Mentor Life [Restart]



  • us Seijren @ 2024-07-30 05:29:21 (+2)

    soul patches should be banned

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  • ph Royal White @ 2024-07-29 20:13:37 (+2)

    Holy shit, what a gem of a game. You really gotta be patient if you're looking for sex scenes (been playing for 4 hours, no real sex scene yet XD ), but it does present a rather nice story. It presents a story of being the best mentor one can be; the mentor/teacher that we all longed for in our academic days; to be someone's guiding light anytime, especially when they need it the most. It might hit hard for some people, but I'm liking it so far :)

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  • ph Royal White @ 2024-07-29 20:27:21 (+4)

    Alright, I burned through this entire version of the game, and there was not a single sex scene yet at all! XD So yeah, the game tells you that you gotta be patient, but it didn't really tell you that there's no sex scene in the current version. Game's still nice, but we'll have to wait a while for the time sex scenes are finally added to the game.

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