You get to enjoy fucking as many girls as you can manage in this game. Have a wonderful sexy time with Ella, Judy and Angel in the mansion. Show these girls who is the mighty King Kong and dick them down. Want to have a steamy session in the roof? Figure out how to get to the rooftop and fuck a sexy babe of your choice. Do not let Angel out of your sight and fuck her hard. Them feisty bitches have the sweetest pussies. No more black screens, just be patient as the game loads and enjoy this steamy game! It's about to get spicy in here :) Visit website of the developers NLT Media
There is loading error when I go to lake behind the church, is there any chance to fix this issue? Otherwise great game, I love all the previous ones as well ( Lust epidemic or Treasure of Nadia ). Thank you for any support
Like ReplyNo more black screens my ass. Waited 15 mins for this shit to load and it didnt. Havent had a problem with the other games. Guess this one is just shit
Like Replywhere is the wrench
Like ReplyWhen I try to buy Jessica - Anal Control video I get the following message "Loading Error / Failed to load: img/pictures/PS-7.png".
Like ReplyTom Jacke, A mi también me pasa, igual que cuando intento entrar en el granero o cuando me interno en el bosque para matar al pato, antes pude, ahora no
Like Replyhow do you get him to swim to the far end of the lake, I can never get there, the drink and fast speed dont make it
Like Reply1944EV, yo he podido sin problemas...
Like ReplyGast, no solo es comprar la vitamina, también hay que ingerirla
Like ReplyLlegue al 95% del juego y: no puedo entrar en la granja, tampoco en la que se que hay un pato o un ganso y tenés que arrogarle una piedra encima (porque ya lo hice antes de que me borrara todos los juegos guardados) al igual que tampoco puedo ver el video de Janet, eso si, me quedan sólo 4 puzles, no puedo conseguir comprar la mansión de Andrea ni entrar a la sala que esta detrás del juez
Like ReplyI cant those vitamins....need help on that
Like ReplyWhy cant you fix the game? failed to load Alia down.png at farm, at barn, at forest.
Like Replywhere is the clothes pile
Like Replysafe code for ellas
Like ReplyI see that Arianna has an optional look in the booty call room. Also there's the option for all the girls to be dressed up in their sexy stuff for the cum game.
Like ReplyLoading Error Failed to load: img/characters/$TractorTop.png What makes this particularly painful is the game gives me no option other than to 'retry'. I was trying to go to the farm to look for Hannah after an oracle hint about Hannah being in trouble.
Like ReplyHi I am looking for the last Chestkey. I have 99%. the people give me a hint, that someone has seen a room with two keys in it. I am searching & searching... no success untilnow. can anybody help me? By the way:GREAT GAME!!!
Like ReplyTomasz, the clue refers to the rooms at the top of the stairs in the police station. If you enter the room in front and to the left you should see a key behind the table.
Like ReplyTomasz, Sorry, I meant the room on the right.
Like Replygoing to farm with Alia and Hannah game crashes with "Failed to load image"
Like Replyat 79 percent, get a failed-to-load png error when I try to enter the farm. Sucks, guess that's that.
Like ReplyAny one know fuck games action
Like ReplyWhat is the "New job at factory, srrows on the floor" clue?
Like ReplyStuck with the Oracle to get two dumbbells as i already. i found both of them both but she's still asking to find them.
Like ReplyStuck with the Oracle when she asks to get two dumbbells. i found both of them both but she's still asking to find them.
Like ReplyRvb311, because you need more!
Like ReplyStuck on black screen when i give Carol the grease and the rubber boot to fix the blue truck
Like ReplyGREAT GAME ! What the heck does the hint with the arrows for the employees in the industrie say 4 us? I cannot understand it...
Like ReplyGood Blee blee
Like Replywhere can i find the two hell boots?
Like Replymajor, In Hell. Just walk around near to where you need them.
Like ReplyOkay seriously, my saves are gone?! Has never happened before and now years of gameplay just gone? Damn
Like ReplyWhere is codo of Ella´s safe
Like ReplyBassman, outside safe need to use a tool
Like Reply91% done. Only one more kama-sutra page to find and nine more scenes to do. I hope that Canmore gets to fuck Diana, Alia and Tasha as Henry is now a ghost.
Like ReplyWhat do you stick the graphite from the pencil in the police station???
Like ReplyGst, It's to use on the fingerprint lock.
Like ReplyDoes anyone know the code for the safe in Ella's kitchen please
Like Replyi am getting now loading error on when i try to create glass pane
Like Replyspook, thanks
Like Replyspook, anyone else know or tell me where to find it I have looked everywhere
Like Replyspook, It's on the note that you find outside her apartment.
Like ReplyYou knuckleheads deleted the game!! All this time it kept saving fine until now... what's the problem?
Like Replywell fuck me the game deleted my save file all the hours ive put into this game for naught
Like ReplyDragarblaze, Me too
Like ReplyDragarblaze, same here
Like Replyhow do i save the game. i try to save but nothing happens
Like ReplyWhat is it now with all this "Loading Error" BS going on?
Like Replyi Lost all my progress, how do i get it back? i was maxed everything at the previous update but i lost all my progress on this update, can i get it back please?
Like ReplyI saved the game and now it wants me to restart the entire game like WTF
Like ReplyThad, same things happened to me. Everything worked well till the V085082. And now I should start everything from the 1st step. It's like 15 hours of the game for nothing. Such a nice gift !!!
Like ReplyThad, same for me : (
Like ReplyWhat tall decoration am I supposed to be looking for?
Like ReplyJenni, It's a key on top of a pillar in the mansion if I remember rightly.
Like ReplyHelp i can't save the game
Like ReplyWhat the hell is skyrise?
Like ReplyDiantte, The Channel 4 building.
Like ReplyThere seem to be a bluish color filter over the game. Anyway to reset it to normal?
Like Replyup date already
Like ReplyWhere is the V.85082 update?
Like ReplyWhere do I find the unholy ashes under the mansion?
Like ReplyRock, go downstairs to the basement and go to the left where there is a place for rituals.
Like ReplyIn the latest update (0.84081), the NPCs keep dropping hints about a "key" (chest key) and "Hell." Has anyone been able to find it? Or is this a glitch missing from the update?
Like ReplyEvery time I go down on the left hand porch to get Kimberly's Kpage and Lilian's profile the game goes to a scene where an explosion happens and the game freezes from there. Help?
Like ReplyThere is a scene that repeats itself and does not let the game continue. That scene is the one in which Henry goes into the Soul Crystal and the MC brings Father Brian back from Hell.
Like ReplyFinally, this ending was fine but not as good compared to the two previous games. Although it leaves a good dose of suspense at the end when Ms Bancroft is showing Lilith her project. Hope that whatever comes next is also awesome.
Like Replyhow do i defeqt demalius we have the chest i made the bells ring to get him to the side what happens next ?
Like Reply0.83 and stuck in the mansion with police facing back of main hall. Been like this for a few updates now on both compressed and non. Any ideas?
Like ReplyWhat a fucking waste of time, still not working on Compressed or the other version, after getting master key and going into hallway still jumping to where the barriers were up. I fucking ain't starting this game from scratch.
Like ReplyHow save the game for next update?????
Like ReplyI don't understand the hints about the sex virus. Whenever I talk to the NPCs they say stuff like " I saw the sex virus on the news... scary" or "you look like you have the sex virus, wanna have a go." What are those hints pointing too and how do we progress?
Like Replydo annyone knows code for briefcases?
Like ReplyMy last save is on 77% just after Lillian, Ella, Judy and Angel scene in the mansion. After that game rolls back to the moment when Ahgel runs away and game freezes. I also have 75% save (the end of 0.75 version). I see comments about 0.81 walkthrough, so there must be a way to fix my problem. Can anyone help?
Like ReplyDelfinder, there's no way you have 77% done. You're talking about version 0.77xx...
Like ReplyNickname, On here it shows as completing 77%, I'm in the exact same situation and have the exact same problem.
Like ReplyDelfinder, I have the exact same problem, I'm also stuck at 77% in the web version. I can't continue in the Gamcore browser, I try to start over but then the animation is crazy slow.
Like ReplyKushiel, from your saved games screen? Weird, shows 23% for me and I'm at the latest update. I am however also stuck in the mansion facing the wrong way, seems this is the end for some of us.
Like ReplyDelfinder, how do you get past demelius when he is blinded ?
Like ReplyWhere is 3rd book for alia quest in 81071 please
Like ReplyIs there a faster way to earn money? I have to pay $1200 for a miners shaft and have less than $8000
Like ReplyThat was supposed to be $12000
Like ReplyRock, With the treasure detector, you can run around in the forest and collect statues/idols for like 10 minutes and get $10k+. I haven't found anything better yet, but I'm not at a point in the game where any single item costs more than $5k.
Like ReplyGame doesn’t even load up for me
Like ReplyCan't find the holes in the walls of the bunker. Oracle is no help.
Like ReplyGame freezes still such a pain
Like ReplyGame just freezes and can't progress was the same with the last update
Like Replywhere is the cooper wire
Like Replywolfman, its at the bottom of the stairs in the warehouse on top of a pallet but have been unable to get it
Like ReplyYa Long weekend and NO upate , Great job , NOT !
Like Replyit does not change its broken pleaseeee fix it
Like Replyafter last update ,after master key & gasoline game freeze only here(gamcore)
Like ReplyKuname, Yeah, and don't matter if you're on the normal one or the compressed version, really sucks as if played anywhere else you'd have to start from scratch.
Like ReplyWith graffite of pen and something sticky you can hack one of locks of police station .... What a fuck and what lock .... ????
Like ReplyWhat are the combinations to open the briefcases? I opened one using 666, but I have 3 more to open
Like ReplyRock, Briefcase codes: 124 ; 576
Like ReplyRock, 5 briefcases total, codes: 124 ; 576 ; 349 ; 969 ; 666
Like ReplyShad Hickman has no dick. Otherwise he'd tell Holly he's using her
Like ReplyNot Again ! Black screen issue in latest update. When you go down to the rift with Melissa and Andrea and find Erica, and as he walks up to Erica black screen. Reloaded multiple times nothing happens just the black screen remains.... It's been days now do soleve it
Like ReplyIts been over a month already and still no solution on this.
Like ReplyI am stuck on the newest update idk what to do. The puzzle in Hell is broken or I am stupid. The puzzle, after you walk through lava and pull the switch, where you put two rocks on the pressre plates and stand on the one in the midde. I followed the walkthrough. Nothing happens on this version or uncompressed verison need help.
Like Replyчто я должен сбить бумерангом в часовне? там ничего нет
Like ReplyAnother black screen issue in latest update. When you go down to the rift with Melissa and Andrea and find Erica, hero walks up to her and .. black screen. Reloaded multiple times, tried waiting for it to load,, nothing, just black.
Like ReplyBlack Screen issue also in the scene with Lillith and Ella
Like Replyblack screen when melissa and andrea enters under the mansion where erica is naked for the ritual
Like Replydoes anyone know where the hidden boots are in hell ?
Like Replybowski, 1 is at start to right near big rock.other is left at a pillar on next map
Like Replyit goes black screen after the 3rd lines of conversation in hell when he is with lilith and ella
Like Replyblack screen before what I assume is a cinematic in the newest update, when you go downstairs and naked erica is there.
Like Replyfewa, switch to the other genesis order not compressed
Like ReplyShame the game is totally broken. Got to 31% done, and trust me, it takes a while, only to go to black screen.
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to transfer saves to a different computer? Or even a different browser?
Like ReplyI see the footprints in the cave, but I can't find the girls
Like Replywhere is sister judy it says see if the officers saw anything but they are telling me shit
Like Replyhow do i pay the offier less to go into the gym
Like ReplyI got stuck to a rock in the warehouse underground map, after exploding those barrels going to the right and or down the stairs. Please advise.
Like Replyim just trying to activate the gargole in the church i did it but it keeps saying i have to activate it
Like ReplyBlack screen when hannah is telling judy and chloe about butt and mouth stuff in the barn
Like ReplyI don't understand what number I'm supposed to find at the chapel or then what I'm supposed to do with it.
Like ReplyBlackDove, There's a paper on the left you can read that gives you hints. If you enter the mansion from the woods, there are two fireplaces, each with two lions above them, for four total. If you go south one room, there are six statues on the red carpet (not the gargoyles on the white tile). South one more room and there's a clock above the door with one statue on either side, for two total. That gives you the code for the box, 4 6 2.
Like ReplyI need a number between 2-21 for the libary book
Like Replyrikitikitavi75, the inscription in roman numerals on the wall? That's "row 2, book 21" in the library
Like Replybrilliant game i get so far and then i get stuck how do you get into the west wing in police station i use stun gun on electric by gym entrance it goes pitch dark and then the lights come on and i cant get past the police officer?
Like Replyok so after ploughing through the game the oracle is telling me the weed killer is somewhere at heathers but i dont see it any help please ?
Like ReplyHaving sex
Like ReplyGosh..i didnt clear any browser cache but the game saves all missing. Oh man...i got to replay from beginning again. this is the 4th time since very 0.59xxx :(
Like Replyok guys looking for the weed killer at heathers any ideas ?
Like ReplyI have downloaded this game on my mobile, but its showing me it has been downloaded version. .59 why?
Like Replyhow can i hang up tha bell ring?
Like Reply#Possible Spoilers# Given all the references to Adam and Eve, the regular reference to demons, and the heavy sexual activity on display, does anyone else get the vibe that Lilian will be revealed as the biblical "Lilith" before the end of the game..?
Like ReplyKarinski, Lilith isnt technically in the bible, pretty sure she's part of jewish folklore. But yes i get the same vibe. The lepers (and the demons) refer to her as Mother, and in the folklore Lilith is the 'mother of demons' who bred with fallen angels when she was banished from Eden
Like ReplyCannot find the penicillin? Anyone know where?
Like Replyradman64, If i remember correctly, you get the penicillin from giving the bubblegum to the lady with the dog who wont take his medicine, and you get the bubblegum from Ellas car using the key fob, which i believe is in the weeds on the right side of the condo parking lot (maybe not weeds, but somewhere there on the right)
Like Replyradman64, Apartments*, not condo, sorry
Like Replyhey guys how to find the wrench to get the driveshaft?
Like ReplyCannot find the last piece of the mace. Hidden items that require blundering around spoil the game.
Like ReplyHorny, Check the Oracle. Angela is usually pretty good about telling you where you need to go to find a missing component for any key item.
Like Replyhow do i get the passkey for charles flip phone?
Like Replymany, left side of mansion on a piece of paper
Like ReplyI'm keep being told the chapter is ended and i missed the small things. Do I need to do all the small things for it to continue?
Like ReplyD Money, That usually means you missed some secrets (Kamasutra pages, outfits at the Shop, sidequests from NPCs, etc.) For an idea what you are looking for, check your menu on the top bar. There will be a list of objectives (Booty calls, outfits, etc.) listed as X obtained/Y available. Anything which is not completely 10/10 is still missing and you can find it. To have an idea where your missing item is, talk to any random NPC. They will give a hint about where to find it.
Like ReplyHow do I have to cook?
Like ReplyI can only play 57% What must I do to be able to go on?
Like Replywhat to do Find a loker key in the gym using a climbing wall then open a locker to find something you need
Like Replyhow can i pass
Like Replyhow can i pass what to do Find a loker key in the gym using a climbing wall then open a locker to find something you need
Like Replyhow do i get the gun i been in the chapel but no gun
Like Replyanyone know how to get on church roof to stop leak ???
Like Replyhow do you get uop the church roof guys keeps saying about the red glow and cant grapple up ?
Like Replybowski, At a certain point, you will obtain the recipe and components to make a grappling hook. Once crafted, position MC under the spot where you are trying to reach, and he will automatically climb to whatever it is (key, loot, item, etc.) ...Unless you are talking about the red glowing spot on top of the steeple (the cross), which requires something with a bit more...range.
Like ReplyKarinski, ive tried to get up everywhere but its not happeenig so frustrating also i have no gun to shoot the red cross ??
Like ReplyKarinski, i got up there now am stuck again need safe number and how to get the tower red light ?
Like Replybowski, you dont get the red glow on the roof until you have the machine gun. The glow is from an essence of strength
Like Replybowski, you must shoot it down. you need something to shoot.
Like ReplyFailed to load any time i try to get to the woods to look for the snorkel... fix it plz
Like Replyim just thinkin''''"The NLT games will no longer be supported that is why the Game was in trouble and so called crashed down....
Like Replywhere do i find clothes pile
Like ReplyShould I even bother to keep checking if you guys are gonna fix the black screen problem or just stop playing all together. Would be a shame actually like this game
Like Replyblack screen on andrea's office,,,is that the end of the game?
Like ReplyWhat's the difference between Original and Compressed?
Like ReplyAlso, a black screen going nowhere when Carol action is about to begin.
Like ReplyThis game more boring than treasure of nadia.... there was more creampie sections than this game, there only lots of anal scenes so disgusting!!! but for game makers need to say good work with models! womans look so hot in this game :)
Like Replyblack screen in dark chapel
Like Replymarc8920, game does not progress from there
Like Replymarc8920, True, a black screen pops out at the dark chapel when you are about to open the door.
Like Replymarc8920, what is the box code in dark chapel?
Like ReplyUp to around 66% now. Progresses a fair way past entering the dark chapel, up to the point where the Oracle tells you "no one is guarding the bunker anymore", but when you go to the bunker it's not implemented yet
Like Replygoes blank screen in Andrea's office
Like Replyhorny, I have the same problem it goes black screen after the 1st 2 lines of conversation in the office
Like Replyhorny, yes hapend me 2
Like Replyreoccurring black screen in Andrea's office...
Like Replyits a problam with compressed vergion
Like Replyhorny, -- switch over to the noncompressed version, progress through scene, then save and pick back up here
Like Replyhorny, I have the same problem if you have a solution please reply me
Like Replyhave a problem for the sense of strenth I can not find at all these barrels
Like Replyhello, when do you think the compressed v.53121 will be posted? Thanks!
Like ReplyIn the album my picture of "Showering Melissa" has changed to a copy of "Lillian's Sexy Outfit".
Like ReplyHow do you find: Old wives' tale says treasure can be found by following roaches? (I follow the roach after I jump into the water at the farm but nothing happens)
Like ReplyDildo, Look in the newly opened warehouse in the bottom left corner.
Like ReplyPervy Gamer, That worked. Thank you!
Like ReplyGood game, hot scenes, but I'd like to see more racial diversity amongst the women.
Like ReplyPervy gamer, No, i preferred it when they all had pink or light nipples in the first game, half of them having darker nipples sucks
Like ReplyIt can only be finish to 14% of the total process in this version?
Like ReplyWhere do I find the phone code in chapel?
Like Replyguys it started 2 months ago, that i canot aave game . and i hopped theybwill fix that bug, but instill canot save game.
Like ReplyHow do you get the mouse in the church to give it to the cat ?
Like ReplyGhost69, i had a spare container from store ( don't know if it helps) went back to mouse a clicked on mouse it it came down wall got rat in a box .
Like ReplyHarry, where do i find the cheese for the rat?
Like ReplyHarry, Where did you get the cheese for the rat?
Like Replyupdate plz
Like ReplyWhere is this metal treasure you are supposed to dig up to go in the empty box? Iv looked everywhere
Like ReplyHi! So to solve this you need to go to the forest, find a silver statue/totem, then go to the store and buy a BOX, once uve baught the box u open your inventory, press the box, and put the silver inside the box, now you can give it to the woman at the police station :)
Like ReplyWhy cant i break jar's or use same key to both lockers to the masion undergroud?
Like Replyjannis, You have to be strength 3 to break the bronze jars and strength 4 to break the silver jars. Each lock has their own key.
Like Replyfor the new update it tells me to keep a eye on the church what do i do
Like ReplyQual e o numero no campanario
Like ReplyChest Key for 10/16 update is east side of cornfield past the weeds you have to kill next to bin you open.
Like ReplyWhere do you find Judy and Chloe?
Like ReplyThe new chapter has released please update it!
Like ReplyI am not good with this stuff, can someone tell me the difference between the OG and the compressed?
Like ReplyGive Larry the batteries ... help me ???
Like ReplyLarry where ???
Like ReplyLoll, there's a clock in the mansion or the chapel i dont remember well you can take its batteries off
Like ReplyBoth this and the normal version freezes at 'now loading...' bullshit.
Like Replycode chappel ???
Like ReplyMohamadia, 462
Like ReplyYes Ahahhahhahahahaha
Like Replyhow to catch the goat?
Like ReplyJankins, Apple from the tree out front of the farm, plus corn chips from Dick's (to bring him down from the cave entrance). When you have him cornered , he pauses for a moment before he runs away, giving you time to go left or right to catch him
Like Replywhat is the number on steeple
Like Replythe number on steeple 215
Like Replyi cant go in the forest upper to the farm, the game come into an infinite loop of loading
Like Replycazador, antes de ponerle comida a la obeja sigue por el camino que lleva al arbol que cruza el lago
Like ReplySo worth it to play
Like ReplyStill cant move the barrel in kitcher and i have essence of strenght
Like ReplyBassman, angelcraft- 3dumbells+essence of strenght=seed of strenght. eat that seed
Like ReplyJack, how to find essence of strength?
Like ReplyIt keeps lagging, but is one of the best and hot stories so far. Really good sexscenes. Made me jerk off several times in one day.
Like ReplyFuck, Fuck
Like Replyi keep clicking on the file to save but it doesnt work
Like Replyjamestrod, dumbass read the caption it literally says that saves won't work. It has nothing to do with the game it's gamcore, literally no games on here save unless you download them.
Like ReplyEy Up duck
Like Reply