The game is a parody on the videogame Mass Effect. A young Quarian called Tali'Zorah decides to go on a pilgrimage to deep space. She intends to save Quarian flotila by travelling to the unknown fringes of Terminus space. Her main objective is go in search of valuable technologies and discover exciting sites then report back to the Quarian Fleet. The pilgrimage is riddled with challenges that she must overcome. Will Tali'Zorah do anything in her power to save Quarian flotila even if it means bending over with her ass up in there? Let's find out!
So glad we got the old game back. Shame it replaced the new chapter but I like this one more anyway. It doesn't seem to want to work on phone anymore but it barely did in the first place so, yeah. Lots of give and take on this one.
Please bring back chapter one to be playable. should have both available to play so people arent confused going straight to chapter two. and chapter one was very fun.
Kinda bumbed cant access any of the stuff for chapter one as i dont know how that story line finished out. and chapter two seems to have just started and probably could have waited on release until more of it was hashed out so it was more playable with more story on release of the new chapter with ability to still restart from chapter one
Awesome concept. Really enjoyed playing what is available. Everything worked correctly on chrome. I did get a couple of error messages but they did not impede any actions or moving forward. It would be awesome to see more progression on this game. Honestly, really good!
not only does the new version of the game completely remove the first chapter of the game, the first mission doesnt even work properly and cant progress. I cant comprehend why they remade this game to only make it worse and skip what got everyone to love the game in the first place
My only solution for game not wanting to load after new update was to use Firefox instead of Gamcore browser. Still find problems with the animations for new scenes with the Varren and the Ape Brothers that Im hoping will be fixed with the next update.
after having replayed mass effect recently, this dialogue for tali seems quite realistic. just saying things, that while correct and maybe even slightly relevant, just end up seeming like incoherent babbling. much like the party in me3 when she ends up drunk on the floor in the toilet.
if any mass effect character fits in a game like this it's our drunken suit-wearing slut, tali.
I'm in the vents with the xenomorph who will chase you if you make too much noise and they seem to be endless and now I'm lost because I have no idea where I am and no map to guide me. Not really sure why its there or how to get out but the animations are good
game is not even playable anymore to buggy and all the h scenes are censored because they won't load right which makes the game crash needs a patch now
I am loving the game however the graphics seem to be glitching in parts. I don't it's a fault on the devs or the website. Anyhow, I hope it gets patched.
I keep getting writing errors on screen for failed connection to ibdm database or something like that after moving to a no location or going back to the med bay, please fix
So, I don't mind restarting honestly especially after they added new scenes and its even better. the graphics issue is so annoying, this game could be a 5/5 but the graphics not loading alone makes it like 3.5/5 because its unplayable. I also noticed it crashes alot in the vent want to bypass or atleast fix the graphics issue for a temp until they fix it. just gotta keep switching between full screen and not full screen at the top left.
I noticed the vents with the Xenomorph thankfully don't require you to quicksave and load everytime you want to move, but is there any content that comes after, or does it still end with that room where the girls get fucked by facehuggers?
I I Love this game, I'm not happy about restarting again but that's ok seeing as the whole game got a rework, the only downside i have now is graphic animations have trouble loading.
other than that, this game is top tier.
SquishySquid, i have found the solution, you need to
1. find an animation you wanna see
2. skip past it, to a frame where its loaded
3. hit the "back" button on the bottom.
for some reason it works
The new update required a restart due to the change in graphics, unfortunately the change in graphics doesn't seem to be working for me properly and so in certain scenes you're not getting a clear picture.
1animalin74, To be fair. you have to restart the game every time to access the new scenes anyway. not much of a big deal if it's just saving you the time of deleting all your previous saves. just wish there was a cheat to get the corruption back to where it was
Do the xenomorph vents actually lead anywhere? I went forward like over 50 times, and went through like 5 other vents in the process. They all lead to a room with women getting fucked by facehuggers. Everytime. It also seems like every next step in those vents is completly random. I tried mapping them out, only for that to get me nowhere.
The new vents are still bugged and they don't have any end because after the room where the girls are fucked we respawn in the vents. The update didn't changes anything
anyone know the correct vent directions to go after you reach the vent that leads to those facehugger like where to go after that tell it in the correct order pls and thx
What I found so far, in the vent area where you can collect eggs couple of locations have opened up and could result in bad endings if you let it. (I do just to see what happens :) ).
You can get through a room in that other area but don't think you can go further than that. The area with the yellow walls.
Remember, if you are in that area with the yellow walls then you need to do a "quick save" then "quick load" to be able to move again.
senhor das trevas,"quick save" and then a "quick load" to be able to move again. or wait when it updates again because this update didn't release everything in this corridor
Once Again Gamcore prooves it cannot upload a single fucking game without new content being broken. In this case the movement for the new vent area is fucked
I am on the new version and haven't seen everything new in 1.8 at the time of posting this comment. but I'd like to ask for a way to increase lewdness besides the long way, maybe a different drink in the bar to increase lewdness?
New vents level 1.75) It's a maze but is it infinite? is there a goal . idk what I'm looking for I just keep going down cooridoor after cooridoor and nothing is really happening.
Bruh, Looks like when you go into that room and cross it that's the end of the update as far as I could tell. If you shoot in that room it becomes a bad end.
LeDard, restart your game with a new save spot for the new code to come up. if you have already done so reload the game because theres 3 new animations ive found in the mazes. take turns dont just go straight
LewdMaster, Yes, when you get to the area she was trapped in and that door you turn around and there is a vent in front of you you can now get through that vent and into a room.
A map of the new vent area would be useful, also don't have a clue what you're supposed to do in there, just been wandering around and letting myself get caught by Alien looking creature and the slug!
Kushiel, you mean the vents where there is a volume bar at the left? what i have seen in the comments most of us are stuck there... on what browser you play or how could you fix it?
Pineappletrucko, Yeah that one. If you let the volume go up to top a creature that looks like the Alien from Alien appears! Someone told me to be able to move you hit Quick Save at bottome of screen and then Quick Load, you have to keep doing it each time you move though and that's a pain. I've just been wandering around like an idiot!
Used poison to open the new vent area and went in, but only allowing you to move forward one place and then nothing. The area where you have to watch your sound levels.
i found a way if u use the quick save quick load buttons on the bottom of your text box you can move 1 space, but you have to keep doing it ever move which is annoying but at least u progress. pls fix
i have a problem on how to do the part of the vents how can i find the answer in this don t know what to do anymore i tried everything. sorry my english
Spoiler alert. Bad endings? So far i've had the dog invasion into the med lab and the tentacle monster in the vents. Anyone else find any bad endings?? My Lewd is 120
HacedorDelSexo, you have to choose weather you want the Red varren or the 2 ape creatures in the prison to survive. if you dont change the lock eventually they'll break out and attack you after you rest in the medbay, and you'll have to kill them (if you dont then you get a bad ending) and if you do then well they're dead forever you cant do any of the things that involve them in the prison. if you choose the opposite and Fix the cage then you kill the red varren
Ninjasourse, If you've got it available when the ship is up showing the different areas you can visit just press the scanner option which will show up below the blue box on top left of screen.
Kushiel, new content when you lose to apes in prison(bad end+) and wedding with this guy with long long dick, load when he visited her in shower and accept him, after 5 days he will invite you to wedding
Clown2020doter, I had already married the bloke that you swap tech parts with in an earlier version and played two possible bad ends with the apes that were in the prison. One when they get released by some super soldier and two, I don't lock them in and they wander round the ship they show up in your quarters and if you don't kill them then a bad end.
I hope so, I want to mate and breed to completion with eveything in this game. A belly full of varren, also getting bred by Charn on the wedding night would be so hot.
stuck in vents at vent you dont want to look through again and blocked path, also how to kill fist nest, cant seem to progress further, when is further progress in story? like the marriage or further exploring the vents?
chungus, chungus, go at the last location in the vents (after the web) where there is a hole, spam click on it, two spider will appear. be sure to have multiple fire charge (poison + poison) and there you will have liquid pheromone to make a new craft.
Oack, ive already done that, and even used the crafted strange liquid with nyun, like done everything and cant get past the next blocked area or down the extra vent area that the map shows but wint ket you go to
For those wondering about how to clear the spider webs in the vent, here's how you do it. First, you need to collect two eggs (there's one on the wall in the left vent after you go down the incline and another to the right when you enter the area with webs). combine them back at the medbay to get poison, and then combine that poison charge with a clip to get a fire charge. Hope that helps!
Can someone tell me the exact sequence to get your omnitool repaired? I started again and after I gave the 20 parrts I explored a bit and rested, but even after 6 rests no repair. Is it because I was defeated while exploring before the rest? Do I need to chase the red varen before resting? What am I missing?
please make a Mass effect game
@ 2023-04-13 04:13:00
I want someone to make a mass effect story game with choices on here and make it so I can play as a male or female shepherd and can fuck and impregnate all the females in the game if I choose a male character or if I choose female I can fuck all the dudes and get impregnated by one lucky crewmate.
AWESOME GAME kinda short tho. It seems after you defeat the Spider monsters in the vents and destroy their webs with Fire Charges you get STUCK and the game doesn't avance anymore. For anyone in the same situation it's the endgame as far as the last update.
Excanda, you have to rest a couple times . If you still have questions or confused about somthing else in the future you can reference this guide
Love the game so far.
Just a bit disappointed they went with the human face pale skin. Canon I guess, can't fault them, but no iris/pupils (just white eyes), purple skin, you know, how fan artists interpreted her before the reveal, and how she was in my mind.. was so much hotter.
The helmet stays on during sex!
man just had the asary BJ scene and good thing I quicksaved and could switch POV, it's not just a human face, it's kinda mid as well, ngl. And tali was always the hottest character of that whole universe for me.
Oh well, different tasted I guess. I don't mind anyone liking it but I'm disappointed
- Once in the area you will be blocked from progressing through either routes available unless you have at least 1 Fire Charge in your inventory to use.
- Crawling straight will lead Tali to a room full of webs. You can collect two eggs from nearby webs but if you click on the tunnel one too many times, bugs will attack! Losing here will result in a rescue mission with AMI, but taking too long will result in a Bad End.
- As of Version 1.6, this is as far as the story goes
If anyone is curious for more info and updates on this game, google the pilgrimage messman (creators screen name). They seem to keep up to date on a sight called
JuJu-B2, Fair warning, as of writing this there is a problem with dikgames were tha pages seem to load to advertisments or other fake pages. Try f95zone or for updates instead.
stuck in the vents, same as others it seems. but when i look at the screen for my next mission it says i have no poison cells. i have quiet a few from combining eggs
OK, in the vents when you reach that room where there is a tunnel that she doesn't want to enter sometimes a couple of creatures attack. Don't fight them and you get dragged into the tunnel and this starts a mission for the AI, not gone further than that yet but she rescues main character.
@Kushiel — How many times do I need to do this? I just keep getting R'd and then Serok takes me back to the medbay, and even then I have to rest to make the bear come back...
Like everyone else seem to be stuck in the vents and not able to progress further, got into the room where she doesn't want to see what's in a tunnel, and in another part there is another door blocked but only option is given to look in vent to the right.
There’s one wall I can’t get through that needs poison. They only give one and I’m stuck or I finished the game because there’s nothing else I’ve tried everything and the quest log hasn’t changed at all
2 eggs = poison,
cum + liquid pheramone = strange drink
ammo + poison = fire cell
haven't figured out any other recipies yet - got stuck with what to do to further the story from there after using the fire cells and exploring tunnels.
Yoyo, 2 eggs to get a poison then use ammo and a poison to make fire cell, can use those to burn away webs in the tunnels and during combat for heavy damage
Zerwas, dude.first you need to insert the red stuff together with the red ones, then the red wire, then the black stuff together with the black ones and then click on the gray box with two white handles to the right of the heroine's head
Zerwas, You don't miss anything. You have to do them in the right order. If you know it, you feel stupid when you've made it. So I came it because it was so obvious xD
my sound dont work
Like ReplyChapter 2 is a separate game, revert this back to chapter 1.
Like Replyhaha i got the end off the story ,ond now wait for the otther story hehe
Like ReplyIf you added the ability to choose what gets you pregnant i think it would be much better
Like Replyi got the noise supressor but dont know what to do next
Like ReplySo glad we got the old game back. Shame it replaced the new chapter but I like this one more anyway. It doesn't seem to want to work on phone anymore but it barely did in the first place so, yeah. Lots of give and take on this one.
Like ReplyThis ain't Chapter 2, it's taken me way back to the start of Chapter 1!
Like ReplyHopefully the fact that my saves have gone means that they've fixed the previous save issues there were!
Like ReplyNew version is out so a update would be nice
Like Replyshould still be able to play part one..
Like ReplyTrying to do a save is just giving error.
Like ReplyPlease bring back chapter one to be playable. should have both available to play so people arent confused going straight to chapter two. and chapter one was very fun.
Like Reply@admins or whoever, Chapter 2 should be a separate thing, you replaced chapter 1 by putting chapter 2 over it
Like ReplyKinda bumbed cant access any of the stuff for chapter one as i dont know how that story line finished out. and chapter two seems to have just started and probably could have waited on release until more of it was hashed out so it was more playable with more story on release of the new chapter with ability to still restart from chapter one
Like ReplyAwesome concept. Really enjoyed playing what is available. Everything worked correctly on chrome. I did get a couple of error messages but they did not impede any actions or moving forward. It would be awesome to see more progression on this game. Honestly, really good!
Like ReplyThis games slaps
Like Replyhow come that i can not play the first chapther 1 ,i alway cmoe to chapter 2 ,the new one ???
Like ReplyHi guys can you help me how to open the power part to see the bear scene
Like ReplyWould not say ch 2 is bad its still early and a work in progress but i do not understand why ch 1 had to be deleted.
Like Replynot only does the new version of the game completely remove the first chapter of the game, the first mission doesnt even work properly and cant progress. I cant comprehend why they remade this game to only make it worse and skip what got everyone to love the game in the first place
Like ReplyWhy did you not just make a second chapter game so people could still enjoy the first...
Like ReplyDoes the new version of the game fully skip the story of the old one? I was hoping for more of those experiments not less...
Like Replyvery sad this version is now a downgrade
Like Replymasserect, This is chapter 2 of the game. Gamcore overwrote chapter 1. They are supposed to be separate games.
Like ReplyNow the game wont open regardless of browser, the game itself seems to be broken and the devs dont really seem to know how to fix it.
Like Replycant get past the second section of vents theres no options to move after the first moveent
Like Replysomeperson, Same issue here. volume bar on right of screen fill a littel then screen not responsd
Like ReplyThe ending sucks so much :(
Like ReplyMy only solution for game not wanting to load after new update was to use Firefox instead of Gamcore browser. Still find problems with the animations for new scenes with the Varren and the Ape Brothers that Im hoping will be fixed with the next update.
Like Replydoes this game just, not load anymore?
Like ReplyDoes not work anymore? Can't get past Ren'Py loading... screen
Like ReplyWhy do I have no sound???
Like Replyive been trying to go around the vents to get to nest 2 but i havent found anything anyone know to bypass the white cement to get to nest 2
Like ReplySaves lost, again. Looks like the graphics have been fixed. No sound.
Like ReplyI am trying so hard to play this game because it seems like fun but it crashes every half to three minutes and takes at least that long to reload.
Like ReplyHow do i find the bridge in the vents?
Like Replyadding pregnancy would make this game perfect
Like ReplyError: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token . (see JavaScript console for details) doesnt even load
Like Replyjeff, yeah i get the same how do we fix it
Like Replyjeff, Same here, only on the Gamecore browser, but others don't have my saves so...
Like Replystil waiting on the update where tali can get pregnant ;)
Like Replylost my saves
Like Replyam i stupid or where can i find the key card? swear it was easier before most recent update
Like Replyafter having replayed mass effect recently, this dialogue for tali seems quite realistic. just saying things, that while correct and maybe even slightly relevant, just end up seeming like incoherent babbling. much like the party in me3 when she ends up drunk on the floor in the toilet. if any mass effect character fits in a game like this it's our drunken suit-wearing slut, tali.
Like Replywould be good if i wasnt lagging 247
Like ReplyI'm in the vents with the xenomorph who will chase you if you make too much noise and they seem to be endless and now I'm lost because I have no idea where I am and no map to guide me. Not really sure why its there or how to get out but the animations are good
Like Replygame is not even playable anymore to buggy and all the h scenes are censored because they won't load right which makes the game crash needs a patch now
Like Replyyou really need to fix the renders and bugs becus now the game crashs
Like Replyyou should allow her to get pregnant by whatever she chooses
Like ReplyMist, like the red varren
Like Replyfreezes when you get to verren nest
Like Replyi really love this game, i've beaten this game like 20 times. Do someone know similar game to this masterpiece?
Like Replyif anyone has gotten far with this one. does the new update do anything?
Like ReplyI am loving the game however the graphics seem to be glitching in parts. I don't it's a fault on the devs or the website. Anyhow, I hope it gets patched.
Like Replythe scenes after entering the vents doesnt load on me they stay with pixels . anyone know how to fix this?
Like ReplyZ, It's not just you, this update doesn't add anything to the game or improve this issue.
Like ReplyI keep getting writing errors on screen for failed connection to ibdm database or something like that after moving to a no location or going back to the med bay, please fix
Like Replysomeone know why my screen is blur ? i have to back to the previous action for have clear screen
Like Replyis there a way to make it load better or faster?
Like ReplySo, I don't mind restarting honestly especially after they added new scenes and its even better. the graphics issue is so annoying, this game could be a 5/5 but the graphics not loading alone makes it like 3.5/5 because its unplayable. I also noticed it crashes alot in the vent want to bypass or atleast fix the graphics issue for a temp until they fix it. just gotta keep switching between full screen and not full screen at the top left.
Like ReplyI noticed the vents with the Xenomorph thankfully don't require you to quicksave and load everytime you want to move, but is there any content that comes after, or does it still end with that room where the girls get fucked by facehuggers?
Like Replyhow do you fix the vent
Like ReplyI I Love this game, I'm not happy about restarting again but that's ok seeing as the whole game got a rework, the only downside i have now is graphic animations have trouble loading. other than that, this game is top tier.
Like ReplySquishySquid, i have found the solution, you need to 1. find an animation you wanna see 2. skip past it, to a frame where its loaded 3. hit the "back" button on the bottom. for some reason it works
Like ReplyThe new update required a restart due to the change in graphics, unfortunately the change in graphics doesn't seem to be working for me properly and so in certain scenes you're not getting a clear picture.
Like ReplyKushiel, they grafic dont work:) cant see enything when the action is going on
Like Replybrut, Not happy about it, but glad it wasn't just me!
Like ReplyKushiel, Thank god I'm not alone with this. I thought it was my computer going out.
Like ReplyKushiel, Samething happening here ;(
Like ReplyThey do Work after you go back and fourth a few times. takes a bit to get them to work properly though
Like Replyman I can't even get into the get every time it all way's says Error
Like ReplyAll saves are gone, big surprise
Like Reply1animalin74, To be fair. you have to restart the game every time to access the new scenes anyway. not much of a big deal if it's just saving you the time of deleting all your previous saves. just wish there was a cheat to get the corruption back to where it was
Like ReplyBasta scaricare il salvataggio nel telefono
Like ReplyCan't get 1.9 to even load
Like ReplyDo the xenomorph vents actually lead anywhere? I went forward like over 50 times, and went through like 5 other vents in the process. They all lead to a room with women getting fucked by facehuggers. Everytime. It also seems like every next step in those vents is completly random. I tried mapping them out, only for that to get me nowhere.
Like ReplyWhen is this going to get updated?
Like ReplyBubba, there is some decent progress on massmans patron
Like ReplyIs it possible to play this in iPhone?
Like ReplyThe new vents are still bugged and they don't have any end because after the room where the girls are fucked we respawn in the vents. The update didn't changes anything
Like Replyanyone know the correct vent directions to go after you reach the vent that leads to those facehugger like where to go after that tell it in the correct order pls and thx
Like ReplyWhat I found so far, in the vent area where you can collect eggs couple of locations have opened up and could result in bad endings if you let it. (I do just to see what happens :) ). You can get through a room in that other area but don't think you can go further than that. The area with the yellow walls. Remember, if you are in that area with the yellow walls then you need to do a "quick save" then "quick load" to be able to move again.
Like ReplyKushiel, but the new vents don't have end or it's just for me ?
Like ReplyRaphaJuliaX, its not just you, what can you do there?
Like ReplyDlup, there a bad ending and a bunch of animations but i think thats it
Like ReplyLovely girls
Like Replyhow do i complete this mission return to the and ask about nyon
Like ReplyHow can i solve the new vent maze Mission i,m Stück and i don't know how to move on ?
Like Replysenhor das trevas,"quick save" and then a "quick load" to be able to move again. or wait when it updates again because this update didn't release everything in this corridor
Like ReplyOnce Again Gamcore prooves it cannot upload a single fucking game without new content being broken. In this case the movement for the new vent area is fucked
Like ReplyBroken, you have to save n load after every move
Like ReplyBroken, Qucik save and then quick load and you'll be able to move
Like ReplyI am on the new version and haven't seen everything new in 1.8 at the time of posting this comment. but I'd like to ask for a way to increase lewdness besides the long way, maybe a different drink in the bar to increase lewdness?
Like ReplyNew vents level 1.75) It's a maze but is it infinite? is there a goal . idk what I'm looking for I just keep going down cooridoor after cooridoor and nothing is really happening.
Like ReplyBruh, Looks like when you go into that room and cross it that's the end of the update as far as I could tell. If you shoot in that room it becomes a bad end.
Like Replyin the tunnel where we can't make noise if the alien doesn't catch you how do I find the exit
Like Replymysteriouscat, i do not think that there is an exit ....maybe in the new update
Like Replyalan, so let's wait
Like ReplyAll my saves are gone, thanks.
Like Replythe new open corridor cannot make sound does anyone know how to pass it because it crashes and stops the game
Like ReplyFound a couple of new scenes in the new vent area, you just have to wander a bit
Like Replyhod do i use the bone?
Like ReplyI've been going straight through this maze for 1 hour, and nothing is happening. At this time, they have not finished their games?!
Like ReplyLeDard, restart your game with a new save spot for the new code to come up. if you have already done so reload the game because theres 3 new animations ive found in the mazes. take turns dont just go straight
Like ReplyDoes anyone know where the second poison grenade and the second flesh wall is? Is it next to the area where we save Nyun?
Like ReplyLewdMaster, Yes, when you get to the area she was trapped in and that door you turn around and there is a vent in front of you you can now get through that vent and into a room.
Like Replyin this new part of the ventilation, it's just saving and loading that works
Like ReplyA map of the new vent area would be useful, also don't have a clue what you're supposed to do in there, just been wandering around and letting myself get caught by Alien looking creature and the slug!
Like ReplyKushiel, you mean the vents where there is a volume bar at the left? what i have seen in the comments most of us are stuck there... on what browser you play or how could you fix it?
Like ReplyPineappletrucko, Yeah that one. If you let the volume go up to top a creature that looks like the Alien from Alien appears! Someone told me to be able to move you hit Quick Save at bottome of screen and then Quick Load, you have to keep doing it each time you move though and that's a pain. I've just been wandering around like an idiot!
Like ReplyKushiel, alright thx. you made anyprogress by the new vent?
Like ReplyPineappletrucko, Nope, just wandering around waiting for something to happen or a door to appear.
Like ReplyKushiel, did some research... this is as far as the game goes. for new content we have to wait till the next update
Like ReplyPineappletrucko, Many thanks.
Like ReplyMovement broken in new vent area
Like ReplyBeast, Save and then Load will unlock the moovment
Like ReplyUsed poison to open the new vent area and went in, but only allowing you to move forward one place and then nothing. The area where you have to watch your sound levels.
Like ReplyKushiel, what to do after that
Like Replyotuo, Well, as unable to progress because it doesn't let you | can't answer that.
Like Replyi found a way if u use the quick save quick load buttons on the bottom of your text box you can move 1 space, but you have to keep doing it ever move which is annoying but at least u progress. pls fix
Like Replyzamsexy25, Cheers for that, at least it works though a fix would be better lol
Like Replyzamsexy25, have u manage to solve the maze in the new area?
Like ReplyKushiel, click forward with the mouse wheel it frickin worked
Like Replyzamsexy25, how am i supposed to progress like where am i supposed to go after entering those vents its just endless.
Like Replyzamsexy25, is there an area where you can arrive? or is it just vents, vents and more vents?
Like ReplySTuck on poison in vents. Seems to be bugged. I make poison but it shows always as 0 in inventory
Like Replywhat to do in vents after the latest update?
Like Replyi dontt know ho to go further in the game the mission sys wai for serok call but it doesnt arrive
Like Replytotti, continusly explore the ship till u get the call it takes an odd bit. also try pressing on tali
Like Replyi have a problem on how to do the part of the vents how can i find the answer in this don t know what to do anymore i tried everything. sorry my english
Like ReplySpoiler alert. Bad endings? So far i've had the dog invasion into the med lab and the tentacle monster in the vents. Anyone else find any bad endings?? My Lewd is 120
Like ReplyWho cares, yes spider nest
Like ReplyWhat happens if you don't fix the lock on prison?
Like ReplyHacedorDelSexo, you have to choose weather you want the Red varren or the 2 ape creatures in the prison to survive. if you dont change the lock eventually they'll break out and attack you after you rest in the medbay, and you'll have to kill them (if you dont then you get a bad ending) and if you do then well they're dead forever you cant do any of the things that involve them in the prison. if you choose the opposite and Fix the cage then you kill the red varren
Like ReplyIt keeps popping up with something about memory access out of bounds
Like ReplyHow to use scanner on the map???
Like ReplyNinjasourse, If you've got it available when the ship is up showing the different areas you can visit just press the scanner option which will show up below the blue box on top left of screen.
Like ReplyHey what happened to the gallery??
Like Replyno new content past vents???
Like ReplyMy saves have disappeared!
Like ReplyKushiel, Never mind they've appeared now!
Like ReplyA new update but doesn't seem like anything has changed, am I missing something?
Like Reply1animalin74, you have to play a new game to unlock new scenes
Like ReplyM, If that's the case that sucks! Don't want to start a new game each time there is an update.
Like ReplyKushiel, new content when you lose to apes in prison(bad end+) and wedding with this guy with long long dick, load when he visited her in shower and accept him, after 5 days he will invite you to wedding
Like ReplyClown2020doter, That's not new, already had that in earlier version.
Like Replynope, not really its new update check it in the internet
Like ReplyClown2020doter, I had already married the bloke that you swap tech parts with in an earlier version and played two possible bad ends with the apes that were in the prison. One when they get released by some super soldier and two, I don't lock them in and they wander round the ship they show up in your quarters and if you don't kill them then a bad end.
Like ReplyClown2020doter, when does the guy visit you in the shower like the insect thing?
Like ReplyNot updated yet
Like Replyhow come when i make a poison charge/cell it doesnt show that i have any in my inventory? and when will we get more progression in the story?
Like Replywhats up with the infection section?
Like ReplyHow to use scanner on the map??
Like Replyhow to kill block nest 1 ? and with the amount of times orge cum in pussywill there be chance of getting character preg?
Like ReplyKrunkus, I hope so, I want to mate and breed to completion with eveything in this game. A belly full of varren, also getting bred by Charn on the wedding night would be so hot.
Like ReplyWhat do i do with the mysterious liqud you craft
Like Replystuck in vents at vent you dont want to look through again and blocked path, also how to kill fist nest, cant seem to progress further, when is further progress in story? like the marriage or further exploring the vents?
Like Replychungus, chungus, go at the last location in the vents (after the web) where there is a hole, spam click on it, two spider will appear. be sure to have multiple fire charge (poison + poison) and there you will have liquid pheromone to make a new craft.
Like ReplyOack, ive already done that, and even used the crafted strange liquid with nyun, like done everything and cant get past the next blocked area or down the extra vent area that the map shows but wint ket you go to
Like ReplyChungus, games not finished. That's the fartest we've got.
Like ReplyOack, How do you get fire charge? Alli get in the vents is cum and eggs.
Like ReplyAS, Egg + Egg = Poison Poison + Clip = fire charge
Like ReplyFor those wondering about how to clear the spider webs in the vent, here's how you do it. First, you need to collect two eggs (there's one on the wall in the left vent after you go down the incline and another to the right when you enter the area with webs). combine them back at the medbay to get poison, and then combine that poison charge with a clip to get a fire charge. Hope that helps!
Like ReplyFuse in the vent is top left orange cylinder, right orange wire, black cylinder, and then the rectangular button on the wall.
Like ReplyI tried this, it says I got it wrong.
Like ReplyHas anyone gotten her knocked up yet?
Like ReplyZH, that is not possible, and it won't be implemented
Like ReplyGabriel, i feel like the option should be available. It would be fantastic
Like ReplyCan someone tell me the exact sequence to get your omnitool repaired? I started again and after I gave the 20 parrts I explored a bit and rested, but even after 6 rests no repair. Is it because I was defeated while exploring before the rest? Do I need to chase the red varen before resting? What am I missing?
Like Replyhey does anyone know how to do the quest for the clues in pool area ?
Like ReplySmallistas, im stuck too i cant see any clues
Like ReplyI want someone to make a mass effect story game with choices on here and make it so I can play as a male or female shepherd and can fuck and impregnate all the females in the game if I choose a male character or if I choose female I can fuck all the dudes and get impregnated by one lucky crewmate.
Like ReplyI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favourite game on Gamcore.
Like ReplyCommander Shepard, hey do you know how to do the quest for the clues in pool area ?
Like ReplyAWESOME GAME kinda short tho. It seems after you defeat the Spider monsters in the vents and destroy their webs with Fire Charges you get STUCK and the game doesn't avance anymore. For anyone in the same situation it's the endgame as far as the last update.
Like ReplySkyHard, so the update wasnæt actually an update then?
Like ReplyAzamil, theres a few scenes now outside the vents but otherwise i have not found anything elsenew added
Like ReplyWhen serok call to me?
Like ReplyHow do you get your omnitool fixed? I gave the 20 tech, but no omnitool.
Like ReplyExcanda, you have to rest a couple times . If you still have questions or confused about somthing else in the future you can reference this guide
Like ReplyHow to get to the yellow arrow on the ventilation map?
Like ReplyDark, Can't yet with the looks of it.
Like Reply31/03 update? Whats new?
Like ReplyRaidah, Looks like the only difference is that you can send Nyun out to gather as well. She comes back with ammo and tech.
Like ReplyRaidah, Oh, you can send her back to the bar, don't know if that's going to open anything else up.
Like ReplyHow to get it too stop disconnecting after like 5mins?
Like ReplyLove the game so far. Just a bit disappointed they went with the human face pale skin. Canon I guess, can't fault them, but no iris/pupils (just white eyes), purple skin, you know, how fan artists interpreted her before the reveal, and how she was in my mind.. was so much hotter. The helmet stays on during sex!
Like Replyman just had the asary BJ scene and good thing I quicksaved and could switch POV, it's not just a human face, it's kinda mid as well, ngl. And tali was always the hottest character of that whole universe for me. Oh well, different tasted I guess. I don't mind anyone liking it but I'm disappointed
Like Replyno links to patreon or to the creator who makes a game and not leave links inside? lol
Like Replywingedmascot, Messman on subscribestar
Like ReplyThis game is fucking fire. Can't wait for new updates
Like Reply- Once in the area you will be blocked from progressing through either routes available unless you have at least 1 Fire Charge in your inventory to use. - Crawling straight will lead Tali to a room full of webs. You can collect two eggs from nearby webs but if you click on the tunnel one too many times, bugs will attack! Losing here will result in a rescue mission with AMI, but taking too long will result in a Bad End. - As of Version 1.6, this is as far as the story goes
Like ReplyQuestion: Do you have to know about Mass Effect to understand this game?
Like ReplyBanjo, no you do not
Like ReplyTop Tier Game cant wait for more. Seems like the end of this version is in the vents.
Like ReplyGT, Yeah, just checked this is it until the next update, only thing you can do is mess around and collect resources.
Like ReplyIf anyone is curious for more info and updates on this game, google the pilgrimage messman (creators screen name). They seem to keep up to date on a sight called
Like ReplyJuJu-B2, Fair warning, as of writing this there is a problem with dikgames were tha pages seem to load to advertisments or other fake pages. Try f95zone or for updates instead.
Like Replyhow can i make a poison cells¿?
Like Replyweewe, Egg x2. Combine Poison + Ammo for Fire
Like ReplyNot Tali, that is for the fir y need the poison cells
Like Replyweewe, he literally said how to make poison on the same comment. its 2 egg's to make Poison. and then he said how to make a fire charge
Like Replystuck in the vents, same as others it seems. but when i look at the screen for my next mission it says i have no poison cells. i have quiet a few from combining eggs
Like Reply1234, I've noticed that some of the things don't show up, hopefully sorted in future update.
Like ReplyOK, in the vents when you reach that room where there is a tunnel that she doesn't want to enter sometimes a couple of creatures attack. Don't fight them and you get dragged into the tunnel and this starts a mission for the AI, not gone further than that yet but she rescues main character.
Like Reply@Kushiel — How many times do I need to do this? I just keep getting R'd and then Serok takes me back to the medbay, and even then I have to rest to make the bear come back...
Like ReplyLike everyone else seem to be stuck in the vents and not able to progress further, got into the room where she doesn't want to see what's in a tunnel, and in another part there is another door blocked but only option is given to look in vent to the right.
Like Reply2 eggs -> poison 1 poison + 1 clip -> fire charge 1 cum + 1 liquid pheromone -> strange drink I am stuck after that :)
Like ReplyCimslut, You can use the strange drink on the purple girl while the ai is out, but im not sure it serves a purpose beyond that
Like Replyimstuck in the vents any advice?
Like ReplyGreat game keep up good works. thks
Like ReplyStuck on searching vents might've hit the end??
Like Replywhat is the crafting recipe's in the vents? can only make "Strange Drink"
Like ReplyUpdate: I found out how. Im fucking dumb. I was combining everything except the 2 items needed. it's Poison and Clips for Fire Charges
Like ReplyThere’s one wall I can’t get through that needs poison. They only give one and I’m stuck or I finished the game because there’s nothing else I’ve tried everything and the quest log hasn’t changed at all
Like Replywith 2 eggs you can make one poison and you can use the robot to go farm ressources
Like ReplyDude you have to craft more with Eggs. combine 2 eggs to make poison
Like Reply2 eggs = poison, cum + liquid pheramone = strange drink ammo + poison = fire cell haven't figured out any other recipies yet - got stuck with what to do to further the story from there after using the fire cells and exploring tunnels.
Like ReplyCan’t make a fire charge I need help
Like ReplyYoyo, 2 eggs to get a poison then use ammo and a poison to make fire cell, can use those to burn away webs in the tunnels and during combat for heavy damage
Like ReplyThis game is on fireb
Like ReplyCan`t manage to find Jesora. Where do I have to look for her?
Like Replystuck on fire stuff
Like ReplyYou need to do it in order: Red,wire,yellow
Like ReplyLukrecja, your a life saver bro
Like ReplyLukrecja, also there is a secret scene if you input the correct order in this vents while already getting plowed.
Like Replywere to find out side game core?
Like ReplyStuck to repair the Service Hatch, 1 red wire 2 fuses and a button to activate what am im Missing?
Like ReplyZerwas, dude.first you need to insert the red stuff together with the red ones, then the red wire, then the black stuff together with the black ones and then click on the gray box with two white handles to the right of the heroine's head
Like ReplyZerwas, You don't miss anything. You have to do them in the right order. If you know it, you feel stupid when you've made it. So I came it because it was so obvious xD
Like ReplyZerwas, you have to do it in the right order.
Like Replysagitta22, Как пройти вентиляцию? У меня новых разветвлений не открывается не где(
Like ReplyStuck at keycard. Can't find it.
Like ReplyKeko, You get it in the course of the quest from the client.
Like ReplyStudio, inserisci prima il relè , poi collega il cavo rosso infine il fusibile
Like Reply