Virtua Girl HD Pipes
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Description: How good are you at picking up girls? What if it was easy as picking fruit out? All you have to do is pick the girl you fancy best and then start the game. To play, ensure you move the cursor through the pipe without leaving the borders. If you successfully get from Start to the End, then you will win. The difficult part is choosing a favorite girl. Will it be blond Jana H with her nice rack of tits? Or the sexy brunette Morgane? Wait until you see Jenni Gregg’s smile. Completely irresistible. Nikita and Vicky are even more fiesty. They will try knocking you down with their hot bodies. But don't be scared. Beat every girl’s 10 Levels and get to strip her down. |
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They've done nothing to stop you just right clicking after you start, moving to the end and then clicking again. Its a very common exploit for these types of games
Like Replyi came so fast
Like ReplyA la lecture de ces quelques lignes , mes yeux se sont humidifi?s et m?ont recentr? sur l?essentiel?Merci et je t?attends avec impatience ? la maison.
Like Replyhi
Like Replyheyhey215, hello
Like ReplyThis is exlcaty what I was looking for. Thanks for writing!
Like Replyyaar tts beauti
Like Replyhihi
Like Replyclick on start, around on the girl, and go on end
Like Replyetam etam
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