Something Special [v 0.1.13] [Restart]
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Teen Sex
Visual Novels
Description: This story is a recollection of something that happens usually. Picture this, you wake up in the morning, your head hurts and everything is just too loud. You are nursing the biggest hangover there is and then you notice a sexy babe lying next to you but you have no idea how she got here. Maybe you were drugged or maybe the two of you left the club together being lit as fuck. Anyway, you soon discover that she is not the only hottie in the house. You are conflicted about what to do. Will you throw them out or have some more sexy time with them as you try to get your memory back? |
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am i losing it? this is the second daz3d renpy porn game i've played where a character replies to a question about directions with "down the hall and to the left" which trump also exactly says in home alone 2
Like ReplyAwesome game !!!
Like ReplyUgliest women model ever made
Like Replydoes anyone know a walktrough of this when i look it up a walktrough of a different game appears
Like ReplyGrimLord, nvm i finished the game
Like Replythis isn’t anything to do with this game but can someone tell me the name of the game where the MC just moved into a house and the family next door had a teen girl and a teen boy, the girl and the mc are in a sexual relationship without anyone knowing and the teen boy starts to develop feelings for the MC
Like ReplyStory good, but you only get to screw one lady
Like Replyvideo gameplay
Like ReplyIf you download the APK, on Sunday at the beach you will get an error screen saying file not loaded
Like ReplyAll saves missing on refresh page ...and export option also not found - game completly dead.
Like ReplyWhat's the point in giving options if they don't mean anything? Tina pisses me off and I have the MC literally say no every time and every time Tina gets what she wants anyway. What's the point?
Like ReplyOr you only have 1 decision youre forced to make to get caught like youre the perv
Like ReplyThen why is it a house full of women who never get caught with the things they do but if I make a decision to do the same I always get caught smh
Like ReplyWhy do the majority of these games where the MC is the main they have weak roles like cant say no even when you click the option no you always get over powered by the women still? Like who makes these games like this. Im tired of these men characters with weak ass personalities and cant speak up for themselves and when they have the option to its always the dumbest thing ever like they dont know what to say to a woman. For once can a man have a set of balls in these games.
Like ReplyI so much effing despise games where MCs are either rapers (not exactly this case) or complete assholes who just deserve a huge hard stick way up their ass (unless they like it, of course)... I'm so disgusted when women are mistreated on games. IRL they have already enough crap to endure, so why keep feeding that misogynistic BS. Be fucking agents of good, dammit, developers!! FFS.
Like ReplyHelp, I can't save my progress!!! :(
Like ReplyThere's no option to save the game
Like ReplyBruh, this guy is a complete creep, like some of the things he says and does are mad. LIke for exempel what is said to Tina in the shower, "If you dont get ou i'll rape your ass", like wtf
Like Replywhy give the mc choices anyway,he remains as a pet+raped cunt.....i could throw up for fucks sake!! i am out of here!
Like Replyif i want a mc like that,i could look the anime:EVANGELION who ever pays the developer writer.deserves to be shot with shotgun sticking in his asshole!
Like Replyfind a new writer
Like ReplyWay too many bjs and no sex.
Like ReplyMC at the store with Annie buying clothes. ! WTF he has no sense of style and is totally a control freak. Women would run a mile from him. rag he liked is a cheap piece of crap suitable for a picnic.
Like ReplySeriously??? i skipped the game, new update 1 minute and thats it , get out of here ! :D
Like ReplyRachel shows up MC looses his balls. I would've told her to get her own coffee and carry her own luggage or I would have dumped her luggage in the trash or the pool and the hot coffee in her lap. Even the Marines discharged her to get rid of her nasty lazy ass. This character killed the game for me.
Like ReplyAlmost no new content! , so what is the point of uploading it?
Like Replythis game hangs up way to much
Like ReplyCould we get a save bar
Like Replyhow about real choices not ones that in sixty seconds put you in the same position.
Like Replyplease enable the autoplay options im sick of tapping constantly to get to where i was before my save were lost. its a story nore than a game give us some chapters we can jump to for the same reason.
Like Replyway to short
Like Replygeez the dialog in this game is the worst. Forced to choose a girl for Pleasures sake aint satifying, i especially dont like the mother. annie is the only character with worth it. the others act like thirsty whores at best. the mc is no better either.
Like ReplyIt is good , but way to short..bullshit uploading only this and make us watch
Like ReplyAnnie is in my opinion the only interesting one. The rest are bland and without character. There's no mystery
Like ReplyWhy was the guy trying to hookup with Annie if he thought she was underage? Also how come you can never refuse Tina?
Like ReplyFixes on the way!
Like Replyplease make it so i can knock out that army bitch
Like ReplyBigFOODtruck, labas lol as igi esu lietuvis
Like ReplyFuck off, bitch ass pirate!!
Like ReplyImBallsDeepInYourGirlfriend, yo mommy dont count as girlfriend you inbreed southern trash
Like ReplyThe dialog in it is terrible, really bad Engilsh in it.
Like ReplyHoly hell, not being able to run the fuck away from Tina pisses me off
Like ReplyAwesome game... Just waiting for the update
Like ReplyPls fix the bug that causes blurs during the sex scenes, it kills the mood
Like ReplyDickDude, What mood can possibly exist when you treat women so fucking poorly as MC fucking does here?!! Aaagh, disgusting game... I just kept reading hoping for some witful change of character (and better relationship with Victoria, the only character worthy of my time wasted in vain for this game) but I'm outta here
Like ReplyCant play the game cause you can enter name when on ipad! Can these guys fix this please. Half games on site unplayable cause of this122
Like ReplySo short? this was it?> XD
Like ReplyPlease add a save system
Like ReplyL, shouting into the void bud
Like ReplyIt's kind of good..though Megan looks almost exactly like Lydia from "intertwined",well if she is I'm tired of seeing recycle character with a different name for another game that we've played in before..crossovers are good,cause said character stayed to their designated game world..but recycling is just bad in my opinion,cause yo wonder why the hell is she here,when she was fking my last MC in that other game..anyways..Good work..
Like ReplyI don't like how I tell that crazy bitch Tina to go away and then te next dialogue options are to have her suck the MC off... it's as if the guy has no will, it should be fixed imo
Like ReplyIt can't be possible ... Porngameshub and Gamcore are really only for whore addicts ... There really are no real games without the worst extremes? - well, yes ... But out of around 70 games, there is only barely a small handful, more or less correct. It is disappointing and without any professionalism.
Like Replyerm, what is Porngameshub?
Like ReplyGamcore Admin, it is another website where you can play porn games
Like ReplyJohnEP, i feel you man. sure i visit gamecore for the adult games but i actually enjoy it even more when the characters have distinct personalities and dont just act like horny teenagers with over proportioned assets. Treasure of nadia for example is a good example on plot building and character developement.
Like ReplyGamcore Admin, haha so your proud of the crap games on here
Like ReplyGamcore Admin, Another website where at least FULLSCREEN really means FULLSCREEN for most of the games instead of almost fullscreen as happens with a lot of games here on (meaning, PgUp doesn't make your screenplay go to hell, but just goes back with the text and you're not forced to fix the screenplay after).
Like Replyeverything i pick ends up at the same spot WTF
Like Replymother: Listen what i wanted to ask you about. it should stay between us him: No problem. wheres the body haaahahahah
Like ReplyI wonder why is there any choice in this game, no matter the choice you make, the result is the same. You tell a girl Yes, you fuck her, you tell her No, you fuck her anyway....
Like ReplyWTF are the fricking choises ,]the game is ok but limited choises and like many other games ,lame and lazy atiitude from the main like everyone of those mc are dumbass and short minded ,really hope next update the very few choises get to some diferent path bcs like this only in a dream world he will end with any of this woman's .
Like Replyagh! this dialoge is making me cringe so hard! why was it written like this??? Im litteral fast clicking wishing to myself "stop talking stop talking"
Like ReplyFor fuck sake please make it so you don’t have to enter a name! If you play on android or iOS you aren’t able to even get past the naming request! Atleasy add an option to choose whether or not to change it. Someone please copy this comment and spread the news! I will be deleteing browsing history soon! I hope someone sees this before it’s gone forever.Q
Like ReplyThe games on the site, need save options. They crash randomly
Like Replycome on do they really just play jack off and be glad you dont have to pay whatever they ask on patreon
Like ReplyIf you go to the load there's a auto save function on one of the tabs that usually does it every couple of scenes
Like Replyall u gotta do is right click
Like Reply123wtf, yes really
Like ReplyHonestly it's super annoying that no matter what your option choice is Tina will pretty much rape you.
Like ReplyThis game has a lot of problems 1. Same faces as the other games I’ve played and 2. I only get one choice for some scenes that are to perverted
Like ReplyDon’t like that the MC isn’t interested in fucking Tina at every possible opportunity, good game so far tho, at the pool scene
Like ReplyWhat is the button to open the menu and save the game? I had to restart like three times
Like ReplyI wish they could make u skip names so I could use my ipad
Like ReplyThe game ends and thanks you for playing before you ever have sex with the mom or sisters. Shitty.
Like ReplyWay too much repetitive dialogue. It's tedious.
Like ReplyGreat game cant wait for it to be finished storyline is great my favourite is megan
Like ReplyThis game is just too perfect, others having some trouble with the game but im not. Please keep up the good work man i love this game so much
Like ReplyAm I the only one who finds frustrating all the "Oh yes" "Oh no" "But I said yes" "And I said no" "So yes" "No"? Come on. Three quarters of dialogues could be cut.
Like Replymasa no be only you
Like ReplyThank you very much gamcore, you are the best and I hope you keep working on more projects and more updates.
Like Replycan't i get the red head to fuck off
Like ReplyProbably a bit more of text could have helped destroying the keyboard in order to skip every two hours chat, but it's ok because of tits some times.
Like ReplyWhere is the update!? I need more Annie!!
Like ReplyI can’t even save
Like Replyreally don't like forcing option for the sake of pleasure, like wtf i don't really like that tina bitch. what's the point of giving an option to decline her advance if it will only end to fuck at the end? that's just plain stupid thing to do dev.
Like ReplyBRO just like alright then time to commit suicide
Like ReplyA really good game, annie is my favorite of course, the sex scenes aren't good but frankly i was only here for the story anyways and in that department it was amazing. Keep up the great work and i'll be happy to read anything else you have created.
Like ReplyBlurry, was just gonna say that Annie is the cutest, and hottest
Like ReplyFirst time playing the game, using chrome and it works great! No errors at all. The game has a lot of potenial! Can't wait for more updates!
Like Replydont see the ponit telling tian to fuck off when you still end up fucking her
Like Replyit has the ingore thing and when i hit it it wont work
Like ReplyThis game sucks because of errors
Like Replyuseless and broke don't bother playing it it does not work no point in taking a look and seeing if the guy is worth supporting if he cant even get short look at the game right
Like ReplyThis one also has a problem it may help if you fix these problems ok
Like ReplyGood game so far but every time there is a sexual scene I can not view it and it says an exception has occoured.
Like Replyfix game then repost the game please
Like Replymost of the sex scenes don't show ??!!!
Like ReplyOMG what a fuck?!?! every, EVERY single fucking sex scene have an error.
Like Replygame is completely broken! none of the sex scenes work! don't waste your time playing this unfinished, broken mess
Like ReplyBreaks so much you miss alot of content
Like ReplyNot only broken, but MC keeps getting raped by the ugly old whore.
Like ReplyGreat potential. Terrible execution.
Like Replythere is problem with this game its need to be fix
Like ReplyRight at the end of this version one or two scenes work. Agree they need to fix all the other sex scenes before it. All up its not too bad, hope future versions are bug free and story develops
Like ReplyFix this game it's soo fcking horrible. You can't even reject Tina bcs there is no fcking options for that. You can say to him that u don't want him but thing's gona happen no matter what and this rough me up. It's soo fcking good but not in experience bcs these bugs and choices makes it worse. Fix please!
Like Replythe glitchs at the dinner table need to be fixed
Like ReplyIs there any sex scene that may work in this game?
Like ReplyWhy every male character of these games have to be such pussies? "Feeling strange and full of contrary feelings", "getting orders from tomb boy bitchies" and so on? When does this boy grow some balls over? Pffeee.
Like ReplyShogun, Exactly ! Im litterally yelling at my screen at the MC to Man up and tell them to stop touching him. but he acts like a wimp that tries to get pleasured. i mean come on if the mc actually spoke up they will stop trying to get handsy and maybe even respect him more for it.
Like Replygame is good but pls the sex scenes needs to be in this type of games to
Like Replyu must fix all corrupted sex scenes...
Like ReplyWow and they call this a sex game? When all you see is an error screen every time sex comes up. Get rid of the game or fix it.
Like ReplyGame crashes at dinner in the beginning..
Like ReplyGame crashes on all sex scenes.
Like Replyдорогие хотите денег смени сайт или дай народу поигратью
Like Replya broken game if fixed could be a good rip off of where the heart is.
Like Replywhere the fuck I save the game
Like Replythere is a lot off errors in this game
Like ReplyWFT man missing the best part here like the game but need to be fix asap
Like Replymost of the sex scenes are bugged and you have to skip them by pressing ignore several times
Like ReplyThe sex scenes are all corrupted. Any time something sexual happens the error screen pops up. Hitting ignore several times advances the story but you miss the sex part of the game. The girls are hot but the crashes make this game unplayable.
Like ReplyAll sex scenes are patreon only!
Like Replyo jogo tem um enredo otimo mais se vc não e patreon se fode
Like ReplyAnother game where the sex scenes is corrupted.fix it
Like ReplyGame totaly Crash on Sex scene's no point playing until fixed
Like Replyyou get to sex scene and it screws up what do you have to pay for it to see them I thought it was a free website
Like ReplySo broken.
Like Replywe will never know if he ever stops her from jerking him as they cursade for socks
Like Replyjust crush sex scenes. Don't wast time
Like Replypls fix the scenes
Like ReplyThis game/visual novel seems to have the same storyline as Where The Heart Is???
Like ReplyThey talk about going shopping for socks and then the game crashes on me. I tried it a few times, Always at same point
Like ReplyHow save it?
Like ReplySex scenes all missing, sad
Like ReplyGame is broke pretty much, every sex scene so far is corrupted
Like ReplyComing back to my last comment its a pretty good storyline but all the sex scenes are corrupted.
Like Replysame problem during sex scenes 4 or 5 pages corrupted to be ignored
Like ReplyJiggy, censored, probably a Japanese creator or market...
Like ReplyPéter, kurvára nem sérült :D végig nyomtam geci kurva faszopó anyádat verjem a betonhoz hogy 10 évesen ilyenekre vered buzi köcsög
Like ReplyPretty good game
Like Reply