The Keymaster [v 1.1] [Restart]
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Description: Get ready to embark on an incredible journey alongside not just one, but two amazing sisters! The story begins with an extraordinary event that opens the door to a whole new world of magic and adventure. From that moment on, your life will be filled with enchanting situations and thrilling escapades. But here's the best part: you won't be alone! Along the way, you'll encounter a diverse cast of characters who will join you on this epic quest. Together, you and your sisters will navigate through captivating challenges, unravel mysteries, and enjoy loads of sex. Brace yourself for a magical adventure like no other, where the bonds of family and the wonders of this newfound world will shape your destiny. |
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Looks like another abandoned game.
Like ReplySo i had to try and everyone is right. This game is just pure fuckery. dev is a fucking moron!
Like Replyer det ikke på tide med en opdatering
Like ReplyI decided to try the game again, and as I continued playing I realized why Lucy acted that way towards Tom when Mallory scolded her, and so the plot twist the developer came up with is no longer a big mystery to me (I might have figured it out earlier, but who cares).
Like ReplyStray, P.S. Despite the circumstances and considering Lucy's behavior (especially since she has a dick, and Rose will have one too). For me, the twist will be how the developer makes Tom accept this fact, for those who stubbornly want these two.
Like ReplyOkay, I tried the game a little bit, and THIS GAME IS DEFINITELY ABOUT LUCY, not Tom (MP). Apparently the author decided to make the girl especially selfish, according to the TYPE STEREOTYPE: what is allowed for men is taboo for girls. PS: It's the ugliest thing for both sexes anyway.
Like ReplyStray, On the other hand, it is the perfect push for Tom to become an anti-hero, thanks to Lucy's indecisiveness and cunning towards him. Who not only had many sexual partners, but also helped him remain a virgin by spreading lies against him and to him for selfish reasons.
Like Replyhow do you dump lucy. she blocked you for how long and she - ok ill go fuck some mage guy
Like ReplyI was looking forward to the update, that is until none of my save points would work. And that has been true for the last hanful of updates. I'm just going to be direct, any game/story worth investing the time in can't be completed in a single sitting. If players can't use their save points, that effectively makes the game unplayable. If the developer is wondering about the lack of comments, it is because people can't play the game.
Like Replygame not loding
Like Replythe game doesn`t start
Like ReplyI would rather all the other regurgitated nonsense that's out there, riddled with broken English and all. unless you get off from manipulative cunts and being cuckold then play something else.
Like ReplyMy save points don't work with this update. Is that going to be fixed?
Like Replynot even worth the time, wasted enough time playing it because it seemed interesting enough and thought there would be a good amount of sex scenes but there is nothing for mc that is supposed to be us but this game isnt listed under cuckolding and thats what it does is cuckold the mc while your "friend" lucy cockblocks you with every move, made it to after 0.2 to now deciding this game isnt worth playing, do with that info as you will
Like ReplyLucy need to fu*k off and die cock blocking cow
Like ReplyDid anyone else quit playing cause everyone else fucks everyone but the mc its dumb sorry but just no.
Like Replyreapergod, as soon as lucy agreed to fuck that mage guy i was how do i dump this slut, couldnt do it so i quit
Like Replymake scenes with ellie and the mc (her brother)
Like ReplyFuck this game
Like ReplyThey took away my saves!
Like ReplyWow! The was an awesome update, and it included lots more sex than the previous updates. The story is developing nicely. i can't wait for the next update. You know, if that travel sex birth control magic isn't solid, the child support payments are going to be huge!
Like Replycan you fuck elli?
Like ReplyHow you make it full screen on pc
Like Replyboutabag, full screen: F11
Like ReplyI can't even get past the beginning. I'm still at the part where we are finding out magic is real... yet I just can not get over how forced everything is. I get it that you need to move the story along, but uhhh how about making it at least a little natural?
Like ReplyTraashMasqurade, Because yeah, I'm so sure a collage student would so easily belive in and trust a random stranger and a "friend" who you know nothing about when they suddenly tell you magic is real and they are obviously only interested in the stone.
Like ReplyOK. Very boring. Can MC have sex. In the right world and not just in the wrong world where you don't feel like it. And again there will be far fewer decisions. They're all kidding me (MC). I thought Lucy liked MC, there's nothing wrong with her. etc.
Like ReplyLucy is just a bitch and if I am able to do anything bad to her in this game i will. Lucy, I don't want him but I don't want to let others be with him meanwhile she fucks so many other people I hope Lucy dies in this game at some point or better yet you have the chance to save her but don't.
Like ReplyI'm glad I didn't play this game till version 0.3 as there is little action for the main character till then. Despite that, I sort of like the story. It does suffer from the main character feeling more like a passenger than an active participant. Part of that is due to some... shenangans by Lucy, and they appear to be zeroing in on a solution for that. However, the main character, and the story, would benefit from more development. Hopefully that will improve in the next version.
Like ReplyUpdate is false. It's still v0.20
Like ReplyAnonymous, Other sites already have the 0.30 update. Either Gamcore didn't update this correctly, or the dev sent the wrong files to Gamcore.
Like Reply@jansdaddy - Same Anon here. Hopefully this problem is addressed soon. However, I don't think the games are submitted to GamCore by their devs. I would name my reason for believing this, but it is an element I actually appreciate and I worry that mentioning it will lead to it being "corrected" when I do not wish for it to be.
Like ReplyYea I am done its a cockholed game the Mc has no power and others are having the sex if anything Lucy is the Mc and I would rather play games that the MC is a male
Like Replyneed more updates
Like ReplyMy saves keep disapearing every time i leavw the game and then come back laater
Like ReplyI'm slowly starting to think that MC is a kind of slave. What role does MC play. Cuckold, sissy, weak boy. Will lock Lucy, MC in a chastity cage. They're all kidding in the MC. So I don't notice anything of power. Guess me, but MC is a weak boy for me who doesn't get sex. And the 1 to 2 times are pointless. Lucy is in the lead, I still feel like I'm playing her.
Like ReplyKatjablond, I know what you mean so that make me not like the game so I dont think I will keep playing have fun anyways
Like ReplyGame is slow, weak, dull and uninteresting. You get cockblocked from everything from the very beginning by your asshole female friend who "wants you all for herself" while she gets futa action with everything that moves, and any sex chance you get (with family or otherwise) is barred behind a mountain of text and "relationship improvements". Avoid at all costs.
Like ReplyFuck you niggef I have been bankned on everything
Like ReplyI hate fucking cunts like Lucy. I don't want him but I don't want anyone else to have him. Cockblocking bitch.
Like ReplySTOP! I absolutely hate referring to a spellcaster as a magician. A magician use sleight of hand and cheap parlor tricks to fool people into believing they did something that they didn't. A person who can wield Magic would and should be insulted by being calling a magician. They are wizards, mages, sorcerers, witches and warlocks hell even spellcaster but NEVER, EVER magicians
Like ReplyCan someone kill Lucy plz. That cock blocking fuck. Her entire point in this game is to be pounded by futa cocks and stop the mc from getting any action. Mr Key-master has been reduced to a Cuck that plays ping pong in the garage. Great job dev u created a game were the mc is a wafflestomper that gets off on hugging his sister cuz its the only thing he can do.
Like Replykingjmon, thanks for the warning, I just got to the part where mallory tells about the council, But reading this comment I'll stop playing.
Like ReplyThe dryad scene at the end was nowhere near enough to redeem the NTR (terorare) and cuckoldry in the rest of the game. This is a bad game, because of that, and recomment people to NOT play it.
Like Replysomeone_else, I'm not gonna play the game rhen.
Like ReplyThis game, and similar NTR and cuckoldry porn (including games, videos, animations, and images), are the reason why the west is falling. The guys don't like this kind of games, but people play them because there's nothing else to do or because it's the first game they come in contact with, and then play some more games, some of them promoting NTR and cucking, and that's how people become accustomed to it, and it eventually becomes something natural.
Like ReplyThis kind of scheming females is why men go their own way (MGTOW). Because they're all sluts or going to become sluts soon, in the west. This is the current western culture, unfortunately.
Like ReplyShut up, incel.
Like ReplyWell, 1 hour in game/novel aaand I'm bored AF. I'm aware of it isn't all about sex, but then at least try to make the story exciting. This is 1. graders writing experience. Or experiment? The characters are dull, the choices meaningless. Just a waste of lifetime.
Like ReplyJust got to Tolnissa, gotta give major props to the devs for the Eddings classic reference The Belgariad with the dryads.
Like ReplyJust got to Tolnissa. Major props to the devs for the homage to the Eddings classic The Belgariad.
Like Replynext game i hope the lies come out and you can choose to drop lucy because shes a cunt and the worst character. even worse then the froages and the evil witch. fuck her lol
Like ReplyI liked the girls - they are very beautiful and sexy. It takes too long until anyone gets laid, and then - it is not "me". Sex scenes are boring and not very sexy. The dev must allow different paths - one of them must be "the harem" path: PC fucks everything that moves, incest needs to be an option, lesbian scenes too (for me lesbo sex is boring), etc. Build tension, careful where you place "camera" in sex scenes, and no cockblocking!
Like ReplyBruh I was expecting some scenes with MC and Lucy when I saw how thing were in the beginning, she likes him ,he likes her but nothing with them and nothing with other characters too . I don't know why the developer things it's good idea to not put any scenes for MC wich supposed to be the hero and your character in the game and take the girls by doing choices ,but no it has to be like a side character choose things and just see how the girls in the game having sex scenes with others .
Like ReplyI didn't play till the end ,maybe there is some scenes bu judging from the cover ,but I was to annoyed and bored to play this .
Like ReplyMasterGame, There's a scene near the end, a random encounter with a dryad, but it's like throwing a bone to a dog after starving him for weeks. All Other female characters are cockblocked by Lucy or off limit.
Like ReplyWell if she wants to have the MC and not other girls then just do it . She is not doing anything with you , stopping others and also having sex with some other dude without problem ,whole thing is messed up . I think these games has to be tested before uploading them .
Like ReplyGood Story but wrong Main character, The main character should be Lucy and the keymaster should be a background piece of furniture like a drawer or a nice table. Basicaly you play a character that can't have any fun exept beeing cockblocked, play ping pong with sister and go to the supermaket.
Like ReplyWhy are WE there..I mean whom is the main protagonist of this game..Lucy or the main character?..apart from the game already be long and boring as hell..she is in almost pretty much every scene after he introduction..*Holy sh*t..sorry but this ain't for me though
Like ReplyAyyy yoo fuck Lucy and her cockblocking and fuck the game for having me play as the MC and have MC have no sex scenes like goddamn the game is decent storywise but its still a porn game, and as the MC you either get cockblocked at every turn by LUCY or only get to see her sex scenes, screw that, might have been a fun game but the game lost me and my interest
Like ReplyHomeboy9000, Shado, I agree this was the worst I have ever scene. She loves to fuck but won't fuck him. But, in case she decides some day she will fuck him she also cocklocks him and is constantly fucking other people . I wish I had another hand so ai give this game 3:THUMBzs down...
Like ReplyI dont get it there is no sex for the MC just that conniving bitch of a girl getting all thwe sex I am playing as the MC I dont want everyone but me having sex this game is boring in that department the story is not to bad but its a porn game were is the MC's porn nothing to look forward to to just watch everyone else have sex no thanks
Like ReplyI play Lucy or the boy. Because there are only too few sex scenes, and when they come it is only with Lucy but not with the man character. I mean story is good and such, but it is still a porn game, it could have been more sex scenes. Please do more in the future.
Like Replyayo on the real? Fuck lucy. Cockblocking fuck
Like ReplyFamily Feud, forreal. She ruined the game. Like why she jealous but won't fuck me?
Like ReplyJay, and too top it off she wants to fuck us but doesn't do it then she cockblocks rose and your character. What makes it worse is she doesn't even have a legitimate reason. she just says idk but I have to fuck him first like wtf?
Like Replyse jeux ne marche pas , il faut utiliser javaScrip , moi je nutilise pas java c'est de la merde , il faudrès changer java pour que tout le monde puise jouè a se jeux
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