Play as a young guy in college, a time many remember as one of the best in their lives. Explore adulthood, meet new people, and dive into real parties. But the game adds a twist – not everything is as sweet and cool as it seems. Experience the ups and downs of college life, making choices that shape the character's journey. In this game, relatable experiences mix with unexpected turns, offering a story that captures the essence of those memorable years with simplicity and a touch of realism. And of course the sex scenes will have you at the edge of your seat wishing it was you in that screen!
Amazing update! I love how the MC is starting to bring the girls together and building a harem. I might be a wild ride with Roxy, but then everything is wild with her anyway! Though I was missing the visuals after the night at Rachel's sister's house. Hopefully we will get to see those with the next update. And BTW, just exactly why is she glowing so much? Hmmm...
Like ReplyThis story just keeps getting better. I see how the girls in the MC's life are slowly being brought together for what will be the most amazing harem. The characters just keep engaging in even more erotic naughtiness, and I can't wait to see what happens in the next update!
Like ReplyThe first Rachel scene and the following Carol scene have errors that make the game unplayable. Can someone from the site sort this by finding the relevant files from update 8?
Like Replyturned out to be a much better game then i was expecting , still needs a little bit of polish though . Like the Phone only shows relationship point system for the main couple girls , but there are far more that you are earning points with than it shows and no way to check. Also the significance of love points? doesnt seem to be any discernible way to even make sense of what they are for as it seems kinda random when you earn them. Also some animated scenes have errors.
Like ReplyPretty standard and repetitive script, no psicological deepness to it, no drama or moral dilema
Like Replyvalencianosaler, kinda sounds like you didnt play very long before writing this. Theres quite a lot going on with all the different girls and their situations/lives
Like Replygreat game, needs an update also morons at gamcore need to do something about their servers this and too many other games crash or lose save data
Like ReplyI wish there was a man that would fuck me like that
Like Replywhat kind of dick is that ??? ruins the whole game with that microdick !!!
Like ReplyGame crashes during first rachel sex scene. Error finding an animation pops up. Line 486 or something. Tried different choices from older saves but it still crashes when the plot reaches the same point.
Like ReplyPlease make "University of Problems" available on STEAM.
Like ReplyAlliavik, Fuck that, I have friends. I don't need people knowing what hentai games I'm playing
Like ReplyLevel23G, lol same
Like ReplyThere doesn't seem to be anything new here.
Like ReplyIt still says version 1.4.0 in the corner
Like Replywhat's new?
Like Replygive me more games with big tits
Like ReplyNeed more. Really good game.
Like Replyneed an update
Like ReplyThe writing in this game at a certain point takes such a fucking nosedive it's actually painful to read. Which is a shame because it was pretty interesting before that.
Like ReplyAlosom, to an extent, i agree with you bro
Like Reply1.35 has completely broken game. notebook leads to errors. nothing visibly new in christmas update.
Like ReplySo unless I'm mistaken, v1.3.5 Christmas version doesn't seem to have anything new other than the menu change, am I right? Great game but odd that they sent out an update without progressing the story like normal.
Like ReplyGreg1, Click on Replays and then the Star tab, and you'll find the Christmas/New Year 2023 bonus content.
Like ReplyNobody, Thanks! I knew I must have been missing something so I appreciate the help.
Like ReplyAwesome game, but the dev obviously doesn't know what MILF actually means.
Like Replyim getting a pop up saying "There should be an animation but this is not available in the web version". In which version can i get the animations? Great game btw
Like Replyguys I m imporing a save and the game tells me to restart to apply but how i do this is there is no restart option ,so how I do this ?
Like ReplyI don't understand what's new
Like Replyhuh, nothing new
Like ReplyRen Py Really Effective at Not Playing Your Game. What kind of a developer would use such a broken and useless program to build a game ??
Like ReplyNever though i'd be playing an animated porn game. Some good detail though that my perverted mind has always liked. Pulling bathing suit between lips, eating creampie, public stuff. Well played developer.
Like ReplyFor me the save work (only i have buig with the name) the big problem for me is that the record book cause an error each time i tried to access it
Like ReplyThe new images that have been added after the new update do not show
Like ReplyWe need a "Skip to newest content" checkpoint with every update with this game cause the Saves are broken literally with each updates...
Like Replyhow to dawonload and pc
Like ReplyDoesn't keep saves. Another game that is becoming unplayable because of an issue with saves.
Like Reply9/10 game in my opinion. But Element-174 is still my top one.
Like ReplyLove this game but my save got broken and the diary is bugged and gives infinite errors.
Like ReplyCarol pegging us? that would be awesome xd
Like ReplyLame. What can I say about a game that screws up every decision that does not lead in a fuck. If you want to do a novella, don't pack it as a game if you are not willing to give reasonable choices.
Like ReplyV 1.2.5 was a great update! The anal scene w/ Rachel was outstanding!
Like Replyaaah yes. i think i am restarded. i like playing the game for the plot. i must be a degenerat
Like Replyloll ahhahahahahahahahahahahahah
Like ReplyAll the women in this game are twigs. No full-figured or chubby girls? No variety? You can desgin nearly any body type with these 3D programs and you made everyone slender and lanky? Is heroin chic back in style? Where are the thick girls?
Like ReplyThis an absolutely amazing update! I can't wait for the next one!
Like ReplyNevyn, well you cant load your game in this update
Like Replynot working
Like Reply423 / 5.000 Übersetzungsergebnisse Übersetzung Seems I have a very strange way of playing this game. Since February 4th, 2022 there hasn't been a new update for the path I've taken in the game. That's a problem. If you're already making a game that allows different paths, you should make sure that they don't eventually end in a dead end. If that is not possible, you should limit the possible number of paths from the outset.
Like ReplyReally very nice in game made buckets with a good and interesting story. I hope there will be an upcoming update I can't wait to see what happens.
Like ReplyWhy "Update" this game if there is no additional content?
Like Replythis is a grat game the story is cool but the thing that the sex scene with natalie are forced i woold like to choose who i want to have a relation with
Like Replyis it weird that im only here for the story and just a little bit of the lust
Like ReplyNow that was an amazing update! So much content, and the content was so good! I can't wait for more!
Like Replyits so bad
Like Replywell done (NOT) after latest updates v 1.1.0 the saves do not work any longer!
Like ReplySaves don't work here
Like ReplyaBc, yeah. was hoping for an update and now i can't load previous saves. bullshit.
Like ReplyI cannot play that games because of Javascript error. A mutual operation bla bla bla... How can I fix this?
Like ReplySttS, download gamcore browser for computer
Like Replythe game needs some bugs fixed. cant click on some arrows or characters in free roam parts of the game
Like Replygame wont load
Like ReplyEvery time i have problems in losing my safe points so frustrating to start all over again. and its not the first time but also with other games this sucks
Like ReplyXxl, well, i don't know what it looks like when you made different choices, but i haven't seen any new context since the last 3 updates. To your problem: There should be a "hamburger" or "sandwich" icon in the top left corner. There you can export your savegames to your hard drive and import them again after the server has been cleaned by the update. That should help.
Like Replyanyone figure out how to unlock lexi scene only scene i have left
Like ReplyStarts off OK but man gets frustrating and boring quickly. It's not clear what choices bring you closer to which girls, and which choices require "INT" or "STR" or whatever stupid bs. And once you decide to pursue a girl you can't skip all her crap or cut her out afterwards. Just gets soooo fucking annoying with all the clcking through mindless endless bullshit. Has a lot of potential though.
Like Replygame crashes when i want to save it and it crashes in the scene i'm with rachel
Like ReplyVideo gameplay
Like ReplyI enjoyed the previous update but there is no way I am starting all over again.
Like ReplyJayafterdark, brother do i really need ro start i just funished last update is this the update that will continue the story after sex with yuki?
Like Replyany cheats?
Like Replycheat man, unless you want to deleve into the files, no
Like ReplyAND again, nothing new.
Like Replyall saves are gone
Like ReplyWTF I lost all my saves!!
Like Replyalways show this shit and cashing : Error: Script error. (see JavaScript console for details)
Like Replyjaja, could u solve the problem??? im having the same one
Like ReplyWij is the sancho mod not in this update
Like ReplyOK, now what? I see the game has been re-uploaded so it will probably have a new update. So I start the game, import my old save from February 4th, 2022, go to the last saved position, activate it... a n d ... NOTHING happens. "You have reached the end of the current update." SERIOUS?? Yet again.
Like ReplyNothing new from my v8 save
Like ReplyWhy does it keep deleting my saves
Like Replygame is stuped
Like ReplyWell, I like it that way, what a wonderful game, the only thing I ask is that there be more games and more updates forever, thanks.
Like ReplyOk, what exactly is this? Imported game save from 02/04/2022, loaded last save point. And it says "You have reached the end of the current update." So why the new Ubload? Nothing against the game, I love it, but these uploads with no change description and no new content are irritating.
Like Replytoo much fucking blow jobs what it is with all these games and suckign off dicks? its a wierd obsession
Like ReplyIOError: Couldn´t find file images/animations/images/animations/update8_rachel_anim_2.webp
Like Replyimages/animations/images/animations/update8_rachel_anim_2.webp file is missing, game crashes at that point
Like ReplyUpdate to 0.9.0 please
Like ReplyThis game is awesome! I would love to see a bit more variety when it comes to pussies though. I don't get the obsession with shaven pussies with tiny, neat labia. Would love to see more pubic hair and bigger lips on some girls.
Like ReplyExcelent game. Good plot, good decision tree and good art.
Like ReplyLePerv, does you clean cookies? If you did it's explain that staff. Games are saved in the browser cash, so if it deleted all safes are diapered as well.
Like ReplyGurt, does cookies are cleaned automatically ? I never clean them.
Like ReplyI've got a problem: I can't continue my game. I save the game on the browser, and I can load the game 1 week- 1 month later, perhaps 2-3 months, but at some point I lose the save of all my games I don't know why. Any Ideas ? I always use the same browser (mozzila or opera)
Like ReplyHERMANO, QUE JUEGAZO, Espero la siguiente actualizacion y por cierto mi favorita es Roxy, mis dieces.
Like ReplyGreat game! But I have one small problem : I can export and import my saves, it works well. When I close my incognito browser, open it again, load the game, import the saves, I can resume my progression but all the memories are gone... Its a bit sad :/
Like Replyupdate of this great game, the best thing is to continue like this always and I hope that February and every month continue to surprise me 100 percent, thanks.
Like Replywhy do I keep getting an error extracting .zip. message
Like ReplyJJ, Uh are you playing on incognito/private browsing? Then that's just how that works... Also, just press the three lines on the top left corner to save them locally on your PC. Furthermore, this website provites games to you FOR FREE with no barriers. I don't think you can really complain about that. If you really like the games then pay for them.
Like ReplyJJ, When you delete your browser history or if you playing incognito your saves get deleted.
Like ReplyNerf miner
Like ReplyKing Tower, I fucked your mother
Like ReplyMotherfucker, I fucked yours too, but doggy style
Like ReplyI'm only want to say that no-one on this site will go to heaven, thanks for your time enjoy your time on earth.
Like ReplyJesus chrystus, why r u here ?
Like ReplyJesus chrystus, what if there is no heaven...
Like ReplyMotherfucker, and i fucked yours
Like ReplyMotherfucker, I fucked your father HA
Like ReplyMotherfucker, i fucked your little sister so lose lose for you
Like Replyim so hot i can take any man
Like ReplyJesus chrystus, neither are you if you think you have the power to judge peoples fate beyond this world
Like Replyv0.8.5 is out
Like ReplyIm not even jacking off anymore, im just bored, I've been on this stupid site for like 2 hours.
Like Replygot an exception error at line 483, can't go further than there. does anyone got that problem ? thanks
Like ReplyHey guys,, could you recommend games like this, maybe not as cool, but with good graphics or from this creator?!
Like ReplySo she says she wants out the shit then when yo try to help her she gets pissed off,takes a night to cool off then came back tries to manipulate yo with sweetness if yo try to help her again to tell her bout it first..Carol is the most shittiest dough faces MC's gf yo could possibly get into an H game,and I've played f..up H games on here..I've never been so turned off from this whore..omg..I bet she fked up that basketball coach to get yo in there..girl is shady as f...
Like ReplyMarcos123, ..Sorry yo've read this far I should've said *spoilers..But anyways yeah I tried to dilvurge from her path but yo miss a good chunk of the game at the start if yo don't try to romance her..the other girls are fine but I say for the simps "don't try to save these type of girls cause they too far deep..gone" "simple Days" if yo want to see a "bad girl turn good" instance done right
Like Replynew year and im still slaying bitches, i get no bitches irl, but this fine i guess
Like Replynew year bo, Happy new year mate, you'll get some one day
Like Replynew year bo, Greetings fellow brother
Like Replynew year bo, dontchase bitches, watch jordan b peterson and andrewtate
Like ReplyNo the fuck you wont if you keep playing this shit
Like Replyfascinating, I was very comfortable with this new update, thank you and I hope soon more updates of this and other games.
Like ReplyIt has a great potencial I hope they update as soon as possible
Like Replyfreezes in the bathroom with kim
Like ReplyI have registered, and have saved this game at different points numerous times. It NEVER allows me to return to a saved point after I log in again. F@%# you and this game.
Like ReplyWell, I really enjoyed this update, thank you and I hope soon to be able to enjoy more games like this.
Like ReplyOMG, this was a great update. Some really amazing content! My only worry is that the main character is dating all these great girls. I don't want that to end, but I don't see how things could work out for a harem ending. Hopefully the developer can pull a rabbit out if their hat.
Like Replyfor me best game on this site
Like Replymikeyblueeye, J a też
Like Replyi love that game, might be because Carol looks like a girl I know in real life haha. but please check the issue with some Scenes like with Kimberly and Rachel. there some "an axception has occurred"-errors while the animation is going to start
Like Replyse jeux est toujour super fantastique vivement la suite , et cont pourra mètre toutes les filles et les femmes enceintes et faire un accouchement en dirècte et choisir les sex des futur babys et faire un très grand-mariage-poligame
Like Reply6.5 did not work correctly and 7 will not start. I Guess that's what you get for free.
Like Replyimpressive, magnificent, fabulous and irreplaceable, 10/10 seriously every time they add updates they are from better to better, keep it up and get more games like this, thanks.
Like Replyfucking dumbest update
Like ReplyOk what was that I would have rather waited 3 months for an update than these 2 minutes of "nothing". And yes, I know how much work there is in this nothing. But sorry, this update was for the bin. Even for a yes I still exist, it was almost too short.
Like Replyupdate pls
Like ReplyI deadass played this game for 7 hours
Like Replyhow can we know if there is a next update?
Like ReplyThis is a good game. I started playing these games a month ago, and i found out the games that go straight to sex are the worst.
Like Replyyes that is very true
Like Replyone of my best games, I hope your next updates soon, and keep creating more games like this, remember male protagonist surrounded by many beautiful women, milfs, neighbors, stepmothers, stepsisters, acquaintance, etc, thank you.
Like Replylatest update is broke as fuck - social media and other areas of game are causing errors and game crashes - please fix asap
Like ReplyHello, after this update, every time I try to open the Picturs on the mobilephone an Error massage appears and if I press Ignore more Error massages appears until the hole game crashes.
Like ReplyThis is a fun game that has a steady, sexy, erotic build up with several sexy women. The story is long enough, and with enough good plots, that it keeps you engaged and wondering where it is going to go next. The graphics are very sexy, and there are a variety of cute college girls to keep you entertained. If a harem is at the end of this, then the developer has something really clever planned. Either way, I'll look forward to the next update.
Like ReplyI'm getting an error at the point where the boy is on the couch with Rachel, it's been consistent and I've tried a few routes with other choices to get there. Does anyone else get this error? Where the text comes up and you can "rollback".
Like Replybut I can't save it
Like Replybest thing in this game is the cuddeling and the hug make you feel the girl is speichal i love the fuck scene too 5stars
Like Replydoes anyone know when the renpy java maximum stack bs will be fixed? cause i’m trying to play some games but i don’t wanna risk fucking my pc over
Like Replygame starts rite up no blurry images no lag. why is that so hard for devs. to bad this ist even a primes im rely down with but i can only play what works so i gess ill take it.
Like ReplyI still get Error: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (see JavaScript console for details)
Like Replymusic is dope
Like ReplyThe update sucks, almost no new content.
Like ReplyI still get an error when fingering Miss Powell. That was an issue on the last update and it appears to still be a problem.
Like ReplyDespite being very short, I was able to enjoy it, a beautiful game, without words, I hope for more updates on this and other games, thanks gamcore.
Like ReplyWELL, i was quite far in t6he game, and have lost the save, and its happening in ALL the Re'py games even the ones that had no save issues because even they have now lost all the saves..
Like ReplyBozo, export saves
Like ReplySOmeone, i tired that according to the export import for Rempy i get 'this save is not compatible 2with this version of the game'
Like Replyyükleyin artık lan.
Like Replywhen will be the update
Like ReplyThere is a bug with the memories picture after i saved and quit the game and came back to it they was gone
Like ReplyIs this game perhaps made by a woman? It feels like a soap serie. All those girls with their issues and problems. And you just can't dump one or more. In the end found it quite tiresome.
Like Replywtf why do i always have to start from the beginning this is so shit
Like Replythf, you can export your save files. Even after an update, import your save file and you continue where you left off.
Like ReplyBro that menu music got me hype
Like ReplyBro i swear this whole games soundtrack is crazy
Like ReplyLOl my gf is named carol ad looks like carol
Like ReplyIs it possible to fuck with Rachel or Yuki
Like Replyerror at rachel masssage
Like ReplyUpdate please! Good Job!
Like ReplyNice that the story continues. Unfortunately, with every sex scene / animation I get error messages constantly and continuously, so that I don't get anything from the scene or the storry (subtitles) during this time.
Like ReplyThese short updates are getting really annoying. Take your time and put a little more content in the next one.
Like ReplyIncredible, it has everything, sex scenes, footjob, blowjobs, sex games, it freaks me out, 100% perfection.
Like ReplyI really don't understand why the game makers do not focus on complete the first games they make first. Then they can focus on creating new ones. It's so damn irritating. First, you have Lust Doll then comes Lust Doll Plus. But in Lust Doll you already have everything there but not in the plus version. Why is it so hard to finish it? It's a damn copy version of the first game. SO WHY IS IT NOT DONE YET. LUST DOLL PLUS I MEAN.
Like ReplyI describe this game as Perfection, a true work of art, 10/10, always keep it up, impressing your community, and I hope for more games like this with many improvements, good animations, graphics, history and that the protagonist is always a man surrounded of many women hahaha, thank you.
Like Replyplease update the game
Like ReplySeks ohohohhohohohohoh
Like ReplyThis game is just amazing !!! Thanks devs ! My best free game ^^
Like Replyway to much cellphone bullshit
Like ReplyI really like this "game". Hopefully we get to see more of Rachel the teacher! I hope we can get more updates soon!
Like ReplyThis malware app
Like ReplyAnonym, yessss
Like ReplyWhat is maximum call stack
Like Replywhy is this music so fire
Like Replyhow do you get the int pass 8?
Like ReplyWhat a marvel of the game, I don't ask you much just to continue like this, I am aware of what makes you high to make and update a game. Thank you for this beauty and I look forward to more deliveries like these or similarity with its interesting story, gameplay and everything ... thank you.
Like ReplyHow do you fuck Ashley?
Like ReplyAnyone else getting this range error thing dunno how to fix it
Like ReplyAbilere selam çatışmaya devam :*
Like ReplyBelalım66, Sen napıyon lan burda
Like ReplyGhost, sen napıyon la asıl
Like ReplyGhost, Noluyo lan burda
Like ReplyBelalım66, L4 ne iş görisiniz
Like ReplyYAZITURA, As bayrakları as
Like ReplyBelalım66, lan oclarrrr napıyonuz ads:asdas
Like ReplyBelalım66, bileğine kuvvet.
Like ReplyBelalım66, Allahu akhbar to you too, friend
Like Replyfenas2ci, Ghost, toplanmisiz sonunda
Like Replymaymun, o problem düzelmiş herhalde bro
Like ReplyYarakStyle91, Bu sitede bu kadar türk var mıydı lan :D
Like ReplyGhost, pompake dewamkee
Like Replyupdate intertwined pls
Like Replydc, Yes please, and WVM I'm tired of these games not getting updated for months upon months
Like ReplyJJ, They already updated WVM
Like ReplyJJ, aye, and let them FIX the save-error on WVM... I was on the end of 0.94.... Aint gna play ALL that, all over again.. cmon. Idk what the issue is. If its either the gamedevs corrupting the data so older saves dont work anymore, or its something on this site, because older saves tend to get corrupted a LOT through Gamcore... I've had that too often.
Like Replyman wtf why do i have to start the shit every fucking time again after an update fuck this shit the game is good but this shit needs to be fixed
Like Replyfgh, If you loog out of your account or play this game in a new device you always have to start over again its like this for every game and ngl i find it annoying
Like Replyfgh, You can import and export saves to and from your computer's files.
Like Replybest game I ever played release next update soon
Like ReplyThe game is great but it keeps crashing when I first get to Rachel's apartment
Like Replyits good game wish you work on it more and more please thanks
Like ReplyThis game is incredibly good. looking forward to next updates
Like ReplyLOVE the game, is there a way to get Lust and Intelligence points to pass all the requirements? Right now, it only appears you can go the Lust track or the Intelligence track and there is no way to do both.
Like ReplyI enjoyed the update quite a bit. I have to admit that I’m really digging the character designs of the ladies. In particular Carol, Rachel and even Sarah. What I’m really wanting in the next update is to finally hook up with Rachel as I’ve been getting a little annoyed with the slow burn with some of the other female characters.
Like ReplyI swear the music in Vlads Club is from GTA4 B.O.G.T it even says Liberty City hahaha!
Like Replythis game is awesome, but i need help, i exported the file "savegames" but when i import it there is an error : warning: cannot import savegames: write error: the user denied permission to access the database. i dont know how resolve
Like Replyhelppls, it's not a problem, once you import the save launch the game and save at one spot you didn't use last time and it will make your saves reappear
Like Replyhelper, it works, ty so much
Like Replythe updated content is appreciated and lets us know you're still working on the game, but honestly the quality of the content this update was pretty low.
Like ReplyThe game says yo lack points but offer no real means on how to get them..and when the f...can we get to f...Yuki many chicks and so far my character only get down with only the 2 sluts and the chick at the club
Like Replyhow do you get with the teacher?
Like ReplyHow do you get inteligentes points
Like ReplyWhere the hell is my saves?? why disappear??
Like ReplyUpdate 0.4 is out
Like ReplyAnonymous, when the next version will be here?
Like ReplyPlease update to version four
Like ReplyFucking love this game, have played and will play it for hours!
Like Replyv0.4.0 is out now
Like Replyvery short and shit game do better
Like ReplySara best girl
Like ReplyThe most beautiful girl here is Carol. Perfect in any way. Would love to have a girlfriend like that
Like Replywow the dev added more checkpoints for lust and relationship on parts that didnt wow that was unncessary man tf
Like Replyse jeux est super fantastique vivement la suite , j"éspère que dans la suite on pourra mètres toutes les filles et femme enceintes pour avoir des enfants et avoir in accouchement en dirècte et èleverses enfants , faire leur èducation de la vie et du sex entre famille et choissir les sex des bèbès et faire un très grand-mariage poliguame
Like ReplyAnd of course my saves aren't showing up. Well, guess I'll wait till next update and see if they pop up then. What a joke.
Like ReplyFull of bugs
Like ReplyLots of errors, then later WebGL lost context and the game died File "renpy/display/", line 1107, in show_screen Exception: Screen about_animations is not known.
Like ReplyNo new content in this update...
Like ReplyPlease upload BEING A DIK
Like Replywait i have to do it all gain from the start he didnt save my profile
Like Replym-.-m, hey, you can download the game on your computer and it will save your progress, join the discord at for more info
Like ReplyHow many lust points do I need for the Turn away option when Rachel has the towel down?
Like Replyso basically the player will say he lives with Daniel to cover him, but meanwhiles uses both singe beds to make a double bad suggesting they might have become a couple. :D Funny since the player is not gay so far in the story.
Like ReplyMoment, error, ignore ten screens, movement error ignore! Fix it.
Like Replyhow can i convince rechel husband whit int i mis a punt somwere and how can i trick achley from lieving the frat
Like Replythis version doesn't load
Like Replyaa, It loads very slowly
Like ReplyDope shit, Im dying for the next update, it would be cool seeing a full out brawl.
Like ReplyCan we please update INTERTWINED next please
Like ReplyGOOD GAME, the best game i ever played in this site
Like ReplyThrasos10, I love intertwined too, but they are updating it as quick as possible, check out the developpers patreon to learn more about exactly when youll get an update.
Like Replyintertwined is out now
Like Replyvery nice & good game. When will it be continued?
Like Replyv 0.3.5 is out, please update!
Like ReplyIt’s glitching to much
Like ReplyHow do you get the option to "Show Roxy who is in charge" when you go from the hospital?
Like ReplyWarning: write error: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': The database connection is closing. prostě na piču
Like ReplyThe Music is Fire, and we all know that Roxy is the best
Like ReplyGame nice but idk some times it"s more then 10minits to download the it my wify or Gamcore websit...all others i play 1-3min max
Like ReplyIt keeps going back to the title screen when I go to investigate Rachel getting slapped
Like ReplyGame randomly crashes and it sucks!
Like Replygood one, looking forward for the next update
Like Replynow this is a top tier game, looking forward to future updates
Like ReplyNeed next version
Like ReplyThe story keeps getting better, but let us have more fun with the MILFS!!!!
Like ReplyError extract file
Like ReplySergiu, Same Here I played the earlier version of the game it is very cool but in this version it doesn't load
Like ReplySergiu, dont play this game on android
Like Replyfroze when i was eating out kim
Like Replygrateful to gamcore, waiting for more updates on this game and many others that have been impressive. his work is amazing. I love them xd.
Like ReplyLoving this game so far! Love how many different outcomes you can get by prioritizing different people as well :) After a few playthroughs, though, how do I find the 3rd scene with Rachel, and who is Emma?
Like ReplyThere is bug in new update. In the scene with Roxy the game freezes. I guess it loads some animation.
Like Replyfreezes on roxy anal
Like Reply@GGG - And on Kim cunnilingus
Like ReplyGGG, That should be fixed.
Like ReplyAnonymous, same here
Like Reply@Alex - As in, it was just fixed, or we shouldn't be getting that issue, when we did? I ask because I have not tried the offline version, and I'd have to start a new run to do it.
Like ReplyAnonymous, I hope we shouldn't be getting that issue.
Like Replydam at the good part like last time
Like Replyanyone know what you're supposed to do when the guy knocks you out at the sorority it says to go back a couple lines and save but every time I try that the same thing happens
Like Replywhat is int mean???
Like ReplyAce, it means intelligence
Like Replyhow can i prevent that guy finding me and punching me to death when i go peek at that bitch house?
Like Replythisguypunchesmeandidie, I can't get past that either
Like ReplyAnyone else having issues playing the update? I get an error downloading the zip file
Like ReplyWell, my saves aren’t there. That’s horse shit. I definitely saved the game multiple times. Guess I’ll just keep refreshing the page to see if they come back. Anyone else have this problem?
Like ReplyThis game is fucking trash. The dialog is garbage. There are no choices. It ends before it even begins.
Like ReplyAll comments here are fake, Don't you think that it's just you that is having a problem Mr Grumpy ?
Like ReplyVery cool story! Please update! I'm be curious
Like ReplyWhat did they add in the new update
Like ReplyHUHU, one sex scene and like 20 minutes of gameplay
Like Replyif your penis has a 90 degree angle like this guy please see a doctor
Like Replywhy are none of these games finished
Like ReplyI am encountering a bug in the game. Once I received the first message from Eric, then I reply, the game doesn't let me do anything after. I've tried reloading the game multiple times but the error is recurring. Please fix this!
Like ReplyGreat game, my only issue with it is that it takes too long to load, but that might be because of my crappy internet haha. Looking forward to the next update, keep it up!
Like ReplyG-work so far but wery little conttent
Like ReplyGreat game, cant wait for an udate!
Like ReplyCant wait for updates
Like ReplyAnyone know when there’s an update?
Like ReplyAll the girls' faces look alike wtf
Like Replygood game but to short
Like ReplyWhy during the party my mouse isn't clicking what I highlight?
Like Replywell, it seems that after restarting the game and importing my old game save, i lost all my memories. So all the beautiful pictures in the notebook are locked again.
Like ReplyLove it! My one suggestion is to put more variability in the women's bodies. They are all basically the same, especially the breasts. I would love to see more variety, especially in breast size (smaller breasts) and more ethnic women.
Like ReplyGreat game, how do you improve your intelligence to compliment Rachel when giving her a massage or build your relationship points with her?
Like ReplyPCoq, I'm not the developer of the game. but I have made a few games using ren'py. I suspect that the stats system will be more functional in the final release, things like that will have bugs to start off with and need to be ironed out with every piece of new content you make. just be patient and hopefully the game is well polished when the final version is out.
Like Replymake more soon
Like ReplyWhat a pretty game good graphics and good story looking new features an d more sex things
Like ReplyI am really liking this game however I dont like that you cant see everything through one playthrough for example if you get enough int for one option you wont have enough lust for a different one
Like ReplyJeff, really? I dont think i missed anything?
Like ReplyGood game!!!!
Like Replyanyone know the answers of the exam?
Like Replyby the way, it would be great if players can access 18+ scenes that they have unlocked without having to save each one manually
Like Replygreat game, keep up the great work guys
Like ReplyDoes anyone know if the gamcore games end with the end of flash player?
Like ReplyGermanTeen, is that why there been no updates since the last Friday before new year?
Like Replyjohnboy69, I would guess this applies only to games that need flash player. Games based on Unity, Renpy and HTML should still be coming ?
Like ReplyHow are you supposed to increase your intelligence before the conversation with Rachel?
Like ReplyDave, Dave, I suppose there will be other meetings with her in future and when you get enough INT then you will be able to use this INT dialogue option. Or maybe i should close my door before shower as a "sign of intelligence" and i missed opportunity? This is joke off course. I know for sure that i correctly answered for any History test questions - it was easy. Ps. Sorry for my bad English
Like ReplyDave, go back to choices that give you lust points, the other options usually give you intelligence
Like ReplyDave, i recommend going back to options that gave you lust, the other option will most likely give you intelligence
Like ReplyDave, there are opportunities whenever you talk to the girls. Choose to restrain when talking to Eric about Rachel when you first see her or to joke instead of complimenting girls during dialogue.
Like ReplyIf this game is a bit more completed it would have been better. Now its crap cuz its so short
Like Replygerryyhcheng, let me get this straight: You're complaining about a currently-in-development game.. for being too short?
Like ReplyGood game. Looking forward to updates
Like ReplyExcellent game! Waiting for the update :) If anyone has any idea when the update is coming, reply!
Like ReplyOne thing I do REALLY like about this game, though, and I wish I would see more of, is it just goes from one thing to the next. There's no stupid maps you have to navigate, and no time you have to advance. There are a good amount of choices to make, and it moves along from one scene to the next well... I just wish there was more action and less plot development... And more fetish content wouldn't hurt either!
Like ReplyPretty good, but it takes FOERVER for anything interesting to happen. And there needs to be A LOT more Roxy and Natalie, and a lot less... everybody else. (Seriously, all the scenes not involving Roxy or Natalie should just be cut. Too vanilla, too boring...)
Like ReplyWOW one fucking Ren'py game for the update from last Friday!!!!!
Like ReplyJerkfree, I agree
Like Replyjohnboy69, I agree
Like ReplyWow. Most of the games on this website I just rapidly click through to get to some sex scenes for some fapping. But this game really has some potential, nice story and stunning graphics!
Like ReplyWhat are the answers of the test?
Like ReplyAs of January 1, 2021, the game just ends without warning.... Are you serious!?! I don't care if it isn't finished - don't do that to people.
Like ReplyGamcore should've put a Work-in-progress or something in the title. Since this happened to me multiple times already, i recommend you to never expect a full game on this website which is new AND completed.
Like ReplyMaster Blaster, as of february second the game actually gives you a warning so it looks like they listened.
Like ReplyIts not perfect, even if you not pick Carol as a partner, there are scenes from her route. But aside from that, is a really well made game and im waiting for the update
Like ReplyHonestly I think there is a lack of options. I didnt wanted to fuck Roxy but the game didnt gave me the posibility to reject her
Like ReplyTrebol, Sure you can avoid her -- simply don't take the shower!
Like ReplyCan’t put my name cause I’m iPad ): why do all these great games have to have this mechanic
Like ReplyGreat game so far. Really looking forward to the updates. Hope they don’t take too long.
Like Replymore games like this please. 2021 with everything.
Like ReplyA good game and one to look out for in the future it is a shame it is a little bit light content-wise.
Like ReplyAwesome, cant wait for more!! :P
Like ReplyCHRIS, lankaweda?
Like ReplyThat guy, ek thmi oi athe mattu ne
Like ReplyHUHU, lol oi. maru habai
Like Replywhen you're talking to Mrs. Cooper, how do you choose the option for heavy objects and compliment?
Like Replyhelp, I have the same issue. The game says it checks intellect but it couldn't be the History questions, they were so easy, I have no doubt about my answers and I don't believe the dev wants bad answers. I'll tell you if I find.
Like Replyhelp, Yeah, I assume it's a game dysfunction now which sabotages Rachel's story alas...
Like ReplyYou can choose both options if you have intellegence on lvl 7. Be restrained and just say nope all the time. And joking should work sometimes too
Like ReplyBalllDeep69, Ah, ok, thanks, I'll test that!
Like Replyiloveflipflops, i didnt have any problems, find choices that gave you lust points, the other option usually gives you intelligence.
Like Replydam that was good finally a good game more like this please roll on the next updatd
Like Replyrevan 101, can you tell me the ending i know im ganno get a lot of hate comment but still iwant to know
Like ReplyThis is pretty good. The story is your typical run-of-the-mill college life, the music is okay, the female characters are are IMO beautiful as they should be. I always hated that the MC is too often made to be such a beta bitch. All In all this game has the potential to be great and I’m looking forward to the update.
Like ReplyExcellent history, too bad it has too little content, also the choices should matter more... Keep up!!! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Like ReplyGreat game. Can't wait for the next update.
Like ReplyStrange things, i got rejected by Carol and next day she gave MC the blowjob? What the heck?
Like ReplyGamcore didn't resolve the game save issues and post 1 game as a update! WTF!
Like ReplyIt's got very good potential. Good artwork. Interesting use of cellphone and messaging tools. Attractive ladies. On the downside, it could use more help with English translation. I suggest enlisting the help of a native English speaker to rewrite much of the dialogue.
Like ReplyReally good game with a good story and interresting choices to make. Artstyle is good too (some pretty girls, no tits that are bigger than the head...). Some really dumb things bothering me is that Rachels' skin is a bit too yellow and this dudes cock's a bit too wavy.
Like ReplyTafak, Big tits are good from time to time
Like ReplySkyHard, yea i accept other preferrences but there are some other games where its just too much
Like Replyi know. If i cant blow up a balloon bigger then their tits then its deffinently too big.
Like Replymike oxsmall, truee
Like ReplyGenuinely a really good game. 10/10 so far!
Like ReplyDude goes to college and decided best girl to make college waifu is an ex-whore..well f...I'm tired of these "changed" girls that suddenly decides to become good by choosing first the "CHOSEN" good wimpy guy they find to get a leach on concept..Anyways gameplay is fine and artstyle wise can sometimes be too bright in some areas..its a passable game in all..till da next update then
Like Replythis game makes me think of being a dick
Like Replyhatcher, come
Like Replythe game is not bad, I am most certainly look forward to an update
Like Replyse jeux est super fantastique vivement la suite, j'ai donner 5 ètoiles
Like ReplyWow... I thought its one of those campus games that gets boring after a few minutes into it but I was wrong. I'm looking forward to the next update
Like ReplyThis game is absolutely incredible...and i mean it in the good way
Like Replygood game. looking forward to future updates a lot.
Like Replyfutz, Bro IK Right this game is so awesome I wanna know what happens to the main character
Like Replythe "Played" counter jups from 16 to 1730 in 5 secods! jaja bug or conspiraci? xD
Like ReplyTango, was a joke people... the game is great...
Like ReplyThe joke just backfired because it came off rude
Like Replyits cool but the drawings is kinda trash
Like ReplyActually a good game with excellent detail. Nice looking women (finally). Gamcore has been uploading some weird content lately, so it's refreshing to get a game with actual potential.
Like ReplyNero, Yeah, I agree, it is a good game with good drawings
Like ReplyDoesn’t load
Like ReplyHornyboy, Why shouldn't it? I can play the game fine on Firefox
Like ReplyHornyboy, It does load. It's just very slow.
Like Reply