Imagine you are busy jerking off when you are ambushed by strange beings. In this game, a young man finds himself in this exact situation. He is kidnapped from his room by some aliens when he is masturbating. They are fascinated by human beings and want to study everything there is to know about human breeding. They are pretty intelligent and have advanced technology that they can use to study humans having sex. They implant something that looks like a microchip in him and start guiding his every move when having sex. Now, they can ensure his sex journey is everything nice.
How do you find the ultrasonic dog whistle?
Like Replyafter morning anal, it bugs out
Like ReplyI'm stuck on the Frame Quest, when do I get to talk to Ti?
Like ReplyKind of unplayable now scenes get constant messages and I tried to open the menu now it's stuck in a loop
Like ReplyThe new design for the MC is atrocious. Plus so many new bugs
Like ReplyUpdating graphics = the dialogue becomes horrible
Like ReplyHow can accumulate 3 million galabaxes?
Like Replyhow can i get 3,000,000 of galabaxes ?
Like Replywhy I cant talk to Alison to accumulate 3 million gallabaxes so weird maybe its a bug?
Like ReplyWhy after I enter the pantry I cant find the teacher??? damn I stuck there
Like Replyhahaha, ohhh... the problem is solved
Like ReplyI am stuck on Milly's third costume. After three photo sessions, she doesn't want to go any further (game says she needs more encouragement). What do I have to do/buy to move this quest forward?
Like ReplyI cannot use the Modulator on Holly because it says the PSI energy is too low. And I cannot progress with Judith in the Frame quest - I need to talk to Ti but cannot find her anywhere.
Like ReplyOn mobile you can’t do the water filling minigame so stuck there
Like ReplyWie ktoś gdzie szukać leża w zadaniu "Delivery service" ?
Like ReplyCan't fix the water valve.
Like ReplyCan't fix the water valve
Like Replydo u guys know what the way to influence molly? thx
Like ReplyGdzie jest kod do komputera w wojskowej bazie
Like Replyhow to delete letters in the name screen?
Like Replymemoria, use the escape key
Like Replyif you have a "ghost" quest it means that theres simply no waypoint just a hint, so search everywhere and if nobody is home if you wake up just skip time they'll be back.
Like Replyalso the first sex scenes are after around 3 hours of gameplay but theres one in the park shortly before (Hidden) also the bug with the kid and police lady is fixed now.
Like ReplyWhat’s new?
Like ReplyLost all my saves. I was so far in.
Like Replystuck on 4 packeges in the sewers
Like ReplyYou can't collect the Aluminium Bowl or Plastic bottles even though you picked them up at the dump.
Like ReplyMe, you have to buy the other items at the store...
Like ReplyAnother game where the Dev didn't think adding a save to file feature is necessary... The game keeps freezing and have to refresh the page.
Like ReplyWheres sydils lair??
Like ReplyGod, syrils lair*
Like ReplyHow do i find the whistle for racooni or syrils lair
Like ReplyHow am I supposed to get past the dogs in the neighbors house?
Like ReplyAccording to the game, I'm weeks into it. Can't buy anything at the store, can't get into the college, can only admire the girl in the library, can't find the raccoons, can't access the park (with the flashing exclamation point), can't find or purchase any videos. All I can do is work, limited interaction with the Mom, and look at the girl in the library.
Like Replyneed help... can"t enter Hollys room at the quest "Green Threat" does anyone know why?
Like ReplyHow do I get pass the raccoons and possums? So far I figured out that I need to get milk and chocolate!! Help please
Like ReplyIdklol, have you equiped yourself with the baseball bat from the store?
Like ReplyIs it me or that timed button pressing challenges the most annoying thing about this game?
Like ReplyWarning, save regularly as the game sometimes freezes!
Like Replythe game cannot be launched
Like ReplyHow do i get my PSI reseve more up
Like ReplyThe Stepmom is stuck on dirty talk in the evening, even though I already completed it and the melodrama after it. Any ideas how to fix it?
Like ReplyAnyone else's screen glitching out at naming the stepsisters?
Like Replyhow do you get the psi up??
Like Replywhere are the raccoons having sex
Like Replychicken, in the beach
Like ReplyHow do you complete the sections that require you doing a sequence, like breaking the bathroom lock or repairingthe wires after the lights go out?
Like Replyalthough very lengthy in places, the game itself is not bad, very disappointing, however, are the drawings and especially the animations - just from the last century ...
Like Replyi cant find the whistel
Like Replybrath, you get it from the old man in the park
Like Replyit is frezzing whin i try to skip to day
Like ReplyHow do I upgrade my intelligence past 10 I can’t find anything to read
Like Replywhere do i find utrasonic whistle
Like ReplyAnyone know how to get the codes for the computer and the door in the underground military facility? I have been trying to figure it out with no luck.
Like ReplyHobbs,,5480 is for the door on the right 8954 is for the pc code is 1736 final door
Like ReplyHobbs, Never mind the codes, how on earth do you get past the soldiers!
Like Replywhere can i get the Whistle?
Like Replykarlo33,from guy in park find his glasses rescue his dog he gives you whistle hes in park at bottom find him at noon on saturday
Like ReplyWhy can't i but anything from the shop?
Like ReplyFor like the melodrama movie...
Like Replyplease help...
Like ReplyJempa, gotta wait till saids need get some movies after spending time with judith then go to shop buy meodrama need 3 then when adult place open up get other movies from there
Like ReplyWhile doing the mission "problems in the college", when i need to give the skeleton back, i cant because the teacher isnt there and i am now stuck inside the school. Can someone please explain me what to do please.
Like ReplyBobby, nvm i figured it out
Like Replyчто делать, когда захожу к холли отдать посылку, то после диалога остаюсь в её комнате и не могу выйти, когда нажимаю на дверь она говорит, "Я занята!" перезапуск игры не помогает и время суток тоже не влияет, день недели тоже самое
Like ReplyGreat game but I think the gamcore devs haven't actually updated the game as if you look at the top left of the screen you'll see it clearly say 12.1 not 14 fix 3. I've noticed this a couple of times where it seems like no actual changes have been made yet gamcore claims there has been by the title
Like ReplySuck in Holly's room, after giving her the box
Like ReplyThe help police is glitched can't talk to guy in bathroom or the police lady after starting quest can find then that's it sad!✌️
Like ReplyHow do i start help police can't figure it out.not a bad game graphics and no movement during sex scenes sad small dick it's anime bigger dick the game has a lot of errors but what can you do don't like it don't play it!✌️3✨
Like ReplyFucking annoying game! The stupid auto save on this game has been automatically saving into Slot 1 of my saves and writing over a completely different game which I had been playing for ages.
Like ReplyХм, а где енотов можно найти?
Like ReplyBIs, ночью иди на пляж и в левом верхнем углу свалка там по бегай
Like ReplyMmm, понял, спс
Like ReplyКак найти продавца наркотиков и как развить события после атаки компьютера
Like ReplyMmmm, drug dealer in school bathroom
Like Replyjerry, а как с ним заговорить
Like ReplyАн, after talk to police lady at station go to school talk to all kids then go in bathroom talk to him he will say no as leave then he talks sale you weed for 10 dollars
Like Replypeole sayig they did election with judith how please tell me how to open it i did evening with her done all green morning all green beach washing machine cleaning house shower even did night 1 with her where go in her room do stuff with her no campain how do you open it
Like Replywhere is the collage drug dealer
Like Replybananaz, in school bathroom
Like Replyjerry, but he has no function, I can talk to him
Like ReplyI can't talk to him, sry wrong word
Like Replydazzle, once cop calls you to station talk to people then her go to school talk to each kid in halls then go in bathroom he will say not him as leave he ask your name then sales you weed for 10 dollars then go back to station
Like ReplyДжерри, в долицейском участке утром над не знак ! Но поговорить не могу
Like Replybananaz, First time round trying to play this I found if it wasn't during the day (morning or afternoon) when you spoke to the cop then you got the quest but couldn't do anything else, basically don't speak to her in evening or night.
Like Replyi cant find any walktrughs there all other videos super weird
Like Replyi cant do anything now because of the lost child i found him but cant leave park and the cop not here
Like ReplySide quests from the park (find the lost boy, milkwoman lost her clothes) are both glitched and cannot be completed. Also the game often freezes at mid-day when taking a class or working until noon. I cannot find a way to raise character strength or intelligence above 10, or PSI above 2 even through clearly you need additional PSI for Lisa and Milly.
Like ReplyFound the kid in the park, now stuck there bc the police woman is gone. Bruh I spent so much time just to get here.
Like ReplyWas enjoying the game, but it's completely died on me, can't move character and when going to continue to try and get to my last save point it just starts from where it's died :(
Like ReplyThis game needs cheats it would make it so much better honestly it takes to long 2 get going, the right kinda cheats would make it alot better
Like ReplyCan't beat the raccoon in the strength test even though maxed out at the gym, not sure what I'm supposed to do!
Like ReplyKushiel, Never mind, just managed it lol
Like ReplyViksi is ABSOLUTELY unbeatable for me. No matter WHAT I try, Is there a solution, or is this flawed by design?
Like ReplyOOF, Get some healing packs to use during the fight I managed to win by using one. Nurse sells them.
Like Replywhat do you have to do when it says low psi for holly
Like Replyjamal, go to library read books soon go in library should be dot glowing
Like Replytoo many bugs im wait till yous fix your ame or new patch good luck all
Like ReplyIs there a bug when delivering the kid to the police officer? I got the kid but can't find the officer anywhere, and I'm stuck in the park until I find her
Like ReplyWyvernax, yes cop lady disappears
Like Replyjerry, so is there anything I can do to get past this? Or is all my progress lost
Like ReplyDarren, it autosaves when you sleep so just reloud that day then dont talk to her again
Like ReplyHow do you irradiate Holly, caise it says I don't have enough PSI reserve, but if I remember, it said intelligence determines PSI resrve, and reading increases knowledge, but it wont let me read. How do I progress, or are we waiting for an update for progression.
Like ReplyYou are lucky compared to me, milena doesn't even show up in the park so i cant do the quest
Like Replyjerry, How do i get my PSI reseve more up
Like Replyok so idk if this is a bug but after the ratcoon steals the top and i return it nothing happens... i cant do anything anywhere.
Like ReplyWiky, raccoon fat fingered t
Like Replywhen do kid in park cop lady disappears how do you finish the quest
Like Replyi,m stuck at nerd tits. do i touch or no
Like Replywhere is version 12.99 its been out for a good amount of time when we getting this please fix the glitch with milly not wanting to talk to you when you knock on her door
Like ReplyHow to upgrade my PSI level??
Like ReplyHow the hell do you beat viksi? She keeps beating my ass and its pissing me off
Like Replywere is the whistle
Like ReplyRaziel123, Walk Marie's dogs & help the old man
Like Replyim not white and yall nerds fr fr for playing porn games
Like ReplyThe APK works but on Sunday on the beach if you walk up to the cousin's it will say file not loaded and having a constant message of the file
Like ReplyWaiting for the next version. pls make it soon
Like ReplyDid anyone can tell me how assist the class ?
Like ReplyWas a fun game, no way to save, so was continuing to play for a few days (without shutting down), managed to get as far as infecting the smart sister (but couldn't due to not having a high enough Psi level) before the damn thing refreshed and lost all progress :(
Like Replyhow to beat viskis i need help on it
Like ReplyShadowFreddy, i need help to
Like Replyit just keeps freezing after every 3 minutes.
Like Replyi cant go to college for som reason
Like ReplySomeone can tell me where can i found this zally?
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how I can buy the movie to see it with the mother?
Like ReplyWhere can i found zally?
Like Replyzu der quest mit dem diamantring vileicht geht es erst in der nächten version
Like Replywie finde ich die restlichen plasticflaschen bei der Müllhalte
Like ReplyReally cool game, I do love it!!! Little lenghty and repititve. Money is hard to get and school seems a waste of time lol. Money and school kinda drag the game longer than I would like. Love the Art and story though. I would ask you make money more available to earn quicker and if there is nothing really going on at school (story wise) don't force the player to attend.
Like ReplyCan sombody tell me the password I forget the last one.
Like Replyfor some reason its not letting me Irradiate holly??
Like ReplyZender, Go to the park (the children park section, there is a quest there that will lead to more psi points
Like ReplyAll games in this web site broken damn....
Like Replyhow di you defeat viksi
Like Replyk, try use gun on her it work on others in game coon fbi guy try it on her gl
Like Reply5 hours of straight grinding but lost everything because of a fucking racoons because i forgot to save
Like ReplyCan't play the fluffy quest in mobile :/
Like ReplyWay too slow
Like ReplyThe milk quest is bugged
Like Replyhow get the whistle?
Like ReplyPhxnk,on walking dog mission do it in day on weekends go to park bottom screen see old guy do his quests gives you the whistle
Like ReplyI go to Mary's house but I don't know how to walk with the dog
Like ReplyPhxnk, walk them in day on weekends click on dog he said lets go for walk then go to park
Like Replyhow do i complete hot sabotage 3?
Like Replynutty_butty, bye the rob day judith taking shower run to basement switch with washing machine
Like Replyhow do I equip the bathrobe on pc?
Like Replybig_daddy, but the rob day judith taking shower run to basement switch with washing machine
Like Replyal, bye the robe not but sorry
Like ReplyHey I play on my iPhone is there any way u can get around the lock pick game
Like Replyanyone knows where to get the whistle?
Like Replyksai, from old guy in park only meet him during neighbor walking her dogs on weekends in day
Like ReplyThe fight with Viksi is totally ridiculous. There's no point to it.. An impossible to win RNG fight. I'm stuck there, and probablly won't lost a minute more with this nonsence. What was the need for that fight at all!?
Like ReplyEnough of this..., once you beat her he gives her a spanking making her like the guy guess more to her in next updates
Like ReplyAnyone know how to switch the robes?
Like ReplySaintIsidore, when judith taking shower run to basement washing machine click it quest done
Like ReplyI can not get to the sex shop it will not open need two costumes now and the damed shop stays closed
Like Replyhi they say version 12 out yet i go in game see no updates please help ty all my quests saying next version
Like ReplyЧто нового в игре?
Like ReplyNerd, nothing new yet version 12 not out yet
Like Replyhow the hell do u catch the dogs having sex
Like Replysmall dck, go to the park in morning make sure got cell phone from store go in park see lady in booth go past her youll see the dogs
Like ReplyWhy do games like this always have to start with the mother- ffs i dont wanna do that to anyone i consider a mother
Like Replywhere do I find the whistle and what am I supposed to do on walking the dogs mission nothing happens when I go next door to the neighbors
Like ReplySomeGuy, on walking dog mission do it in day on weekends go to park bottom screen see old guy do his quests gives you the whistle
Like ReplyThe game will not save at all.!!!!
Like ReplyNgl the main menu music is pretty good
Like Replyanybody know when version 12 will be out they said soon plus big surprise its been 2 weeks no new version yet
Like ReplyFor those looking for the military base codes I found 2 of them but there is one more code that is in the locker but it won't open even though I have the key!!! 5480 is for the door on the right 8954 is for the pc
Like ReplyGredead, code is 1736 final door
Like Replyal, thanks body!!
Like Replywhats the codes for the military base please i click table come up blank
Like Replyhi anybody know when the 12 version will be out please
Like Replybros someone can tell me how to get the whistle?
Like Replydj-mermelado, theres a quest neighbor gives you walk her dogs on weekends go to park see old guy help him he gives you whistle afte do few quest for him
Like Replyal, but i dont see the old guy
Like Replyal, sorry thats not the problem but i cant activate the mission theres no quest to activate or talk
Like ReplyWhat is the code of the computer and the door when you go to look for You?
Like ReplyIs anyone else having problem with watching porn with his mom, not that you can't do it but it doesn't seem to count on the quest journal no matter how many times I watch one with her?
Like ReplySomeGuy, you have to wait until you can grab her tits
Like ReplyNeed help with Hot Sabotage 2, bought the bath robe and now lost on how to continue.
Like ReplySomeGuy, Never mind someone else asked that question.
Like Replyafter got girl in sewer what do with her next also whats with agent in fan see her touching self but thats it mom with egg in office how long gotta use egg
Like Replycant play no more all my quests say wit till next vertion anybody know when next vertion come out
Like ReplySad it dont save on login accounts or does the same thing as dregges of lewd. don't have cheat So it a play to end of game type of game it make me sad.
Like ReplyHopemaster, the best place to play degrees of lewdity (in my opinion) is on
Like Replyhow many times need use vibrator egg on my in the city hall does any body know
Like Replybill, my english not good meant the stepmom
Like Replyhow do you beat city hall quest election part 2 all saids bj sex or leave alone also how many times gotta use vibrator on judith in city hall
Like ReplyI can't find the fertilizer for data feeding. It's not in the greenhouse, it's not in the main house, and I'm not able to enter the door to the right of the greenhouse. Any tips?
Like Replybaj496, you talk to neighbor she gives you some 2nd time gotta feed computer talk to lady she tells you take some in the house see crates and bags just click 1 bags
Like Replywhats the code for military base please
Like Replytommy, to get whistle help old guy in park evening he gives you couple quests 1 find glasses 2 his dog then gives you the whistle
Like Replywhen do new version come out how many times gotta use egg on the mom at city hall
Like Replywhat are the codes for the military base
Like Replydirkdiggler69, sorry no idea still waiting on version updates so do milly and alien slave girl quests good luck
Like Replyi got a question great game but got 3 quests say in next version my question is do they up date this game on this page yes or no if they do do i need start all over again from beginning or no if do updates when
Like Replyhow do you get milly to accept the ring i knock on door keep saying go away also how get to furnish the sewer i did beth talk found unground beat alien ship got doc ti in bunker with the car got alien slave but cant get in sewer to hide her i talk to mom day nothing talk her cleaning nothing
Like Replyhow do you do judi iza prog2 step 4 all get him mom bj or sex or none screen
Like Replyhow do you get girlfriend modul step 1 how do you get milly to accept the ring how do you do judi iza prog2 step 4 how do you do miss stuck step5 please
Like Replywhat is code for the kgb complex?
Like Replyhelp, how you get to kgb complex i got badge from guy in park but thats it but so no complex
Like Replyal, his kid takes you to the farm
Like Replyhelp, when does she show up at park house when i go in park never see her i see guy but he dont talk
Like Replymoney all i see is 25 max a day we can earn
Like Replydimonsterous34, talk to girl ask for promotion she said need exp go home on computer enternet take classes then go back herafter working meat her dad get raise 50
Like Replyhow do i give Milly the ring?
Like Replything, no idea stuck on there to if find out please let me know ty
Like ReplyI bought the ring. it didn't show up. how long do i wait for the ring. It been 4 days now.
Like Replyhow do you walk the dogs? i did it once
Like Replything, Greydead, need do it 6 times at noon
Like Replyhow do i take clases?
Like ReplyThe game does not save.
Like Replyanybody know when next version comes out got 4 quests telling me wait till next version
Like ReplyStuck in the military part, what is the code? I walked all around and at the table a message box comes up but it's empty and so is at the door!!!
Like ReplyGreydead, how did you get the girl in sewer
Like Replyal, You have to furnish the sewer room first then she will follow you there.
Like ReplyGreydead, everytime i try go in sewer saids not yet when try tunnel on right side screen at bottom
Like ReplyGreydead, how do you furnish it i cant get in sewer please explain
Like Replyal, you need to talk to Judith she will tell you about this bunker her dad built and then you will be able to enter the sewer room at the bottom right.
Like ReplyGreydead, i did bunker long ago profes and ti got there ship in it gave girl to ti but still cant get in the sewer
Like Replyal, everytime i talk judith say dont bother me when cooking or he ask about her day or boobs
Like Replyal, talk to her when she's cleaning the living room.
Like ReplyGreydead, i do but all does want sex i hit leave alone nothing happens
Like ReplyGreydead, ty it worked im stuck on military board do you know the code please
Like Replytommy, Stuck in there also, I've been asking anyone for the codes but no one seems to know!!
Like Replywhere do i find the lost child in the park??
Like Replypoopyman, In the spanking go down to the end of the map then to the left to the end and top
Like Replywhere do i buy or find/ get the whistle
Like Replything, theres a quest neighbor gives you call walk dog help old guy he gives you the whistle
Like ReplyWhere can I find a room for Sofia's accommodation
Like ReplyNerd, in sewer straight down left side screen
Like Replyal, sorry meant right soon go down ladder go straight down stay to right side
Like Replymeh the game itself is okay but i would of preferred more rpg fights and a little less being a little bitch boy that takes it in the ass from almost every chick that crosses your path even though you have a fucken brain washing device
Like Replyассман, это порно игра,
Like ReplyWhere can I find Cyril's lair and when will the game be updated
Like ReplyNerd, at the beach see a poster best see to him him at night
Like ReplyГде можно найти логово сирила и когда будет обновление игры
Like Replythe game (quality) starts to fall apart the further you progress into it. eventually, you find untranslated texts, incomplete quest log information that causes more confusion than it solves (girlfriend is the worst case ive found), and incomplete storylines and quest logs that refuse to inform players that the current build does not progress farther. Lots of potential, but still needs some polish here and there, and a wait for updates.
Like ReplyГде мне можно найти логово сирила и когда будет обновление?
Like Replyfeel like the class should be reworked slightly. the player gets so used to the generic dialogue for the class that the rare times something important and unique comes up in class, the player has already fast forwarded through half or more of the scene. The simplest solution is simply to remove the generic dialogue and auto progress to the next time block unless a special scene is triggered. Even more strange when considering pre-controlled targets dont have generic dialogue yet.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, How did you assist to the class ?
Like Replyok so i sold my phone because im an idiot and im trying to rebuy it but it keeps saying i dont need this help?
Like Replyhow many times do gotta use sex toy on step mom to get to next stage
Like Replywhere do i find the fertilizer. i got stuck on a data fedding quest.
Like Replything, bring the strange plant outside the spaceship to your neighbor, who should have visited your front door when it was needed. after, grab a bag in the storage room of the house before leaving.
Like ReplyCbomb9999, is the storage room to the right of the greenhouse? It won't let me enter...
Like ReplyIf we all just got some pussy fr then we wouldn't have to worry about these broken games
Like Replywhere do i find the fertilizer. i got stuck on a data fedding quest.
Like Replything, neighbor house talk to lady she will give you some
Like Replyhow I give the ring to Milly if I try everything to talk to her or give it to her but it doesn't work. . .any suggestions or someone help me?
Like ReplyDeathgod097, al, sorry no idea stuck there to if figure out how please let me know ty
Like Replyhow do i defeat raccoonie, i don't know how to equip weapons. when i am in battle it will only let me use healing items like milk. please help me
Like ReplyWeezyLeezy, hi im going threw same thing wont let me equip the gun
Like ReplyWeezyLeezy, pause the game, go into equip, select protag, then "optimize" should fast-equip the best stuff you have. If you want to manual equip, select the equipment slot then the valid gear for it in the list.
Like Replyhi got question im on racoonie quest got gun but how do you equip it i hit items then go to gun but wont let me equip it get buzzing noise
Like Replyal, because you need to use the equip option when first pausing the game, NOT items. optimize will then do the work for you once clicked on.
Like ReplyHow can I do the quest Night Vision - cause i need a camera to do it but I already bought it. And at night I still can't enter the neighbors house because I need the camera . It doesn't maake any sense.
Like Replylarsoderso, make sure get spy camera neighbor house open after meeting them next day wait till night should be open sneak past dogs walk to middle door walk in middle he will place camera make sure in day when go neighbor house go upstairs try go bathroom daughter stop you then see him say i need come at night that should open quest up good luck
Like Replylarsoderso, with actual grammar: buy spy camera. enter house at night. avoid line of sight of patrolling pets. get upstairs. take center door. interact with sparkle. There is a difference between the [tripod] camera (that milly needs), the smartphone (that holly needs), and spy cameras, of which i have found 3 locations that want them.
Like Replydirty talk is bug still showing yellow after i completed it 3 of 3 saids use device on milly but she wont talk to my guy keep saying go away is this a bug also slave 1 saids find her home found her 1 in sewer but he saids not ready yet also campaign not working
Like Replyi have question when they do uploads for game will be this game on page or do we gotta wait new page and if do will we have to start over i got way far dont wanna go threw all that again
Like ReplyDoes anyone know the password for the computer on the top right?
Like Replyhow get alien girl in the sewer keep saying not yet
Like ReplyMobile players can’t progress because of required keyboard impute for a quest. I liked it up until then, but if you’re on mobile I wouldn’t bother with it
Like ReplyWhat version is this??
Like Replyok im stuck on 4 quests help please 1 how get millie talk you everytime try saids go away how to do give her diamond ring 2 mom election all ask bj or sex or none let her go how get pass this board did all 3 like crazy still saids same what i gotta do get by 3 girl in library keep asking see breast thats it saids dont touch i dont but get same thing every day what i gotta do get to next stage 4 racooni saids to modulate her but just get same thing bj or sex what need do get to next stage
Like Replytommy, Let me tell you I don't know. why did i lose all progress why yes
Like ReplyHas anyone tried changing the values via the console?
Like ReplyWhat is the code of the computer and the door when you go to look for Ti?
Like ReplyHow do you get the whistle for Ra'conni
Like ReplyFuckBoi02, theres quest called walked dogs for neighbor lady when walking see old guy in park 1st test find his glasses then later walking dogs gotta find guys dog then he gives you the whistle you can walk dogs on weekends at day gotta do it 6 times
Like Replyhow get millie to talk to you i knock on door she keep saying go away how do i give her the ring
Like Replytommy, ya lo solusionaste? yo tengo el mismo problema
Like Replyok i have figured out the game don't focus any 1 person just do them all at the same time cause u need to do stuff with mom to do stuff with sisters and vice versa
Like ReplyZender, been doing that but stuck on millie how get her talk to you to give her the ring and girl in library talk her all she does show breast how get her do more stuff then theres alien girl gotta find her home all 3 got me stuck
Like Replyhow do you use gun to kill head racoon every time hit her saids 0 yey she damages me
Like Replytommy, did you even equip the gun ?
Like Replysomeone, yea got gun hit equipment i click on gun nothing happen
Like Replytommy, ity i got it ty again for your help
Like Replyhow do you use moderator on molly keep saying psi low
Like Replytommy, you have to build up The smart read books in Libary i learn that im stuck on getting the Raccon now
Like ReplyKjm1220, hi i read book in library now when go in library theres no book to read what am i doing wrong
Like ReplyKjm1220, have to kill raccoonie first then ti gives you more moderation then can read books again ty for the help
Like Replytommy, you have to keep doing the other girls quest and at one point you will get ur psi boosted
Like ReplyHow do you get the the Fluffy done
Like ReplyHow do you defeat Ra'conni ?
Like ReplyJes, you get gun from professor equip in go in fight her make sure got energy from hospital
Like Replytommy, how do you get the energy and how do you equip it
Like ReplyIn help the nerd i cant mess with the bathroom door because I'm on mobile can the devs make it mobile friendly plz
Like ReplyYourmomgay, у меня такаяже проблема. Из-за этого игра просто не проходрма на телефоне
Like ReplyYourmomgay, same I can’t do dirty secret and fluffy problem
Like ReplyHow do u get ti to show up ffs broken game
Like Replyhow do u change the bath robe i can't get it to work or show up
Like ReplyZender, to change the bath robe, wait for the step mom to be in the shower then run to the basement there should be a glowing symbol above the washing machine
Like ReplyZender, wait till judith in show then run to basement above washing machine see circle click it switch is done
Like ReplyFeral Kitty, well when the F does she shower?? been 2 weeks
Like Reply444tghtt, always in the morning, they alternate, just check to see if the curtain is pulled and if the sisters are still in their rooms
Like ReplyGame Encountered a bug Error: Failed to read local storage properly from window access denied for this document . some check in the programing /some more time might take a lithe more time but the program don't come out this way .
Like Replywhat do i do from the quest frame?
Like Replyis there a way to go to afternoon? i keep going to evening instead
Like Replywhere are the raccoons having sex?
Like Replyhey, At the beach
Like Replyhey, in the junyard go to beach go left enter junkyard walk around he will take there pick
Like Replystuck in obstacle course in the park
Like Replyluffyfan2020, your stuck forever
Like Replywhy is the sep mother such a bitch.
Like ReplyERROR just another piece of low talent trash!✌☹
Like ReplyHot sabotage 2, how do i give the new robe? What do i need to do?
Like ReplyFaeda, you gotta wait till she does the laundry then you swicth the robe in the washing machine!
Like ReplyEC2888, when shes in shower run to basement touch washing machine quest done
Like Replystuck in obstacle course playing as molly
Like Replybubba, stuck in obstacle Course playing as holly how doyou get out of it
Like Replyhow get out race set im stuck on course part in part how do you get out
Like Replytommy, reload last save and go there again
Like ReplyThat Rahmond bitch is a sadistic woman and she is racist to men is my guess.
Like ReplyNea666, you dumb?
Like Replynutz fit in yo mouth?
Like Reply6 hours of game , still grinding and only 1 sex scene, not worth
Like ReplyPLS ADD a Gallery in the next update. If U don't do it U is a fuckin Donut. If U are vegan then vegan doughnut.
Like ReplyI feel bad every time I kill the cute racoons. :-(
Like ReplyThe racoons are so damn cute.
Like Replygame crashes way too much
Like Replycrashes so much
Like ReplyStop making the main look like jailbait and im taking a wild guess a bunch of bitches and creeps will dislike this
Like ReplyFuckoffepstein, man Shut The Fuck Up!!!!! We don't give a fuck about your Epstein loving ass comments!!! If you don't like the content Shut The Fuck Up and don't play!
Like ReplyJerkfree, speaking of creepy bitch
Like ReplyCalled it, pretty sure that fool is on a list somewhere goes after any comment that points that shit out
Like ReplyWowzers, almost every game, that idiot is on bitching about something (usually their potato of a computer not being able to play the game)
Like ReplyWhen you have to input so many names and stuff without a keyboard, Trixie is already leaving
Like Replywere are the racoons
Like Replycking1366, In the garbage area on the left side of the beach
Like ReplyERROR: Object doesn't support property or method 'getVersionInfo'. WTF is this Shit?? Another "game" the Dev doesn't know how to fucking code a game.
Like ReplyWhat a GREAT fucking update Gamcore!!!!! Now take your Four day weekend and the gamers can piss off Right!!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, cheers!
Like ReplyGamcore, Literally saying they don't give a fuck, Suck a huge dick Bitch!!
Like ReplyDude WTF is YOUR problem!!! All the gamers want is decent games! All you have done as in the last year is keep posting broken games! Your site could be a good place for adult gaming, but you don't pressure the devs to make sure their games are bug free or load correctly. Your getting commissions that's great, but if not for gamers what do you have!!!
Like ReplyPart 2: When i first found your site i was awe struck,,, that was two years ago. There was still some buggy games, but then the devs worked at fixing them. Now Every game that barely functions Never gets patched or bugs never fixed. I was lead to believe you being the CO of the site was working to make sure all games are play-able. But seems your are laughing in our faces???
Like ReplyPart 3: I'm Not wanting to rant especially at you, " but " dear sir Most of the games are buggy as hell and 9/10ths are never fixed. Shouldn't you beings your getting paid to post the games make sure they are playing properly? Like read the comments about the broken games... Is it not your responsibility to address these issues? Instead of just keep posting them. You could block devs from posting updates until they have fixed Their game problems?.
Like ReplyFinal: In the last words i know 9/10ths are free. Greatly appreciated... But " i " am asking you to put reins on the devs posting broken games, just to get subscribers and then abandoned them. It reflects on you! If i gave you Free ice-cream it shouldn't taste like literal sh't. Just asking you for help to get the devs to fix these broken games is all Gamcore.
Like ReplyI'm 3rd degre , i Don't like sh't i'm being nice, trust the double Fucking hell out of ME,
Like ReplyI'm AKA Soulreaper, I've played every fukn' platform._. On all devices... Sweet am i right????
Like ReplyMeans your a PUPPET UNTIL I say your not
Like Replyicp i' Believe in Miracles, Jhonny Cash HURT, Depeche Mode Your OWN Personal Jesus!!! Depeche Mode Where's The Reveolution ?
Like ReplyThe train is coming,
Like ReplyI'm a simi- open -closed minded on you call it your shot, What's up?
Like ReplyHave your attention LML
Like ReplyWhy cant the game maker ever make the saving in the game work every time when it's a new game! GRR!!! It's so damn ANNOYING!
Like ReplyNea666, oops nevermind
Like Reply