Imagine being hated so much that people celebrate when you are dead. Well, in this game, our main character's stepfather dies which causes him to celebrate. He is finally free and can do whatever he wants. What's even more surprising is that the entire family is really happy that the guy is dead. The wife for instance was exhausted and decides to have some sexual rejuvenation and seeks out lovers. Finally, she is done with married life and can now do whatever she wants. Our main character can now also fuck whoever he wants. Join him as he transforms himself from a boring guy to a sex maniac.
New code please 0.82
Like Replycomo se sube a nivel 2
Like ReplyWait, who is Kerry and Carmel?
Like ReplyOh, the owner of the shop you buy and the helper she hires? was never able to do anything with Carmel before
Like ReplyYeah, still can't do anything with either of them, guess still have work to do with them
Like ReplyCode for 0.82?
Like ReplyKing3, code: X2kNzY6$wF0
Like ReplyTell me the code
Like ReplyCodigo para version 0.81 porfa
Like ReplyMarihuano2000, 00850478
Like ReplyHey guys, how do you upgrade status please ? I don't understand x)
Like Replyv0.81 sigma lvl: 00850478
Like Replynew code v 0.81 plise new
Like Replyoscuro, 00850478
Like ReplyLove the idea but I know these games are ment to be on computer, but there are some that are fun on mobile, it works well but can the icons be configured at least in settings so the icon fit better.
Like ReplyAny sigma code for 0.81?
Like ReplyChupar polla trans, 00850478
Like ReplyAny sigma code for 0.80?
Like ReplyWho is the actress who plays Mom?
Like ReplyPlease Sigma lvl code
Like ReplySigma code plis
Like Replysomeone knows the two ways to get punish in your bedroom please? i have only one
Like Replycode for v0.8 above omega lvl please
Like ReplyI bought black lube but I can't use it. I click on use but the counter doesn't change and I can't get Kangney to suck it. Is it a bug or am i missing something?
Like Replyim not sure if its the game or site but this game is always lagging for me... its pretty good tho
Like ReplyHow to close the phone?
Like Replysigma level code for 0.80
Like Replyhow come i lost but saved ?
Like Replysigma code for 0.80
Like Replywhitedragon, 283622611
Like Reply283622611 Omega
Like Replysigma lvl: 008209840
Like Replymadi2, Not work
Like ReplyTo be Sigma
Like Replycheat code new plise 0.75
Like Replydark, 828113746
Like Reply0.75 cheat code plz
Like ReplyMom catches you watching porn in your room Requirement: If relationship ≥ 40, corruption ≥ 40, obedience ≥ 30 - additional scene, how get that scene?
Like ReplySems, lock porn on pc in your room
Like ReplyLol, when is the time?
Like ReplyCheat code anyone?
Like Replyif not so incomplete and paywall hidden this game would be amazing, nice cast and pretty simple, but alot of games lack good guides.
Like ReplyDon't know if this game will be updated from 0.6 to 0.71 man I just found this game
Like ReplyNew code? Anyone:)
Like ReplyI hate this patron only bullshit.If you can't play it why is it on this site.
Like ReplyEagle, if you can't play without cheats, stop playing games and watch a video
Like ReplyHow do i increase max arousal
Like ReplyAnyone know what day or how to catch Adriana in the livingroom for the quest? Have 3 out of 4 and everytime she is in the livingroom I only get the dumbbell or talk option
Like Replytello13, where do you see the Quests?
Like ReplyHow do you get rid of the annoying Celestia Pop-up, literally stopping me from doing anything in game
Like ReplyHow do you Tease Adriana? fed her 5 each of the Arousal Pills & Funny Thing and she still catches me :(
Like ReplyFuta, For now, this only affects the fact that you can catch her in the bathroom, leading to a scene afterward. In future updates, I will completely revisit all options for Veronica and Adriana, just like I did with Kendra in version 0.6, which was introduced back in version 0.1
Like ReplyToBeSIgma, Bathroom is in the morning, feeding her is after that, so does that last until the next day? and is it the 'funny' stuff or the arrousal pills? have tried both and still nothing
Like ReplyHow do you hack Veronica's laptop? I have bought it and have my Programming skill above 20 but cannot figure out how to hack it before I give it to her.
Like ReplyHacking help, check inventory there is a button hack there?
Like ReplySigma level code: 33512195
Like ReplyCalmSage, Not working
Like ReplyHoly grind.. lots of clicking in your future when playing
Like ReplyCode please
Like ReplyVINDETTA, 33512195
Like ReplyAlso, where do you find the Quests? Already have the five hookers and the store, and getting the passive income from both (1250 from the hookers and 850 from the store)
Like ReplyWhen you "Search for Work", only the Waiter job appears, none of the others are even there anymore, not even the Spanish Tutor (had been working on that Language, plus maxed out Russian)
Like ReplyCan't view how many (and which ones) Bras and Panties you have
Like ReplyFinally got Isabel's number, but when go to text her, it brings up Veronica's texts with Riley (which did let me know there were two more to view)
Like ReplyPrior to the update, had all butt Adriana's bedroom upgraded, after upgrade can finally upgrade hers... but every other room is on 0 and can't upgrade
Like ReplyFuta, All the other rooms can also be improved
Like ReplyToBeSIgma, they had been, but they are listed as 0/3 and the upgrade is blurred out
Like ReplyEven though I played the game for hours and upgraded everything I could, I couldn't do Status 2. Am I making a mistake or is this section not open in the game? I bought the businesses, I'm doing the tasks, but 2 doesn't work.
Like ReplyI hope this game continues but can they fix it so it mobile friendly.
Like ReplyHow you find 5 girls foe Veronica brothel?
Like Replycode: 11929039
Like Replyhow start game ?
Like ReplyHow do you get access to Mom's first Spy scene on her hacked computer? it's telling don't have access :(
Like ReplyGot Puffi to 60... and same deal when it cums to the second scene, guess will be waiting for game progression
Like ReplyThe game finally got good
Like ReplyThe code is: 99253411
Like ReplyThat's the code right here
Like ReplyÀ ce stade, ce jeu est une perte de temps... Je reviendrais quand il y aura un peu plus de contenu.
Like ReplyLudo24, en fait, je rectifie... Je ne compte pas revenir car ce jeu est une totale perte de temps. Il n'y a rien. Pas vraiment de contenu sauf pour les patreons, bien sûr. Encore un qui veut se faire de l'argent en faisant le minimum. Sans intérêt.
Like ReplyCan someone pass the codes please?
Like ReplyHow do you find workers for the studio
Like Replycking, right now, you can't
Like ReplyDay 60, can't improve the house any further
Like Replyalso why are there so many games that follow the "i made this in twine in like 3 hours with a bunch of images i found online" method on gamcore its so lame
Like Replythestupidest porngame ever, I'm really curious to see how you'll manage to make such a game in 3 hours, hero
Like ReplyFrancesca is bugged, attending her first class doesn't register for her quests.
Like Replydo anyone knows how to edit the multiple value of relationship and corruption?
Like ReplyJohnny Debt, Relationship, and Corruption values are in the array, you can use the array index number to update the value.
Like ReplyCurrently, the best starter strategy if you don't have a cheat password is to make money. About two grand then go to the shadow streets and keep exploring until you can buy an escort or prostitute. Some are more expensive than others. In the current 0.3 build, there are five in total. And improve stats where ever you can.
Like ReplyLet the Dev work on his game. Everything is in construction. The game is here too soon.
Like ReplyThe days passed too quickly and it looks like you gonna need to grind a lot in the game without money yea..that's a hard pass for now
Like Replyeverything is underdevelopment, dont waste time playing
Like ReplyMid game low effort garbage
Like Replynice game, amazing potential
Like ReplyThe best cheat code for the start of the game is : 83554441 It will grant access to all the bonus scenes in the current version
Like ReplyName, tu est quelle level? sigma est le plus poussé pour le cheat code et les bonnus. ton code donne accès à aucun bonus.
Like Replypassword is "test"
Like ReplyAnyone Codes?
Like ReplyCheat code?
Like Reply