UM: Classroom Cheaters
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Played: 379779
Big Dicks
Big Tits
Female Protagonist
Group Sex
Over 18
Public Sex
School Girls
Skill Based
Teen Sex
Description: This game is not your typical sex game. It has a lot of scene setting and depth. The plot is so long that it may take hours to finish. So, if you are looking for a game you can enjoy all day long, then this game is specially made for you. You get to meet Umichan Maiko who is our main heroine. Your task will be to help her handle the daily routines in school and other parts of town. She will be on the run because she is being hunted by horny monsters who want to fuck her. Your task is to help her escape them and come out of it unharmed. |
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6U10U0U0U2U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U0U0U0U1U0U0U0U0U 0U0U0U1U0U0U0U0U1U0U43U68U45U67U18U0U50U0U100 U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U 0U0U43U45U68U67U20U100U100U145U246.2U273.1U22 6U16.5U100U120U60U30U60U120U45U41U20U93.1U60
Like Reply47U0U0U0U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U2U1U0U0U1U0U0U0U0U 0U0U0U1U1U0U2U0U2U1U461U414U487U431U118U100U1 00U100U100U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U0U0U0U0U 0U0U0U0U0U0U0U461U487U414U431U20U100U100U369. 9U398.7U410U354.7U149.4U241.6U287.8U194.5U169 .1U203.8U273.2U199.4U288.1U191.6U239.6U201.5U 154U275.3U195.1U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0 U0U0U0U0U0U1U0U15680U8U55U1U1U36U43U4U1U1U1U0 U0U1U1U1U0U1U0U1U0U0U1U0U0U0U1U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U 1U0U0U1U0U0U0U0U0U1U1U1U1U1U1U0U1U1U1U1U1U0U1 U40U0U0U5U0U0U5U10U0U3U0U0U5U1U1U1U1U1U1
Like Reply40U15U1U1U3U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U2U1U0U0U1U0U0U0U0 U0U0U1U3U1U0U1U0U2U0U303U328U329U351U68U0U100 U100U100U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U0U0U0U0U0U 0U0U0U0U0U0U303U329U328U351U20U100U100U276950 .5U231.4U277040U277002.5U276813.8U276882.5U20 0.9U276840.9U276805.5U276908U276885.4U276824. 1U293.5U221.2U189U213U213U195.6U209U0U0U0U0U0 U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U1U0U6385U7U8U3 U0U35U57U3U0U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U0U1U1U0U0U1U0U0U0U 0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U1U1U1U1U0U0U0U0U1U0 U0U0U0U0U1U0U1U0U1U40U109U0U4U0U0U5U0U0U
Like Replyhow the fuck do you get out the camera
Like Reply39U0U0U0U6U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U2U0U0U0U1U0U0U0U0U 0U0U1U1U1U0U1U0U1U0U34U83U60U82U18U0U100U0U10 0U0U0U0U0U1U1U0U1U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U0 U0U0U34U60U83U82U20U100U100U147.2U329.9U275.5 U220U20U100U120U60U27.9U60U128.8U38.2U41.5U20 U100U7
Like Replyhow do i finnish Reiley's quest , can't seem to find out if she is last of game as i can't find last 3 books ,or the clubs to beat game!!??
Like ReplyHow do you pull out your camera and take a picture?
Like Replygo to beach or ligt forest to have sex
Like Replyhow do u have sex with them
Like ReplyCan someone help me with this quest? use it for load 32U0U1U1U8U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U0U0U1U18U6U0U0 U1U0U0U3U0U1U2U5U2U0U446U471U424U470U118U100U 100U100U100U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U0U0U0U0 U0U0U0U0U0U0U0U446U424U471U470U20U100U100U638 U2482U2518.2U2458U2251U2336U2364U2295U639U231 8U2365U1661.2U6
Like Reply16U0U0U0U7U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U0U0U1U8U1U0U0U 0U0U1U3U0U0U2U0U2U0U303U328U305U327U68U100U10 0U100U100U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U0U0U0U0U0 U0U0U0U0U0U0U303U305U328U327U20U100U100U1772. 5U1855U1878.4U1824U1627.9U1704.4U1729U1667U16 32.9U1691U1733U16
Like Replysc12345648
Like Replynot a bad game so far
Like Replyokay to get sweaty boobs just go exercise, go into the locker room alone, click your boobs make sure they look wet and pull out your camera and take a picture of it.
Like Replyi don't know how to take a sweet boob self shot. i can do other people but not myself.
Like ReplyThe original post of the game is in Newgrounds. The creator has lots of help there and he even responds to your comments.
Like Replyto make guys cum: 1st comment for first heart 2 comment for second heart, and so on until 5th comment for 5th heart. The comments will tell you to either sped up or slow down. its best to start with all hearts greyed out. whenever it hints to speed up press once if the guy tells you its feeling good or something like that then leave it as it is. Keep pressing start and change the hearts according to their demand until the puzzle is solved. its basically a puzzle.
Like ReplyI had, but the guys won't ever cum at all!! so confused
Like Replyto do the heart stuff read the 5 comment and change the speed till they read right there
Like Replyplease someone explain more how to make those guys jerk off!! I don't understand that 5 hearts stuff. I had tried for like 10 minutes and nothing happened
Like ReplyPassword: Vortex00IsBackAtIt
Like Replyhitler, what does this even do?
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