This game allows you to become the best version of yourself. You were living a mundane life until this beautiful lady came along. You didn't have friends or a girlfriend and life was just passing by. With the help of this belle, you land a job as a taxi driver. Give this new job your all and ensure you are the best taxi driver in town. Let her show you the business trades and thank her by making love to her. She will teach you so much more and revamp you into a new cool guy. Remember to upgrade your car frequently and remain at the top of your game.
lite cheats 7368 i didn't find the hard cheats, sorry
Like ReplyNew code for 0.54 lite is 1234
Like ReplyCheat, Goated person.
Like ReplyCode for 0.52
Like ReplyThis game has truly rebranded the "taxi driver" profession. :)
Like Replyalright who's got the code for 0.53?
Like Replycode guy, the code is 2025
Like Replycode for V 0.53 is 2025
Like ReplyWho is Arabelle's maid
Like ReplyCode for .52 is 5202
Like Replyv 0.51 code 2025
Like Reply2025 is the light cheat for v0.51
Like Replycode for 0.50?
Like Replyhey brother. 1] add more cheats to the game but not for support, just for normal gameplay 2] change this character Jasmine to a younger one 3] add a skip option to minigames or make this game a minigame with cups 4] add more young girls
Like Replyquests are excruciatingly long and uneventful for the most part.
Like ReplyCorrect formula for Prepare the test for Katya?
Like Replygreat game. missing options for more money. and the skip option is missing
Like Replyi am become taxi driver, destroyer of public transportation
Like ReplyCode for 0.49?
Like ReplyEtzio, Etzio, 1984
Like Replyrammerman, is there a better one
Like Reply0.48 Code?
Like Replycheat code for 0.48
Like Reply0.48 cheat code is: 2024
Like ReplyCode on nmY name
Like ReplyCode for 0.48 ¿¿¿
Like ReplyCode for 0.46 is 7777
Like Replycode for 0.46
Like Replycode for 0.46 does anyone know
Like Replycode for v 0.45?
Like Replywlodek6969, code is 7777
Like ReplyCode for V 0.45
Like Replycheatcode for 0.44 is 6969
Like ReplyWonderful game
Like Replycode for 0.44?
Like ReplyCheat code?
Like Replyv 0.44, the code for 0.44 is 6969
Like Replynew code???
Like Replykanasade, 1234
Like Replywho is Caroline
Like Replycode for .43 anybody?
Like Replythe code to v 0.43
Like ReplyMezo, the code is 1234
Like Replythanks
Like ReplyCode for 0.42
Like Reply.42 code? any one?
Like ReplyMole, 2024...
Like ReplyThe code for version 0.42 is 2024
Like Replycode for .41?
Like Replycode for 0.40 ?
Like ReplyThe code for v .40 is 5040
Like Replyany codes for the 0.40 version of the game??
Like Replycode 0.40 plsss
Like ReplyCode for 0.40
Like ReplyNick ame, 5040
Like Replycheat code for 0.40 is 5040
Like ReplyCode for 0.39
Like Replyheya, 1982....
Like Reply1, its invalid :(
Like Reply1, sorry never mind i did not see the game was updated, my mistake
Like Reply1, fuck off cunt
Like ReplyDamn they updated it boys, anyone got the new code?
Like ReplyWho is Laia?
Like ReplyAnyone with 0.38 code?
Like ReplyShiv, 8008 for 0.38
Like ReplyAnyone know 0.38 Code?
Like ReplyJamman, code is 8008
Like Replyunknown, any others or just that one
Like ReplyGame wont save how come? I save in the save section on my account but when i refresh page it disappeared everything was lost.
Like ReplyGame developer can you put some maids in support section for a few game money like 1-3 maids only
Like ReplyWhen i try to hire maids there is a section called support how???
Like ReplyI stuck at bikini quest... Help me please
Like Reply0.37 code?
Like Replykilla, 2090 stay steady
Like ReplyUndercover Brother, doesnt work for me
Like Replycan't save total trash!✌️
Like ReplyHow do you access the P.M. passengers?
Like ReplyAnyone knows 0.36 code? Please tell me
Like ReplyBaba, 2708
Like ReplyEphraim, and for 0.37 ?
Like ReplyPRESHOOT, 2090
Like Replywho is Laia
Like ReplyWhat is needed to glimpse into the past?
Like Replystuffypickle135,
Like Replystuffypickle135, Were you able to make the mix he asked for?
Like ReplyI need to know the name of the barmaid please
Like Replykarma, Alyssia Kent
Like Replyhey admin, louse create a cheat version (but free) because others want to play this cheat game too !!!
Like Replybb, or you can just pay? it isnt even a lot of money
Like Replyu poor ass,yea you just have to use credit card they don't care if you get hacked it's just greed!✌️
Like ReplyVerry Nice
Like ReplyDidn't keep my save, using Firefox
Like Replywhen you advance at certain part of the game, it becomes just a click click game, nothing substantially happens/change
Like Replyhow do I know where to find Mia's book....?
Like Replywithout a supporter's code this game is seriously taking forever. supporters pack are fine but still leave some sort of way to go around the 5 hours grinding you need to achieve anything
Like ReplyPlease fix all the Videos. Alaxa or even any of Neptuno later quests doesnt show any...
Like Replyneed to fix the Melody items and videos!!!!
Like ReplyThis game sucks. It kicks you out so many times and you won't even have the chance to save it! I definitelly don't recommend this.
Like ReplyPour citer le seigneur Karadoc : "C'est de la merde." * Quoting Sir Karadoc : 'Well this is shit."
Like Replya lot of video, who it's impossible to see the game it's also good, but need to fix
Like ReplyHey. i am lya from this game, here i am to inform you that i am not able to see video & images. what's wrong with you? please fix this issue or whatever it is. thank you.
Like ReplyIs there cod cheat new update? Baleez give me
Like ReplyWho is Alexa?
Like ReplyHi, I'm Neptuno, BTD developer. If the images/videos are not loading, it is because the game is not uploaded correctly. Type in google "Become Taxi Driver Mopoga" you will have the latest version working perfectly. PS: In the VR quest, you have to click on Main Characters, and there will be a button under Jasmine's picture.
Like Replyis they a cheat code
Like ReplyCan anyone type in a full walkthrough please?
Like ReplyCan you please fix the game... I love playing this but none of the new videos or pics are loading
Like Replyi cant test VR
Like ReplyWho is Litzy and Alexa
Like Replywhy don't you open the damn videos and images
Like Replyhow do i do the swimming event
Like ReplyPhotos/videos from the Melody story are still broken/not showing. No point in getting interested in the new content dropping, when the current content isn't working. :(
Like ReplyHello, does anyone know why the videos and photos do not work in the new content?, somebody has an answer
Like Replyhow do i do swimming lessons
Like Replyjeff, go to the park, throw coins in the wishing well. Wish for a new instructor. Once completed, you can take daily swimming lessons from the beach area.
Like Replyv18 videos wont play :(
Like Replyhow to use cheats?
Like Replywhere can I play previous versions 17 or 16?
Like ReplyGo anakahoqmam
Like ReplyJesus christ this game is a painfully long grindfest.
Like ReplyA video in the supported format and mime type was not found
Like Replyhow do i do swimming lessons
Like ReplyHow tf do the media packs work how do i download them
Like ReplyDude stop this BS "media pack" thing. Just do a fine work.
Like ReplyJasmine = Jasmine Jae Nathaly = Nathaly Cherie Lexi = Skyla Novea Jade = Jade Kush Cathy = Jewelz Blu Lya = Georgie Lyall Mia = Mia Malkova Caroline = Autumn Falls Brittany = Brittney White Ashly = Ashly Anderson Sophie = Sophie Dee Victoria = Victoria June Arabelle = Arabelle Raphael Can't find Who Angela & Mary Are
Like ReplyImSuperWeird, Mary = Mary Kalisy
Like ReplyImSuperWeird, I also had to look it up, but yeah Maura= Sheridan Love
Like ReplyImSuperWeird, laia?
Like ReplyYeah none of the images or videos work for the new characters I mean all the old stuff works fine it's just all the new shit
Like ReplyThis issue is still a problem with the latest batch of additions/fixes that were made.
Like ReplyWho is lexi
Like ReplyPlsss, Skyla Novea
Like ReplyIt won't let me see the modified VR machine. I can't find it on the computer or progress further with Neptuno
Like ReplyImages dont work in .17 update or videos
Like ReplyAnyone know the code?
Like ReplyWhats the asian girls name?
Like ReplyAsian, Jade Kush I Believe Good Sir
Like Replyx-ray app doesn't work
Like Replyanon a moose, nvm i just used the bug fixer
Like Replyhow i congartulate alexa?
Like ReplyHow do i test the vr?
Like ReplyThis takes a while to load but great game overall.
Like ReplyHow do I congratulate Alexa on her wedding
Like ReplyCan't find it anywhere. Either it is a task that they listed but never made, or there is a bug. Seems that the game comes to a stop there.
Like ReplyWhere I get swimming lessons? cant find the place
Like ReplyPeperone, Swimming lessons are at the beach during the daytime.
Like Reply41 streanghth and cannot do a 15 streanghth
Like Replystrenghth error, you need to complete a quest first
Like ReplyYOOOO last place I thought I'd find a brando sando fan XD
Like ReplyWho is Lexi? I mean actress
Like ReplyDGook, Skyla Novea
Like ReplyHow to obtain luck points?
Like ReplyDIO, I think you must talk to the mechanic lady
Like ReplyNo one wants to provide Patreon code?
Like ReplyOne thing that is really annoying and really needs changing id calling the Barmaid him, when it is a woman.
Like ReplyWho Is Nathaly ? And Who Is Cathy ?
Like ReplyYellowFlash, Nathaly = Nathaly Cherie Cathy = Jewelz Blu
Like ReplyWho is miss stella?
Like ReplyWhy do people like this boring game. You need a life.
Like ReplyThanks! Larsoderso for the help. I have understood. But still I think it's better with words than emoji. You tend to understand the people. And no, like most of them, we all think we're stupid and should read a book. We're not stupid. I'm not saying the visual novels play with no decisions they should watch a feature film.
Like ReplyIt takes too long before the action starts and TOO many women with large fake tits. I know some guys like that, but give us more variety!
Like ReplyWho is lya in real life?
Like Reply_L, Georgie lyall
Like Replyi can barely understand wtf anyone is talking about in this game if you cant speak english don't make a game on an english website dumbasses
Like ReplyIf you don't you have to match the emojis for the convo
Like ReplyStuck on Nathaly mom quest. Can't get to beach at night...
Like ReplyNever mind...figured it out.
Like ReplyOne of the best games good job
Like ReplyAnother game can't play because of lack of storage ability on Chrome
Like ReplyFuta, click save to disk. Then you can save as much as yuo want
Like ReplyWhats patreon code?
Like Replyunknown gamer, you would have to be a Patreon to find out
Like ReplyFuta, thats why i asked because i dont am one and most off the time patreon users come to this to just set the codes in the coments if you ask it
Like Replyif you guys are to dumb to choose from the convo options maybe it´s better to stop playing this and start reading a book.
Like Replyi don't get the talking thing, why are there emoji? i have to go back and retry everytime till i get the good one
Like ReplyThe convo options are lame..yo don't even know what yo saying when interacting with other people..and he went to work to make $20 for the whole time out..the f with bored barely 5mns in..improve this dev(s) and I might come back to it..
Like Replyboring. Why these signs when you talk to someone. Film, key, pig, tongue, doctor, sign, heart or tool, etc. What does that mean. Why can't you talk normally with words? Or is it now a youthful way of talking and I'm too old for that now. I don't understand this way of talking. Sorry, I'm too old for that.
Like ReplyKatjablond, I don't know why the author did it but when you speak to someone you have to match the pictures. For example for her there are money emojis and than you have the option between 3 different emojis like purse , pig and books. And you have to take the emoji which is related to hers. Hope I could help :)
Like Replylarsoderso, Ha ha ha ha ha, what does a woman carry her money in??? a purse.
Like Reply