if you take goblin cum jar in the witch shack for the 1st potion you can't find the goblin anymore
Like Replyshit, i'm blocked with sarah, she told me "i'll let you know when the plan is ready" . . . i don't know what to do now :(
Like Replybadgirl, si tu es bloquée je crois que dans tes items tu peut utiliser ton orbe pour debloquer l'action sinon si tu ne veut pas tricher il me semble que tu travailles dans la maison close jusqu'a debloquer la suite, ya ensuite une espéce de quéte annexe avec la sorciére en dehors de la ville, va la voir.
Like Replybadgirl, I am also blocked in this part, working in the brothel and nothing happens
Like ReplyJojo, j'ai utilisé l'orbe. Rien n'y fait, j'ai bossé au bordel, rien non plus hormis que je ne peux plus y bosser car je suis stoppée par la futa :'(
Like Replybadgirl, check your quests, I'm pretty sure at this point you need to talk to the witch
Like ReplyStopper par la futa ? Genre elle refuse que tu travailles ? C'est parce que ton perso est dépendante aux cums je pense, du coup tu as peut etre pas vue la scéne dans le sous-sol. Utilises ça 20005981 c'est le code de triche a utiliser sur le crane, tu fais changer ta cum addiction et tu mets a 0, tu vas pouvoir retravailler au brothel ni vu ni connu dés le lendemain et je te laisse continuer toute seule, je vais pas te spoil mais si ta besoin d'aide...
Like ReplyJojo, ouais sauf que moi même l'orbe ne débloque pas l'action
Like Replybadgirl, how far are you into the game?
Like ReplyRavenGirl, I have the same issue, I have discovered the bunny girl is a demon and got a note from Sara to meet with her, but she says she will let me know when she is ready =(
Like Replyyou must go to gloryhole and lose all energy
Like ReplyThe game crashes (screen goes black) later when the girl goes in bed and had the nightmare with the next dialog: "Dance for me lovely Victoria Oh such nice legs My little bunny girl There we go, spread your legs Youre enjoying this arent you my little bunny slut"
Like Replychico, you're not the only one with this problem. It worked in former versions but now it seems that one dream of the dance dreams is missing (the one which allows you to work in the bunny outfit) and the game can't handle that. You should only see the dreams with the innkeeper after you have the bunny outfit. Hope that gets fixed :D
Like ReplyAmazing game!
Like Replyhow do ypou save progress
Like Replyjester, Hit ESC-Key, then click on ' Save ' and choose an Slot.
Like Replythis game is awesome ! And there is one thing i love : for a sex game, the music is really great
Like Replygot the slave harness and now i cant get it off how do i get off also what are the orc camp secrets and where are they
Like ReplyIs it just me or does the main character look like Ariana Grande?
Like ReplyBloodLilly, haha yeah
Like ReplyCan't continue the game after the first dance dream with the inn keeper, everyhting goes black. Probably because the other dance dreams haven't finished yet?
Like Replyjustsomeone, i cant too
Like ReplyDamn these load screens
Like Reply20005981 cheat code skull
Like Replyhow do i get the scane with that elf girl
Like Replyit still will not let me pay my taxes for some reason
Like ReplyDobby, u need to spend all your energy
Like ReplyDobby, I had the same issue, then I realized you gotta go into the Tavern itself, talk to the lady to work there for your final job before paying your taxes
Like Replyhow do i pass the brothel? I keep sucking all the time dicks for 4 nights and still didnt found the goblins dick!
Like ReplySoon as you start your job at brothel go to pub and talk with soldiers and then find the witch!
Like Replymerga, what are you fucking gay
Like Replylol, i am woman
Like Replymerga, She told you to go by the coast to find the goblin
Like ReplyI like this game however I can only get so far before it freezes. Not just the game but Chrome entirely. Can only go back to square one so many times before it becomes boring
Like ReplyEra, Download the game. This browser version is very buggy.
Like ReplyTom Zot, where can you download the game? Been looking all over
Like Replycheat skull code is 20005981
Like ReplyIt will not gather goblin cum how do I get it in a jar ?
Like ReplyJakobh7699, I am having same issue.
Like Replypiece of shit copy of tibia me dont play this shit not even a porn game
Like Replystupid game, shut up moron, learn english
Like ReplyOk, so.. I worked, but I go to give the guy my earnings, but when I go their it says "You need to work first" ... But I did!!
Like ReplyWtf, you need to work at the tavern at night first
Like ReplyWtf, you need to use all of your energy first.
Like ReplyRavenGirl, hi
Like Replyi really got a game over..from fucking ogres.. something i needed to brew a potion from the witch... 1/5 oh and the grind! lets not forget about that! so much fun
Like Replywhat, If you're talking about the Goblin Cum, you need to go south of the witch hut, go to the beach, and then head to the left while on the beach, you'll find the goblin by a fire pit
Like Replyweq, get goblin cum inside witchs house it is flashing
Like ReplyThe game is dumb I had the full version downloaded and I can reassure that it's trash #sorrynotsorry
Like Replyhannahmontanafana, where did you found a full version? U mean a version with full story? I don’t think there is a version with more content then version 1.4.4
Like ReplyHow do i get rid of hunger
Like ReplyStormaa, eat ;)
Like Replywhere is the brothel??
Like Replyverdungo, top lift of the town you have to start working there for a quest
Like Replydrakeman, my job is to infiltrate the brothel, but i still cant find it. in the top left of the village the doors are either locked or victoria does not want to enter can sb help?
Like Replyverdungo, building in top left corner with double doors, it's the left door
Like Replyanonymous, not working, shew does not want to enter
Like Replyverdungo, Try the one with the lady who mentions : If you want get some cash go to that building. She is hooker can found at night. in the city One of those doors can be opened
Like Replyverdungo, working at the brothel is an advancement of the sarah monster fighting storyline. If you talk to her enough then she'll tell you to work in the brothel to spy on the prostitutes.
Like Replyhow do I start working at the brothel?
Like Replydrakeman, you have to finish a couple of Sarah's quests before she tells you to go there.
Like Replywhat do do now when i find a monster in a brothel?
Like Replywhat i need to do in the lone wolf mission
Like Replykrou4, I'm stuck there two, anyone know how to complete the lone wolf mission?
Like ReplyGo4It, did y'all figure out the loan wolf?
Like Replykrou4, did you ever figure it out?
Like Replywhere can i find goblin cum
Like Replykez, down at the bottom where the grasss turns to dirt walk around in that area
Like ReplyRocky, still cant find it is it at the cave
Like ReplyPlz download
Like ReplyWhere is the shemale scene
Like ReplyDdeff, It's in the forest after you complete the first Sarah quest
Like ReplyMaddaFakka, what forest? the one by the slaver camp?
Like ReplyAre u serious another one of these 8-nit fucking games where the 3d amazing games at
Like ReplyWhen and were is the web. site with the next update
Like ReplyHow to eat
Like ReplyDdeff, just open items menu and press Z
Like Replycheat skull code is 20005981
Like ReplyMarko, where should I past it?
Like ReplyNoName, Go to your inventory, then special items, then cheat skull.
Like ReplyThen I Play in progress , I dont understand mission . I spoke with Sarah then went out and wrote me ,,,I NEED TO FIND A HAND MIRROR I WONDER TO MIGHT.... ,,, I CLICK on the screen and the inscription appears again, what should I do?
Like ReplyLOL, speak to Sarah in the morning.. while the girl with the mirror is present.
Like ReplyCan never get passed day 1..... never can pay my taxes even thou I worked.... fix it
Like Reply11, Work at bar to earn money to pay taxes
Like Replyhow can i pay the taxes ?
Like ReplyThe game falls offs pretty quickly in the town, the only thing to do outside is the Witch which takes out the dreams which is even worst, and cannot work at the brothel either way.
Like Replydecent game, too many bugs though to progress, being night time and after working, sometimes you still cant pay your taxes and you have to just restart entirely
Like Replyboring very bad jsdwhdieufhrnnnnnf
Like ReplyIts an ok game so far its not a game for someone who is not willing to play for 6 hours strait. Are couple of bugs
Like ReplyThere's a lot of grinding, repeating tasks. I keep getting into situation where I have zero energy but need to move on in the day. No way to rest and restore energy unless tasks are complete. Also having issues with game save. After three saves unable to save again. I like what's here so far other than these bugs.
Like ReplyPorn game for good boys ... bit.ly
Like Replyway to repetitive and drawn out to be any good, huge waste of time
Like Replylenny, isn't that porn? you stick the penis inside a hole and move it/around it a lot, samething everytime... use your brain for something other than a hat-rack
Like Replyits an rpgmaker. didn't even get a chance.
Like Replyanother..female..protagonist.. is this all this place uploads or what
Like Replyu cannot be serious, what are you, gay?
Like ReplyThatss is rude I’m lesbian!
Like Replygood thing game please
Like Replyddd, it would be nice if they updated this game, could have her doing more sex with innkeeper and sex with horses lol
Like ReplyI cant get passed the room it hangs and the text just keeps repeating
Like Replyyaaa thts the same thing happening with me
Like ReplyHello I just wanted to say that when your tired you could use the cheat skull (Code:20005981) and change or give yourself anything it gives you the option to remove energy and hunger from the game and to do something in the hole at the glory hole you have to to use dream selecter and choose glory hole dream and then go back in the hole
Like ReplyIs there anyway I can use my old save game I have to start over every time. Its a good game I just wish I didnt have to start over
Like ReplyI can't get out of silverfield can anyone help
Like ReplyHow do we get the bunny outfit
Like Replyhow do you get out of orc city? it says i need permission but like from where?
Like Replymari, mari, normel or http://prntscr.com/p2q8pg bad bunny
Like Replymari, Bad bunny http://prntscr.com/p2q8pg
Like Replythese comments are liteally endless
Like Replyhi, you cant get out that part is not part of the game at this point
Like ReplyHelper, how do you use the cheat?
Like Replynickname, you can press x and save
Like Replyjust download it,
Like Replyhi, yeah me too help
Like ReplyHelper, where is the bogward??
Like ReplyDoes the guard ever fuck Victoria? I can tell she wants it
Like ReplyI have a hard time saving my game it wont savs what do i do
Like ReplyHelper, I need help it would not do nothing when she traing with the men pls help me
Like Replynickname, FckToServe, No you will always have to start from the beginning.... Dev refuses to add a alternative file save. I gave up on the whole game, update on PGH means restart.
Like Reply