Amore [v 0.642] [Restart]
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Description: This game is set in an usual world setting. You live together with your landlady and roommate. You have the hots for both of them. Older milfs just have the sweetest pussies and they know how to take care of your emotional needs. Your roommate is one hot babe and you just had to fuck her too. You can choose the different life paths you want to explore. But do not forget that you have to rule not only in the house but also try to run a business, become a criminal, seduce girls and so much more. |
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New cheat codes
Like ReplyIt’s impossible to get through Lagos room. How the hell am I gonna go through it when all I get is some names and I have to guess is it’s south north etc. it doesn’t even tell you if u got one right. I even googled it and I got no results.
Like ReplyNickname, the first letter of each name depends on if it's south or not so Norman that would be north and Susan Evans southeast
Like ReplyHow to get coffee for Mrs Claus
Like Replyneed the new code
Like Replycode for 0.641: el2eatwad
Like Replycode for0.637
Like Replykurcho, f3e_s34
Like ReplyAnyone who can answer the riddle that is in the hotel box? The one found if you visit the nun?
Like ReplyDanno240, The initials in the names are the directions
Like ReplyWhats the cheat code for 0.637
Like Replywhat does hobo essence do? (other than be able to be sold)
Like Replybig wiener, It give you more chances to win battles in your group. You have more team friends.
Like Replydoes anyone know the new code?
Like Replywhats new cheat code?
Like ReplyIf you guys want to find the code, F12 (or inspect page) --->Debugger--->Ctrl+P--->search index and go to index.html file for Amore path--->Ctrl+F---> look for "Backer"--->should see line around the lines of "Submit Backer Code" following this line you'll see smthing in the form "If (insert text) eq (insert code)". go to and put that code into there (it should be numbers) and then it will give you the code.
Like ReplyDoes anyone know why you can't save your achievements?? I can't save my game.
Like Replychheat code is aaaaaswxpzpq
Like Replyv0.62.76 Code: aaaaaswxpzpq
Like ReplyWhy can i dont open that progress i made?
Like ReplyCode for 0.6273?
Like ReplyWhy can't save on phone?
Like ReplyCode 0.6272?
Like ReplyDud, di2ylora3a
Like ReplyCheat code to V0.626? ✌🏽
Like ReplyGon, a1eco27skies4own
Like ReplyEtzio, why it is not working? I put exactly ” a1eco27skies4own” already
Like ReplyEtzio, have save file?
Like ReplySome, this code worked for me
Like Replybacker code for 0.619 re3mys3erio2
Like ReplyV. 0.6192 code???
Like ReplyDidi, re3mys3erio2
Like ReplyCan someone tell me how to heal if needed after a fight? And is anyone more than me having trouble saving progress?
Like ReplyDanno240, y need a doctor dude
Like ReplyCode for v 0.617: ali3n1nar1
Like ReplyCode for latest version : ali3n1nar1 Enjoy
Like ReplyYo guys, What’s the code for 0.61?
Like ReplyHow can I increase inteligence and get biology book?
Like ReplyHo is Ms. Claus??
Like Replyhow do i find that essence for dr funk?
Like Replydoes anyone know the spooky halloween party who killed screamo?
Like Replyjoel, Elsa the bartender, bouncer and Madame Spooky killed by using Poison
Like ReplyA saved file
Like ReplyI cant find a way to hire the maid I know it has something to do with finding a secret room in the house but I cant find it please help me
Like ReplyYou can get it in the park. I don't know what event that affects, but there's a woman and you hire her for money.
Like Replyplease help me, When you get to the park it will say "there is someone here" and Sophia will come out and you have to talk to her again when you have 1500
Like ReplyWhat do you do to get passed the elf in the xmas part?
Like ReplyPlease help me how to put furniture in a room?
Like Replyhow do you hire the maid
Like ReplyGo to the park
Like ReplyWhere do u put the stats and combat skill code everybody asks about it and what is it Ad dik 3 cod wher u put that also thank u
Like ReplyNew code is alafhweuio for 55.06 Can someone tell me the stat/combat lvl code for the new version 55.06
Like Replyhow do u flirt with amy?
Like ReplyStats code, or combat Lvl code for 0.55
Like ReplyI suppose code for V 0.55 now?
Like ReplyImSuperWeird, 19kelly5mx78
Like ReplyCode for V 0.54.04
Like ReplyWhere is the codes for 54.3
Like Replynew code for 0.54?
Like Replynikolas, lmk when you get some
Like ReplyHey guys, i want to know how to start the step dad porno tapes quest.
Like Replybluemooninyoure new code
Like Replybluemooninyoure is new backer code for 53.06
Like Replywhat's the new code for Amore [v 0.53.05]? please
Like ReplyGames boring as fuck, spent hours working out and cleaning the room with 0 progress and unable to do anything else
Like Replynew code?/?
Like Reply1nik3rcrisp (is the new code for the new version ) everyone try it
Like Replykanasade, 1nik3rcrisp
Like ReplyCodemaster General, doesnt work
Like ReplyMarcos123, got a new code ?
Like ReplyBoxer, it doesn't work
Like Replydoes anybody knows the code for AMORE [V 0.52.03]
Like ReplyCode for 0.52.01?
Like Replywhere is the easter egg on london?
Like ReplyThe code rn is alafhweuio
Like ReplyMackishe, either with daisy or in the shop (chat with him)
Like ReplyBOBBY, how do you make them corrupt
Like ReplyNew backer hub phillis7701
Like ReplyCan someone tell me ho Alina (Robot) is?
Like ReplyDo some one now the name at the nun?
Like Replykandicenuts2 new cheat code
Like Replymrziplock, you are wrong
Like ReplyWhere is the easter egg in Amore?
Like ReplyCan some one the name at the nun? ho is she?
Like ReplyCode for 0.51.04?
Like ReplyCode for 0.51 is : ayayayawoahhh
Like ReplyCould someone explain me how to watch Jane fuck a robot or have a threesome with her and also how to mindwipe people ?
Like ReplyAmore, buy the robot at the pachinko in tokyo. You can also mindwipe people by going to armada corps in tokyo and clicking on change world
Like ReplyHow to finish the halloween 2023 quest?whom to accuse?
Like ReplyIt's Elsa Mme Spook and the Bouncer with the poison
Like ReplyElio, how do you corrupt Jennifer?
Like Reply0.51 cheat code is ayayayawoahhh
Like ReplyNew cheat code?
Like ReplyV 0.51 cheat code plise
Like Replydark, jamjarsquid9
Like ReplyAn, this is not right
Like Reply0.50.14 cheat code?
Like ReplyEnter the cheat codes on your phone.v0.50.13+Backer Code: twinpeakscoffee
Like Replyi cant figure out the Halloween riddle
Like Replywhat piece of grinding crab. 4hours of play and not a single proper sex scene. how hard it is to make a balanced game,not hard actually and many developers do it
Like Replygrind, also because tried each combo in them murder mystery then if you get it wrong they say you dumb hat then not let you try again even thou I tried each combo plus the update expands on the content I can't even get too say the answer developer
Like ReplyNew code for 0.50.02: slobonthecoblikepornonmaknob
Like Replynew codes???
Like Replyv0.50.02+ Backer Code: slobonthecoblikepornonmaknob v0.50 & v0.50.1 Backer Code: 2ashodiaw238
Like Reply.49.15 code anyone?
Like ReplyBigUnc, 6toni9_6bludetto9
Like Replybob87, dong code
Like ReplyCode for 0.49.13: 6toni9_6bludetto9
Like ReplyAnyone have the new cheat? tonysopranoo got knocked off
Like Replycode for 0.49: tonysopranoo
Like ReplyDave, doesn't work
Like ReplyAny cheat code for this game
Like ReplyHow do you do Marco who
Like ReplyCheat code?
Like Replyhow to corrupt jennifer
Like ReplyWho know how to escape hunted room in the hotel in Lagos
Like ReplyWhat's new code?
Like ReplyWhere can I find the last Easter egg in lago
Like ReplyDemonking5565, in the gym
Like ReplyAnyone know how to corrupt Jennifer?
Like ReplyAzyzz11, yes how also whati is the answer to the madame spooky quest i tryed every combination
Like Replyv0.48.25 Backer Code: aqualibre2
Like ReplyAny cheat codes for this game
Like ReplyCheats for v0.48.23
Like ReplyO.48.21 cheat code pls?
Like ReplyHi anyone have cheat code?
Like ReplyCan somebody help me with the hotel (Lagos) quest please?? I tried every combination but it is still wrong
Like ReplyMrdingel, you use the 1st letters of every word and u get the results. 1 is north 2 south if I Renee correctly
Like Replycheat code anyone ?
Like ReplyPuzzle in room 201 plz
Like ReplyGgwov, cheat code ??
Like ReplyDushah, 6toni9_6bludetto9
Like ReplyCheat code anyone?
Like ReplyStuck in the dumb "To escape this cursed hotel room's despair...." what are the answers?
Like ReplyAnyone have cheat code?
Like ReplyYeah, can someone post a list of the lobsters used for each girl as I only recognize a few (namely Lisa Ann as Lisa, Riley Reid as Harley, and Eva Elvis as Zoe)
Like ReplyFAZ, pornstars* (ducking autocorrect)
Like ReplyFAZ, *Elfie, and *fucking (I mean seriously I hate autocorrect)
Like Replyv 0.48.13 new code?
Like Replycombat system doesn't work anymore because of the need to have someone in your party, fix that shit and it's a perfectly fine game.
Like Replybroken, firstly go to London where you meet Harley then if you go to your room check on your phone and there will be an optioon saying "manage party" there you can add people to your party and also you can upgrade them there. Some shops are selling away recruits for around 8000$.
Like ReplyAnyone know the new code for v0.48.13
Like ReplyJakdanyel, hotel puzzle help too please
Like ReplyCan anyone help how to escape from the hotel in Lagos when it gives me those riddles and shit?
Like Replycan someone please give us the cheats for verision 0.48.04 please.
Like ReplyNew code Give_him_the_orders
Like ReplyAnyone know the new code
Like ReplyThakt, the new code is Give_him_the_orders
Like ReplyCan some one please give the new cheat code
Like Reply2 stuff how do you complete the chrismas challenge and the hello cousin quest
Like Replyanyone know the order the furniture goes in for room 20 lagos im stuck
Like ReplyDoes anyone know what the new code for this game is? :(
Like Replyany one have cheats?
Like ReplyWhere's the London egg?
Like Replysomeone who knows the right combination to the hotel with the nun?
Like ReplyMirror: Opposite the bed, Bed: Against the left wall, Wardrobe: Next to the bed, Chair: Next to the mirror, Desk: Facing the window
Like ReplyAnyone have New code?
Like ReplyRoom 203: Mirror: Opposite the bed Bed: Against the left wall Weardrobe: Next to the bed Chair: Next to the mirror Desck: Facing the window
Like ReplyHow should the furniture in the room be set up?
Like ReplyLatest working cheat code: fuckahmed22
Like ReplyBRINK, fuckahmed22
Like Replycould someone please tell de code?
Like ReplyHow to unlocked the door pf apart in bar
Like ReplyWhat´s the code?
Like Replythe new code is donkeykongat, all caps, no spaces
Like ReplyWhere are the eggs?
Like Replyanyone know the kinks for the Dream Invasions? if so let me know
Like Reply46.1 code donkeykongat
Like Replyv0.46.1 cheat code is donkeykongat. enjoy
Like Replyанон, как ввести чит
Like Replyanon, works when everything is CAPITALIZED
Like ReplymR.hILL, no it doesn't
Like Replywhat is the new backer code
Like ReplyAnyone know how to upgrade your health??
Like ReplyDoes anyone have a cheat code?
Like Reply[V 0.46.31] cheat codes?
Like ReplyLast time played this (November last year), Lagos wasn't available, it was just Amore City and London
Like ReplyAnyone got the new code?
Like ReplyPlease Codes for v0.46.3
Like ReplyGales ok, but the realms of lust game had frozen at day 55. Dont know if there is a fix for this
Like ReplyV 0.46.21 Cheat code is imnothere253
Like ReplyDoes anybody know where to get the liquid courage
Like Replynew code please somebody
Like Replywhat is the real cheats that work
Like Replyhes never gonna fix the superslut fight so no point in playing
Like Replynew codes: stats moobius relationship cumstar combat dunkindonuts
Like ReplyThis game was never great, but at least before it was playable. Now, with the "combat" thing, it has become an ucomprehensible bugged mess. I refused to fight the bar whore, i think, and from now on, every single combat that the game tries to throw at me, also includes the bar whore on the enemy side, including the fight with your stepdad, which is impossible btw, i have more than 1000 strenght (lol) and still have 3 hit points, no idea how to get more.
Like ReplyAnon, just fight the hobos a couple of times and you'll lvl up your combat lvl. Then you'll get better attack moves and more health
Like Replystepdad beater, I can't, because now that fight is actually the bar whole + a hobo against me and it's impossible to win, it got bugged forever i guess.
Like Replyit doesnt matter the superslut fight is broke so u cant get any farther dont play it till its fixed
Like Replyreapergod, yes you can, you just have to gride fightin hobos and level up. I just beat him
Like Replyhentaimaster123 chickenwings115 goblincock
Like ReplyCan someone please give the new cheat code.
Like ReplyWhos got the new cheat code?
Like ReplyNew codes?
Like ReplyWe need a hero
Like ReplyHhxzx, just for one day
Like ReplyFalling14, Mirror opposite bed Bed left wall Wardrobe next to bed Chair next to mirror Desk window
Like ReplyThank the gods
Like ReplyIs there anything more to the mother's progress than seeing her nude in the garden and kissing her in the living room? I can't get any further than this.
Like ReplyAnyone have New code?
Like ReplyAnon, Stats Cheat: yodascock Relationship Cheat: sausagerolls Combat Level Cheat: canadatree
Like ReplyJDaddy680, isn work
Like ReplyJDaddy680, they dont work
Like Replyhave someone capture the superslut?? if you do, how do you you do it?
Like ReplyDanno240, take herto alley, u need high int
Like ReplyLove the game
Like ReplyHow do you beat the step dad? I have over 700 strength
Like ReplyRock, get help
Like Replyi cant see Lisa appartment, i'm stuck on 3/5
Like Replyv0.45.08 Stats Cheat: hashbrown Relationship Cheat: coomqueen Combat Level Cheat: vindaloo
Like ReplyPirio, Thanks bro!
Like ReplyPirio, doesn't work
Like ReplyAny know the new cheat
Like ReplyIs it at all possible to increase your health? Or no?
Like Replycheat pls ?
Like ReplyNew cheat?
Like ReplyJust realized that once I passed $23,000 the daily $100 from the house doesn't increase anymore. The only increase I get is from the strip club which makes it longer to reach the $165,000 option for Jennifer.
Like ReplyHow do you use the other keys in the sex museum?
Like ReplyAre you able to use the didlo or not
Like Replywhats the code for v 45.03
Like Replylevel up in this
Like Replyok none of your cheats work
Like ReplyNew code??
Like ReplyWhat's the new code?
Like ReplyChadington, eattheeggs autoblu69
Like ReplyChadington, anon, algerias cagethecrow
Like ReplyAlanNapier, much love
Like ReplyGame crashes when you try to have sex with Lisa
Like Replyimoncocaine-stats code
Like ReplyAnon, code not working
Like ReplyAnonymous, it has to be in all caps, so IMONCOCAINE
Like ReplyRoninot working in all caps or all lowercase
Like Replycheat cpde 0.44.52 is BUFFYTHEVAMPIRESLAYER
Like Replynew cheat code BUFFYTHEVAMPIRESLAYER
Like ReplyHow do you gain intelligence in this?
Like ReplyMONEY GUIDE (with bug): Go after afternoon to Paul house to get 2 free drug, sell them to corner shop. Buy 4 more in Paul house and sell them to Corner shop. Train strengh to 20, go to gym and train (use protein shake) to 650. Rob a PC. Go to real estate agent and buy shed and small house. Then wait to sunday, each time you enter your room you get 140 money, leave and enter until 30.000 money. Buy strip house, renovate it, go to message and get message 3, then chat with her.
Like ReplyThat is the money guide, feel free to play the rest content of the game without worrying about the money.
Like Replywhats supposed to happen with superslut i tried everything she just slaps me
Like Replymom's actress name?
Like ReplyZinZin, Bridgette/Brigette W
Like ReplyToto, no it's Bridgette B not W
Like ReplyBUFFYTHEVAMPIRESLAYER cheat code now
Like ReplyCurrent cheatcode: BUFFYTHEVAMPIRESLAYER
Like Replywhere do you use Apate Key?
Like ReplyWhere can I find lifetime tickets
Like ReplyFlowers are only temporary?
Like Replywhere to enter the cheat code?
Like ReplyWhats the name of the girl in the museem, the chick with the dick Daisy?
Like ReplyKakan, that is her name, or do you mean her last name as well?
Like ReplyCheat code plz
Like ReplyWhere can I find lifetime tickets
Like ReplyRIPCOOLIO new cheat code
Like ReplyNew cheat code
Like ReplyBenDover, RIPCOOLIO
Like ReplyWhat is the new cheat code
Like ReplyNew code? Anyone?
Like Replycheat code plz
Like ReplyWhat is the new code?
Like Reply"TheNurseWhoLovedMe" new cheat code
Like Replylatest cheat code: TheNurseWhoLovedMe
Like ReplyWhats The Name of The aunt?
Like ReplyBabra, Eva Lovia
Like ReplyCode is TheNurseWhoLovedMe
Like Replycheat codes????
Like Replynew cheatcode shesellseashellsontheseashore
Like ReplyCheat V0.43.90: shesellseashellsontheseashore For future updates: Right-Click > Show only this frame > F12 (or open page inspector) > Debugger > Ctrl + F for "$cheatenter". You should find something like this: "if $cheatenter is "shesellseashellsontheseashore"". The cheatcode will be whatever is between """ and """.
Like ReplyGenerous God, You are a mastermind
Like Reply99% sure this has been patched now. Opening Inspect Element and searching through it all for the string yields no results for me
Like Replyblob, I checked the source code: <span id='textbox-submit'> <<button 'Submit Backer Code'>> <<set $answer to $answer.trim().toLowerCase()>> <<if hashStr($answer) == 2099804142>> They literally hashed the pasword so you couldn't get it from the code. Who does that for a cheat code you yourself implemented?!
Like Replynew code : shesellseashellsontheseashore
Like Replynew code ?
Like Replycode is : shesellseashellsontheseashore
Like Replyhow to get rid of the stepfather?...*spoilers..even though you buy the mom,that doesn't change any outcome as he is still there..she didn't kick him out or anything..and why the days are so short too,and the game throw a lot of grindings stuffs to do
Like ReplyWhat the fuck is it even possible to beat up that idiot step dad at all? This game fucking sucks since he comes and ruins it every time with mom. If you have figh your step dad at least make it possible to beat him. Could really need at least some kind of story since not its just pointles grind.
Like Replynew cheat code is "shesellseashellsontheseashore"
Like Replywhats the actress name of superslut?
Like Replyanyone know the new cheat code?
Like ReplyDarin, “shesellseashellsontheseashore”
Like Replyanybody knew the new cheat code?
Like ReplyMaxZ, found this in the game code "ineveraskedforthis" seems to work
Like ReplyMightHelp, thank you it worked
Like ReplyMightHelp, where in the code can you find it ?
Like ReplyMaxZ, shesellseashellsontheseashore the code
Like ReplyMaxZ, porngamesarebadformyhealth
Like ReplyNightroamer, cheat aint working dawg
Like ReplyWhere can we find apate cuz I have her key but can't find her
Like ReplyKai, She is in the bathroom of elsa pub
Like ReplyNew cheat code?
Like ReplyMan, ineveraskedforthis
Like ReplyWe're u get the sex book
Like ReplyDruss82, The supermarket in UK fo $1950
Like ReplyLondon city. My bad
Like Replywe're exactly
Like ReplyCheat code is frogkingaids123
Like ReplyCheat code?
Like ReplyCheat code please
Like Replywhat is sister name?
Like Replylocura2000, eva elfie is her real name
Like ReplyYeah waste of time barely get to do any sex since way to hard of a grind, Numbers are way to high up there to do anything only way to even enjoy slighlty is to cheat and even that is 50/50
Like ReplyOK this game is broken as fuck like randomly my stength that i built up is gone and now down to -1
Like Replythe option to "wash my cock " in the shower is not working and i have more than 450 lvl with Jesse
Like ReplyIt's a bit awkward and needs some imagination (especiallly with the weird teleporting stepdad that you can fight for some reason) but it looks very promising. Long time Trixie's seen a game here that's actually interesting to play
Like ReplyOkay, after playing for a while, it is clear that this game has potential, but is very incomplete, has weird values and bizarre macho behaviour (they literally add "I'm a pussy" to an option to decline weed, actually made Trixie say 'what the fuck' out loud, which is rare). Anyways, at least whoever 12 year old who wrote this had a fun time, and good programming skills
Like ReplyWhats the New code?
Like Replycode frogkingaids123
Like Replyokay, so no point starting in London straight away? or just sleep and talk to Harley?
Like ReplyCan't have sex with sophia but it won't!✌️
Like Replynice game but crap videos. Not worth wasting time untill videos have the same quality as images and not some louse pixelated filterd crap.
Like Replywhere is the cheat consol guys
Like ReplyNew Code is djrambo
Like Replynew code ?
Like Replyme_me69, djrambo
Like ReplyCan't get a blow job from Lisa in the apartment -- Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: lisalevel is not defined
Like Replyboomtown cheat code
Like Replygjtrf, coomtown
Like ReplyHow to you fuck Sofia?
Like ReplyAny one know which pornstar the sister is
Like ReplyRandom nickname, eva elfie
Like ReplyThe game doesn't work
Like ReplyCheat code? Cmon for the supporters
Like ReplyHello, coomtown
Like Replynotanyonespecial, is there a special way you have to enter it because after trying it like this Hello, coomtown and Hello,coomtown even "Hello, coomtown" and "Hello,coomtown" none of them work
Like Replydave, it’s just coomtown
Like Replydave, how dumb or tired does a person have to be to make this mistake
Like Replygood update
Like ReplyCheat code?????
Like Replywhat’s the new cheat code? merryfuckingchristmas doesn’t work anymore
Like ReplyHow you buy the strip club in this game?I have played for while and no option to buy strip club!!!
Like Replyvinpat, buy it from real estate agent
Like ReplyCan't go to Lisa's appartment after the last update. Is it a bug?
Like ReplyAdorno, Can't change outfit of Emilia
Like ReplyAdorno, Can't leave the livingroom after chat with Belinda (late Morning). Can't open quest with aunt. Can't see Sophia's relationshiplevel (should bo higher than 200) Can't fuck her.
Like Replywho is sister
Like ReplyCelzero, eva elfie
Like ReplyThe current updated cheat is "merryfuckingchristmas". Sincerely, me myself and I.
Like ReplyTheFuckKnight, where do you type the cheat?
Like ReplyTheFuckKnight, what’s the new cheat code
Like ReplyTheFuckKnight, this code isn't working
Like ReplyBoogy, He's fucking with you because he's a dick.
Like ReplyAnon, OR, just hear me out, the code got changed due to an update?
Like ReplyCant buy the mind controll pills?
Like ReplyDude just put a fricking back button, there is a lot of bugs that cant let players go forward or worse, backwards...
Like Replytoo many bugs in this
Like Replywhy cant i buy the the miind control drugs even though i got whats required
Like ReplyCheat code: imacummybear Opinion: The game is too short even without the cheats at the moment, couldn't enjoy. I don't suggest playing at this update.
Like Replypsychedelicrockstar, the cheat code may have changed...
Like ReplyCheat code please
Like ReplyRicardii, fuckyou all one word
Like Replyhow high does the turst with your mom need to before you can get in her bedroom with her? Or is that coming up date?
Like ReplyPurchasing the maid throws errors and every monday on the stamina reset there are errors in the maid IF statements
Like ReplyHGT, thanks, i will look into this
Like ReplyThe current code is "doingyamom". Sincerely, wait what's my username again?
Like ReplyTheFuckKnight, This code is no longer working. Commenting the new one now :)
Like ReplyThere are some problems in the game: Can't see Elsa at work, can see Elsa at kissing but not at fooling around. How can I get intelligence-points. Read a book doesn't work. How can I get money. Where i can sell da kush.
Like Replyadorno, Thanks. I'm looking into this and will get a fix done asap
Like ReplyImage bug is fixed but the gamecore version might take a while to update.
Like ReplyCWS, blackmarket did'nt work. Want to buy Mind Control Drugsand have $1700 and 500 crime points.
Like Replyadorno, it doesn't actually do anything so you can't buy it at the moment.
Like ReplyCWS, thx for the Info and happy new year
Like ReplyI cannot see the mother nude in the garden. The image doesn't load. Bug??
Like ReplyImage Bug, yep its a bug. Fixing asap!
Like ReplyWhen do you get to fuck the mom in this ?
Like ReplyWhen do you get to fuck the mom in this?
Like ReplyHey All, This a super outdated version. A new update is coming soon.
Like ReplyI can’t do this game it won’t work
Like Replyit would be real nice if it gave objectives
Like Replycheat code is "bigfatpoopysock"
Like Replycheater, where do you put the cheatcode???
Like ReplyKill the fade between locations. Grinder games are slow enough without waiting a half a second when moving around.
Like ReplyHow do I fuck Elsa?
Like ReplyGriff, u have to see her fucking 5 times
Like ReplySO the MC is a white male,,, But there HAS to be a big dick black friend that's banging all the women! WTF.....
Like ReplyThe game is really promising but there are a lot of bugs. Most importantly it is impossible to exit the shop which makes all quests impossible
Like ReplyAmor, Enter a side menu and click back to get out.
Like ReplyF33L_G00D, Doesn't work if you choose to steal, you have to back out of all your options.
Like ReplyCheat code?
Like Reply