Play as Oro, a former demon on a mission to save the world from dark forces. Despite leaving the demon life behind, Oro struggles with his inner bad side, causing trouble and having sex with numerous girls along the way. Navigate through challenges and battles to thwart the impending world destruction. Your goal is to use the zoom-out function in browsers for the game window to fit your screen seamlessly. Experience the clash between Oro's reformed self and lingering demons. Of course you cannot resist the temptation After all we are who we are. Now own your true nature and fuck those girls like your life depended on it.
Crash as soon as I want to sleep (at home, maybe there are other locations) - undefined array length or something like that. Anybody a solution or similar problems?
Like Replyale oro B)
Like ReplyI can't save it just loads endlessly
Like ReplyImbalanced piece of shit.
Like ReplyGamcore has His pocket fat with all the money the site is making. Fuck the gamers who can't PAY TO PLAY, why update?
Like ReplyIts better than nothing!!! The updates here are becoming far and few between!! And Gamcore refuses to update their server causing a lot of issues, like the game crashing and the the PAY TO PLAY is getting more prevalent!
Like Replythe good thing is that you have new games, the bad that they are too short you have some complete games but they are very old
Like Replyporngameshub no Pornhubgames,it's a hentai games page
Like Replywhy are the captions in the sex scenes in spanish what kind of shit is this.
Like ReplyI know Most hate my opinions, not that I give a shit. But this is for Everyone
Like ReplyJerkfree, that's one of the billion pages with videos - but games are missing.
Like ReplyCan you only fight her or can you also do something with women, or something? I don't know until now.
Like ReplyKatjablond, the sex is kind of hidden, you have to meet women at the HQ and press shift+enter to get a secondary menu with "Date" in it, date the girls couple times, get some answers right (cheat sheet sold in one of the city), get Oro's dick wet.
Like ReplyThe art is incredible, but the game prettymuch sucks. First and foremost, it doesn't explain well enough what you're supposed to do. A quest log would help a lot. Furthermore, it seems like it's too much about fighting and not enough about decision making. I think too much fighting is just a drag on the plot. So, yeah. Make the game more about decision making and less about fighting, and make it more clear what you're supposed to do. Keep the art as-is.
Like ReplyGame crashs as soon you want to save.
Like ReplyMight be ok if centered. can't get to most replys or places
Like Replyfix the before you put it online
Like ReplyPiece of crap didn't get past intro and the game crashed!!!
Like Replythe game take the right side why most the rbg games is like that like it more than the desktop screen
Like ReplyAt least make it playable before releasing
Like ReplyHi . dude. you don't have a brain? !!! . you FUCK the game again
Like Replythe game dont fit on desktop screen
Like Replymaxlinon, Try this. Zoom out (ctrl+ Minus key) and do Window Fullscreen (F4)
Like Reply