This life simulator puts you in the shoes of the most scandalous and perverted pornstar who loves to dominate every partner he has sex with to complete submission. His ultimate goal is to get as many women pregnant as possible using the most brutal sex tactics simply for his own sick and twisted pleasure. You are tasked with taking over a small town by buying out locations using money that you make having sex with women. You can even customize your character in any way you want, be it an alien, demon, clown, etc. And with no one to stop you, feel free to unleash the beast and go on a breeding rampage until you're completely satisfied!
I've got a problem when using the gamcore browser: I can't adjust the size of the game in my window, so this game, for example, doesn't fit my screen and I need to keep scrolling up and down to play it. On a normal browser I could adjust the size with ctrl + '-', but here I can't.
Like ReplyThe game glitches. Needs fixing. Unplayable at the moment.
Like ReplyWhat are the codes to unlock Halloween and Easter scenarios? Please post.
Like Replyi start wit 1k but the first house cots 2k how do I play???
Like Replywhere the first place you start at
Like ReplyHow do you change the skin color of the characters. I tried clicking change skin color but it doesn't seem to work. all the characters are one skin color
Like ReplyIs there any way to download this game?
Like Replygame sucks
Like Replythe game keeps bugging off the screen and nothing is working
Like Replycan sambody tell me special level codes
Like ReplyIt's been a while since someone posted a comment
Like ReplyIt's been a while since someone posted a comment
Like Replycustomrex = unlock all free play emperorofporn = unlock all scenarios futanarized = futa gals(may not work) fullcleaning = unlock double blowjobs amplebosom = big boobs giganticjugs = enormous boobs makethemsmall = girls always small (height) makethemtall = girls always tall santacomeclose = Santa level and outfit supporter = Money normal = reset everything to normal
Like Replyyour welcome thx
Like ReplyThis game is lagging really bad and can't get passed the SORORITY LOST I have a total of 17 pregnancies and it won't show passed it.
Like Replyseems 2005 like but nice.
Like Replywhere do you put pass codes?
Like ReplyWhat's new?
Like ReplyAll of you are going to hell. But don't worry, I shall make it fun
Like ReplyLucifer, If you can catch me
Like ReplyLike the game, but art is ugly.
Like ReplySexyWaifuHunter, its much better then it was. so i imagine as long as it keeps getting updated itll get there eventually. might be worth coming back to later on :)
Like ReplyThere is no way in hell patreon supports this as they ban adult content they deem as taboo mainly bestiality, rape and incest my game got taken down for involving gore, incest, bestiality rape and torture so how the fuck is this still supported?
Like ReplyVeilwolf89, i think its probably the gore that got you taken down...
Like ReplyThis fucking game is BUGGED AF! From textures, gameplay and so on.....
Like ReplySee the problem with this otherwise decent game, is that everyone looks really fucking ugly.
Like ReplyJohnMalony72, true xD
Like Replygo to developer tools get control F "swf" and go the the url link version
Like Replyhow the fuck do I get all scenarios after scenario 149
Like Replyhmmm yes me go to link me will totally get what is said it is my first day on internet *retarded laugh*
Like Replythis game is awsome
Like Reply"amplebosom" = huge boobs "giganticjugs" = enormous boobs "makethemsmall" = girls always small (height) "makethemtall" = girls always tall cheats"santacomeclose" = Santa level and outfit "supporter" = gives money (only works once) "normal" = set everything back to normal You're welcome.
Like ReplyAny1 know if you can download the game anywere?
Like Replycool game but dude's fucking head glitched out and won't go back
Like ReplyAny chance to download this all
Like Replyneeds farm scenario with various farm animals available for fucking
Like Replybrutedude1000, ya nasty
Like Replyneeds horse fucking
Like Replybrutedude1000, um bro? Why though?
Like Replybrutedude1000, That would be a nice add on...
Like ReplyAll cheats from the comments that work: 'customrex' = unlock all free play | 'emperorofporn' = unlock all scenarios | 'fullcleaning' = unlock double blowjobs | 'amplebosom' = big boobs | 'giganticjugs' = enormous boobs |
Like ReplyPart Two: 'makethemsmall' = girls always small/short | 'makethemtall' = girls always tall | 'santacomeclose' = Santa level and outfit | 'supporter' = Money (Just one use) | 'normal' = reset everything to normal | 'realdeal' = "makes them underage"
Like Replydecember update..just now being released as new. jeeeez this weeks release though X.X
Like Reply*walks in on 'hotkiss'* u ok there bud? why did ya type with ya face all of a sudden?
Like ReplyGood gane , mustbplayvfghdjdkxghh ffjjdehjfghdhhdgjjutgghuufghj. Gyuutt66
Like Reply'realdeal' = girls underage
Like Replyoihuihichojoipa
Like Replyyes i had to cheat to get the first area open, because when you click the new set, it shows the wrong set, but you can buy set number 2 for 5k..... but you cant use set number 1 to earn that 5k
Like Replyi think the game is glichy as hell, i cant even open the first area atm... it dose not click correctly... ima try refresh but who knows..
Like ReplyWhat Got added this time? I hope they fixed the texture clipping as well as some of the animations in x-ray mode.
Like ReplyHow do you unlock every location? I don't know if it's frozen or what. But I have played every location in the King Ascension storyline (yes, even the pregnancy bonuses) and I still can't access the remaining rooms for The House, Rich House, The Building, The Strip Club, and Porn Convention locations.
Like Replywow so sexy
Like ReplyMy god, the characters are so ugly. It's a shame, as the gameplay itself isn't even that bad.
Like Reply"amplebosom" = huge boobs "giganticjugs" = enormous boobs "makethemsmall" = girls always small (height) "makethemtall" = girls always tall "santacomeclose" = Santa level and outfit "supporter" = gives money"
Like ReplyWhen you played one of these games you played them all. I hope they soon will make some variation.
Like Replywhat does specific dialog mean?
Like Replythere's nothing showing here! where tha fuck is it?!
Like Replywhy the head of the main characters is gone when you want to change it, i restarted the game but it's still gone again, pls fix it thx
Like Replymoney code = supporter
Like Replychaaky chaky chaky
Like Replycant download,why
Like ReplyFor how long has this game been around now? It's still a fucking mess.
Like ReplyThe game is stupid. You rape girls. Wtf
Like Replyedr ke sub kha ava ling zing ve a
Like ReplySome cheats: "amplebosom" = huge boobs "giganticjugs" = enormous boobs "makethemsmall" = girls always small (height) "makethemtall" = girls always tall "santacomeclose" = Santa level and outfit "supporter" = gives money (only works once) "normal" = set everything back to normal You're welcome.
Like ReplyWhere is the main site for this at?
Like Replygross Iwould like dogs butt to getb out of doing this
Like ReplyPass codes : panel now open at the very beginning. Once again, the codes are : : “amplebosom” (huge boobs !), “giganticjugs” (enormous boobs !), “makethemsmall” (girls always small), “makethemtall” (girls always tall), “santacomeclose” (for santa level and outfit), “supporter” (work only once, gives money), and “normal” (get everything back to normal)
Like Replyalways saggy boobs
Like Replywho need to add more family members and not just a cousin and pervasion for nocking up family is like 10
Like ReplyPass codes : panel now open at the very beginning. Once again, the codes are : : “amplebosom” (huge boobs !), “giganticjugs” (enormous boobs !), “makethemsmall” (girls always small), “makethemtall” (girls always tall), “santacomeclose” (for santa level and outfit), “supporter” (work only once, gives money), and “normal” (get everything back to normal).
Like Replybeats, how do i open the panel?
Like Replytips for this game first always get pregnant 2 all fuly upgrade 3 finish all stages and to answer your question where i says king ascension put and you chage of worl
Like ReplySomebody knows how i can pass the campaign "The warehouse" 1 have cleared the stages: after ours, the contract, schoolguirl and GuirlFriend's rape. But i don't know how i can follow. the others campaingns tells me: Buy more stages from the previous campaign to unlock and the campaign tell me i have cleared 4/5 but the 5th scene don't see for buy. What can i do?
Like Replyit was a ausum game i loved it you should make more like it
Like Replysexy booby assy licky
Like ReplyGood game loved it is very cool
Like Replyvery nice and good
Like Replywow, this is hardcore: brute and disgusting....but i like it!
Like Reply