NLT Media just released a public version for the web so we can all finally see a new piece of art they are working on. A sex virus is spreading all around the world and as always, you'll be surrounded by multiple really beautiful ladies and you'll make a harem of them. Follow the story carefully and remember that this game will be constantly updated. The game promises ongoing updates, ensuring that the adventure will continue to evolve, keeping players engaged with fresh content and new developments in the storyline. Visit their website and find out more useful information about the game NLT Media
when the updates wil relesed ???
Like ReplyBaako! Shut the fuck up!
Like ReplyThis isn't a game, it's demos... when will the game come out???
Like Replywere is the game???
Like Replygame is really buggy
Like Replygame keep on restart after getting important item in scarp yard game need sort out v v 0.13122
Like ReplyGetting syntax error on start up
Like ReplyFolks, no point in playing this, there is a lot you can't access, game owner wants you to either create an account on NLT or Patreon and pay a monthly subsription before you can play the game fully and depending on what you pay will limit what you can play.
Like ReplyKushiel, Sadly, I think you're right. It's now flagged as a "demo game". You can get to 7% and the saves aren't accessible at later dates. I'm hoping that it will become a free game (as are the other three) at a later date, but I'm not holding my breath.
Like ReplyPervy Gamer, up till october it was a free game and you could save, export and import your save to continue the game. Instead of "demo" a notification of that the game's still in development popped up like when you enter the church/monastry and want to go left for example. After october the game was removed from this site to re-appear as a demo in january....
Like ReplyA nick named Nick, I found that out just after I posted my last reply. I got as far as meeting the demon won after the junkyard fight, then it just stops any progress. I'm just hoping that there will be a full release on here in the future. It might be a while eh?
Like ReplyPervy Gamer, Afraid so yeah. Predictions are either 2026 or 2027 according to the official site. I don't know how it went with the previous 3 titles since I played those when they were fully completed.
Like ReplyKushiel, NLT also allowed you to download the entire game of "Lust Epidemic" and "Treasure of Nadia" free a few months after it was completed. Worked pretty well when the saves were on your computer. Not so with "The Genesis Order". You can't download it for free, or at least, not yet.
Like ReplyA nick named Nick, I played ToN when it came out. Every update was about every two weeks, it was enjoyable to see the next one. Usually two new sex scenes for each update. You can do the math. It just sucks that NLT is still using RPG Maker and not letting this site and PGH maintain saved games.. like they used to.
Like ReplyWeeeeell shit... It's a sort of preview that locks you after the scene where you meet the demon
Like ReplyIm ashamed, they used AI art for some of this... hopefully they fix it by final release and choose to avoid that path.
Like ReplySaves still don't actually save...
Like ReplyTried it on firefox (NOT private mode) and now my save is there after closing and re-opening firefox. Hopefully it stays after pc restart as well
Like ReplyRAZ, wait for the next update. if they update it. then poof. gone.
Like Replymoney money money ore we dont fix the bug its 2025 haha money money money
Like ReplyBalubaz69, Demo builds have bugs, tho not sure about the view, I was more partial to the NSEW view over this one.
Like ReplyStill won't load previous saves. This game is dumb. NLT SORT IT OUT!!!
Like Replygazdavephillips, No point, demo version only, tells you you have to go to NLT or Patreon for a full version which will also mean splashing the cash.
Like Replya one else annoyed by the lack of direction in-game like what tf are we even supposed to be doing half the time?
Like Replyboop, Just ask the Oracle and talk to strangers. They tell you all you need to know.
Like ReplyIt could be such a good game if it would only save. Not worth playing otherwise
Like ReplyBrillo, I use Google Chrome and I've not had any issues with saving and all my saves have been available.
Like ReplyKushiel, I also use google chrome it still does not save the game
Like ReplyThis new gifting element is bullshit.
Like Replygazdavephillips, I'm not too keen on it either. It seems that you can only go so far with the flirting depending on what strength, intelligence and charm you can get. Then all you have to do is gather enough "treasure" to sell to make money to buy gifts to give to the nurses and "dancers" to maximise their attraction to you. I much preferred the puzzles that were in the previous two games. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens
Like ReplyI'm done....gets a little painful when you have to start the game from the beginning, EVERY TIME. Avoid this game until this issue is fixed.
Like ReplyCCash, I have no issues with saving and my saves are available when I call the game back up.
Like ReplyKushiel, are you playing on windows and are you signed in?
Like ReplyCCash, if you are incongnito it will not save, same if you have cookies turned off. Best bet is to export your saves to your PC every time you reach the end.
Like ReplyDifferent download same videos to big can't save because videos to large too bad!😒
Like ReplyHi, I also lost my previosuly saved games, I read other comments, a lot of people are having same issue. @NLT should sort out this issue, this is so annoying, no one wants to play the game from starting again, so please fix it and let us know how can we access our saved games.
Like ReplyHunt3rEagle, you can play this game at without losing the saves. It just take a lil more time before they update. But i still have my saves.
Like ReplyBoerthenk, how far along are they in the update?
Like ReplyBoerthenk, I've tried that. Lost my saves there too.
Like ReplyBoerthenk, it seems working there, but now again reset of the saves even there :-(
Like ReplyBoerthenk, didn't for me, and I added both sites to not delete cookies, etc., but they still disappeared from both sites.
Like ReplyGame finally kicked in for me properly after a few days waiting, also didn't have to start again from scratch as my saves worked. I use Google Chrome for this and now I'm fully up to date.
Like ReplyI'm getting really fed up with this game not saving
Like ReplyIt's impossible to play a game that doesn't save every time an up date appears. I open the game and have to play from the beginning. Could you at least solve the problem?? Thank you
Like ReplyI would like you to reset my saves since every time I play I have to start from the beginning, is that the best you know how to do?
Like ReplyThere needs to be a way to import/export saves. Having to restart anytime the browser cache is cleared is nuts.
Like ReplyI watched an entire youtube video regarding this, so you have to flirt and give a gift to lucy (cupcake or emerald) I don't remember. Anyway that's the second sex scene called hotdoggin. Then if you go back to your house in Woodstead and head upstairs to Julia's room (far right) when you are in there the picture is kind of hidden in the top left by the window right as soon as you are in there. Hope this helps.
Like ReplyCan anyone give me some guidance regarding the "hotdog" clue and the "Housebreaking" clue?
Like ReplyIf it transpires that you have to start from scratch each time there is an update then they can GTF. I'm not doing that, I just won't bother with it until it is fully complete.
Like ReplyWhy you cannot save this game to continue with future updates? The previous NTL games did not have this issue.
Like ReplyThe game is interesting, there are some new elements like "flirt" and "gift" in order to increase the charme with girls. Even the combat Is something new, even if Is confusing and seems to be randomic. The graphic is on and high level. But the story... this time NLT is doing it wrong. Who's the main character? What's his job? What's his role on the story? Too many things are not explained, and there's no connection with the last game.
Like ReplyBabeLover, The main character is the bloke with amnesia and his full role will be explained over time as he starts to get his memory back, and there are clear links to the last game as at the very end of the last game you see Lillian approach the woman who was actually in Lust Epidemic visiting her new lab, the very first game in the series which started the sex virus.
Like ReplyEverything seems to be working fine for me now, finished the latest update for the story apart from missing a couple of things which I don't have a clue about!
Like ReplyKushiel, Got them now, flirting with those you can flirt and giving gifts unlocks those extra scenes, just have to get the right ones!
Like Replythe saves I had didn't stay when I tried to play it again please fix
Like Replytheth4, the shop, longdong, near where you're living initially.
Like Replywhere buy drink?
Like Replypaolo77, Oops, put the answer to your question on the wrong person LOL. You buy the drink and other gifts at the shop called LongDong.
Like Replythis is dumb no way to know what to do next
Like Replythe combat is dumb always lose
Like ReplyIt will not save. Every time you reload game you have to start from beginning again. Please can this be sorted thanks
Like ReplySaved games disappear...when restarting game. Please fix.
Like ReplyWhatare you some kind of shit that you guys create this game ?? with a black screen with no show sex active ?? what the hell do you think you call this ???? WTF WTF WTF NO SEX SHOW IT BLACK SCEEN WITH NO SHOW ACTIVE W.....T.F..... ?HUH FIX THAT AND UPDATE THIS DAMN SHIT WHAT YOU GUY CREATE THIS HUH ?? WHAT A SUCH PRICK HEAD YOU GUYS HUH?
Like Replysaves still dont work
Like Replylolmao, It's working for me.
Like ReplyNot Good, liar
Like ReplyHey, I think they fixed the error when you try to get to your phone!
Like ReplyFinally!!! graet game!
Like ReplyIn new update its have problem with no clear move in scenes.
Like ReplyLots of errors with audio files, in every version this game its so much bugs and errors, need better control with codes.
Like ReplyGreat content, but unfortunately I get two errors after meeting the devil girl and I cannot get around them anymore: Failed to load audio/se/MagicSwoosh.ogg Failed to load audio/bgm/Desert.ogg
Like ReplyCorrupt Student Loan, I'm getting the same error. can't find a way around it
Like ReplyCorrupt Student Loan, Error disappeared?
Like ReplyNot that what i expect fron nltmedia in this game.! Still treasure of nadia the best game ever seen.
Like ReplyFirst 3 games were simply put, masterpieces. This one, just seems utterly devoid of the same excellence as the trio before. The opening was a mess; in my simple opinion; but I hold out in hopes it gets the care it deserves. I love Treasure of Nadia, the best.
Like ReplyPatron is really decent too guys
Like ReplySaved games are gone when you restart and during the game they can't be loaded
Like Replyonfi, now it should be fine
Like ReplyUncaught TypeError: Failed to set the 'volume' property on 'HTMLMediaElement': The provided double value is non-finite.
Like ReplyAt the very begining when you CLICK the Phone in the hospital the game eNDS !!!
Like ReplyKeep getting errors, oh well maybe one day I'll get to play it.
Like ReplyBroken already and didnt even leave the morgue
Like ReplyJustMe72, I don't think it's a morgue, but I understand what you mean. It's the same for everyone. Hopefully, it will be sorted soon.
Like Replyfix the rate 1
Like Replythis is easily the best series on here, as long as it doesn't have bugs...
Like ReplyI love the first two games and NLT is doing great work but bro this game feels like copy of the first two, just change the whole story and locations it's kinda boring to see three same games but different characters let's be honest it's same shit.
Like ReplyDas ist ja kaputt
Like ReplyGraphics are top end. Story seems not to be that bad. Phone bug ruins the game. Stops at the Hospital which is at the beginning.
Like ReplyI don't believe its only on phones, I've seen lagging and games crashing your entire browser.. It has been three months that these sites will not accept previous saves even though it was displayed in the save area?? Error page.. I can't say its not Renpy, ether somebody is not given out the correct coding or Renpy has screwed up?? But does that explain the Lagging and crashing?
Like ReplyGame will crash after the intro and you pick up the phone.. Failed!!! Game crash ...
Like ReplyLooks like it'll be a good game. I also had phone failed to load and got Failed to load img/characters/%24Trampoline.png once I got into the neighborhood scene. I am using up to date foxfire.
Like ReplyDoogan, exact same issue.
Like ReplyDoogan, +1 my man
Like ReplyDoogan - I just had the same issue.
Like Replyfix the phone bug
Like ReplyAfter the phone error there is still this one in Edge: Failed to load img/characters/%24Trampoline.png. Please work on these!
Like Replyawesome game. only the phone doesn't work
Like ReplyPhone is buggy even with Firefox. Please get that fixed so we can play this game to matter which system were on.
Like ReplyVery buggy in this release
Like Replythe "phone" is bugged already.
Like ReplyAnd I got to the town and it's bugged too
Like ReplyWhen is the release version coming out?
Like ReplyPlease use Firefox browser for this game.
Like Reply