For 400 years, Atlas has kept peace in the realm. The Vampire King became indifferent after the Queen's death, leaving Atlas, the Vampire prince, to restore order. He meets a beautiful woman named Leyala under mysterious circumstances. Leyala is hiding something, and as Atlas tries to uncover her secrets, their journey spans the entire Seven Realms. This quest will reveal hidden truths and test their courage, leading them through unknown lands and facing unexpected challenges. Can Atlas discover what Leyala is hiding and bring lasting peace to the realm? The adventure begins now, with destiny, steamy sex and danger intertwined.
So games completely fucked i guess????? Wont even load at all just a black screen and thats it
Like Replyimage 'u21 r3t' - after last update we just get that screen. Cant get past it.
Like Replydrunk atlas was hallarious
Like Replyeven with the new update, the sex scenes still havent been fixed, waste of a great game
Like ReplyPleaseee fix blacked out scenes and also update V 0.20!
Like Replydon't play the game... all sex scenes error black screen ... all from start to the end ...
Like Replyyep the devs are bad guys they do it in purpose ...
Like ReplyMax, they dont have free version on their patrion
Like Replymany errors during this update
Like ReplyWill the scenes come back? otherwise its half a game and a very good one
Like Replygo fuck yourself all sex scenes black screen ...
Like ReplyGames not even loading says mitigation error
Like ReplyGame keeps on saying when loading matigation error
Like ReplyShame about the animations. Such a good story.
Like Replythis is a good game with a good history but with the conceptors whose don't give full access to the sex scenes it gives less interest
Like ReplyOnly half a game without the animations. Otherwise, good graphics. Persons are well crafted. Story different, in a good way.
Like ReplyI would love to get Leyala pregnant!
Like ReplyI went through the build, played the episode ,saving regularly and eventually exported saves. came back today to check out something, back to my old invalid saves, tried to import no saves were found. rebuilt again. saved after a while, left came back save gone again.
Like ReplyThe people who create these games clearly don't know how to update their own games.
Like Replythere is NO BACK-Button ??? so cannot go back incse you double pressed by mistake and want to go back and read... but CANT as there is no way to go back and read... why ???? --- Can you guys FIX THIS ????
Like ReplyS.O.L, the circular arrow reload button is there instead of back.
Like Replywhy are all animations now unavailable across all games. Whos tf will play on gamcore now.. fuc it
Like Replyupdated today tells me all my saves are now incompatable. Never seen that before.
Like ReplyHarry, I found the message when I tried again.
Like Replydont know where you got this copy from but all the scenes are blacked out
Like Replygame wont load up any more. Im losing count of the amount of errors on games this month..
Like Replythe game don't work :s
Like Replyit be great if you could open the game without bugs
Like ReplyLove the story, graphics etc but hells bells the lag time for everything is beyond belief.
Like Replysaves problems i liked to test it in the last update but i don't want to begin a new game
Like Replyno it's good ... sometime a good cookie's cleaning work ^^
Like Replygreat game, would be better wiyh more kinky stuff.
Like Replyis so good
Like ReplyLots of games gives illusion of "choices" here for some reason,like *spoilers "Kill Lucius with stop death potions or not" ..took a solid 2mns to ponder over that,then made 2 saves to find out the outcomes,then the game pulled a 180 on me and it turned out the choices had almost no outcome whatsover..I mean the hell with the hell..I mean Vampires that doesn't fight like Vampires do or even transform when fighting..
Like ReplyVampires that walks in broad talks bout the "compelled" magic spells a lot..I don't even think I saw any magic use at all during the course of this game..It was more like humanoid with long sharp teeth versus actually werewolves peoples..this was more like a knock off of a good Vamp movie..The lore is fine but it lacks true depths and tensions..
Like ReplyI guess You can also craft a Lore and story around anything in an H game..but I highly doubt that all werewolves would be subservient to Vampires..the ones that runs on all 4's,maybe..but the ones that runs on 2 legs and stand almost humanoid like..they strong eh shit yo..anyways..Good work dev(s)..will be looking forward till your next update
Like ReplyMarcos123, Hey how you been doing? BUT watch " Vampire Diaries, The Originals, or Legacies" Have not started game yet, but from your review, looks like that.
Like ReplyMark1776, hey Mark..thx for reading my post..I'm also fine thank you..also ty for the referals,I ll look into them if I find time..And like I said this game ain't bad when it comes with the story telling,it just lacking the essence of be dope to see the vamps transforms like in skyrim vamp or even vamp bats fighting style when fighting..anything that can make you say "yea them mofos are vamps alright" far I didn't get that feelings yet
Like ReplyMarcos123, true for the most part but the points you get either positive or negative with the other characters may come back to bite you later.
Like ReplyMarcos123, you know most vampire myths throughout history don't have them transform like that. Even in Elderscrolls lore, the Volkihar vampires are the only race of vampire know to transform like that, out of like 9 different strains of vampirism. Not to mention, if you were paying attention to the lore of this game, you'd know all of the werewolves can transform, some just choose not too often. I agree it's a bit far fetched that all of the wolves would be subservient
Like Replyyessir, but most settings with vamps and wolves the vampires are almost always more powerful in general. Werewolves are usually more or less humans that can turn into wolves. Things like skyrim are the exception, not the rule, and even there vampires are much more powerful in the lore if not the game.
Like Replyyessir, I do agree that there's not a whole lot of choice, and since they did give some, those choices should have more impact, but it's described as an interactive visual novel, not a game, so I don't know what you really expected tbh.
Like Replyyessir, as for the "compelling" it's not a magic spell. It's an innate ability that the vampires posses, the exact same as they do in skyrim and almost every other setting, and typically they only need to make eye contact, or maybe feed off them first. It's basically in hypnotizing them.
Like Replyhow do you fix error javascript error
Like Replyenjoying the story so far tho I wouldn't mind a few more choices
Like ReplyThis game looks very promising and I'm testing it, so far I love it in all aspects, keep it up and I hope similar and wonderful games like this and others, not so heavy and without flaws, watch out for that and thanks.
Like Replyvery good games this week, but that of the adventure mode is very tedious and I prefer visual novels where you can enjoy every second, I hope they make more visual novels and that the updates never end, thanks and good day.
Like ReplySo glad I found this game!! Interesting story and characters, great character models and animations. I can't wait to see more of this one!!
Like Replywat a terrible crappy game... is this made by a 16 year old girl still rubbing on twilight or something?
Like Reply