You may encounter some problems while trying to start the game. If so, click on the black screen and the game should be up and running. You should try doing this with other games as well. The other part of this game's title is - Come Hell or High Water. You will be playing as Yuki or Ayame. To win this game, you must be able to complete several tasks and to help other characters and their family. To achieve this and reach your goal, you will have to visit various locations and look for clues. This game is quite hot and filled with animal porn.
how to get the atsushi and ayame scene in the car?
Like Replyplease fix the black on day 19 november
Like ReplyThe girls in this were cuter in the first part...
Like ReplyUpdate to 1.2
Like ReplyHow to play this in India
Like ReplyBORING can't take anymore spend to much time trying to figure out the right combo's for video's!✌️
Like ReplyI'm lost no quest guide i'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off had high hopes for this game but like 95% of these games are garbage sad!✌️
Like Replydoesn't load terrible!✌️
Like Replyin a grindy game like this you need cheats
Like ReplyIt has a bug that makes the whole screen black please fix it
Like ReplyHow to turn on x-ray in the scenes
Like ReplyBob, open the window in ayumi room
Like ReplyBob, ayame room*
Like ReplyAnother game that was left unfinished, no updates bugs not fixed and they didn't add a quest guide...
Like ReplyAnyone else getting softlocked on Nov 19? The Monday?
Like ReplyAnon, seriously I got a black screen too
Like ReplyFroze after watching the mom masturbating scene.
Like ReplyWhat do I do then it goes to the map?
Like ReplyGot a black screen on day 19 november. What the fuck is this shit?
Like ReplyI HATE YOU, or mabye your just an impatiant moron
Like ReplyI HATE YOU, skill issue lol
Like ReplyWarum wird das spiel nicht erweitert?
Like Replyhow do you use the fucking recipe book? literally pressing every button to try and select something.
Like ReplyI cant find dildo its not working
Like Replyafter Monday 19 November. error. unable to load the next data
Like ReplyHow to get the dildo ?
Like Replyme, Go to Eri's office, interact with the cupboard in her room next the bed, talk to eri, go back to eri the next day to get the dildo
Like Replywhen i talk to eri after i interact with the cupboard next to her bed and i go talk to her all i get is hand over files,ask the amount earned and nothing
Like Replythis game is beastiality pedo garbage
Like Replythx for the positive review
Like Replyyall niggas goin to jail, Here we go again. And if you game moderators shut me down, whatever. This is just a game. Homicide is illegal so should we shut down games like skyrim or fallout? I know my husband would be pissed if he couldn't play rdr2 . I'm a prosecuting attorney and I wouldn't touch this case because "no real person was involved."
Like ReplyJojo, should we shut this down? Should we shut down video games? If you call me a cunt or bitch on the street should you be arrested? You want to start censorship, where does it stop?
Like ReplySeriously. There was a news program out of the Midwest somewhere. Idk Wisconsin? Michigan? This girl got a rare disease when she was 10. She is in her 20s now but still looks like she's 10. She is married but they felt they had to go on the news to explain their relationship. Fucking sad that people judge .
Like ReplyThank god for people like Larry Flynt.
Like ReplyJojo, Larry Flynt is a fuking God. Lol
Like ReplySeriously. If you haven't seen it... watch "the people vs Larry Flynt" excellent movie
Like Reply
Like ReplyYep, the best scene was when Larry Flint himself played the judge that sentenced him to 25 yry in jail.
Like ReplyYes I agree. Larry Flint is a God.
Like ReplyExcuse me. I meant Flynt.
Like Reply
Like Replyhackerman, real legend right here, tremendous help thx
Like ReplyYeah, crashes the second you've had the explanation now. Played it before when it was still working. Wasn't too bad. Hated the timeline shit. Have to correctly plan every action otherwise you won't see anything. And it is really really filthy. I like some filth, but this is a bit much. Dogs, kids, smelly unwashed vagrants. Jesus.
Like ReplyAnyone gets just a black image with a text on left top corner ''blackalley'' and you can't actually do anything. It happens to me when Yuki and Ayame are infront of school and goes for sex with the dogs. I really don't know what to do here or did I do something wrong?
Like ReplyAlso what I didn't say it happens actually on monday 19th november.
Like ReplyIIBlackReaperII, Yeah it will do cause it the web version and it not meant to be played this way I would just download it im pretty sure it free aswell
Like Replysyngirls, Just tested out. It happens in downloaded version too. It's so sad.
Like Replyexcellent, a work of art, code 3169. I liked the game very much, it is not so easy to play but with a coke and a pack of cigarettes I spend time
Like Replywhat is the code of safe?
Like ReplyThank me later
Like ReplyHere a guide ,
Like ReplyWarning, the "animal porn" line is not a mistranslation for furry / anthro. It's literally bestiality. I didn't get far enough to see any (eww) but the introduction makes very clear that's what the content is. If that's not your thing (and it's not mine that's for sure) then nope out.
Like Replyi cant use the recipe book keeps giving me an error
Like ReplyThis game is fking pain u have focus on so many things like Mother, father, making videos, finding elements and much more Seriously pain.
Like ReplyContraction side- yuki search the internet for new porn
Like ReplyBreast - reading the book at home,
Like ReplySafe code 3169
Like ReplyClicking the black screen won't do shit
Like ReplyConstant errors meaning you can't progress as you can't create recipes
Like ReplyLinleyb, it's because of censorship laws saying one girl isn't 18 and beastiality, they should not be allowed to watch any porn if they can't let others decide what they want to view !!!
Like ReplyWTF is this shit Type Error this. data. forEach is not a function.
Like Replythis game crashes everytime i load it
Like ReplyMaybe the game explains it but I understand almost nothing of English and with Google translator I can not see what the scenes look like, if I combine ayame, hand, penis and 24 hours it accepts me but I do not know how to see said scene
Like ReplyThis game is still unplayable, please fix.
Like ReplyThe recipe book still with a bug. Pls fix it. I want to playyy :c
Like Replythis I could do if anyone wanna join me !!!!! only if you go hard and fast too!
Like ReplyThe game seems to be funny. But there are many bugs... Creator, pls fix them!
Like ReplyFuck this game needs a gallery mode or something, shame the creator left patreon due to their prudish rules against adult content these patreon assholes are worse then the Japanese and Chinese combined in terms of censorship.
Like ReplyWhenever I try to open the recipe book I get "Reference error - SSG heartbreak is not defined"
Like ReplyHelp plz, me too
Like Replycan't make recipes from the older sisters room, keep getting an error code. any fix to this?
Like Replyso after you enter the code for the safe I get a bad ending, because the enemy girl catches the girls redhanded. how does one avoid that?
Like ReplyYou have to do everything in time and do the 3 things in the building before entering the room.
Like Replygrimrepper544, what is the 3 things you have to do?
Like ReplyThis is not a bad game (lot of fucked up bestiality (and the filthy smegma bits; yuk!) though) but it is too complicated to get to all the content without (one of the many) bad endings way too soon in the game..and believe me; i've tried. I'm not here to solve intricate puzzles. It's a porn game on a porn site. Gimme some porn!
Like ReplyHas anyone gotten past the annoying error message from start of game? The moment Ayame talks the game freezes and stupid error message pops up..
Like ReplyLyonz, Just skip the intro as it is still buggy as hell also make a day one save.
Like ReplyI was looking at a walkthrough page is seems the creator of this game is obsessed with bad ends not cool, you have to make it to november 2nd to trigger the best ending.
Like ReplyBloodLilly, Where did you find the walkthrough?
Like ReplyBloodLilly, Yeah, i kind of liked the game (as fucked up as it is with all the bestiality stuff) but why not let us play it without these fucking endings. You have to do everything precisely right every single day to get all the content.
Like ReplyMx, True , true a free mode or endless mode would be welcome I think I read on the creators blog there would be something like this closer to its completion.
Like Replyidk how to get construction site
Like Replyeww u must create a recipe also with ayame and use it for first...
Like Replyhobo is in shrine, you get shrine from speaking to old lady in hospital,you get hospital from dad
Like Replyeww, can you explain what you mean by the old lady in the hospital? Itried talking to her but all she does is complain about how she shouldn't be wasting her time in the hospital.
Like Replyhow do i get the equimpment for the construction sit and how do i solve the hobo problem ?
Like Replysafe code is 3169
Like Replyeww, thanyou bro!!!!!
Like ReplyGuys, how it is possible to reach 500 million??? Are there any other ways to prevent yuki bad end?
Like ReplyI do not know the password of the safe.
Like ReplyМожноли ломануть игру на статы и деньги или есть на нее какие нибудь коды?
Like ReplyYeah like others, I keep getting the error as well. Can someone do something about it since it makes the game unplayable?
Like Replykeep getting security errors cant progress beyond the very beginning
Like Replyanyone know the password for the safe box in suzuko room
Like ReplyI must be missing something because I can't even make any of the recipes, I can't click on any of the girls to even start, help.
Like Reply1animalin74, so what you want to do is in the evening you need to use the first girl and go to the book by the computer. Then you want to select three to 5 things and hit enter/the button above the ingredients. Some combos might not work so look at the bottom and it'll tell you why.
Like Replyi cant play as i get an error code stating that "TypeError this._data.forEach i not a function"
Like Replybuying in the library of the study of sadomy and reading it unlocks ass
Like ReplyWho was able to get Ayame Giving a Handjob at the Playground?
Like ReplyFuck this game, I hate the bad end, i'm never playing agian. That's fucking messed up, I wish nuns were fucking dead
Like ReplyFUCK YOU, I know right, so disappointed
Like ReplySo if you are confused how the combination stuff works, the easiest combinations are the handjobs (1 of the girls + hand + penis + place (for some places only 1 of the girls work), finding places is probably the hardest, job agency only gives you money and sometimes a random stat upgrade but no progress. The trainstation has a stall which if you click on unlocks the library, speaking with the librarian 3 times on different days unlocks the playground, HJ on the worksite unlocks elementry school
Like Replycombinations, chilling with your dad second week instead of doing something in your room (by going out of the room) unlocks hospital, mouth is unlocked by buying 10 sandwiches on the weekends on playground, vagina is unlocked by going back home early, watch your mom, go to pornactress, look at the magazines, talk to porn actress, come back next day and leave the dildo in moms room.
Like ReplyYo why tf the mom David Bowie?
Like Replyyes i fucking did it i throw from moment where ashura throw wife but i fall on him with ayane. she suck him and i have bad end with him(i don't know the problem in the high characteristic of perversion or lust). if you want go throw wife bad and give her a dildo.
Like Replykobolet, не вкурсе как поиграть с телефона ?а то в карте какую локацию выберу постоянно потом только не могу выбирать до тех пор пока не перезапущю игру и все по новой
Like ReplyHow do you not get the bad end with your parents getting divorced? I assume its the decisions you choose at dinner with the fathers boss, but i've done what i thought was all the combinations of answers and i still get the bad ending shortly after. And it's only the second or third week into the game. This game said you have 2 months
Like ReplyAyyyye, i got that end and got them sent to a disciplinary school i wish there was an online guide that you didnt have to pay for
Like ReplyYou gotta talk with your mom around they day 20 or so and you will be able to go past that bad ending, you might need to give her the dildo before too didnt test that
Like Replyomfg i managed to create a recipe fml yuki+hand+hospital and if that dont work add the dick and you get whats obvious
Like ReplyTo unlock the scenes, you need to enter the items menu, and choose one of the recipes. Most can only be used on weekdays.
Like Replywait aren't i supposed to have a Camera in my inventory?
Like Replyeither the recipes don't work or they are way to complex. If anyone has figured out just one please tell me what it is.
Like ReplyLongest introduction and most complicated instructions to a game I have ever seen.
Like Replyhow the fuck do you even unlock shit? fucking useless game even recipes dont work
Like Replyhow the hell do you activate the scenes so far iv figured out all the mother stuff but i dont know about anything else
Like ReplyVery boring game, but good graphics 7/10
Like Replynoob, Fkng games sucks. can't get any recipies to work or go together.
Like Reply