You'll follow the journey of Jin, a new student at a prestigious Kosei Academy school for super-talented people. As he tries to find his place in the school, he gets appointed as the leader of the Friendship Club - a position that's usually given to the most popular guys and it gives him some surprising power over the other students. Jin's journey is full of funny moments, sweet romance, and unexpected emotions. Every decision you make will affect Jin's story and how he handles the situation. Will he succeed or get lost in all the drama? It's up to you to decide!
RVB and ERB references on top of great dialogue. This is a well written game. Love the easter eggs.
Like ReplyWhat is the answer to the third riddle?
Like Reply90, haiku, 1 are the answers to the 3rd riddle.
Like Replywhat is the answer to the third quizz?
Like ReplyThese riddles are ridiculous, there should be an option to skip them :/
Like Replynice game sexy
Like Replywhats the name of the beach in the game the girl asks you for ?
Like Replyjim, the answer is Kosei beach. If it is mentioned in the game, I don't remember where. I found the answer on a forum.
Like Reply1st riddle Kosei - Horse - Ten million water riddle Rubylicious20 - thirty two seconds - The alphabet
Like ReplyMarx, It's mentioned during the prologue. If you ask about the surroundings, it's brought up that every location on the island is named Kosei.
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