This is an erotic RPG about a college girl named Lily who suddenly finds herself in a weird world. She has no idea how she got there and she has to figure out what's going on. There are all sorts of dangerous creatures and secret places to explore. Lily has to face a lot of challenges, but she also has to deal with her own inner desires. She has to decide whether to resist the temptations around her or to give in and explore her wild side. Every choice you make will affect her journey and lead to different paths.
RPGM game that has actual art, seemingly human-written English translation, and isn't published by kagura wtf first off, I like how the saving system is similar to like earthbound for example in that it's frequent enough to not lose so much progress but sparse enough to prevent save scumming. it doesn't use completely default RPGM mechanics which is cool. the constant trapping seem annoying at first glance but completely tie into the story and actually (read reply)
Like Replyconvey that sense of being toyed with and powerlessness that an rpg system wouldn't provide. i do have minor qualms about the control scheme, but it does become learned and manageable given the practice. i came for the horny, but this game does its actual "game" properly, even if what this is right now is in fairness still not that captivating of gameplay. the actual use of ui elements as an aspect in-universe is just barely corny, but works well enough and doesn't detract.
Like Replythe game does well for what i can assume to be an early build of the game. the dialogue can feel stupid at times. but the two main figures' personalities and how we see them interact makes it less jarring, like someone with that's actually regularly consumed media where someone is placed into a situation like this would act, if they were just a bit too into the idea of it all. given lily's introduction by the "warden" i am okay about the integrity in my analysis of this.
Like Replyrunning around whit no to almost no sight where you have to memeber every trap in a long corridor when timed is one of the worst ide ever dont play this game until this is removed
Like Replydidnt come here to solve puzzles and shit
Like ReplyYou can't save, the game has no guide just figure it out.. Thanks but No Thanks
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