This is an adult management game that follows the story of a young girl named Catherine. She ran out of money and found herself all alone on the roof of a skyscraper in the city center. She has no friends to help her but lucky for her, she stumbles upon an abandoned building that hosts a sleeping artificial intelligence: IO. IO requires a partner to function and the two of them start up a rooftop bar business that satisfies the needs of clients. In this game, you can expect scenes featuring corruption, hypnosis, BDSM, and loads of cum. Will their lewd business succeed or fail? Hit play to find out!
not seeing these updates. still cant see any form of status bar. basic fix guys come on
Like ReplyJust tried to come back and use my old save to jump right to the new stuff, it was gone which is fine I kind of expected that with the update. my real issue is that I started a save yesterday, came back today and it's gone as well? tried saving again and after a minute or so I went back to the saves and it vanished from the save slot by then. No way to play but from scratch atm it seems.
Like ReplyWell the original issue with the black screen is fixed but after the sex with the chud goes to a black screen again. Can still move but no idea where to go as I CAN"T SEE.
Like ReplyAnd here with the new update I thought the black screen would be fixed but no. Still get the black screen after number 2 visits so still can't progress, how unfortunate.
Like ReplyV 0.3D Seriously broken when starting the upgraded bar. Just goes to black screen. Processor and graphics card both over 50% usage. @Developer, if it helps, I'm using Opera browser
Like Replyscreen goes black after visit from #2
Like Replyif the cyborg scene ever gets fixed I´m hyped to continue
Like ReplyNot seeing anything different except for a flyer upgrade (which it seems you can't do) and than stuff "for future updates"
Like Replyokay figured out upgrades but when new area opens and after visit from security #2 screen goeas black
Like ReplyVersion v Still lhard to play without view of Catherine's stats during bar shift. This was there in an earlier version and did help. More features have been added such as new social skills and the fact she has to rest to restore HP. It is also not obvious that you need to 'Tend Bar' to refresh drinks available. With no stats display, you can't see what is missing. Same issues with Brewing - no indication of how long it will take to finish.
Like ReplyNew update, but only a few new scenes. You can now more easily get the hovercraft repaired and reach an end of game. But I hope this is not one of those games where development has dried up and there's no more content.
Like ReplyNow up to V. 2.9.3b. What do you do with the spy cam or is that waiting for further content? Would like to explore sewers further, I think I've fond/done everything so far. So now waiting for the upgrade sewer on the computer panels. fun game.
Like Replysm, Dev, Still need to see stats at bar as can't tell when you run out of drinks and need to 'Tend Bar' again to restock. Also it would be good to have a list of raw materials for brewing along with the list of available drinks
Like ReplyIssue Report v. When doing bar job, can't see status bar, so don't know when you need to tend bar. No good for planning when to use social skills for best effect. Liking the voice acting on the training scenes.
Like ReplySome extra actions now available in Sewer. Do them all and you please the chud king. Still don't get the mask for going deeper in sewer. But extra menu item appears in IO's terminal for sewer repair. Watch this space I guess. To get to the sewers in the first place , you need to upgrade the bar to get the games arcade. and get the scanner from the mechanic girl and scan for IO's signal. this will make the sewer avaialable.
Like ReplyA few errors to report. 1. The chud behind the wall's love heart does not switch off when Catherine is not horny. 2. Brewing icon in IO terminal sometimes does not show anything brewing in location 3. I set the martini ingredients going at same time (vermouth & gin), but only the first brewing slot showed as having something in it. Worked properly once you're driving the remote buggy, it is just on the master screen.
Like Replysm, where do you go to find IO's signal?
Like ReplyDylan, You have to get scanner from the mechanics. It costs about 100 of Catherine's own money. When you have bought it, a dialogue begins with Anna and she'll tell you what to do next. Basically you'll have place scanner in 3 places over 3 days.
Like ReplyWhen is she actually going to start having sex with the chuds? Can't upgrade the arcade as you can't go in the sewer yet even though you have the gear. Fun game but progression is a bit slow on the updates
Like Reply1animalin74, I manged to go into the sewer and found the arcade machine and did the upgrade. have you bought teh G17 scanner and used to try to scan for IO's core processor? Not what order things happened in, but you will need to have done that. you can only go so far in sewer without a mask upgrade to exploration kit. Not sure how to do that yet. I seem to have hit a wall in terms of progress, maybe I've reached the limit of what's possible.
Like ReplySM, *not sure*
Like ReplySM, I have the kit but can't get into the sewer. How were you able to get in there?
Like Reply1animalin74, you need to talk to the chud king by the arcades
Like Replyslurp, 1animalin74, I didn't know you could get the kit before talking to chud king. I talked to him first. I think I've done everything it is possible to do in the sewer and now I can't find out how to get the mask to explore further in sewer. Any ideas or it the limit of the game at the moment?
Like Reply1animalin74, Where do you even find the stuff to get in the sewer?
Like ReplyStill lacking stats and information displays. You can't see business money except at end of day. Needs some indication of how long there is left on Bar job, especially as with wrong action ,it gets cut short very quickly! There is no way of seeing how long a brewing batch is going to take. I think it should be a bit easier to make money early on. Maybe the rent can go up later to compensate.
Like ReplyAt least this update has something noticable
Like ReplyDon't notice anything new with the update. Maybe the drink help when using the drone but nothing else that I can see
Like ReplyPerformance in the bar gets absolutely obliterated after getting the final decor upgrade, I had to stop playing the game because of it
Like ReplyReally enjoyed this game so far, I'm looking forward to future instalments.
Like ReplySome good ideas, but there is a lack of information so you don't know what you need to brew a new drink, how long it has left to go, how many credits you have (except at and of shift), and many other things. The bar shit mechanic is OK, but ends too quickly and you run out of TP points when trying social. You can't interact with much of the map, does it need to be so big? Dialogue is quite well done, and background story Needs a fair bit of work still.
Like ReplyComo evito el que se lleven a mi personaje
Like Replyteniendo dinero
Like ReplyGame starts lagging the hell out after you buy the 2nd bar update
Like ReplyFound a bug: if you toggle the trapdoor button before the intruder event happens, you will toggle that story's part "cutscene" and then you will continue as usual. This will softlock your game later on when the actual intruder event happens because you will become invisible and unable of interacting with objects (therefore not being able of ending the shift) though
Like Replyjust one thing add a quests menu makes it much easier to navigate and experience the game
Like ReplyNeed more of this for sure great game, animation, art style everything is a yes
Like ReplyReally good game so far!
Like ReplyI love it so far!
Like ReplyGreat idea! needs more to see :)
Like Reply