You have always been a goody two shoes all your life. You have always played by the book and hated breaking rules. But now you are tired of being looked down and stepped on all your life. You start craving power and would want nothing more than to dominate. You begin doing this by subduing and fucking every girl you meet. You are not interested in creating a long lasting relationship. No, all you want to do is to own and fuck their juicy holes. Their opinions don't matter to you. You are in this for a good time, not complicated situationships. Fuck and dump. It's that simple. Enjoy!
How do you get dom points
Like ReplyI saw all the code. see tw-storydata (inspect element). max dom = 40. all others go to 100. TOO.MUCH.GRIND. win chances @ strenght : - skinny: 50%@0-9 66%@10-19 100%@20+ - guy: 28.5%@0-9 33%@10-19 40%@20-29 50%30-39 66%40-49 100%@50+ - fit: 20%@0-9 22%@10-19 25%@20-29 28.5%@30-39 33%@40-49 40%@50-59 50%,60-69 66%@70-79 100%@80+ money: ALL girls: @3-5 men: skinny@4-7 guy@15-30 fit@31-50 just playing boardgame will unlock it all. cunning 40 ? just laptop. more cunning = less money per day.
Like Replycodergamer, how do you use the cheat codes
Like ReplySays there was an update, but there is no more content... The fuck is this shit
Like ReplySince 2021, from Covid-19, CDC has discovered that vanilla sex between a guy and a chick is not the only way to make kids. That it dates back 60 years after Christ's crucifixion. So if males were to die, women will continue long after males die. Males are only needed to produce male children which is like 1 out of 5 children that are born each day is a male. lol the author is talking like it's the old testament where this would be the case to get a chick pregnant but not anymore.
Like ReplyJohny, what you are talking about is impregnation from bone marrow, which was never tested on a human. however we do know that it is not a viable way to get pregnant as the children would come out with sever brain damage and no human abilities, like talking or walking, every single time. Which means women would exist for as long as one can live which is around 80-100 years
Like ReplyNext update?
Like ReplyHow to raise cunning lol
Like ReplyLol, have to advace with Barbabra (I think) until she comes and gets you the code to Mrs. Chevy's computer. You can then play games with Macy in the Hall.
Like Replyliterally nothing has changed
Like Replyis this game Abandoned ?
Like ReplySandNigger, yeah it's abandoned
Like ReplySandNigger, creator deleted his patreon so yeah
Like Replywhat to type for cheat consoles on the stats?
Like Replywhat is the name of blond skinny girl in the park
Like ReplyImages still don’t work
Like ReplyBobjoe1228, yes
Like ReplyBobjoe1228, they work now
Like Replywhat to do when i m in jail ?
Like ReplyThe fucking second scene is rape, wtf is the problem with who likes this
Like ReplyWtf is this game, I love the rape scenes myself, wish it had more. But to each their own, as long as you're not a pretentious twat about it
Like Replycunning? how can you get that?
Like ReplyHow do you increase you cunning?
Like ReplyKCIceman, Never mind I found out
Like ReplyKCIceman, how?
Like Replyname him master heehehhhehehehehheeheheheheheh hahhahahaahahahahahhhaha
Like Reply20 stanng doin g push up! then 50 evey time you go to gym you get 100
Like Replygo over and over again to get money then pay for gym it get you stonger after 20 stong with 20 set of push up!
Like ReplyImages aren't working...
Like Replywhich 12 year old made this lmao
Like Replywhy stop the college and put in jail??? what is wrong?
Like Replyhow can I raise Dominance over 40?
Like ReplyMohamed, same here too
Like ReplyFix the videos on iOS next Update ?
Like ReplyIt's great. Having more options will also be great. I hope that bullying is not the only way to make money, and why not put options on where to cum or what to do. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more in future updates.
Like Replyİt looks good
Like ReplyWhat’s the full girls’ name at the very start of the game that give a bj?
Like ReplyMrSteelUrGurl, maria mia
Like ReplyThe protagonist is annoying as hell. Just ruins the enjoyment of playing the character. At least make the douchebag have some weight in gold
Like ReplyNot a bad start, looking forward to more. Very repetitive as the chars you bully got a max of 7 bucks on them. That shit gets old, fast. Otherwise keep up the good work.
Like ReplyWay to expose more of the dirtbags on this site
Like ReplyAlright, love the content and story. But what I would like to have for the future update, is a job to get so i can earn the money little better in game, and not go bully ladies and some bloke in the park. that's the only I would like to see. Otherwise, this game got potentials for sure.
Like Replyplease update this!
Like Replywish it had sound
Like Replygame made by an racist incel. nothing new under the sun
Like ReplyRapey game made by a racist 10/10 My 2 favourite things.
Like Reply20 in each stat is mostly enough, with the only exception being park fuck, which needs 30 dom. Click "characters" on the bottom of the stats window, along with the girl you want to check, to see if you have reached the end of their current content, as most girls dont have anything yet. To unlock cunning, visit the landlord's room when she isnt home and check the laptop, then ask the nerd for help. Do what the game says, and cunning can then be trained to 20 for free.
Like Replygo to collage every day, STILL get kicked out for skipping school and sent to jail
Like ReplyBozo, there are 2 class sessions per day, then, as i had no issues. school closes at 16:00, not 12:00.
Like ReplyBozo, are you going 2 times a day
Like ReplyNo sex scenes total trash!✌️
Like ReplyMake it so you can watch videos on mobile
Like ReplyJoorijam, what mobile do you use? Android, iPhone, what model? Also, please tell us your browser, Chrome, Safari, something else? Thanks
Like Replyiphone safari doesn’t work
Like Replyit’s iPhone safari and chrome and everything it’s just doesn’t work on iPhone cuz it’s webm
Like ReplyWhat what what
Like Replyis it just me but 75% of the videos play in a fuzzy blurred vision like it's a security thing embedded in the videos to avoid pirates using them in games
Like Replymake the cheats an option to get on with the sex
Like Replyput cheats in,
Like ReplyGame runs on mobile but media won’t load
Like Reply10 dominance to make girls suck in the park, 30 dom to fuck
Like ReplyOne star for too few options in responses and for making feel that I'm reading a damned book.
Like ReplyDetails make me want to cum all over
Like ReplyNice detail
Like ReplyI am a sick S.O.B. would have been a more accurate title.
Like ReplyHow the fuvk do u raise Cunning?
Like ReplyDragonLayer, in the hall , playing boardgames
Like ReplyDragonLayer, playing game in the hall. after event with laptop
Like ReplyDragonLayer, visit landlord room on sat, check laptop, go to school when week starts, talk to nerd, do quest, then visit hall from the hallway to do the new action.
Like ReplyDo you also have the feeling that I increase my strength, that I always get more knocked out than I win. I don't feel like I'm getting stronger. Whether I have 10 strength or 36 strength. And that's why I need a job to earn money.
Like Reply