TableTop BornStar [v 0.85] [Restart]

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Rates: 370 Tabletop pornstar

Played: 324996
Tags: Alcohol APK Big Tits Blondes Blow Job Bondage Brunettes Business Management Cards Craps Cumshot Fetish Gambling Games Handjob High Resolution Jokes Lesbians LGBTQ+ Love Masturbation MILF Oral Sex Over 18 PornHub Quiz Redheads RenPy Sex Sexy Ass Sexy Babes Simulators Strip Toys Uncensored [change]

Description: In the beginning the game will be on a zoomed window so wait a little bit for it to load then it will go back to Fullscreen. Anyway, the game is set somewhere in New Mexico and the year is 1999. Our main character is Mary Jane and she will be travelling to California to try out her luck as a famous actress. Soon enough she realizes that the streets are filled with struggling artists and the only way she will make it is if she tries porn. Watch to see her debut in the porn industry as she explores her sexuality in the process. Spoiler alert, there are a lot of fetishes in this game and ofcourse a drizzle of humour that makes it awesome.

Depraved Awakening Hail To The King [v 0.3.1] My Employee's Family Inner Growth
53x - Homecoming [v] Apocalypse [v 1.0] Where The Heart Is University of Problems [v 1.5.0]
Triple Ex Whores of Thrones Strip Game [v 0.06] Bright Past The Lodge [v 4.4]
Summertime Saga [v 0.20.16] Goodbye Eternity [v 0.6.2 (Extra Life)] College Bound [v 0.6.15] Defending Lydia Collier
Time Loop Hunter Dollsville


  • fr CrazyDuck @ 2023-05-16 15:05:35 (+6)

    the icon of the mouse is pixelized , impossible to select setting correctly

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  • us Silver @ 2022-05-17 00:07:20 (+3)

    unfortunately I can't say anything. the game keeps crashing on my end after the thank you screen.

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  • gb Terrible @ 2022-03-05 22:46:34 (+4)

    This gane is terrible. There's virtually no sex scenes. You just go around and around the board working, going to gym, salon, dancing but don't actually make nay porn. Complete waste of time

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  • lv ShamanLab @ 2022-07-15 15:38:11

    You must achieve progress in relationships to open sex scenes.

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  • lv ShamanLab @ 2022-02-04 17:49:00 (+6)

    Too many negative comment! i like this game!

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  • us King A @ 2021-12-30 19:31:50 (+1)

    crashed at the end of the boardgame. glitchy

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  • za Captain Obvious @ 2021-07-04 23:07:00 (+4)

    If you can just sort out the screen adjustment that would be great

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  • us UKCats1979 @ 2021-05-12 09:33:18 (+8)


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  • dk S @ 2021-05-10 14:17:34 (+7)

    For fuck sake! Can these games please just add an option not to choose own name? I can’t play cause of it! Just because of a single decision it cockblocks me from dusins of games. Someone please copy this comment and paste it again! I will have to delete search history soon and it will be gone. Please help me. K

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  • gb T @ 2022-01-04 19:54:35

    S, dude, just enter with a blank textbox, or choose sth random like dave

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  • de ananonon @ 2022-02-03 19:51:31

    S, it litterally says (default Morris) next to the name choice so just press enter, also who tf writes their real name into a browser porn game???? thats basic anonymity rule #1 never use your real name

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  • gr Gamator @ 2021-05-09 18:42:23 (+21)

    I have played a lot of VNs and I can truly say this is one of the most enjoyable I have played. The art is incredible and the creator manages to keep you engaged throughout the course of what could easily be boring and repetitive game play. The characters are fun and engaging and I will definitely be keeping an eye on this as it further develops.

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  • gb wasted oportunity @ 2021-05-08 23:32:01 (+9)

    This game is shit, I mean really shit and that's a shame because it could've been great. The artwork and concept are good, but the gamplay is repetitive with no real award or incentive to play. The major downfall of this game is it seems the designer/creator forgot that a porn game should include porn. Calling a game "tabletop pornstar" means players expect it to focus on porn, intead it's stupid pointless tasks relating to a waitress learning to act, dance and get fit.

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  • us ksdkfajldkf @ 2021-05-10 14:44:24 (+2)

    wasted oportunity, YEP! got to round 5 and called it and i think i gave more of a chance than it deserved

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  • gb Went higher @ 2021-05-10 16:51:11 (+1)

    ksdkfajldkf, It was around round 30 that I gave up. The game just continues exactly the same wiht only the occasional this happened at work today scene. There's a quest to earn 200 to film porn which I reached, but still no porn scene.

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  • gr Gamator @ 2021-05-10 18:53:24 (+12)

    Went higher, wtf are you talking about? There are two fully animated sex scenes one in round 23 and one in 33. Plus a bj at the start plus two masturbation scenes. Total 5 animated scenes. Not bad for 0.2 in my book.

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  • gb wow... @ 2021-05-11 20:18:39 (+1)

    Gamator, A total of 5 animated porn scenes for over an hour gameplay in game called "Tabletop Pornstar" I'm going to make a similar game based on chess. You play an entire game of chess and get a short, non interactive scene. Then you play another game of chess exactly the same way as before for another very similar scene. First comment is correct, this game is shit.

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  • gb Maxmcmmac @ 2021-05-08 13:11:38 (+18)

    Is this monopoly porn? Finally my fetish is found.

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