This is an erotic hentai story by the writer Kazuki about a young samurai Kaeno Nabuga, whose father hates her because her mother died during childbirth. To regain the love and approval of her father, she sets off on a dangerous quest to deliver a letter to a ruler in a distant land, the country of Sodom. However, she doesn’t even realise how dangerous this place is and what awaits her ahead. What destiny awaits this busty bishōjo in this savage new land? As you progress through the story, you may even get to see several nakadashi and even yuri sex scenes. So, play on to discover what will happen to Kaeno and whether she will be able to return home and receive her father's forgiveness. Please check out the first chapter of the game Chronicles of Hell and Heaven
Black screen when sex scenes start from good to trash don't make anymore games greedy piece of shit hope something really bad happens to you scumbag!😒
Like ReplyIs this game abandoned? The last two updates add nothing to the game and now still waiting for content.
Like ReplyGood story thus far, getting to know Kaeno and the pair of Ladies of the Sword introduced in the first chapter was cool and the expanded worldbuilding is welcome. Kaeno is a good protagonist, she has a great spread of strengths and flaws that make her feel real and human rather than just an OP plot device. She's a combat monster, but it has come at the price of a sheltered life spent mostly training, and her naivete' is a good way to put her in credible danger. I really like Sadahk too
Like ReplyI really like Sadahk as well, she's a compelling character in her own right and she makes an excellent partner character for Kaeno who counterbalances her well. And I really like how the story is setting up for Sadahk, the savvy character who is experienced with the world, to get her instincts and inferences overridden by Kaeno only to get proven right in the end after the sheltered samurai has been too trusting and naive.
Like ReplyKittymeow, no video sex scenes trash game
Like ReplyNo I dont want to play again.
Like Replywhy is it sooo long
Like Replytoo much narrative, please add a skip feature
Like Replygive me more new games to play
Like ReplyThis games and the black screens worthless
Like Replyyou can avoid using MOZILLA FIREFOX. works perfect
Like ReplyYou're starting with a LOT of narrative, it's too much.
Like ReplyThanks for post my game. <3 I recommend using Mozilla Firefox to avoid blackscreen issues during animations. <3
Like ReplyKazuki-chan, didint help shit
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