Magical Family: Laboratory [v 0.32] [Restart]
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Description: Your are one hell of a mad scientist who owns this awesome tech-ridden secret lab which you got as a present from your rich family. You spend all your free time in there and conduct various sexual experiments. The female body just amazes you and you can't help but try to perfect it. Your main agenda is to create a team of sexy superheroines and program them into having all manner of sex activities with you. The results are very impressive as you can tell by how they service your hard cock nonstop. it's quite clear that this is the most important project in your life and you need everything to be perfect. To do this, you enjoy conducting Beta tests on your sexy playthings! |
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game has been abandoned!
Like ReplyCrashing after loading.
Like Replyit has potential but needs work
Like Replyhow do I use the items in my backpack ?
Like Replyis this a knockoff of the avn sexbot.
Like ReplyNice n8ceee
Like ReplyThe order of the days of the week is wrong in the game. Some days it doesn't come at all.
Like ReplyFails to open on Gamcore. Shame really.
Like Replygame stops where i inject the mystical mushroom thing fix mayb?
Like ReplyLike 99% of the games on here are broken.
Like Replyok everyone, the majority of errors are caused by the naming algorithm. not all of them, but the vast majority of them. sadly, we will have to go with the default until it is fixed in a future update. have fun and enjoy this potential masterpiece
Like Replyreally buggy story can't get a three pages into the new update without it bugging out.
Like Replygreat that u posted a update but it is sad that i have to push the skip button so often in the error page
Like ReplyBuggy as hell
Like Replythis can be a great game if they fix it the story is real good
Like ReplyNice to story games
Like Replyidk why crash evertime
Like Replyat wich stage are we now think w ehad 3 updates but still stuck some how at stage 0.2 :-(
Like ReplyEveryone has said most of the issue is crashing. I would like to say I like the models and it was getting interesting. You need to have a little more struggle for the protagonist so that when he does win it feels more earned. But good start. Just see what those glitches are.
Like Replythis one has alot of potential. also alot of glitches. keep up the good work dev. you will make a very good story by the time it is complete
Like ReplyCan someone tell me what to do after Elizabeth kiss scene?
Like ReplyThis game looks interesting to play. Unfortunately, it freezes up too many F* times.
Like ReplyToo linear to be called a game. So far this is just a story.
Like ReplyJayafterdark, agree but lineair at start should not be a problem might be good if there is a result on the moral side about choices u make aka be a more professor x or magneto type of leader to youre harem of modified heroins!
Like Replyway to short and also will take a while like any other game smh
Like Replycrashes on first sex scene, too bad looked like good game
Like Replyit easily crashes, fix this problem :)
Like ReplyVery cool game
Like Reply