Crimson Keep Chapter 5 [v 1.7]
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Turn Based
Description: In this hentai release, the journey continues for Soriel, a half-human, half-incubus who strives to increase his power by having sex with as many bishōjo as he can find. This is the fifth chapter in the story and there are a ton of new kemonomimi characters including succubi, neko girls, demons, and more. This means there will be several new scenes involving ahegao, paizuri, shibari, and more to explore. Before starting, be sure to follow the link under the description for a save file code. Otherwise, you'll not be able to start the game. A lot of things have also changed, so you should play the first parts to better understand the story. You should also follow the in-game tutorial at the beginning to learn all controls and game mechanics. |
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I do not know
Like ReplyFinal boss beaten with all cheesecakes unused. cmt5shkym6uku910hdro4v5072hkym6uku918rho34kt50ehkym6uuq780wqrc4kt50ehkym6uuq78wa5ny4kt50ehkym6uuq788rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k30mhw14kt50ehkym6rn2k3tpb8f4kt50ehkym6rn2k3wa5ny4kt50ehkym6rn2k35hc114kt50ehkym6uuq783f7ro4kt50ehkym6uuq78kerph4kt50ehkym6uuq780mhw14kt50ehkym6uuq78tpb8f4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4v50724fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3h
Like Replywhats max level this chapter? cause i beat the game at 31
Like ReplyIn case u need last chapter save code ↓ cmt5shkym6uku910wqrc4v5072hkym6uku918rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k3wa5ny4kt50ehkym6rn2k30wqrc4kt50ehkym6uuq78wa5ny4kt50ehkym6uuq780wqrc4kt50ehkym6uku91tpb8f4kt50ehkym6rn2k30mhw14kt50ehkym6rn2k3tpb8f4kt50ehkym6rn2k38rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k35hc114kt50ehkym6uuq780hdro4kt50ehkym6uuq788rho34kt50ehkym6uuq78kerph4kt50ehkym6uuq780mhw14kt50ehkym6uuq78tpb8f4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4kt50enawf94fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hk
Like Replyany fucking clue what the gallery passcode or codes are
Like Replyvisor, theres no gallery code in this gotta actually play the game.
Like ReplyFck it, im out nothing works
Like Replya small guide for those who have problems
Like ReplyCrimson Keep Ch. 5 Beta v1.7 by introspurt - SVSComics
Like ReplyWork zj!l8!1m!dX!4ql!l8!5X!3X!4s9!l8!ps!dX!4s9!l8!y3!f8!4s9!l8!5X!qe!4s9!l8!5X!3X!4s9!l8!5X!oy!4s9!l8!5X!dX!4s9!l8!5X!Xm!4s9!l8!y3!mp!4s9!l8!5X!h5!4s9!l8!5X!ao!4s9!l8!5X!f8!4s9!l8!y3!oy!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4s9!9y!4ns!l8!y3!3X!4ns!l8!y3!h5!4ns!l8!y3!0r!4ns!l8!y3!mp!4ns!l8!y3!f8!4ns!l8!1m!ao!4ns!l8!1m!mp!4ns!l8!1m!Xm!4ns!l8!1m!0r!4ns!l8!y3!ao!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1m!qe!4ns!l8!1
Like Replycmt5shkym6uku91wa5ny4v5072hkym6uku918rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k30wqrc4kt50ehkym6uuq78wa5ny4kt50ehkym6uuq780wqrc4kt50ehkym6uuq780hdro4kt50ehkym6rn2k3wa5ny4kt50ehkym6rn2k35hc114kt50ehkym6uuq78tpb8f4kt50ehkym6uuq780mhw14kt50ehkym6uuq78kerph4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4kt50e51v6q4fc5i3hkym6uku910wqrc4fc5i3hkym6rn2k33f7ro4fc5i3hkym6uku91857mg4fc5i3hkym6uku913f7ro4fc5i3hkym6uku91kerph4fc5i3h
Like ReplyAnother thing, depending on what Route you chose in chapter 3 it will decide who you fight last, if you went the Nefris (cat girl) route at the end you will fight Synophi (dark elf), or Kyrys (Ice girl). But if you went one of their paths in chapter 3 you will fight Nefris in chapter 5.
Like Replygame gets harder and harder rpg wise but still good
Like Replyprincess fight was hard
Like ReplyI cant fucking load any type of text
Like Replymt5sxj97c4cmt5sxj97c4cmt5s9gww94cmt5s5oj5p4f85au47gj81bt0624cmt5sbt06245o3koyizld7iucu8rho3onm9v45o3koyizld57b6o0mhw1onm9v47gj81yizld7iucu8rho3onm9v45o3ko9gww9rn2k33f7roonm9v47gj81xj97crn2k30wqrc0zivp45o3ko0ba5t57b6o0wqrclp0hc4fc5i39e1gp8kxqswa5nylp0hc4cmt5s51v6quuq78wa5ny
Like Replycopy paste my last three comments to play
Like Replyalskdjfh, youre a lifesaver m8
Like Replycmt5shkym6uku910wqrc4v5072hkym6uku918rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k3wa5ny4kt50ehkym6uuq78wa5ny4kt50ehkym6uuq780wqrc4kt50ehkym6rn2k38rho34kt50ehkym6uuq780hdro4kt50ehkym6uuq788rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k30mhw14kt50ehkym6rn2k3tpb8f4kt50ehkym6rn2k35hc114kt50ehkym6uuq78kerph4kt50ehkym6uuq780mhw14fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4v50724fc5i3hkym6uku91857mg4fc5i3hkym6rn2k30wqrc4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6u
Like Replyku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4cmt5s9gww9456f7lbt0628kxqs4yn90yhkym68kxqs4v507251v6qnkurt4cmt5sxj97cuku914v50729e1gpnkurt47gj81bt062uku914fc5i3hkym6uku914yn90yhkym657b6o4kt50e9gww98kxqswa5ny4kt50e47gj81xj97c456f7lbt0624fc5i351v6q4kt50e4yn90y4kt50ehkym6456f7l4v50724cmt5s0ba5t456f7l4v50724f85au4f85au4f85au4f85au4f85au4fc5i34cmt5s51v6quuq78wa5nylp0hc4cmt5s51v6quuq780wqrc0zivp4cmt5s51v6quuq78wa5ny0zivp4f85au4f85au4cmt5s5oj5p4cmt5syizld4c
Like Replyyeah im stuck with 2 character staring at eachother, while im forced to listen to slapping or fapping sounds - sex scene is broken, i cannot seem progess
Like Replymajor bug, so its a good thing I read through the tutorials, apparently incognito mode no longer works, darn wish they stuck with the code system
Like Replyhow do I pass the environmental hazard in the 2nd floor?
Like ReplyHey is there anyway to get into the secound locked room, I know the one on the right can be unlocked by talking to the guard on the 1st floor but what about the left room?
Like ReplySomeGuy, That's the princess room you will get there after defeating her
Like ReplyI've tried import my previous saves and ones in comments and nothing is working fucked game.
Like ReplyTo start the game you need to first play chapter 4 and save and export the code, then go back to chapter 5 and it’ll then let you start. Also a tip, pet Lyn excessively for an item ;)
Like ReplyHow many turns do I have until the Pillar of Ruination. I always seem to be destroyed by it as it deals almost 4k damage.
Like ReplyIt's actually not turns but her anger bar. Certain moves make that bar go up. Especially super effective moves. Though, moves that aren't tied to her weakness doesn't make it go up. So basically your safe move to use here is Penumbra Flare. If you do have it.
Like ReplyMandickTheTittySmitty, eulicidate will tell you certain moves piss her off (mainly the things shes weak to), there's a bar above her head telling you how mad she is, if the bar fills full the fight ends
Like Replywhen i found sia, after the conversation i hear just fapping sound but i cand do anything (cant move )
Like ReplyWho the fuck uses flash player still!!!!! They're famously known for stealing your information and saling it.... Besides its a shitty player.
Like ReplyThere seems to be a problem that makes the game freeze after the first dialogue when the cutscene should appear. It seems to be a problem with chrome because i fixed it by changing the browser
Like ReplySomeDude, true, right after textload from previous chapter it does that every time with chrome. Making a save from there (in the frozen state), reloading the page and loading your new save game works just fine though
Like ReplyI dont see any button for start new game ...
Like ReplyBrianovec, cause there is none, you need to have a text log saved game from last chapter
Like Replycant even get past the first part of game dont know where to go
Like Replywhere the fuck is the last mana battery
Like ReplyDarkcrow13, Did you screw the Flameberry tender until you got the animation? She gives you a battery.
Like ReplyDarkcrow13, there are two on the first floor I believe, one for getting all the seens with the flameberry tender, and one you get by talking to the girl in the top right room on the forth floor, then finding her lover on the third floor, if I remember correctly at least.
Like ReplyIts doesn't let you play
Like Replyheres a bug, how do u play?
Like Replyif you want to play use this cmt5shkym6uku910hdro4v5072hkym6uku918rho34kt50ehkym6uku91tpb8f4kt50ehkym6rn2k3wa5ny4kt50ehkym6rn2k30wqrc4kt50ehkym6uuq78wa5ny4kt50ehkym6uuq780wqrc4kt50ehkym6rn2k30mhw14kt50ehkym6rn2k3tpb8f4kt50ehkym6uuq780hdro4kt50ehkym6rn2k35hc114kt50ehkym6uuq78tpb8f4kt50ehkym6uuq78kerph4kt50ehkym6uuq780mhw14fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4v50724fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc
Like Replyyour dude, you have to go to text load
Like Replyyour dude, it doesn't work
Like ReplyYeet, Click the walkthrough guide and follow the instructions
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