This 3D point and click adventure game allows you to play the role of a young man that has just recently finished his college studies. His dream is to become a successful game developer or find his one true love and spend his life with them. With a cast of familiar characters and an interesting story that keeps taking unexpected twists and turns, this simulator explores what it's like to look for and find love in all the right and even wrong places. Plus, the massive title boasts over 40000 images and hundreds of animations (some are skipped). With so much to unpack, you can decide to either fulfil your dream and find the perfect woman to love or simply drown yourself in sexual pleasure! Similar games from these series are Research Into Affection and Research Into Corruption
The game loads as an error.. A full year of not being able to play!! Why even post the damn game??
Like Replyhei. could u guys fix the bug?
Like ReplyCan anyone load it?
Like ReplyAlexKing, Dude it hasn't loaded in a year for me.. Seems someone don't give a fuck if anyone can't play the game..
Like Replyenjoying the game however it keeps crashing at neighbors after watching movie and at the pool.
Like ReplyParsing the script failed. File "//game/Store/Store.rpy", line 538: scene statement expects a non-empty block. scene Store_Laura_Lvl1_12PM_21
Like Replyi was abule to load it but noaw im geting the same errer megs every one gteing
Like ReplyI get this error: File "//game/Store/Store.rpy", line 538: scene statement expects a non-empty block. scene Stone_Laura_Lvl1_12PM_21: <-
Like ReplyHi I'm a girl and I feel horny
Like ReplySwissmiss, get a dog..
Like ReplyWas wondering if the game will actually load??
Like Replyissue with line 624. game won't load. please fix.
Like ReplyThe game never loaded, I waited a full 10 minutes and is probably still on the loading screen..
Like ReplyYeah Not Surprised!! game still will not load, I think that the Dev is intentanily coding so that free sites can't load the game..
Like ReplyI know how to spell,, " intentional " idk wtf is up with auto-correct spelling..
Like ReplyThe game Will Not Load.. ... ..
Like ReplyAt what affection level or where can one get the spy cams? (V 0.10.6)
Like ReplyEverything maxed out and he still has blue balls a complete waste of time, a big thumbs down.
Like ReplyBig Tony, I always just use the cheat.. Make sure to read the mom n sis diaries in the cheat to advance their interactions. Can also use the money cheat, less grind
Like ReplyApk file isn't right
Like ReplySo they changed the name from Research Into Affection to Sweet Affection and broke the game so it never loads.
Like ReplySaintIsidore, pretty much spot on.. The game has not played for over a year.
Like ReplyThe original game was called Research Into Affection. Not sure if this is the same dev for that or not. That's because I have never been able to get the game to load.
Like ReplyOpen the game with developer tools open on the side, still takes a solid few minutes tho
Like Replygame data loading slowly
Like ReplyYeah the game has a could not download the game. zip. array buffer allocation failed.... So what's up Gamcore???
Like ReplyCould not download Error in input stream More information may be available in the browser console or contained in the log. +1
Like Replyit will load but takes....forever .... give it at least five minutes
Like ReplyYeah you would think the Dev didn't care if???
Like Replywas supposed to have, you would think the Dev didn't care if the game works or not. Its been almost a year sense this game has worked at all.
Like ReplyAnyone tested to see if the Shit even loads??
Like Replywhat a surprise the game doesn't work...once again...again and again....
Like Replyho messo incinta la mamma..evviva
Like ReplyThis game is horribly coded. It takes GBs of RAM for only a few dialogs with simple graphic.
Like ReplyError extracting: zip,,,, the game hasn't worked in a year... the Devs only care about the money
Like ReplyWhy continue developing the game? it never works!
Like ReplyIl léo, su Firefox funziona benissimo il gioco e super sexy
Like ReplyIt's been since ver. 7.9 or earlier when this last loaded. With a fiber connection and 4gigs RAM, I have no trouble with most Ren Py games, but this one no longer works, for myself and apparently MANY others. Has to be internal.
Like ReplyIo lecco, ho messo incinta la mamma...
Like Replyléo, Yeah this Dev does not realize that if you can't play it you WILL NOT $ub$cibe to $upport....
Like ReplyI waited to the point it said bye and still no game
Like Replyplease fix this we cant load it
Like ReplyCobra, I can load it. It just takes FOR EVER!
Like ReplyCreeper, i dont have for ever trough
Like ReplyCobra, it takes forever to load and then won't open. The screen just says "bye".
Like ReplyCobra, i think it ts something to do wit Game Core every time they do a up date i have to start alol my games over
Like ReplyThis game should be called "The Blue Balls Man".
Like ReplyStill does not work
Like ReplySame results..... Different Day
Like Replythis game used to be fun. now it a time wasting non-loader.
Like ReplyThe game still won't load in Firefox. After about 8 - 10 minutes of waiting through the file extraction and Ren'Py loading screen, the black box with "Bye!" appears. Please fix this.
Like Replysome comments, even though i doubt the creators will see this: 1. there is a LOT of wasted time, like making them look around the room for no reason before spotting the person they are looking for. 2. the backstory is inconsistent. During the first Mother weekend event, he thinks about how he lost his virginity in a closet, then tells the teacher that he is a virgin and no one has ever touched his dick before. 3. He comes off as an ass when he says each girl is "The only one for him"
Like Replyafter 4 updastes game does no start wtf
Like ReplyI like the diaries. Nice concept to see times an places to potentially advance two of the characters. Would like to see it implemented with the others, I somehow missed out on parts of backstories and the diaries would be a great way to catch up on those missing plot points.
Like ReplyThe game loaded fairly slowly. I tried to open my last save and it went to the error page. I reloaded and it did it again. So I reloaded again and tried a save from earlier, it did the same thing. Then it took me to the very beginning of the game, I don't want to start all over.
Like ReplyBowhunter, WCR....
Like ReplyBowhunter, with what browser?
Like ReplyI know there was a way to get an early look at the girls when they are in the pool but I forget the sequence of what order to look at in order to unlock it for the second pool visit. Does anyone know?
Like ReplyI'm not sure if the Dev want to mock us or if this is a kind of sleeping pills cure. These dialoges are really hollow and shallow. They are not talking to each other at all, they are only aplogizing to each other and pretending how amazing each other are. We call that "fishing for comliments". This is extremely exhausting.
Like ReplyPeter, with what browser did u play mine keeps crashing
Like ReplyNickname, mine crashed too as a result of bad memory management. I don't know if it is even possible to finish the game. Just keep trying may be using a mouseklicker to rush through the dialoges. Tried it with the gamcore browser and now I give it a try with "brave".
Like ReplyGame Does Not Load... Shows Renpy logo then loading..... . ....? Waited 15 minutes once! Do a re-load the page same results.
Like ReplyI tried Chrome, Microsoft Edge, FireFox?? So what browser does this game work on??
Like ReplyJerkfree, bro did you read the description? literally says over 40000 images and hundreds of animations. depending on how good your pc is it could a while for it to render all that
Like ReplyJerkfree, mine loads it takes about 5 min or so. try the gamcore browser it seems to work better
Like ReplyUwu, Wow!! You would think people to know that if it was a PC problem the other 98.9% of games would give the same results!!??
Like ReplyWayyyy too much unskippable dialogue with characters I'm not interested in.
Like ReplyBallz, with what browser did u play mine cant load at any
Like ReplyStill waiting for the day when you can knock them up. Please add that!
Like ReplyAfter downloading the app, it won't let me install the game. does it only fail me? I would like you to let me know when it is fixed.
Like ReplyDark, Is in the 0.9.4 v
Like ReplyDark, V 0.9.5 and it still doesn't work
Like ReplyV. 0.9.7. And the apk not work
Like Replytext text and more text
Like ReplyCan anyone ever play this game without getting errors or bugs or freezing
Like ReplyErrors, Game does not load stays on loading 4ever....
Like ReplyNot a big fan of bushes, so, before I invest more time oin this game, can we get the women to shave or not?
Like ReplyI ask that the developer please fix the game to load properly it's had the same problems since version 0.9.0 it'll get to the purpleish pink ren'py loading screen after waiting 5 mins and then you wait some more only for it to say bye!. please fix it as before this issue it was a phenominal game and I really enjoy it.
Like ReplyIt gets stuck in a blackscreen after the story got downloaded
Like ReplyThought may have just been Firefox so i switched micro-soft Edge, No its the game it still never loads... So the game is waste of time now??? Well i never got it to load... JMO
Like ReplyStill not working :(
Like Replywhats wrong,why this not working.
Like Replycurious, The apk download
Like ReplyNow the game never loads just crash my network WTF....?
Like ReplyI click anything and get this error, "Error: TypeError: renpyAudio.unpause_all is undefined (see JavaScript console for details)"
Like ReplyHey bro it looks like there is a problem with the loading of all of the files. Some of them just don't seem to get through. It probably is a problem with your browser. Fixing this looks pretty hard otherwise.
Like ReplyDayn, since this is played here on gamecore there is no variance by any browser and it just does not work for all players.
Like ReplyGame crash everytime i try to go to home or neighbor. shity game
Like Replyup date this
Like Replyup date game
Like Replygozei 22 vezes pra esse jogo
Like Replyочень очень много текста, мне это не нравится
Like Replyi lost my save i had
Like Replyjeff, Gamcore DOES NOT care i you lost your saves... Its why I have all but quit playing games on this site because of this. You can try you can save using the three bars top left in the games, they don't always work but better than losing all progress??
Like ReplyJerkfree, i lose my saves on that site too
Like ReplyJerkfree, fair point, fair point, just one quick question if ya hate this site so much then why are ya on the site commenting on games... no hate no judgement.... just curious
Like ReplyJerkfree, they don have seet affection
Like ReplyJerkfree, same....
Like Replyconfused, guess you Don't understand English!!! I said i Quit Playing the games on this site!!!! I still look for NEW games?? And WTF is it to you!
Like Replywhy cant they have the girls asses and tits jiggle while being fucked and no anal c,mon show us her mouth,pussy and ass dripping cum then i might consider supporting the game financially
Like ReplySo do any of them actually fuck yet in this version? Like is it worth going through the ridiculous amount of "I'm such a fucking good guy" conversation again to see these scenes or is he still just bullshitting about how he will do anything for his family and who he cares for? I'm just saying they made this guy so goody goody i wanna throw up. Ignore all this and answer my first question please.
Like ReplyThisFuckinGuy, Dude use the cheat in the game it allows you to advance in the girls diaries and up your money...
Like ReplyI lost my save, what hapen....
Like Replygameplay video
Like Replynick, metti almeno una traccia valida.
Like Replyis level 8 the highest relationship level i can get the girls to for the time being?
Like Replyc0zYn0t, yes, right now the dev is still working on lvl 8 stuff so lvl 8 is still the cap rn
Like Replyhow do i reach afection 8?
Like ReplyTip: focus on one girl per day, and use the rollback if you screw up
Like ReplyInteresting game, but I've been playing for over two hours and have had a couple of kisses on the cheek and spied on a couple of girls in the bathroom and that's it. So if you're looking for quick action, this is not your game. Also, I get sick of aggressive, manipulative MC's in these games, but this one is a little too far in the other direction. Biggest pussy ever... just wants to be everyone's friend. Jury's still out on whether or not he's gay.
Like ReplyJJ, fucking annoying innit?
Like ReplyI've a question... is it the same as Research into Affection?
Like ReplyUuuhm Question, yes
Like ReplyI can say its a good game,,, but lots of times there is WAY to much text.... I've almost falling asleep many times because it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.... Drop some of the never ending bullshit text.
Like ReplyJerkfree, you know you can change the settings and skip the dialogue right?
Like ReplyJerkfree, same. i've lterially fallen asleep during some of these dialogues ..
Like ReplyJerkfree, The number of times ive seen it say "you turn left" "you turn right" "you spot them" "you walk over" like.I'm a writer. that is a LOT of unnecessary text that an editor would make you get rid of.
Like ReplyGood game, but can't get sound to work. Tried everything I could think of..oh well.
Like ReplyGinger25, there's actually no sound, by default renpy games have sound sliders
Like Replyse jeux na marche pas problème avec see javascript console
Like ReplyDamn, never knew our game was playable on-line on this website. I hope that everyone enjoys it. :) And, thank you for the high rating, it means a lot! J..D
Like ReplyNaughty Attic Gaming, its only been years why should you know?
Like Replyany cheats
Like Replyhotsizzle, it has a cheat for Mom and Sister affection, along with the money you have and the money you gain from the webcams
Like Replythis website went down none of the games or working
Like ReplyLaz, change browser, or read manual above
Like ReplyLaz, because of a chrome dispute you have to use FireFox browser
Like Replyبثصبثصبصثب\
Like ReplyOkay, using the stand-alone browser means having to start all over again from scratch...
Like ReplyFuta, no you ned to exprots saves from renpeny left top corner from previous browser and then inport them to stand-alone browser
Like ReplyDzo, except... can't load the game in the other browser _to_ export the saves, which is why ah'm using the Standalone Browser... which isn't _exactly_ a bad thing, as they added new girls to corrupt
Like ReplyCan someone guid me to find that GameCore browser for linux?
Like ReplyTheSniper, use firfox
Like ReplyPlease add content, i'm loving this game
Like ReplyServer Not Found
Like ReplyAlxis, it happens to me if i minimize or just on another window the moment the game is loading. Just restart game and wait for it to load
Like ReplyCan you fix it for android please?
Like Replyok so when do i talkto mom and sis about being with them both also when do i get to level two with nan?
Like Replybowski, when you reach a weekend at saturday 10am a spa event will happen but at the same time you have to talk with mom to upgrade her relationship to 2. Just decline the spa event and visit mom instead
Like Replybaitch, ok so i have done that and looked at her diary with her spent the whole time with her including fucking her what next ?
Like Replywont reload any saved games?
Like ReplyAJ6119, you can cheat now idk when they put that in but right on
Like ReplyAJ6119, you know this is a brand new version of the game, right? the previous version was called "Research Into Affection" (and possibly "Research Into Corruption" ) Just tried and saved games for _this_ game worked
Like ReplyLots of girls, no fucking.
Like ReplyDan, hya hya hut
Like ReplySimplesmente Amei O jogo demorou muito parar carregar, porem carregou todas as informações salvas e pude continuar de onde parei Mal posso esperar pela próxima actualização
Like Replybullshit i did all the work to get where i did then it updates and makes me restart im done with this bullshit bye
Like Replyreapergod, thats what the cheats are for
Like Replyreapergod, thats wh yyou should use crome and export your saves. You can import your saves and continue after update.
Like Replyfinisce al 8 capitolo Molto bello Tanto sesso con mom e sis.Spariamo prossimo aggiornamento presto.GRAZIE
Like ReplyI like the old version better, you were able to have sex with the mother and sister, i like the added characters in the new game but the lack of sex kills it.... JMO
Like ReplyJerkfree, go to their rooms at 12am
Like ReplyJerkfree, You still can. But it takes some time.
Like ReplySo. Much. Talking.
Like ReplyGame don't load just stuck at Renpy Loading.
Like ReplyAnother game made by somebody from Arkansas. Fucking gross. Come on, dude. Best way to kill my boner? Make me think of my mom or sister!
Like ReplyBanjo, another Dumbass that Can't read Tags.... Its a incest game!!!! Don't play the game if you're NOT into incest.... WTF!!!!
Like Replyne è valsa la pena aspettare.ottimo aggiornamento Grazie
Like ReplyI played about an hour into it yesterday and maybe I'm completely wrong but to me it looks like their first game so far without changes. Anyways I like the graphics and style and will continue to play
Like ReplyUhmokay, they added a few new locations, and a _lot_ of new girls
Like ReplyCan remember playing this a few years ago, different name though
Like ReplyFuta, Yeah I was just about to say I thought this game was under a different name at one point
Like ReplyJJ, at least this time, the save system _looks_ to be an improvement
Like ReplyFuta, it was "Research into Affection" if i remember right
Like ReplyNickorama, sounds about right. believe there were actually _two_, very similar, games, this one seems like maybe they combined them
Like ReplyVery nice job on the the graphic....
Like ReplyFinally! Its been updated/converted on Gamcore!!!!
Like ReplyNão Esta Carregando
Like ReplyFinalmente kkkkk Parabéns ADM Muito Obrigado
Like Reply