You were raised by a Christian family who are the very definition of leading a saintly life. You are a relatively good human being but definitely not a saint. One day your mother discovers your unholy secrets and you are excommunicated. You experience mixed feelings. You are excited that you finally have your freedom but you are scared about what the outside life has in store for you. Your life is going downhill at a thrilling rate and you enjoy every second of it. It's time to break taboo and enjoy some of the wildest sex ever. You can fuck whomever you want and whenever you feel like it. Press ESC for inventory and indulge a little. You are welcome.
i love the game but the extended version scenes are uncalled for just let me see what i want to see but to the developer please put it on steam i would gladly pay 10$ for the game if you fully update it thank you
seriously whats all this extended version only bullshit huh fuckin earlier this year and the last i could access the gallery and now i cant do shit in this game what the fuck! i want some answers!
Just started the game for the first time, after the intro i got out of the house and find a white shape right in front of it. Clicked on it, showed me a scene where i fuck alexa while two girls pleasure themselves in a library ??? After the scene i can now ignore hitbox and my sprite change depending on my direction... right and down make me MC and Alexa spend after sex, left make me the two girls from the library and up make me invisible... I'm totally lost...
There are some scenes, that say it's exclusive extended content or something. Is that like coming soon in a update? or is there another version of this game? And if so where?
Between the horrendous edits to the art and the way said art looked originally, you've outdone yourself. The coding of course has too match said quality.
e impressao minha ou essa versao 0.17 nao tem praticamente nada que vejo nos walktroughts anteriores? nao tem feitiço nem habilidade nem nada, nao posso comprar nada se nao precisar, parece que tem pouca coisa
Hello, we are creating a very sexy and exciting game. Follow us to stay in the loop!!
TWITTER: Team Dezot +18
the game will be free and will be available here on Gamcore!!
The intro is bugged when you walk through the house door the game crashes with an error. And the save system is bugged. The game just says "This save is for a different game."
O game nesta versão de 2022 está duas vezes pior que sua versão antecessor , por mais que gráficos e história estejam bem desenvolvidas as animações estão mal feitas , o jogo trava repentinamente de forma aleatória , os personagens não aparecem direito demora pra carregar cutcene , as vezes trava numa tela preta , chasha na intro , se não passar a intro trava e dá erro , tem cenas que não carregam e trava , e isso tudo tira a jogabilidade e imersão da lore , precisam melhor e muito o game .
I was really excited to have this game back on the site but after a few interactions the game just continued to crash, it's really dissipointing because I really want to see this game do well
1. During the intro after knocking on the door:
TypeError: is undefined
2. After skipping the intro it is OK but when I went to step-mom on the sofa a black screen is presented (15:35 Wednesday 2012; only that is visible).
Me sale el problema uncaught type error: cannot read property 'Moc' of Undefined porque será eso?? Oigan ya salio la nueva versión 0.14 cuando salio???
Wont let me start the game. After the intro when i try to knock, it comes up with error. I used to be able to play this so im confused as to why its not working now.
you gotta have a good gaming pc to get through all the little bugs im not gonna lie the artwork on this game is really hot and sexy and the sex scenes are awesome but this game was released like 3 to 4 years ago and seen several updates but yet is still riddled with bugs you get so far ahead into the game just to have a specific scene go black and crash the game its a shame if i thought paying a donation would help fix these bugs id probably do it but i seriously doubt thats the case
This game has excellent potential, the story is interesting enough to ignore the bad grammar and spelling, although it can get quite tedious at times.
What I think is of utmost importance is correcting the game crashing bugs that occur, most of this going as far as deleting your savefile
So games updated but scenes with alexa and ashley and mom and gabby were not fixed so you wont be able to do them at all goes straight to black screen with no way of continuing so....consider this not updated???
Game still doesn't work on step sister scene and mom and television wine scene. Just freezes up with a blank screen don't waste your time. Playing on a tablet at least don't know if it works on a computer.
You go to the girl sitting on the bench outside the park twice this allows you to learn concentration 1. Then go to nun ask her about it she gives you a key to library. Go there clean up first cast concentration from skills tab. Will show areas to search for paper.
Blacks aint human, they've been in Africa with little to no inventions. Sure, they did make mud houses, spears, fire, the wheel (partially, as Egyptians were not as barbaric as their ancestors) but in the end it was the white man who invented everything we use today, only exception being the watergun and refrigerating technology along with minor improvements made by negroes to white-invented technology. Had they been left alone, they still would be spear chucking subhumans.
Nate Higgers, dude honestly we didnt even want to come to america if u wanna hate black people for existing i say blame the white man they took us cuz yall were too lazy one good perk about this is that we cant steal all the white girls :()
ApeLok, first go to your computer and pass time 7 hrs. then go in church get red orb on front bench, then cast a spell on her, then after you are back outside go to the right side of church by graveyard and go to star
Every time I continue in the story it ends up becoming a Black screen and reset the game but I still get the saves but it does it too many times it resets too much and I sometimes crash:(
I'm playing a desire of heart run and i can't fuck the nun and it only shows a black screen however the lust run is fine it normal but the desire of heart needs to be fixed
greed, If anyone need you can get 1 from the library's secret room. i think its avaible after you found the papyrus or after you got the lvl2 concentration not sure. After you got this you can freely change in the computer
Im 90% sure this bugfix did what the creator wanted. He wanted to prevent us from seeing the scenes, they were blacked out before on purpose to make us get the patrion version. Even teh still images that you could always see before are different like the mother titjob scene is blocked out by some bold text. DONT BOTHER WITH THIS GAME
I was really hoping they didn't fix the black screen problem I was really disappointed when they made the characters small I have to zoom in just to see the characters and the whole game.
Does anyone know how to access a sex scene with Anghie, (who you meet at the park and can see her during the day at the church) if there are any? I've accessed two of her dances where she does a bridge or twerking animation. At some point, the game tells you to have to be "Critical" if you want to see more from her dances.
Seeing how many of you are looking for the papyrus, you need the concentration skill to find it inside the library. To get that skill you'll need to talk to the lady on the park bench on the first day.
"Bugfix" aha , i see nothing fix, scenes go black , games still crash , it makes screen black and nothing happen after, please don't stay again some months to fix this , is a good game , but not with those bugs. Cheers , and keep up the work!
Game keeps glitching and won't progress no matter when you talk to the shop keeper about a job. Sex scenes are mostly black screens until you replay them. One time scenes you never get to see.
Also, FOR BLACKED OUT SCENES, ive found repetition works (or at least for myself). The first time most scenes play it does not work, but the second time the same scene plays it will. For some i have to do it one day and wait till the next to do it again, others not. But this is not permanent. each time i close the tab and open a new one, it resets, so i have to do the blacked out one again. but if i reload a save without closing, it still plays without issue. not sure if this will work for all
TO GET CONCENTRATION, you might need to start over. On the first day, after your sister scene if you go into the kitchen and talk to your mom (i dont think its necessary it just says what you should have done) she'll talk about a sad girl in the park. GO THERE on the first day and talk to the lady on the bench at the enterance, if you dont it seems like your soft locked cause you cannot progress without the skill. Talking to her gets you lv1 which is all you really need.
Game softlocks if you try to work the shop without magic. When you try, a menu selection appears with only on option, "Cast a Spell?" The game is in a cutscene, and you're surrounded on all sides anyways, but if you try to cast a spell, the game throws up "You need the skill 'Lust' or 'Desire of the Heart' to see this scene." When you leave, the game throws up the menu selection again.
I cant confess for some reason Ashley just sais "I only do confessionals on Sundays and Saturdays". I come in the afternoon on Sunday or Saturday and she just repeats the same sentance. Anyone knows? And where is the memory room?
if you get stuck in the loop after getting the holy water, try this. dont enter the house once you get the holy water. just keep taking the bus back and forth until you see the demon appear near your house again.
And i dont get to interact much with deborah. everytime i approach her its the same convo. my love for the teacher is max 7. i dunno how to unlock the last scene.
5) once you "break the rules", wander the city at like 3-5am to kill spirits. then learn absorb.
i need help with:
i dunno how to get in the bathroom with the mum without permission. i tried increasing my influence by not helping her and eavesdropping on the tcher.
i found the extra quest by using the phone above the clothes shop at night. once you used the phone twice and walk away. there will be a crash and the extra quest will pop up. but it's in gibberish. help.
1) if you skip the intro you will not start with 100 gold and you wont be able to buy the empty bottle
2) if it starts to get laggy, just save and restart the game.
3) reading the book does not give you the concentration skill. go find the girl at the park, sit next to her and talk to her. first time she will give you +2 conc, second time she will give you the skill.
4) once you get the concentration skill from #3, you will learn to get alexa's room keys.
Fat Matt, i'm sorry that Adolf didn't manage to exterminate your kind. You long-nosed gremlins have nothing but shekels in mind, save for a tiny bit of brain matter for leadership so you'd earn more shekels.
well I figured out that if you save it before a new scene comes up and play the scene all the way through than end game and start where you saved it you will be able to view the scene they need to fix that problem it really makes it a hassle to have to keep doing over and over remember to save the scene just before or you will not get the scene back until you play from who knows how far you saved it back
Mr.FixIt, the images will only load up if you watch it the second time
you need to go to the galary room to see it again
last time i play it password was 63956
hell I cant even get past the holy water part it will not let me even after I go and talk to the nun so I dont know what they fixed but its screwed up at this part
fuckin game is stuck can not go to sleep until I go to church went and got holy water and now it will not let me continue it is stuck in a loop keeps telling me to go to thew church will not let me continue stuck in loop will not let me continue stuck in loop will not let me cintinue
When i do the cat mission, they take me to their world and then takes me into the first place inside their house... and i can't move anymore at that point
Need to impliment health potions into the game that a consumable, if players get low hp before they can get souls for absorb, they cant really play the game in the battle portions
when you first started your story with your picture book, it made sence and it was easy to click from point to point.... The new and so called improved version (SUCKS) your story doesn't line up and you have to click more then once to get the object to move.sticks with comics. PS it could be better
this game sucks every time it goes to black screen wont let you see what is happening but they want to to keep play if I wanted to play a word game I would not play this lol
A lot of the graphics seem to have been updated, however every night in the park the game starts to run at a snail pace, and it seems the lighting at home adjusted as well, which has now caused the problem at home
most of time during the sex scenes its black screen the game crashes when u and mom are in the shower and when you talk to the girl in the park after your second confession you'll also get stuck if your talking to her facing north. If you get maria a job before you go back to her the second day to get the skill concentration you wont be able to get the skill after that. And it lag like hell
nobody69, you get concentration with cat mission then you con go to the church library to obtain concentration you also get control with the cat mission
Seems to work best on Firefox. Still a little slow but all the pictures show up. If you're on Chrome or mobile many of the pictures will be blacked out but should still work
56, replay the animation again in the in the memory room
the code is 63956 for some reason the animation are not fully loaded and you have to replay it to see it also becarefull of the little girl handjob sex also if you encounter any bug in that room you can just press x to open the menu and exit it again to fix it (only work in that room)
rando dude, I thought that too but here's the thing, I normally don't use Chrome so I would see the animations but the game would lag at night, due to a recommendation I tried it on Chrome and now I can play the game but I can't see the animations the first time... To me it seems it has more to with the browser then the animations themselves.
rando dude, I found a loop hole of shorts, you see if access the memory room as soon you can and watch all the scenes there, by the time you get to them in the actual game you will get to watch them then. Wanted to pass that tit bit along, especially since I couldn't of found that out without the code you provided... Thanks!
game glitches on the park girl after her "cramp" quest, you left with a black screen and block in the center, has anyone figured out the mystery quest with the phone
eh, i read the quest mutiple time and i even download the game online
i found out that you have to get on the bus at the time that was said in the quest to get the phone
she is not glitched or bug IT THE MISSION THAT BUGGED you have to talk to your mother and then do the mission step by step then in the evening like the mission request go to the girl in the play ground and talk
yo, first try saving just to be sure then talk to her with different position like infront of her, next to her or behind her it the position that fuck up the quest after the first time talking to her i also had a problem of freezing the second time so i load it again and change position and it work BUT if it still don't workt download the game online
BUT be warned the game is super laggy
rando dude. I'm trying to buy the bottle and i press the x button. the options it gives me don't let me work. it does not show the concentration option. not sure what to do
dxgdghdghf,to get money from outside of the shop you need the concentration skill and to get the skill you first need to go to the church talk with the sister then go back to your home take the item from your bedroom give it to her and after you complete it the time will be set in the evening and then the mc will say that he can go visit some one in the park which is the girl on the bench go to the star thing next to her and a e
Tashi, you have to talk to mc mom to get a quest so you can do her quest next also there some time the girl will glitch and you can't move so remember to save incase that happen but IF you manage to do her quest to the one where she help with your dick problem and if you done with it you will encounter a glitch where you can only see one block and you can't even move
every time i confess and go to the girl in the park to continue with the park scene my screen goes black. can still save and use skills but cannot move or see. also the first time i watch the scenes the screen is black and i have to go back through to watch
when i get to the turtle part of the dance missions it puts me in a place where i cant do anything. anyone elese have this happen or get out of this glitch?
rtq, after doing the church you have to go to marie 2 time the first time will help you gain concentration by 2 and the second time will help you gained the concentration skill and mc sister KEY
ryu, you first have to do meet maria and gain concentration after that go to sleep and the next day you have to go to the church go back to maria and use your "imagination" option which will appear then you will go home and after the conversation with mc sister and mother you will go out and will gain skill concentration to find the key which is next to the hanged clothes if you use the skill
i remember i tried playing this game like a year ago and it never crashed, now, why when i open the door at the very start of the game i get an error which causes the game to crash.
g4g4, Thank you, for some reason it does run better the night time playing are better on chrome... However, at least for me there was another problem, the sex scenes were covered up by a black screen and the only scenes you could see were the repetitive ones like the sister stretching in the morning,but only after the first time,the first time will be black as well.
SomeGuy, Honestly i think its because english isnt their first language and these games arent super huge projects so they dont have a translator, i noticed a majority of these developers are Russian, I feel like this one is from south america but i could be wrong.
mine60, play this on I switched to Microsoft Edge and everything what fixed. I also recommend to save whenever your game slows down a bit and refresh the page. You'll be able to continue where you left off and the lag will be temporarily stopped.
cant move in the game after the latest update
Like Replyits stuck always
Like Replygame still has issues with the images being cut off or poorly sized during dialog
Like ReplyMake game extended version. Scenes are missing.
Like ReplyNew version is out update it
Like ReplyIs there any way to export saves
Like Replyi love the game but the extended version scenes are uncalled for just let me see what i want to see but to the developer please put it on steam i would gladly pay 10$ for the game if you fully update it thank you
Like Replyupload the extended version, dumbass
Like ReplySays Extended Version or something? where to get full game if not please update it
Like Replyseriously whats all this extended version only bullshit huh fuckin earlier this year and the last i could access the gallery and now i cant do shit in this game what the fuck! i want some answers!
Like Replygame glitch when entering megan's house for dinner to meet mother. TypeError: This._bitmap is null
Like ReplyEbri, also im wondering what the fuck happened to the gallery and extended scenes stuff where it got made to extended version bs
Like ReplyYes amazing game
Like ReplyI got the master cheat tool once, and I haven't been able to get it again< can someone tell me how?
Like ReplyDose anyone know the control for mobile fighting
Like ReplyCk24699, use a joystick
Like ReplyCrazy thing
Like ReplyJust started the game for the first time, after the intro i got out of the house and find a white shape right in front of it. Clicked on it, showed me a scene where i fuck alexa while two girls pleasure themselves in a library ??? After the scene i can now ignore hitbox and my sprite change depending on my direction... right and down make me MC and Alexa spend after sex, left make me the two girls from the library and up make me invisible... I'm totally lost...
Like ReplyThis game is very intaresting and fan i liked to jerk off on this game
Like ReplyThere are some scenes, that say it's exclusive extended content or something. Is that like coming soon in a update? or is there another version of this game? And if so where?
Like ReplyGhost, Fr bruh I can’t see the damn gallery
Like ReplyCan't save total trash!✌️½✨
Like Replygot mom sis quests completed but cant get there names turn green in confession booth what am i missing
Like Replydave, having same trouble if you figure it out please let me know ty
Like Replyhow get mom and step sis to turn green in the confession booth
Like Replyhow you do nun quests hit bible saids help lift skirt did both did commention booth where she jerks guy off any more scenes help please
Like Replyand needs way more sexy girl
Like Replysince they named a character mc i made it mcdonald
Like Replysam, i had to do him that dirty
Like ReplyBetween the horrendous edits to the art and the way said art looked originally, you've outdone yourself. The coding of course has too match said quality.
Like ReplySays this updated feb 6th. doesn't seem to be anything at all new. still just the same thing.
Like Replykilroy, unless you count that mean bitch trying to eat you for dinner now thats what i came across today
Like ReplyMegan questline has a bug when your using Chrome as your browser
Like Replye impressao minha ou essa versao 0.17 nao tem praticamente nada que vejo nos walktroughts anteriores? nao tem feitiço nem habilidade nem nada, nao posso comprar nada se nao precisar, parece que tem pouca coisa
Like Replyfuck no i am not starting a new fucking game
Like ReplyWhat tf else is there to do cause it seems like I'm done with the game
Like Replyhow do you buy the dress for sis?
Like Replyfuck me pls
Like Replyhow do i fullscreen
Like Replyhow can you change name
Like ReplyPAPI, bro just double tap if your on mobile and backspace on computer
Like Replywhy this game is so broken, and who the fuck uploads a broken game like this? check your shit bro...
Like Reply"Talk to the girl by the sandbox in day" but not there
Like Replyi love this game!
Like Replyreally nice game, but step-mom have a texture bug when you talk with she
Like ReplyThe game freezes whenever I go to the 2nd floor of isabelle's house to speak with Megan.
Like ReplyIt turns out you can get around that bug by going to Megan's room on a Weekday.
Like Replyi can't find ashley or the cat and i have checked the church and the bus station
Like ReplyWhat the hell happened to the mother? She looks like a Picasso painting.
Like ReplyVincentDelarino, lol
Like ReplyHello, we are creating a very sexy and exciting game. Follow us to stay in the loop!! TWITTER: Team Dezot +18 the game will be free and will be available here on Gamcore!!
Like ReplyThe intro is bugged when you walk through the house door the game crashes with an error. And the save system is bugged. The game just says "This save is for a different game."
Like ReplyO game nesta versão de 2022 está duas vezes pior que sua versão antecessor , por mais que gráficos e história estejam bem desenvolvidas as animações estão mal feitas , o jogo trava repentinamente de forma aleatória , os personagens não aparecem direito demora pra carregar cutcene , as vezes trava numa tela preta , chasha na intro , se não passar a intro trava e dá erro , tem cenas que não carregam e trava , e isso tudo tira a jogabilidade e imersão da lore , precisam melhor e muito o game .
Like ReplyI can´t save the game. I restart the game every time
Like ReplyI was really excited to have this game back on the site but after a few interactions the game just continued to crash, it's really dissipointing because I really want to see this game do well
Like ReplyLooks interesting but when you make the names changeable maybe make it so you can use the keyboard to change the name....
Like ReplyKCIceman, I hate when they use this set up. If I'm not misremembering, you gotta use insert to delete though.
Like Reply1. During the intro after knocking on the door: Error TypeError: is undefined 2. After skipping the intro it is OK but when I went to step-mom on the sofa a black screen is presented (15:35 Wednesday 2012; only that is visible).
Like Replylet me start the game Best video
Like Replyyou lose your save game 1 star
Like Replyits improved over the earlier version but still has some bugs
Like ReplyHalf the content gets black screened
Like ReplyEl juego lanza pantallas negras y se queda congelado, los personajes están excelentes, pero tiene muchos errores, tampoco se puede guardar
Like ReplyI can’t save game halp
Like ReplyAs soon as I get to the house for the very first time after the Intro, there is an error. Error TypeError: is undefined
Like ReplyCan't load saves just another low skill trash game!✌️
Like Replynew update but still crashes
Like ReplyMe sale el problema uncaught type error: cannot read property 'Moc' of Undefined porque será eso?? Oigan ya salio la nueva versión 0.14 cuando salio???
Like Replyi cant even do the intro with out it crashing
Like ReplyWont let me start the game. After the intro when i try to knock, it comes up with error. I used to be able to play this so im confused as to why its not working now.
Like ReplyNick, me too
Like Replyso... I can't find the skill "Concentration" in my Skill page, why??? without this i can't find the papyrus :/
Like Replyhow do I get the papyrus?
Like ReplyNo sex scenes what garbage and graphics are terrible!✌☹
Like ReplyThe game needs to be fixed, almost all the sex scenes lead to the game freezing
Like ReplyReally weird, anytime I encounter the possibility of sex with step mom or step sis the game crashes?
Like Replyyou gotta have a good gaming pc to get through all the little bugs im not gonna lie the artwork on this game is really hot and sexy and the sex scenes are awesome but this game was released like 3 to 4 years ago and seen several updates but yet is still riddled with bugs you get so far ahead into the game just to have a specific scene go black and crash the game its a shame if i thought paying a donation would help fix these bugs id probably do it but i seriously doubt thats the case
Like ReplyThis game has excellent potential, the story is interesting enough to ignore the bad grammar and spelling, although it can get quite tedious at times. What I think is of utmost importance is correcting the game crashing bugs that occur, most of this going as far as deleting your savefile
Like Replyblack screen bug when you switch the alarm off.
Like ReplyI don't get it. What am I supposed to do? Isn't the quest journal supposed to say? But it says nothing...
Like ReplyI am still waiting for working game... half of scenes are not working. Just black screen. Only at this game...
Like Replywheres papyrus??? can someone tell me im confused
Like Replyguys where is the papyrus
Like ReplyI crash when my sister fucks me
Like Replyalways freeze when you turn of you alarm the second time when the step sister grabes his dick
Like Replyeven with all these updated versions this game still buggy as shit
Like Replyguys i have good wifi and stuff but when the step sister tries to suck my dick my screen went black
Like ReplySo games updated but scenes with alexa and ashley and mom and gabby were not fixed so you wont be able to do them at all goes straight to black screen with no way of continuing so....consider this not updated???
Like Replywere are the papryus
Like Replyi cant get the papyrus and im sad now :( , i dont see any "concentration" skill and im stuck rip
Like Replyfreezes at the shopkeeper scene AND the step-mom movie scene..
Like Replyyou go to the park in the afternoon
Like Replyhow do you meet maria
Like Replyhey dude. FIX THESE FUCKING MISTAKES !!!!
Like ReplyWhere the hell is the papyrus??
Like Replyhow do you fix the black screen
Like Replyhow to save
Like ReplyI cant save game, help plz
Like Replyfun game. too many black screens that stop you from playing tho so its really unplayable in its current state
Like Replyhow do you learn the searching ability? to gain papyrus
Like Replyplease fix switch alarm off bug, keeps freezing after she says "have sweet dreems derp".
Like ReplySad that the Ashely Fuck and Store girl scenes still dont work but glad to see an update.
Like ReplyGame still doesn't work on step sister scene and mom and television wine scene. Just freezes up with a blank screen don't waste your time. Playing on a tablet at least don't know if it works on a computer.
Like ReplyHow do you delete the default names?
Like ReplyQhat was updated ? I cant seem to find anything
Like ReplyHow do you get the pyrus i cant get it no matter what
Like ReplyYou go to the girl sitting on the bench outside the park twice this allows you to learn concentration 1. Then go to nun ask her about it she gives you a key to library. Go there clean up first cast concentration from skills tab. Will show areas to search for paper.
Like ReplyWell, they finally fixed some nasty errors but it's still really cheaply made
Like Replyanybody else save game but it dosent save?
Like ReplyUpdate this please been waiting to splash my wall a few times
Like Replyhow do you get the papyrus after you clean the library?
Like Replyi cleand the room but cant find the papyrus hellllppppp
Like ReplyI cant find the papyrus, I looked everywhere in the churches library but I cant find it. help?
Like Replyevery time I switch off the alarm . the game stop . how can i play the game on android or download it without any bugs ?
Like ReplyScreen goes black when continuing spell in shop
Like Replyi cant get the menu
Like Replyman fix this wack ass game faggot
Like ReplyI cant save
Like ReplyI cant find the papyrus, someone help me
Like ReplyAlexas scenes need to be fixed cant make progress this way
Like Replywhere can i get the papyrus book cuz i dont know if there is a problem or not
Like ReplyPlease update! The poilishing must continue
Like ReplyBlacks aint human, they've been in Africa with little to no inventions. Sure, they did make mud houses, spears, fire, the wheel (partially, as Egyptians were not as barbaric as their ancestors) but in the end it was the white man who invented everything we use today, only exception being the watergun and refrigerating technology along with minor improvements made by negroes to white-invented technology. Had they been left alone, they still would be spear chucking subhumans.
Like ReplyNate Higgers, dude honestly we didnt even want to come to america if u wanna hate black people for existing i say blame the white man they took us cuz yall were too lazy one good perk about this is that we cant steal all the white girls :()
Like ReplyHow do i get concentration??
Like ReplyHow do u save on mobile ?
Like ReplyLet me play, tap with 2 fimgers at once itll open up the menu for you to be able to save
Like ReplyWhat up with the jail bait looking main character sick pedos
Like Replyhow to find the papyrus in thelibrary? can't get it!
Like ReplyWhere can i find the skill i need to find the papyrus?
Like ReplyHow do I get the papyrus?
Like ReplyHow do you get the girls horny scenes are repeating and there is no progress
Like Replyit takes so long for everything to apper
Like ReplyHow do you get the papyrus
Like ReplyWere is papyrus?
Like Replymy caracters are so small. can i make them bigger??
Like ReplyThis game sucks giant tits and giant ass shit some 14 year old would like.
Like ReplyDoesnt let me save
Like Replyi have not played yet but i saw on porn hub and it looked fun so ya
Like Replyhow I can find papyrus in the library
Like ReplyJim, the papyrus is in the library at the church you need to talk to the nun and have concentration in order to locate it
Like ReplyFinder, then how do you get concentration?
Like Replyhow do u get out of the shop after u buy the bottle i am so stuck
Like ReplyHow do I find the papyrus?
Like ReplyHow can i get to mescary's shop?!!!!
Like Replyhow do you get the desire of the heart
Like ReplyHow can i get inside the church at night?
Like ReplyApeLok, first go to your computer and pass time 7 hrs. then go in church get red orb on front bench, then cast a spell on her, then after you are back outside go to the right side of church by graveyard and go to star
Like ReplyThe screen turns black when I try to get my skill powers from the witch
Like ReplyThe game turns black screen whenever I’m in the six screens
Like ReplyEvery time I continue in the story it ends up becoming a Black screen and reset the game but I still get the saves but it does it too many times it resets too much and I sometimes crash:(
Like Replycan never complete the library area, any help?
Like Replyhow do u get holy water?
Like Replygoddammit every time i find a new scene in this fucking game i find a new bug
Like ReplyIf not. How do I save
Like ReplyHow can How can I download
Like Replywarning, save often; many scenes crash the game or freeze it and i lost like four hours cuz my dumb ass never saved once
Like ReplyI'm playing a desire of heart run and i can't fuck the nun and it only shows a black screen however the lust run is fine it normal but the desire of heart needs to be fixed
Like ReplyHow can i use the spycam?
Like ReplyIs there a guide to this game? I don't know what to do
Like Replyhow do you get the papyrus when i got to the library i cleaned it but thats just it nothing els poped up to get it
Like ReplyCan anyone tell me y when u try go next lvl the soul posses u u talk to ashley but the screen went black.
Like ReplyWhere is papyrus
Like Replyi love this game
Like ReplyHow can i get "lust" or the other spell?
Like Replygreed, If anyone need you can get 1 from the library's secret room. i think its avaible after you found the papyrus or after you got the lvl2 concentration not sure. After you got this you can freely change in the computer
Like ReplyLust scene with the shop owner breaks the game
Like Replyhow do i find the papryus for the demon cat?
Like ReplyCoool game
Like ReplyWhere do i find the papyrus in the library? i ve looked everywhere
Like Replythe screens no longer show black! fucking finally
Like ReplyDoes anyone else have trouble finding the papyrus in the library?
Like ReplyWhere do you get the desire of the heart skill at?
Like ReplyIm in the library and im not having concetration skill.... how do i get it??
Like ReplyGame alot better but freezes on black screen when store clerk boss takes off shirt
Like Replyhow to have skill lust ???
Like Replyhow do you get focus skill, i mean cocentration
Like Replywhere is the papyrus, i can't find them the church library
Like Replycrazyboy31, you need to use concentration while in the libraty to find it
Like Replythis thing got more bugs than a roach hotel in jersy
Like ReplyI LOVE it so sexy
Like ReplyIm 90% sure this bugfix did what the creator wanted. He wanted to prevent us from seeing the scenes, they were blacked out before on purpose to make us get the patrion version. Even teh still images that you could always see before are different like the mother titjob scene is blocked out by some bold text. DONT BOTHER WITH THIS GAME
Like ReplyTricks, seems i was dead wrong, and glad to be so
Like Replybruh i cant even get into the alter
Like ReplyI cant save my progress eventhough I have an account logged in i press save but when i came back it on say newgame pls fix this.
Like ReplyWere can I meat Maria
Like ReplyOooooh Yes! it so good to jerk to back screen every time when there is a nood scane. It so good. Now seriosly, can someone help?
Like ReplyHow do I obtain the desire of the heart ?
Like ReplyHow do u get concentration skill lvl 2?
Like ReplyI was really hoping they didn't fix the black screen problem I was really disappointed when they made the characters small I have to zoom in just to see the characters and the whole game.
Like ReplyI bet the FCC is behind this black screen problem.
Like Replyi believe this game can still do good but i believe it still needs more attention for the future updates
Like Replyi like this type of games but the image for the sex seen are all black and i wood like to know when will there be an update for this game
Like ReplyI just can't get on and hang in the bibiotek where can I find the papyrus?
Like ReplyScreen always black on scenes please fix want to try
Like Replyhow i get desire of heart
Like Replyen la biblioteca en el cuarto secreto pero se bugea y no deja pasar alv traduscan not speakin inghlish
Like Replyis this Never Saint 0.9 bugfix 2?
Like ReplyDoes anyone know how to access a sex scene with Anghie, (who you meet at the park and can see her during the day at the church) if there are any? I've accessed two of her dances where she does a bridge or twerking animation. At some point, the game tells you to have to be "Critical" if you want to see more from her dances.
Like Replywhy cant i confess about spying on the sister?
Like Replystill black screen
Like ReplyWhere is the last on park bench
Like ReplyHow do you get desire of the heart
Like ReplySeeing how many of you are looking for the papyrus, you need the concentration skill to find it inside the library. To get that skill you'll need to talk to the lady on the park bench on the first day.
Like Replyyou cant see any image now.. they still appear on black screen for the first time, looks like everytime this game its uploaded gets more broken xD
Like ReplyAnon, HAha thought I'm the only one
Like ReplyScreed, Don’t complain if you have a week ass phone
Like Replyguys i don't can to search papyrus
Like ReplyWhere is papyrus in the library
Like Reply"Bugfix" aha , i see nothing fix, scenes go black , games still crash , it makes screen black and nothing happen after, please don't stay again some months to fix this , is a good game , but not with those bugs. Cheers , and keep up the work!
Like ReplyCan't find it in the library
Like ReplyWhere is papyrus
Like ReplyStill black screens
Like Replytheres black screen during sex please fix this
Like ReplyHmm, this "bugfix" seems to have messed more up than helped from what im seeing... damn
Like Replytoo buggy. the videos never load. not worth your time
Like ReplyNow every scene is black regardless of repetition. This is wacked... needs to be fixed. Unplayable... Really had hope for this game..
Like Replywhere do you get the imagination option?
Like ReplyGame keeps glitching and won't progress no matter when you talk to the shop keeper about a job. Sex scenes are mostly black screens until you replay them. One time scenes you never get to see.
Like Replyhow do u save the game
Like ReplyAlso, FOR BLACKED OUT SCENES, ive found repetition works (or at least for myself). The first time most scenes play it does not work, but the second time the same scene plays it will. For some i have to do it one day and wait till the next to do it again, others not. But this is not permanent. each time i close the tab and open a new one, it resets, so i have to do the blacked out one again. but if i reload a save without closing, it still plays without issue. not sure if this will work for all
Like ReplyTO GET CONCENTRATION, you might need to start over. On the first day, after your sister scene if you go into the kitchen and talk to your mom (i dont think its necessary it just says what you should have done) she'll talk about a sad girl in the park. GO THERE on the first day and talk to the lady on the bench at the enterance, if you dont it seems like your soft locked cause you cannot progress without the skill. Talking to her gets you lv1 which is all you really need.
Like ReplyGame softlocks if you try to work the shop without magic. When you try, a menu selection appears with only on option, "Cast a Spell?" The game is in a cutscene, and you're surrounded on all sides anyways, but if you try to cast a spell, the game throws up "You need the skill 'Lust' or 'Desire of the Heart' to see this scene." When you leave, the game throws up the menu selection again.
Like Replyi cant find holy water
Like Replywhere is Altar's shop?
Like ReplyHow do you learn the skills
Like Replyi cant even save and all the good scenes are blocked out. dissapointing
Like Replyold saves dont work with this version?
Like ReplyHas alot of potential but also has alot of bugs
Like ReplyIt has alot of potential but does have alot of bugs
Like ReplyWhere do I find Dobrah?
Like ReplyI cant confess for some reason Ashley just sais "I only do confessionals on Sundays and Saturdays". I come in the afternoon on Sunday or Saturday and she just repeats the same sentance. Anyone knows? And where is the memory room?
Like ReplyLll, you have to right and go where the status is in the church. The booth is next to npc that's reading a book.
Like Replyhow do i pick up the papayrus
Like Replyduderomao, activate concentration skill in library
Like ReplyJohnathan23, icant activate concentration it just says magic and saint chains
Like Replyafter you click on lust for the blue witch, the screen goes black after the blowjob
Like Reply0.08 is much more smoother but some scenes still have black screens
Like ReplyWhy am I getting a black screen can you please fix it
Like Replythe screen keeps going black please fix this
Like Replywe make money
Like ReplyThere is a new update for this game v.8 is out.
Like ReplyHow do I find the park
Like ReplyYeah, I'm getting no Concentration option.
Like ReplyYeep, me too. Can anyone tell us how to get concertration skill?
Like ReplyHow can i confess?
Like Replyif you get stuck in the loop after getting the holy water, try this. dont enter the house once you get the holy water. just keep taking the bus back and forth until you see the demon appear near your house again.
Like ReplyAnd i dont get to interact much with deborah. everytime i approach her its the same convo. my love for the teacher is max 7. i dunno how to unlock the last scene.
Like Reply5) once you "break the rules", wander the city at like 3-5am to kill spirits. then learn absorb. i need help with: i dunno how to get in the bathroom with the mum without permission. i tried increasing my influence by not helping her and eavesdropping on the tcher. i found the extra quest by using the phone above the clothes shop at night. once you used the phone twice and walk away. there will be a crash and the extra quest will pop up. but it's in gibberish. help.
Like Reply1) if you skip the intro you will not start with 100 gold and you wont be able to buy the empty bottle 2) if it starts to get laggy, just save and restart the game. 3) reading the book does not give you the concentration skill. go find the girl at the park, sit next to her and talk to her. first time she will give you +2 conc, second time she will give you the skill. 4) once you get the concentration skill from #3, you will learn to get alexa's room keys.
Like ReplyI still get black screen in the cutscenes
Like Reply怎么才能买到空瓶子。 como puedo compra la botella vacio?
Like Replyi dont get how to get the concentration skill it says when im next to maria on the bench use concentration? i do it but dont get the skill???? help
Like ReplyThis game is too sexy!
Like ReplySoo how do u get the keys to Alexa's room , and how do u use the shady cam ?
Like ReplyFat Matt, i'm sorry that Adolf didn't manage to exterminate your kind. You long-nosed gremlins have nothing but shekels in mind, save for a tiny bit of brain matter for leadership so you'd earn more shekels.
Like Replyyo how to have sex with the mom?
Like Replyand the way you need to fight these monsters it sucks why did they do it this way when it is so much easier to fight the old way
Like Replywell I figured out that if you save it before a new scene comes up and play the scene all the way through than end game and start where you saved it you will be able to view the scene they need to fix that problem it really makes it a hassle to have to keep doing over and over remember to save the scene just before or you will not get the scene back until you play from who knows how far you saved it back
Like ReplyCan't load my old game. "Cannot read property 'targets' of undefined."
Like Replyhow you get money in this game
Like ReplyActually a good game has a lot of potential too bad it has so many bugs
Like is still broken
Like Replycant save now
Like Reply1. didn't we start off with money? cause 2. I can't find a way to get it when I need to buy a bottle
Like ReplyShould focus on fixing the scenes next update
Like Replyits even worse... u cant even get the focus skill... also it works slow than before, real fix it asshole.
Like ReplyDoes somone know how i should speak to maria. She always says . .. and nothing more
Like ReplyYou're a liar, dev. The bugs are worse than before.
Like Replyno it hasnt been fixed, still wont load up images during any scenes
Like ReplyMr.FixIt, the images will only load up if you watch it the second time you need to go to the galary room to see it again last time i play it password was 63956
Like Replythe game is really laggy please fix other than that great game.
Like Replyhell I cant even get past the holy water part it will not let me even after I go and talk to the nun so I dont know what they fixed but its screwed up at this part
Like ReplyIs it just me or why ca'nt i work at the shop. To earn some mony
Like Replyfuckin game is stuck can not go to sleep until I go to church went and got holy water and now it will not let me continue it is stuck in a loop keeps telling me to go to thew church will not let me continue stuck in loop will not let me continue stuck in loop will not let me cintinue
Like ReplyAries01, wait did you really have holy water in your inventory ?
Like ReplyYou can't use saved versions
Like ReplyWhen i do the cat mission, they take me to their world and then takes me into the first place inside their house... and i can't move anymore at that point
Like ReplyNeed to impliment health potions into the game that a consumable, if players get low hp before they can get souls for absorb, they cant really play the game in the battle portions
Like Replywhen you first started your story with your picture book, it made sence and it was easy to click from point to point.... The new and so called improved version (SUCKS) your story doesn't line up and you have to click more then once to get the object to move.sticks with comics. PS it could be better
Like ReplyHow do I get my Health back up after fighting the monsters because im like at 3 health
Like ReplyWither, I got absorb and got it back and you give the soul to the lady
Like ReplyGame not working properly. black screens all the time
Like ReplyThis game is too laggy..even when I changed setting to "always dash"..he still lags and takes an eternity to move around...plz fix it
Like ReplyCan not get the game to start without getting a bug icon right away
Like Replythis game sucks every time it goes to black screen wont let you see what is happening but they want to to keep play if I wanted to play a word game I would not play this lol
Like Replyalso influence how to increase that
Like Replyanyone know the steps in the mother quest cause it keeps getting bug
Like ReplyAfter Anghie gives you a hand job do anyone else get this weird small square in the center of the screen surrounded by blackness?
Like ReplyA lot of the graphics seem to have been updated, however every night in the park the game starts to run at a snail pace, and it seems the lighting at home adjusted as well, which has now caused the problem at home
Like Replyand get my health back up
Like ReplyHow do you fight
Like Replywhat the hell it goes to black screen in the story but keeps playing you dont see who or what you are talking to what the fuck
Like Replywhat the hell this new update is so laggy
Like Replythis up date is incretibly laggy
Like Replywhy cant i save or load recent saves started a game now i cant load it
Like Replyit wont load my priveous saves
Like Replyits a slow gaaameee
Like Replymost of time during the sex scenes its black screen the game crashes when u and mom are in the shower and when you talk to the girl in the park after your second confession you'll also get stuck if your talking to her facing north. If you get maria a job before you go back to her the second day to get the skill concentration you wont be able to get the skill after that. And it lag like hell
Like ReplyHave sex with a kid in a playground? Seriously?
Like Replyhow do i get lust or heart of diseare
Like Replygame freezes after handjob from mom
Like ReplyHow can we get influence except with school thanks
Like Replyhow do you get concentration
Like Replynobody69, you get concentration with cat mission then you con go to the church library to obtain concentration you also get control with the cat mission
Like Replyyo, in the library i should use concentration to find papyrus, but how can i use that? :(
Like Replythis game crashes on microsoft edge, can even get through the intro
Like Replywhy does the game freeze when the mom gives you a handjob in the shower?
Like ReplyGman, how do you get influence to do this please ?
Like ReplySeems to work best on Firefox. Still a little slow but all the pictures show up. If you're on Chrome or mobile many of the pictures will be blacked out but should still work
Like ReplyWhere i can find holy water for the bottle?
Like Reply1, to the church just go to the water once you buy an empty bottle to the shop
Like Replyyo, how do i get money
Like Replyhow can we use our skill I got only "magic" but I have 10 in concentration
Like Replymistake resolve but how can I save the story?
Like ReplyHi I'm at the beginning of the game and I can't get out of the house inner voice tell me to go talk to marjorie but she don't talk how can I do
Like Replyevery scene with girl goes black and cant see anything
Like Replyevery time there is a scene with a girl screen is black and cant see anything wtf
Like Reply56, replay the animation again in the in the memory room the code is 63956 for some reason the animation are not fully loaded and you have to replay it to see it also becarefull of the little girl handjob sex also if you encounter any bug in that room you can just press x to open the menu and exit it again to fix it (only work in that room)
Like Replyrando dude, I thought that too but here's the thing, I normally don't use Chrome so I would see the animations but the game would lag at night, due to a recommendation I tried it on Chrome and now I can play the game but I can't see the animations the first time... To me it seems it has more to with the browser then the animations themselves.
Like Replyrando dude, I found a loop hole of shorts, you see if access the memory room as soon you can and watch all the scenes there, by the time you get to them in the actual game you will get to watch them then. Wanted to pass that tit bit along, especially since I couldn't of found that out without the code you provided... Thanks!
Like Replygame glitches on the park girl after her "cramp" quest, you left with a black screen and block in the center, has anyone figured out the mystery quest with the phone
Like Replyeh, i read the quest mutiple time and i even download the game online i found out that you have to get on the bus at the time that was said in the quest to get the phone
Like ReplyI FINNALLY FOUND OUT ABOUT THE GIRL IN THE PARK PLAY GROUND she is not glitched or bug IT THE MISSION THAT BUGGED you have to talk to your mother and then do the mission step by step then in the evening like the mission request go to the girl in the play ground and talk THEN AFTER THAT MISSION COMPLETE AND SHE LEAVE AND YOU ARE FREE TO MOVE THE GIRL WAS NOT BUGGED WE JUST DIDN"T TALK TO THE MOTHER
Like Replyrando dude, don't work for me :/
Like Replyyo, first try saving just to be sure then talk to her with different position like infront of her, next to her or behind her it the position that fuck up the quest after the first time talking to her i also had a problem of freezing the second time so i load it again and change position and it work BUT if it still don't workt download the game online BUT be warned the game is super laggy
Like Replyrando dude. I'm trying to buy the bottle and i press the x button. the options it gives me don't let me work. it does not show the concentration option. not sure what to do
Like Replydxgdghdghf,to get money from outside of the shop you need the concentration skill and to get the skill you first need to go to the church talk with the sister then go back to your home take the item from your bedroom give it to her and after you complete it the time will be set in the evening and then the mc will say that he can go visit some one in the park which is the girl on the bench go to the star thing next to her and a e
Like Replyhow do u summon the banshee?
Like Replyjr, check your quest it will show you how to do it
Like Replyjr, go to the toilets in the park
Like Replyhow do you get money in this game
Like Replyballss, do other mission first and after that go to the shop where you buy the bottle there will be a new option to work
Like Replyfor all you that annoyed by some of the black screen sex animation will show up after watching it again the second time
Like Replyhow to remove a black screen??
Like ReplyBrono, you don't you have to replay the scene some more to work i think the black screen just mean it not done loading
Like ReplyYou kidding me THERE'S ALWAYS BLACK SCREENS ON SEX SCENES!!! Fix it!!!
Like ReplySkyHard, try to replay the scene multiple time it will fix it self
Like ReplyWould be better if there wasnt a black screen during sex scenes.
Like ReplyGame stucks after talking to the girl in the park
Like ReplyTashi, you have to talk to mc mom to get a quest so you can do her quest next also there some time the girl will glitch and you can't move so remember to save incase that happen but IF you manage to do her quest to the one where she help with your dick problem and if you done with it you will encounter a glitch where you can only see one block and you can't even move
Like ReplySo you get hit with black screen during the good stuff
Like Replynot bad game but black screen i all sex scenes
Like ReplyHow to change names in beginning?
Like ReplyAlpha_Futa, go to the computer in your room
Like Replytoo slow too many bugs
Like Replyraven, i remember when it was slow and always crash. but now its updated and more fun now. also not laggy anymore
Like Replythe girl in the park is glitchy and game crashes.
Like Replyfull of little bugs for now
Like Replythe code workt but the most sceanse are black for me
Like Replypotylmf234, if you re do the scene it shows u
Like Replyevery time i confess and go to the girl in the park to continue with the park scene my screen goes black. can still save and use skills but cannot move or see. also the first time i watch the scenes the screen is black and i have to go back through to watch
Like Reply63956 Gotcha brothers. Tends to be a little glitchy, but it works after a few tries. Input it into your bedroom computer.
Like ReplyTuha, how do we enter it?
Like Replyhow increase controle
Like Replyrtq, after doing the cat missions its in your wardrobe
Like Replywhen i get to the turtle part of the dance missions it puts me in a place where i cant do anything. anyone elese have this happen or get out of this glitch?
Like Replyperson, how can i get the papyrus i hafe concentration 10 and i sit whit maria on the banch must i do somting
Like Replyperson, yes me to, only see a square in the middle and all black...
Like Replyrtq, after doing the church you have to go to marie 2 time the first time will help you gain concentration by 2 and the second time will help you gained the concentration skill and mc sister KEY
Like Replyso is the concentration skill just not in the game? or am i simply missing something to be able to use it?
Like Replysome dude, go see maria
Like Replytrx, maria doesn't give you the concentration skill the only help you gained it stat by 2 after that the library is the only thing that help gain more
Like Replytrx, dude your help wasn't 100% correct you don't just go to maria you have to do it about 2 time in total to gain the skill
Like Replywhats the code to get to the gallery
Like ReplyWhere can i find the key for the sister room
Like Replyryu, you first have to do meet maria and gain concentration after that go to sleep and the next day you have to go to the church go back to maria and use your "imagination" option which will appear then you will go home and after the conversation with mc sister and mother you will go out and will gain skill concentration to find the key which is next to the hanged clothes if you use the skill
Like Replyrando dude, wheres maria tho?
Like Replyrando dude, I found the key right after the getting the quest before I met maria
Like ReplyCrashes when you knock on the door
Like ReplyYeah when I knock on sis door after he says he should spy on her in mornings it crashes.
Like ReplyCrashes when he plays the movie with mom
Like Replyi remember i tried playing this game like a year ago and it never crashed, now, why when i open the door at the very start of the game i get an error which causes the game to crash.
Like ReplyTryingHard, yeah that's weird I got the same thing the game was fine at first then BOOM error message what's that about?
Like ReplyGuys, do you have lags when comes night or only me have this problem?
Like Replyg4g4, yeah performance takes a hit at night.
Like Replyg4g4, no I'm getting it too.
Like ReplyI don't want to sound insensitive since I can't code or anything but why do people who make these games seem to all have bad grammar?
Like ReplySomeGuy, try play this on chrome. I play now and I don't have lags when come night
Like Replyg4g4, Thank you, for some reason it does run better the night time playing are better on chrome... However, at least for me there was another problem, the sex scenes were covered up by a black screen and the only scenes you could see were the repetitive ones like the sister stretching in the morning,but only after the first time,the first time will be black as well.
Like Replyg4g4, This game is so slow in movement I can walk to store and back before it moves three spaces.
Like Replysome dude, Why does the damn screen go black when ever starting to talk to mom? fucked up game.
Like ReplySomeGuy, they're all foreign
Like ReplySomeGuy, they are all Indian
Like ReplySomeGuy, Honestly i think its because english isnt their first language and these games arent super huge projects so they dont have a translator, i noticed a majority of these developers are Russian, I feel like this one is from south america but i could be wrong.
Like ReplyFailed to load (404) : live2d/31_SisslepHandjob/31_SisslepHandjob.model3.json PlatformManager.js:30:25 Fix the error, pls
Like ReplySomeGuy, a lot of the time it's translation errors, other than that I have no idea.
Like Replyhi this is fun
Like ReplyFirst.Nut for life
Like Replydeadlynut, hhhh
Like Replydeadlynut, zahia akhotay pornhub mab9a fih maitchaf
Like Replyno you cant have first comment
Like Replywhy is it that when ever there is a nude scene the screen is black? wth!!!
Like Replymine60, yeah its actually so garbage
Like Replyguys how can i increase concrol?
Like Replyhiiii, you have to interact with the cat demon in order to obtain it.
Like Replyallen, i need to have control 5 to talk to maria
Like Replymine60, this game sucks. lag is slower than a dead person.
Like ReplyYour computer slow that why trash ass computer old ass one
Like ReplyAnd now the scene with the teacher keeps repeating it's self over and over and never get to meet her in Gym.
Like Replymine60, you have to get the spell of lust or desire of the heart in the galery
Like Replymine60, play this on I switched to Microsoft Edge and everything what fixed. I also recommend to save whenever your game slows down a bit and refresh the page. You'll be able to continue where you left off and the lag will be temporarily stopped.
Like ReplyEverything is working better now other than the fact that if u talk to the shop keeper it crashes the whole game
Like ReplyHow do i download
Like ReplyThe screen goes black with the shopkeeper porn scene...
Like Replymine60, me to.
Like ReplyI can't open the menu with "ENTER", is there an other way to open the menu?
Like Replyr/foundthemobileuser
Like Replybertie, press x
Like ReplyHow do you save? When I attempt to type or hit enter on a file, nothing happens?
Like ReplyJ, how do you save?
Like Replybertie, escape is the right button
Like ReplyHow do I go on menu on phone?
Like ReplySlutty, how do I go to menu on phone?
Like Replymine60, I have no clue that same thing is happening to me
Like Replymine60, yeah they need to fix those bugs cause there’s hardly anysex scenes
Like Reply